Weinergate Radio
[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan]
The going gets WEIRD – tune in at 9:30p, 10:30m, 11:30c, 12:30p.
– Lee Stranahan
[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan]
The going gets WEIRD – tune in at 9:30p, 10:30m, 11:30c, 12:30p.
– Lee Stranahan
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Update (IV): Listen to the podcast, here. Thanks to their staff for the linkage.
Update (III): Literally waiting to go on the air now…
Update (II): I have bumped this post so that you can go and stream from the show more easily. Be sure to look below because Lee has been posting up a storm. I can’t give away too much, but there are some big things in store in the ongoing fallout from Weinergate. So stay tuned.
Update: Hey, it’s just about an hour to go, and contrary to what some people said in the comments, it looks like the show is streaming. So you will be able to hear me that way, if you don’t have Sirius. And you might listen in now. He is talking a lot about the ATF gunrunner scandal.
This afternoon, I was contacted by NRA News and they have asked me to appear on the radio discussing my post of earlier today.
I am scheduled to be on at 10:20 p.m. Eastern Time. #IThinkThats7:20InSeattle. (and in Los Angeles). That’s of course 9:20 Dallas time.
I asked their representative how to listen in and he wrote:
We’re on SiriusXM Patriot 125 and www.NRANews.com
I don’t have Sirius, so I will hope that makes sense to those of you who subscribe. And I am trying to figure out how to listen to their radio show on their website as we speak. My suspicion is that it doesn’t become a live link until they are actually live on the air.
Also I found a lot of good posts also challenging Stengel’s piece, even finding errors I missed. I mean let’s face it, it’s the Goodyear blimp of fat targets, right? So I was bound to miss a few errors. I will post a few of those as updates to this post. I would put it on the other post, but I am trying to keep that post as readable as possible, with as few updates as possible.
Update: As promised, here’s some other discussions about this terrible piece.
[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan]
@AG_Conservative sent me the following DM that he says was with Dan Wolfe aka PatriotUSA76.
DWP6776: Truth not all out yet. Gennette is lying. People shouldn’t back off that. There is MUCH MUCH more there with her and Weiner.
If someone calls Weiner’s bluff or her bluff & were to say they know of DMs in existence that prove they had relationship. It would come out
Let’s put it this way. DMs exist. Relationship existed. Gennette lying. She is not one of 6. She is MORE than 6 because there are 6 PLUS.
Right. But it would crack a big part of this. She knows DMs exist. Weiner knows too. If someone were to say "We know they exist they will come out." then Gennette and/or Weiner would crack. They do exist. I am right on this.
Here’s a screen capture of the conversation – ask yourself; why does @PatriotUSA76 know this info that would later be revealed by JohnReid9? Come to think of it, that’s not really a tough question is it?
– Lee Stranahan
Another GREAT find by AZ5thDistrict….who tweeted
starchild in 1/2011 – 7 on tweet counter(Jenay) & on 4/11 still at 7 w/ name (starchild)http://bit.ly/lGyojb
For anyone clinging to the theory that even though Jenny George CREATED the Starchild account, she possibly maybe kinda hasn’t been PROVEN to be Nikki this is huge.
Here’s the @Starchild account on April, 2011. . Still not quite ‘Nikki’ yet. No name.
But – look at her followers….some of the old ones, but also – @GingerLee. The transition to Weiner women has begun. Is this REALLY how a ‘hacker’ would do it? Or are we looking at someone working on something, in process?
And from March 13 – here’s GingerLee tweeting back to Starchild…
So Weiner is clearly being targeted by Starchild in March – but following the same people that Jenay did.
– Lee Stranahan
[Guest post by Lee Stranahan]
In a sudden burst of Tweets, former Raw Story editor Ron Brynaert has claimed that he’s been working behind the scenes with New York Times reporter Jenn Preston for ‘weeks’ on #Weinergate and that he was promised money.
This also might explain some bizarre behavior that has slowed down the discovery the real person behind much of the shenanigans.
It started with…
ronbryn Ron Brynaert
Dear @thepubliceditor this story is missing credit for my work with@NYT_JenPreston & I’ve been led on about getting $nytimes.com/2011/06/18/nyr…
And it goes on from there. Here are a few screen captures of Ron’s angry tweet (read bottom to top) – and Patterico should have more information on this soon.
Full disclosure – I’ve been very clear that I have been talking to Preston for weeks, as well – at no time was money offered. Additionally, Preston clearly used elements of my public work in her stories and I was never credited or acknowledged. I spoke to Ron on the phone several days ago – he did not mention that he was working with Preston, but seems to have relayed some of my conversation with her.
– Lee Stranahan
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Update: Allahpundit at Hot Air has a lot more details, and names the fear I have reading about this: “Sounds … Mumbai-esque.”
This is happening now, so expect the facts to be murky, but here’s what ABC News is saying right now:
In one of the most significant attacks in Afghanistan in the past few years, insurgents have hit a landmark Kabul hotel popular with foreigners with as many as 6 suicide bombers and gunmen, according to police.
At least one suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to the Intercontinental Hotel, and the attack is still ongoing. At least four explosions have been heard and gunfire continues.
A police official says there are at least 3 attackers, but the number could be double that. An Afghan news agency is reporting that at least 10 people have died, but that figure has not been independently confirmed.
So basically a terrorist attack of some kind is happening, and we don’t know all the details yet, which is understandable given the distance. Needless to say, be very reluctant to trust any accounts coming out of there.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Late last week, I fisked Richard Stengel’s Time Magazine cover story “One Document, Under Seige” (update: click here for the one page version) but it deserves more discussion. I consider it nothing less than a journalistic scandal that this piece was (1) a cover story, (2) written by their Managing Editor, (3) who serves in an organization dedicated to teaching other journalists about the Constitution, and yet it is rife with factual errors, including many that are obvious simply by reading the Constitution.
My mistake in the last post on the subject was trying to catalogue everything wrong with it, leading me to take issue with his philosophy, too and thus what got lost for some was the simple fact that Stengel was clearly factually wrong on many points, often when the facts could be determined by doing nothing more than reading the Constitution.
So this time, we are going to focus solely on the factual errors. There are thirteen of them and like the lawyer that I am, I will start off with his most egregious error and end with the least egregious. Here are the thirteen errors, in short:
When I am done with this post, I am going to make a bleg where I ask you to try to help get out the word about this egregiously incorrect cover story. So stay tuned to the end (or jump ahead if you feel like it).
But first here, point-by-point, is proof that each one of those statements are errors.
False Claim #1: The Constitution does not limit the Federal Government.
[Guest Post by LEE STRANAHAN]
Having trouble keeping track of the #Weinergate post-game sock puppet theater? Can’t tell your Nikki from your Veronica from your Wolfe? Here’s a handy reference guide to the sock puppets and claimed connections between them! It has zero design esthetic but it does help clear things up!
As Anthony Weiner may (or may not) have said – “Click it – it gets bigger!”
The dates / time that @JohnReid9 and @MarkAli33 were created is interesting.
– Lee Stranahan
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