Patterico's Pontifications


Jenners/Kardashians Latest Swatting Victims

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:13 pm

GossipCop reports:

The Jenners are the latest victims of “swatting.”

On Friday, police swarmed the Beverly Hills estate of Kris and Bruce after a 911 call claimed an armed shooter was inside the home.

When cops arrived — on foot and via helicopter — they discovered the Jenners home with daughters Kendall and Kylie — and no threat whatsoever.

After the incident, Kendall shared a photo (below) of the scene, writing, “I love it when 8 police officers show up at my door and 10 cop cars are outside my house.”

“Just another casual Friday evening at the Jenner household. #nbd #EveryonesOk,” she added.

The photo(s) shared by Kendall Jenner:

UPDATE: It’s likely Hidden Hills and not Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills PD handles Beverly Hills, while I have seen Kardashian Twitter accounts say they are in Calabasas, which is that same area. Thanks to AZBob.

19 Responses to “Jenners/Kardashians Latest Swatting Victims”

  1. Kylie Jenner tweets: “My neighbors officially think I’m crazy.”

    I know the feeling.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  2. I’m thinking that law enforcement needs to start doing some critical thinking about these “SWATing” situations.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  3. The Sheriff does not patrol Beverly Hills. By the look of the fences, I think it might be Hidden Hills, which is covered by the Sheriff.

    AZ Bob (28c32d)

  4. And yet, it took cops 20 minutes to get to the Sandy Hook shooting. Priorities, huh?

    Gazzer (4424a0)

  5. their marriage is already under so much stress

    but maybe this will help bring them closer together

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  6. Maybe when someone’s shot? Whether a person, cop, canine officer, or family dog, I hope they recover nicely.

    htom (412a17)

  7. If that’s marriage, send in the head medic.

    mg (31009b)

  8. they like to go for the dogs first

    i couldn’t tell you why they just do

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  9. OOOOH, the infotainment elite are being targeted, NOW we’ll see some action on swatting.

    Jcw46 (eda37d)

  10. Yes, I know they are in Hidden Hills. I’m sure there were sherrifs very near by anyway, and the Lost Hills sherrifs station is very close.
    Still, unnerving for two young girls.

    MayBee (b27ea0)

  11. Eventually, somebody is going to be killed or seriously injured. Since it’s well known the 911 system is compromised, what is the liability going to be to law enforcement?

    liontooth (c33c1e)

  12. Does cantafordya have a monopoly on swatting?

    mg (31009b)

  13. teh Kardashians!
    silicone plasticity
    just gimme some truth

    Colonel Haiku (1fb47a)

  14. “I love it when 8 police officers show up at my door and 10 cop cars are outside my house.”

    ohnoes two of them got lost

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  15. Kim Kardashian is not amused and I don’t blame her.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  16. 14. “I love it when 8 police officers show up at my door and 10 cop cars are outside my house.”

    ohnoes two of them got lost

    Comment by happyfeet (ce327d) — 1/19/2013 @ 10:04 am

    When you’re a Kardashian-ette, you only have to worry about the numbers matching up when Momanager Kardashian-Jenner gets back home after shopping your sex tape around to see if anyone met your asking price.

    Steve57 (4c041b)

  17. they’re such perfectly quintessential poster children for los angeles they’re like snooki and porky porky chris christie’s jersey

    and yet for all that they’re really kinda useless huh

    happyfeet (ce327d)

  18. mr feets – the Kardashians were good as one of the Bad Guys on Star Trek … after that, they jumped the coelacanth …

    (or is that just a fishous rumour ?)

    Alasdair (a28b33)

  19. Hmmm, if that’s where I think it is, I lived about two miles due west … about two decades ago …

    SPQR (768505)

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