[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Big Government alleges that Weiner’s staff are going to be taken into new offices starting this week—starting allegedly today. Go to Big Government, read all of it—it’s only a couple paragraphs anyway.
It raises the question, however, whether this is just compassion for people who they think is about to lose their jobs? Or is this part of a campaign to force Weiner out? After all, if he loses his staff he won’t be able to get very much done. It sounds almost like the sort of thing an unscrupulous landlord might do if they want to force a tenant out–being late to repair the A/C, to give an example. And it is always reasonable to suspect that people intend the natural consequences of their actions.
Another tactic that might be used to force him out is to refuse to grant him leave of absence. From as Chad Pergram said in Gretawire:
A leave of absence must be requested on the floor. This is usually a perfunctory, moot exercise, with no one objecting.
It is conceviable that if someone does object…the leave is not granted. And, it’s possible a debate and even a vote could ensue on the merits or demerits of granting leave.
If Weiner asks for leave, it would not surprise me if someone were to object on the floor. Then we’re into uncharted territory.
You can read more on the leave of absence issue, here.
It is also worth noting that Weiner has never been shy about throwing other Democrats under the bus. Now in my mind that is a virtue—if they have done wrong, he should be saying these kinds of things. But it means practically speaking, he refused to defend some of the same people who are defending him.
And of course a whole new reason to resign emerged yesterday when TMZ released new risqué photos of the Congressman. A first when I heard about it I thought, “what else is new?” After all, I had already seen the unpixilated version of the infamous Opie and Anthony pic (and I have fully recovered from my bought of hysterical blindness, thank you very much). But then I took a look and while they are not x-rated like some other photos, there is an additional wrinkle—they used the Congressional gym as his backdrop. And that might actually offend his fellow Congressmen to a unique degree.
Update: How could I forget this? Remember that Marist poll that said the majority of his constituents said he should stay? Well, there is one problem. His district contains many orthodox jews–the kinds of people who notice that God frowns upon adultery–and they were having a holiday, Shavuot. That is one of the holidays on which sufficiently observant jews do not answer their phone. And while I am citing the American Spectator, it was actually regular commenter Milhouse who tipped me off about that flaw in the poll.
Update: The Village Voice manages to scrape the bottom of the barrel describing my discussion with Gennette Cordova this weekend as follows:
Patterico’s blog wasn’t done chasing down Weiner’s Twitter correspondents, though; special correspondent Aaron Worthing had an online conversation with Gennette Cordova, the previous Person of Interest in this case, who defended herself with aplomb. (Worthing kept up pretty well, even assuming that he used both hands for typing.)
(emphasis added.) This is part of the meme that if you want to keep investigating the Weiner scandal you have to be a perv or something. Since these people do not know us, I can only presume that they are projecting.
And this just after the same author attacked Patrick for his work on Ethel, writing:
Last week Weiner admitted that one of his Twitter correspondents was 17 years old, but said that their conversations hadn’t been inappropriate. This briefly jacked up the collective rightblogger heartrate (“Breaking: Police Visit Home of Weiner’s Teen Tweet-Heart“), but police in the teen’s jurisdiction investigated and seem to have found no reason to take action.
Such tireless Weiner teen text sleuths as Patterico were left with tenuous linkages which the police apparently don’t see the same way they did.
Actually, dipshit, Patrick felt that an investigation was warranted so in fact they saw things exactly like he did. And Weiner didn’t spontaneously admit to that contact as your phrasing suggests, but in fact only fessed up because Patrick published his work and the police arrived at the teenager’s home.
“Then again, the use of the word ‘Weiner,’ when Ethel clearly said she loved Rep. Weiner, does not necessarily sound entirely like an accident,” Patterico reported. (“Ethel” is Patterico’s cute nickname for the 17-year-old, building off Tommy Christopher’s aliases for other young Weiner correspondents, “Betty” and “Veronica.”)
“And,” Patterico added, “there is no evidence that she ever told Rep. Weiner it was not a reference to him. And it’s his state of mind that matters, not hers.” Patterico also repeated some sexy lines Weiner used on adult women to prove… we’re not sure what; maybe that Weiner is capable of anything (we mean anything).
See, it is wrong to suggest that if a Congressman now notorious for sexting pretty admirers was privately messaging a pretty admirer who happened to be a teenager, who echoed phrases that Weiner used when wooing at least one online paramour, that he might have been behaving inappropriately with that teenager. But its perfectly okay to speculate that I am behaving inappropriately toward Gennette Cordova because… Well, because I am on the right I guess.
Which makes his whole line about the hate of the right-wing blogosphere more than a little ironic.
Update: There is something else risible about the Village Voice piece. At one point, he denounces right wingers for insinuating that Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is in fact a lesbian, writing:
Weiner has, in addition to sext partners, a wife, and while prominent Republicans were pretending to feel sorry for her, rightbloggers mainly noticed that she had not denounced her husband, and was therefore fair game.
“Will Weinergate Blow ‘President’ Hillary’s Lesbian ‘Cover?'” asked Uncoverage. If you follow the link, you will need some patience and perhaps a gas mask; it includes, along with the usual salacious rumors, lines like “Huma Abedin’s expensive tastes and lifestyle have been questioned considering her plebeian salary from Hillary,” and ends with “Weinergate may end up being the prelude to President Hillary Clinton,” for some reason.
The Mad Jewess agreed that Abedin must be gay. “This is why Anthony’s pecker was all over the net,” she deduced. “…A straight man can’t get too much love from a Lesbian, now, can he?” Suddenly it all makes sense! If only Mark Sanford had thought to subpoena his wife’s phone records.
So he is denouncing right wingers for imagining that Huma might be a lesbian, a rumor that started (in part) in… the Village Voice. This was also a theory promoted once upon a time by Charles Johnson. And one of the people dispelling this rumor? A certain guest blogger at Hot Air who goes by the nickname Patterico.
Hat tip: Ron Brynaert (@ronbryn).
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]