Patterico's Pontifications


Congressman Mike Rogers Is SWATted — And a Curious Coincidence Involving Neal Rauhauser

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:01 am

“Mike Rogers (former FBI) called for [Bradley] Manning’s execution and he’s from MI-08 . . . we want [Anthony Weiner’s replacement Mike] Grimm, Rogers out /w Anon boot print on their asses . . .”

— Neal Rauhauser

Congressman Mike Rogers was SWATted Saturday night:

Police surrounded the Michigan home of Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) Saturday night after a prank 911 phone call, Rogers’ office confirmed to TPM Sunday.

“Last night police investigated a threat to our home in Howell,” Rogers said in a statement emailed to TPM Sunday. “I appreciate the quick and professional response of the Howell Police Department and the Livingston County Sheriff. While this turned out to be an unfortunate prank, it is a reminder of the the real threats faced by our law enforcement community every day.”

The prank, according to a Rogers spokesperson, was a fake 911 call in which someone claimed to be the congressman.

Rogers is a co-sponsor of CISPA, a bill that has angered many people in Anonymous.

But there is another interesting fact about Rogers that is less well known: he was targeted by Neal Rauhauser. Rauhauser, speaking to Barrett Brown in an Internet Relay Chat as “Carlito2000,” said the following to Brown:

[14:11] Stranahan is a dopey former liberal porn guy scam artist who also worked on the movie
[14:12] jesus
[14:12] Keep in mind Grimm (former FBI) is going down in NY-11, Mike Rogers (former FBI) called for Manning’s execution and he’s from MI-08
[14:12] and Coleen Rowley in MN-02 is former FBI turned whistleblower
[14:12] so, what’s the specific evidence of Darby being involved in Swating, and we’re talking about PAtrick Frey SWAT correct?
[14:12] we want Grimm, Rogers out /w Anon boot print on their asses, and we push Rowley in 🙂

But do we know that “Carlito2000” is really Neal Rauhauser?

Yes, we do. We know it from his own mouth. He made the admission in a leaked recording of a phone conversation between Rauhauser and Kelly Hallissey. Click here and scroll ahead to 18:00, and this is what you will hear Rauhauser saying:

Rauhauser: The log that was published, the #3 of him talking to Pat Frey? There’s an IRC exchange with someone named Carlito2000?

Hallissey: Uh-huh.

Rauhauser: And he publishes actual logs but he changes the names. That was me, that was that night, that was on 2600.

So you have Rauhauser admitting that he talked to Barrett Brown, saying that he wanted two Congressman — Anthony Weiner’s replacement Mike Grimm, and Michigan congressman Mike Rogers — out of office “w/ Anon boot print on their asses.”

Anonymous, it need hardly be added, is generally thought to be behind most SWATtings in the country.

The chat above, where Rauhauser as “Carlito2000” tells Brown that Rogers called for Bradley Manning’s execution, is not the first time that Rauhauser has waved that particular red flag in front of Anonymous. Three weeks after I was SWATted, Rauhauser tried to incite Anonymous against me in a similar fashion on Daily Kos — in a post that mentioned me prominently:

Breitbart’s Big Government, where Patterico is a contributor, is nothing but the same sort of trouble we see with News Corp. Deception, intrusion, and intimidation when caught are the order of the day for them. They do this on behalf of the neo-fascist American right.

One of the politicians supported by this group is Mike Rogers, the Congressman from Michigan’s 8th District. This guy has an interesting past, quitting his job with the FBI just six months short of vesting. Curious, eh?

Rogers was John Boehner’s choice to head the House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee. They’re supposed to be doing stuff like watching over the NSA so they don’t waste a billion dollars on a three million dollar problem and get all up in our civil liberties while also failing to stop the 9/11 attack. Instead, Rogers crows about this oversight (after the fact) committee’s work to find and kill bin Laden – more pure fabrication – finding him is President Obama’s success.

And it’s not just bin Laden that Rogers wants dead; he’s publicly called for the execution of Bradley Manning.

So while Anonymiss and I are busy figuring out how to get these guys matching sets of handcuffs, they go out and make fools of themselves trying to get the boys to attack us on behalf of a political faction that’s calling for the execution of a man that parts of Anonymous are determined to free?

Who here would like to offer a prediction as to how this set of maneuvers will turn out for Mr. Frey? And will the wrath flow back and hit @AndrewBreitbart, getting Big Government torn to shreds by an aroused hive just like The Sun was?

Then you have the rampant evidence of the hostility that Rauhauser and/or his friends have shown to five other SWATting victims besides Rep. Rogers. Here are the names of the SWATting victims and the dates of our SWATting incidents:

Just some of the examples of Rauhauser’s and his friends’ hatred for us:

Rauhauser called SWATting victims Mike Stack and me the “Weinergate perps” — before our SWATtings were publicly known.

Rauhauser sent a document to law enforcement with information on a number of his enemies, including me, Stack, and Aaron Walker — all SWATting victims. Here is a screenshot from one of Rauhauser’s crazy documents:

That’s three SWATting victims named in Rauhauser’s nutty screed.

Rauhauser is, according to convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin, an “associate” of Kimberlin’s. Critics of Kimberlin have been SWATted including me, Aaron Walker, and Erick Erickson. Erickson was SWATted two days after he started criticizing Kimberlin. Walker was SWATted the same day he won a major court battle with Kimberlin.

(If you doubt Rauhauser’s connection to Kimberlin, or the way that he groups critics of Kimberlin’s with the late Andrew Breitbart, doubt no more. Just last night, on an Internet radio show, he boasted: “Breitbart fucked with me, he fucked with Brett [Kimberlin], and now his ass is dead.” Listen to the audio clip here.)

I was SWATted hours after I put up a post suggesting that a possible frame-up of Lee Stranahan for threatening a woman in Boston sounded like the type of thing Neal Rauhauser might do.

Erik Rush was SWATted two hours after arguing with “Team Kimberlin” member Bill Schmalfeldt, who has had Rauhauser on his radio show.

None of this is an accusation. I am not saying Neal Rauhauser (or any other specific person) has done any SWATting. Maybe it’s a supporter of his. Maybe it’s an enemy of his trying to frame him.

But doesn’t this sound like something the investigators of Mike Rogers’s SWATting should know about?

P.S. Here is the by-now traditional roll call of the SWATted: Congressman Mike Rogers; Wolf Blitzer; Ted Lieu; Erik Rush; Ryan Seacrest; Russell Brand; Selena Gomez; Justin Timberlake; Rihanna; Sean Combs; Chris Brown; Tom Cruise; Paris Hilton; Clint Eastwood; Brian Krebs; the Jenners and Kardashians; Justin Bieber; Miley Cyrus; Ashton Kutcher; Simon Cowell; Aaron Walker; Erick Erickson; Mike Stack; and me.

MORE: Rauhauser called Rogers an “election rigging loser” in this post, and this post says Rauhauser’s “Progressive PST” social media organization aided Rogers’s opponent, Lance Enderle.

28 Responses to “Congressman Mike Rogers Is SWATted — And a Curious Coincidence Involving Neal Rauhauser”

  1. Whether he did this SWATting or others, he is a cretin.

    I think the “I’m just a mature guy who is beset with all these crazy trolls” act is officially at an end. We saw the real Neal Rauhauser tonight, and he is gloating about the death of Andrew Breitbart.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. I guess I should modify my earlier comments on a different thread. Apparently Rauhauser hates the fact Wolf Blitzer gave Rogers a forum in which to speak about anything. It wasn’t what they were talking about, as this grudge goes back much further.

    Although to be honest I doubt Democratic party operative Rauhauser liked what Blitzer and Rogers were saying.

    Steve57 (da9e0e)

  3. At what point can we begin to accurately describe this as terrorism?

    My Sharia Moor (7ede7d)

  4. Rogers is a co-sponsor of CISPA, a bill that has angered many people in Anonymous.

    Justifiably — CISPA is just a rehash of PIPA/SOPA, rammed through while everyone wasn’t looking. The number of GOP who voted for this POS abortion should be ashamed of themselves. If my Rep had voted for it he’d be out on his ass as far as my vote went the next time he was up for re-election.


    Not agreeing with anything else Anon has done, but being pissed at CISPA, yeah. As the saying goes about a broken (analog) clock…

    Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master and part-time Gadfly-For-Hire (98ae1f)

  5. Rauhauser needs his bank record inspected.

    mg (31009b)

  6. We can call Kimberlin’s leaving a bomb with schrapnel designed to explode and shred people, which it did, in the high school parking lot on a game day, terrorism.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  7. I think the “I’m just a mature guy who is beset with all these crazy trolls” act is officially at an end. We saw the real Neal Rauhauser tonight, and he is gloating about the death of Andrew Breitbart.

    Comment by Patterico (9c670f) — 4/29/2013 @ 12:05 am

    My GOD, man…don’t you EVER sleep?

    My Sharia Moor (7ede7d)

  8. Apparently that sort of thing appeals to BK’s friends.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  9. Just another in a series of totally unrelated coincidences

    JD (b63a52)

  10. Great post. Let’s hope whoever is responsible is finally caught and put in prison.

    The one silver lining in this is also a surprise to me: when the thugs got away with several crimes, they decided to keep committing crimes rather than slink away. It seems to me they will continue, as well as become increasingly aggressive and boastful, until their mistakes are sufficient that they are caught.

    Dustin (2da3a2)

  11. Neal Rauhauser is lying about Michael Grimm being Anthony Weiner’s replacement.

    Mike Grimm is not Anthony Weiner’s replacement.

    They were both in Congress at the same time, and only a tiny portion of Anthony Weiner’s district is now in Grimm’s district, which includes all of Staten Island and a portion of southern Brooklyn.

    Anthony Weiner doesn’t have a replacement. The 9th District was lost to redistricting when new York lost two congressional districts. Bob Turner succeded Anthony Weiner in a special election, then when the district was gone, tried to run for the Senate and lost in the primary to someone who had no chance and ran no campaign and wasn’t known.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  12. Later, Congressman Bob Turner’s home was destroyed in the Brezy Point fire that occured the night of Hurricane Sandy, when LIPA (the Long Island Power Authority, which also supplies the electricity in Far Rockaway even though that is part of Queens) unlike Con Edison, did not cut off the electricity to impacted areas.

    Con Ed knew to do this, but LIPA is incompetent.

    It was created to replace LILCO – Long Island Lighting Company – after the Shoreham nuclear power plant was not allowed to go operational – partly for the reason that if you needed to so an evacuation, there might not be any way for the people on Long Island to get far away.

    Residents of Long Island are still payinmg for that plant, and have the highest electricity rates in the country I think, even higher than New York City. (they had even before, though, I think)

    The rates here are at least double what you see plastered on appliances with the Energy Efficiency Ratings.

    The New York Daily News has a front page story today on the slow rebuilding of Breezy Point.

    Grimm has/d an association with the same peculiar Rabbi that Anthony Weiner did.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  13. Is somebody trying to get caught?

    That doesn’t make sense.

    Uness somebody is hoping that all the SWATtings gt “solved” because somebody else is doing that now than who cvarried them out against Some of the early ones, like Mike Stack and Patterico.

    Does this make sense?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  14. * Unless somebody is hoping that all the SWATtings get “solved” art once – because somebody else is doing the SWATtings now than who carried them out against some of the early targets, like Mike Stack and Patterico. I mean, Ron Brynaert is not making those telephone calls now. So somebody else will get to be the fall guy.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  15. Comment by Dustin (2da3a2) — 4/29/2013 @ 8:49 am

    10.. Great post. Let’s hope whoever is responsible is finally caught and put in prison.

    That’s probably what Neal and RB et al hopes happens.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  16. Rauhauser invokes Anonymous as if Anon is some sort of highly organized, monolithic network bound together by commonly held goals and underlying philosophy. Rauhauser pretends Anonymous is his own private army, ready to spring into action the moment he drops a chatroom hint regarding the identity of his next target. Pro-tip: Anon is no one’s private army. Anon has no philosophy unless a kind of bored nihilism constitutes a philosophy. Most of them could care less about politics. They’re in it for the lulz.

    So here’s the deal on Rauhauser: he and a few of his pals drop heavy hints that big bad Anonymous is responsible for these SWATings and the like, when in fact it’s Rauhauser and a few of his pals making those 911 calls. He brings up Bradley Manning and other Anonymous concerns as a smokescreen, hoping to shift the blame for his acts on an army of faceless, nameless mischief-makers known for pranks and petty (and sometimes creative) sabotage. Anon is the perfect patsy.

    Oh, and Neal? If you’re reading this? I use my real name online so I’m easy enough to find, but you might want to ask around before you start dropping my name in chatrooms. Just a suggestion.

    Troy Riser (06d8a1)

  17. Sammy, I’m not on the same wavelength as these nuts, so it’s hard for me to say.

    Whoever committed the SWATtings belongs in prison. If there are multiple parties doing it, of course they all belong there. I don’t understand your theory that someone else doing this to someone Neal hates would suddenly trigger a campaign from Neal to get SWATtings investigated. That seems a little foolish. But hey, I don’t understand these animals at all.

    Dustin (2da3a2)

  18. What motivated new Ricin Guy? There is just no accounting for crazy.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  19. 16. Comment by Dustin (2da3a2) — 4/29/2013 @ 9:17 am

    Sammy, I’m not on the same wavelength as these nuts, so it’s hard for me to say.

    Whoever committed the SWATtings belongs in prison. If there are multiple parties doing it, of course they all belong there. I don’t understand your theory that someone else doing this to someone Neal hates would suddenly trigger a campaign from Neal to get SWATtings investigated. That seems a little foolish.

    Neal might very well be afraid that the original SWATtings might be solved. It could be hanging over his head. Somebody might talk, and then there might be evidence it was Ron B. His voice is supposed to rsemble the caller. So he might want these cases to be definitely closed.

    There is a large time gap between the SWATtings of Mike Stack (June 23, 2011) and Patrick Frey just past midnight July 1, 2011) and the series of SWATtings that seem to have started in the spring of 2012. Close to a year.

    This is enough time to plan both the crimes, and the coverup and plan for somebody to get caught – somebody else without a clear connection to him.

    And then later, they’ll assume these people caused ALL the SWATtings.

    But hey, I don’t understand these animals at all.

    It could be almost instinct, rather than reasoning. In the sense that maybe it would be better for him (if it’s him) to let sleeping dies lie. But maybe the problem for him is the dogs are only sleeping, but not dead. Attributing the 2011 SWATtinmgs to somebody else with no apparent connection to him may kill the dogs.

    None of the later SWATtings make any sense whatsover, except that some of them seem motivated by a desire to get an investigation going.

    And then we’ll think all of them had the same cause, and none of them had any relationship to Weinergate, and covering up the identity and motives (and paymasters?) of the sockpuppets.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  20. 17. Comment by SarahW (b0e533) — 4/29/2013 @ 10:21 am

    What motivated new Ricin Guy? There is just no accounting for crazy.

    They knew each other very well, even to the point of the new guy (we assume) knowing how Curtis signed his missives to Congressmen. Nobody was going to get killed he knew, so the investigation would be relatively limited. If so, he miscalculated.

    Still, what’s the motive? I assume maybe Curtus discovered evidence of some scandal, and was then somehow led to believe in an implausible explanation of the evidence and then maybe it was decided by somebody to TOTALLY discredit him.

    Or….it’s personal, not business.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  21. Paul Kevin Curtis and J. Everett Dutschke: Epic Feud and Ricin Letters

    It might be the problem is that Dutschke has been arrested on charges of molesting a 7-year-old girl at his tae kwon do studio. I don’t know how that might be connected.

    Focus Shifts in Ricin Case as Charges Are Dropped

    By the way Curtis was a fan of Obama. Some said that is one place

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  22. Neal might very well be afraid that the original SWATtings might be solved. It could be hanging over his head. Somebody might talk, and then there might be evidence it was Ron B. His voice is supposed to rsemble the caller. So he might want these cases to be definitely closed.

    That’s probably a safe bet.

    None of the later SWATtings make any sense whatsover, except that some of them seem motivated by a desire to get an investigation going.

    I see where you’re coming from. I think you’re presuming too much, though.

    Consider a contrary possibility: the swatters stopped for a while when they realized they had made mistakes with their initial swattings which should have gotten them caught. They engaged in a massive campaign to muddy the waters about whether they were even allies, and about who actually conducted the swattings. Then they realized they got away with it, tweaked their technique to eliminate as much risk as possible (by not using their voice, apparently), and conducted some more attacks.

    Then, several months later, they realize they probably got away with the crime after all. You say there is no motivation, but this post actually proves that Neal did have strong motivation, yet again, against a SWATting victim.

    And then we’ll think all of them had the same cause, and none of them had any relationship to Weinergate, and covering up the identity and motives (and paymasters?) of the sockpuppets.

    Indeed if you’re correct, then of course the new bad guy would be blamed for the old bad guy’s attacks. That’s certainly how it would play out.

    I think this is less likely than the same parties being scared for a while and then resuming the attacks with some improvements in technique, but we’re both theorizing.

    Dustin (2da3a2)

  23. One more thought, Sammy:

    My main frustration with the SWATtings is that almost none of the political ones are being solved, which leads to future attacks, which means that eventually some innocent kid or spouse or neighbor or police officer is probably going to get killed because this tactic is going to be repeated.

    With that in mind, catching any SWATter and prosecuting them harshly is of tremendous benefit to society, vastly outweighing any PR boon to the weirdos who are obsessed with Weinergate.

    I think your theory is far fetched, but the only way to know more would be for the FBI to catch a SWATter.

    Dustin (2da3a2)

  24. In my theory, the new bad guy isn’t totally disconnected from the old bad guy(s) – it’s just not readily apparent, if you don’t look too closely.

    I don’t know that any of the new SWATtings have any purpose at all. The only thing they seem to do is call attention to the crime of SWATting.

    These are all people who might get an investigation going.

    It is true that Mike Rogers is a bit of a bete noire of Neal, but maybe he fits the idea of being a target of the new bad guy(s) better, and
    besides, Neal wouldn’t target politicians he likes, or works with.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  25. Once is an incident.

    Twice is co-incidence.

    Three (or more) times is enemy action…

    Rusty Bill (e3b0ca)

  26. 22. Comment by Dustin (2da3a2) — 4/29/2013 @ 11:04 am

    Consider a contrary possibility: the swatters stopped for a while when they realized they had made mistakes with their initial swattings which should have gotten them caught.

    I agree with that part. Neal in fact suddenly decided to move from Chicago on July 7, 2011, which probably also invoplved having utilities destroy records.

    They engaged in a massive campaign to muddy the waters about whether they were even allies, and about who actually conducted the swattings.

    No argument here.

    Then they realized they got away with it, tweaked their technique to eliminate as much risk as possible (by not using their voice, apparently), and conducted some more attacks.

    That’s where I disagree. they may have wanted to do more, but:

    1) They must ahve realized it wasn’t accompolishing anything – why continue?

    2) There may have been otehr people doing it then

    3) The celebrity SWAttings at leasst look like an attemot to have someone else eventually be blamed.

    BTW I think BK himself claimed to be SWATted. I don’t know if he still does.

    Then, several months later, they realize they probably got away with the crime after all. You say there is no motivation, but this post actually proves that Neal did have strong motivation, yet again, against a SWATting victim.

    And then we’ll think all of them had the same cause, and none of them had any relationship to Weinergate, and covering up the identity and motives (and paymasters?) of the sockpuppets.

    Indeed if you’re correct, then of course the new bad guy would be blamed for the old bad guy’s attacks. That’s certainly how it would play out.

    I think this is less likely than the same parties being scared for a while and then resuming the attacks with some improvements in technique, but we’re both theorizing.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  27. Too much quoted.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  28. i dont think the celeb swattings are related. i guess you never know, but it would be a huge risk against a more powerful target with no terrorizing benefit for the bad guys we are discussing. perhaps you are trying to pull too much into a single theory. my guess is that celeb swattings are dumb kids copying the attacks the read about.

    i disregard bk’s claims because he’s a con man.

    my impression is that the bad guys have cranked up the evil a few notches recently in a few ways.

    dustin (86a5d6)

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