Patterico's Pontifications


BREAKING: Bogus Call Sends Police to Home of Kimberlin Critic Erick Erickson

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:51 pm

He and his family are OK. He just put up the tweet minutes ago:

I asked him if he was serious and he said yes. Again, he said that he is OK, though. After he started writing about Kimberlin, he told the local Sheriff’s Department to expect this might happen:

UPDATE: More at Red State.

UPDATE x2: I just got off the phone with Erickson. He says the caller reported an “accidental shooting” and that it was therefore less traumatic than my experience. However, he said, his kids were outside as the police showed up with lights flashing — and some of the cops were keeping their hands on their guns even as his children were running around.

Anyone else think CNN is going to talk about SWATting now?

UPDATE x3: Thanks to Instapundit for the link. Glenn observes:

Really, if the goal is to keep people from writing about Brett Kimberlin, this doesn’t seem like the way to do it. It was smart of Erickson to call his local Sheriff ahead of time. I did the same thing.

Of course, Erickson’s swatter could be a copycat.

BLAST FROM THE PAST: It was reported by Joe Gelarden that, when Kimberlin was incarcerated, he tried to have someone set off bombs with similar components to those set off in Speedway, to show that there was another perpetrator and that he therefore could not be guilty.

Something to keep in mind as the investigation unfolds . . .

UPDATE x4: I’m doing an impromptu podcast with Stranahan at 10 p.m. Pacific time — in 7 minutes. Listen here.

UPDATE x5: A person claiming to be the swatter called in twice to the show: once at 50:18 and again at about 65 minutes in. He mocked me for having been swatted, laughed at me, and mocked Michelle Malkin for the situation where her cousin is missing.

This is like a bad movie.

135 Responses to “BREAKING: Bogus Call Sends Police to Home of Kimberlin Critic Erick Erickson”

  1. Unbelievable. And yet, so believable.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. Ericson posts here:

    It wasn’t nearly the trauma that Patterico suffered, but I guess the Erickson household is on somebody’s radar.

    Pious Agnostic (ee2c24)

  3. The left will blame Bush.

    mg (44de53)

  4. I wonder who would do such a thing? /sarc off

    Noodles (3681c4)

  5. Those people need to spend some time in prison for doing that.

    Vivian Louise (f148a0)

  6. The criminal Kimberlin and his gang continue their crime spree.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  7. y’all should call your local police/sheriff/etc as EE did. all should have the capability to put your address in their 911 system so a warning comes up whenever a call is made to that address. not foolproof but a huge help.

    chilly (28e7f8)

  8. I’d say this Kimberlin guy’s health in is jeopardy. Sooner or later, if he hasn’t already, he’s going to pull this stuff on the wrong guy. Make enough enemies and bad things can just “mysteriously” happen. There’s an old saying in Texas that goes, “Don’t start no trouble, there won’t be no trouble.” He’s already started it.

    mac (9c86eb)

  9. I think it is great that he lives in a community where he could talk to the sheriff’s dept ahead of time. Good thinking, prevents it from being some impersonal thing. Doesn’t minimize for a moment the seriousness of it or the need to prosecute the perpetrator.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  10. Maybe next Friday will be blog again about BK day.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  11. Whoever could have done this? It’s one of those deep, dark mysteries of the Universe, not unlike the motivation of that Ft. Hood shooter. I suppose we’ll never, ever know for sure.

    Jeffersonian (4ce4f8)

  12. Dam. What does it take to get those cops out of Dunkin Donuts? These kind of things are totally traceable. If you can just get one cop who cares?

    nk (875f57)

  13. To protect and serve.

    mg (44de53)

  14. For various folks more experienced than I with law enforcement: Can this guy get away with this stuff for so long without having Friends in High Places?

    Richard Aubrey (0aac79)

  15. These kind of things are totally traceable.

    I can only assume that if the call that swatted P was easily traceable it would have been. I thought it was disguised somehow technologically. Of course, we’ll find out if this and any others are technologically messed with to hide the real source or not. Then again, some wanna-bees may try the same trick without the sophistication and get caught.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  16. Who’s next? Perhaps everyone who has blogged in depth about BK should notify their local officials that something like this might occur. A pre-emptive strike at least, minimize a bit the personal trauma of having the authorities show up at the front door, as well as the authorities aggressiveness.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  17. “I informed the local sheriff’s office to expect this to happen…”

    I guess I better do that too, since I make no attempt to disguise my real identity, I’m not exactly A BK fan, and I’ve already had the cops come out to the house once on a bogus 911 call.


    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  18. I can only assume that if the call that swatted P was easily traceable it would have been

    There may be a difference between “traceable” and “traceable by the police”.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  19. “These kind of things are totally traceable.”

    Not that easy to do. Not unless the guys doing it are complete ignoramuses.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  20. And… SURPRISE! I wondered when we would see this. I’m just glad that Erickson thought to call the Sheriff about this ahead of time.

    Book (956833)

  21. “These kind of things are totally traceable.”

    Traceable to what?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  22. Friends in high places since 1992 at least.

    Sen. Levin helps Kimberlin.

    geoffb (1f4c30)

  23. it is possible to hide where you are calling from. however, that should be a red flag for 911. if you inform you local 911 center with your address and the expectation of a call from a non-verifiable address to go to your home this *will* help.

    chilly (28e7f8)

  24. “Traceable to what?”

    Traceable to a throwaway cellphone if the perps have semi-functional brains.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  25. OK, this is good, now we have two incidents. The beginning of a pattern. Let this happen again and we get triangulation. I know, that is old technology, but in the terms of the new technology we also have a pattern. Get this guy. Then, throw away the key and let the local inmate “know” that he is a child rapist.

    Karensky (8f61c2)

  26. Ok, go to a 7/11 and try to buy a “throwaway cellphone”.

    nk (875f57)

  27. #24, actually, it’s 3 incidents. The same thing happened to someone in New Jersey, according to Patterico’s post on his assault via Swat.

    Book (956833)

  28. I just saw this, and I think I’m going to throw up.

    The best part is seeing that Erickson and his family are fine.

    This has to stop.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  29. “The Federal Communication Commission began requiring the implementation of E911 by cell phone providers in 2000 with two phases of implementation. Phase 1 involves the routing of cell phone 911 calls based on the location of the cell tower receiving the call. Phase 2 involves the routing of the call based on the physical location of the actual cell phone through the use GPS or other technology. Eventually, all cell phone providers will be required to provide Phase 2 capabilities, however, some providers are still in Phase 1.”

    All I need to mess with people is their address, and a throwawy cellphone. My prank call will look like it’s coming from your pad.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  30. Anyone else think CNN is going to talk about SWATting now?

    No. It’s something lefties do, so it’s fine with them.

    Rob Crawford (d8dade)

  31. This is disgusting. We did before, but we REALLY need to get attention on this matter so that Federal law enforcement does something. Those calls can be traced by Federal assets even if local police can’t do so.

    Unfortunately its no surprise they didn’t help Patrick already. I’ve always heard FBI referred to by beat cops as “Friendly But Ignorant”. This is another sad example.

    Kaisersoze (298188)

  32. Dave, are you literate? The text you quoted makes it clear the 911 call would be routed BASED ON WHERE THE PHONE IS. The faker would have to be near the target for it to work.

    If you’d paid attention to the reporting on this, it’s done using Skype, which means the “phone” resolves to an IP — which means they can be identified by their ISP.

    (And, yeah, sure, they could do this from a public wifi hotspot — so long as no one notices the guy reporting a shooting while sitting in a completely peaceful Starbucks.)

    Rob Crawford (d8dade)

  33. “Dave, are you literate?”


    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  34. If you’d paid attention to the reporting on this, it’s done using Skype, which means the “phone” resolves to an IP — which means they can be identified by their ISP.

    (And, yeah, sure, they could do this from a public wifi hotspot — so long as no one notices the guy reporting a shooting while sitting in a completely peaceful Starbucks.)

    They are probably using Tor and a spoofer. In fact, they are probably using more than one proxy. It’s going to be very difficult to trace the call. On the other hand, a warrant might yield a computer that might turn something up.

    I worry that this is misdirection of some kind. Misdirection is their absolute top priority and was the entire point behind the Speedway bombings and most of Ron’s tweets.

    Dustin (330eed)

  35. Rob: from what I understand, they’re using proxies, which disguise their IP addresses.

    R (42ba3b)

  36. People, you can also call police dispatch via the regular phone number, not 911.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. I hate Indiana psychopaths.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  38. You cannot buy a prepaid phone, and number, without ID. Legally.

    I suppose there are contrabanders. My first cell phone, around 1992, was cloned. By the same person who sold it to me.

    nk (875f57)

  39. I just saw P’s update that Instapundit notified his local sheriff of what may come.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  40. “The text you quoted makes it clear the 911 call would be routed BASED ON WHERE THE PHONE IS.”

    Yeah. I know how it works. I spent months turning up a phase one e911 system in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    “it’s done using Skype”


    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  41. I hate Indiana psychopaths.

    Comment by SarahW

    That pretty much covers it.

    Now all we need is to add “living in Maryland”.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  42. If everyone goes to their local cop shop and does what Eric did, would that make the nit wit population aware of these unlawful and acts?

    mg (44de53)

  43. You cannot buy a prepaid phone, and number, without ID. Legally.

    How about a stolen phone, or one bought off craigslist, or one bought with a fake ID?

    These people have enough money to overcome a lot of obstacles.

    I do find it amusing we’re talking about what you can’t do legally when committing other crimes.

    Dustin (330eed)

  44. I do find it amusing we’re talking about what you can’t do legally when committing other crimes.

    Comment by Dustin


    Definite point. Sharp and shiny and everything!

    Dianna (f12db5)

  45. phase one and phase two have nothing to do with IP based calls. that’s a whole different animal.

    anyone with concerns of being SWATed should do the following:

    1) call or visit in person(better) your local dispatch center
    2) ensure your address and name are flagged as “premise” addresses in the dispatch system. any time this address is pulled for a call this alert should be displayed to the dispatcher
    3) mark your address as “dispatch with care” so those responding will know there is a great likelihood of a false call to your address.

    i know of what i speak. interface with your local 911 center and you can defeat these craven actions of BK and Co at the source.

    chilly (28e7f8)

  46. I don’t understand; people get in trouble for making accidental or non-serious calls to 911 all the time, why no interest by law enforcement in such a potentially deadly hoax as SWATting? What about the fact that while cops are going in hot on some blogger thinking there’s been a shooting, resources are diverted from elsewhere and there could be a REAL emergency somewhere that won’t get help in a timely manner because all the potential assistance is busily distracted by a malevolent fraud?
    Don’t you remember all the warnings from elementary school about not pulling the fire alarm switch?
    WHY DOESN’T LAW ENFORCEMENT CARE ABOUT SWATTING? I’m sure each time they have to follow-up on one of those fake calls it costs the municipalities a lot of damned money too.

    Zilla (e2ca46)

  47. You are not going to like what I have to say, but such is life. First you picked this fight, so fight goddamn it. You knew whom and what Kimberlin was before you wrote about him. So stop whining and fight back. Don’t play nice and don’t hold back. Find out where he lives and post it. Find his phone number and post it. Find out what kind of car he drives and post it. Find his license plate number and post it. Encourage your readers to post flyers in his neighborhood detailing his criminal/terrorist history. Encourage your readers to call him and voice their displeasure. Encourage your readers to send mail voicing their displeasure. Encourage your readers to get photos/videos of him and post them on your webpage. Send mail to neighbors detailing his past. Get your readers to send mail/email to the corporate sponsors who donated to his “charity”. Do the same for any of his associates/family that you can find. In short, make him pay a price. Or sit back and do nothing. The choice is yours.

    Marine 83 (431b68)

  48. “Traceable to a throwaway cellphone if the perps have semi-functional brains.”

    Exactly, paid for with cash, except Erickson said in his post that the call came from his address.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  49. I suppose there are contrabanders.

    Given the number of shops in “inner-city” Philly that sell cell phones and the drug trade about, I assume it is frequent.

    I had friends once go to a notary to register their (new to them) car for tags and such, and the notary had already put in falsified insurance information, assuming they didn’t have insurance (like 50% of the driver’s in Philly). I assume once could buy a cell phone for cash in the same place without the proper documentation.

    After all, voting is important, and if you can vote without ID, why should you need ID to get a cell phone. Really. What are we thinking of?

    I guess they’ll have to locate the cellphones through GPS, physically retrieve them, and look for fingerprints…
    or get NSA satellites to locate, magnify, and take photos of the GPS coordinates as the call is being made…
    Big Brother could be useful, as long as he stays on your side…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  50. Marine 83, your advice – assuming you are not a Moby – is not helpful. You seem utterly ignorant of how what we are doing is actually of effect on these people.

    SPQR (26be8b)


    John Difool (4251ee)

  52. why no interest by law enforcement in such a potentially deadly hoax as SWATting?

    The FBI did investigate the case. Unfortunately they didn’t follow every lead.

    I think the Dallas office would have handled it better, but I am not in a position to know that for sure.

    Or sit back and do nothing. The choice is yours.

    Comment by Marine 83

    Perhaps you didn’t notice, but Patterico’s post on Brett Kimberlin has been a major part of getting many people aware of Brett Kimberlin. In a very real way, that is hitting him exactly where he doesn’t want to be hit.

    We do not need to sink to being thugs like Kimberlin is. We do not need to post the guy’s address (he’s got a family, you know… I don’t believe in passing the sins of the father onto the kids).

    Brett is pretending he’s being harassed. It does us no good to actually harass him!!!

    That’s totally ineffective and outrageous. We have the moral high ground, legitimately, truly, and it’s more than just valuable PR. It’s part of what we’re doing this for.

    Ace of Spades has some great ideas about how to really fight back. Legal reforms such as better penalties for SWATing. IIRC, Popehat talks about better SLAPP defenses which Maryland sorely needs. Call legislators and ask them to read Brett’s record into the congressional record.

    And Brett should have his day in court for lying about Aaron.

    Dustin (330eed)

  53. Marine 83, your advice – assuming you are not a Moby

    He probably is a moby. It seems everyone who says stuff like that is someone I’ve never heard of. And they don’t want to talk about anything but demanding we do the things Brett has pretended are being done to him.

    If it’s sincere, it’s unbelievably stupid.

    Dustin (330eed)

  54. BK can do what he is doing because he doesn’t have a life where he is held to the standard of being a responsible adult.
    P and others do. That’s why they can’t fight fire with fire in a direct sense…they have to be a bit fancier and set official “back-fires”, or whatever they’re really called.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  55. WTF… over.

    Colonel Haiku (d4df7b)

  56. MD, remember what Brett was doing before Scyphers and Delong. He was importing contraband.

    I guess they’ll have to locate the cellphones through GPS, physically retrieve them, and look for fingerprints…
    or get NSA satellites to locate, magnify, and take photos of the GPS coordinates as the call is being made…

    I actually think they probably used google voice or skype. Probably no location data at all. If there was some, it wasn’t accurate.

    I worry that we’re headed down a road where we won’t have effective emergency response once the means to use them as a weapon becomes more widespread and script kiddies begin doing this.

    The anarchy this causes… I imagine those responsible would think they were quite noble and clever for creating it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  57. also, false 911 calls like we’ve seen with patterico and EE are huge red flags. these should be pursued vigorously locally with LE and local media. flagrant abuse of 911.

    chilly (28e7f8)

  58. Dustin, yeah, I did think Marine 83 is a Moby.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  59. Maybe chilly’s helpful advice at #44 should be added in the post proper as an update for quick access and reference

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  60. “You cannot buy a prepaid phone, and number, without ID. Legally.”

    You can buy them online from places like WalMart and have them shipped to you, so all you need is an address and a way to pay for them.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  61. Nope,not a moby, although a first time commenter. The battle fields of history are strewn with the bodies of those who refused to fight. Being pasive never won a fight. It won’t win this one either. So you can fight or you can lose. Like I said the choice is yours. And, as my comment has been deemed unworthy I won’t comment again. Have a good day.

    Marine 83 (431b68)

  62. “Exactly, paid for with cash, except Erickson said in his post that the call came from his address.”

    Yeah, you make the call from near someone’s house, and then drive a block away…and watch the fun.

    At least that’s one way to do it, and you’re probably not going to get caught…unless you’re a total nimrod.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  63. ““Exactly, paid for with cash, except Erickson said in his post that the call came from his address.”

    Yeah, you make the call from near someone’s house, and then drive a block away…and watch the fun.

    At least that’s one way to do it, and you’re probably not going to get caught…unless you’re a total nimrod.”

    that ain’t the way it works. sorry.

    chilly (28e7f8)


    “Someone dialed 911 about 4:30 p.m. from an out-of-town cellphone number and reported that a shooter was at the front entrance of the school spraying the building with bullets, Smith said. Teachers and administrators still were finishing up their workday when the 911 call came in, and several students were in the school’s after-school program.”

    Yeah, that’s probably the “best” way to do it.

    “Sheriff’s investigators are trying to trace the phone that was used to make the 911 call, but disposable cellphones and Internet-based phone services are making that type of work harder, Smith said.”

    “Investigators have all but given up tracking down the caller…”

    And, you’re probably NOT going to get caught, unless, like I said, you’re a complete nitwit.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  65. I think Dustin is right that some FBI offices are more effective than others at investigating Swatting cases. In addition, this excerpt from a 2008 press release at the FBI’s website shows that these cases can be complex:

    The schemes can also be fairly sophisticated. Consider the following case investigated by our Dallas office recently in concert with a range of partners:

    — Five swatters in several states targeted people who were using online telephone party chat lines (or their family or friends).

    — The swatters found personal details on the victims by accessing telecommunication company information stored on protected computers.

    — Then, by manipulating computer and phone equipment, they called 9-1-1 operators around the country. By using “spoofing technology,” the swatters even made it look like the calls were actually coming from the victims!

    — Between 2002 and 2006, the five swatters called 9-1-1 lines in more than 60 cities nationwide, impacting more than 100 victims, causing a disruption of services for telecommunications providers and emergency responders, and resulting in up to $250,000 in losses.

    — “Swats” that the group committed included using bomb threats at sporting events, causing the events to be delayed; claiming that hotel visitors were armed and dangerous, causing an evacuation of the entire hotel; and making threats against public parks and officials.

    Case work. The swatters were tracked down through the cooperative efforts of local, state, and federal agencies and the assistance of telecommunications providers and first responders. In all, the case involved more than 40 state and local jurisdictions in about a dozen states. All five subjects have pled guilty to various charges and are scheduled to be sentenced in 2008.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  66. This is the worst thing imaginable from the police department’s perspective. I mean, what the hell can they do?

    These spoofers need to be harshly dealt with.

    j curtis (f0d73a)

  67. Another Swatting article h/t Darleen at Protein Wisdom.

    geoffb (1f4c30)

  68. The battle fields of history are strewn with the bodies of those who refused to fight.

    The comment threads of the internet are strewn with ignored internet tough guys.

    And, as my comment has been deemed unworthy I won’t comment again.

    I sincerely appreciate that.

    Dustin (330eed)

  69. “And, as my comment has been deemed unworthy I won’t comment again.”

    He’s giving up pretty easily for a guy who wants to fight to the last man.


    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  70. Comment by DRJ — 5/27/2012 @ 8:43 pm

    I wonder why they don’t name the swatters in that original case. I wonder what the sentences were. I’m interested in the profile of the kind of person who would do this. I suspect there is a characteristic common to all of them and it would be apparent if we knew their names and did a little digging.

    j curtis (f0d73a)

  71. j curtis,

    Tthe FBI names the defendants in some press releases. Here’s an example.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  72. geoff b’s link at 66 is excellent. It takes a lot of manpower and cross-agency cooperation, but they can identify the callers in these situations.

    However, there are investigative methods for identifying the origin of VoIP calls afterwards, although it takes a considerable amount of expertise, time and multi-agency assistance to accomplish. In fact, this seems to be the biggest hurdle in the investigation of these incidents–the anonymity of the caller, a lack of law enforcement contacts at VoIP providers, no phone numbers or e-mail addresses to report such incidents, and lack of resources within VoIP provider companies for investigating these incidents. The U.S. Attorney in the Texas prosecution praised the 40 agencies which cooperated to arrest their suspects–not an unusual number of agencies in these types of incidents.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  73. j curtis,

    You’d be surprised at who does this sort of stuff.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  74. “I wonder why they don’t name the swatters in that original case.”

    Try these names on for size…

    Stuart Rosoff

    Jason Trowbridge

    Chad Ward

    Angela Roberson

    Guadalupe Martinez

    I reckon those are probably the guys being talked about.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  75. From the Wired piece Dana linked,

    The party lines were dominated by a gang of half-a-dozen miscreants who informally called themselves the “Wrecking Crew” and “The Cavalry.”

    “I’m The Cavalry”? Weird.

    geoffb (1f4c30)

  76. You are not going to like what I have to say, but such is life. First you picked this fight, so fight goddamn it. You knew whom and what Kimberlin was before you wrote about him. So stop whining and fight back. Don’t play nice and don’t hold back. Find out where he lives and post it. Find his phone number and post it. Find out what kind of car he drives and post it. Find his license plate number and post it. Encourage your readers to post flyers in his neighborhood detailing his criminal/terrorist history. Encourage your readers to call him and voice their displeasure. Encourage your readers to send mail voicing their displeasure. Encourage your readers to get photos/videos of him and post them on your webpage. Send mail to neighbors detailing his past. Get your readers to send mail/email to the corporate sponsors who donated to his “charity”. Do the same for any of his associates/family that you can find. In short, make him pay a price. Or sit back and do nothing. The choice is yours.

    False choice. I reject your advice and I also reject the path of doing nothing. I choose to tell people the truth about what has happened. It is already having an effect. More action is necessary but I can’t do it all alone.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  77. Does anyone here actually trust the Holder Justice Department to uphold the law? Of course the media isn’t much interested in Fast and Furious, to name just one Obama scandal. You know damn well they’d be all over it if it were a Republican Potus and AG.
    So why is such a big surprise that the media and liberal government bureaucracies have little interest in pursuing justice in this sort of case, given the people hurt are enemies of the left?

    Of course Mr. Frey is a decent, honest man with a family. Some of us would likely attempt to give this SWATTER big time payback.
    Pity one cannot emulate the actions of Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State. Payback was a bitch when what was done to Will Smith was used against his tormentors. In that case it was rogue government lackeys and John Voigt. I doubt that Holder and Obama are not capable of much worse.
    Unless it is some kind of recent law, I don’t recall being asked for any ID to buy a phone at a regular big box store and one can always buy time cards without id, paying cash or using a prepaid charge card.

    Calypso Louis Farrakhan (d32e4c)

  78. Stranahan was semi-swatted. He had a false police report filed against him by a woman in Boston.
    So, I think that counts.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  79. False choice. I reject your advice and I also reject the path of doing nothing. I choose to tell people the truth about what has happened. It is already having an effect. More action is necessary but I can’t do it all alone.


    Crooks who know no law or moral self-restraint can’t be fought alone by men bound by laws and decency, particularly a professional lawyer in your position (it isn’t a Denzel Washington movie). Plus, the people sending the SWAT teams out, armed, are violent — and hidden. It takes more than one to fight such people, and your friggin’ job is part of a team locking up violent men. It’s not reasonable to expect you to take down a network of domestic terrorists single-handedly in your spare time.

    Random (fba0b1)

  80. I just saw that there was bonus Karl at that Hot Air place

    of course i had to find this out by myself on the street

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  81. Someone just came on Stranahan’s radio show with Pat and claimed to be the one who swatted him. It was very creepy…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  82. I thought Patrick and Lee handled it very well also.

    Kaisersoze (298188)

  83. Agreed. Strange too how he referred to him several times as “buddy”.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  84. I thought Patrick and Lee handled it very well also.


    Random (fba0b1)

  85. That caller had an East Coast attitude.

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  86. “Encourage your readers to get photos/videos of him and post them on your webpage.”

    No way. He’s an ugly little spud.

    Anyway, you can see him on YouTube, playing crap music, if you have a mind to.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  87. Now, if you were to get pictures of my gorgeous mug and start putting them up on your website, then you would be doing the world a real service.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  88. Same caller?? “Buddy” again…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  89. Jack Nicholson like.

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  90. And he keeps leaving voice samples to replay and/or have experts listen and compare. Not a bright bulb.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  91. Well that was kinda weird, huh?

    Patterico (feda6b)

  92. Well that was kinda weird, huh?

    Yeah, I just caught the tail end of it. Not sure that I believe him but he sounds like the sort for it.

    Random (fba0b1)

  93. Excellent blogtalk conversation with Stranahan, Liberty Chick, and more, that finished just minutes ago. Thank you for the heads up on that, Patterico.

    Sheep Dog (8e2020)

  94. UPDATE x5: A person claiming to be the swatter called in twice to the show: once at 50:18 and again at about 65 minutes in. He mocked me for having been swatted, laughed at me, and mocked Michelle Malkin for the situation where her cousin is missing.

    This is like a bad movie.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  95. “A person claiming to be the swatter called in twice to the show: once at 50:18 and again at about 65 minutes in. He mocked me for having been swatted, laughed at me, and mocked Michelle Malkin for the situation where her cousin is missing.”

    Sounds like a real charmer.

    I’m listening to the show, but I haven’t got to that part yet.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  96. Do you think it’s someone trying to throw you off on the voice matching?

    Has anyone spoken to Ginger Lee?

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  97. Very weird. The Skype caller may or may not be the actual swatter perp, but there is some real malevolent evil in that person. The sociopathic joy in someone else’s pain reminds me of more than one encounter I’ve had with sick minds.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  98. Do you think it’s someone trying to throw you off on the voice matching?

    It seems logical that, if it is the swatter, it is the swatter speaking in a disguised voice.

    Why would someone call in to a radio show, speaking in their own normal recognizable voice, and confess to being the swatter?

    It’s a disguised voice. Has to be.

    Why now?

    Patterico (feda6b)

  99. I don’t know if they sound the same, but there do seem to be some tonal similarities.

    I think it could be the guy from the swatter tapes playing with a voice changer program or something.

    They other thing that wouldn’t surprise me is if one them got some buddy to do it to put doubt on the other audio.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  100. I noticed that the guy said he SAW Pat being led away in bracelets. He might be bullshitting about that (and everything else)…might be it happened like I theorized.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  101. Patterico got SWATted
    Erickson got SWATed
    Stack got SWATed
    Ginger Lee was threatened somehow
    Aaron has been harassed via lawsuits
    Seth Allen has been harassed via lawsuits
    Stranahan had a false police report filed against him in MA (harassment?) while in communication with a woman in MA who he thought was using voice changing equipment.
    James O’Keefe is fighting off a rape claim after someone from MA filed harassment charges against him

    Tommy Christopher covered a lot of this, was given false IDs in covering one case and asked no questions in the rape case when reporting that, has so far not covered the SWATing and instead last wrote about someone saying something mean to Joan Walsh.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  102. The democratic media is stuck on the stool.
    Someone flush.

    mg (44de53)

  103. Wow, a lot happens when you go to bed…stay safe, everyone.

    I’m downloading that podcast right now.

    Pious Agnostic (ee2c24)

  104. 21.Friends in high places since 1992 at least.

    Sen. Levin helps Kimberlin.

    Comment by geoffb — 5/27/2012 @ 6:48 pm

    Since it’s obvious that Kimberlin is deeply associated with the Democrats and has taken part in their worst schemes, you’ll need the Republicans in congress to investigate this or take control away from Holder. Holder isn’t going to arrest someone who knows where the bodies are buried.

    j curtis (b6f877)

  105. someone who knows where the bodies are buried.

    Unfortunately, I find this thought compelling. It’s possible a lot of people worked with him not realizing exactly what they were getting mixed up with until it was too late, and now they realize that he’s got plenty of dirt on them too.

    Dustin (330eed)

  106. 104

    We can go with that. It’s probably being overly generous regarding the Democrat Party involvement, but for them to resist the generous narrative can only advance the direct involvement appearance. Republicans need to exploit this and take control. You can’t have a bipartisan investigation because one part has that conflict of interest.

    j curtis (b6f877)

  107. From another blog:
    “He said he had already warned the sheriff’s department that such a call was a possibility. ”

    And then it happened; bet traffic went up on his blog today. Kimberlin may be a bad guy, but I’m starting to think these bloggers are reporting swatting to boost page views. I can’t find any reports from legitimate news sources about the incident. Everyone refers back to Errickson’s statements on his blog . Show me the original police reports.

    Skeptic (a89771)

  108. umbday ^^^

    Icy (32c21b)

  109. Kimberlin may be a bad guy.

    That says everything I need to know.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  110. What Dana said. Icy is being too kind.

    Dustin (330eed)

  111. I say “Kimberlin may be a bad guy” because I know nothing about him except what I read in the right wing blogs. I will not get accurate info from his web site, and there is no wikipedia entry about him. I do not doubt that he blew up something at some time, but the details are missing. If he blew up abortion clinics he would be a hero here. The fact that I cannot get any reliable information from neutral sources bothers me. It also bothers me when people tell me that if you are not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. The concern with swatting proves that wrong.

    Prove me an idiot and provide a link to a newspaper or TV news story about this incident that references police sources. A neutral, reputable source on Kimberlin would also be appreciated.

    skeptic (a89771)

  112. skeptic, prove you an idiot? But you are doing such a fine job without my help.

    SPQR (26706b)

  113. Skeptic is a lying liar. Convenient that he asks for wiki. If he wants police reports, he can go get them. The idea that since the MFM will not cover this, then it is a ginned up outrage machine is laughable. Eff you, “skeptic”

    JD (bd887a)

  114. there is no wikipedia entry about him. I do not doubt that he blew up something at some time, but the details are missing. If he blew up abortion clinics he would be a hero here.

    You lack of curiosity and mendoucheous twatwafflery is noted.

    JD (bd887a)

  115. Its not convenient that skeptic says that there is no wikipedia entry for him, it shows that skeptic is a clown given the extensive documentation of the dishonestly at wikipedia about Kimberlin.

    “skeptic” is another Kimberlin crime family troll.

    SPQR (26706b)

  116. If he blew up abortion clinics he would be a hero here.

    You underestimate the readers here. Many of us are staunchly pro-life, but very, very few would lionize a terrorist.

    Chuck Bartowski (e1fdd9)

  117. Bartowski, “skeptic” is just a slanderer, he knows he’s lying.

    SPQR (26706b)

  118. “The fact that I cannot get any reliable information from neutral sources bothers me.”

    skeptic/Skeptic – Ur doin’ it rong.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  119. Gee, skeptic, a non-conservative wrote a whole damn book about Brett Kimberlin

    Intellectual curiosity just isn’t your strong suit, is it?

    Chuck Bartowski (e1fdd9)

  120. “…I know nothing…”

    Comes with the territory…when you’re a lefty.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  121. I say “Kimberlin may be a bad guy” because I know nothing about him except what I read in the right wing blogs. I will not get accurate info from his web site, and there is no wikipedia entry about him.

    Heh. So ironic you assume you would get accurate info from Wikipedia. All things considered.

    But, you knew that.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  122. “If he blew up abortion clinics he would be a hero here.”

    Much as I loathe abortionists, people that go around setting off bombs ought to be executed. Definitely so, if someone is injured by a mad bomber.

    At least that’s how it would be, if I was dictator of America.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  123. Prove me an idiot

    No need for anyone else to do that…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  124. Odds of “skeptic” and “Not Likely” being the same troll? Pretty good I’ll bet.

    SPQR (26706b)

  125. Kimberlin, and all of his known associates, should be rounded up and sent to GITMO (I would suggest an ice-floe in the Arctic if AGW hadn’t melted all the Arctic sea-ice).

    AD-RtR/OS! (2bb434)

  126. Prove me an idiot
    Comment by skeptic — 5/28/2012 @ 12:06 pm

    — Will do.

    If he blew up abortion clinics he would be a hero here.
    Comment by skeptic — 5/28/2012 @ 12:06 pm

    — Done.

    Icy (32c21b)

  127. provide a link to a newspaper or TV news story about this incident that references police sources.
    — Are you disputing that Kimberlin was convicted of the Speedway bombing? There are links to a photo of the newspaper story on THIS web page.

    A neutral, reputable source on Kimberlin would also be appreciated.
    — It would be appreciated by US, as well. Unfortunately, we’re stuck with Wikipedia.

    Icy (32c21b)

  128. “Kimberlin may be a bad guy…”

    In much the same way that the sun MAY be warm.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  129. “Prove me an idiot”

    Gee, that’s a real challenge. Kinda like proving that (liquid) water is wet.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  130. skeptic, you can even find the Federal court opinions that confirm all the things we are claiming about Kimberlin’s criminal convictions.

    The reality is of course that “skeptic” is a troll, if not actually a Kimberlin crime family member.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  131. Glad everyone is okay. Disgusting. Repulsive. Horrible.

    I joke, but thank God I’m in Philly. The dispatcher would be like “That’s nice. We’ll get to it later this month.”

    Jordan Rushie (4fca31)

  132. Someone in federal law enforcement should start comparing the voices on these calls.

    Gunga (b83c9b)

  133. BLAST FROM THE PAST: It was reported by Joe Gelarden that, when Kimberlin was incarcerated, he tried to have someone set off bombs with similar components to those set off in Speedway, to show that there was another perpetrator and that he therefore could not be guilty.

    That (undated but apparently 1980) Joe Gelarden article, written the week after his BKs conviction for 6 of the 8 bombings, is the famous article from the Indianapolis Star that, I think, Liberty Chick copied from microfilm. I saw it last year when this was discussed.

    It’s probably only one of many articles that might have been selected. There were a couple of questions I had that I never wrote out. It’s a little bit unclear.

    Reading that made me think that possibly even the first eight bombs were not personally detonated by Brett Kimberlin. If he could train somebody in jail, maybe he could train somebody else earlier.

    That might be why he placed so much stake in his alibi. He also had a very good alibi for the Julia Scyphers murder on July 29, 1978, which nobody thinks or ever thought he personally committed. He had criminal associates.

    Now if he already could arrange for somebody else to commit the actual crime why not for all of the bombs too? See this way Aaron might have been going wrong on Jan 9 – Breett Kimberlin maybe never set off any bombs himself, but was always only the mastermind.

    But he was tied to the bombs and bomb supplies and he was prosecuted as if he had detonated all of them himself, (prosecutors unfortunately don’t like to involve specuulative unknown John Does in their cases even if maybe the evidence really indicates that’s more likely. And what exactly wa the reason two bombs were left out? Because he had good alibis for them?

    When he was convicted, the jury thought that if he didn’t detonate them himself, he must have gone along for the ride. Apparently some of his alibis for the bombs were false.

    Now as to the point here:

    I think actually you seem to have good evidence that the caller and the swatter are the same.

    What may be fake in the new SWAtting is the enemy: Erick Erickson

    I mean we already know that one enemy of Brett Kimberlin, is not a real enemy: Ron Brynaert.

    Maybe I’m not understanding it right, but how does Erick Erickson get so confident that he’s going to be SWATted that he calls the police in advance?? Did anybody else do that, on pure speculation?

    I didn’t mention this thought till now. I don’t know enough to know if something rules that out.
    I still don’t know more or didn’t research this enough. So I’ll throw this thought out. EE could be a double agent, you know.

    Now the purpose of the SWATTing could be to disguise the motive. Same thing with the call to the show.

    The motive of the first two SWATtings had to do with the investigation of the identity of Dan Wolfe and some other socks – not with protecting Brett Kimberlin’s general reputation!!

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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