Patterico's Pontifications


Conservative Pundit Argues With “Team Kimberlin” Member Bill Schmalfeldt, Is SWATted

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:13 pm

Yesterday Erik Rush, a conservative pundit who appears on Fox News, got into a Twitter argument with a man named Bill Schmalfeldt — a prominent and vocal supporter of convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin. Kimberlin’s story became national news last May after it was reported that several of Kimberlin’s critics have been SWATted, including your humble blogger.

One more thing: it seems Erik Rush was SWATted yesterday.

Here’s the background. Last night, Rush made some comments about Muslims and the Boston Marathon bombings, and was immediately called out by Bill Schmalfeldt. Although Rush deleted one of the tweets, the exchange was captured in a screencap:

Schmalfeldt credited himself as being “the first person” to respond to Rush. One of Schmalfeldt’s fellow travelers credited Schmalfeldt as the person who called out Rush, and told Schmalfeldt that she had gotten his screencaps in an email from People from the American Way. Another Twitter user told Schmalfeldt that his tweet had appeared on Turkish TV, to which Schmalfeldt replied: “Man. I’m famous!”

Today, we learned that Rush was SWATted:

Conservative pundit and author Erik Rush has become the latest victim of “swatting,” a growing trend in which individuals place fake 911 calls drawing police response to a celebrity’s home. Rush, who resides in Fort Collins, Colo., appears to have been targeted following a series of controversial tweets regarding the Boston Marathon explosions.

According to, an individual claiming to be Rush called Fort Collins police Monday at about 5 p.m., reporting that two men wielding AK-47 rifles were firing rounds inside his home. But with no additional calls reporting the gunshots and because the call came to 911 through a third-party relay service, police dispatchers were suspicious. Rush was contacted by police via his home phone and confirmed that the call was fake.

Speaking with reporters outside his home following the incident, Rush said he had “said something sarcastically” on Twitter regarding early media reports that a Saudi man was connected to the Boston Marathon terrorist attack that day. “Yes, they’re evil. Kill them all,” he wrote, which quickly prompted a firestorm of responses.

As you can see, the person to whom Rush made that comment was Bill Schmalfeldt, writing as @Bloodonthemike on Twitter.

Bill Schmalfeldt is a self-declared member of what he calls “Team Kimberlin.” Writing as “Liberal Grouch” at the Kimberlin-related web site Breitbart Unmasked, Schmalfeldt devised a line of merchandise bearing a “Team Kimberlin” logo. Here is Schmalfeldt wearing a “Team Kimberlin” cap:

Above: Bill Schmalfeldt wears “Team Kimberlin” cap

Who is Brett Kimberlin? He is a man who was convicted in 1981 of setting off several bombs, one of which blew off the leg of a man named Carl DeLong. The graphic picture of a man whose leg was blown off yesterday in the Boston bombings reminds one of DeLong, who took his own life after his body was similarly maimed by one of Brett Kimberlin’s bombs. DeLong’s widow sued Kimberlin for DeLong’s wrongful death and won a judgment of over a million dollars, but Kimberlin never paid. Today, he is a left-wing political activist, and Bill Schmalfeldt has declared Kimberlin his “friend.”

Kimberlin and his supporters — including Neal Rauhauser and Bill Schmalfeldt — have badly harassed Kimberlin’s critics. After I wrote about Kimberlin’s past in October 2010, Kimberlin and his supporters launched a harassment campaign against me and other critics of Kimberlin’s, including: harassment of wives and family members; publication of home addresses and pictures of people’s homes; frivolous workplace complaints; the filing or threatening of frivolous lawsuits; frivolous applications for restraining orders; outing people’s identities; whisper campaigns; frivolous claims and reports to law enforcement of criminal wrongdoing; frivolous State Bar complaints or threats to file State Bar complaints; publication of a photo of a nude man that was falsely claimed to be a photo of the victim; defamation; daily abusive name-calling; and other harassment.

For example, Schmalfeldt told Kimberlin critic Lee Stranahan: “How about we find out where you are staying and rape YOU?” Schmalfeldt also published Stranahan’s home address and made a frivolous Child Protective Services complaint against Stranahan. Schmalfeldt has openly said that he conducts his harassment (he calls it “investigations”) on behalf of Brett Kimberlin:

In events that may or may not be related to this pattern of harassment, the following critics of Brett Kimberlin were SWATted in 2011 and 2012:

  • Patrick Frey, July 1, 2011 (that’s me)
  • Erick Erickson, May 27, 2012
  • Aaron Walker, June 25, 2012 (my former guest blogger)

More about this here and here.

But that’s not all. Kimberlin’s aforementioned associate Rauhauser wrote posts in July 2011 blaming me and Mike Stack for the alleged hacking of Weiner. Rauhauser’s hatred of Stack and myself has shown up in several lengthy conspiratorial documents authored by Rauhauser. Mike Stack was SWATted on June 23, 2011.

That’s five people who have now been SWATted who were either critics of Brett Kimberlin, or did something to upset an associate or friend of his.

None of this is an accusation of any sort. I don’t know who is responsible for the SWATting of Erik Rush, or any other SWATtings, with certainty. However, I think the investigators on Rush’s case should be aware of the above facts. I will be sending him a link to this post, and will be happy to speak to him or his investigators further at any time.

74 Responses to “Conservative Pundit Argues With “Team Kimberlin” Member Bill Schmalfeldt, Is SWATted”

  1. Schmalfeldt is now claiming that Rush’s SWATting was a “polite” SWATting — that hardly compares to the “real” SWATting of Bill Schmalfeldt!

    Schmalfeldt was SWATted, you ask incredulously?! Well, when he told Stranahan “How about we find out where you are staying and rape YOU?” — Stranahan reported that to Schmalfeldt’s police.

    Schmalfeldt is calling that a SWATting. A “real” one. Not like the “polite” one that was intended to cause police to point guns at the head of Erik Rush.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. At least it sounds like the police handled it pretty well.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  3. True enough. It’s about time they got suspicious when all these red flags are raised.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  4. I think he was swatted yesterday if you look at the Coloradan article FYI

    Auntie fraud (2f38aa)

  5. I know, I just finished fixing the post, actually.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  6. a Team Jelly Doughnut hat might would be more accurate really

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  7. brb there’s someone at the door

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  8. Great post. This is obviously an unfortunate coincidence.

    JD (b63a52)

  9. I don’t know who is responsible for the SWATting of Erik Rush, or any other SWATtings, with any certainty.

    What about your voice expert? Don’t his results give you at least some degree of certainty about the identity of your SWATter?

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  10. I should take out the word “any,” Milhouse.


    Patterico (9c670f)

  11. There. I think that’s more accurate. Thank you.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  12. Interesting: “BuzzFeedAndrew” is reporting, not a SWATting, but a prank call where someone claimed that a little old lady had fallen inside his apartment. It caused police to show up at his apartment.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  13. that was a really exceptionally and uncommonly douchey tweet what Erik Rush tweetered, the one about how we should genocide the muslims

    I for one am opposed to muslim genocide for several reasons which I will not go into here, suffice to say I think it is a Bad Idea

    I don;t even think we should genocide the rapey Egyptians, just key their cars and shun them at parties

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  14. “Anybody that mean and hateful has to have a little tiny dick.”

    – Bonnie Bramlett

    Colonel Haiku (5847e0)

  15. a Team Jelly Doughnut hat might would be more accurate really
    Comment by happyfeet (8ce051) — 4/16/2013 @ 7:38 pm

    — Or a Team “But Mom, I Don’t Want To Clean My Room!” hat.

    Icy (4b226c)

  16. that was a really exceptionally and uncommonly douchey tweet what Erik Rush tweetered, the one about how we should genocide the muslims

    I don’t agree with it. But I’m more upset at the actions designed to put his life at risk than I am at his speech.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  17. Bonnie sings songs about the social justice, at least sometimes

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  18. I’m not upset per se Mr. P – it’s just a tweet

    but if I were a muslim and I read that particular tweet I’d probably think hey now how about what’s say we *not* kill them all, how bout that

    but you have to understand that after these sorts of bombings people are apt to want to lash out relatively unthinkingly

    it’s a thing

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  19. Today Maryland’s Carroll County Courthouse was closed because of a bomb threat. Schmalfeldt tweeted it was Hoge and Walker…

    Kimberlin Unmasked (d17171)

  20. There’s kind of trend-thingy going on here.

    Of course, as my statistics prof used to stay, correlation does not imply causality. Though it doesn’t disprove it either…

    WarEagle82 (2b7355)

  21. The “kill them all” thing was sarcastic, as I understand it, happyfeet.

    The Internet is a wonderful place for misunderstandings.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  22. It is pretty sweet that the people hate tweeting Erik Rush are more literate and make more sense than the Team Kimberlin tweeters.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  23. ok i get it now he was just being hyperbolic

    I done that before

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  24. Team Jelly Donut is a good one, mister happyfeet.

    I bet this unattractive overweight person Bill Schmaltz-whatever is also a member of Team I Can’t Get a Legitimate Date, So I Stalk People on the Internets !

    He’s really a pathetic old P.O.S….I mean, seriously, he idolizes a convicted bomber. According to Kitchen Sink Psychology 101, that’s not a healthy mind.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  25. Thanks for the picture of Schmalfeldt. It helps me to have a visual when I find myself wondering what kind of hopeless loser would form “Team Kimberlin.”

    JVW (4826a9)

  26. Was there a 911 call? Or did they use ATT relay? It gets us closer to the suspect….

    F0g4andM1st (f79b26)

  27. I can promise that each act of violence done to the left will be met by a greater act of violence by the right. You all won’t be finished until there are equal amounts of death on both sides.

    F0g4ndM1st (f79b26)

  28. I can promise that each act of violence done to the left will be met by a greater act of violence by the right. You all won’t be finished until there are equal amounts of death on both sides.

    Bugger off

    JD (b63a52)

  29. Perhaps we’re being too unkind to this creepy stalker Schmaltz-whatever person.
    It’s possible he was the captain of the high school football team, the student body president, and the Prom King, who was well on his way to a nice respectable middle-class life as an insurance agent pulling down 80K a year, but he was railroaded ! by conspiracies facillitated by the Bilderbergers, the Israel Lobby, the Club for Growth, and the Boy Scouts.

    As a result, his rage has manifested itself in an uncompromising committment to hurting society—from the bunker known as his outdated Gateway computer located in his Aunt Mary’s basement.

    And he wonders why there’s nobody for him on !

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  30. There are 2 distinct groups that being included amongst dramatically increase the likelihood of being swatted.

    JD (b63a52)

  31. “Anybody that mean and hateful has to have a little tiny dick.”

    – Bonnie Bramlett

    Was she basing that on personal experience? Because I have to say I don’t see the relationship.

    I also don’t see the point in making one up just to deliver a cheap and useless insult.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  32. As a result, his rage has manifested itself in an uncompromising commitment to eating more than Michael Moore and Oliver Willis at an all-you-can-eat buffet.


    JD (b63a52)

  33. There are 2 distinct groups that being included amongst dramatically increase the likelihood of being swatted.

    At the risk of stating the obvious:

    1. Celebrities

    2. Enemies of Brett Kimberlin or his supporters

    Patterico (9c670f)

  34. Also, if all the Moslems were to be killed, the world would objectively be a better place for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, and since most of them are decent people their happiness and utility counts too, which is why it would be a bad idea after all. If we could just kill the 20% or so of Moslems who are our enemies, that would be just fine with me.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  35. Find me one person SWATted among the last, what, 25-30 in the past couple of years? who falls in neither category.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  36. Ding ding ding ! We have a winner.

    JD (b63a52)

  37. Also, if all the Moslems were to be killed, the world would objectively be a better place for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, and since most of them are decent people their happiness and utility counts too, which is why it would be a bad idea after all. If we could just kill the 20% or so of Moslems who are our enemies, that would be just fine with me.

    Um, bullshit.

    A lot of us who are not Muslim have friends or relatives who are.

    If our friends or relatives were killed, that would objectively be worse for us.

    Also, I’ll just say this, even though it’s obvious, the events in Boston make MOST people feel empathy for innocent people who are killed even if we don’t know them!

    Funny how that works! For those of us with empathy. That is.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  38. I am still shaking my head.

    That comment is going to take a while to recover from, I think.

    Hey Stashiu! Are you starting to feel vindicated?

    Patterico (9c670f)

  39. I would use this as a teaching moment for my children, but it’s a little late for the Yes There Really Are People Who Think This Way talk.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  40. i think maybe it’s just an example of how people react to bombings what kill lil kids and maim people and what have you Mr. P

    it’s just a thing

    i wouldn’t read too much into it

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  41. Schmalfeldt gives half the money from the sales of that crap to Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music.

    In addition to the “Team Kimberlin” adult diapers Schmalfeldt likely purchased, Kimberlin is also probably getting half the proceeds from the “Team Kimberlin” fleshlight (thanks Neal!) and other stuff too awful to mention here.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  42. “Kimberlin is also probably getting half the proceeds from the “Team Kimberlin” fleshlight (thanks Neal!) and other stuff too awful to mention here.”

    Patterico – Thanks for that visual. How do you clean those things?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  43. It is pretty sweet that the people hate tweeting Erik Rush are more literate and make more sense than the Team Kimberlin tweeters.

    Related to that, although most people are aware of the way that blind rage and vindictiveness induce horrible, ruthless behavior, they should be far more fascinated by the way that a belief in compassion, humanitarianism and populism can trigger a similar response and dynamic. For example, tyrants along the lines of Mao and Stalin created untold misery and suffering, but they and their followers tolerated and excused that in the belief it was grounded in kindness and welfare for the common man.

    “Team Kimberlin” is a variation of that.

    Mark (7ff1c4)

  44. We all have the same Milhouse, the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. We all worship the god of Abraham.

    We fall out over the son of god naturally, I believe that its Jesus, not anyone else.

    My faith says to love one another, not kill them.

    E.PWJ (bdd0a6)

  45. How do you clean those things?

    orally, of course, to stay in practice.

    (this is still not the tackiest post on the thread)

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  46. redc1c4 – I thought maybe you use a little peanut butter and then let your dog do the cleaning or something.

    Off course Team Kimberlin probably never cleans theirs.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  47. I’ll bet there’s a trackable trail. It’s just a matter of a law enforcement agency wanting to expend resources on it.

    G Joubert (2f9fbe)

  48. Presumably our Moslem friends and relatives are among the 80% who are not our enemies, and whose happiness and utility is as valuable as ours, which I conceded from the beginning. But objectively, the impact of their loss on the rest of the world would be outweighed by the benefit of losing the 20% who are our enemies. The remaining world would be a better place than it is now.

    What makes it a bad idea is the harm to the decent Moslems themselves, not the impact this loss would have on others. Being dead is a lot worse than losing a relative or friend. We’d get over their loss; they wouldn’t. And of course they would get no benefit from the loss of the bad ones, to even slightly outweigh the harm of their own deaths.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  49. In any case, of course, murder is wrong even when it is a good idea. Making the world a better place doesn’t justify it, even if the total benefit outweighs the total harm. But in this case it would be a bad idea anyway.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  50. Milhouse

    When pedophiles killchildren do we wish to harm gays?

    When men rape women – do we blame and want to harm all men?

    When teachers rape students do we want to harm teachers?

    Or do these acts harm all the innocent gays, men or teachers?

    E.PWJ (016f5f)

  51. In any case, of course, murder is wrong even when it is a good idea. Making the world a better place doesn’t justify it, even if the total benefit outweighs the total harm. But in this case it would be a bad idea anyway.

    Wow,just wow, murder is wrong even if its good?

    This is probably the only time it would be appropriate to compare the overused nazi/hitler thing….

    E.PWJ (016f5f)

  52. Milhouse,

    You absurdly said if “all” Muslims were to be killed, the world would be “objectively” better. Then you made a second and different claim about being happy if only our enemies could be killed. It now seems you want to defend only the second claim, and to pretend you never made the first.

    And who can blame you? Your initial claim was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen written in the comments of this blog, by anyone of any political stripe.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  53. “Anyone so mean and hateful that they want to kill 20% of teh Muslims must have a little tiny dick”

    – Colonel Haiku

    Colonel Haiku (cbc81a)

  54. No, re- reading the comment, you are indeed defending the absurd proposition that we would be better off with all Muslims dead. I just didn’t read it carefully enough.

    My apologies for thinking you had seen the error of making such a statement.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  55. In any event, this thread should not be about Rush’s statement (which he says was sarcasm) but rather about what happened to him.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  56. Schmaldfeldt looks like a human cartoon, and not a funny one. Like if you anthropomorphized The Blob.

    JD (554e77)

  57. Wow,just wow, murder is wrong even if its good?

    No, murder is wrong even if it’s a good idea. Right and wrong have nothing to do with whether something is a good idea or a bad one, i.e. whether it would be a net benefit or a net loss to the world. Killing off the mentally disabled, who are consuming resources and are unlikely ever to produce anything of value, would make everyone else better off; it would also be an unspeakable crime.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  58. Rush was clearly being sarcastic and just trying to create an outrageous response because, hey it’s the internet. That said, why do these leftists always jump to trying to silence their “enemies” and hurt them. Words are one thing. Physical danger is another entirely.

    NJRob (fe68e7)

  59. When pedophiles killchildren do we wish to harm gays?

    When men rape women – do we blame and want to harm all men?

    When teachers rape students do we want to harm teachers?

    The harm these people do has no connection with their membership in those classes. There’s nothing about those classes that makes their members more likely to be harmful than members of other classes. That is not the case with Islam. Islam was founded by a vicious bloodthirsty madman, and is a dangerous and violent doctrine. Fortunately most of its adherents aren’t the type to follow its founder’s vision that faithfully, and have reformed it enough that they can live with it and remain decent people. But it’s no coincidence that about 20% of Moslems are our deadly enemies.

    Milhouse (15b6fd)

  60. Milhouse

    In your defense you are not the only one who advocatedkilling muslims and in your case just 20% – however the one’s who said it are noted to have been very upset, had a personal stake in it and immediately apologized and or never said it again

    You however……..

    I think that people who espouse very dangerous comments like mass killings ought to receive 20 years in prison without trial or benefit of legal counsel for being so bereft of the basic tenents of humanity that they present a danger to everyone
    and especially themselves.

    Of course that would be good but also bad but it would benefit society would it not?

    E.PWJ (016f5f)

  61. Rush was clearly being sarcastic

    In this age of sound bites and snippets that can be easily taken totally out of context (eg, in screenshots), he inadvertently set himself up. However, since I don’t know his background, I’m assuming he penned “let’s kill them all” merely as a flip response to an ultra-liberal. But people who don’t know him, or care one way or the other, may casually conclude he meant that literally or has been consumed with plenty of spur-of-the-moment rage towards the terrorist(s).

    Mark (7ff1c4)

  62. Islam was founded by a vicious bloodthirsty madman

    no Milhouse, you are totally wrong. They worship the god of the old testament, of Abraham and Issac, Moses and what they think is his son mohammed

    E.PWJ (016f5f)

  63. Islam was founded by a vicious bloodthirsty madman

    That’s one point I can fully agree with.

    The average person on the street may be totally oblivious to the full history of Mohammed (as I admit I was until only a few years ago), of how he was actually a stereotype — almost a caricature — of a brutal, vengeance-seeking, unrepentant warrior. Or the opposite assumption of those who, similar to George W Bush in 2001, have described Islam as a “religion of peace.”

    I don’t understand how anyone who knows the vicious background of a religion’s founder will not naturally feel alienated by that religion. But, of course, we do live in the era of the religion of mindless, blind, I’m-okay-you’re-okay do-gooderism. So props out to Nidal Hasan, and please accept our apologies for the way the workplace made you one unhappy and resentful camper. Shame on us.

    Mark (7ff1c4)

  64. In this age of sound bites and snippets that can be easily taken totally out of context (eg, in screenshots), he inadvertently set himself up. However, since I don’t know his background, I’m assuming he penned “let’s kill them all” merely as a flip response to an ultra-liberal. But people who don’t know him, or care one way or the other, may casually conclude he meant that literally or has been consumed with plenty of spur-of-the-moment rage towards the terrorist(s).

    Comment by Mark (7ff1c4) — 4/17/2013 @ 7:14 am

    That’s true, but so what. In this day and age of digital editing, people can say something completely legitimate yet be edited to appear to say something completely outrageous.

    See NBC and Mr. Zimmerman’s 911 phone call.

    NJRob (fe68e7)

  65. History of Mohammed:

    That’s if there was a Mohammed. Current research makes a good case for him being a figure more on the level of King Arthur or Robin Hood.

    There’s no documentation of him that is contemporary to his life, only three vague snippets within living memory of his supposed life, and all the Muslim historical documentation are historical collections afterwards after it was known that people were making up stories about him.

    (It’s kind of like the fake gospels that were written 100-200 years after Christ that introduce new characters who tell off Jesus and so forth – Gospel fan fiction. Except the whole religion.)

    luagha (cfe7df)

  66. They worship the god of the old testament, of Abraham and Issac, Moses and what they think is his son mohammed

    Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a complete misunderstanding of Islam, ever.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  67. Team Kimberlin flesh light …. I cracked another rib laughing.

    SPQR (c45ef8)

  68. Rob, EPWJ is an expert you know. Hi, BTW.

    SPQR (c45ef8)

  69. The average person on the street may be totally oblivious to the full history of Mohammed (as I admit I was until only a few years ago), of how he was actually a stereotype — almost a caricature — of a brutal, vengeance-seeking, unrepentant warrior.

    “Warrior” gives him too much credit. He was a thug, lower and more bestial than most of what crawls from the worst slums. He stole his wife’s money; lazed around Medina heckling the pilgrims until they got tired of him; stole, raped, and enslaved surrounding tribes; killed those who criticized him; and raped a young girl and declared it “holy”.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  70. “Team Kimberlin flesh light …. I cracked another rib laughing.”

    SPQR – Probably has a picture of a naked Neal Rauhauser on a fleece blanket on the side as a motivational visual aid.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  71. Teh naked Neal kneels
    prays at Kimberlin altar
    Watch him goin’ down

    Colonel Haiku (131602)

  72. 37.Also, if all the Moslems (communists) were to be killed, the world would objectively be a better place for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, and since most of them are decent people their happiness and utility counts too, which is why it would be a bad idea after all. If we could just kill the 20% or so of Moslems (communists) who are our enemies, that would be just fine with me.

    To allow evil to exist is to enable evil. I killed 39 communists in Vietnam. You know why? Because I didn’t see #40.

    Anyone who has read the koran ( which I have many times ) can see the inherant evil of Islam. Anyone who has read the Communist Manifesto ( which I have many times ) can see the inherant evil of communism. One is a faith-based religion the other a faith-based political philosophy. Both are anti-freedom. The very freedom given to us by God Himself. Both are dedicated to the death of you and me if we refuse to comply. I see no difference between the two. Therefore, I would no more spare 80% of the moslems than I would 80% of the communists. Sic semper tyrannus.

    Hoagie (3259ab)

  73. Rob Crawford is correct. Mohammad was as much of a warrior as Obama is. He was a thief, a thug and a rapist. As you watch the moslems blow up ancient religious statues remember….the Cross is next.

    Hoagie (3259ab)

  74. That should be enough to convene a Grand Jury, and open a RICO investigation that should lasso each and every associate of The Speedway Bomber.

    askeptic (b8ab92)

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