The Owner of the Nikki Reid Account Speaks Out
This post will reveal the first batch of alleged direct messages and e-mails from Gennette Cordova to Nikki Reid.
There is much more coming. This is just the initial batch. Perhaps the most interesting line I see is Gennette telling Nikki on June 6:
Hey. I’m not supposed to talk over messages anymore. If you want my number/you’re able to call, let me know.
Here is a screenshot of the DM:
Oh . . . there is JohnReid9’s statement that the DMs from Gennette Cordova regarding flirting with Weiner are genuine. I forgot about that part. We’ll get to that.
Before we get into the messages themselves, I want to provide you with some background. It’s my intention to tell you, not just what I know, but also what I do not know, about the person who is sending me this information.
Last night I was in conversation with a person who claims to be the father of Nikki Reid, the name used by the person who contacted Tommy Christopher shortly after the scandal broke, to tell Christopher that she had been hassled by a group of right-wingers led by Dan Wolfe. Nikki is the “Betty” from Tommy Christopher’s “Betty and Veronica” story, which (while flawed) is required background reading to understand any of this. On Twitter, the person who claims to be Reid’s father goes by the name “JohnReid9.”
I should pause here to say that, while I will refer to him as “Reid” in this post, I have not talked to him on the phone or by Skype. I do not know whether the person sending me this material is an Internet jokester, or the actual father of a young girl. I might have an opinion, but I am not going to share it, because my opinion is not really relevant. The bottom line is: I am not going to pretend that I know things, when in fact I don’t. I am not going to try to dress up my opinions as facts and pass them off on you.
I will simply tell you what I know, and what I don’t know, and let you make up your mind.
Here’s what I do know: There is considerable evidence that the JohnReid9 account that sent me this material is the account that “Nikki Reid” used after she abandoned the “starchild111” Twitter account. I know that in part because Gennette Cordova admitted on Twitter last night that the John Reed account is the account that “Nikki” used to contact her:
Although I have redacted e-mail addresses from the material I am publishing here, I can confirm that the e-mail address used by Gennette in the e-mails Reid has sent me matches the e-mail address used by GennetteC in recent comments here. (I have e-mailed Gennette at that e-mail address to open a conversation and allow her to respond to this post, but she has not responded — which I expected, since in the past she has disdained responding to my questions, claiming I am not a “reputable journalist.”)
Ah, but how do we know that the GennetteC who comments here is the real GennetteC? Well, putting aside the tone of the comments, which I believe matches the tone of her Twitter messages, I can tell you that the IP address for GennetteC’s comments resolves to Bellingham, Washington. That’s where she lives. And GennetteC told us in one of her comments:
So this is where Nikki got her picture? Interesting. She made up a long story about the dog in the picture… his name was Max, named after her dog that she had before him who died.
She said that this morning. JohnReid9 last night sent me a direct message from Gennette to Nikki in which Gennette proves her bonafides to Nikki by saying Nikki’s dog’s name is Max:
Last night “JohnReid9” went on the attack on Twitter, raging against Gennette Cordova and Jen Preston of the New York Times. Like me, JohnReid9 complained that Preston asserted Nikki was collecting information “against” Rep. Weiner, when in fact (JohnReid9 says), Nikki has always supported Weiner. Among his milder messages to Preston were these:
@NYT_JenPreston If you took the time to research any of the girls PUBLIC tweets DEFENDING & singing Rep Weiner’s praise you would not have
@NYT_JenPreston you would not have put out such a garbage filled article. Worthless, and full of lies. Shame on you and shame on NYT!
Read this lengthy excerpt of his tweet stream from last night. He gets far more harsh than that.
Regarding Gennette, JohnReid9 complained that Gennette was lying when she said she suspected Nikki of being fake. JohnReid9 threatened to publish Gennette’s alleged communications with Nikki.
@GNCordova @wittier @NYT_JenPreston That’s right, Gennette. We saved EVERYTHING.
. . . .
@GNCordova @wittier @NYT_JenPreston Perfect timing, Gennette. Only it’s too late. You’re a liar. We’re releasing everything.
. . . .
@Patterico We weren’t ever going to release those but since Gennette has lied mercilessly about Nikki we will be releasing everything. about 1 hour ago via web in reply to Patterico
Late last night, JohnReid9 agreed to allow me to publish those communications. This is the first batch.
I am going to let the information speak for itself. Whether you believe that “JohnReid9” is who he says he is, or some kind of hoaxster, this is news, either way. I caution you not to reach any judgments until you have read everything he sends me, and have looked at his tweet stream from last night, in which he answered several of the questions people have had about his role in this matter.
What follows is the initial batch, which purports to be a set of communications from Gennette to Nikki after the scandal broke. In each case, to see the full screenshot more clearly, you will have to click on the screenshot, and open it in its own screen.