Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 3
Early this morning I posted Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 2. In that post, I provided evidence that Weiner had discussions with an underage girl (“Ethel”) regarding fighting for his country in a cape and tights. I also noted that he had also discussed fighting for his country in a cape and tights with a grown woman, with whom he had discussions of a explicit nature that read like something out of a Penthouse Forum letter (“needless to say, I was at the ready in my cape and tights!”).
This is the followup to that post. I will now explore further the question of whether Weiner might have talked dirty to young Ethel as well.
Ethel (who rendered her Twitter account private after I published part 2) has been on Twitter since 2009. She looks like a high school girl, and her profile says she loves LeBron James, marching band, and sleeping. She frequently talks about her high school on her feed.
She also has quite a mouth at times. Here is one tweet she sent on May 26, before the scandal came out:
The rest of the post is a timeline of tweets from Ethel. Here is what I believe the tweets show:
Ethel publicly expresses her love for Rep. Weiner, who then follows her. She is ecstatic. PatriotUSA76 and his crew note that she is talking to Weiner, and Weiner unfollows her.
Then, on May 13, she reminds Weiner that he used to follow her, and exhorts him not to forget her. Then, he apparently re-follows her. A screenshot taken 10 days later shows that he was indeed following her again:
Now Ethel declares her happiness, and says: “SERIOUSLY LOVING LIFE AGAIN BUT I GOTTA KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT OR ELSE……….” She has learned that openly declaring her love for Weiner by name got her unfollowed before, but she won’t make that mistake again. She’ll just come really, really close.
When another admirer (whom we have called Betty) asks Weiner to her prom, Ethel mocks Betty for openly declaring her love for a married politician. Weiner ends up unfollowing Betty, which upsets Betty greatly.
Ironically, Ethel continues to write things like “I love married men” . . . but does not name Weiner by name as she did before. Instead, she proceeds in what she evidently thought was a more subtle manner, writing “my one true love” while linking a video of Weiner. Ethel continues to talk about how she loves married men, in tweets interspersed with others praising Weiner.
On May 23, she tweets the obscene tweet about about 69ing and using honey mustard as a lube . . . adding: “Ohh yeahh baby I love bdh weiner.” (bdh likely means big damn hero.)
Three days later, Ethel is quoting Weiner talking about “cape and tights shit” — a quote that does not appear to be anything he ever said publicly, according to Google. The conclusion is irresistable that she is quoting a private message he had sent to her.
As I explained this morning, “tights and cape shit” is the same kind of talk Congressman Weiner used with Lisa Weiss:
[WEISS:] hi honey! computer’s back up…what’s up with you? busy saving my country rom this f***in tea baggers?
[WEINER:] Yep. Cape. Tights. Looking for my sidekick.
With Lisa Weiss, the talk eventually turned very explicit. With Ethel? We don’t know. At this point, we just have to make an educated guess about how they would talk in private, based upon things they said (or repeated!) in public.
Judge for yourself. Here is the timeline of Ethel tweets that are relevant to the story, in my judgment.
11 AprEthel: @RepWeiner I’m in love with you
13 AprEthel: Watchin @RepWeiner on cnn <3 13 Apr Ethel: Seriously talking to Representative Weiner from New York right now! Like is my life real? 13 Apr patriotusa76: "@repweiner talking to high-school girls now. Freak." Ethel: @sclancy cause representative weiner followed me back today and some sickos are trying to make a thing of it. 04/13/2011 Ethel: Seriously depressed that @RepWeiner doesn't follow me anymore. Yesterday was a great day! 15 Apr Ethel: #turnon: married men. 05/02/2011 RT @RepWeiner: No politics on Mothers Day #JustDontMentionWomenEarn1/3LessThanMenForSameWork 05/08/2011 Ethel: @RepWeiner you used to follow me 🙁 don't forget me!!! #weineryes 13 May Ethel: SERIOUSLY LOVING LIFE AGAIN BUT I GOTTA KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT OR ELSE………. 15 May Betty: Tweeps my progressive idol @RepWeiner is following me! Today is the best day ever! May 16 from Twitter Betty: Today also marks day one of my campaign to get @RepWeiner to be my prom date. Will you be my prom date @RepWeiner? May 16 from Twitter Betty: Everyone please please follow @RepWeiner and tell him to be my prom date! May 16 from Twitter Betty: Tweeps please tweet and follow @RepWeiner and tell him to be my prom date and use#RepWeinerBe[Betty]sDate May 16 from Twitter Betty: Follow the best progressive Congressman @RepWeiner he is a democrat who fights for us & against Republican trolls! #RepWeinerBe[Betty]sDate May 16 from Twitter patriotusa76: RT [Betty] Please tweet and follow @RepWeiner & tell him to be my prom date>>Poor girl. We should warn her. @goatsred @tamale102280
Betty: It really sucks when one of your idols doesn’t live up to expectations.
May 17 from TwitterEthel: I love today. I really do.
17 MayEthel: I’m in love with married men, #thatswhyimsingle
17 MayBetty: Well @RepWeiner unfollowed me. That was a short time. I defended him from people. Some thanks he gives to his loyal followers.
May 18 from TwitterBetty: RT @[Ethel]: Funny that you said you had a crush on a married politician. Are you forreal?
May 18 from TwitterEthel: I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING PSYCHO GIRL. stop tweeting about me.
Ethel: I’m in love with you.
19 MayRepWeiner Anthony Weiner
On CNN at 5 talking peace. #UsingFacts
19 MayRepWeiner Anthony Weiner
Oops, not 5. #UnlessYouAreInCali. 8 in east.
19 MayEthel: Links YouTube video
Anthony Weiner Rips Apart Republicans on 9/11 Health Bill
19 MayEthel: [Redacted] High School is a disgrace today
20 MayEthel: Sitting in the chair where I first talked to my favorite Congressman :))))))
21 MayEthel: I’m in love with you. I hope you know this.
May 22Ethel on Tumblr: My true love.
May 22Ethel: I love 69ing big hunt + like to use honey mustard as lube. Ohh yeahh baby I love bdh weiner
May 22Ethel on Tumblr, quoting Weiner: “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit…” My favorite congressman<3 May 26
You can choose to believe that Ethel, who publicly declared her love for Weiner repeatedly, and who had no compunction about dirty talk in public, turned prim and proper when Weiner talked to her in private . . . about his cape and tights. You can choose to believe that he didn’t know Ethel was underage, despite her youthful appearance, mentions of high school, and profile talking about marching band.
Sure, you can believe that if you want.
It would still be inappropriate for him to be talking to her under the circumstances I have described.
But in any event, I’m content to let the evidence speak for itself.
UPDATE: Evidence that the “honey mustard” tweet may have referred to Ethel’s boyfriend, together with more damning details about Weiner’s behavior, discussed here.