Patterico's Pontifications


Attempted SWATting on Paris Hilton

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:16 pm

She was out of state. Big waste of police resources though.

30 Responses to “Attempted SWATting on Paris Hilton”

  1. So, you were swatted before getting swatted was cool. Makes a great t-shirt.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  2. People are stooooopid.

    JD (b63a52)

  3. oh c’mon someone needs to get a life

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  4. One of the articles I saw defined SWATting as sending police to the home of a celebrity.

    So either I wasn’t SWATted or I am a celebrity. Take your pick — but remember, as you decide, that it is Very Cool to be a certified long- time reader of a blog written by a Certified Genuine Celebrity.

    Patterico (45ea87)

  5. I would never suggest SWATing, but since Paris Hilton was brought up, what I’ve seen mentioned in passing about Lindsey Lohan suggests she needs something more than she has received so far if she is going to have a chance to grow up before she flames out.

    She was so adorable when she was 11, like my daughter (who still is adorable at 12).

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  6. P, we already know we’re so cool that we can’t even be captured on the cool scale.

    Getting SWATed as a celebrity is easy, you had to do something to “earn” it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  7. you should come out with a cookbook!

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  8. or a christmas album

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  9. Lindsey Lohan takes an a actually


    you might could be thinking of Meghan’s coward daddy’s little dog Lindsey-wif-an-e

    it’s easy to get them ones mixed up

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  10. Lindsey Lohan takes an a actually

    Now I can’t say nobody told me. Thanks, feets, I’ll make a point to remember it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  11. That link is a 404 now.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  12. Here’s the new link at ExtraTV.

    And apparently MSN thinks Paris should be thrilled to be considered a celebrity worthy of being swatted.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  13. The first link at least spells out how much trouble the person is who did the last prank. If they don’t want to magnify the problem they need to emphasize the dangerous nature and the serious consequences.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  14. I think Paris Hilton was swatted upside the head a few times growing up.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  15. I am very grateful that my eleven-year old who watches “The Suite Life with Zack and Cody” does not know that London Tipton is a parody of Paris Hilton i.e. does not know who Paris Hilton is.

    nk (c5b7ef)

  16. Eventually, someone is going to get killed. Either the police will overreact and shoot someone or they won’t react fast enough and an intruder will shoot someone.

    And for every time in between, the police are wasting enormous amounts responding to fake calls.

    WarEagle82 (2b7355)

  17. One of the articles I saw defined SWATting as sending police to the home of a celebrity.
    So either I wasn’t SWATted or I am a celebrity.

    — Getting SWATted made you a celebrity. Your kooky fan-club president, Mr. Rauhauser, may have been a trifle overzealous in his efforts to bring you higher exposure, but he’s ‘good people’ at heart.

    Icy (4ae31a)

  18. yet law enforcement at all levels is apparently spending little to no resources in dealing with this issue.

    however, we can raid your house if you post a picture of your kid holding a weapon properly or if we think you might have a firearm and shouldn’t.

    i feel so safe these days…

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  19. I bet ACE swats himself.

    Gus (694db4)

  20. Take that back, Ace.

    narciso (3fec35)

  21. about Ace, Gus.

    narciso (3fec35)

  22. Just kidding Narciso!!!!!
    Ace is not that kind of man!!!
    No offense.

    Gus (694db4)

  23. 9. Lindsey Lohan takes an a actually


    you might could be thinking of Meghan’s coward daddy’s little dog Lindsey-wif-an-e

    it’s easy to get them ones mixed up

    Comment by happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/24/2013 @ 7:02 pm

    I believe in Hollywood the rule is she can’t use the letter “a” again until she makes a flick that actually brings in some bucks.

    Liz & Dick sure wasn’t it.

    Her last two movies you probably don’t even know existed. Lindsey probably prefers it that way when she’s sober enough to form an opinion.

    InAPPropriate Comedy, a movie about “politically incorrect apps (!?!?), raked in whopping $625 per theater, and then things went downhill from there.

    The Canyons has been getting rejected by film festivals right and left. First Sundance, then South by SouthWest. It’s supposed to be an erotic thriller. How much acting does Lindsey Lohan have to do in a movie which has as a major selling point Lindsey Lohan doing full frontal nudity?

    Apparently, however little that is she isn’t up to the task.

    The Hollywood Reporter – SXSW Rejected Lindsay Lohan’s ‘Canyons’ Over ‘Quality Issues’

    Sources tell THR that SXSW has joined Sundance in rejecting the erotic thriller. A festival insider tells THR that the Bret Easton Ellis-penned, Paul Schrader-directed Canyons — which features tons of nudity, including au naturel shots of Lohan — suffers from significant “quality issues.”

    PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohan Through the Years

    Says a festival insider, “It’s got an ugliness and a deadness to it.” Canyons producer Braxton Pope says the filmmakers are still awaiting official word from the festival.

    I saw a trailer for InAPPropriate Comedy. The major conclusions I drew from it were A) I still don’t know what it’s supposed to be about B) I don’t want to know C) It sounded like a stupid idea D) It looks like the kind of flick a bunch of high schoolers on their way to juvie would think would be a good way to make some money to put on their books so they could have commissary money but like all their other “good ideas” is actually really bad and E) somebody put up money to produce this?

    All in all I think as long as Lindsey Lohan is an e list celebrity she can’t use the letter “a.” I’m not planning on starring in any quasi soft-porn flicks in the near future but if I did I’d hope the reviewers wouldn’t pan it using words like “ugliness” and “deadness” to describe it.

    It’s getting to the point where there’s going to be a grass roots movement to demand puritanical obscenity laws just to guard against the possibility Lindsey Lohan decides to pull a Kim Kardashian and release a sex tape to gin up publicity.

    If she sinks any lower she’ll get scratched off the e list and she’s gonna have to start spelling Lindsiy with an “i.”

    Steve57 (be3310)

  24. Security cameras routinely capture better acting than the last two Lindsiy Lohan movies. Not to mention the higher production values.

    Steve57 (be3310)

  25. See a good movie.

    Show Times – Murph: The Protector

    You don’t have to worry about LT Michael Murphy embarrassing you later.

    Steve57 (be3310)

  26. it is Very Cool to be a certified long- time reader of a blog written by a Certified Genuine Celebrity.

    Am I a certified long-time reader? I hope so.

    In contrast to Ms. Hilton, here in Chicago we have the Pritzker family, scions to the Hyatt Hotel fortune and orders of magnitude less vapid than la familia Hilton. They are just a wee bit less camera-friendly, and pretty awesome philanthropists. See the Pritzker Military Library for details.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  27. That said, every now and again I have impure thoughts regarding Mrs. Carlito and a night vision camera.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  28. Remember the old days when police would investigate a crime rather than just showing up wherever with guns blazing? Does it not disturb anyone else that the cops have set up a system that is designed to allow dozens of armed men to be dispatched to (with the intention of killing) potentially innocent civilians, on the basis of nothing more than an anonymous phone call?

    Ghost (2d8874)

  29. Comment by WarEagle82 (2b7355) — 3/24/2013 @ 8:35 pm

    And for every time in between, the police are wasting enormous amounts responding to fake calls

    the percentage of calls that are fake are probably still very very low.

    Even if you limit it to calls saying someone is about to, could, or has already killed someone or themselves.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  30. Comment by Patterico (45ea87) — 3/24/2013 @ 6:55 pm

    I’ve been assured that I’m already “Certified”…

    SPQR (768505)

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