Patterico's Pontifications


Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism

You’re about to listen to one of the most bone-chilling pieces of audio you will ever hear. At least, it was to me when I first heard it.

It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed.

In this post you will hear that audio clip. You will also read about a months-long campaign of harassment carried out by at least three individuals: Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, and Brett Kimberlin — much of it directed at critics of Brett Kimberlin. This harassment includes repeated references to critics’ family members, workplace complaints, publication of personal information such as home addresses and pictures of residences, bogus allegations of criminal activity, whisper campaigns, frivolous legal actions, and frivolous State Bar complaints.

And finally, you will hear a comparison of one of those men’s voices to that of the man who made the call that sent police to my home. And you’ll read a declaration from a forensic audio expert comparing those two voices.


In the last radio interview Andrew Breitbart ever gave, on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Breitbart talked about a new ruthless tactic used by thugs against political opponents:

[O]ne of the things they’ve done to people who have worked with me in the past, including an L.A. prosecutor, is to “SWAT.” That means that they’re spoofing phones, pretending to be somebody else’s phone, calling 911, and saying “I killed somebody” and then the person’s home is met with the guns drawn, the SWAT and the helicopters, in a horrifying act. It’s happened twice: once in New Jersey, once in Los Angeles, with an L.A. County . . . prosecutor who [is] associated with me.”

I am that L.A. County prosecutor. And in this post, you’ll hear the hoax call that sent police to my house, pointing loaded guns at me.


At 12:35 a.m. on July 1, 2011, sheriff’s deputies pounded on my front door and rang my doorbell. They shouted for me to open the door and come out with my hands up.

When I opened the door, deputies pointed guns at me and ordered me to put my hands in the air. I had a cell phone in my hand. Fortunately, they did not mistake it for a gun.

They ordered me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. They handcuffed me. They shouted questions at me: IS THERE ANYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE? and WHERE ARE THEY? and ARE THEY ALIVE?

I told them: Yes, my wife and my children are in the house. They’re upstairs in their bedrooms, sleeping. Of course they’re alive.

Deputies led me down the street to a patrol car parked about 2-3 houses away. At least one neighbor was watching out of her window as I was placed, handcuffed, in the back of the patrol car. I saw numerous patrol cars on my quiet street. There was a police helicopter flying overhead, shining a spotlight down on us as I walked towards the patrol car. Several neighbors later told us the helicopter woke them up. I saw a fire engine and an ambulance. A neighbor later told me they had a HazMat vehicle out on the street as well.

Meanwhile, police rushed into my home. They woke up my wife, led her downstairs and to the front porch, frisked her, and asked her where the children were. Then police ordered her to stand on the front porch with her hands against the wall while they entered my children’s bedrooms to make sure they were alive.

The call that sent deputies to my home was a hoax. Someone had pretended to be me. They called the police to say I had shot my wife. The sheriff’s deputies who arrived at my front door believed they were about to confront an armed man who had just shot his wife. I don’t blame the police for any of their actions. But I blame the person who made the call.

Because I could have been killed.

The weirdest part of the whole thing was that I halfway expected this might happen. Because I was not the first one it had happened to.

I think it’s about time you heard the call that sent police to my home.


What you just heard and read is no joke. It actually happened. The phenomenon is called “SWATting,” because it can bring a SWAT team to your front door. SWATting is a particularly dangerous hoax in which a caller, generally a computer hacker, calls a police department to report a shooting at the home of his enemy. The caller will place this call to the police department’s business line, using Skype or a similar service, and hiding behind Internet proxies to make the call impossible to trace. Anxious police, believing they are responding to the home of an armed and dangerous man, show up at the front door pointing guns and screaming orders.

That is exactly what happened to me. It is a very dangerous hoax that could get the target killed.

Above: an anonymous Kimberlin supporter mocks my swatting in August 2011, before it was publicly known. The reference is to an article about a 2008 swatting case in Dallas.

Although I am an L.A. County Deputy D.A., it is certain that I was “swatted” because of my blog and not because of my job. As Andrew Breitbart noted, this happened to two people within the course of a single week: a man in New Jersey and myself. Both of us had had contact with Andrew Breitbart. Both of us were writing about the same story. And both of us received email threats days before we were swatted. The threat to me said, in part: “Please think about your family. This story is not worth it. I can assure you that.”


So who perpetrated this crime on me and my family?

I reported the crime to the FBI on July 1, 2011. (Obviously, the Sheriff’s Department was already aware of it, since they had come to my house.) Unfortunately, law enforcement has not solved the case. Worse, they have failed to follow up on a number of leads I have given them.

But there is circumstantial evidence suggesting who may be responsible. I met personally with the nationwide experts on swatting in December 2011: the FBI office in Dallas, Texas. They told me that swatting is an extreme form of harassment — and that swatters typically combine swatting with other forms of harassment, including: complaining to the victim’s workplace, defaming the victim online, “Googlebombing” the victim, publishing the victim’s address online, filing phony reports of criminal activity by the victim, and so forth.

All of these things have happened to me and other critics of Brett Kimberlin since July 2011. The harassment has been relentless and has occurred almost every day. It would literally take a book to catalogue it all. What you read in this post, incredibly, is only part of it.

Why target me? Well, I first wrote about Brett Kimberlin in October 2010, after getting a call from Andrew Breitbart. Andrew told me that his site was going to publish a post about a domestic terrorist named Brett Kimberlin. The story sounded interesting, and I published a post about Kimberlin shortly after the Breitbart post (penned by Mandy Nagy aka Liberty Chick) was published.

The next day, Kimberlin threatened to sue me. He said: “I have filed over a hundred lawsuits and another one will be no sweat for me. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time and money and for what.” I asked him to identify any specific falsehoods in my post and he did not. I published subsequent posts about topics like Kimberlin’s alleged murderous plots to escape from prison and exact revenge on his enemies and an examination of his non-profits’ tax returns. In February 2011, I talked about stalkerish intimidation tactics used by Kimberlin and his business partner, Brad Friedman of the “Brad Blog.”

It’s fair to say I have been one of Brett Kimberlin’s least favorite people in the world for a good long time now.


Beginning about the time I was swatted in July 2011, the harassment I had already experienced from Kimberlin was stepped up several notches — and other Kimberlin critics were also targeted. Several anonymous accounts identifying themselves as supporters of Kimberlin’s have participated in the harassment. These anonymous harassers go by names like @OccupyRebellion, @BreitbartUnmask, Gaped Crusader, and “Just Call Me Lefty.”

But much of the harassment Kimberlin critics have experienced has occurred at the hands of three named individuals: Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, and Brett Kimberlin.

Meet Ron Brynaert

Ron Brynaert is a so-called “journalist” who last August threatened me and my wife in the most despicable manner possible:

References to my wife come completely out of left field. She is a Democrat and cancels out my vote in every election. The only reason anyone would bring her up online is to intimidate and harass my family.

Brynaert explicitly connected his desire to do violence to me to his defense of Brett Kimberlin. The night he threatened me and my wife, Brynaert defended Kimberlin in a long series of tweets pointing out alleged holes in the case against Kimberlin. Brynaert said I was slandering Kimberlin:

One of Brynaert’s arguments was that certain of the witnesses against Kimberlin had been hypnotized. Apparently, it greatly upset Brynaert that I wasn’t responding to this argument, and he threatened violence as a result:

Ron Brynaert has been a guest blogger at The Brad Blog, run by Brad Friedman, a business partner of Brett Kimberlin’s. Brynaert has described himself as a friend of Friedman’s. Brynaert was for years the editor of a Raw Story, a publication that has teamed up with the Brad Blog to put out Brad Friedman’s radio show:

In 2008, during Brynaert’s tenure as editor of Raw Story, Kimberlin was introduced as the “moving force behind Raw Story.” (Hat tip to Seth Allen.) Kimberlin did not object to that characterization.

Meet Neal Rauhauser

Neal Rauhauser is a creepy far-left activist. There is evidence that, using the handle “Iowa Boy,” Rauhauser has engaged in violent rhetoric, including calling for the public hanging of Republicans and the shooting of Dick Cheney. Rauhauser speaks regularly of the hacking group Anonymous and frequently suggests that his enemies are opening themselves up to Internet harassment.

Above: Writing at Daily Kos, Rauhauser suggests I should be harassed online.

Three days after I was swatted, Rauhauser wrote a post titled “Patterico’s Penalization” that made bizarre accusations about me, and accused me of working with a “cyberstalker” named Seth Allen — a blogger who had criticized Brett Kimberlin so tenaciously that Kimberlin (frivolously) sued Allen for defamation. In that post, Rauhauser publicized a State Bar complaint that Kimberlin had filed against me, and asked readers to get a picture of my wife. Rauhauser also suggested that a private detective stake out Seth Allen’s apartment:

Here is Rauhauser further publicizing Brett Kimberlin’s State Bar complaint against me, and stating his belief that if enough such complaints accumulate, I will be fired:

And here is Rauhauser talking about how he wants to see me fired, prosecuted, and bankrupted — all for purely political reasons:

Rauhauser is a fan of abusive litigation for purposes of political harassment:

Kimberlin has described Rauhauser as an “associate” of his. Rauhauser has written of working with Kimberlin and meeting with him personally. They have appeared in court together. Rauhauser has spoken of working with Kimberlin’s Velvet Revolution organization on Occupy events. In 2011, Rauhauser talked of a new job that he had, and of moving to Maryland — the state that is home to Brett Kimberlin and Velvet Revolution.

Above: as “WeOccupyAmerica, Rauhauser says he is closely connected with Brynaert, to his “chagrin.”


On many occasions, Ron Brynaert, Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin, and anonymous Kimberlin supporters have harassed me and other Kimberlin critics in a similar manner — using tactics that the FBI told me are characteristic of swatters:

  • Harassment of wives and family members — As noted above, Rauhauser asked readers for pictures of my wife. He and Brynaert have spoken of investigating my wife’s work as a Deputy District Attorney. Rauhauser and @OccupyRebellion have insinuated that my wife played a role in impersonating fake teens in the Anthony Weiner scandal. Kimberlin supporters @OccupyRebellion and @BreitbartUnmask have spoken of obtaining a picture of my wife. The Gaped Crusader constantly brought up my wife.

    The Gaped Crusader wrote like Neal Rauhauser, talked about the same topics as Neal Rauhauser, and once left a comment on my site with the same IP address that Neal Rauhauser used to leave a comment on another site.

    Brynaert has said my wife and I should be fired, and (as noted) has talked about taking a “shit” on my wife.

    The obsession with family members recently extended to Stacy McCain, with Kimberlin apparently having contacting Stacy’s wife’s employer, causing McCain to flee his house. Kimberlin supporter @BreitbartUnmask has mentioned the names of Stacy’s children online. @BreitbartUnmask has publicly outed a commenter of mine, discussed that commenter’s divorce records, and named his father.

  • Publication of home addresses —, a site related to Kimberlin, published my home address, as well as a Google street view and Google aerial view of my home. The “Gaped Crusader” republished that address.

    Donations at go to Kimberlin’s Velvet Revolution. The same post published what the author stated was Andrew Breitbart’s home address. Andrew later told me it was actually a home owned by Andrew’s parents and rented out to others. Kimberlin later sent interrogatories to me at the address listed on — and sent interrogatories to Andrew at the address the site had listed for Andrew. Andrew’s interrogatories eventually made their way to him, and he told me about it and gave me a copy of them.

    Kimberlin unnecessarily put Aaron Walker’s home address in court documents. Kimberlin had a habit of putting information into court documents — information that is later disseminated by Rauhauser and Brynaert.

  • Workplace complaints — Brynaert and Kimberlin have both filed complaints against me with my office. (Rauhauser and Brynaert have spoken of these complaints publicly.)

    When Brynaert contacted my office, he initially called the very same person Kimberlin had complained to — even though that person was no longer my boss. If Brynaert had simply called asking for my boss, the office would probably not have routed Brynaert to the same person Kimberlin had complained to. But if Brynaert asked for that same person by name, they would route the call to that person.

    Kimberlin also spoke to at least two secretaries in my office, calling me a stalker, a racist, a homophobe, and saying he was going to have to get a restraining order against me. I had to explain to the secretaries that the man who called them had been convicted of setting off several bombs and had been sentenced to 50 years in federal prison — but was now free and harassing me.

    Rauhauser has encouraged people to file complaints against me, as has anonymous Kimberlin supporter @BreitbartUnmask. The “Gaped Crusader” spoke of sending packets of defamatory material about me to candidates running in the election for District Attorney, as well as to defense attorneys on my cases. As noted, Brynaert has stated that my wife and I should be fired. Anonymous Kimberlin supporter @OccupyRebellion constantly talks about how I will be fired and disbarred.

    Brynaert wrote to Andrew Breitbart defaming his employee Mandy Nagy (aka Liberty Chick), who wrote that comprehensive piece about Kimberlin in October 2010 I mentioned earlier.

    Kimberlin put Aaron Walker’s home and work address into court documents. The inclusion of the work address contributed to Aaron’s being fired, due to the employer’s fear that a convicted bomber might appear at their workplace.

    Kimberlin contacted Stacy McCain’s wife’s workplace.

    Brynaert contacted a man named Ken Ashford in an attempt to learn Aaron Walker’s real name, and threatened to email every member of Ashford’s firm claiming Ashford had harassed him. Brynaert later contacted the Human Resources Department at Ashford’s firm to complain about him.

  • Abuse of court process — Kimberlin has filed numerous frivolous court actions against Aaron Walker and Seth Allen. The details of the court appearances are frequently reported — with a pro-Kimberlin spin — by Rauhauser and Brynaert. In a blatant abuse of the court’s process, Kimberlin served invalid interrogatories in the Seth Allen lawsuit on me, Aaron Walker, Mandy Nagy, and Andrew Breitbart. Rauhauser and @OccupyRebellion publicly referred to those interrogatories and asked when we were going to answer them.

    When police gave Kimberlin a picture of Allen from his driver’s license, that picture made its way into the hands of Rauhauser and Brynaert, who published it online.

    Kimberlin threatened to sue me right after I first published my first blog post about him. He told Walker’s pro bono attorney that he is planning a RICO lawsuit against me, Nagy, Walker, and Seth Allen.

    Nadia Naffe’s civil claim against me — Nadia Naffe has now filed a civil claim against me and my boss Steve Cooley — and the lawyer is Jay Leiderman, an online buddy of Neal Rauhauser’s who put out a request on a defense attorney mailing list to investigate whether any defense attorneys don’t like me. Although I have not seen the legal claim myself, excerpts of Naffe’s legal claim have appeared at the web site of self-described Kimberlin supporter and Rauhauser friend Before the claim was filed, Rauhauser and @BreitbartUnmasked encouraged Naffe to file the sorts of claims that appear in the civil claim.

    Naffe has publicly said that she plans to use her lawsuit against me to ask questions in discovery about the value of my house — a topic in which Rauhauser and @OccupyRebellion have expressed interest in the past. According to a friend of mine, Naffe has also said that she plans to ask me and my wife under oath the true identity of conservative blogger Ace of Spades. Which is not something she ought to care about, since Ace had never said a word about her (although he has now).

    You know who cares about Ace’s identity? Brett Kimberlin supporter @BreitbartUnmask. He has written entire posts about Ace’s identity. And before I was swatted, someone threatened me by email. That person threatened one other person the same night: Ace of Spades.

    Additionally, Brett Kimberlin has used a subpoena in the Seth Allen lawsuit to subpoena James O’Keefe’s stolen emails from Naffe — despite the fact that there has been a final judgment in that lawsuit.

  • Outing — Ace has good reason to be concerned, as this group has a history of outing anonymous critics. Aaron Walker’s identity was outed by Brett Kimberlin after he received an “anonymous tip.” Seth Allen’s identity was also outed by Kimberlin.

    In addition to furiously harassing Ken Ashford for Aaron Walker’s true name, Ron Brynaert also wrote Yale alumni affairs officials asking for information about Aaron. Within a single day of Brynaert’s failed campaign to learn Aaron’s true name and location, Brett Kimberlin wrote Aaron demanding that Aaron disclose his true name and location.

  • Whisper campaigns — Brynaert and Kimberlin have both contacted people that they identified as online “enemies” of mine to complain of alleged harassment at my hands. Brynaert has recently taken to contacting other major bloggers to defame me, Aaron Walker, and Mandy Nagy. I have been forwarded emails by Brynaert from several notable bloggers.
  • Frivolous claims of criminal wrongdoing — I am told Kimberlin filed frivolous claims of stalking against me with an anti-stalking unit in my office. Rauhauser has encouraged people to report me to that same unit. Interestingly enough, the anonymous person who threatened me by email before I was swatted mentioned the very same unit.

    Brynaert has also constantly claimed that critics of Kimberlin have stalked him and Kimberlin. @OccupyRebellion has made the same claim.

    I am told Kimberlin filed frivolous criminal charges against me with the California Attorney General. Rauhauser encouraged Daily Kos readers to file complaints against me with the California Attorney General.

    Rauhauser compiled a large packet of defamatory material accusing me, Walker, Nagy, and others of participating in criminal activity, and said he had sent it to state police in New Jersey and the FBI in Baltimore. He made the entire packet available as a torrent.

    Writing as Stranded Wind at Daily Kos (where he has since been banned), Rauhauser insinuated that I had obtained forged documentation during the course of my employment to support claims by shadowy Internet entity John Reid. @OccupyRebellion has made the same insinuations.

    Rauhauser and anonymous Kimberlin supporters claimed that I criminally intimidated a witness by criticizing Nadia Naffe on my blog — an allegation that apparently has surfaced in her civil claim against me and my boss Steve Cooley.

    Kimberlin claimed Walker assaulted him in a courthouse and made several claims regarding the incident that have been disproven by a video. Kimberlin’s claims were repeated by Brynaert, @OccupyRebellion, and @BreitbartUnmask. Rauhauser and @OccupyRebellion falsely alleged that Walker had been arrested for this crime, and repeatedly asserted that he had beaten Kimberlin.

    Brynaert has recently accused Aaron Walker of “extortion” for sending Brynaert a settlement demand letter in Walker’s lawsuit against Brynaert. Brynaert accused me and Mandy Nagy of being part of the “conspiracy” to “extort” Brynaert. In fact, just yesterday, Brynaert used the threat of going to the NYPD as a way to deter me from publishing this post, saying that he was going to the police as soon as I published:

    Brynaert has accused me of criminal harassment. @OccupyRebellion has consistently accused me, Walker, and Nagy of being criminals.

    Brynaert, Rauhauser, and @OccupyRebellion have insinuated or stated that I was not swatted, that I filed a false police report concerning that swatting, and that in fact I am the person who committed the swatting of the man in New Jersey.

  • Frivolous State Bar complaints or threats to file State Bar complaints — Kimberlin filed a frivolous State Bar complaint against me, and has now filed a State Bar complaint against Aaron Walker. Kimberlin insinuated he might file a State Bar complaint against Walker’s pro bono lawyer. Brynaert threatened to file a State Bar complaint against Aaron Walker and Ken Ashford (the man who refused to tell Brynaert the true name of Aaron Walker).
  • General harassment — The “Gaped Crusader,” published a picture of a naked man with his penis exposed, and claimed that it was Deputy District Attorney John Patrick Frey. Here are some Gaped Crusader screenshots:

    The image above was not fuzzed out on the Gaped Crusader blog.

    Kimberlin supporter @BreitbartUnmasked harassed Aaron on Twitter, and gave accurate details about Aaron’s driving record that do not appear to be publicly available.

    After a court appearance in which Aaron tried to get a peace order against Rauhauser, Rauhauser wrote an email to me and other friends of his which said, among other things: “Given Walker’s state of mind I would say his wife might find him hanging in the garage tonight when she gets home from work.”

    Rauhauser called me at my office and left a message on my work voice mail, claiming that Aaron appeared to be suffering a psychological breakdown and needed help.

    Rauhauser and anonymous Kimberlin supporters have consistently accused Aaron of being bigoted against Muslims. Rauhauser wrote Aaron mocking emails talking about how Muslims were likely to try to kill him because of his “Everyone Draw Mohammed” site. Kimberlin wrote Aaron’s local police purporting to be concerned that, because Kimberlin had been “forced” (he claimed) to file a court document containing all Aaron’s personal information, that Muslims would get hold of that document and put Aaron in danger. Even after Aaron lost his job, someone either arranged for, or pretended to be, a Muslim group that threatened to take protest and diplomatic actions against Aaron’s workplace until they heard Aaron had been fired.

    Kimberlin defenders took court audio of Allen and put it on YouTube, showing a graphic of Allen’s face from his driver’s license picture.

    Mandy Nagy endured months of harassment from Rauhauser, @Occupy Rebellion, and others. @OccupyRebellion mocked Nagy’s illnesses and personal tragedies. She told Nagy that she hoped Nagy died of cancer. She claimed that Nagy (a rape victim) had never been raped. She repeatedly called Nagy a “cunt.” And she told Nagy that Nagy had put her own family’s life in danger.

    Nagy says she has been told by friends that people have been calling them asking questions about her, and that she has seen people seemingly staking out her residence in various vehicles.

    Meanwhile, @OccupyRebellion and Rauhauser have incessantly accused Nagy of “baiting” Anonymous. This claim itself functions to stir up Anonymous accounts, in an apparent effort to get Anonymous to hack Nagy.

Heard enough about this harassment? Then let’s move on to the voice on my swatting call.


When I obtained the recording of my swatting, in July 2011, I thought I recognized the voice.

To me, it sounded like Brynaert. Specifically, it sounded like someone trying to disguise his voice at the beginning of the call, by talking in a monotone. Then, at the end of the call, when the dispatcher challenged the caller, the voice seemed to lose its disguised quality . . . and it sounded like Brynaert to me.

Here’s the thing: Brynaert was talking to me on the phone when the police came to my house. That is something that the FBI in Dallas also told me fits the M.O. of a swatter.

Before that phone call, Ron Brynaert had told me that he had important information for me about the Anthony Weiner case. And that is how I ended up talking to him on the phone on the night of June 30, 2011, leading into the early morning hours of July 1.

And that is how it happened that he was on the phone with me when the police showed up to my door.

Let’s listen to Brynaert’s voice compared to that of the caller:

I pushed and pushed for law enforcement to do a forensic comparison of Brynaert’s voice to that of the swatter. I found an interview of Brynaert online, so there was a ready sample for comparison. But they wouldn’t do it. (I was constantly frustrated by the failure of law enforcement to follow up on what seemed like obvious leads. More about that at a future date.)

So I decided to hire my own expert.

Kent Gibson is a forensic voice identification expert. He has done work for the FBI and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, as well as the Los Angeles County Public Defender. He is court-qualified in Los Angeles Superior Court. He is a Yale and Stanford graduate who has had extensive experience in audio work. He is the expert hired by the mother of Mel Gibson’s children to authenticate angry recordings that Mel Gibson left on her answering machine.

I first approached Kent in August 2011, but at the time I was still trying to convince law enforcement to do the comparison themselves. By January 2012 I had given up on law enforcement. I sent Kent my swatting call; the swatting call from New Jersey; a call to BlogTalkRadio that sounded like the swatter; and the Ron Brynaert interview.

The following quote is from Kent Gibson’s declaration, sent to me on February 25, 2012:

In this case the following files were presented for evaluation: Tag names for these four recordings are shown in BOLD. The[y] represent calls from two Swat Hoax cases, one involving Patrick Frey and one involving Mike Stack [the man from New Jersey — ed.].

G-8025959 FREY SWAT – Call made to 911 claiming a shooting at Mr. Frey’s residence on 7/1/2011 at 12:16 AM. Caller impersonates Patrick Frey.

Stack Call – STACK SWAT – Call made to police dispatch in Readington, New Jersey. 6/23/2011 Caller impersonates Mike Stack.

Ron Brynaert Interview.mp3 – BRYNAERT KNOWN – an internet radio interview. This caller is suspected of being the Swat caller re: Frey.

Lee Call-in Radio Show – LEE KNOWN (Lee is interviewer’s name, not caller.) This caller is suspected of being the Swat caller re: Stack.

. . . .

CONCLUSION: Considering all of the evidence presented, it is my expert forensic examiner opinion that it is probable that all voice samples come from the same person.

In other words, it is the opinion of an expert forensic examiner that Ron Brynaert’s voice is probably the voice of the man on my swatting call. A call that could have gotten me killed.


What you have just read is a summary. I have lived this daily — literally daily — for almost a year. There are pieces of evidence I didn’t have room to include. There is so much evidence of harassment it would take you weeks to read about it all.

What’s more, I know that this post is going to result in more harassment. I will almost certainly be sued, despite my careful efforts to stick to the facts. There will likely be more complaints to my workplace.

And I have a feeling they’ll find creative new ways to try to rip my life apart.

As an aside, I have listened to Brett Kimberlin in court audio, saying he meets with Congressmen on a regular basis. I want to make sure these Congressmen know what he’s doing.

I have appreciated the support I have felt in recent days, with people like Michelle Malkin, Instapundit, Stacy McCain, Ace, and many others stepping up and being willing to take on this topic.

It is my hope that the support of the blogosphere will not melt away after today. Because the harassment will almost certainly live on.

It’s an important battle to take on. And I want to stress that this should not be a partisan issue. I believe Brett Kimberlin uses lefty politics as a tool — but he doesn’t believe any of it in his heart. He is looking for a buck. I have been heartened to see left-leaning people of all stripes stand up to this guy in the past, from Mark Singer, the author of Citizen K; to Ken Ashford, who refused to give up Aaron Walker’s identity; to the left-leaning lawyer who represented Aaron pro bono.

It is my hope that left-leaning blogs will recognize that this is not a partisan issue. It is a free speech issue.

Remember how I said one of my commenters was outed? And this crew started talking about his parents? And his divorce records? For being a commenter of mine?

What happened to me could literally happen to anyone. It could happen to you.

If you take nothing else from this post, remember that. It could happen to you.

As always, opinions on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. I speak in my personal capacity and not my official capacity, and do not intend to speak on behalf of my office in any way.

UPDATE: I received this today from Roxanne Cooper:

Raw Story was founded by John Byrne in 2004, and has only ever been owned by John Byrne (and minority-stake owner Mike Rogers, who joined in 2009). Roxanne Cooper became the publisher in October 2010, shortly before Ron Brynaert ended his tenure at the publication. Since March 2011, the editorial direction has been under the management of Megan Carpentier, who has complete editorial discretion separate from management.

Brett Kimberlin and Velvet Revolution are not and never have been involved in the ownership, management or editorial direction of Raw Story. Neither Carpentier nor Cooper had ever heard of Kimberlin or Velvet Revolution prior to the start of the events described by Aaron Worthing, Mandy Nagy and Patrick Frey.

So there you have it.

655 Responses to “Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism”

  1. In honor of Karl:


    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. I guess we’re going to find out whether a $150/month plan is enough to withstand a big link. Or several.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  3. Also, I guess Ron Brynaert is going to the NYPD now.

    I hope they email me. I can’t wait to send them a link to this post.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  4. OMG! I said in anticipation of this post that my skin would crawl, but I think I am going to puke.

    sybilll (b5a8a4)

  5. Unbelievable. And yet, in a world where evil exists, all too believable.

    Yes, I said evil, and meant it.

    Russ (13eae2)

  6. Wow. Thanks for giving us the details. I hope law enforcement and the national media start to take more of an interest in the activities of these people.

    Bruce Rheinstein (24d094)

  7. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  8. Prayers for you and Aaron and Stacy and Ace and all the others these folks are harassing(seems to mild a word for what they are putting you and your families through)

    flicka47 (9fb290)

  9. And to think some bigger news sites have decided to ignore this whole story. Amazing.

    Rachael (b975d9)

  10. This was an intense read, even knowing a lot of it. I think it is laid out clearly for newcomers to see what was/is going on.

    The voices are the same in my opinion.

    What a bunch of psychos. That’s all I got for tonight. I will read it again tomorrow.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  11. Big news, and hard to ignore – even for those disposed to ignore such things.

    Estragon (ec6a4b)

  12. Interesting.

    A few weeks back, I came home one evening and two police officers were roaming around on my ridge (a bit of a surprise, I’ve never seen police officers up here…ever). So I went over to see what was up, and they told me they’d recieved a 911 call that an elderly woman was in some kind of trouble, and that the calll had come from my residence.

    Only problem with that is that no elderly woman lives at my house or was visiting, and no elderly woman lives anywhere nearby. After discussing it a bit, we decided it must have been a prank call, and they went on their way. And, I told them I’d give them a buzz if I heard anything that would help them. I never did hear about anyone in trouble (and I live in a real small town…where if anything happens, the whole town knows about it within minutes).

    I think it’s probably just a coincidence (since I haven’t been bothered in any way since then), but a curious one, in light of Pat’s experience.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  13. Wow. I hope and pray that federal law enforcement get involved. So many laws have been broken that we can’t even keep count. Why do any of these guys even have a law license? There are stories of people being disbarred for less.

    Evileyes (8d66af)

  14. Thanks for the reminder on how the world really works and on the true nature of people. Sorry you were caught up in it.

    ErisGuy (c0929d)

  15. Wow. I hope and pray that federal law enforcement get involved.

    I involved them, the very next day. (Technically, later that same morning.) They ignored countless leads and treated me like an annoyance.

    Federal law enforcement is not always what it’s cracked up to be.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  16. Let’s hope a little internet light will get law enforcement (near you and near the – what shall w call this gang?) to put a little more work into getting these peeps under control.

    Failing that, that mass public scrutiny renders them impotent – before anyone else gets hurt, and before further damage is done to the Walkers, the McCains, you and your family, and everyone else who has been subjected to this behavior.

    I’ve already talked to a few people outside the blogging world about this in the last few days, to try to get the awareness up.

    Merovign (f827eb)

  17. Fear not, Patterico; AG Holder is on the case! All you have to do is convince him that Kimberlin, Brynaert & Rauhauser are members of the New Black Panthers . . .


    Okay, so you just need to provide Eric with proof that they accepted delivery of assault rifles over international boundaries and . . .


    Icy (c6a862)

  18. Did Kimberlin ever shoot a black child that was wearing a hoodie?

    Icy (c6a862)

  19. Wish there was something I could do to help.

    BradnSA (980254)

  20. i am sick after reading this. The will of these losers must be broken and buried. I hope for the best, for you and your family. Is their any money to follow?

    mg (44de53)

  21. Brynaert: I’m waiting until a certain Deputy District Attorney – who has been enabling my blackmailer – to publish his lies, then I’m going to NYPD.

    — What’s he gonna do when he gets there . . . confess?

    Icy (c6a862)

  22. “And they live in a very nice house”

    — Ah, the eternal conundrum: Patterico has a government job (GOOD) but he’s also a member of the 1% (bad, bad, VERY BAD!!!).

    Icy (c6a862)

  23. Kman will be along any minute to scold you for poking a stick at the anaconda what has wrapped itself around you.

    Icy (c6a862)

  24. This story is now on the Blaze.

    Mother Effingby (9c2cd3)

  25. @#1: Not “Ding,” but rather “Dang!”

    Having only once (back in the days of FIDO) been harassed at work over something written in “cyberspace,” I can empathize with you. The most miserable thing is that even if you end up “winning” (using pretty much any metric you wish), you still lose due to the stresses these [folk] have caused.

    I’m sorry to hear law enforcement (both local & Fed levels) have let you down.

    roy in nipomo (d31d1e)

  26. Some of this stuff is illegal. THese guys are still walking around. It’s been said that Wiki doesn’t have anything on “speedway bombing”. Who is the rabbi for these guys?

    Richard Aubrey (0aac79)

  27. Excerpted and linked. This harassment must be stopped.

    Mark (1ffd40)

  28. xoxo, Patterico.

    Have you sent a link to that NYT chick?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  29. Damn…

    I am at a loss for words. If knew how to make Kimberlin and his merry band of Mau-Mau face the full legal consequences for their illegal actions, I would do it. I hope nothing good ever happens to them.

    OmegaPaladin (a63d4d)

  30. Wikipedia twice took down articles about Brett Kimberlin. Once in 2010 and again in 2011. History on the deletions said they were unsourced and an attack page.

    Currently some editors are talking about more interest lately and why Wiki doesn’t have a thing on Brett Kimberlin and the Speedway bombings.

    Big gap in information there Wiki. I presume that Brett complained and got the articles deleted both times. But who knows.

    jakee308 (f860a6)

  31. I would recommend further searching of his name for more information. look past the first 1-2 pages to get by all the recent blogging links and you’ll find some interesting things about who he’s connected to and where he lives.

    He seems to live pretty much out in the open and hasn’t any worries about being located by common old every day google.

    jakee308 (f860a6)

  32. It doesn’t take intelligence to do evil. Anyone with an IQ of 90 could do what these guys are doing. It’s just that the great majority of people are not…evil.

    Because of the interstate nature of what these guys are doing, there is federal jurisdiction, both legislatively and judicially. It’s time for Congress to get involved. I’m not talking about spamming all 535 members with information – which might be counter-productive – but a relative few Congressmen & Committees, including those with jurisdiction over the FBI, which appears to have conducted itself pretty pathetically in this matter.

    Brian (bdc1ef)

  33. Hi Google!

    Brett Kimberlin is a convicted felon

    Ron Brynaert is an Internet bully, possible criminal, and documented liar.

    Jay (ea25d4)

  34. Hi Google!

    Ron Brynaert like to threaten people on Twitter.

    Jay (ea25d4)

  35. Teh Three St00ges run
    criminal conspiracy
    brett * neal * curly ron *

    Colonel Haiku (af00fc)

  36. i kind of think the ugly trio doing the harassing has sympathetic and collusive ears in law enforcement and the judicial system. From their internet ramblings i would guess acknowledgement is/was given to them at places like KOS and they networked out a bit. need to find a sheriff Joe to pull the weed up by the roots.

    jd2 (40a8c6)

  37. Wow.

    I am so sorry this is happening to you. I pray that this recent exposure leads to a resolution.

    Dustyn H (1ffc6d)

  38. But there’s NO WAY these thugs have protection, right? They’re just using the left, not being useful to the left, isn’t that the claim?

    Until I see solid evidence that a lefty has faced equal harassment with as much studied disinterest from authorities, I will consider this an official Democrat tactic. There’s no other choice, given the funding and protection they’re getting.

    Rob Crawford (d8dade)

  39. So is Tommy going to “cover” this story?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  40. It is criminal that these cretins are allowed to roam free, to harass good, PRODUCTIVE people, and left to pollute the planet with their malevolent presence.

    Colonel Haiku (af00fc)

  41. The time has come to choose sides.

    A person who supports this kind of action dishonors those who we are remembering this weekend who died to protect our rights.

    datechguy (1b976d)

  42. Up at 0500. Opened the site thinking, “It’s way too early for anything to be up.” But there was the story, in all its horror.

    Patrick, I am SO sorry you’re having to go through this. Please know there are others out here who understand the mind-numbing stress you’re under. May it end soon.


    creeper (f1f686)

  43. Why isn’t the Justice Department looking into this?
    Do they still prosecute RICO or is that just a bludgeon for their political opponents?

    Beto (9f67f4)

  44. I wonder if these scumbags could be prosecuted under the RICO statutes? And I mean ALL of them. Including their “donors”/enablers.

    We will have to wait for some adults in the Justice Department when Romney is elected, I fear.

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  45. Hang in there Pat. I’m so sorry to hear this kind of crap is happening to you.

    Its amazing the “reality based community” won’t repudiate these loons.

    I’m sorry… did I say “amazing.” I meant to say “par for the course.”

    Rich Horton (3ef32b)

  46. Are they after Ace because of the Weiner stuff?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  47. Sunlight rocks.

    JD (0046a7)

  48. MayBee – no, it is because of the hobo’s, and cheap vodka.

    JD (0046a7)

  49. Amazing. Shocking. This needs to get out to EVERY conservative media outlet. The only way to stop the individual harrassment is to fight back en-masse. Expose evil with a big, bright light. They want #WAR? Let’s give it to them.

    Azaziel (e51051)

  50. What did you do to bring this on yourself, Patterico?

    JD (0046a7)

  51. Well, Ron Brynaert is claiming on twitter he is going to the police today. Should be an exciting day!

    Jay (ea25d4)

  52. Thanks for putting this article out for everyone to read. We need to keep the heat on this sorry piece of Whale excrement and his erstwhile friends. I’ve also been posting about Kimberlin and linked this story.

    Mike G. (39bf07)

  53. Thank you for writing this.

    Now I have one post I can point to that contains every strategy and method being used by the Left to damage and destroy those of us on the Right and anyone on the Left who dares rise to our defense.

    We’ve had our differences in the past, Mr. Frey [especially over the things you’ve written about my friend, Stacy McCain], but they were civilized disputes. What these terrorists are doing to you, your family, and others is barbaric and must be stopped.

    Godspeed to you.

    Bob Belvedere (325c05)

  54. I am also sorry to hear of these events, especially to the degree the lives of Aaron and his wife and the other McCain have been disrupted. “At least” you still have your job and living place, and hopefully the SWAT team remembers your address in case further attempts are made.

    I will be watching which bloggers do and do not link up with you today.

    FWIW, A few years ago my son had a similar kind of situation while on patrol. They received notice from the dispatcher of an armed robbery with a very good description of the accused perpetrator who was armed with a handgun. He and his partner responded, saw a person who matched the description, and approached him appropriately with guns drawn and telling him to get his hands in the air. He was slow on pulling his hands out of his jacket pockets, they ordered him again, and he complied.

    It turns out the call was fake, and this happened not long another Philly officer was shot and killed when the suspect fired his hand gun at close range through his jacket pocket. The person in question with my son had a sister in the police force in Philly and became a bit week-kneed when he realized how close he came to being shot. Apparently somebody who had a grudge against him had called in the false report.

    Had it been real, it may have been my son and his partner who were shot, as there was a window of several seconds while the fellow kept his hands in his pockets, ample time for a real armed robber to take advantage.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  55. Please keep pulling the thread. I believe there are big names at the end of it.

    creeper (f1f686)

  56. Patterico, I’m so sorry for you and your family. Thanks for having the guts to blog more, not less, about this in the face of intimidation.

    Rauhauser is a fan of abusive litigation for purposes of political harassment:

    And as we all know, it takes quite a long time for someone to be declared a “vexatious litigant,” and even then, that’s a state-by-state process.

    Any thoughts on getting together a group of lawyers, licensed in multiple states, ready to fight this nonsense?

    bridget (862c19)

  57. If this wasn’t so serious I would make some comments about the alleged photo of you…but I’ll leave it at that.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  58. Praying for you and your family,and everyone else these scum are terrorizing.
    Let’s expose these vermin to sunlight.

    Will Profit (dd72fb)

  59. Seriously,

    These actions are on a par with the Mafia protection rackets. These SOBs should be prosecuted under RICO.

    Any of the supposed LAWYERS who hang out here care to comment on that?

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  60. Vanderleun said it last week and I’m sure he’s right: “Every day it gets closer to going to guns…”

    Get prepared.

    mac (9c86eb)

  61. Wow, I really don’t have the words. This is one, if not the most disgusting accounts of terrorizing, stalking & harassment of someone & their family I have ever read about.

    I hope the light gets shined on these cockroaches in the big media and these reprobates are forced to do time in a really bad pound-you-in-the-ass-prison for their crimes.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  62. I’m stopping after the first audio to make comment. I’ll come back with more as I know there is more….so much more.

    I’d like to make the small point that a swat can get POLICE killed. Bystanders killed.

    Its a crime against YOU alright. And your young family.

    But also your neighbors, the police – the STATE.

    It can evenget true crime victims or accident victims killed trough delayed response and diverted resources.

    And it sure as hell costs money.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  63. You’d think that a SWAT response to a private residence, including helicopters, multiple vehicles, dozens of men, etc., would represent a considerable amount of resources to commit in response to a PRANK CALL and that LE would want to aggressively follow-up on whatever asshat was yanking their chains.

    If someone like Patterico, who is a friendly part of that world, can’t get them interested, what chance do regular folks have?

    That aside, thanks Patterico for publicizing what is happening to you and your family. God bless you!

    Pious Agnostic (7c3d5b)

  64. Is Kimberlin not still subject to Federal Supervised release? Seems like with a 50 year sentence he ought to be.

    Paul (db0515)

  65. I’m anxiously awaiting Kman’s brilliant commentary on how there is no real evidence of illegality…

    SPQR (26be8b)

  66. I agree with #59. I can’t believe a threat like this against a sitting prosecutor is just shrugged off by law enforcement. These cretins are clearly putting you and others in real danger.

    Mad dogs, all of them.

    Jeffersonian (7ba05b)

  67. SarahW:

    Any opinion on the voice?

    Patterico (6d741b)

  68. I feel like i have already said to patrick all there is to say about this.

    What horrible people these are.


    Aaron "Worthing" (73a7ea)

  69. You had intimated something of this, last year, but idiot that I am I assumed it to be that you were handling a heavy caseload.

    The SWATing is beyond the pale. That false 911 call could have been absolutely traced — some place NSA was listening to it as it was made, more than likely, and Skype is the opposite of anonymity. As others above have said, I would think our lords and protectors would want to swat those who SWAT.

    nk (875f57)

  70. Tommy Christopher has been going out of his way to smear James O’Keefe via Nadia Naffe. And his involvement in the Weiner affair is extremely suspicious

    anonymous with good reason (3058a3)

  71. Evil as an outreach program. Prayers for all of you.

    RosalindJ (368fff)

  72. This is very upsetting, because you are right, it could happen to anyone. No one deserves this kind of abuse, and it should not be allowed. Shame on the LAPD for not taking action.

    RebeccaH (23af65)

  73. 51.Please keep pulling the thread. I believe there are big names at the end of it.

    Comment by creeper — 5/25/2012 @ 6:12 am

    Ding ding ding ding ding….

    JQ Public (e4fe85)

  74. #JoeFriday, where are you when we so desperately need you?

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  75. Jeffersonian,

    I can’t say it was entirely “shrugged off” but they failed to solve the case. They said they cared about it and wanted to solve it but I was not happy about the manner in which it was handled. More on that in future posts.

    Patterico (6d741b)

  76. Well, then, I guess it’s time to start being a commenter here. This sort of thing can’t stand.

    Neil Carpenter (38ede6)

  77. Listened to the side by side comparisons of the voice on the 911 call & Bryneart’s interview.

    That is most definitely Bryneart without a doubt, too bad the FBI doesn’t get involved.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  78. Demented. Who has time to do that shit?

    heidi (33f39f)

  79. Patrick, our prayers are with you and all who are being harassed and worse by these folks.
    For those of you who roll that way, I suggest starting a novena to St. Jude. Even if you don’t, think about it. It couldn’t hurt.

    bob (6713b4)

  80. Well, the good thing is erveybody has their names now. I find it criminal the way the cops have acted — especially the Montgomery County, Md ones (but isn’t that the county in which SEIU was allowed to stomp around a banker’s house?) So, which side are the union cops on? Obviously not yours or your fellow bloggers. While it is no consolation to your situation or your fellow bloggers, others are now watching closely.

    john b (66162a)

  81. I just donated a pittance. We need to uphold people like Patterico.

    Just Some Guy (3b087f)

  82. :gulp:

    htom (412a17)

  83. Think about it. This is the kind of response that Patrick gets … in a county he’s a prosecutor in. What kind of attention do you think the police will give you when Kimberlin and his thug buddies focus on you?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  84. You think Eric Holder would let the DOJ and FBI do anything to protect conservative bloggers?

    Another reason to throw out this corrupt administration.

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  85. I hit Stacy’s tip jar earlier this week. It’s your turn, Patrick. Wish it could be more than a pittance but there’s no way to pay you for what you have done.

    creeper (f1f686)

  86. BTW, before anyone points out anything about my “Comment by SPQR — 5/25/2012 @ 6:36 am”, at that moment I was thinking that Patterico was deliberately not making a particular linkage.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  87. @Patterico – the behavior you describe sounds like criminal RICO violations – extortion (threats to induce you to act/not act), etc. Where’s the FBI, again?

    CenterRightMargin (402a09)

  88. “I don’t blame the police for any of their actions. But I blame the person who made the call.”

    Even if that person is brought to justice, there are many others who could do the same. Doesn’t that make you think twice about whether SWAT teams should have the authority to barge in on private property and almost kill innocent people?(sometimes there’s no “almost”)

    joshua (81ccae)

  89. Jeez, patterico, will you stop being such a drama queen. clearly Brett Kimberlin had a right to defend himself against everyone telling the truth about him. So what do you expect when you antagonize a convicted terrorist? Its your fault you were swatted.

    Oh and look at that girl. She is begging to be raped.

    Besides i can’t be 100% sure it is Ron, because i haven’t even bothered to listen to the video or read the post, so you haven’t proven it to my satisfaction. But if it was him, its your fault.

    K-fart (sock puppet) (73a7ea)

  90. Couple of things. First I hope the SOB’s do some real prison time over this, Kimberlin in particular. How he ever got parole is beyond me.

    Secondly, what does this say about the criminal justice system in general if an assistant DA cant some action on this, what does that say for the rest of us?

    Lastly, Brett Kimberlin used to have a Wikipedia entry, but it has been deleted twice and is currently locked so it cant be created again. Did Kimberlin sue, threaten, or did someone there just circle the wagons for a friend?

    MJ (5a02dd)

  91. Absolutely amazing. Disappointing, disgusting, repulsive but amazing.

    That LE is so disinterested is beyond comprehension.

    May God watch over you and yours and may His vengeful angels find these loathsome scum in their time.

    Gus Bailey (97688c)

  92. Where is Janet Napolitano? I thought she was interested in home grown terrorists? Obviously, her politics bias the cases she looks into.

    john b (66162a)

  93. Nadia is one of those hoochies what knows she’s a loser so she tries to dignify her loserness with a lawsuit.

    That only works until it doesn’t anymore, sweetie.

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  94. So this is what a modern day crucifixion looks like. They stay true to form, don’t they? Stay strong.

    Katherine (66e657)

  95. If you’ve got a blog, post about Brett Kimberlin’s criminal past and his and his little buddies’ current criminal harassment. Tweet it and plaster it here and anon! The slimy bastige picked on the wrong blogosphere. I’ve got a post about it up here: where I’m temporarily blogging until we fix the database mess that some slimy bastige hacker made when they took down Olehgirl.

    Yaeli (f26e69)

  96. Here’s some inspiration from Mr. Churchill. He made the speech 72 years ago– as he and his nation’s citizenry vowed to unite against encroaching darkness and evil. Quite an orator Winston Churchill was.

    we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
    we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
    we shall fight on the beaches,
    we shall fight on the landing grounds,
    we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
    we shall fight in the hills;
    we shall never surrender

    elissa (5dded4)

  97. Glenn Beck is talking about Kimberlin & Co. on his radio program right at this very moment. Good job Pat, Aaron, Mandy & every one who has suffered because of these pricks.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  98. I’ve listened to that audio many times.

    I am absolutely sure it was Ron. I have been since the first time I heard it. It sounds exactly the same. I felt this way before I considered that Ron Brynaert showed so much malice towards Patterico’s wife (a swatter would have to be OK with putting her in serious risk). I felt this way before I considered that only Ron had called Patterico that evening, so only Ron knew for sure he was home (they were off the phone for a moment, which is when I think he swatted Patrick, then Ron was back on the phone to hear the aftermath). I thought it was Ron before I realized Ron was actually participating in Brett Kimberlin’s war against Aaron and Seth. I can’t think of anyone who repeated Brett’s untrue claims as though they were fact as many times as Ron.

    And very soon after the swatting, Ron began acting crazy. There’s no other word for it. He denied Patterico’s posts and tweets were from Patrick. He typed gibberish. I think he was scared that he was about to get caught, and was hoping to build a diminished capacity defense. As the months went on, he snapped back and now he’s not crazy. But he’s still smearing Kimberlin’s enemies.

    One wrinkle is that Ron often pretends to be helping someone (such as on the night of the swatting, when he claimed he was helping Patrick, or later when he said he was helping Aaron) that he’s actually trying to smear, and often he’ll pretend to be enemies with someone he’s allied with.

    But the voice comparison… I find it very convincing. It sounds very much like Ron.

    Dustin (330eed)

  99. I’m shaking with anger. It is revolting that Brett Kim Berlin and associates can do this.

    Dianna (5a80ec)

  100. Really infuriating.

    Patterico, why don’t you please publish the home addresses of these scum?

    Jude (dc7682)

  101. speaking of losers someone should get the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department soime CSI dvds for christmas

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  102. *some* CSI dvds I mean

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  103. I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed. If you and your family just follow the orders of the police then there is no reason for them to kill anyone.

    See, eg:

    Like the driver of the Hupmobile that you discuss, you suffered some “indignities.” Somehow you are trying to make out your SWATting as something worse than that.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  104. This is…incredible. Especially since the cops don’t seem interested in pursuing terrorists who almost got a deputy district attorney killed at their hands!

    WTF is happening to this country?

    Stay safe.

    Wes S. (7aa363)

  105. Why is it con man Kimberlin & company go through painstaking attempts at keeping his name off of the internet? Could it be it’s because Brett’s non-profit charitable organization is really used as a front operation to launder & embezzle money?

    That’s the tree I’d be barking up.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  106. They say a Republican is a Democrat who’s been mugged by reality. Has this experience with domestic terrorists who’ve been supported by a who’s who of lefist “charitable” organizations (Tides Foundation, Streisand Foundation) caused your wife to reassess her political leanings?

    Hoystory (a14eb4)

  107. I’d love to see what Kman has to say after reading all of this. I wonder whether he’s man enough to admit he’s wrong (not really, I know he’s not).

    Chuck Bartowski (3bccbd)

  108. “burgersallday” – thanks for self-identifying

    JD (0046a7)

  109. All because their hero, Kimberlin, is a convicted terrorist and they don’t like ANYONE reporting the truth on that? The fuck is this shit? This is just full-blown obsession on their part.

    Kaitian (b51c21)

  110. you suffered some “indignities.”

    his kids were startled awake in the dark of night by stompy stompy adrenaline-fueled gorillas

    that’s just so not cool

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  111. Jeeez, this is insane.

    What can we do beyond publicize these creeps? Any interest in setting up a general defense fund on behalf of you, ace, mccain, and anyone else who needs it?

    Brian Cobbs (7c69ff)

  112. Like the driver of the Hupmobile that you discuss, you suffered some “indignities.” Somehow you are trying to make out your SWATting as something worse than that.

    Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 7:38 am

    Uh, YEAH, it is something worse than that, because unlike Gates (who was breaking into his own home) or the hypothetical driver of the Hupmobile, there were actual incidents in which it was reasonable to assume a crime might have been committed. This SWAT was perpetrated out of pure malice by someone bent on destroying another person for the crime of offending them. And as we learned in the Oscar Grant incident in Oakland, even cops who are not technically doing anything illegal or improper make deadly mistakes.

    Don’t bother replying to me on this. Now is NOT the time for missing the forest for the trees. To quote Sinead O’Connor: “Fight the REAL enemy!”

    L.N. Smithee (e049fe)

  113. Mr. Burgers Los Angeles law enforcement people are presumptively corrupt arbitrary and terrifying creatures

    you always always always want to fly under their radar

    they’re scary, simple as that

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  114. Wait a sec, if an actual District Attorney can’t seem to get the law to protect him from this harassment, what hope do us mere civilian mortals possibly have?

    Eric (4b5805)

  115. Darn it. I didn’t mean to say “unlike,” I meant “in the cases of.”

    L.N. Smithee (e049fe)

  116. _________________________________________________

    Neal Rauhauser is a creepy far-left activist.

    Isn’t the political orientation of just about all of that brigade of kooks similar or identical?

    They remind me of the odd contradictions associated with the background of the notorious Adolph Hitler and his ilk (generally and ironically ascribed to the right), who not only identified themselves as being part of the “socialist” label, but who also were in favor of animal rights and a vegan diet.

    It’s endlessly (but also sickeningly) fascinating to me when people who believe they’re such great, wonderful, humane and compassionate members of the human race metastasize into something quite corrupt and sickening, or just the opposite of what they think is a noble, uplifting, beautiful esprit de corps at the core of who they are.

    I don’t think anyone realized (or at least I didn’t) exactly what you’ve been putting up from the ultra-liberals who rally around Kimberlin. But it merely verifies my growing awareness of how leftist impulses in the human mind can lead to just the opposite of what is generally assumed. IOW, it truly illustrates the biology (of the human mind) behind the meaning of the phrase: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

    Mark (6fee8e)

  117. This reminds me of the movies “Pacific Heights” or “Cape Fear”, where the bad guy knows about the limits of the law, and is able to exploit the full advantage to terrorize innocents. Shudder…

    May the Lord watch over you and your family, Paterico.

    John C (983c6e)

  118. You kill millions for empire and corporate profit.

    You still assert to this day that non-whites have no right to life, and there will be no sovereign nations on Earth as long a America exists in it’s current form.

    Just what did you expect?

    Hey, maybe if you weren’t incredibly well-armed white supremacists you wouldn’t need to fear the rest of us Humans.

    Deez (4116e6)

  119. what hope do us mere civilian mortals possibly have?

    you have no hope go inside and stay there cause it’s only gonna get worse

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  120. Gosh, this is a perfect time to bring up old blog disputes, isn’t it?

    Pious Agnostic (7c3d5b)

  121. i said a prayer for you all.
    “St Michael Archangel, defend us in battle….”

    all good thoughts to you all.

    chickensmom (77ac2f)

  122. #78 SPQR

    This is exactly what I was thinking. If Patterico as a prosecutor can’t get the police to give him justice, I can’t imagine how they would handle an “ordinary person” who has gone through the same harassment. It’s the police’s inaction which helps facilitate this illegal activity by Kimberlin and his ilk… their minds there apparently isn’t be any downside to the activity since the police/feds seem to refuse to take it seriously.

    One suggestion: my guess is that the authorities would take a lot more interest in Kimberlin if one of the threatened parties was underaged (just given the media focus on online harassment of children). Are McCain’s children minors? My feeling is that any comments that would threaten them would be taken a lot more seriously then how the authorities seem to be handling the cases of Patterico and AW.

    MrMistoffO'leez (eb6c08)

  123. This is insane..I don’t have a blog, but I do have facebook, where I’ve posted a link to this. He can come after a few, but thousands? Let’s drag this scum into the light.

    Jonna Hayden (922f9b)

  124. Actually, I believe that the police in the Grant case were doing something illegal and improper. At least I seem to recall that the N.D. Cal. court denied their motion for qualified immunity. I think the well-reasoned written opinion said that the detention of Grant was not just unConstitutional, but clearly so.

    Also, I have never believed the Taser defense because it conflicts with the story Mehserle originally told.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  125. What you say is true – this isn’t a “left” or “right” issue. These are truly sick individuals that neither side wants to claim.

    I’m sorry that all of this has happened to you and to so many others in the blogosphere. Please know that there are lots of people who have got your back. If you need anything, PLEASE let us know.

    We may be a bunch of pajama-wearing knuckle-draggers, but these people need to know that now they are messing with the WHOLE trailer park….

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We’ve got your back –

    Teresa in Fort Worth, TX (238e41)

  126. I am so sorry for all that you & the others have gone through. Please know that our thoughts, prayers & especially our voices are with you in this fight. Please keep us updated & let us know what we can do. Stay safe.

    jeannebodine (92b7df)

  127. I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed.

    A SWAT team entering a home is inherently dangerous. Deaths sometimes occur. Police can mistake an object for a gun. Or a completely law abiding citizen with no reason to think police are the people on his doorstep, might show answer the door with a gun!

    Recently, Austin police shot a blue heeler when they responded to the wrong address. I have a blue heeler. God help anyone who enters my property without me making absolutely clear to her that I’m OK with it. And God help anyone who hurts my dog if I’m armed. And the SWAT team is thinking: God help anyone who doesn’t immediately comply. They naturally see this as a dangerous situation and react imperfectly sometimes.

    For example, police accidentally shot an unarmed grandfather in this incident. Mistakes happen.

    I’ve called Ron a criminal for months now. This is the primary reason why. Prior I have had to rely on his nasty online behavior, which has been very frustrating. His tweets threatened to punch Patterico, one time apparently in Brett Kimberlin’s defense, and Ron threatened to sew P’s wife’s mouth to Patrick’s ass… I’m pretty sure Ron has never interacted with P’s wife. He acts like he hates her with the fury of a thousand suns. I think his unhinged nastiness towards her was simply following Brett’s ‘go after their family’ playbook, as seen most recently towards RSM’s wife. Going after family sends a message.

    Since I believe Ron’s voice is a convincing match and I’m convinced he’s the swatter beyond reasonable doubt, I believe Ron Brynaert sent that incredibly dangerous situation into Patrick’s home. To his sleeping children. To send him a message.

    Dustin (330eed)

  128. comment number 18. That question was IDIOTIC at best….trivializing what these morons are doing to families. Has nothing to do with this matter.

    Jessa C. (c61ac5)

  129. I don’t care about the blog dispute.

    I do think that Mr. Patterico displayed a calloused attitude in his comments about the hypothetical driver of the Hupmobile, yes. To me, he also seemed too dismissive of the idea that Professor Gates had the police called on him for racist reasons. Is trying to use this as a “teaching moment” appropriate? I’d say yes. YMMV.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  130. Now is NOT the time for missing the forest for the trees. To quote Sinead O’Connor: “Fight the REAL enemy!”

    Comment by L.N. Smithee


    I’ve seen only a tiny handful people try to get their digs in on Patrick.

    Someone is attacking your right to free speech. Their attacks could happen to anyone. If they work, we will see much more of this. If they backfire on the perpetrators, it will be a powerful message and deterrent.

    Dustin (330eed)

  131. Lastly, Brett Kimberlin used to have a Wikipedia entry, but it has been deleted twice and is currently locked so it cant be created again. Did Kimberlin sue, threaten, or did someone there just circle the wagons for a friend?

    Comment by MJ — 5/25/2012 @ 7:18 am

    I doubt anyone at Wikipedia is particularly friendly with Kimberlin’s crew of eighwholes. You’d be surprised how some Wikipedia people are dedicated to protecting lies they’ve established there. I gave up trying to correct the record of murdered 13-year-old Arkansas teenager Jesse Dirkhising after an activist who guards that page like a sentry would switch out changes within 24 hours.

    L.N. Smithee (e049fe)

  132. ________________________________________________

    Comment by Deez — 5/25/2012 @ 8:01 am

    Wow. Yikes. I’m truly not being glib or sarcastic when I observe people like you and realize that the human mind can become quite corrupt, twisted or defective. Something has to be innate or inherent about people who suffer from such odd, extreme ideological impulses. In your case, impulses of the far left.

    I never trust very extreme people (of any persuasion) and suspect they’re even more likely to be just the opposite of what they hold up as their ideal.

    Mark (6fee8e)

  133. I assumed my comment was deleted because I think it was because of the way I phrased it. Anyways this saga by Kimberlin and his cronies is just downright creepy pulling in people who are not involved and in fact know nothing of those morons. It’s absolutely criminal and their attitude to whitewash anything by them to take down any enemies of theirs even if it gets people killed through SWATting.

    Kaitian (1acffb)

  134. I don’t care about the blog dispute.

    Are you calling sending armed police into someone’s house… into their children’s room, putting a family’s life in danger… a “blog dispute”?

    Pat gave the police the benefit of the doubt in the Gates incident. He wasn’t without basis, but agree to disagree on that. It was years ago. I do not see how someone sane could be bringing that up in this context. You’re saying it’s time for him to take in your “Teaching moment”, so you’re actually taking advantage of Patterico being swatted (which you describe as “a little bit bad”) to make this trollish point.

    I feel sorry for you for being that heartless.

    Dustin (330eed)

  135. heidi:

    Demented. Who has time to do that shit?

    You realize that’s why they’ve been given hundreds of thousands of “charity” dollars by the left, don’t you?

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  136. I don’t care about the blog dispute.

    [blah blah blah about being still pissed about something written two years ago]

    Is trying to use this as a “teaching moment” appropriate? I’d say yes. YMMV.

    Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 8:11 am

    I’d say no. GTFO.

    L.N. Smithee (e049fe)

  137. SarahW:

    Any opinion on the voice?

    Comment by Patterico — 5/25/2012 @ 6:37 am

    Including the Stack call and the radio call-in?

    100%, take it to the bank.

    There’s a story there buy I’ll truncate. Preface: Hubs is a trained speaker, a trained actor, stage and voice, and a talented mimic. Talking is like music to him.

    He came upon me repeatedly listening to the stack call just a few weeks ago. I had just heard it that day for the first time and was feeling distresed and ill. I was listening to it over and over, in my bed and comparing it to a clip I’d found of Ron. His reaction was interesting…but Ill skip over.

    Later I got more samples. I kept my opinion to myself. I asked him to listen and compare He didn’t have to listen long. He told me they were the same person, and that day I got a little disquisition on things like register and timbre, range and pacing.

    I knew what I heard, a match – and it was backed up by a person I would trust more than myself.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  138. Trying to keep someone on the phone while a SWAT team arrives, means that you’re trying to make sure the person has something dark and gunlike in their hand when they answer the door. (Assuming Brynaert was smart enough to figure this out, of course.)

    suburbanbanshee (b1e80e)

  139. A few days ago I asked for something concrete about BK; something that, even if it can’t be proven to 100% certainty, at least was present-day and didn’t rely so much on a self-serving smear job (i.e., by trying to drag in events of 32 years ago).

    Kudos to Patterico for stepping up to the plate. Well done, and I appreciate it.

    But I think what you have done is laid out a good indictment of this Brynaert guy (who has sent me a couple of nasty emails already this morning — thanks, y’all). Obviously, the swatting thing is disturbing.

    I’m not convinced that I should paint Kimberlin with the same brush, or assume that Brynaert does things as Kimberlin’s bequest. It’s possible that Kimberlin is the mastermind/puppetmaster, and these other guys are his minions. But there isn’t much evidence of that. Not yet. Just speculation.

    I mean, yes, Kimberlin is using the court system to redress his grievances, but you know, so is Aaron. I think that’s what we would want him to do — it beats bombs, right? I’m not weighing in on the merits of his lawsuits (he’s won a few, so obviously the courts don’t think they are all meritless)… I’m just saying that in the bill of particulars that has been leveled here, using the court system to litigate harassment-type claims doesn’t strike me as all that bad (and if it is, then Aaron is just as guilty).

    Anyway, thanks for advancing the ball in a constructive way, Patrick.

    Kman (5576bf)

  140. Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 7:38 am

    If you have information that there is a person who has just committed a serious crime and is heavily armed, there is no threshold for error.
    It is a bit like standing in the street and someone says, “Lookout!!!” You could stand there, look at the person, and ask, “Lookout for what?”, except you couldn’t, because before you opened your mouth you were face down unconscious and dying from being hit by the speeding car you didn’t see.

    In the situation where the police expect to encounter a heavily armed person willing to use their weapons, they don’t have a lot of time to wait on niceties, a 2 second hesitation means an officer may be killed and there is a new widow and fatherless children. My son is a police officer and was responding to a call about a disturbance at a local hairstylist/barber shop. When he got there the door was open but nobody was there. he realized that to the side of the shop was a metal stairway to an apartment over the shop. He went up the stairway and knocked on the door. When the door opened he saw a man and a woman sitting in the living room of the apartment, and the man opening the door, standing in a way so his R side was hidden by the doorjamb/wall. He asked the man to move so he could see both his hands. The man didn’t move so he asked again. There was some movement by the man at the door, then the man sitting in the room yelled, “He’s got a gun” and dove for him. A struggle ensued and the suspect pushed by my son and fled without firing (he was about 6″ taller and 100 lbs heavier). he was disarmed as he was tackled by my son from behind while other officers who had arrived approached him from the bottom of the stairs.
    The “suspect” was trying to load the chamber of his gun without being noticed when the man being held hostage yelled and jumped. Had the suspect been more adept at using his gun, or the hostage too scared to do anything, my son would have been shot because he was reluctant to make the conclusion that the suspect was uncooperative because he was armed and still weighing his options. Had he received a call that an armed robbery was in progress, he would have been much quicker to shoot when a suspect refused to show his hands. If a neighbor had called as a “prank”, if the person answering the door would have been slow showing both hands simply because he didn’t want to be ordered around by the police, or had drugs of some sort in his hidden hand, he might have ended up dead because my son would have needed to make the split second decision, “Am I going to stand here and get shot while waiting for this guy to comply or shoot first”? That’s a heck of a choice for someone to be forced to make.

    If it’s a SWAT scenario with multiple people involved, then there are multiple split second decisions to be made and things to go wrong.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  141. Btw, least convincing prank phonecall ever. If the police weren’t legally obligated to check out this stuff, they would have told the caller to put Prince Albert back in the can.

    suburbanbanshee (b1e80e)

  142. KMan:

    I’m just saying that in the bill of particulars that has been leveled here, using the court system to litigate harassment-type claims doesn’t strike me as all that bad

    I hope it happens to you, so you learn the reality.

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  143. Is Kimberlin an Obama bundler?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  144. Patterico,

    If there comes a time for concerted action on this, the past few days should have made it perfectly clear that our side has a lot more people than theirs. They’re three repulsive, self-important, small-minded fascist motherf*ckers with maybe a dozen cud-chewing acolytes. Between all the places and people you’ve mentioned, you’ve got probably two or three thousand pissed-off regulars looking to bite something. You’ve got a whole network of blogs tying together a whole lot of people. You should be talking to RS McCain, Malkin, Ace, the Instapundit folks, the RedState folks, etc. on something that all their commenter pools (and yours) can act on collectively. We need marching orders – to evaluate, if nothing else.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  145. “I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed.”

    The whole point of calling P’s cell phone when SWAT arrived was so he’d have something in his hand when he answered the door. Cops (rightfully) get paranoid about perps with things in their hands. MANY innocent people have been killed in that scenario.

    Buy a vowel, get a clue.

    Purp (@PurpAv) (9da817)

  146. I cannot begin to imagine the hell you and other bloggers have been going through at the hands of this shameless trio, Patterico. How can anyone hold so much hate and unearned vitriol in their soul? The human brain cannot comprehend the level of incoherent hatred these people are expressing. I will pray for the safety and security of you, your family, and all others affected by this madness. It CANNOT be allowed to continue.

    MWR (32e6a8)

  147. Patrick –

    If someone were to set up a “Defense Fund” or maybe even a “Defense Organization” with the mission of funding defense and security costs of the harassed and (if there is enough cash and will) taking all legal action possible against the harassers, I would gladly contribute $100 to it. Please consider whether you know anyone who has the skills, time and courage to take on such a mission. If you strike while the topic is hot, I bet a lot of money could be raised to fight this battle.

    Z as in Jersey (7fe199)

  148. I can’t believe Steve Cooley has not gone after this scum.

    These people need to be brought to justice and forever rot behind bars.

    mpfs (af9893)

  149. Kman- how did Bryneart get your email address?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  150. #BrettKimberlin is trending #3 on Twitter

    John Difool (4251ee)

  151. I hope it happens to you, so you learn the reality.

    It has happened to me. It’s happened to lots of people.

    I would venture to say that about 90% of people who get sued feel they are being “harassed”. It’s because they legitimately believe they are innocent, so therefore any lawsuit against them MUST be for vexatious purposes.

    And not just vexatious lawsuits, but vexatious motions within lawsuits.

    So it’s just one of those gripes that, as a lawyer, I’ve grown immune to over the years.

    Kman (5576bf)

  152. “I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed.”

    One false move – a trip, moving forward with an object in the hand – BLAMMO. Or a beating. Or a tasing.

    Or someone else in the area might have been mistaken for P and hurt. What if Gpa were there, demented. He starts moving around and shouting…
    What if a friendly retriever dog goes up to greet the officers – what if an aggressive rottweiler does?

    What happens then?

    Suppose a 19yo kid darts out from around the corner, running from some guy chasing him?

    Suppose they get to the wrong house?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  153. THe point is, officers arrived at the house ready to employ deadly force if necessary to protect themselves or others.

    You know the kind of mistake made in the past, might be made again.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  154. Pat gave the police the benefit of the doubt in the Gates incident. He wasn’t without basis, but agree to disagree on that. It was years ago. I do not see how someone sane could be bringing that up in this context. You’re saying it’s time for him to take in your “Teaching moment”, so you’re actually taking advantage of Patterico being swatted (which you describe as “a little bit bad”) to make this trollish point.

    My point is that he was calloused about what the hypothetical driver of the Hupmobile suffered. He was quite dismissive of it. He did not mention the Hupmobile driver’s fear of death or any of that.

    Hopefully, he understands now what he should have then. Hopefully, if he wrote the post about the Hupmobile today, his tone and content would be different because of what he has experienced.

    The SWATting was wrong. Even if the experience does make him more empathetic than he was in 2009, it does not justify the SWATting.

    I think what he suffered was bad. I am just surprised that he thinks it was that bad, given the way he wrote about the driver of the Hupmobile.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  155. Kman- how did Bryneart get your email address?

    Oh, he figured out who I am many months ago. I don’t advertise who I am, but I don’t go to great lengths to hide it, and anyone determined enough could easily figure it out. Bryneart did just that several months ago and came after me.

    Kman (5576bf)

  156. Enough! ENOUGH! I can’t watch or read anymore!

    This is stuff right out of… East Germany… the Soviet Union… Communist China… The Lives of Others! Here… in America?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    This cannot stand. This shall not stand!

    It’s time to contact our Congresspeople and let them know of this – that’s what we send them to DC for. It’s time to take a stand for the First Amendment – and against thuggery and intimidation.

    Has someone sent a link of this to Rush? Sean? Glenn? O’Reilly? This has to be shouted out to all corners of the Earth!

    This cannot stand. This must not stand!

    theduchessofkitty (109031)

  157. Do we have to have Kimberlins home address on this thread?

    Especially under the name of “Virginia Mom”?

    I don’t want that kind of bogosity attributed to ME.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  158. And I think it is meant to be attributed to me.

    You know what they do.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  159. APD shot a guy here in Albuquerque because he had something in his hands. It was a black plastic spoon. So yeah – the fact that they called Pat means they probably wanted him to have something in his hands. Which means they might have wanted him to get shot. Which is insanely creepy.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  160. Unbelievable! Just speechless.

    Surely there is some way to file a class action suit on behalf of those targeted? Against RK et al including their donator/enablers?

    It is 1984.

    TexasMom2012 (cee89f)

  161. To me, he also seemed too dismissive of the idea that Professor Gates had the police called on him for racist reasons. Is trying to use this as a “teaching moment” appropriate? I’d say yes. YMMV.

    Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 8:11 am

    What is there in what Pat experienced that would logically cause him to think that the police were called on Gates for racist reasons?

    Gerald A (cc0aaa)

  162. Two things:

    Brett Kimberlin et al (and Brett Kimberlin may not be the ringleader) use tactics which, while they may be potentially dangerous for the target, leave themselves as far from criminal prosecution as possible..they don’t necessarily work and they have to go out of their way to warn their targets.

    I think another favorite tactic (it was used by Lyndon LaRouche people – is killing pets – this causes far more distreess to the victim than other crimes with similar penalties. BK et al are looking for crimes that are both hard to detect and legally minor, as well as being potentially very hazardous. And the fact of the charging crime
    being minor also means it won’t be too rigorously investigated.

    2. They don’t dare to use their tactics too often. The more they use it the more they might cause it not to work any more. Some things maybe dare only be done once or twice. Their strongest attacks are reserved for the strongest reasons.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  163. It has happened to me. It’s happened to lots of people.

    So it’s just one of those gripes that, as a lawyer, I’ve grown immune to over the years.


    You really don’t understand what it’s like for a non-lawyer.

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  164. Kimberlin is ABusing the court system to redress his grievances

    fixed that for you.

    He is bringing actions with no basis in law, that he knows has no basis in law. He’s been instructed that they have no basis in law.

    Opinion – protected.
    facts – protected
    Refusal to give his (lame) stories equal time – protected
    Relay of the reporting of the Indystar, Singer, Wicked indianapolis, etc – protected

    He knows he has no cause of action and yet he brings suit anyway.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  165. My prayers are with you and your family(and all the others threatned by this group!) I will be tweeting it every day!! God bless those under fire and /od bless the USA!!

    PamelaLeCroy (d48041)

  166. DRJ – clean up at 151, please

    SarahW (b0e533)

  167. Comment by Deez — 5/25/2012 @ 8:01 am

    Bret, is that you?

    My condolences, Patrick. Kafka couldn’t have come up with a story this twisted and disgusting. Here’s hoping that the law enforcement establishment finally wakes up to what is happening.

    Palamas (be2752)

  168. Has someone sent a link of this to Rush? Sean? Glenn? O’Reilly?

    Yes, all of the above, plus major news outlets. Everyone should be emailing this link non-stop. Another easy way to be pro-active. A major upside of the internets – email addys abound.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  169. Is it time we fight Kimberlin’s fire with fire? I have no fear of punks like him. I’d happily have the face to face meeting he accused Aaron of then promptly rush off to the DA’s office and file charges against him for touching me first. He wouldn’t need makeup either to simulate his black eye.

    He’s a classic bully and until someone bullies him back he’ll continue. Once someone literally kicks his ass, he’ll whimper off like the p*ssy he really is.

    Michael (ebb94e)

  170. Burgers Allday thinks that since someone caused a SWAT team to descend on his house with guns drawn for no reason, it validates a charge of racism against the police or whoever called the police in the Gates incident. Or maybe Pat’s SWAT experience now establishes a general rule that any time the police investigate a black man it’s racism.

    How do people’s brains spew these kinds of non sequiturs?

    Gerald A (cc0aaa)

  171. The last person on earth I want to touch this story is Rush Limbaugh.

    Whatever partisan concerns there are pale in comparison to the assault on free discourse by a conman who is in it for HIMSELf, not a cause.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  172. What is there in what Pat experienced that would logically cause him to think that the police were called on Gates for racist reasons?

    What he should think is that the possibility was insufficiently explored.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  173. OMG. My hubby is a major Tweeter – he is going to send this out to his 4600 followers — OMG OMG OMG Please stay safe …

    Janetoo (171782)

  174. My prayers go out to you and your family, as well as all the others affected by this, and also Andrew Breitbart’s family, who have suffered his death in connection with his publicizing of “too much truth.” I have been on several forums in the last 8 years and have also been “targeted” (threatened, harrassed, deleted, accused of lies) simply for stating the truth from a conservative Christian point of view. Incidently, these people always refer to themselves as the “enlightened, tolerant” group, but their actions paint the real picture of who they are…wolves, trying to pass themselves off as sheep. I commend you for having the courage to stand up for what is right. Thank you for bringing us the truth in detail. Everyone needs to hear it. With your permission, I will include your link to this article on my posts in the forums. God bless you, Patrick. I will be praying for you and your family’s safety and sanity.

    EM (36baa1)

  175. What is there in what Pat experienced that would logically cause him to think that the police were called on Gates for racist reasons?

    What he should think is that the possibility was insufficiently explored.

    Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 8:50 am

    Why would his SWAT experience logically cause him to think that?

    Gerald A (cc0aaa)

  176. Just bear in mind that Neal Rauhauser’s superpower is Comment Section Trolling.

    It’s a pathetic power, but you can bet that there will be trolls trying to explain how this probably has nothing to do with Brett, even after Aaron’s powerful linking of Ron to Brett and Patrick’s points to that effect here.

    And there will be trolls trying to piss everyone off.

    I note that these trolls often like to bring race into it, so I’m not surprised that’s already happened.

    Dustin (330eed)

  177. HELLLO

    Is anyone going to take #151 down????

    SarahW (b0e533)

  178. Ron Brynaert is now on twitter whining that he’s being smeared.


    Jay (ea25d4)

  179. BA- what about this incident would make Patterico think that possibility was insufficiently explored?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  180. bombing muckrakers
    fusterclucking their damn way
    thru their pointless lives

    Colonel Haiku (33e69c)

  181. Is it time we fight Kimberlin’s fire with fire

    No it isn’t, and sir, that’s not helpful. As much as it angers me to think of Ron attacking innocent children with a swatting call, or Brett ruining many lives, the right response is to expose them as the thugs. Not attempt to learn the wrong lessons.

    It does seem like their tactics work very well for terrorizing people without law enforcement doing their job. What needs to change is that law enforcement needs to get involved.

    Dustin (330eed)

  182. let pondscum sucking
    bryneart and kimberlin know
    what you think of them

    Colonel Haiku (33e69c)

  183. I am starting to get very angry.


    SarahW (b0e533)

  184. Actually, IIRC, the person solicited to call the police in the Gates case did not particularly believe a break in was happening.

    Further, IIRC, these doubts about whether a burglary was happening were not relayed to Sgt. Crowley (although they should have been).

    We know very little about the person who decided the police needed to be called, or why they thought that anything anomalous was happening when nothing anomalous was happening.

    Nobody was interested in investigating that.

    Just like they don’t seem that interested in investigating the SWATting.

    This would be the thought train that would lead to empathy on Mr. Patterico’s part, should he choose to go down that track in his mind (and I hope he does).

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  185. Whatever partisan concerns there are pale in comparison to the assault on free discourse by a conman who is in it for HIMSELf, not a cause.

    Sorry, SarahW, but the whole “this is not a partisan issue” line is BS. The left is funding this guy. He’s supporting left-wing causes. His allies are obvious lefties. Their expressed motivations are left-wing causes. Their targets are conservatives, and are targeted for precisely that reason.

    I don’t think appealing to the left’s love of “free discourse” is going to work to get them to stand against this crowd — primarily because it sure as hell hasn’t worked in other areas over the last 40 years.

    (And the biggest argument against their dedication to “free discourse” is the guy you don’t want involved. The left has been trying to silence — not answer, silence — Limbaugh since he started.)

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  186. brett kumberbundt & ron brynaert are douche encounters of the 1st kind

    Colonel Haiku (33e69c)

  187. Is anyone going to take #151 down????’

    What’s your beef with MayBee?!

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  188. Right at this very moment Ron Bryneart is having a major conniption fit on his Twitter feed & calling Pat a liar.

    John Difool (4251ee)

  189. I don’t say their aren’t partisan issues, Rob.
    There are, especicially with regard to the left keeping silent or silently happy about his tactics.

    Kimberlin himself, however is on no side but his own. These tactics of a psychopath can be applied to any side. They need to be rejected by all.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  190. Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 8:58 am

    You’re making stuff up.

    Gerald A (cc0aaa)

  191. Shut up about the Gates example. It’s irrelevant and completely moot to the topic at hand. Only you care about this Burgers.

    The major serious offense is that SWAT were called to this man’s house for none other than to hopefully get Frey killed in the process. People have had homes broken into by police before such as Cory Maye which his house was the wrong address but a police officer was killed and Cory was facing the death penalty for this.

    Your attitude just tells me that you want to detract from the whole point of this blog post.

    Kaitian (445b64)

  192. To quote Sinead O’Connor: “Fight the REAL enemy!”

    — The Pope is behind this? Holy crap!

    Icy (a16c0c)

  193. Comment by Rob Crawford — 5/25/2012 @ 9:00 am

    151 is not Maybee. It’s Kimberlin’s home address posted under the name “Virginia Mom” – which is uncool on its face, and I think might be meant to be mistaken as a post by ME.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  194. Patterico, you and others in your place will be in my prayers. I’ll do what I can to support you guys through this. Which isn’t much but it’s something.

    mja (89f188)

  195. SarahW,

    Are you talking about Limbaugh, or Kimberlin, or both? I can’t tell from your comment whether you’re saying that Limbaugh would make this a partisan issue, or whether you’re saying that Limbaugh is a conman out for himself who would impede free speech by his involvement.

    He’s got a big audience. If he picked up on this, it would make it a big deal almost instantly.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  196. psychopath Conman on his own side and no one else’s = Kimberlin

    SarahW (b0e533)

  197. Rob Crawford- the numbering system is inconsistent across browsers.

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  198. Limbaugh would turn it into an exclusively partisan issue. That’s a mistake, and it isn’t even the case.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  199. No, Sarah,

    Tax records are PUBLIC records. Brett Kimberlin’s address can be found on the White Pages, in the Montgomery County tax records, the IRS tax records, The Maryland State Land records and almost anywhere.

    Nobody is doing anything improper by sharing the information. It is PUBLIC.

    Got that?

    Mom (2a5c84)

  200. Maybee – didn’t know that.

    So its still up there, Kimberlin’s info posted under “Virginia Mom”

    I implore anyone modding to TAKE THAT DOWN.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  201. Yes, it could happen to one of us, but it could never happen to a Leftist. The Left understands this, and approves.

    rrpjr (a54408)

  202. No, Limbaugh talks about a lot of other issues that are extremely absurd outside of partisan views and is actually happening in our courts right now. He can make this an example of how people can get away with this when they abuse the court system to their advantage. Since most liberals and Democrats do not listen to Rush Limbaugh, they will take this as a partisan attack which you’re right on that aspect.

    Kaitian (445b64)

  203. This would be the thought train that would lead to empathy on Mr. Patterico’s part

    You just declared yourself to have little empathy for people who think they were frivolously targeted in a lawsuit.
    So it’s clear you aren’t thinking, Now that Patterico has had the police called on him, he’ll want to explore whether Skip Gates had the police called on him for racist reasons.

    This far afield and so I will drop it. But nobody say Patterico lurking around his own house and decided to call the police. This was completely malicious.

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  204. No, it’s seriously uncool. Anyone interested can get that information their own.
    Broadcasting like Kimberlin et al would is very wrong.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  205. Kaitan:

    I think it is terrible that Mr. Patterico is being harrassed, and I suspect he might have figured out who SWATted him. I support him in his quest to bring the perpetrators of the SWATting to justice and get them charged criminally.

    If he can prove who did it, then I hope he files a civil suit and explains just how much emotional turmoil an encounter with armed police can cause and how hard it is to think straight (eg, drop that phone) when a person is knocking at the door shouting police. I hope this explanation wins him big bucks by its passion and sincerity.

    Burgers Allday (b16564)

  206. Sarah’s right.

    As I have been saying, you can’t play Kimberlin’s tactics while at the same time criticizing him for his tactics. #151 (or whatever it is) should come down.

    Kman (5576bf)

  207. I, who hardly ever tweet, blew the dust of my Twitter account in order to help make #BrettKimberlin into a trending topic. I hope the world is exposed to this kind of thugishness.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  208. Why would Kimberlin be offended if his home address is published here? He has no problem with publishing others addresses. Surely his own is not off limits.

    Michael (ebb94e)

  209. the possibility was insufficiently explored.

    We’re talking about how Ron Brynaert’s voice sounds just like the swatter who attacked Patrick, his wife, his kids.

    Dustin (330eed)

  210. So it’s just one of those gripes that, as a lawyer, I’ve grown immune to over the years.
    Comment by Kman — 5/25/2012 @ 8:34 am

    — Mom, apple pie & vexatious lawsuits . . . it’s the American way.

    Icy (a16c0c)

  211. Why would Kimberlin be offended if his home address is published here?

    And yet he will assert he is the victim.

    And I think it’s meant to be blamed on me, or could be mistaken for me.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  212. And anyway it’s flat wrong.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  213. “Limbaugh would turn it into an exclusively partisan issue. That’s a mistake, and it isn’t even the case.”

    – SarahW

    He would, I think, and I appreciate you recognizing that. But I wonder whether or not the pain he would bring on the specific culprits might be worth whatever distortions he made to effect it.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  214. It was obvious to me that Sarah would never post anyone’s address. But 99% of the stuff they say about me is obviously false too.

    It’s scary because they do this and then use it to justify attacks. Sarah’s concern is totally legitimate.

    That comment was almost certainly planted so Brett can claim he is being harassed by Patterico. If not, it was extremely misguided. As is Michael.

    And one point: it’s not impressive or brave to boast about fighting people on the internet. That’s how shrimpy creepy Neal Rauhauser talks. Nobody likes an Internet Tough Guy. You wanna help? Blog about this stuff. Contact legislators and journalists and ask them to look into it.

    I’m not trying to get on Michael’s case. I understand why he’s angry at these thugs. Patterico just proved that they attacked his freaking kids. It’s infuriating. But *they* are the thugs.

    Dustin (330eed)

  215. I wonder whether or not the pain he would bring on the specific culprits might be worth whatever distortions he made to effect it.

    Leviticus, maybe it would be. And Ron Brynaert seems to be extremely partisan actually. It would be awesome if Rush narrated and played the comparison video to his audience, explaining what else Ron Brynaert did which justifies belief he is the swatter.

    And it’s an interesting story that listeners will find fascinating.

    Dustin (330eed)

  216. Didn’t Al Gore warn us about ‘digital brownshirts?’

    Gregory of Yardale (6f74e0)

  217. Nope.

    Not taking the address down. It’s available to the general public. This man uses this address as the official address for his Tax-exempt organizationa and it is on his 1099s and 1040 IRS Forms, which are PUBLIC. He is not entitled to anonymity because he filed the address as the official headquarters for TAX PURPOSES. He also placed the address into court filings, which are public.

    Do not accuse me of doing something untoward when this terrorist and murderer and possible child molester is PUBLICLY running his scam out of his house.

    Mom (2a5c84)

  218. There has to be a reason why this Brett character and his accomplices are able to do what they are doing and get away with it without any seeming repercussions.

    Why didn’t the police want to compare the voice samples for identification?

    How are these people able to get personal information not available to the public?

    Why is Brett meeting with Congressmen? Which ones? For what purposes?

    After reading several blog accounts of what has transpired, what sticks in my mind is how Brett had a “fascination” for a young girl early on and how the grandmother of that young girl, who objected to Brett’s involvement with her granddaughter, ended up being murdered. Has that murder been solved? I am thinking along the lines of some sort of pedophile ring possibly being exposed–a pedophile ring that goes up to the very highest offices of our government. Brett is able to get people to sue, expose, and harass those attempting to expose the truth about him. Brett obviously has pull in the government and in police departments, and in the halls of justice, etc. Why? Does Brett know something about all of these people that they do not want exposed and so they go along with the harassing of innocent people?

    Think “Franklin Scandal.”

    karen (4e35c8)

  219. I agree the personal info should be removed. Expose Kimberlin, for who they are and at they are doing, follow their revenue, expose their associates, force them to be accountable for their actions; bring them to ruin, but don’t expose their persons to potential physical harm. There are far worse things than an asswhoppin’.

    Azaziel (e51051)

  220. You couldn’t take it down if you wanted to.

    I’m asking Patrick or DRJ to clean house.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  221. #79 I’m on board, Bob! Starting day one today.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  222. I’m disgusted with the naive children who think making public information accessible is a “tactic” that should not be used. It is not a “tactic”. It is absolutely fair and easily obtained information.

    I am not a hacker or P.I. — just a citizen who Googled the White Pages and the tax records.

    Go to hell if you cannot understand that.

    Mom (2a5c84)

  223. “As I have been saying, you can’t play Kimberlin’s tactics while at the same time criticizing him for his tactics.”

    Kman – Which is why, using your standards, if you could points to the same levels of falsehoods in Aaron’s court filings as in Kimberlin’s, your ridiculous point about equivalency might have some merit rather than just rank offensiveness.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  224. Azaziel and Sarah,

    google the information yourselves and stop accusing people of wrongdoing.

    Mom (2a5c84)

  225. And that “I won’t take it down” makes it plain you are not a regular visitor here.

    And I believe you meant that to be mistaken for me.

    Anyway, that information shouldn’t be blasted out in a comment section, as he would do to his enemy.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  226. Deez is a dick. Burgers Allday eats boogerz all day.

    Icy (a16c0c)

  227. I will be eager to see how these cockroaches – Kimberlin, Brynaert, and Rauhauser – respond over the next few days.

    Gregory of Yardale (6f74e0)

  228. “I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed. If you and your family just follow the orders of the police then there is no reason for them to kill anyone.”

    The problem is when you haven’t done anything, and are guilty of nothing; it’s going to take a couple of moments for it to sink in that the police are talking to you. And you may not have those few moments. Suppose he had just heard noises he couldn’t identify, and had armed himself before he opened the door. The police in the fake call, had been told to expect someone who was armed and dangerous. If this had gone sideways, he could have ended up lying dead in his doorway.

    Mike Giles (e5b891)

  229. “Do not accuse me of doing something untoward when this terrorist and murderer and possible child molester is PUBLICLY running his scam out of his house.”

    – Mom

    Yeah, except that you instantly forfeit the moral high ground when you engage in the sort of thuggish tactics that Patterico is specifically decrying. These f*ckers will just turn around and say “Patterico is disturbed that we posted his home address, but his commenters did the exact same thing to us!! Another lawsuit!!”

    We don’t need his home address. No one is going to go there, or send anyone else there, or send the cops there. Patterico and A.W. and these other focal points are building something around this issue because they don’t want people doing those sorts of things, because those sorts of things quell free speech and that’s the exact opposite of what they’re about.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  230. They wouldn’t be so bold and blood thirsty if they actually believed the things they accuse the right of doing.

    I R A Darth Aggie (9e9ecf)

  231. Patrick, I am an attorney on the West coast and have read your blog, and Ace’s, for a long time. I’d be glad to donate my time, do any research, help in any way to stop these individuals, including a legal fund. Contact me if you’d like any assistance. I’m not using my usual Ace handle here, on purpose of course.

    WClaw (430b51)

  232. Patterico is a public employee. Is spreading his real identity all over the internet justified by the fact that, technically, one could find out the information anyway?

    The answer is no.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  233. I just hit the tip jar! I recommend it, Patrick needs all the help he can get.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  234. I don’t see why the address adds anything to Patterico’s exposition.

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  235. “Contact legislators”

    — And ask them to do what, exactly?

    Icy (a16c0c)

  236. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and while the blogosphere is aBlaze with this, the traditional media is not. That must change. I suggest those of us without blogs do our part for “Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day” by spreading the news about BK and his cohorts immoral and illegal abuse of bloggers to the old time media. has the iReports. The Indianapolis Star’s website accepts news tips at

    rfy (0f1c61)

  237. Ich Bin Ein Patterico!

    We are all “Patterico” today…

    AMR1960 (ae59d2)

  238. Wow. Standing with you in whatever meager way I can. Keep us all informed.

    bweels (222465)

  239. Just in case anyone wants to roll with me and Bob.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  240. Why is Nadia Naffe fishing for Ace’s I.D.?

    ed (5cf053)

  241. Anyway, back to that voice tape. Have you all heard Stack’s swat, and the caller to Lee’s radio show?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  242. It’s so amazing to me that law enforcement won’t lift a finger.

    Mind blowing.

    Claire (9c059a)

  243. 242. There is no rational basis for HER to be interested in it.

    Kimberlin is rather convinced he’s a woman named Michele.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  244. Moral high ground is not a good place to die for no good reason.

    pawn (fdf278)

  245. I’m Patterico!

    -I like it.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  246. As a lawyer with over 30 years experience, I find this story shocking. How can Kimberlin and Bryneart get away with this? Who’s funding them? In most civilized countries, they couldn’t do this: their bogus lawsuits would be tossed and they would be forced to pay their opponent’s legal fees, and SWATTING would result in major felony prosecution. I guess what is most shocking is that this is happening to an Assistant D.A. If that can happen, what about the rest of us? Has America been reduced to a state of nature where we have to take the law into our own hands?

    Douglas6 (30f6ad)

  247. I’m disgusted with the naive children who think making public information accessible is a “tactic” that should not be used. It is not a “tactic”. It is absolutely fair and easily obtained information.

    I am not a hacker or P.I. — just a citizen who Googled the White Pages and the tax records.

    Go to hell if you cannot understand that.

    Comment by Mom

    It is a tactic. Defending that tactic amounts to defending the bad guy’s behavior in many cases.

    No one accused you of being a hacker. You are obviously dissembling.

    This thread is being trolled because they do not want people to discuss how the swatter sounds like Ron Brynaert.

    Dustin (330eed)

  248. Tommy Christopher will be all over this story in 3 … 2 …

    Well — perhaps it’s his day off, today.

    Icy (a16c0c)

  249. Claire – I can’t account for it, except I think attempts to confuse and baffle by BK et al exhausted them, and it was HARD, and they were prepared to think it was all about some little blog tiff.

    However the risk to LE and the expenditure of resources is I think something they would be interested in discouraging with serious punishment.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  250. I do personally find an issue with the whole SWATting notion — this IS misuse of police power.

    It’s one thing to make sure you’re there with adequate protection and with proper backup, and “prepared for anything”.

    It’s another to presume that something you’ve been TOLD is the absolute truth and to go there with guns drawn and ready to fire on a twitchy trigger finger.

    This is serious overkill. It just is. The cops should not be responding to a call that describes a murder the same as they do to one of an armed bank robbery with automatic weapons fired.

    Modern day “police” work is far too ridiculously over dramatized. It all too often involves a lot of cops with a lot of hardware justifying the existence of said hardware and cops, rather than them being there because they were actually needed, or even likely to be.

    If you have a report of a murder you send like four cops to the location, with several more in the immediate vicinity, and something like SWAT on alert ready to go at a moment’s notice. You don’t need SWAT on the scene for a lone murder. Two go to the door, one with weapon still in its holdster and the other with gun drawn but down. The other two remain back ready for what follows.

    This whole throw everything to the ground and beat it senseless, THEN ask them what is the situation is placing the lives of COPS over the lives of CITIZENS.

    Remember when that was different?

    That’s one of the key changes between the cops of this era and the ones of the fifties and earlier.

    Cops used to be the civil servants.

    Now they’re the Pit Bull lapdogs of the civil masters.

    And that’s what’s making (“Your Identity Papers, Please?“) the difference between what America WAS and what it now IS.

    Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master (8e2a3d)

  251. @242

    Naffe used to be in cohort with James O’Keefe until she backed out and started filing suits against O’Keefe. Apparently her complaint is that Frey SUPPOSEDLY (but not confirmed at all) from filing a suit in LA County against O’Keefe. Now she’s been filing ethic charges against Frey and his wife on how they can afford a 1.3 million dollar home on their salary. Although since the two of them both have the same type of job, they’re each making at least 72G up to 133G. So they’re well within their capability to afford a home of such price because they in the end clear out at least $4.3 million (assuming they make the bare minimum of 72G a year each) in a 30 year period of a mortgage.

    Kaitian (445b64)

  252. “Moral high ground is not a good place to die for no good reason.”

    – pawn

    There’s always a reason. A self-evident one.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  253. Why is Nadia Naffe fishing for Ace’s I.D.?

    Comment by ed — 5/25/2012 @ 9:54 am

    I saw a picture of Ace when he was accepting some kind of conservative blogger award. He’s as good-looking a guy as Nadia can find, and go all night on a fifth of Valuerite. (Not that I would know anything about that.)

    nk (875f57)

  254. Forgot to comment. As for Ace of Spades, I guess it’s fairgame to get his name since I would assume that Frey knows Ace of Spades. However given Ace’s reputation, not a lot of people know him personally.

    Kaitian (445b64)

  255. Why is Nadia Naffe fishing for Ace’s I.D.?

    — Because that’s the sort of thing a trash fish does.

    Icy (a16c0c)

  256. It’s so amazing to me that law enforcement won’t lift a finger.

    With Ron’s tweeted thuggery against Patrick and his fam, and the voice sounding the same… before we even get into Brett Kimberlin there’s enough to get a warrant. I don’t think they ever did. It’s too late now. Had they reacted quickly, they would have found evidence I’m guessing.

    This isn’t like Aaron’s case. I think law enforcement can do something for Aaron. At this point, I think Patterico was right to give up on that after months went by.

    He did agree to a request he not post about this. I don’t want to go into that, but can you imagine how frustrating that must have been? He’s been smeared and seen the smearer sink his claws into new people, and he has to keep his mouth shut?

    We can make up for lost time by staying on the topic and ignoring the trolls as much as we can.

    Dustin (330eed)

  257. A couple of other questions come to mind. First, what was the case that resulted in Kimberlin’s federal perjury conviction? Second, does anyone know whether he lived in Chicago after he got out of prison?

    creeper (f1f686)

  258. wow… i was wondering why patrick and mike were still forcused on the AW story last summer after it had seemingly been put to rest by his resignation. thank you for finally revealing the whole story so we could all connect the dots. my thoughts and prayers go out to all of the bloggers and their families who have been targeted.

    razor419 (239cef)

  259. Comment by Burgers Allday — 5/25/2012 @ 8:58 am:

    Actually, IIRC, the person solicited to call the police in the Gates case did not particularly believe a break in was happening.

    Hmmm, no one believed a burglary was happening… so they called because they were tired of watching a black man return to his home???
    You can’t do better than that??

    Nobody was interested in investigating that.
    LOL until I pass out
    The President of the US got involved, Secret Service and FBI had to be involved in security clearance to sit down face to face with the pres.
    After the egg on face do you really believe they left any possible provable racist motive covered up?

    You’ve pushed the envelope too far. no longer to be considered serious, in my opinion, FWIW.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  260. Kaitian,

    I don’t think P’s house is actually worth that much anyway.

    But the envy these people have for Pat, who drives an ancient Camry around, is really weird. They have such a deep personal problem with him, his family, his home. They want to take away his livelihood.

    I think it’s mainly rooted in Patterico being one of the first to discuss Brett.

    Dustin (330eed)

  261. Wikipedia has has a policy that you can’t write anything nasty about living people to avoid potential law suits. It’s called Biography of Living Persons or “BLP”.

    Since there’s nothing you can write about Kimberlin that isn’t nasty, there’s no need for a page.

    slowjoe (0e4e68)

  262. “Mom” (aka Virginia Mom) is in moderation. She can post that type of information on her own blog if she wants to make that point. Doing it here is just trailer-trash tacky.

    Stashiu3 (1680c0)

  263. You don’t understand what it’s like for a non-lawyer.

    Comment by Rob Crawford — 5/25/2012 @ 8:43 am

    No, he doesn’t. Makes you wonder if he’s been on the filing end of a couple of frivolous suits himself.

    I HAVE been there. It’s hell on earth.

    creeper (f1f686)

  264. I think releasing information would have helped the investigation, not impeded it.

    In cases where confusion is the aim, cut to the chase. If you’ve got something the public can recognize and offer tips, use it.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  265. Comment by Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master — 5/25/2012 @ 9:59 am

    More minimizing/changing issue of SWATTING. Maybe an ISP check is called for to compare with posts under another name??? I could be wrong, just askin’.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  266. Read this over at Insty (I won’t go through the comments) and can only say this:

    Somebody(s) need to be horse-whipped, ’cause hanging’s to good for ’em!

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  267. My very sincere thanks, Stashiu3.
    Thank you.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  268. Good call, Stash.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  269. Does anyone who have access to PACER or something similar be able to see if Nadia Naffe has filed anything publicly against Patterico and his wife?

    “I’ll also be working on my second California bar complaint, on LA Assistant District Atty Christi L. Frey.”

    “Pitiful, Deputy DA Pat Frey believes the 1st Amendment can be used as a defense, to avoid punishment for violating CA law & federal law.” which was posted today.

    Kaitian (445b64)

  270. I’ve read “their” interpretation of the law they invoke, and it’s about as inept as your usual Kimbelin lawsuit.

    Which is very. A lot of story-telling, whining, and poorly comprehended and applied rules twisted to suit his purpose.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  271. the bottom feeding
    of teh bombing muckrakers
    surely knows no bounds

    Colonel Haiku (33e69c)

  272. Sorry, you’re not going to convince me that posting Kimberlin’s personal address is appropriate. The fact that his residence is public info doesn’t mean that it’s right to blast it out in the company of people who disagree with his actions, or who want to see him back behind bars. What’s the point? Are we all going to go TP his house, leave bags of burning shit on his front step? Write him carefully worded strong-toned letters?

    The only real reason for posting his personal info is the veiled threat that is given: “We know who you are, what you are up to, and where you sleep.” It makes us no better than him and his band of terrorists.

    Azaziel (e51051)

  273. SarahW — 5/25/2012 @ 9:56 am
    Kaitian — 5/25/2012 @ 10:02 am

    Yeah, but why is Nadia going after Ace? As far as I can tell, he had nothing to do with this. By going after Ace, she looks more like she just wants to out anyone who is on the right.

    So…is she a righty/conservative who just has a problem with James O’Keefe? Or does she now have a problem with all righty/conservatives and is now acting as an attack proxy for the left? Or was she always on the lefty/progressive side, and her work with James was always a facade?

    ed (5cf053)

  274. Brett Kimberlin?

    Never heard of him.

    Charles Gibson (7cefeb)

  275. WHY are these people not in jail?? The work has been done for the police all ready! Is THIS the sort of “justice” we can expect from our nation’s law enforcement? Why has nothing been done? This is incredible.

    Book (956833)

  276. PACER is only federal courts. I’m sure Patrick is watching the Bar daily for compalints.

    Michael (ebb94e)

  277. Who is paying these creeps rent?

    mg (44de53)

  278. Our republic stands more sturdy because of you, Pat. God bless you and your loved ones.

    Ed from SFV (979724)

  279. Why would Kimberlin be offended if his home address is published here?

    Who’s to say he’s not the one who posted it, so that he could claim that “Patterico did the same thing”?

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  280. I can’t now — and haven’t for a long time — defend my friends in federal law enforcement. The LA FBI is particularly troublesome because they are just unwilling to dedicate their manpower to matters they think are capable of being handled by local authorities. For example, regardless of the federal interests that might be implicated, they will not investigate a fraud involving a loss of less than $500,000 unless it somehow undermined the soundness of a federally insured financial institution.

    So, I’m not surprised Patrick struggled to get them interested in this. The likely internal discussion probably ended with a supervisor telling an agent “He’s an LA County DA — let the Sheriff and locals deal with it.”

    They’ve got way too many resources dedicated to accomplishing way too little in terms of domestic law enforcement.

    And what they do have committed is now so consumed by paperwork for anything they do, the actual time they have to give to “investigative” work is minimal.

    For example, a simple witness interview that results in a FBI-302 (memorandum of interview), creates an obligation for the agent to produce 8 additional documents to go with it, which then have to be transmitted to a variety of destinations within the Bureau. That process can take most of an agent’s work day to accomplish. The failure to do so can lead to poor performance reviews or even an OPR (Office of Prof. Responsibility) filing by management against an agent. While OPR was formerly a section of the Bureau dedicated to investigating instances of alleged misconduct by Agents, its now been converted into an generic avenue for overseeing Agent work-product at the behest of management — especially when the agent in question has developed some “issues” with the conduct of management. There is an extreme divide in the Bureau between the field agents and the managers overseeing their work.

    Needless to say, all this creates a significant disincentive to go out and do actual field work.

    shipwreckedcrew (48cef3)

  281. 1. God bless, you, Patrick, for having the courage to see this thru. Stay safe!

    2. Who is protecting these guys by squelching a police investigation, and why? Simple trepidation? Something more? Stay safe!

    3. People like these are their angriest and most dangerous when they are losing power; they see it as a societal “demotion” and their hollow-hearted egos kick into gear against that. Stay safe!

    ras (be1e0d)

  282. kimberlundt bryneart
    teh two SWATting Queens of SWAT
    despicable st00ls

    Colonel Haiku (33e69c)

  283. @275

    Look at 256. It’s relatively unknown at this point but I guess it has something to do with O’Keefe. I know Ace hasn’t done anything with O’Keefe personally except republishing stories from other sites on what O’Keefe has done.

    So Naffe just probably views it as collateral damage to out Ace of Spades so that he stops reporting anything O’Keefe related.

    Kaitian (b6de44)

  284. Re Kimberlin’s address — don’t post it here, but simply link to the documents that are publicly available by law, his Form 990 tax returns for the non-profits previously identified. You can find them on Google in about 30 seconds.

    If Kimberlin was dumb enough to use his home address on tax records that must be available for public inspection due to the tax-exempt nature of the organization he fronts, he’s got no complaint when that address turns up on the net.

    shipwreckedcrew (48cef3)

  285. If the national media doesn’t cover this, I’m convinced they are hot in bed with these creeps on the left.

    a citizen (5d2d04)

  286. @278 hence why I said “something similar” as well 🙂

    The whole line of questioning on how the Frey’s could afford a 1.3 million dollar home is just silly.

    Kaitian (b6de44)

  287. Don’t have time to read through the comments so sorry if it has already pointed out but the subheading about how Kimberlin supporters have been targeted for harassment should say Kimberlin critics instead. Don’t want anyone taking that out of context…

    Voluble (6bfee6)

  288. This Stack’s Swat audio

    Stranahan’s caller @ 60:13 (announced as area code 403)

    I won’t give the explanation, which was long and a little techinical, but hubs said this voice (403) was disguised. My conjecture is that the caller was trying it out to SEE whether it would be recognized. It was just prior to swats.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  289. Wikipedia has has a policy that you can’t write anything nasty about living people to avoid potential law suits. It’s called Biography of Living Persons or “BLP”.

    Close, BLP actually stands for “Biography of Leftwing Persons”. If you are on the Right, or offend the Left, anything goes. See the bio of author Edward Klein (The Amateur), talking about how dishonest he is.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  290. Why do people feel it necessary to use a serious issue like this into an opportunity to direct snarky remarks at Rush Limbaugh ?

    If there’s one person who might know what Patterico, Worthing, et al, have endured, it’s Rush Limbaugh. He quietly deals with similar crackpot threats, lawsuits, and other stalker annoyances on a weekly basis. The notion that he may see the Brett Kimberlin hellhole deal as merely a partisan episode of the old CNN “Crossfire” yellfest is absolutely ignorant.

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  291. Does anyone who have access to PACER or something similar be able to see if Nadia Naffe has filed anything publicly against Patterico and his wife?

    “I’ll also be working on my second California bar complaint, on LA Assistant District Atty Christi L. Frey.”

    “Pitiful, Deputy DA Pat Frey believes the 1st Amendment can be used as a defense, to avoid punishment for violating CA law & federal law.” which was posted today.

    Comment by Kaitian — 5/25/2012 @ 10:14 am

    I’ll take a look, but it depends on where she files it. State bar complaint wouldn’t be there.

    WClaw (430b51)

  292. I am ashamed for ever saying one word in defense of Nadia Naffe.

    It was never my point, at the time, that Ms. Naffe conducted herself well, was a good person, or anything like that (and I said as much on multiple occasions). My point was always that James O’Keefe is a creeper. But in the course of that point, I basically came out and said that Ms. Naffe deserved the benefit of the doubt (this was at the earliest stages on the whole debacle).

    Of course, Ms. Naffe has gone on to associate herself with scum, with a degree of familiarity and an overlap in tactical approach that indicates some level of prior association. She has conducted herself as a suppressor of free speech, a litigation-bully, and an all-around untrustworthy character. I’m pissed that I ever said one word in her defense. I hope she gets wrapped up with these people as much as she deserves.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  293. I’m kinda wondering if you have a cause of action for tortious infliction of emotional distress against the guy. As you know Lawfare works both directions.

    Libertarian Advocate (6b82cd)

  294. Elephant stone – hope you don’t mean me. Snark not purpose. I was sincere.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  295. Re: 289

    Sorry guys, either someone already changed it or I just flat misread it after two days with no sleep because I don’t see the error now.

    Voluble (6bfee6)

  296. So Naffe just probably views it as collateral damage to out Ace of Spades so that he stops reporting anything O’Keefe related.

    Kaitian — 5/25/2012 @ 10:29 am

    It’s possible. But I suspect that she has either moved to the other side, or was always on the other side.

    But my knowledge of Nadia is limited to that screen cap of her twitter comments.

    (The hypothesis that she was a plant is possible, but much less likely than she just switched sides)

    ed (5cf053)

  297. So how is that moral high ground working out for you?

    pawn (fdf278)

  298. Seconding the call @233 for a legal fund/attorney help. I’m in!

    bridget (a44b32)

  299. Comment by Azaziel — 5/25/2012 @ 10:21 am
    I thought Stashiu3 was already blocking his address…

    Comment by shipwreckedcrew — 5/25/2012 @ 10:27 am
    (Imagine long-haired hippie music)

    Forms! Forms! Everywhere a form!…

    (Creativity and time has run out)
    (I am used to doing this regarding medicine)
    (It is nearly impossible to make copies of forms in clay or papyrus. this is a good thing, or the pyramids would never have been finished…)

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  300. SarahW,

    You “sincerely” don’t know what you’re talking about regarding Limbaugh.

    This level of stalking and harrassment is a serious issue—let’s stay focused on the true villains, here, rather than devise taglines for Al Franken’s book.

    Elephant Stone (0ae97d)

  301. What is frightening is how someone like Kimberlin gets others to do (some of his) dirty work for him. Reminds me a little bit of Charles Manson – only just the tiniest bit smarter since Kimberlin wasn’t convicted of murder.


    There is big money at stake here for all three of these perpetrators; seeing as how they claim to be non-profits, perhaps the IRS should audit to ascertain proper use of funding? Sounds to me like they are attempting to profit personally and that’s a big no-no.

    Please take good care, Patterico. You might want to consider leaving the land of fruit and nuts for one that is more sympathetic to the rule of law and individual rights.

    Joan of Snark (0275d1)

  302. “So how is that moral high ground working out for you?”

    – pawn

    I dunno. I’m not rich or powerful, but I sleep well and have good people around me. I’m happy with that.

    Could always do better, though. If that’s your point, I agree wholeheartedly.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  303. What is frightening is how someone like Kimberlin gets others to do (some of his) dirty work for him.

    Yes. This hasn’t stopped. This isn’t over. This is the part that concerns me the most.

    Dustin (330eed)

  304. I don’t really think Naffe is always speaking for herself. There is no reason for her to ask about Ace’s id, and no reason for her to get it.

    I think Kimberlin enjoys inventing wild conspiracy claims – I would speculate in part because they mean, as Stranahan’s cat would say, a money.

    He was a little thwarted in the attempt to turn Weiner’s self destruction into a cabal of perfidy designed by BREITBART! but has clung to it to some degree.

    Ace was all over the absurdities of the situation, and Kimberlin still intends to parlay that into …something. I think. I don’t know what.

    His complaints are not always internally consistent.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  305. Joan — I think he gets other “true believers” to go down the same path with him simply because he has the cash to support them all.

    He claims to pay himself less than $20,000 a year, but the tax forms don’t require him to explain in detail his claims that his non-profit has $200,000 in other operating expenses.

    He could pay his cohorts as “contractors” and not include them as line-item employees.

    Since non-profits are audited about every ….. never …. there really is no way to fact-check what he pays them.

    shipwreckedcrew (48cef3)

  306. You know, those John Grisham novels always seem pretty entertaining when you read them. Watching one play out in real life? …. Not so entertaining.

    This must end. Are there any major journalists brave enough to cover this?

    Book (956833)

  307. It’s so amazing to me that law enforcement won’t lift a finger.

    Mind blowing.

    Comment by Claire — 5/25/2012 @ 9:55 am

    Make no mistake; they’re raising one, and only one.

    L.N. Smithee (7b0e77)

  308. E.Stone, if we can agree the non-partisan aspects have priority, we agree.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  309. @ Elephant Stone

    Yeah, who could ever confuse Limbaugh’s Troof with partisan garbage?

    Your snark detector is obviously broken if you think that SarahW was being snarky. I’m being snarky. I’m making that explicit; this way you’ll have two reference points to compare in your future snark analyses.

    I’m here to help.

    Leviticus (e445f5)

  310. It would be nice if there were a conservative organization that can help bloggers and commenters targeted with legal proceedings, and that the online community can donate to if they wish. It would be helpful if it were an existing organization that is already set up to accept donations and has a reliable track record for conservative issues. Do any of these seem possible?

    I’m not familiar with it but the National Bloggers’ Club has a relief fund.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  311. Patterico,

    I read all that right after you posted it last night. At first, I thought “Oh, another one of Patterico’s 20,000 word posts that few get through.”

    Then I read the whole thing twice. Had trouble sleeping. Good Gawd, what are these people thinking?! Do they really think that this kind of activity can be countenanced?

    I do hope they are stupid enough to sue over this post, since the discovery might well put them in jail (and in Kimberlin’s case for a very long time).

    I suggest that you lawyers online ought to form a non-profit yourselves to provide pro bono first amendment defense to bloggers, if there isn’t one already. Clearly there needs to be one and this case could become the rallying point.

    I hope that Brynaert et al get their just desserts and spend some time in federal custody. If not now, next year when the DoJ is back in business.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  312. By the way, I don’t know how regularly Drudge or his people read the links from the submission form on his site, but I just sent him a brief tip about this post. Perhaps someone out there could do the same for McCain and Aaron “Worthing” Walker? Maybe if enough people tip him off, we could see some linkage….

    Book (956833)

  313. @Joan of Snark 10:48–
    That’s a very interesting observation. It does make you wonder if the people who block for him and do his bidding and donate to him do so because they love him, or because they’re scared of him.

    elissa (5dded4)

  314. @307… Make this a movie and profit from the whole affair Patterico! Your post is really a good script.

    But seriously…Stay safe. Hope this all comes to a fitting conclusion for this buffoon.

    Psycotte (077749)

  315. @313 Sent a link to Drudge via the tipbox like 3 hours ago. 🙂

    Psycotte (077749)

  316. Patrick,

    You and the others that have been subjected to the tactics of the “individuals” that have engaged in harassing and defaming you and your families are the true defenders of truth and honesty, especially in this day and age.

    As for those that believe that calling in a SWAT unit to a situation is “no big deal, as long as you do what they say”, I beg to differ. Ask any law enforcement officer what one scenario, what one call scares the hell out of them – it’s a domestic situation with a firearm involved. Now add to the situation a SWAT team responding to the call and emotions are now amped up 1000%… the human factor comes into play, and mistakes can be made, with fatal consequences.

    God bless you, Patrick, your family and all of the others that are involved in this. Many like be stand with you in this fight against the those that have used the Internet to silence the truth.

    fmfnavydoc (ff5655)

  317. BTW, how does the FBI consider interstate telephone hacking and terrorism to deny individuals of constitutional rights to be local crimes?

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  318. #315: I was thinking the same thing myself. Problem is, you have to make the bad guys Republicans to sell it.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  319. This is a tactic that must be stopped, and the only way to do it is to make sure it is not ignored. Sarah Palin had to leave the Governorship because of frivolous charges, but that is nothing compared to what these creeps are doing.
    We must go after the supporters of Brett Kimberlin and demand an explanation for what they are trying to accomplish.

    Jeannie Beck (cf6d4e)

  320. Ask any law enforcement officer what one scenario, what one call scares the hell out of them – it’s a domestic situation with a firearm involved. Now add to the situation a SWAT team responding to the call and emotions are now amped up 1000%… the human factor comes into play, and mistakes can be made, with fatal consequences.

    This. So much this. Even over a “blog tiff” this conduct is not only reprehensible, but worth prosecuting.

    That failing however, civil litigation is NECESSARY. This conduct should carry a heavy price.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  321. My heart goes out to you and your family, Aaron Walker, and everyone else who have been tormented by these malefactors for so long.

    You must be a strong, courageous man to confront this kind of barrage, not back down, and still take care of your career and your family all the while.

    The least we can do in the blogosphere is speak out about this, and show these criminals that they’ll never succeed.

    You may enjoy this rant by the world’s only rational man, who has shown utmost support by making his name public within the post.

    my best to you. stay strong.

    Linda (b21016)

  322. You know, those John Grisham novels always seem pretty entertaining when you read them. Watching one play out in real life? …. Not so entertaining.

    This must end. Are there any major journalists brave enough to cover this?

    Comment by Book — 5/25/2012 @ 10:53 am

    We will probably find out in about a year that reporters who could have tackled this were instead rooting around France, trying to confirm rumored instances of a young, reckless Mitt Romney going buck wild and ordering a latte.

    L.N. Smithee (dfcddb)

  323. #316: EXCELLENT!

    Does anyone out there know how to contact Drudge personally?

    Book (956833)

  324. “He claims to pay himself less than $20,000 a year, but the tax forms don’t require him to explain in detail his claims that his non-profit has $200,000 in other operating expenses.”

    swc – He could be an employee of one of the charity’s vendor’s and get more cash that way. All sorts of ways to do it, especially with no conflict of interest policy as I recall the Form 990s disclosing.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  325. Brett Kimberlin and their ilk are what they are, and little can be done about that. But law enforcement’s stance is disappointing.

    Not — in the slightest — surprising, but disappointing. Hopefully, Patterico, you can see why us common folk are generally disappointed with them. They are sometimes nice, sometimes brutal, often arrogant. They aren’t very smart, a lot of the time. They frequently convict the wrong people because it’s easy and won’t investigate the right people because it’s hard.

    Apparently putting a Deputy District Attorney at risk of death and tying up major police resources in the process isn’t enough to get their interest if it would take, what’s the word? I want to say “work”, but the real stumbling block is “thought”.

    I hope this situation resolves for you, Patterico, in as good a way as it can and you have vindication or at least peace. You’re doing yeoman’s work and then some.

    Random (fba0b1)

  326. Patterico,

    You must be some kind of superstar at D.A.’s office because despite all the stupid crap people throw at your, you never seem truly worried about your job. Then again, given the kind of people you’re doing the good work of putting in prison, maybe these kinds of threats are just par for the course.

    Good luck, man. God be with you. We can’t let the thugs win.

    Fritz (ccd8b9)

  327. Babs, Teresea Kerry fund this dirtbag’s fake charities. Soros funds this. Arrest this dirtbag and his goons. Nobody should go through this pain and suffering. Pray for the victims.

    Sara (b7d989)

  328. Whoa — now that’s a high drama post.

    I did know about the first submission Patrick made on Breitbart sites concerning the Speedway bombings. And I knew there was more under-the-surface stuff going on during the Weinergate revelations. But I had no idea the magnitude of the situation.

    My prayers are with you, Patrick, and with Aaron, Ace, Dan, Mandy, Lee, Stacy, and everyone involved in this mess.

    Terry in GA (b13e0a)

  329. Picks up where Righthaven left off, doesn’t it? I expect Obama’s big buddy AG Holder and his crack DOJ will get right on this //sarc (of course)

    God bless and God speed, Patterico.

    ThatIsAll (f105e5)

  330. Mmm, I tried to blackmail you into silence about the crime I committed against you by threatening to accuse your co-blogger of blackmailing me.

    Its meta!

    By the way, I am out to expose other examples of blackmail. it is shocking the way that black occurs openly, like every day. Like the other day a woman slipped on her back and demanded $20,000 in compensation or she would sue! Blackmail! Its disgusting!

    Ron Bryn??rt (sock puppet) (73a7ea)

  331. Legal insurrection has a great write up, and video of me and patrick tag-teaming Kimberlin on Glenn Beck’s show, here.

    Aaron "Worthing" (73a7ea)

  332. Patterico –

    I want to thank you for your commitment to the truth in spite of extreme harassment. I know I have benefitted from your sacrifice.

    Your corageous defiance of your oppressors is an example to us all.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  333. If these guys were smart they would back off now because the little game is over. They could lay low and start up again later. But the nature of people who do these sorts of things is that they just can’t resist their impulses and that is what gets them in the end. Eventually they draw the wrong sort of attention and end up behind bars.

    Voluble (6bfee6)

  334. Thanks for that, Aaron!

    Prior to today, I could have said I never blogged about Brett Kimberlin. Partly because I prefer commenting on the great posts of great bloggers to even having an average blog of my own. But I went ahead and registered a blog so I could participate.

    I felt that one person who deserved to write today would be Carl Delong, so I tried to use his words. It was gut wrenching to write, so I hope folks consider reading through it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  335. (Click my name to read the blog, of course).

    Dustin (330eed)

  336. I know everyone wishes this filth would more openly declare their precious Revolution so we could deal with them as Franco dealt with the Reds, but now is not the time. Instead, there are three ways to fight them.

    1) Pressure on the Tides Foundation, Streisand, etc., to defund them. If the Left can do it to an innocuous outfit like ALEC, we can damn sure do it to these mutts.

    2) Pressure on federal, state, and local law enforcement to get them charged criminally.

    3) A well funded legal defense/offense fund that helps out our brave friends like Patterico and goes after these guys for civil damages. Two can play their game. This seems like a clear cut RICO case to me.

    Oh, and I’ll throw this in:

    4) Work hard to elect a filibuster proof Republican congress and Republican President. That would torment this kind of joker more than personally bankrupting them.

    Army of Davids, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

    John Skookum (312698)

  337. This ongoing saga sounds like the exact same relentless low-down intensely dirty and highly dangerous tactics that the Church of Scientology has used and still currently uses to intimidate and harass many folks across the entire country that actively speak out and blog against them. It is no joking matter and their unrelenting deviant reprisals cause serious long-lasting life altering harm to the recipients who merely espouse the facts and truths about them.

    Being a retired San Diego LEO myself, as well as my father being a 35-yr veteran of LASO [retired] and my little brother being an active duty LASO, I cannot imagine for one minute why LASO would be so loathe to identify and prosecute the “Swatter” in this — especially since they have had the job of doing so made so easy for them. Given the manpower and dangers involved — not to mention the expense — I would have thought that the LASO would be chomping at the bit to make an example of the suspect(s). Even the Fed’s would have good cause to jump on this given the interstate cross-country connections — and the fact that the involvement of a Federal Prison ex-con convicted domestic bombing terrorist is implicated.

    Good luck, Mr. Frey, I hope your DDA career isn’t impacted to the point of dismissal over all of this. Stay safe!

    Tom (a5427d)

  338. Awful stuff; what a bunch of losers.
    But claiming 6 witnesses were hypnotized is pretty funny. As are the constant ‘disbarrment’ threats. (I’m sure it’s stressful to hear them, but do they really think that not revealing someone’s identity is a disbarrable offense? Please!)
    And that Nadia – I guess she’s never heard of objections, instructions not to answer or protective orders (among other things).

    Hang in there.

    LASue (ba1869)

  339. Dustin – That is beautiful and so very, very sad. Thank you for your blog.

    LASue (ba1869)

  340. I am glad that Beck had you and Aaron on his show today. I’m interested in seeing how this terrorist cockroach does up against Beck.
    Things are getting interesting fast.

    Mother Effingby (9c2cd3)

  341. Thanks, Sue. I really appreciate that.

    Dustin (330eed)

  342. But I went ahead and registered a blog so I could participate.

    Awesome, Dustin, I wish you success.

    I’d also strongly urge you — before you build a lot of content and, especially, back links to consider getting your own domain name as Patterico has done.

    It allows you to keep control over all the links (by using something called a .htaccess file, quick and easy once you get it figured out, or any webmaster can help you with this) directed back to your site should you ever decide to move it to another blogging system such as WordPress, used here.

    Blogger themselves sells domain names for $10/year, or you could use GoDaddy or whomever. Point being it isn’t that expensive, and if you find one you like and just buy it through Blogger, it’s easy as pie to set up.

    Instructions Here.

    Further, your site looks that much more credible as you have your own domain name to build a brand off of, rather than “blogspot”.

    I started a blog on Blogger years ago, but soon found I wanted to have more control over it, so I know of what I speak. Many many bloggers have done the same thing. Having your own domain name from the get go makes it much easier.

    Beautiful first post about Carl De Long, by the way.

    Random (fba0b1)

  343. Amazing. So sorry that this was done to you. I put the story up on our Home Page at for our members to see.

    Your site is wonderful. I hadn’t seen it before, but will come back to keep reading.

    Topiary Lady (4986db)

  344. Thanks, Random. And I think your advice is quite thoughtful.

    Dustin (330eed)

  345. I just realized another thing. Naffe wants to question Patterico on whether the SWATting incident did take place or not. Let’s just say for a minute that if it didn’t, what business is that of hers at all? Why bring it up? Does filing ethic charges allows ANYTHING to be used as an argument to hopefully open an ethic investigation?

    Now I don’t doubt that Patterico had the SWATting incident happen to him. Her social security number was on the PACERs case file and obviously accidentally posted which Patterico corrected that mistake when he caught it. I’m guessing her whole “case” is getting back at Patterico anyway she can even if it means getting him fired, disbarred, losing his lifestyle, etc as well as his wife’s.

    Kaitian (7c1926)

  346. did Left ever have
    an era of clear thinking
    before muck set in?

    Colonel Haiku (19a89b)

  347. I must say you do kind of deserve it with some of your behavior in the past and it is difficult to be sympthatic. Live by the sword and die by the sword.

    RealityCheck (d31f5e)

  348. (It is nearly impossible to make copies of forms in clay or papyrus. this is a good thing, or the pyramids would never have been finished…)

    You need to read Niven & Pournelle’s book “Inferno”. There’s a hilarious scene in it where Hamurabilima (not sure of the exact name, but I think that’s close), the inventor of bureaucracy, has earned his discharge from Hell. But he has to file his release forms in triplicate, and the clay tablets he uses keep drying up from the blazing heat of Hell before he can finish them.

    Chuck Bartowski (e1fdd9)

  349. @351

    So you’re saying he deserved the SWATting incident as a result of his actions?

    Kaitian (7c1926)

  350. From the instructions, Dustin, “Your original Blogspot address will automatically forward to your new domain. That way, any existing links or bookmarks to your site will still work,” and, “Your posted images will continue to display on your blog.” That’s true whether you buy the domain name off of Blogger or someone else.

    So with that in mind, there’s no reason not to use Blogger as a blogging platform if you like it, although I personally prefer WordPress, mostly because sidebar links to “Recent Comments” link to the comment itself. With blogger, they only bring you to the top of the relevant post.

    Anyhoo, you’ll figure it out, blogger.

    Random (fba0b1)

  351. Brett Kimberlin and his ilk truly are domestic terrorists. Why was Kimberlin let out of prison in the first place?

    David Robertson (ec850f)

  352. I would like to help and @ seems to be the place. Before I click that “give now” button, any feedback would be appreciated.

    WatcherOne (919d1b)

  353. Sorry, one more post, Dustin, then I’ll drop it.

    WordPress is just a much handier system, I think. So if you are going to register a personal domain name anyway (or not!), you might want to try them.

    WordPress will also let you use custom domain names, and host your site for freeWattsUpWithThat does this.

    Random (fba0b1)

  354. @355

    From what I recall, he got out on parole which was later revoked when he got caught again in another crime. Now he’s out again and up to no good as usual.

    Kaitian (7c1926)

  355. I oppose everything the modern conservative movement stands for. But, if this harassment is as you document here, this activity is contemptible. I am sorry for the distress this must cause you and your family. As Americans, we can and will disagree. But all decent people, right and left, must stand together against thuggery. I hope you reach out to some good bloggers on the left. You will find support.

    Ill Liberal (03cac0)

  356. Wow. This is being shared. I didn’t know that Brad Friedman was involved with this. Jail for these liberals.

    TransF (f20361)

  357. Kos supports BK, NR, and RB

    I must say you do kind of deserve it with some of your behavior in the past and it is difficult to be sympthatic. Live by the sword and die by the sword.

    Comment by RealityCheck — 5/25/2012 @ 12:26 pm

    Remember, one of our trolls is buddies with these vermin.

    JD (0046a7)

  358. has a good story up on Kimberlin’s background. Why am I not surprised to learn that he lives in his mother’s house?

    LASue (ba1869)

  359. The left owns these home grown terrorists. How they proceed in handling them will be dicey. The terrorists know all the players and their positions.

    mg (44de53)

  360. Just noticed my twitterstream light up with this today. I thought very heavily of the Founding Fathers reading your post and the comments. Dude, my prayers are with you and Aaron and the others. You’re the next iteration.

    Moriah Jovan (f1940d)

  361. The site keeps going down.

    Denial of Service attack, or just great publicity today?

    Random (fba0b1)

  362. Comment by shipwreckedcrew — 5/25/2012 @ 10:27 am

    Well that makes sense. And isn’t it nice criminals can count on the aversion?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  363. Comment by RealityCheck — 5/25/2012 @ 12:26 pm

    Since when did Patrick stick it to an enemy by calling in a false report to 911, pretending to be that enemy, who is reporting shooting his wife dead?

    Do you not comprehend the danger to others, let alone the enemy?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  364. RealityCheck: “SWATting is an okay tactic and if the end result was that someone was killed, that’s just unfortunate but one less racist conservative to worry about.”

    Kaitian (74f3a3)

  365. I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed. If you and your family just follow the orders of the police then there is no reason for them to kill anyone.

    And if Patrick had been dead asleep, woke up to confusion and thought it was a home invasion? After all, he hasnt murdered his wife. What would they be doing there? What if he tried to defend his family?

    He does prosecute gang-related cases, you know.

    Which makes me wonder. Do you think anyone might have known, in advance, that patrick was awake?

    That, my friend, is called a “tell”.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  366. I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed. If you and your family just follow the orders of the police then there is no reason for them to kill anyone.

    And if Patrick had been dead asleep, woke up to confusion and thought it was a home invasion? After all, he hasnt murdered his wife. What would they be doing there? What if he tried to defend his family?

    He does prosecute gang-related cases, you know.

    Which makes me wonder. Do you think anyone might have known, in advance, that patrick was awake?

    That, my friend, is called a “tell”.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  367. I feel a little bit bad about the SWATting and it was definitely wrong for whoever to have done it, but I don’t understand why you think you could have been killed. If you and your family just follow the orders of the police then there is no reason for them to kill anyone.

    And if Patrick had been dead asleep, woke up to confusion and thought it was a home invasion? After all, he hasnt murdered his wife. What would they be doing there? What if he tried to defend his family?

    He does prosecute gang-related cases, you know.

    Which makes me wonder. Do you think anyone might have known, in advance, that patrick was awake?

    That, my friend, is called a “tell”.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  368. shipwreckedcrew, while that has the sad ring of truth to it, another problem is there are just too many laws, in general, now.

    So agents and police and courts deal with piddling stuff, or stuff that shouldn’t be illegal at all, and not the real crimes … like this.

    Sending a meant-to-be life-saving law-enforcement team to possibly kill a Deputy District DA seems like an actual, bona fide crime of some importance.

    Random (fba0b1)

  369. Is it a tell, Sarah?

    Random (fba0b1)

  370. I’m a liberal and read your blog to better understand the political opposition.

    That said, I hope these pieces of filth are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Then, hell can have them after they rot in jail for the rest of their natural lives.

    This disgusts me to my core.

    Ira in East Lake (c2adf0)

  371. What was done to you is horrible and inexcusable but the idea from these comments that only “the left” does this, and “the left” is okay with it, is delusional. But we all need somebody to hate, it helps us feel better about ourselves.

    I wish you the best, sir.

    Tony T (482b07)

  372. Tony T., another troll of moral equivalence fail.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  373. Dustin…

    No words. Just tears for that devastated family. Thank you.

    creeper (f1f686)

  374. I’m glad Sen. Hatch threw a little bit into this.
    The FBI will listen to a Senator faster than a DDA or two out in LA.

    There is another angle to the aftermath of this SWATing… law enforcement almost always think where there was smoke, there must be at least a little fire. They put the stink of guilt on you.

    They should admit they got played, face up and go find the person(s) who played them and make examples out of them.

    Someone asked about Steve Cooley…. he’s on his way out after the election and; god forbid, CT wins.

    SteveG (831214)

  375. The mandatory sentence for intentionally sending a SWAT team to someone’s house with a knowingly false report of a violent crime should be equivalent to that for attempted murder of as many people who are in the house at the time. If anyone actually dies, it should be considered murder one with special circumstances. This kind of thing needs to be shut down *hard*.

    MSE (324c11)

  376. @ Random

    IT”S A TELL.

    Sorry for double post. and unexpected emphasis 🙂 I was hitting submit and getting a “dang where did it go” page.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  377. Was going to suggest P. make the all the raw audio files available for comparison.

    Youtube can distort and degrade a bit.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  378. #306 shipwreckedcrew: While it is an unfortunate reality that many NPOs skate on very thin ice with regards to use of donor funds, the more money donated, the more interesting to the IRS.

    Looking at the 2008 form file for the “Justice For Music Project” (note the business address is the home of executive director, Jeff Cohen), as a director on the board, Kimberlin received a salary of $19,500. But lines 12 and 13 add up to $134,214 that goes unaccounted for on the EZ form. Being allocated for “salaries, other compensation, and employee benefits” and “professional fees and other payments to independent contractors” provides a very big hole through which donor monies may be channeled for personal gain. Another red flag is the $50,416 for “other expenses” that were documented as being for “education, travel, telephone, depr”. The largest expense is on line 15 ($179,613 for “printing, publications, postage, and shipping”); it would be interesting to see the supplier invoices and receipts, yes?

    A peek at the 2008 form filed for “Velvet Revolution” is also interesting. Its business address the same as Kimberlin’s home address. $83,560 came in and $100,878 went out with that pesky line 14 showing $3,600 and line 16 showing $59,306 for things like “travel, ind contractor, bsc, telephone, conference”). Its 2007 form listed $48,250 for “independent contractors”.

    The two organizations are tightly knit as evidenced by the 2005 Schedule A filed for Justice for Music Project. It claims $600 in transfers to Velvet Revolution for “webwork” and “shared serve” and on line 52a directly claims affiliation with Velvet Revolution.

    (Redstate posted tax form PDFs:

    Joan of Snark (e406b5)

  379. I knew about Aaron in part, but I had no idea ,
    Patterico, what you had gone through;

    Firefox has blocked this site, at least on a few instances today.

    narciso (1c125b)

  380. I thought I had it bad back in the day when I got death threats from the “religion of peace” and my site was targeted almost daily for hacking. See link. I didn’t have the energy or independent funds to continue and still support my family so I shut my site down… so they won, so to speak.

    Please take care, my old Watcher’s Council pal.

    Aaron's cc: (d2b79e)

  381. Firefox blocked it? I doubt it. Maybe an ad-blocking extension you have installed. People could have maliciously reported it to get it put on a list.

    Random (fba0b1)

  382. “It could happen to you.”


    Unlikely it would continue. More likely I would be in jail. Just saying.

    Bill (cd1593)

  383. #351, Huh?

    Not sure what putting a family at risk has to do with blogging.

    Gotta love the slippery slope argument to buy that … and a very extreme version of it.

    Bill (cd1593)

  384. The site has crashed for me several times in the last few hours – big ol’ error message.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  385. I wouldn’t make this a conservative vs. liberal issue. Anyone would find this shocking. Only a sociopath could dismiss a “prank” that sends a SWAT team to a man’s home when his children are there, no matter how they feel about his politics.

    Just because the FBI hasn’t made an arrest doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ignoring it. They’re better at making big arrests than they are at deterring small crimes. They will let someone like this continue to operate, no matter who gets hurt, while documenting all his connections. When they finally take action, there will be so much evidence that these reptiles will all start incriminating each other and there will probably be no need to go to trial. But people like Patrick and his family will suffer for years while they dispassionately build their case.

    AlphaCentauri (e3e52b)

  386. his festering gob
    refusal to right his wrongs
    Brett less than a man

    Colonel Haiku (4be985)

  387. Site has been going down but I think Patrick anticipated it – look at one of his firstg comments about seeing how much a $150 a month service could handle.

    There are links all over the blogosphere to this post. He’s getting bombed with site visits.

    shipwreckedcrew (dd1bdb)

  388. yeah the site was a bit blinky

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  389. Late breaking thought while posting a comment elsewhere. Kimberlin lives in a very nice home in Bethesda, Maryland that is reportedly owned by his mother.

    I’m quite sure he’s there right now, in the basement, in his underwear, reading all the blogs posted about him today and plotting his next court filings.

    Which, of course, gives a whole new meaning to “legal briefs”.

    Joan of Snark (e406b5)

  390. So let me get this straight … wingnuts angry about some guy legally harassing them, so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death? Ha ha ha!


    Screw ’em

    JD (0046a7)

  391. “legal briefs”

    That’s funny. I wonder how many smiles from lawyers that will generate in the years to come. When they least expect it, someone will open their “brief”case, pull out a document, and think, “Oh, that Joan of Snark. How many more years is it before BK is eligible for parole?”

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  392. Patrick, this is horrible. Especially about the police brushing it off.

    Stay safe!

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  393. Comment by JD — 5/25/2012 @ 4:25 pm

    Is that an actual quote?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  394. I must say you do kind of deserve it with some of your behavior in the past and it is difficult to be sympthatic. Live by the sword and die by the sword.

    So, because a blogger is an opinionated fighter who stubbornly digs in and tenaciously fights for what is good and right and honorable, and seeks to expose corruption and defamation of characters, he “deserves” to be subject to repeated references to his family members, have workplace complaints made against him, be subject to the publication of personal information such as home addresses and pictures of residences, face bogus allegations of criminal activity, whisper campaigns, frivolous legal actions, and frivolous State Bar complaints – and have his family awakened in the middle of the night by SWAT because of a bogus 911 call???

    You have completely discredited yourself. And you’re too clueless to understand that this isn’t about Patterico wanting or needing your sympathy; it’s about something far greater and far more wide-reaching than that and that has the potential to adversely affect all of us who exercise our right to free speech.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  395. I can’t believe they sent a helicopter they must have lots of money

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  396. Wow. Just wow. Good luck with all of this.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  397. so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death?

    that would be interesting but I’m fully prepared for there to not be any closure per se…

    I hate that but you know sometimes real life isn’t like in the movies

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  398. #395 md: As they say, from your lips to God’s ears.

    Joan of Snark (e406b5)

  399. I also wanted to congratulate Patterico and family on having managed their incomes, expenditures and investments in a way that affords them the ability to live down in the PV area of LA.
    Better schools, cleaner air, great views… plus he blogged about taking some vacation.
    That is a GOOD thing.
    *BLEEP* people who act like envious little cockroaches.

    I am proud of what you’ve done. Keep going. Never surrender.
    On this Memorial Day weekend, know that thousands upon thousands laid their lives down for your freedoms. Their spirits are on your side.
    God bless.

    SteveG (831214)

  400. MD – except for the screw ’em part, yes.

    JD (0046a7)

  401. This is utterly terrifying- and it fits with what has happened to me personally. A blogger attempted to contact my boss and get me fired over my blog, just because I am a conservative. I’m afraid every day of losing my job, my income, and my property, simply because of my views. We live in a tyranny now where the law protects and aids terrible people. It’s scary, especially for a small blogger like myself who earns no money off his blog. Someday, progressives and leftists will come for me, I just know it.

    A Conservative Teacher (451120)

  402. Do you think anyone might have known, in advance, that patrick was awake?

    oh. So we know that Mr. P was doing bloggings or twitterings or what have you during the time the call would have been made?

    That’s interesting I hadn’t thought of that. That reminds me I just read a book about mean-spirited killer robots what kill everybody and there was a character in there what “swatted” a fellow.

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  403. Comment by JD — 5/25/2012 @ 5:00 pm

    Well, it’s nice to see that some responsible people of the Left have stopped by to give support, but their optimism over the humanity of their fellow lefties as a whole was aiming a bit too high, it appears.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  404. Well, it’s nice to see that some responsible people of the Left have stopped by to give support, but their optimism over the humanity of their fellow lefties as a whole was aiming a bit too high, it appears.

    That was my prediction.

    Random (25bdaf)

  405. When they finally take action, there will be so much evidence that these reptiles will all start incriminating each other.

    CJ Sweater (c519f3)

  406. How is it that Rauhauser is still free and pulling the same crap after Twittergate? He was the first one I thought of when I heard that Breitbart was dead. Rauhauser and his ilk are paid DNC agitators.

    Jill (536bbd)

  407. Patterico,

    You may or may not want to take a page from WattsUpWithThat and migrate to — they host the site for free and you can keep your own domain name. Their servers may be more robust for traffic spikes.

    That said, you lose some flexibility with plugins, but you don’t use a lot.

    Random (25bdaf)

  408. National Review picks it up and sees Kimberlin’s tactics reminiscent of Cape Fear.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  409. The outrage is not that there’s another leftist threatening violence against those who disagree with him, but that the authorities haven’t done anything about it. In the end, this is about the rule of law even more than free expression.

    From your link at the National Review, Dana.

    This. This is exactly right.

    To AlphaCentauri: I hope you’re right that the FBI is secretly building some master case, but I think you’re not.

    Random (25bdaf)

  410. The Washington Times article that was linked up at about 347 is a must read in case anybody missed it. That Sen. Hatch was targeted in a lawsuit from a well known person who was in prison–that by a unanimous vote on the floor of teh US Senate a resolution was passed to “out” the circumstances of that lawsuit and to provide Sen. Hatch with funds for legal counsel to fight it–with all of it being entered into the senate’s official record –is very interesting.

    elissa (29a0a2)

  411. so he’s been harassing a real live museum-grade senator-for-lifes and Holder’s FBI still sits on their useless asses?

    this country isn’t even close to what they said in the brochure

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  412. I do believe that Sen. Kerry was in the U.S. Senate when the Hatch lawsuit thing made waves. Maybe if John hears, or reads about what’s been going on lately with similar lawsuits, and (like Hatch) remembers the name, he will mention it to Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. I am an eternal optimist.

    elissa (29a0a2)

  413. save us John Kerry you’re our only hope

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  414. Or does she now have a problem with all righty/conservatives and is now acting as an attack proxy for the left?

    Comment by ed — 5/25/2012 @ 10:22 am

    Or is it a case of “We know something you don’t want to be made public, and that won’t happen if you cooperate with us”?

    Nate Whilk (095050)

  415. Irony knows no bounds; I am sure that Kathryn Johnston is smiling at this.

    djinnter (63f4fe)

  416. @289

    hey saraw… i think you missed the time stamp on that call. the show itself is 60:13 but i believe the call you are referring to starts at around 55:15. i (and especially lee) just don’t want anyone to search through that show to find the call in question. i am not nearly as convinced that the (403) caller is brynaert as compared to the brynaert v swatter video, but i certainly can’t rule it out either.

    i am almost ashamed to admit that i held contempt for patrick in july of last year when i felt he put me in a compromising situation as he was trying to unravel this insanity. now my concerns seem so trivial in comparison, so i am thankful to him for finally explaining to those of us closely following patterico at the time why he was being so seemingly aggressive. the beauty of today is knowing just how many people have been made aware of the convicted bomber, brett kimberlin, and feeling confident that more stories will continue to be exposed regarding kimberlin and his associates.

    btw, is anyone else glad they blocked brynaert when he started following them on twitter?

    razor419 aka ("side issue") (42f6c5)

  417. oh. nevermind #406 now that I’m back at hotel I read the whole thing now i get it

    it was a surprise twist ending! Just like shylamalama but different cause I never saw it coming.

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  418. Jim Geraghty had a short but powerful piece over at National Review today, too, highlighting the use of vendetta swating. A sample:

    “The options for police are truly grim; must they become skeptical or wary about 911 calls describing violent situations?
    The only real solution is to catch the perpetrators and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. If I were a prosecutor, and some malcontent was manipulating my city’s police force to be their own tool for harassment, I’d be hell-bent on finding the persons responsible.”

    elissa (29a0a2)

  419. All right, I’m off work and at home.

    Last year, during the Weiner days (that sounds really odd), I was reading here when Brynaert was staging his breakdown, and I believed it.

    I’m kicking myself for being that dumb.

    The sheer, disgusting sadism of having Patrick on the phone while the SWATing Ron Brynaert called in was happening is breathtaking. I’m so mad I’m shaking. So I will write my congresscritter and my sentarixes, and look for every way a nonprofit can get into trouble that this despicable crew has committed, and I will report it.

    That’s pretty much all I can do, except step up my contributions to the threatened bloggers.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  420. Happyfeet – Patrick was up. He’d just been talking to…Ron Brynaert. He was on the phone with P. when the cops showed up.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  421. Thanks sarah I get confuzzled when I don’t read carefully

    happyfeet (928ad9)

  422. Damn, Patterico. You have my sympathy, and I certainly wish I could offer some effective support. I didn’t realize how bad these vicious little monsters had become.

    EW1(SG) (c9a468)

  423. happyfeet–are you at the pre or post distillery portion of your trip?

    elissa (29a0a2)

  424. A blogger attempted to contact my boss and get me fired over my blog, just because I am a conservative.

    The same happened to me last week as well. Fortunately my superiors are cool with me blogging so long as I don’t do it at work and don’t mention my work. But it’s still infuriating to know that someone would have me fired just for expressing contrary viewpoints. Still, I ain’t got nothing on Patterico.

    Paul (af130a)

  425. EW1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why are the Balkobots so aggressively douchey?

    JD (318f81)

  426. this country isn’t even close to what they said in the brochure
    Comment by happyfeet — 5/25/2012 @ 5:50 pm

    That was even better, hardest laugh in quite a while. Thank you. (Still laughing every time I think about it.)

    OTOH, thanks to the several people who pointed out the additional wickedness of talking with P on the phone knowing SWAT was in route. One, it may have slowed his response time going to the door and telling the militia they can stand down, two, it would have added distraction and additional difficulty assessing the situation, and three, as pointed out, P would be encountering SWAT with something in his hand reminiscent of the handgun the supposed murderer had. I think the county should sue the perpetrator for the cost of the SWAT raid. All of those slaries and benefits, the vehicle fuel and maintenance, including the helicopter with pilot and mechanics… maybe they should just direct bill some of BK’s supporters.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  427. MD, fourth: the swatter got to hear his attack in real time. I suspect he recorded that call so that crew could replay it and laugh at the successful swatting.

    If only this evidence we see had led to a search of Ron’s computer! It’s absolutely maddening.

    Dustin (330eed)

  428. links to this post! Epic URL grab! I think AG Conservative did it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  429. True, Dustin.

    Yes, I saw that the other day, narciso. I forget what he was originally stopped for, (something routine traffic-stoppish) but one curiosity lead to another, he gave permission to let the vehicle be searched, the officer saw some interesting floor panels that looked like they had recently been accessed, and lo and behold, $800,000+ in air tight bags. Geez, how did that get in there? When opened the money reportedly “smelled heavily of marijuana”.

    One terrible thing related to this, a few years ago some students at Madison made some kind of multimedia recollection of the years of protest and the bombing. They blamed the University administrators for the bombing because they did not give-in to the protesters demands. Really, they did.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  430. If only this evidence we see had led to a search of Ron’s computer! It’s absolutely maddening.

    Maybe he’ll sue.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  431. They blamed the University administrators for the bombing because they did not give-in to the protesters demands. Really, they did.

    Why, that’s just what Deb Le frisch used to do.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  432. MD in Philly and narciso–

    I see from the article that the Madison bomber was arrested in Chicago. The NATO summit was in Chicago last week. I imagine the FBI and Secret Service keep a careful eye on the whereabouts of known bombers and anarchists when there are big targets to protect. And maybe just maybe they might have observed him selling leafy “merchandise”. Coinckydink that they just happened to stop him and find a stash of money? Somehow I doubt it.

    elissa (29a0a2)

  433. Hi elissa I am enjoying a “blue ice” which is an idaho vodka… The bartender seemed to think it unusual that somebody would order it neat. Kooky. Then I’m a have rainbow trout. Then I’m not sure I accidentally left my notes in the hotel.

    happyfeet (a12946)

  434. Very good first post, Dustin. Very honest and moving. Well done, sir.

    By the way, who is working on the legal defense fund for Patrick? I have a few more $$ burning a whole in me pocket.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  435. Damn. This is beyond beyond. I’m a semi-regular lurker and I am ashamed and alarmed by the OCD criminal acts of your tormentors Patterico. We’re supposed to be civilized by now, aren’t we? I’m going to be a regular until this nonsense goes away. I’ve admired you for years now Patterico, hang in there good man, hang in there, you’re not alone. I miss Andrew more than I thought I would and his absence makes me value you even more. Your enemies will be vanquished with the help of your friends.

    Ignatius (ac932d)

  436. Just a minor point of curiosity – How is Dennis Markuze (aka Dave Mabus), who made the Lulzshack tweets, connected to this?

    Atticus Dogsbody (71a995)

  437. elissa, that’s a good thought, but the story is he was stopped for a traffic violation and then things got interesting:

    People who want to avoid the law should be more circumspect in their driving. Many serious criminals get nabbed because they get pulled over for a “routine stop” and then act suspicious.

    Feets- no matter how “neat” it may seem, don’t try the “yellow ice”…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  438. Holy cow, I thought Fauxcahontas had trouble.

    Every link I follow is the best writin’ I’ve seen.

    I say BK uses an illegal shopping baggie to end this.

    In Debbie’s memory.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  439. felipe, I just assumed and used the PayPal Donate button on the sidebar. I haven’t seen anything specific mentioned. Yet.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  440. 432. There is a God.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  441. felipe, that’s very kind of you to say. Thanks.

    You can donate to Patterico at the “donate” button in the upper right part of the stage.

    You can also donate here and here to National Bloggers Association’s “Brett Kimberlin Files” fund, which is for support and defense of those who face intimidation efforts or harassment related to discussing Brett Kimberlin.

    Dustin (330eed)

  442. Good tip mr. Dr.

    happyfeet (a12946)

  443. You have to wonder WHAT about our current times has given rise to the current epidemic of Malignant Narcissism.

    That’s obviously this dud’s problem: In his stunted psyche, the rest of the world is just a prop for him and his Maaahvelous interior storyline. And all the individuals who surround him are mere objects who are supposed to follow the plotline of the wondrous internal psychodrama starring He, Himself, and Him. When the “objects” refuse to follow his script, he HAS to destroy them (or his little Psycho-Sicko World comes crashing down).

    Too bad the courts decided decades ago that involuntary commitment violated the crazies’ civil rights….

    Now starting a long and serious prayer calling for angels to protect the targets of this lunatic’s vengeance.

    A_Nonny_Mouse (a57007)

  444. Teomixcurvenaty

    happyfeet (0845e7)

  445. Must buy and read – “Protecting this Generation from the Spirit of AntiChrist”. That is what’s truly at work here behind the scenes.
    Praying for you and your family!

    A Hartell (c9aa24)

  446. Really?

    happyfeet (0845e7)

  447. Good Lord. I know where that Antichrist crap came from, some demented 90-year old man on some crappy, dry Greek island, and rewritten by celibate monks more times than Debbie has done Dallas. But what sane person quotes it?

    nk (875f57)

  448. “Then I’m a have rainbow trout.”

    Mr. Feets – Isn’t that kind of homophobic?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  449. “But what sane person quotes it?”

    nk – Prolly same kind of person who asks who answers prayers on a thread.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  450. The Blaze
    describes in detail the US Department of State International Visitor Leadership program (IVLP) and its goals.

    Article contains a blurb allegedly from JTMP (Justice Through Music Project) website which claims to have been affiliated with (participant in) IVLP for the past 3 years and describes their role. The visiting countries are interesting. Is the government affiliation actually true? Who knows.
    If so, it may not just be Barbra Streisand’s largess that keeps them going. Are tax/stimulus dollars also going to fund them one has to wonder? And if so, it sure looks like a gig someone might want to work extra hard to protect.

    elissa (29a0a2)

  451. 453. What I want to know is how do Greeks reproduce? Or are they all changelings?

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  452. Elissa, that’s a huge question that absolutely needs to be looked at. It makes me wonder if Brett has connections that have vouched for him and thus enabled him, but this is pure speculation.

    At the very least, I want to know if tax dollars subsidized this walking anti free speech zone.

    Dustin (330eed)

  453. I’m a retired California police officer and I’m appalled at the police handling of your case so far. I do think you’re doing all you can and will win in the end. Criminals are exactly smart enough to commit their crimes but rarely smart enough to avoid prosecution indefinitely. Good usually wins in the end (though we both know that is not always the case).
    I hope you and the other mentioned bloggers are taking physical security precautions. Furballs do not frighten me and I am a crime prevention and physical security specialist. Please contact me if you need anything in that regard.

    Six (29a6a7)

  454. BTW, my whatever it is I’m running says that the problem with the page is a “script”. If I block the “script” when my whatever it is I’m running asks me, the page works fine for me.

    And, for crying out loud, daleyrocks. The Antichrist is out to get Patterico? Insane “allies” are worse than enemies.

    nk (875f57)

  455. Well, certainly one would call what he has been involved with as evil, we can agree:

    narciso (1c125b)

  456. 453. What I want to know is how do Greeks reproduce? Or are they all changelings?

    Comment by gary gulrud — 5/25/2012 @ 9:31 pm

    My daughter came out of my head when my son split my head open with an ax.

    nk (875f57)

  457. No it isn’t, and sir, that’s not helpful. As much as it angers me to think of Ron attacking innocent children with a swatting call, or Brett ruining many lives, the right response is to expose them as the thugs. Not attempt to learn the wrong lessons.

    What makes those lessons “wrong”?

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  458. I apologize for diverting a very serious conversation. Patterico is asking for help, not nonsense.

    nk (875f57)

  459. 462. There you go, you do have all the answers.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  460. The only real reason for posting his personal info is the veiled threat that is given: “We know who you are, what you are up to, and where you sleep.” It makes us no better than him and his band of terrorists.

    Just like firebombing Dresden made us no different than the perpetrators of the Holocaust?

    Or killing Osama bin Laden made us no different than those who did 9/11?

    The moral equivalence simply is not there.

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  461. I thought that I knew about being stalked from experience. She was … not of sound mind and was involuntarily committed, within a month of the discovery of the stalking behavior.

    Nothing like this.

    I don’t really know what to say. Stay safe, thank you, God bless you and yours and those helping you.

    htom (412a17)

  462. It may be one, or more, of the graphics embedded, or the site template itself that cannot handle such a large page.

    (I really don’t know what browser I’m running. I started with Explorer 7 but it upgrades itself every time I turn off the computer.)

    nk (875f57)

  463. nk – nice attempt at a distraction…”But what sane person quotes it?” If you read the whole Bible, instead of just acting like you know parts about the Bible, you’d sound more intelligent.
    Are you referring to yourself or Mr/Mrs Feet regarding the Insane “allies” reference?

    Christian (c9aa24)

  464. Let’s not get off-subject too far and give the leftist wacko more ammo. This thread is about Patrick and getting the word out about what these “people” are doing without any accountability.

    Christian (c9aa24)

  465. Christian, I have already apologized for letting my mouth loose. We can talk about the Apocalypse some other time.

    On a serious note, if you have trouble accessing this page, and if you have Internet Explorer, see if you can enable your version to block scripts.

    nk (875f57)

  466. BTW, Christian, don’t f***ng insult happyfeet. Because he has earned a lot of respect and you will look like a total fecal repository.

    nk (875f57)

  467. nk – Sorry, I’m running Safari from a MAC, but I was not able to block scripts

    Christian (c9aa24)

  468. Anyway, this is human evil. The corruption that makes us human, made from clay. The reason why we have guns and prisons.

    nk (875f57)

  469. nk – re-read, I wasn’t insulting anyone! Glad you restrained yourself with the language, I almost couldn’t figure out what you were really trying to say. There were a few comments that your Insane “allies” reference could have been meant for, it was simply a question…tread lightly. It’s easy to get wound up mis-reading someone’s words when there’s no verbal communication.
    Hope you get your script issue resolved.

    Christian (c9aa24)

  470. Oh that’s nice

    happyfeet (a12946)

  471. Christian,

    My daughter has the same problems with her Ipad, and “steals” my laptop to get faster access. Could you see if you could enable “disable scipts”?

    nk (875f57)

  472. “And, for crying out loud, daleyrocks. The Antichrist is out to get Patterico? Insane “allies” are worse than enemies.”

    nk – I did not see anybody quoting anything you damn crank. A commenter recommended a book and you go off on your greek nonsense. Pay more attention.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  473. I thought so! But again, this isn’t about us and what ever our beliefs are regarding who, or what’s, behind this. Some think it’s just simply human evil, while others obviously think it’s much more – we can all agree that what’s being done, and worse what the authorities are not willing to confront and resolve, is evil. Good night!

    Christian (c9aa24)

  474. Good thing you are able to answer the door quickly, otherwise you could have been a Katherine Johnson. Good that you were awake, unlike Corey May. Good that you don’t own any big dog. If police departments consider anonymous tips or statements from known criminals to be adequate justification to manufacture life threatening emergencies, bad things are going to happen. Shouldn’t everyone on the right favor defunding SWAT?

    johnl (0db116)

  475. Pay more attention.

    Comment by daleyrocks — 5/25/2012 @ 10:17 pm

    I was going to say, “I was tested at 335 words a minute, with 85% retention”.

    But, then, I thought, “F** yourself, daleyrocks”.

    nk (875f57)

  476. and on this farm there was a wazzle

    Eiei….. O!

    And on this farm everyone was grumpy

    But they all agreed the rainbow trout was something really quite special

    happyfeet (c16705)

  477. Patterico, Thanks for standing up for us against the the thugs. I had a few liberal friends who “unfriended” me after the famous 2010 schelacking. A small minority of liberals are dangerous hate mongers. A much larger number of liberals refuse to believe that any hate come from the left.

    tyree (84087f)

  478. “But, then, I thought, “F** yourself, daleyrocks”.”

    nk – Show me the Antichrist quotes you damn grumpy old man.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  479. have a good night Mr. nk

    et also al

    it’s time like these what do I do?

    I listen to a stirring 80’s power ballad by our friends frankie is what I do

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  480. Very creepy. And especially to read about him moving to VA. My FB acct was hacked into by someone in VA and FB noticed and shut down my account until I would verify if it was me or not. I tend to post an awful lot.

    thatsitivehadenough (8d10e2)

  481. all that good Basque food to chose from, and you’re eating cat food Feets?

    you can get that nasty stuff anywhere.

    however, from the reviews, if we want to get good Basque food here, we’re gonna have to do a road trip to Bako.

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  482. this was tasty tasty Mr. red I was very impressed it’s just the weird blankness what passes for an expression on people’s faces here is a little disconcerting

    but they know from trout

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  483. I don’t get it. I am an Austrakiuan lawyer and I can tell you that in Australia the perps. would at least get a restraining order slapped on them. Breach of the conditions of the order would be contempt of court and they would go to jail. Making false reports to the police would also get them into court and for a serious case like this in jail as well. Are things so different in the US?

    sam (e73e23)

  484. I am praying for justice for you and your family against these evil people who have harmed you in this horrible way. And my heart goes out to the colleague of yours who lost his job due to these losers.

    I quote this line from the great Christian writer and preacher, Charles Swindoll:

    “God’s wheels of justice turn painfully slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.”

    And now this from Wolfgang Goethe:

    “Now go forth, and great forces shall come to your aid.”

    And: “Fear not, for I am with thee. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I shall strengthen thee and help thee. I shall uphold thee, with my righteous right hand.” (Psalm 41:10).

    Floyd Fernandez (acfd60)

  485. (and minority-stake owner Mike Rogers, who joined in 2009).

    Is this the guy that is always trying to out gay republicans?

    Topsecretk9 (3495e1)

  486. this country isn’t even close to what they said in the brochure
    Comment by happyfeet — 5/25/2012 @ 5:50 pm

    — Nobody told you anything about the fine print.

    Icy (ba4fa5)

  487. EW1(SG) !!!!!!!

    Icy (ba4fa5)

  488. I must say you do kind of deserve it with some of your behavior in the past and it is difficult to be sympthatic. Live by the sword and die by the sword.
    Comment by RealityCheck — 5/25/2012 @ 12:26 pm

    — The ad hom troll will provide detailed examples of said behavior in 3, 2, 1 . . . week? month? year?

    Icy (ba4fa5)

  489. I do not like you. I find many of the things you have said in the past abhorrent (e.g regarding Katryn Johnson and Prof. Gates) and your unquestioning LE-bias. Regardless of these feelings, you should not have experienced what you did and I hope the people responsible is brought to justice.

    Rune (79c052)

  490. 485- Thank You, Mr. happyfeet. What a great way to start my day.
    And thank you, Frankie.

    mg (44de53)

  491. Feet, you bastard, now i’m hungry and it’s 0300…

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  492. This is my first visit to Patterico, so I know very little about Patrick. Based on what I’ve read about him at Reason I’ll assume for the sake of argument he’s done things which, as a liberal, I’d find objectionable. Aaron I’m a little more familiar with, having butted heads with him in the comment threads at Volokh, so I know he can be uncivil and belligerent. That said, there’s nothing I’m aware of either Patrick or Aaron having done that remotely merits or compares to what they’ve been subjected to by Kimberlin and, if Patrick’s suspicions are right, Brynaert. My sympathy goes out to them and their families. There’s simply no place for behavior like that in decent society, much less in any political movement I’m associated with. I want Kimberlin and anyone who uses or tolerates his tactics off my side.

    Disgusted Liberal (45619c)

  493. Good Mornin’ All

    We have not heard from Mr. P himself since the start of this. It would be great to hear his perspective on events.

    nk, not sure what scripts are running, but I’ve had the same thing with latest Mozilla as a browser, but I also have an ancient computer from the early part of the 21st century that only has 256 of RAM
    it’s the way everything is pushed to the limits, computers can do what they need to today, so all of the web designers, etc. hype up the ads to have action and then variable action, and twitter feeds, and links to who knows what else. I would contract with a personal computer consultant just to keep up if I knew where/how to find one that was good and that I can afford

    I’ll just say don’t blame John for what he wrote, just blame those who read it and get a bit too excited. You must admit, Jesus the Christ said to do unto others what you would have them do unto you, and the behavior we’ve been talking about is quite anti- to that sentiment

    but I’ll also say to others that nk’s life was been reminiscent of Job’s of late, and he doesn’t need friend’s like Job

    Yes, we’re talking about serious stuff, “family” business is serious stuff, that’s why we’re here

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  494. and thanks to Disgusted Liberal. If you are familiar with Kos (I’m not) you might want to share your opinion with him. He’s been quoted as not being as concerned as you are with the subject.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  495. Patterico- have you reached out at all to Ginger Lee, to see if the threats she reported receiving were in any way similar to the threats you got?

    MayBee (6fd0ce)

  496. So let me get this straight … wingnuts angry about some guy legally harassing them, so they’ll BLOG and TWEET him to death? Ha ha ha!


    If this is a real quote it’s stunning. Kos admits Kimberlin is “legally harassing them.”

    As for his scorn, he might want to check with Anthony Weiner re the power of bloggers.

    creeper (f1f686)

  497. No, creeper, JD was parodying Markos’s real reaction to the death and mutilation of the contractors in Fallujah, which really brought
    him a seat on Meet the Press, a column in News week, and a table at the DNC,

    narciso (1c125b)

  498. Btw, Ace reminds us, this the anniversary of the beginning of Weinergate,

    narciso (1c125b)

  499. narciso- we know that those unaccustomed to interpreting JD (and at times even those of us who are) can have difficulty discerning when he is using his dry wit and when he is making a direct statement.

    It’s a long thread. Yes, creeper; I, even I, confirmed with JD that was a direct quote before I posted in reference to it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  500. Wow, that’s what I was exploring for, what a data! present here at this website, thanks admin of this site.

    click the link to visit their site (a2b269)

  501. Well that’s why I’m willing to translate, Markos provices a more hospitable sanctuary, so much so
    that every Democratic candidate had a journal there,
    and their wives,

    narciso (1c125b)

  502. EW1(SG) !!!!!!!

    Comment by Icy — 5/26/2012 @ 2:17 am

    Second Icy’s motion. EW1(SG), missed you.

    nk (875f57)

  503. So, you don’t even have the decency to approve my comment?

    eh…. screw you, you got what was coming to you.

    too bad they didn’t open fire.

    Me (7b58f8)

  504. MD, thank you, but I am not Job. I definitely do not consider myself a victim. I’m fine. (I might decide to have the vitreous removed, have botox for the spasticity.)

    But I went outside to have a cigarette and heard, on the radio, that a private space capsule went up to the international space station. My faith, for the answer of prayers, is in my fellow human beings.

    nk (875f57)

  505. I see your comment, Me. Wadda?

    nk (875f57)

  506. Mr. Me if they had “opened fire” then don’t you imagine it’s just possible that pitiful useless los angeles sheriff’s department might actually have gotten off their ass?

    I think it’s within the realm of possibility.

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  507. *our* pitiful useless los angeles sheriff’s department I mean

    happyfeet (2e5d84)

  508. That’s Sheriff Baca’s department, I see your point,

    narciso (1c125b)

  509. Oh, Kos.

    Blogs and tweets aren’t meant to kill him.
    Just to expose him and his methods and to make sure no one ever gives him a dime without an excuse of ignorance.

    And more importantly, help people understand that they must always consider the source and not grant credibility to assertions of wrongdoing simply because they would NEVER themselves make such accusations in bad faith.

    And to promote more widespread legal protections, which would protect Kos himself, against vexatious, or frivolous litigants with a pattern of abuse of the courts, and strengthened slapp laws that put a high price on attack of claims of libel, slander or defamation that have no basis in law.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  510. oops – without is supposed to be WITH

    SarahW (b0e533)

  511. After all, Mr Kos, if dissemination of the truth were nothing to BK, he wouldn’t be going on his little panicked terror jihads.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  512. I wonder if Jan Preston got griefed. I know Ron was an incredible pain in the ass.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  513. __________________________________________________

    I oppose everything the modern conservative movement stands for. But, if this harassment is as you document here, this activity is contemptible. Comment by Ill Liberal — 5/25/2012 @ 12:56 pm

    I had a few liberal friends who “unfriended” me after the famous 2010 schelacking. A small minority of liberals are dangerous hate mongers. A much larger number of liberals refuse to believe that any hate come from the left.
    Comment by tyree — 5/25/2012 @ 10:41 pm, March 2012:

    Not exactly shocking news for those exposed to them for years, but the respected Pew Research Center has determined that political liberals are far less tolerant of opposing views than regular Americans.

    In a new study, the Pew Center for the Internet and American Life Project confirmed what most intelligent Americans had long sensed. That is, whenever they are challenged or confronted on the hollow falsity of their orthodoxy — such as, say, uniting diverse Americans — liberals tend to respond defensively with anger, even trying to shut off or silence critics.

    The new research found that instead of engaging in civil discourse or debate, fully 16% of liberals admitted to blocking, unfriending or overtly hiding someone on a social networking site because that person expressed views they disagreed with. That’s double the percentage of conservatives and more than twice the percentage of political moderates who behaved like that.

    The proportion jumps even higher when someone on a social site disagrees with a liberal’s post. Only 1% of moderates would block or shut out someone who dared to disagree with them, compared to 11% of liberals, whose rate was nearly three times that of conservatives., Nicholas Kristof, December 2008:

    This holiday season is a time to examine who’s been naughty and who’s been nice, but I’m unhappy with my findings. The problem is this: We liberals are personally stingy.

    Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

    Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.

    Other research has reached similar conclusions. The “generosity index” from the Catalogue for Philanthropy typically finds that red states are the most likely to give to nonprofits, while Northeastern states are least likely to do so.

    “When I started doing research on charity,” Mr. Brooks wrote, “I expected to find that political liberals — who, I believed, genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did — would turn out to be the most privately charitable people. So when my early findings led me to the opposite conclusion, I assumed I had made some sort of technical error. I re-ran analyses. I got new data. Nothing worked. In the end, I had no option but to change my views.”

    According to Google’s figures, if donations to all religious organizations are excluded, liberals give slightly more to charity than conservatives do. But Mr. Brooks says that if measuring by the percentage of income given, conservatives are more generous than liberals even to secular causes.

    Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways. People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes, and conservatives give blood more often. If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent., March 2011:

    Social scientists usually measure traditional racism against African Americans by looking at the survey responses of white Americans only. Among whites in the latest General Social Survey (2008) [conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago], only 4.5% of small-government advocates express the view that “most Blacks/African-Americans have less in-born ability to learn,” compared to 12.3% of those who favor bigger government or take a middle position expressing this racist view.

    [A]mong whites, Republican advocates of smaller government are even less racist (1.3% believing that blacks have less in-born ability) than the rest of the general public (11.3% expressing racist views). Thus, in 2008 Republicans who believe that the government in Washington does too much have 10 times higher odds of not expressing racist views on the in-born ability question than the rest of the population (79-to-1 odds v. 7.9-to-1 odds).

    In 2008, only 5.4% of white conservative Republicans expressed racist views on the in-born ability question, compared to 10.3% of the rest of the white population. [T]his same pattern holds for white Democrats compared to white Republicans: in 2008 12.3% of white Democrats in the U.S. believed that African Americans were born with less ability, compared to only 6.6% of white Republicans.

    In sixteen surveys from 1977 through 2008, overall white Republicans were significantly less racist on the in-born ability question than white Democrats (13.3% to 17.3%), and white conservative Republicans were significantly less racist than other white Americans (11.7% to 14.7%)…

    [O]verall white Democrats were significantly more likely to support segregated neighborhoods than white Republicans (30.4% to 26.3%).

    Given various surveys and studies that reveal the differences between intrinsic traits of larger percentages of people on the left compared with the right, should anyone be surprised by the dysfunction and dynamics of Brett Kimberlin and his ilk?

    Mark (17d4e1)

  514. I’d love to hear from Ms Preston.

    Our political differences aside, she probably has a lot of insight.

    As frustrated as I was with Tommy Christopher, it would be nice to hear his views on this as well.

    In both cases, I wonder why they wouldn’t want to discuss this. With the MSM generally, it’s clear to me that any story that doesn’t advance The Narrative will have a hard time getting much coverage, but I’d hope that’s not the reason these two would steer clear.

    Dustin (330eed)

  515. I believe Mr. Christopher would only discuss this if it would clearly advance his own sense of self-importance. The bar of expectation there remains very, very low.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  516. Yes, he’s like that reporter played by William Atherton on ‘Die Hard.’

    narciso (1c125b)

  517. Apropo of nothing, did she ever get around to correcting the record:!/ashleyrparker

    narciso (1c125b)

  518. I wrote it because I thought it would get Pat’s attention. I’m not involved with these three idiots that did this crap. Nor would I ever be.

    But not approving a comment, all because of stuff that happened years ago, is just flat out bullshit.

    Pat knows who this is, we’ve even chatted on twitter about the weather, about it being in the 40’s out in LA, when it was crying about it being cold out there.

    anyhow, it kinda pissed me off, so I said it.

    Hopefully they catch these idiots and lock ’em up.


    Me (7b58f8)

  519. Comment by Mark — 5/26/2012 @ 8:03 am
    There you go again, Mark, making an argument with data to back it up…

    At #508, while the sentiment is true, I believe it is spam.

    Pardon me all, if I sound too “somethingish” (“uppity”?) at times when I stick my virtual 2 cents into other’s discussions. It’s just one time (at least) I mistook sarcasm for seriousness and went totally off on someone (and I mean totally off). In fact, it may have been at our dear friend EW1(SG) who just stopped in, but stashiu3, I believe, politely told me I was a blasted idiot mistaken in my reading of the post, and I was able to apologize promptly. Having been helped out, I just wish to do the same. (It may also have something to do with my near pathological avoidance of conflict, but probably not…)

    Glad you consider yourself doing well and not a victim, nk, but you must admit the last year hasn’t been all daisies. Besides, I only said reminiscent of Job, not equal, and I’m not sure he thought of himself as a victim either, though a bit put out that he had not been consulted prior to recent events in his life.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  520. (and minority-stake owner Mike Rogers, who joined in 2009).

    Is this the guy that is always trying to out gay republicans?

    Comment by Topsecretk9 — 5/26/2012 @ 1:09 am

    The one and the same.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  521. Mein Gott!

    And there’s no difference between Obama’s squad and Romney’s?

    This is one of the many reasons this June and November I’m going to hold my nose a vote for everything that has a ( R ) behind it. No protest vote for a Libertarian that is actually a vote for BHO.

    Charlie Foxtrot (e89d83)

  522. “And there’s no difference between Obama’s squad and Romney’s?”

    Charlie Foxtrot – Absolutely none.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  523. daley, I think Charlie was being facetious in quoting what some Ron Paul supporters and the like would say…could be wrong

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  524. If this can happen to you it can happen to any of us! Unconscionable!!!

    Laurie (7cb1f9)

  525. In 2008, during Brynaert’s tenure as editor of Raw Story, Kimberlin was introduced as the “moving force behind Raw Story.”

    That should be extremely embarrassing.

    Neither Carpentier nor Cooper had ever heard of Kimberlin or Velvet Revolution

    Apparently it is.

    Dustin (330eed)

  526. Day 2 of Novena to St. Jude for the Frey family’s needs. Praying for you in a special way, Patrick.

    Just in case anyone wants to join in:

    felipe (3cc5df)

  527. Comment by MD in Philly — 5/26/2012 @ 9:18 am

    I have two brothers who love me (and scold me for drinking and smoking); a first wife who is a very good mother to our daughter; a daughter who is tall, strong and beautiful and scores 99th percentile nationally on standardized tests. I have nothing to pity myself about.

    nk (875f57)

  528. And I forgot, Good bless our fallen for our freedom.

    nk (875f57)

  529. Plus, nk, you confirmed that quote I loved so much: that in Greek, the word for “justice” is very related to the word for “vengeance.” And you make cool knives. Now, a knife made of meteor metal….

    Fingers crossed for Patterico and Aaron…and their families. I hope that the media focus will help to keep the Bad People at a distance. I’m glad that their stories are out there, now.

    Simon Jester (d4df29)

  530. fyi, Stacy McCain is teasing Brett Kimberlin news in a few hours – in all-caps no less.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  531. Dustin @10:33–

    So, apparently the truth is out there, but we still don’t know what it is– or who’s telling it.

    elissa (3697f9)

  532. “daley, I think Charlie was being facetious in quoting what some Ron Paul supporters and the like would say…could be wrong”

    MD – If so, my bad.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  533. Yes, Elissa. It’s conceivable that Brynaert was lying about Brett Kimberlin being the moving force behind Raw Story in order to give Kimberlin more credibility as some kind of prominent lefty activist.

    Either Brynaert was closely associated with Kimberlin because Kimberlin was the moving force behind the organization Brynaert was executive editor for, or Brynaert was closely associated with Kimberlin and promoted Kimberlin falsely in this case (as well as many other occasions, such as when Ron smeared Seth Allen and Aaron Worthing on the unchecked word of Kimberlin… these smears being repeatedly disproven yet Ron continuing to be a vehicle for Brett’s claims).

    Dustin (330eed)

  534. Simon, Wasn’t the knife that Jim Bowie (as played by Alan Ladd) had made in the movie – made from meteor metal?

    felipe (3cc5df)

  535. felipe,

    Thank you. May I contribute? (The Defeater/Above all, of Generals, The Holy Mother of God.)

    nk (875f57)

  536. So how did Ron an BK meet up?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  537. The Speedway Bomber is protected on Wikipedia by someone called “Chase me ladies, I’m the cavalry,” some kind of fake Royal Navy wannabe.

    Neshobanakni (18916d)

  538. Meteor metal is what probably started the Iron Age.

    I have read that the Chinese invented the blast furnace arounde 1,600 BC. I don’t believe it.

    I am more inclined to go more with the Celts and bog iron, around 1,000 BC. (Santorini exploded and created a “nuclear winter”, and a lot of populations emigrated. May have been the “seven years of famine” in Egypt.)

    The Celts also brought the bagpipe. 😉

    I am a lawyer. Don’t believe a word I say. Fair warning.

    nk (875f57)

  539. “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    Pat Frey’s and his familiy’s rights were flagrantly violated by Los Angeles County, and they ought to be entitled to some serious compensation.

    The person who made the bogus complaint ought to be prosecuted (except they’ll likely never be found…unless they screw up somehow, or someone rats them out), and so should members of the Sheriffs office who were involved in this blatantly unconstitutional act.

    IMO, of course.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  540. So how did Ron an BK meet up?

    Comment by SarahW

    That is an excellent question! When, where, and how would be lovely to have answers to.

    Before BK’s release in 2000, or after?

    JTMP was established in 2003; Velvet Revolution…um. Not dated on the website. I know I read it, somewhere…I’ll say 2003 as well.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  541. As for the “Bowie”, James Black, if he was the one who shaped it, likely made from it Bessemer steel — controlled amalgam of iron and carbon in a crucible.

    But the knife was nothing that had not existed for a very long time. A large, single-edged, Spanish/Mediterranean, knife.

    The “Bowie” was Jim Bowie. Strong, fast, courageous, ferocious.

    nk (875f57)

  542. The new research found that instead of engaging in civil discourse or debate, fully 16% of liberals admitted to blocking, unfriending or overtly hiding someone on a social networking site because that person expressed views they disagreed with. That’s double the percentage of conservatives and more than twice the percentage of political moderates who behaved like that.

    That’s my sister! (She who attended YearlyKos, and used Robespierrette as her nom-du-net.)

    She blocked me on FaceBook for “offending her friends”. Offending consisted of saying I thought they were wrong and here were a few facts and/or statistics to back me up. On the other hand she had previously come onto my FaceBook wall and told a friend of mine “I don’t know you so I’m inclined to impugn your intelligence”, as well as telling the world that I was delusional, mentally unstable, and in dire need of an intervention.

    Seriously, who’s being offensive here? I argue facts, she attacks persons. But I was the one who was blocked first.

    I grew a pair, so to speak, and “defriended” her. Even my parents haven’t argued with me over it after I asked if they’d expect me to stay friends with a non-relative who had treated me that way. My life has been a little less stressful since then.

    To get back a bit more OT, I’ve been posting links to these posts, as well as the Stranahan video on my Facebook page, and retweeting, though pretty much everyone who follows me follows the big guys blogging on this. I also checked today, and in the last 24 hours, someone has created a “Speedway Bomber” page on Wikipedia!

    LibraryGryffon (ce8e11)

  543. ==So how did Ron an BK meet up?==

    Oh, cool. Is this a game, Sarah? They got to chatting in the long frozen vanilla latte line at Starbucks? The boys’ department at Sears?

    (Yes, I know it’s a serious question and it would indeed be interesting to know the answer.)

    elissa (3697f9)

  544. Couldn’t find a Wiki page for the Speedway Bomber but this popped up, with a reference at the end to Kimberlin. I wonder how long it’ll last.

    creeper (f1f686)

  545. “==So how did Ron an BK meet up?==

    Oh, cool. Is this a game, Sarah?”

    SarahW – My guess is they met when BK was renting kiddie porn at the video store Ron managed in New York. Only a hypothetical guess.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  546. “I have read that the Chinese invented the blast furnace arounde 1,600 BC. I don’t believe it.”

    nk – You are correct not to believe it. The world was a backward, dismal place until Islam was founded and Muslims invented science. Google it.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  547. Dustin: Yes, Elissa. It’s conceivable that Brynaert was lying about Brett Kimberlin being the moving force behind Raw Story in order to give Kimberlin more credibility as some kind of prominent lefty activist.

    Dustin, the way I read Patterico’s entry, it is a radio host introducing Kimberlin as the “moving force behind Raw Story…”

    Do you have some evidence that suggests Brynaert said this somewhere?

    Greg (0248bf)

  548. So sorry, I should have taken a screen shot of the Wikipedia page, but I did read it there, just before I posted here.

    I wonder who is so determined to try to preserve Kimberlin’s reputation. Do they really think that keeping him and his past out of Wiki is going to make him look like a choir boy?

    LibraryGryffon (ce8e11)

  549. 556. I have a book on my shelf somewhere about technologies that have been developed and lost. Japanese invented steel 10,000 BC.

    Samurai swords came some centuries back but are a fascinating process creating soft high carbon spine and hard low carbon(nearly stainless) edge.

    One Muslim technology lost was faience. They never did invent TP. Baggy pants.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  550. “Japanese invented steel 10,000 BC.”

    gary – While they were riding dinosaurs?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  551. So how did Ron an BK meet up?

    Comment by SarahW

    somewhere in bowels
    Baltimore sewer system
    hard left turn taken

    Colonel Haiku (41afe2)

  552. The Japanese did not come into existence until 600 AD. (Norther Chinese who invaded the Japanese islands and exterminated the indigenous people.)

    The Japanese did make steel by melting river rocks — hematite and siderite — in a kind of primitive blast furnace. They would cool the molten metal in a clay floor filled with water. It would come out in a thin sheet, full of impurities, with a carbon content of 0.10 to 1.25. Swordmiths would refine it by reheating and reheating it and folding it. Many times, until it reached a carbon content of about 0.65. Then they would selectively temper it, so the back was soft and the edge was hard. And then give it to grinder to put an edge on it.

    In the West, meaning from India to Scandinavia, they used what we now call “Damascus”. They did not homogenize the metal, they simply folded it a few (six) times. At least by 300 BC.

    Likely, the swords the Spartans were carrying, at Thermopylae, in 479, were no harder than common nails are now. Mild steel.

    As late as 1903 AD, Springfield rifles were made with too high a carbon content, making the actions too brittle. They might have learned from the Walker Colts, 1948 (?).

    The secret of steel.

    nk (875f57)

  553. This is what happens when you let your meat thread loaf.

    Icy (ba4fa5)

  554. Icy – This is why we can’t have nice things.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  555. I have not smelted, but I have softenend and re-hardened. I prefer something called 1095. It needs to be polished, so you can see the color. I like a rainbow, straw ranging to blue-green (turqouise?).

    nk (875f57)

  556. #557 LibraryGryffon: Outing Brett Kimberlin will make many, MANY on the left look bad and hurt donations, don’t you know? From the Hollyweird progressives to the upper tier of the DNC feeding trough, this is exactly the kind of “distraction” they don’t want to see played out in the media, particularly during an election year when their candidate has no real record upon which to run.

    Joan of Snark (e406b5)

  557. daleyrocks, this is what Mr Pat gets for dropping such a bombshell and then having the temerity to go off and enjoy the Memorial Day weekend! A post about harassment descends into talking about what kind of metal is in a Bowie knife, and such.

    It’s anarchy, I tells ya!

    Icy (ba4fa5)

  558. It’s fun. Patterico is a guy who does not feel sorry for himself. And enjoys a fight. Sometimes, I think, more than he should, but whatever browns his cookies.

    nk (875f57)

  559. I have a new thread.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  560. Kimberlin et al picked the wrong heel to sting.

    nk (875f57)

  561. 560. You watch Power Rangers too? The 4 year old loves ’em.

    The idea is, until written accounts, technologies were frequently created and lost.

    Proprietary information gets passed on to heirs who may be fools. They’re still arguing over who created the Calculus, Liebniz, Newton or someone earlier.

    Ecclesiastes(for nk the wundercodger).

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  562. History is better than fiction, Gary. The Chinese did have have to buy decent swords from Persia and India. And the Japanese were really boll weevils looking for a home around 600 AD.

    nk (875f57)

  563. 10,000 BC is Paleolithic. Were you you joking?

    nk (875f57)

  564. Ecclesiastes(for nk the wundercodger)

    … no bread to the wise …

    A wise man knows how to get bread.

    nk (875f57)

  565. Let’s have a competition on erudition, gary, but not on Patterico’s bandwidth. Just click on my signature/site and pick any post to leave a comment.

    nk (875f57)

  566. The boys’ department at Sears?


    SarahW (b0e533)

  567. 572, 573. I tried but Google ate my comment when asked to sign in.

    The book to which I refer, “The Structure of..”, by a Smith, structural engineer, is not history but might well be a source book of historians who read anything but histories.

    For example, I had a history prof spout the consensus that the Chinese written language began with the impetus of divination as evidenced by the earliest symbols found on ostraca.

    Yet in the Levant symbols for livestock, foodstuffs etc. are found by 8000 BC, and are common in bullas, bills of lading, by 4500 BC.

    Whereas the earliest papyrus is from Tell Amarna 1100 BC, a desert site. Is it any wonder Chinese mats and silks bearing inscriptions appear no earlier than the Han with a mature language?

    Civilization began and ended a number of times before catching on, e.g., Catal Huyuk. Literacy is on the ropes as we write. Why is this idea of the inexorable progress in human affairs so intoxicating?

    It is self-evident bunk.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  568. I have open, anonymous comments. Just say what you want, sign anyway you want.

    Entiendo. Mi Goofle-fu es mejor otros dias de otros dias.

    nk (875f57)

  569. I have been to a blues bar, more than once, in Chicago, which is modelled after a cave in Spain. I cared more about my date, so I did not pay much attention to the decoration.

    Wadda. This is not a thread about the advent of civilization.

    nk (875f57)

  570. 578. Ok, otra vez.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  571. um, either I’m hallucinating or this thread just remarkably changed, or my computer did a glitch??????

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  572. Leave the gate open, who knows what will wander in, MD. It’s a big part of this site’s charm.

    nk (875f57)

  573. nk, I’m so confused, what happened
    to quote feets, “Nobodt tells me anything”

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  574. I started blathering, MD. Patterico let’s me, so far. Terrible statist that he is.

    nk (875f57)

  575. I’m serious, nk, either something happened that changed this thread from what it was a while ago, or I just entered the Twilight zone or became totally disoriented in my memory of this

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  576. ________________________________________________

    um, either I’m hallucinating or this thread just remarkably changed

    I guess the following is a bit less off-topic, since the thrust of this thread is about a bunch of radical leftists and all the contemptible qualities and major ironies therein. via

    A horde of masked figures stormed the restaurant in a single-file line, wielding bats, claw hammers and metal batons — their presence announced when one shouted, “‘Hey, bitches, the ARA is going to f— up this place.’” With that, the shrouded thugs went on a rampage, clubbing diners at The Ashford House restaurant on May 19 in Tinley Park. They did not discriminate as to the targets of their violence, even pushing an 80-year-old woman to the ground, according to an eyewitness who’s a former Chicago police officer.

    Five Indiana men who prosecutors say are linked to the Anti-Racist Action Group remain in the Cook County Jail, charged with felony mob action, aggravated battery and criminal damage to property. The Anti-Racist Action Group (ARA) is a “radical left-wing group” that often resorts to violent acts, said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights organization based in Montgomery, Ala. The attack, he said, “did more harm to the cause of fighting racism than almost anyone can imagine.”

    Photos of the Compassionate, Tolerant, Beautiful, Generous Leftists

    ^ In this age of Obama in the White House, political correctness run amok, military doctor Nidal Hasan/Fort Hood and the US military, flash-mob rioting throughout urban America, a lot more crime victims of suspects who look like “Obama’s son” instead of a “George,” the irony is so thick it can’t be cut (speaking of knives) even with the sharpest of blades.

    Mark (17d4e1)

  577. 587. I’ve continued up the history stuff at nk’s, known from here on there as ‘anonymous’.

    I suppose we can trade insults there too.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  578. nk, gary, seriously, really seriously, did something happen to this thread recently to change it’s characteristics?? When did P add the update?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  579. It’s like the opposite of Deja vu, instead of feeling like I’ve lived through this, it’s like, “Wait, I don’t remember it being this way!?”

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  580. 589. Update today, but nothing that I can point to since wee hours.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  581. Do you have some evidence that suggests Brynaert said this somewhere?

    Comment by Greg

    Thanks for the correction. I made an error. There’s enough factual basis that any errors of that kind can be propaganda points for the bad guys. That had been my recollection, but it’s easy to slip up because there’s just so much to keep track of.

    I do recall seeing such a claim somewhere, and I must have conflated that with the radio host’s claim. If I come across it, I’ll point it out.

    For the time being, then, Ron’s association with Kimberlin is two fold: his posting at Bradblog and his habit of being a vehicle for Brett’s smears, even after it’s repeatedly shown that Brett’s claims are untrue.

    Dustin (330eed)

  582. Novena for Frey family day 3. Still praying for you.

    felipe (3cc5df)

  583. Godspeed.

    Kathy the Cake Eater (4d948f)

  584. This is too weird. But you DO live in el-Lay. Change the names of the nutjobs and sell the film rights. After all, if they aren’t involved, they can’t collect their “fair share” of any profits, now can they. : )

    Ruthie (54706b)

  585. Trav’lin’ Kimberlins
    on the Dynamite label
    “Teh Mom’s Basement Tapes”

    Colonel Haiku (0fc727)

  586. A wise man knows how to get bread.

    Comment by nk

    but teh wiser man
    knows where teh Extra Chunky
    peanut butter hides

    Colonel Haiku (0fc727)

  587. It is truly evil. And to think of the financial resources available to them through various channels, it’s chilling.

    Bob (44e766)

  588. This is so evil. I don’t even have words for how repulsed I am. And yes Bob…chilling is a good way to describe it. Straight up Legion.

    Syjere (c51c3d)

  589. Dear Patterico: Cut the crap about staying on

    moral high ground.

    You owe to use their own tactics against them. That is the only way to go. As the good book says:

    To the pure be pure, to the devious be shrewd.

    (Psalms 18. 27)
    You should absolutely utilize the same tactics against these terrorists harassing you and your family. Beat them at their own dirty game!

    What? Can’t you file numerous lawsuits against them? Why not? You sure possess the know how. Can’t you use the same “Swatting” technique to harass the terrorist who still lives in Mommy’s basement? (at least he uses her address…)

    As long as you don’t press charges and/or sue the living crap out of these domestic terrorists and their ilk, I have no sympathy to your plight.

    Stop cowering and stop their incessant harassment in their tracks with a crushing “Dresden style” carpet bombing. Otherwise, you share direct responsibility for the hurt they will inflict on other bloggers with lesser financial and legal means than yourself.

    Jeff (02b936)

  590. Otherwise, you share direct responsibility for the hurt they will inflict on other bloggers with lesser financial and legal means than yourself.

    Pure unadulterated BS

    JD (97d009)

  591. I find myself suspicious of all these people coming on here and trying to egg on Patterico (or a commenter) to do the same thing back to these guys.

    I don’t suspect they really believe turn about is fair play. I think they are hoping someone really does something to get himself (or Patterico) in legal trouble.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  592. @MayBee
    Suspect all you want, I’m as conservative as anyone around here. I’m just sick and tired of conservatives turning the other cheek.
    Besides, how will acting in the same manner get Patterico into legal trouble? Kimberlin has been doing this for quite some time now, and not only has he not gotten into trouble, the law seems to be on his side as long as he claims he’s the one being harassed! Additionally, Kimberlin the domestic terrorist has made lots of cash from his terrorist ventures! See, to him it’s a win win, as long as he doesn’t get hurt himself by the tools he utilizes successfully against other, unsuspecting citizens.

    @ JD,
    my comment was not BS. If Kimberlin can get away when terrorizing an assistant DA, he will only become emboldened by this experience and use that experience against more innocent citizens.

    All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

    In my book, not beating a terrorist to the punch, is comparable to “doing nothing.”

    Jeff (02b936)

  593. Not all of us are mall ninjas, Jeff. We have families and responsibilities, and we do not strap on our six-iron and walk out on Main Street. We pay for a marshal.

    nk (875f57)

  594. There’s a lot to be said about not doing something you believe is a tremendous wrong just because someone has done something wrong to you.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  595. Jeff, this isn’t about harassing Brett.

    Patterico never intended to harass Brett. Patterico wanted to blog the truth. And his solution is to continue blogging the truth. Because of how horrible his enemies have been, many more people are now exposed to Patterico’s blog as well as the hundreds of blogs about dozens of news reports about Brett Kimberlin.

    I think Patterico’s plan of simply continuing to tell the truth is more successful than trying to stoop to the thug’s level.

    No one should even consider harassing Brett. If you’re going to the Maryland court to support Aaron, go peacefully. Don’t let Brett provoke you. He uses that to his advantage and they seem to enjoy going after family.

    I do think there is a need to deal with this aggressively in the legal system. And I mean legally.

    Dustin (330eed)

  596. @ Dustin,
    I see your point. It’s a valid point, no doubt. It’s only that I become so enraged when reading of these atrocities, that I wish someone would give the terrorist a taste of his own poison.
    In my first post I write: Can’t you file numerous lawsuits against them? That is similar to your suggestion: “a need to deal with this aggressively in the legal system.”
    Alas, the legal system has obviously failed Patterico, which is why I suggested a leveling of the playing field.
    Patterico’s plan of “continuing to tell the truth” and unmask this domestic terrorist is a brave plan! We all need to commend him for his great work. However, no matter how successful he is, I still believe that sometimes there’s an absolute need to “stoop to the thug’s level.”
    After all, people tend to be more responsive when being spoken to “in their native tongue”…

    Jeff (02b936)

  597. It’s only that I become so enraged when reading of these atrocities,

    I understand.

    Alas, the legal system has obviously failed Patterico

    Pretty much.

    However, no matter how successful he is, I still believe that sometimes there’s an absolute need to “stoop to the thug’s level.”

    That’s what Brett wants. He’s a better thug than we’ll ever be. I could never in a million years make fun of Malkin’s cousin being missing and probably passed away. That’s horrible. I could never call someone’s spouse’s workplace. I could never blow someone up and then reference it in a music video. I could never expose someone’s family to a swat team just because I had a problem with that person.

    They are the thugs. If this is a contest of thuggery, they will win.

    We are the truth tellers. If this is a contest of winning a debate based on merit and facts, we will win.

    I am only fighting the battle I can win.

    And implicit in my choice is that it’s quite wrong to do the things they are doing. It’s not just a matter of effectiveness. Harassment and swatting are wrong. No offense, but I don’t think normal people are able to do that stuff.

    I worry that we have to accept Brett winning a couple of battles in this fight. There’s nothing we can do to undo the swattings. I don’t think the FBI is going to reopen the case and catch the swatter. I don’t think Aaron is ever going to get the untrue accusation against him off the record, and I doubt he’ll get his job back (though I am confident someone will hire him and encourage anyone in the MD area to consider making him an offer).

    They won a few rounds. It’s frustrating, but it is what it is.

    Dustin (330eed)

  598. In my first post I write: Can’t you file numerous lawsuits against them?

    And indeed, an honest legal action against these folks is a justified and good idea.

    Not peace orders, though. I don’t think that would make any difference. But a lawsuit for IIED against Ron? Absolutely. And for defamation against Aaron? Absolutely.

    Dustin (330eed)

  599. Blaming Patterico for future actions of BK, NR & RB is bullshlt, pure and simple. You can dress it up however you want, but it remains BS.

    JD (97d009)

  600. Whats amazing is people get jail time for stupid things (e.g. a recent story about an Honors student getting jailed for a day for Truancy), yet these people run free for actually committing real criminal acts?

    NW (c26712)

  601. @JD

    That’s like telling a woman that got raped, that it was her own fault. The left gets up in arms about stuff like that, but always have exceptions for conservatives.

    NW (c26712)

  602. Jeff is still trying to work out that “personal responsibility” thing.

    Icy (32c21b)

  603. people get jail time for stupid things (e.g. a recent story about an Honors student getting jailed for a day for Truancy)

    I saw that story at the Blaze. And what stuck out for me was the judge admitting he didn’t know the whole story. That’s what has stuck out for me with the bad guys too. Law enforcement doesn’t get the full story.

    It’s very easy to prosecute an upstanding person who is going to be upfront about their… truancy in that case. And that ‘we’re on our way to Dunkin Donuts’ attitude coordinates (accidentally) with a campaign of creating chaos. To understand the swattings’ context, it takes a great deal of effort, concentration, and sifting through deliberate misdirection. Many gave up before they understood. Many further victimized the targets of the swattings by drawing false equivalence and rejecting both sides as engaged in a tit for tat feud.

    Dustin (330eed)

  604. It’s really a great and helpful piece of info. I’m satisfied that you just shared this useful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.

    MLPS MLM (4722e6)

  605. He was on the phone at the time of the Swatting because he wanted to witness you getting shot. NOW that is perverse, just like a criminal revisiting the scene, except he wanted to watch like a pyromaniac.

    Jeff Scism (5daa4a)

  606. I have no idea who you are, other than from this one post I’ve just read. I have several comments, and I choose to be anonymous because I don’t trust anyone, particularly people involved in criminal enterprises.

    If you live in a jurisdiction where you are in fear that police responding to a 9/11 call may kill you – you might want to find a safer place to live.

    I have read and followed numerous stories most often found on alternative news sites, that involve LA DA’s engaging in some pretty questionable practices. I’m from Canada by the way, and I have an open mind when it comes to reading people’s blogs, and I take with a grain of salt things that I read and hear.

    Having said that…

    What goes around, comes around. If you’ve been targeted for harassment – just remember that Karma is very real. Practice love, and do what Jesus commanded.

    Punks like Ron Brynaert can be found in schoolyards across America and grow up to lead miserable unfulfilled lives. Don’t give this bully the satisfaction or attention he craves. He certainly seems to feed on it.

    But if you’ve been involved in any activity and haven’t been conducting yourself above reproach, then all I can do is repeat what I said earlier. Karma. What goes around, comes around.

    God’s peace to you, your friends and collegues, and your family.

    Rob Stanfield (acaa86)

  607. I was recommended this web site by my cousin. I’m not certain whether this post is written by him as no one else realize such distinctive approximately my trouble. You are incredible! Thanks!

    zugsolutions (37f47a)

  608. I assume that right now my comment here is in the spam filter. I also tried to leave a commment Friday but that have may have been eaten by software – that was, among other things, about how, if Ron Brynaert czlled just before and after the fake 911 call on June 30/July 1,2011 the times should match very precisely (unless he actually kept the connection going and used another phone to make the call)

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  609. I see my previous comment has been posted.

    It’s interesting – Andrew Breitbart said (on feb 29 I guess) that what was going on sounded like a science fiction novel. And I gave an explanation as to how so many blacks became criminals after 1930 and said it sounded like a science fiction somebody could have written in 1928.

    So a lot of things are maybe like real life science fiction stories.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  610. What goes around, comes around. If you’ve been targeted for harassment – just remember that Karma is very real. Practice love, and do what Jesus commanded.

    Bugger off. Ignorance like yours is painful.

    JD (bd887a)

  611. * a science fiction story.

    I compared something to a horrible scienmce fiction story somebiody might have written in 1928 at Comment number 76 here:

    I had previously gone over the same idea at comment number 117 here:

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  612. Bugger off. Ignorance like yours is painful.

    Comment by JD — 5/29/2012 @ 11:05 am

    There you go. It’s thoughtful posts like this that make people do stupid things.

    Make the fleas of a thousand camels infest your bed sheets.

    Rob Stanfield (acaa86)

  613. errrr… *may*

    Rob Stanfield (acaa86)

  614. Way to put the puck in the net Rob.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  615. I’m coming back to this thread to make it understood the somewhat hyperbolic opinion I gave to P. about the voices I compared – The swats, the radio call in, and the RStory interview, needs to rest in its proper place. You must judge for yourself, whether all the voices are the same. I very much believe they are. I am convinced, but I have no special expertise and claim none. And its context- who was on the phone with P., his high public profile on the matter, the outrageous and vicious things he has said to or accused others of, and his apparent (though wildly shifting notions and accusations are part of his schtick) support and likely association with unpleasant people trying to kick as much sand in the face of truth as possible.

    I can’t say that context is what informs my ears, but it does inform my evaluation of what is likely.
    I relied on my husbands ear to confirm my own. He doesn’t know anything, or did not until after the fact, about Weinergate or socks or swats. I couldn’t represent his opinion as absolute certainty, however. It isn’t true and is unfair to him. It does turns out many of the things the voice expert said are things my husband tried to explain to me. But I am no expert at all.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  616. Oh, cut out a bit. After “as possible” = shape my evaluation and opinon.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  617. Actually my comment 619 is only visible to me (when logged in)

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  618. I’m going to start sharing malevolent thoughts…unless I get a free Caspian condo.

    And, I mean pronto!

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  619. People must realize, this radical leftist terrorist bomber and convicted felon, who manipulates of the legal system in what is called lawfare, targets innocent conservative bloggers and so on, for personal political hatred, as do all hate mongering liberals and terrorists like him do. It isn’t just about his personal hatred and psychotic behavior, it’s about his intentional coordinated attacks on the very freedom and liberty, and all that is good and representative of good in this world.

    Brett Kimberlin is no different than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, except that he is not a dictator ruler of a country. Make no mistake about it, he is terror in reality, like something out of the FBI series on TV.. But if the people do not do something to stop him, like we must do to stop Obama, then we will forever be cowards and lose all that our forebearers fought for in the name of Freedom and Liberty. Thus Brett Kimberlin is the essence of radical leftist hatred, terrorism, and evil in America. Agents of radical leftist evil like him, whatever and however their methods, must be defeated at all costs, period, whether at the ballot box, or in the courtroom, or whatnot.

    That means going on the offensive, using the legal system as he does, but with legitimate legal complaints and lawsuits, and using highly qualified competent attorneys, among many other options at our disposal.

    Sonny Dee (9ff7d1)

  620. TY #632 – For weeks I have had a sick feeling in my stomach, going back & forth about how to proceed. I was looking for advice on if I should continue with what I feel is a calling. I guess I should talk to my lawyer first but the more I research, the more I feel compelled to continue. Disturbing as this is, i have to believe that this is only the surface… This ‘free speech’ issue is convoluted with BS from several people who seem to have mental health issues. We all have a responsibility to our families first. The Republic is second. I commend you ‘Patterico’ . Carry on, as I will.

    Sam (bcf1f4)

  621. A commenter named PaschalM left a comment, then left another comment pretending to be me, responding to his own comment. The commenter has been banned and the comments removed.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  622. Keep in mind that there are sock puppets around planting stuff. If you see a comment that purports to be from me, but doesn’t sound like me, it may not be me.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  623. You should display their IP addy 🙂

    JD (318f81)

  624. Not the same person as PashaG?

    Those were some hard-to-follow comments.

    Random (fba0b1)

  625. Patterico – care to wager whether or not that comment will show up as evidence?

    JD (318f81)

  626. Patterico, why don’t you get a WordPress plugin that highlights the blog author’s comments (when you’re logged in to your account)?

    Random (fba0b1)

  627. I came here via the ABC story on Senator Chambliss.

    God willing, the DOJ will actually do something about this, but your odds of getting Eric “My People” Holder to actually do *anything* would be a lot better if you weren’t a middle-class white guy.

    It’s a sad commentary, but it’s true. I’m a behaviorist, and I judge people based on their past behavior and that *is* Holder’s past behavior.

    When does open season on middle-class conservatives end? I’m really tired of these stories. Our forefathers would be disgusted to see what their country has become.

    I know *I* am disgusted.

    Before long, 1st Amendment rights will be considered nothing more than “a quaint old-fashioned notion.”

    Rose (39ade0)

  628. Keep shining light on these people. The best thing you can do is expose them and their financial backers. Get the Tides foundation to dump them, and maybe they’ll have to spend time working for a living.

    Exador (9e4291)

  629. Dear Mr. Frey,

    Even though you and I are probably on opposites sides of most political issues, I was disgusted to read about the attack on you and your family via the fake 911 call. These kind of tactics have no place in civilized discourse in a free society.

    Unfortunately, people from all areas of the political spectrum believe that their opinion is the absolute truth and that anyone who disagrees with them is the enemy. Of course, this is why we have terrorism.

    I am totally for same-sex marriage, but I would never “glitterbomb” a person just because they did not agree with me. Glitterbombing to me is nothing more than assault and a form of domestic terrorism, the same as what was done to you.

    Wishing you and your family all the best…

    Michael St. John (54051e)

  630. Sadly, I recognise the voice, and it is not who you think it is. Think I know who it is and he just disappeared himself (he thinks). Now he learns the lessons that he should have learned long ago. Nobody wins at Global Thermonuclear War and I would advise those who can’t seek compromise to think on that long and hard themselves as well. the answer is true for you as well: NOBODY WINS at Global Thermonuclear War.

    Henry Tirebiter (d9371f)

  631. Sadly, I recognise the voice, and it is not who you think it is. Think I know who it is

    Wait, you think you know who it is, but you’re certain it’s not Ron Brynaert even though it sure sounds just like Ron, Ron was contemporaneously on the phone with the victim, and has shown a ridiculous degree of malice for the victim and his spouse? Not to mention Ron smeared and outted Aaron (in other words, he’s not a very nice person).

    So who is it, then? I noticed you didn’t say.

    I would advise those who can’t seek compromise to think on that long and hard themselves as well. the answer is true for you as well: NOBODY WINS at Global Thermonuclear War.

    Vaguely threatening… how typical of you people.

    Lemme guess: you’re going to try to frame someone.

    Dustin (330eed)

  632. Sadly, I recognise the voice, and it is not who you think it is. Think I know who it is and he just disappeared himself (he thinks). Now he learns the lessons that he should have learned long ago. Nobody wins at Global Thermonuclear War and I would advise those who can’t seek compromise to think on that long and hard themselves as well. the answer is true for you as well: NOBODY WINS at Global Thermonuclear War.

    Comment by Henry Tirebiter — 6/7/2012 @ 6:22 pm

    Go f@ck yourself.

    JD (c543e6)

  633. Another guess: whoever they frame will not have the kind of long running malice towards Patterico, will not have any circumstantial evidence against him like Ron does, will not have been obsessed with Weinergate like Ron, and will not be carrying water for Brett in any way (such as outting Brett’s targets and then smearing them with multiple crimes they didn’t commit).

    Hell, maybe they won’t even sound like the swatter.

    Dustin (330eed)

  634. Hello, I am a government target who is currently being stalked in every environment in which I interact. I was mobbed out of the workplace, so I decided to attend law school in Kansas. When I made the move the targeting was ramped up. A number of my peers launched a professional character assassination of me on Facebook. This was done in conjunction with using sophisticated weaponry against me in an effort to break me down. When I reported the Facebook defamation to the Dean of Student Affairs the stalking began. Because of this targeting I was forced to leave law school and attempt to escape it by moving to a new residence. It has followed me. I began speaking out on Youtube about these crimes and am now being cyber-stalked. The same sort of dirty tricks that you speak about here are being deployed against me by these cyber-stalkers whom have impliedly threatened to “swat” me, but only after threatening my life and my family in a number of ways. They have also threatened to set me up on bogus charges or get my committed if I continue to talk about this.

    thetruthisoutthere32 (5accba)

  635. Followed various links to get here, and this is truly a horror story… And a good forensic voice analysis pretty much puts paid to who the guilty party really is. Problem is, DOJ won’t touch this with a 10 foot pole… Thoughts and prayers for a ‘peaceful’ resolution, but stand by your guns anyway!

    Old NFO (da464f)

  636. I must be a little old fashion. But instead of spending my time documenting all this crap I would ignore it all while I hunted them down and after they had been physically lectured on the evil of their ways the problem would be solved and I would be back to my good natured self.

    badbob (7470c2)

  637. This is just a question, so don’t sue me for asking: is there any chance that these are the “private detectives” Weiner hired to find his hacker?

    It would explain the extended obsession with the case…

    Ghost (6f9de7)

  638. Badbob,
    And then you’d be in jail. Congrats on being old fashioned. These guys aren’t playing around, and your threat isn’t helping.

    Ghost (6f9de7)

  639. UPDATE: I received this today from Roxanne Cooper:

    Raw Story was founded by John Byrne in 2004, and has only ever been owned by John Byrne (and minority-stake owner Mike Rogers, who joined in 2009). Roxanne Cooper became the publisher in October 2010, shortly before Ron Brynaert ended his tenure at the publication. Since March 2011, the editorial direction has been under the management of Megan Carpentier, who has complete editorial discretion separate from management.

    Brett Kimberlin and Velvet Revolution are not and never have been involved in the ownership, management or editorial direction of Raw Story. Neither Carpentier nor Cooper had ever heard of Kimberlin or Velvet Revolution prior to the start of the events described by Aaron Worthing, Mandy Nagy and Patrick Frey.

    That’s the update on this post, from Raw Story.

    Joe Brooks tweets this screenshot from Raw Story in 2005.

    I googled the text, and found this link.

    This is the first major initiative of the Velvet Revolution, a coalition that runs the full gambit on the left, from Democratic to Green Party organizations, as well as progressive non-partisan groups like the Democracy Now and Code Pink. For the sake of full disclosure, RAW STORY is a member of the coalition but holds no financial stake.

    That’s right, Raw Story is a MEMBER of Velvet Revolution.

    Some lie as brazenly as possible because many people are not accustomed to such, and give the benefit of the doubt.

    Dustin (330eed)

  640. Amazing, Dustin. Apparently they will say anything to advance the cause.

    I’d like to know who else was in the coalition. I’d also like them to learn the difference between “gambit” and “gamut.”

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  641. Dennis Markuze? Please tell me that’s a handle and not really Markuze — that man is/was the posterchild for trolling on Facebook aka Dave Mabus and variations thereof.

    Mr. Patterico, this may be a little stranger than you could possibly fathom if he’s got his fingers in this pie. I don’t know that Montreal authorities restricted his internet access after he was arrested, but, it might be worth checking out.

    Mabus is crazy, sir. Please be careful.

    Joev (a640df)

  642. Patrick – I am wondering.

    Don’t anti-SLAPP laws protect people from frivolous lawsuits and provide victims restitution?

    DPierre (f42c02)

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