Magic Johnson SWATted
Magic Johnson has just been swatted … but this one is RADICALLY different from all the others … because the LAPD is clearly hip to the prank now … TMZ has learned.
Someone placed the electronic 911 call within the last hour … claiming multiple shots were fired at Magic’s L.A. home. We’re also told the caller claimed the shooters were holding someone hostage.
As for the LAPD’s response … it was anemic compared to prior 911 incidents. We’re told only a few patrol cars responded. There were no choppers, no SWAT team, no guns-drawn maneuver.
I’ll update with the new roll call of the SWATted next week.
I thought they weren’t publicizing these any more.
UPDATE with the roll call of the SWATted: Magic Johnson; Mike Rogers; Wolf Blitzer; Ted Lieu; Erik Rush; Ryan Seacrest; Russell Brand; Selena Gomez; Justin Timberlake; Rihanna; Sean Combs; Chris Brown; Tom Cruise; Paris Hilton; Clint Eastwood; Brian Krebs; the Jenners and Kardashians; Justin Bieber; Miley Cyrus; Ashton Kutcher; Simon Cowell; Aaron Walker; Erick Erickson; Mike Stack; and me.