Yet Another Glaring Inconsistency in Tommy Christopher’s Story About the Underage Girls
In Tommy Christopher’s story about Betty and Veronica, the high school fans of Rep. Weiner, Christopher wrote that “Veronica” had told Betty about Mike Stack aka goatsred:
A high school friend of Betty’s, whom I will call Veronica (she’s a minor), was also contacted, via Twitter, by a member of the group, Mike Stack (@goatsred). For personal reasons I won’t go into, Veronica saw a means of getting attention, and agreed to follow @Goatsred so that they could speak privately. She told him that she and Betty had incriminating Direct Messages from Rep. Weiner, a claim she now admits was false, and which she made without Betty’s knowledge.
In fact, she was simultaneously telling Betty that @Goatsred had tried to induce her to lie about Rep. W[ei]ner, and to enlist Betty in the plot. Veronica now admits this was also false.
Yet Betty’s parents, in their statement (which sounds so much like a press release from Weiner’s crisis management team), claimed that Betty never knew Veronica was talking to Stack:
My husband and I have been made aware of an image that a popular blog is posting of one of my daughter’s classmates. This classmate specifically mentions my daughter by name and this classmate mentions that she can supply another twitter user (a grown man) with Direct Messages from my daughter’s twitter account that were between my daughter and Representative Weiner.
First, no one was ever authorized to speak for my daughter and my husband, myself or my daughter were NOT aware this classmate was interacting with this grown man and speaking for our daughter without her permission and without mine or my husband’s permission.
Like the other glaring contradictions in Christopher’s story, this contradiction has gone without notice until I said something about it. But with the allegations from Ginger Lee that Weiner induced her to lie and contact his PR people, the need to reinvestigate Christopher’s sloppy story is greater than ever. Don’t ask him to do it. He’s not going to.
Someone else will have to do it.
UPDATE: My statement about Christopher was a prediction, not a statement of fact. He has not explicitly declined to investigate. But he has strongly implied there is no need for one, saying the answers to all questions are already self-evident based on his reporting to date.
Now he’s trying to have it both ways, claiming it’s obvious there is no need for further investigation, but of course we should not assume from that position of his that he is not investigating further.