Patterico's Pontifications


Weinergate: Ethel’s “Honey Mustard” Tweet Related to Boyfriend? Plus, Further Damning Details in that NYT Piece

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:50 am

Verum Serum has the evidence. I find it compelling. Then again, it also fits together with some other things I know and (frustratingly) can’t talk about. At least yet.

Then again, the use of the word “Weiner,” when Ethel clearly said she loved Rep. Weiner, does not necessarily sound entirely like an accident. And there is no evidence that she ever told Rep. Weiner it was not a reference to him. And it’s his state of mind that matters, not hers.

When John Sexton mentioned it to me, I said he should write it up. The truth is the best argument.

Does this exonerate Weiner from impropriety? Not at all. In September 2010, Weiner said to the Las Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss: “Cape. Tights. Looking for my sidekick.” That led, the next day, to this:

[WEISS:] oooohhh…i bet you look hot in tights! can i be your sidekick? get your ass to vegas!!

[WEINER:] stop staring at my weapon! I’m effecting the vegas trip. this whole reelection thing is keeping me tied up

It was a line, you see, that got a response. And it eventually led to Weiner saying things like: “You will gag on me before you cum with me in you.”

So, when he said to young 17-year-old Ethel: “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit …” it’s important to remember that he was throwing out a line that had worked before. Maybe he just ran out of time with Ethel.

By the way, he knew damn well he was talking to someone in high school. The New York Times article Aaron linked earlier has the following passage:

The girl’s contact with Mr. Weiner started in early April, after her trip to Washington. The congressman spoke to her school group, and she began following him on Twitter, posting a public message saying how much she liked his speech.

Two days later, Mr. Weiner began following her on Twitter. On her profile, she says she aspires to be president. In a private message he sent to her, he said: “How hip am I talking to a future president.”

Delighted that she had heard directly from a congressman, the girl wrote a public post on her Twitter feed: “talking to Rep Weiner from New York right now! is my life real?”

So, he gives a speech to a high school group. A high school junior praises the speech. And then he starts following her after that praise of his speech. And after he reads her profile, in which she says she wants to be president, and also talks about . . . marching band:

I love LeBron James, marching band, and sleeping. Politics is my one true love, and I will be president.

So this guy knew he was talking to a high school girl, and he used a grooming line that had been successful with an older woman.

While we’re making the connection between Weiner’s attitudes towards Weiss and Ethel, allow me to remind you of the following. The NYT article implies that Weiner followed Ethel the same day she declared she was talking to him and asking with wonder: “Is my life real?” Remember from our timeline the day that was? April 13:

Ethel: @RepWeiner I’m in love with you
13 Apr

Ethel: Watchin @RepWeiner on cnn <3
13 Apr

Ethel: Seriously talking to Representative Weiner from New York right now! Like is my life real?
13 Apr

Guess what else he was doing on April 13? Chatting it up with Lisa Weiss:

April 13th 2011

[WEISS:] hey u

[WEINER:] why hello

[WEISS:] don’t you ever sleep?

[WEINER:] uh, its 9 here. my lisa time

[WEISS:] awe..i love that i need some anthony time. u must be working again…thought it was my time!

That’s one week after Weiner was telling Weiss: “you would be good at that. your little pic makes me hard . . . I was hoping my fat cock would be a selling point too.”

Incidentally, the New York Times article, while packed with pro-Weiner bias (about which more below), contains several very incriminating tidbits like this, which may not be apparent to you unless you are steeped in the details of the scandal.

For example, the story also leaves open the very real possibility that the DMs described as having been sent to Ethel are not the only ones she received:

The family was aware that there had been exchanges between Mr. Weiner and the girl but assumed that all of their conversations had taken place on a public Twitter feed. Then a scandal erupted last month over a photo Mr. Weiner sent of himself in his underwear to a college student.

If this rendition is accurate, Ethel’s mom didn’t know about any DMs until after the scandal broke. Wouldn’t you expect that, if any incriminating DMs existed, Ethel would have deleted them as soon as Weiner’s behavior became a nationwide story?

BONUS MEDIA ANALYSIS: I love that bit about how he sent out “a photo . . . of himself in his underwear.”

Yeah. That’s one way to put it. There is also the tidbit, which goes unmentioned, that in his underwear was the clearly visible outline of an erect penis. You know, the thing that really makes it a scandal. But why report that part?

While we’re complaining about the New York Times story, please note how it takes the above “Tights and cape shit” quote and cleans it up as follows:

“I came back strong,” he wrote. “Large. Tights and cape. …”

Interesting how the reporter omits any reference to the word “shit,” which infuses the communication with a creepy, seedy familiarity that would make any father’s blood boil. A Congressman talking about “tights and cape” is odd. A 46-year-old Congressman talking to a high school junior about “tights and cape shit” is very different. By using a period followed by an ellipsis — not just omitting the profanity but pretending it was never even there — the reporter twists the facts to make Weiner’s conduct more innocent.

But again: the best argument is the truth. And the more we learn, the worse this guy looks. Whether or not Congressman Weiner and Ethel engaged in any actual dirty talk, there is no question he was a guy who prowled online looking for cuties to talk dirty with. There is no question he used the same line on Ethel that he had already successfully used on another women as a test for whether they would talk dirty. And there is no question he knew she was in high school.

Anyone see a problem with this picture?

185 Responses to “Weinergate: Ethel’s “Honey Mustard” Tweet Related to Boyfriend? Plus, Further Damning Details in that NYT Piece”

  1. Speaking of Charles Johnson once again beclowning himself, has anyone seen a recent pic of him lately?

    John DiFool (4251ee)

  2. I don’t believe ANYTHING I read or see in the MSM anymore.

    They are totally corrupt.

    VoteOutIncumbents (bd5def)

  3. Too bad you guys aren’t “real” journalists. \sarc

    PatriotRider (dd3155)

  4. Maybe this is covered in a prior post and I missed it, but what federal and of State law would Weiner have broken by sexting a minor? In media reports, when the police sting a guy – usually in a parking lot – it’s because he took a substantial step toward actually meeting the underage girl, where the online conversation indicated he was meeting for sex.

    Are we relying on some general federal law against sending lewd or harassing interstate communications – which would also apply to adult-to-adult sexting – and which likely has vagueness or overbreadth problems? Or are there State laws I don’t know about (which I know there is, as the local cops visited the 17 year old)?

    None of this is to imply that this isn’t a legit story about a Congressman unfit for office, but I don’t get the legal angle.

    Brian (68dcfc)

  5. It sounds like you were completely wrong and barking up the wrong tree here. There is no evidence that he sexted with any minors. The police have exonerated him on this one. Instead of issuing a statement saying you were wrong, you double down here.

    Former Half Term Governor (66f8aa)

  6. The media started out in the tank for Weiner (D), why should a little thing like these texts make ’em climb out. Sad part is they are doubling down with the Palin e-mails.

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  7. Wouldn’t you expect that, if any incriminating DMs existed, Ethyl would have deleted them as soon as Weiner’s behavior became a nationwide story?

    Though I was a 17 year old girl in pre-historic times, I’m not sure a girl, even now, would think to delete the DMs for a variety of reasons. Kids don’t think adult crap will touch them. Also, this girl is writing sexual tweets in her public timeline and her boyfriend is RT them. Does this sound like anyone who is thinking of repercussions?

    Just look at any teenager’s Facebook page. You’ll see what I mean. They evidently don’t think. They aren’t aware of–or don’t care about–potential future consequences for their words and actions, for some reason. Sex and vulgar behavior seem to be no big deal, except to “old people” like me.

    No. She never thought this story would hit home. I would bet $100 on that.

    aine (60e322)

  8. Another great piece.

    Aine – you don’t think a girl who tweets that stuff is smart enough to think she better delete it, once the scandal breaks? Remember, the scandal broke 12 or 13 days before the cops showed up at Ethel’s house. That’s plenty of time for clean up. It’s also plenty of time for Weiner to have told her to delete them.

    And what can her parents prove, just by looking through her DM’s if she already deleted them? The police need to check her hard drive.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  9. ___________________________________________

    [WEINER:] stop staring at my weapon!

    He likes sexually objectifying himself, which he’s done both in private and public—eg, he happily (and very inappropriately and shamelessly) smirked to a reporter during an interview a few days ago when she used the phrase “so the long and short of it is…” That’s not only a sign of his egotism but also an indication that he has a peculiar homosexual/bisexual edge to himself. Combining that with the reportedly no-nonsense, calculating reaction to the scandal by his wife makes all the people in this story look even more like users and abusers in the fashion of Bill and Hillary.

    Mark (411533)

  10. Check out Ethel’s twitter page on google cache and hurry up and press “text-only version”…

    This is what you’ll get…

    Hacked… Clearly. about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    I love 69ing big hunt + like to use honey mustard as lube. Ohh yeahh baby I love bdh weiner about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    So she claimed she was hacked and left that tweet up for at least 9 hours.

    I just nabbed a screenshot of it.

    soren (303eda)

  11. From Verum Serum: “This comes from the feed of a boy we now know to be Ethel’s boyfriend”

    How exactly do he know this? I checked his twitter feed(not much interaction between them two at all), his facebook(some other girl), her old photos on facebook using google cache(she is with a gal, no boyfriend).

    soren (303eda)

  12. Patrick, there’s more… RSVP.

    SarahW (af7312)

  13. If Twitter had been around in the 1980’s — I don’t think Bill would have made it.

    Sponge Bob Square Pants (fccc6f)

  14. #5 is one of our pathetic cowardly midget trolls.

    JD (306f5d)

  15. Until I get more proof that that Hunter is her boyfriend (which would make it possible that “hacked” really is a school prank from a friend), then I’m sticking with the “69” tweet meaning to be a DM… and not necessarily but probably to Weiner.

    soren (303eda)

  16. Soren, I tried that, and couldn’t see anything older than last 12 hours or so. I did see this one:

    wish i was in dc and not de
    about 12 hours ago via web

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  17. Soren, I tried that, and couldn’t see anything older than last 12 hours or so. I did see this one:

    wish i was in dc and not de
    about 12 hours ago via web

    You’re right… ok, do this…

    1. Google search for “[ethel twitter handle] hunt”
    2. then click on cache
    3. then press “text-only version”

    Apparently google has multiple cache pages for that page… and they show the “69” tweet one if you put hunt in the query.

    soren (303eda)

  18. Let’s play count the lies and distortions with #5 …

    JD (306f5d)

  19. From previous blog comments…

    PS–Honey Mustard quote was caught.

    Comment by goatsred — 6/11/2011 @ 6:20 am

    Goatsred did catch it when it happened…

    soren (303eda)

  20. Soren, are you on the twitter?

    SarahW (af7312)

  21. Patterico,

    Marching Bands exist in universities as well. That being said, her style of conversation brands her as a high school student. You can’t mistake that tone. No 45 year old could miss the verbal clues that indicate a teenager is speaking. Too many young airheads like Ethel get themselves in over their heads and make bad choices. The last thing the little dingbats need is a creep like Weiner to push them further along the path.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  22. Patterico’s timeline has the “honey mustard” tweet going out on May 22nd…

    The time on the cache page is “May 24, 2011 02:07:30 GMT”

    There’s a 4 hour difference between GMT and EST… and a 9ish difference between the time the cache page was taken and the time that tweet was sent out.

    2am – 4 hours = 10pm
    10pm – 9ish hours = noon to 1 pm on May 23rd

    soren (303eda)

  23. “Soren, are you on the twitter?”


    soren (303eda)

  24. When did Ethel become Ethyl? Is going down the Ted Haggard, smoking meth with the masseuse path?

    koam (0a9031)

  25. Didn’t she block her Twitter profile page immediately after the #hacked scandal broke, then unblock it saying something like “I didn’t do anything wrong”. I don’t know. That seems like she could have thought to delete some DMs right then.

    MayBee (081489)

  26. Maybee, yes, she’s been off and on at times. Those DMs would be long gone.

    SarahW (af7312)

  27. Also, Weiner could delete them himself

    SarahW (af7312)

  28. Soren, wanted follow back but I see you don’t do that. Can you DM me better way to reach you?

    SarahW (af7312)

  29. Details that you know but can’t tell? You’re killing me, Patterico. TELLLLL!

    Jenny Tripp (72211b)

  30. Of course, everything devolves to Python, particularly one sketch with Eric Idle, reading
    a fairy tale, that gets very risque very quickly.

    ian cormac (72470d)

  31. That week the media bought Weiner was put to good use. Anybody who couldn’t see that hiring the law firm/goon squad and private detectives was for cleanup work ..well.. Remains to be seen if it worked. The media is doing the best they can for him.

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  32. “Soren, wanted follow back but I see you don’t do that. Can you DM me better way to reach you?”

    I’ll follow you for a bit… I don’t want to put my email out there…

    soren (303eda)

  33. Soren thanks for the tweet, I got it. Man, it is hard to click text only fast enough! haha

    That is quite weird she claims she was hacked. Who is she to get hacked, and by who?

    Could it be another case of a tweet that was supposed to be a DM?

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  34. I do wish there was some reporting on how we “now know” this kid is her boyfriend.
    “I have been told”….”I now believe…” is easier to take without proof.

    MayBee (081489)

  35. This Weiner fellow is so juvenile.

    melanerpes (041f27)

  36. I asked a youth what they thought BDH stood for, the response I got back was Big Dick Hustler

    joebrooks (b7c832)

  37. ___________________________________________

    And it eventually led to Weiner saying things like: “You will gag on me

    Prior to that, the transcript also shows his saying something to her about the male friend the girl claims she’ll be going to bed with. No guy who’s even somewhat competitive for a girl’s attention and straight would say what Weiner did.

    The girl comes off like such a rabid, devout leftwinger, that if I didn’t know better I’d suspect she actually was parodying and posing as one in order to set Weiner up. IOW, that she actually was a conservative sending him messages in order to gain his confidence and then to get the goods on him. Oops, I better not say that since it may re-ignite the original paranoia and suspicions that various liberals had about Weinergate.

    Mark (411533)

  38. You should really stop harassing these high school girls. The had some harmless twitter exchanges with a congressmen who happened to have some not-so-harmless exchanged with adults. Congressmen can and do correspond with high school students who are interested in politics all the time, and there can be some hero worship involved. But it does not appear that this girl was involved in anything and you are bring unwarranted attention to her and others similarly situated. Leave these high school girls alone.

    Chill Out (66f8aa)

  39. Chill Out, STFU… you are an idiot.

    soren (303eda)

  40. jaysus Patterico, enough with the crotchsniffing.
    What has happened to you?
    Pattericoblog– All Crotchsniffing Alla Time.

    Like I said, conservatism has devolved into 24/7 jesuses and penises.
    Mistah Buckley, he daid.
    the horror…..the horror….

    wheeler's cat (9f295a)

  41. ________________________________________

    what they thought BDH stood for

    It apparently actually is an acronym for “big damn hero.”

    Leave these high school girls alone.

    That would make sense if Weiner was a contributor or poster to this blog and forum. With his being quite defiant, if not brazen, about all of this (and were those crocodile tears at his press conference?), and polls indicating that a good number of voters in his district are — surprise, surprise! — do-your-own-thang, ends-justify-the-means liberals, that warning needs to be directed either at him or when he and his constituents gather together and give a big hug and sloppy, wet kisses to one another.

    Mark (411533)

  42. I’d also like to know more about the Betty/Veronica DMs to Mike Stark that seemed to claim Ethel was harassing them.

    MayBee (081489)

  43. He is going. Only variable si “when”-

    Last night as I slept
    I dreamt I met with Behan
    I shook him by the hand and we passed the time of day
    When questioned on his views
    On the crux of life’s philosophies
    He had but these few clear and simple words to say

    I am going, I am going
    Any which way the wind may be blowing
    I am going, I am going
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing

    I have cursed, bled and sworn
    Jumped bail and landed up in jail
    Life has often tried to stretch me
    But the rope always was slack
    And now that I’ve a pile
    I’ll go down to the Chelsea
    I’ll walk in on my feet
    But I’ll leave there on my back

    Because I am going, I am going
    Any which way the wind may be blowing
    I am going, I am going
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing

    Oh the words that he spoke
    Seemed the wisest of philosophies
    There’s nothing ever gained
    By a wet thing called a tear
    When the world is too dark
    And I need the light inside of me
    I’ll walk into a bar
    And drink fifteen pints of beer

    Iam going, I am going
    Any which way the wind may be blowing
    I am going, I am going
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing

    I am going, I am going
    Any which way the wind may be blowing
    I am going, I am going
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing
    Where streams of whiskey are flowing

    Bugg (ea1809)

  44. “Chillout” and wheelerz want to provide rhetorical cover for their leftist heroes. Throw in a little eugenics, and genetic engineering of the unwanted, and you have quite the combination.

    JD (306f5d)

  45. Just so you know somebody posted a link to on the SfChron website. It’ll be troll city as soon as all the Bay Area lefties get back from Starbucks. The comments column there is full of excuses/reasons why it’s OK etc.

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  46. I’ve been tweeting with goatsred and apparently PatriotUSA76 did notice her mustard tweet and did take a screenshot… but that screenshot apparently wasn’t Patterico’s source(I think Patterico got the date wrong on his timeline)…

    It’s important to note that both of the BDH tweets were (probably) sent out during lunch time.

    soren (303eda)

  47. Ah, the griefer repeats the threadbare “crotchsniffing” meme. Andrew Breitbart spoke last night at the Eagle Forum San Diego convention about this PR-crafted attempt to divert attention from the ugliness of scandals such as Weinergate. And many other things as well.

    I posted (G-rated) videos of Breitbart and James O’Keefe speaking at the convention here.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (1b6f36)

  48. Brother Bradley – that was a combination rant of nishi/wheelerz. It was a variation on Memes #4 and #6, Jesuslanderz, hohophobes,with a dash of Buckley.

    JD (b98cae)

  49. I wonder if Tommy Christopher is feeling the least bit duped about the”pro forma” DM which doesn’t seem to exist.

    MayBee (081489)

  50. It’s possible that Tommy Christopher intentionally biased the story to accord with his own bias. If the latter is true, he’s no dupe, but a knave.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (1b6f36)

  51. I vote knave. Or dummerer than a sack of Yelvertons.

    JD (306f5d)

  52. Soren, yea, the cache version with the mustard tweet says: It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on May 24, 2011 02:07:30 GMT.

    I love 69ing big hunt + like to use honey mustard as lube. Ohh yeahh baby I love bdh weiner about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  53. The NYT article says Weiners spokesperson claims the DM’s were not inappropriate , but they also refuse to release them, so we’re all left to believe a guy who lied about the whole scandal right up until his press conference.

    There’s no reason to believe he has stopped lying and I believe those Dm’s were very inappropriate. To Catch a Predator, Chris Hansen all up in your face, pedo-bear inappropriate.

    John DiFool (4251ee)

  54. Isn’t Genette Cordova’s story *still* that they may or may not have ever DMed, but in no way had she said something that would make her anticipate package.jpg

    At the same time, she never believed Weiner was #hacked.

    Is that right?

    MayBee (081489)

  55. How can Ben Smith at Politico call the pic sent to Cordova “consensual”?

    MayBee (081489)

  56. Maybee – he did? Do you have link?

    Weiner has lost all cred, and there is no reason anyone should believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He lied to his closest friends, asking them to defend him. He is scuzzy.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  57. Knave is the perfect word. And always great to hear from Brother Bradley! Hope you’re doing well, and I’m sure Tommy’s terrible journalism is particularly annoying to you.

    Chill Out, STFU… you are an idiot.

    Comment by soren

    Really, this is the best response to what clearly is a dishonest attempt to shill for Weiner, even at this point in the scandal when every honest person should stop supporting him altogether. Hell, especially if you agree with his politics. We do not need such awful people in trusted positions of leadership.

    the”pro forma” DM which doesn’t seem to exist.

    Comment by MayBee —


    Dustin (c16eca)

  58. He lied to his closest friends, asking them to defend him. He is scuzzy.

    Comment by sarainitaly —

    And he told some of the girls (if not all of them) who were professing their love to lie in his defense. We’ve seen that with Ginger Lee, and I think it explains why all these girls, wrapped around his finger and promising to keep their mouths shut, have such a similar set of lines.

    I guess that gets to the core of what’s so sick about a powerful congressman grooming young women. 17, 19 it doesn’t matter much, as these inexperienced women are completely dominated and will do whatever they are instructed to. By a guy who gets his jollies dreaming of gagging these girls with his penis, and wants the girls to lie.

    Thank God I didn’t wake up this morning with an 18 year old daughter I’m learning has been treated like this. A whole lot of dads out there basically have.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  59. No, Gennette was more forthcoming with the NYT (don’t have link handy) but she showed some DM and characterized them as not the sort she would relate to the kind of photo he sent. As in, unrelated.

    She says in so many words that at least as she perceived, that was a out of context tweet, nothing they were talking about would have provoked or encouraged that sort of thing.

    However, she did say that (I’m just guessing, maybe contemporaneously) that she discussed with him the “harassers” that kept implying he was up to no good or that there was some impropriety in him following her.

    This to me, would explain his claim of joke.
    He sent the recycled pic, and meant to do it by DM. If the picture did not meet with approval he would be able to pass it off as a “lets give them something to talk about” joke. However, I place the picture sending in the category of trying to forward something more interesting with the comely coed.

    SarahW (af7312)

  60. SarainItaly
    Ben Smith:

    Sexting with an underage girl would push the Weiner scandal out of the realm of embarrassing consensual conduct and give House leadership reason to credibly threaten expulsion.

    This lumps the Cordova tweet into consensual conduct. Yet we are supposed to believe she had no idea something like this was coming. Of course, she also has done nothing to indicate she would not have welcomed it.

    Whatever really happened, Smith is making an assertion (consensual) without any proof.

    MayBee (081489)

  61. Maybee, that is I read that she actually had shown some DMs to the NYT reporter – but I don’t know if she showed the ones leading up to the package pic

    SarahW (af7312)

  62. Mr. Weiner’s spokeswoman, Risa Heller, did not provide copies of the messages, but said they were not inappropriate.

    “According to Congressman Weiner, his communications with this person were neither explicit nor indecent,” Ms. Heller said.

    Gosh, I’m sure glad they released Palin’s emails so we could know unequivocally that they were neither explicit nor indecent because there was so much circumstantial evidence that they may have been.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  63. @dana

    This is where the FBI, the New York State Police and the Capitol Police should be going through Weiner’s hardrives and mobile devices.

    They were very inappropriate, that’s why they won’t release them.

    John DiFool (4251ee)

  64. Thanks, SaraW. I haven’t seen her NYT story.
    I really do find it interesting that she never backed Weiner’s #hacked claim. It tells me the photo was not so out of the blue.

    MayBee (081489)

  65. Gosh, I’m sure glad they released Palin’s emails so we could know unequivocally that they were neither explicit nor indecent because there was so much circumstantial evidence that they may have been.

    Comment by Dana

    That’s the first time I’ve heard this comparison made, but WOW is that a great point. The NYT is enlisting people to scrutinize Palin for scandals we have no indication of, but what about the guy IN OFFICE representing New York City, with a real scandal that would be perfect for such a demand? For that, we just ask Weiner’s spokesman, or his devoted harem already on record promising to “keep my mouth shut”.

    I don’t mind people scrutinizing Palin… we need to vet all politicians as much as we can, but damn what a great comparison.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  66. Obviously, Cordova had given Weiner her phone number so they could text each other.
    Yet she supported him in the “didn’t know her” lie.

    She is going to be a great journalist.

    MayBee (081489)

  67. The NYT and WAPO asking their readers to go through the Palin e-mails to help uncover some dirt imo is their way of desperately trying to make the Weiner scandal go away before it gets any worse by attempting to manufacture another scandal on a Republican before Congressman Woody has to resign or do the perp walk.

    They’re doing nothing but damage control at this point and even Pelosi has backed off.

    John DiFool (4251ee)

  68. From Politico’s headline article on Palin’s emails, opening statement:

    Reporters lined up in Juneau and in front of computers across the country spent the afternoon poring over 24,000 newly released emails from Sarah Palin’s first year and a half as governor, hoping for a bombshell.

    But none immediately emerged.

    Yeah, you (reporters) will really give me reason to give you some credit when we can read this instead:

    Reporters lined up in Juneau NY and in front of computers across the country spent the afternoon poring over 24,000 newly released emails text messages from Sarah Palin’s first year and a half as governor Anthony’s Weiner’s last year and a half as congressman, hoping for a bombshell.

    But none And immediately, several emerged.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  69. Thanks MayBee. The MSM continues to cover and minimize the tawdriness of this scandal.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  70. SarahW, “This to me, would explain his claim of joke.”

    I saw a link to a picture, think it was in a Gennette tweet, that claimed to be the underwear picture flipped. The picture looked like he had his hand inside the underwear because it looked much larger, which could be the joke part. I never saw any other coverage of the supposed reverse picture..

    Julie (c512b3)

  71. OK, so this is interesting… She admits to more here, and she also, it appears DID see the original tweet of the undies.

    And why won’t she show ALL the DM’s if there is nothing to hide?

    And he sent her a tweet right before he went on stage? He said he didn’t know who she was.

    Liar, liar.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  72. Julie, oh that’s an old pic. He sent it to another girl, I believe – it’s RECYCLED. The reversal is probably just an Ipad quirk –

    SarahW (af7312)

  73. Sara – he didn’t KNOW know her.

    SarahW (af7312)

  74. If Cordova was discussing the harassers of young girls with Weiner, and then he sent her the package.jpg…..did that not set off alarm bells in her head “OMG. Maybe the ‘harassers’ have a point!”

    MayBee (081489)

  75. A man with his hand in his drawers, at any rate, needs some pretext to claim that picture is a joke.

    It was a feeler, pardon the expression, that he could laugh off – in an almost plausible claim of “hahaha what would those jerks think if they saw this” meanwhile he’s sure she’s quite secretly thrilled.

    SarahW (af7312)

  76. SarainItaly- a text right before he went on stage. Which indicates to me they had exchanged cell phone numbers.

    MayBee (081489)

  77. Here I am being all inappropriate with you! HahahahhhhAHAHA

    Maybee – If telling truth, first reaction was confusion and disbelief, then awful realization, then bewilderment

    SarahW (af7312)

  78. Maybee definately with the phones-

    but I’m thinking it possible, if not at all likely, that was an after-the-fact exchange a part of damage control.

    Any sign they were texting pre-pic? I could easily have missed.

    SarahW (af7312)

  79. oh yes they must have. liars! i need to listen to his denial presser again, where he denies knowing her.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  80. but I’m thinking it possible, if not at all likely, that was an after-the-fact exchange a part of damage control.

    Any sign they were texting pre-pic? I could easily have missed.

    She tells Ben Smith (on Twitter) the texting was post-pic.
    If he didn’t already have her number, that means that the pic was sent and they made contact (before her FB and Twitter accounts came down?) right way. To exchange phone numbers. But no, no,no….not to coordinate stories.

    She knew he was lying the whole time he was making public statements, and she didn’t say so.

    MayBee (081489)

  81. I appreciate that on Twitter, at least, Ben Smith didn’t bother to ask how and when she got Weiner’s phone number and gave him hers.

    MayBee (081489)

  82. Maybe I am thinking of one of his interviews where he denied knowing her. So many lies, so many women, so hard to keep it all straight!!

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  83. So many lies, so many women, so hard to keep it all straight!!

    And here poor Ethel likely thought, in her 17 year old mind, that she was his only one and the one who mattered to him, the one whose initials she would doodle on her notebook with lots of curlycues…. I can just imagine the daydreams.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  84. FOX News now reporting that the police have taken (with the families cooperation) “Ethel’s” cell phone and computer for investigation.

    Have Blue (dbbcd4)

  85. I know, Sara! I didn’t know her and she didn’t know me. We just exchanged DMs on Twitter. And phone numbers!

    He was lying, and Cordova knew it. And she let it happen.

    MayBee (081489)

  86. Colonel hope wheelerz
    cat has been spayed far too much

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  87. If Cordova was discussing the harassers of young girls with Weiner, and then he sent her the package.jpg…..did that not set off alarm bells in her head “OMG. Maybe the ‘harassers’ have a point!”

    Comment by MayBee —

    Damn good point. You’re also right about the phone number exchange and the lack of good questions about it.

    and this woman is the one who wants to be a journalist, and is telling others they are not ethical journalists because they quoted her without her permission, right?

    I guess an ethical journalist shills and covered up disturbing stories for democrats where she’s from.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  88. And here poor Ethel likely thought, in her 17 year old mind, that she was his only one and the one who mattered to him, the one whose initials she would doodle on her notebook with lots of curlycues…. I can just imagine the daydreams.

    Well, the day the NYTimes says Weiner started to follow her she put out this tweet…


    This is from the NYTimes…

    According to the girl’s family member, people in the group also copied the girl on some of the messages they sent to him, so she sent Mr. Weiner a private message telling him that she felt she was being harassed. He apologized to her in a private message, and removed her from the list of people he followed on Twitter.

    This was her public message when Weiner unfollowed her…

    Ethel: Seriously depressed that @RepWeiner doesn’t follow me anymore. Yesterday was a great day!
    15 Apr

    So let me get this straight…

    1. The first DM was from Weiner saying “How hip am I talking to a future president.”
    2. The next DM was from Ethel saying she felt harassed
    3. The next DM was from Weiner who apologized
    4. Then she tweets that she’s depressed that @RepWeiner doesn’t follow me anymore.


    soren (303eda)

  89. nanski say no to
    coitus interruptus
    weiner can stay in

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  90. oh. I know this one. You just take like a quarter to a third cup of mayo and then add regular old yellow mustard – mayne a tablespoon or a just a bit more…

    then you put in a little less honey than mustard and a teaspoon more or less of lemon juice lime juice to cut it for so it’s not so thick

    Then you get to use your whisk which is kinda fun.

    Done and done!

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  91. *maybe* a tablespoon or a just a bit more I mean

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  92. nothin’ from nothin’
    colonel think ethel mertz one
    hot enchilada

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  93. If Cordova was discussing the harassers of young girls with Weiner, and then he sent her the package.jpg…..did that not set off alarm bells in her head “OMG. Maybe the ‘harassers’ have a point!”

    Comment by MayBee —

    Damn good point. You’re also right about the phone number exchange and the lack of good questions about it.

    Exactly – why wouldn’t she think twice about it, instead she continues to DM with Weiner, warning each other.

    Story doesn’t add up. They lied.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  94. can I check your oil
    alright? and she say no no
    honey not tonight

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  95. Sounds like Congressman Weiner had a lot of conversations with young girls/women on Twitter about how harassed they were because Weiner was having conversations with young girls/women on Twitter.

    Oh! And Betty and Veronica just totally were making this up, even though it actually seemed to be happening!

    MayBee (081489)

  96. happyfeet, that’s an awful lot of lemon. Sounds good, though.

    So let me get this straight…

    Yep, Soren. That’s provably a lie. It just is. There’s no way around it, and the ever more disturbing twist that the family is trying to get Weiner off the hook.

    I have to hope someone in that family is smart enough to be reading this blog by now, so if so, you guys need to realize what will happen when Team D loses hope. Weiner will not be the only one under the bus. Those who aided him will get it twice as bad, as the Democrats have to condemn twice as hard as they shilled in order to fool the masses.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  97. colonel fed express
    his “package” and it take ten
    days to deliver

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  98. Comment by soren — 6/11/2011 @ 10:21 am

    And THEN she asks him to follow her again. Not buying the *unfollow due to harassment* story.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  99. when shamockery
    of this world bring you way low
    have laugh at weiner

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  100. weiner now admit
    “yeah I’m a schmuck” but will not
    fall on his own sword

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  101. mounting pressure on
    the weiner he can run but
    he can’t hide… oh, wait

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  102. Dana Bash just tweeted that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has released a statement that Weiner must resign.

    Why would she do that now if there’s nothing here?

    designczar (382560)

  103. Another tweet:

    Breaking: cnn has learned from a democratic source @reppelosi and dccc chair steve israel have told weiner he should resign.

    Yesterday, Pelosi thought he should stay, no? (Am I dreaming?)

    designczar (382560)

  104. Mensa Debbie’s going to be on MTP with Priebus tomorrow morning. Prolly wants to have her butt covered before then? That way there will be more time left on the show to discuss Palin’s emails.

    elissa (95e7be)

  105. Just wondering what they know today that they didn’t know yesterday.

    designczar (382560)

  106. CNN announcing DNC Chairman Wasserman Schultz calling him on to resign. Sounds like Pelosi is backing her up as well.

    Victoria (7b01cb)

  107. Although we know he contacted the stripper after the story broke, it doesn’t appear anyone in the press has actually come out and asked him directly, “Since the story first broke, have you contacted anyone you tweeted with in the past? If so, who and what was discussed.

    jimboster (e8d66a)

  108. This turnaround signals to me that they have some new information. Did the police find something?

    designczar (382560)

  109. ==Wasserman Schultz calling him on to resign. Sounds like Pelosi is backing her up as well.==

    Well fine. But Charlie Rangel and Janeane Garofalo want him to stay. Dilemma for Weiner: Who to listen to? Who to listen to?

    elissa (95e7be)

  110. DWS statement:

    “It is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Anthony Weiner to resign. The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner’s continued service in Congress is untenable. This sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House – and for the good of all, he should step aside and address those things that should be most important – his and his family’s well-being.”

    designczar (382560)

  111. Weiner values are not American values cause Weiner likes the youngstuff and he likes it nasty

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  112. it seems like a lot of lemon but I use the recession lemon juice what is only x% juice and x parts citric acid and whatever

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  113. DesignCzar I think they know enough to predict the future, if they haven’t got any new information.

    SOMEONE knows what went on with Betty and Veronica, too, even if it was just pressure to cover for Weiner. I’m sure of it.

    SarahW (af7312)

  114. At least there are recipes, that’s something.

    SarahW (af7312)

  115. Verum Serum updated their post linking to ace and here(patterico)… he’s still holding back though for some (probably good) reason and until I see what he sees I’m still of the “it was probably a dm meant for weiner” opinion… apparently there’s another tweet that puts things together so that tweet is actually referencing her friend.

    soren (303eda)

  116. Until I see what he sees I’m still of the “it was probably a dm meant for weiner” opinion…

    Don’t some of these people, namely Patterico, have enough credibility that you can take their word for it? I don’t want to see anything that will further identify Ethel or “H”.

    It’s just that honey is a subtle flavor, and mustard is important. Lemon is a despotic bully and will deny those other flavors their vote if you don’t impose checks and balances.

    SOMEONE knows what went on with Betty and Veronica, too, even if it was just pressure to cover for Weiner. I’m sure of it.

    Comment by SarahW

    That bugs me too. A lot of people started having inside access to the fact this guy was covering up something really disturbing, and they held onto their clues tightly, preventing other parents from understanding what their kids were exposed to. Who in the hell do these people think they are? How much were Betty’s parents paid?

    Dustin (c16eca)

  117. Sources say that much of the conversations between Weiner and the high schooler had been deleted from the girl’s computer.

    From FOXNews. AllahPundit just tweeted this article.

    designczar (382560)

  118. Also Weiner is guilty already of the appearance of impropriety in his selection of persons to follow and talk to privately – and all his colleagues must realize he’s forever a liability because a: he is a cool liar and his word means mothing now b: he will not stop with the girl thing in fact, it could escalate, and he may be compromised in the future, and any investment in him could go south, and c: there is a lot of weariness with skeevs getting away with it/ making socialists look bad.

    SarahW (af7312)

  119. DesignCzar I think they know enough to predict the future, if they haven’t got any new information.

    SarahW – it’s the speed of the turnaround that makes me wonder. Pelosi, just yesterday, said something else. FOXNews is saying that conversations had been deleted (which we all reasonably surmised).

    I’m going to get whiplash.

    designczar (382560)

  120. ” Sources say that much of the conversations between Weiner and the high schooler had been deleted from the girl’s computer. ”

    There you go. Honey mustard was ALL FOR HIM

    SarahW (af7312)

  121. CNN has just announced that Pelosi and Wasserman have asked Weiner to resign. He’s done. Do I feel bad for him? No, I don’t. And no one else should either. We don’t need this type of corruption (yes, it’s corrupt to DM with teenagers when you’re three times their age) has no place in government. Thank you Patterico for all you’ve done. You are what they use to call a great investigative journalist. Kudos and hurrahs!!!

    Jay S. (1c4c21)

  122. He liked to hear what she did and what she liked.

    And he STOLE her HACKED! excuse.

    May I call this intelligent congressperson stupid now?

    SarahW (af7312)

  123. Link to SarahW’s point that the teenager’s computer had messages deleted. “Much” of them.

    Weiner’s game playing with ‘I am outraged you’d ask’, then his ‘I am coming clean’, and his ‘my wife is pregnant and we need to work on our marriage’ act gave his paid crisis management team time to contact a lot of families and cover up a lot of evidence. What if they told this girl to delete her messages or lie, the way Weiner told Ginger Lee to lie?

    And ever step of the way, the press gave Weiner a lot of help in his PR efforts, giving him tons more time. Maddow’s ‘let’s just ask him if he wants to answer the question, please’ and Blitzer’s praise for how clean Weiner came (when he hadn’t) are the precise opposite of journalism.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  124. Also I wish Tommy Christopher would tell us who sent the girls to him or referred him to the girls.

    And maybe confess a tiny amount of not looking behind the surface at how that end of the story held up, compared to the horrible hateful harassers

    SarahW (af7312)

  125. Pelosi called for resignation right after press conference. Israel too.

    JD (306f5d)

  126. Patterico and crew – if this creep goes, you deserve much (make that most) of the credit.

    (Doing the job the American media won’t do.)

    designczar (382560)

  127. As someone who works in the PC technical field, there are a number of ways to retrieve “erased” data from a hard drive. I doubt our teenager knew how to completely erase those messages forever.

    Jay S. (1c4c21)

  128. Honestly, I have to wonder if Patterico is doing as much good in his day job as he does as a journalist.

    I know his day job is actually incredibly valuable, what with the murderers being taken off the streets and all, but it seems his investigative journalism ability is much more rare.

    Has anyone offered Patterico work in that capacity? The LAT, for example, or NBC? They would be a hell of a lot better off if they were getting scoops instead of lying about them.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  129. P.S. Credit to Breitbart and all the others involved in this story from the start, of course.

    designczar (382560)

  130. Sorry, Designczar, I didn’t see you linked that first.

    I sure hope her family doesn’t really think this was appropriate. Perhaps there’s just one particularly screwed up family member giving interviews.

    I think that 17 year old lady was probably troubled before she came into contact with Weiner. Sure, he preyed on that.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  131. Weiner as I type this is reduced to negotiating terms-if he has to show is his face to resign, what the DNC can give someone as nasty and unqualified as him for work when this is over, and a promise (through Biden?) that law enforcement drops any further investigation. because if he tries to hang on, he leaves the Dem machine no choice but to crush him and to do so quickly.

    Bugg (ea1809)

  132. I feel compelled to point out, once again, that Veronica admitted to lying about something that coincidentally happened (to other people!).

    MayBee (081489)

  133. If Weiner survives this, he must have some valuable ace up his sleeve from his work with the unbelievably corrupt banking slave Schumer.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  134. Dustin, no worries. I saw it only because of AllahPundit.

    designczar (382560)

  135. Don’t some of these people, namely Patterico, have enough credibility that you can take their word for it?

    Quite honestly, I shouldn’t have to… and I don’t believe this guy was her boyfriend and that’s been claimed.

    soren (303eda)

  136. I feel compelled to point out, once again, that Veronica admitted to lying about something that coincidentally happened (to other people!).

    Comment by MayBee — 6/11/2011 @ 11:32 am

    Either they made her recant, or she was more distressed at getting caught telling the truth.

    Honestly I think someone cobbled up that statement on her behalf without a lot of assistance from her.

    SarahW (af7312)

  137. They specifically outlined V’s motive, which is unusual, and made it one that would give reason to discount any future reversal.

    SarahW (af7312)

  138. So… do you think Pelosi, DCCC chairman, and the DNC chairwoman know something is up or are they just afraid of the headlines?

    My guess is they’re unsure and don’t want to be caught flat footed… so the safe position it to tell him to resign.

    soren (303eda)

  139. They specifically outlined V’s motive, which is unusual, and made it one that would give reason to discount any future reversal.

    Wasn’t the motive they cobbled up a lie? In the DMs she wanted to be anonymous but in the statement they said she did it to be famous or something.

    soren (303eda)

  140. I don’t think he was her “boyfriend” proper, either, though a “companion” I believe. It doesn’t actually matter that much, because the honey mustard lube post and all the other things she described were described for Weiner’s entertainment.

    SarahW (af7312)

  141. It was certainly inconsistent. They put that in there to guard against any future change of story.

    Maybe they thought people would buy it, since the remnants of her tweets and those of friends in Google (mentions of snooki, kardashians etc.showed she liked reality shows)

    SarahW (af7312)

  142. ___________________________________________

    Pelosi and Wasserman have asked Weiner to resign.

    I disagree with them.

    In honor of one of the shining glories of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, and as a tribute to his wife and America’s current Secretary of State, Hillary, and out of respect to Weiner’s many constituents — which perhaps includes the old bat Barbara Walters, who said the guy should stick around and cited his support in recent opinion polls as one reason for her POV — the congressman should remain in office. But he should walk around the hallways of the US Capitol fully in the nude and loudly proclaim:

    “I’m a proud, wonderful, caring, humane, sophisticated liberal!! This is what progressivism has come to mean in the 21st century!! After all, my heart is in the right place, and isn’t that all that matters?! xoxoxo”

    Mark (411533)

  143. Narcissists like Weiner are more dangerous to their friends than their enemies I think.

    SarahW (af7312)

  144. Now it’s being reported (tweeted) that Weiner is finally off to rehab, as predicted about a week ago.

    designczar (382560)

  145. @ Dustin,

    Has anyone offered Patterico work in that capacity? The LAT, for example, or NBC? They would be a hell of a lot better off if they were getting scoops instead of lying about them.

    It’s funny to think about the LAT wanting Patrick for their own. If they were interested in unvarnished truth, perhaps, but we all know they’re not about that.

    Case in point: Sandy Banks’ column today wherein she worries that fascination with political sex scandals is unsettling…

    I feel sorry for Weiner’s wife and don’t much care what happens to him now. I don’t think we need an ethics investigation.

    To find out what? Whether he used his government-issued phone to take embarrassing pictures of his crotch?

    We already know he’s an arrogant liar. And we have bigger fish to fry.

    And why the LAT would never want Patterico is beautifully illustrated in her rationalizing why there is no need for an investigation: The blunt, hard truth is not something the public needs to know – especially if there is a “D” after their name. And there are only bigger fish to fry if the politician caught with his pants down is a Democrat.

    Truth can indeed be very inconvenient.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  146. I wonder if Weiner sent experts to anyone’s house to clean their hard drives in a professional manner?

    Lipstick (400b6e)

  147. Soren, Isn’t that “other” tweet with the boyfriend is the om nom tweet from may 5?

    It not only is not dispositive, it doesn’t matter.

    He can be her boyfriend/or her big hunt, and the message still meant for Weiner’s entertainment.

    If Weiner SAW that tweet (or RT), the om nom tweet – (and he was a reader of accounts he followed – he startled Broussard with her daughters name which he would have had to read on Bs facebook page) you tell me whether it is likely that he would want to hear all about that sort of thing. ALL ABOUT IT.

    SarahW (af7312)

  148. And BTW, I’m saying now that not “hacked” as she said later, but a DM meant for Weiner’s enjoyment that was publish in public by mistake.

    SarahW (af7312)

  149. I just received a news alert saying Weiner is seeking treatment and a temporary leave of absence from Congress.

    Who had that result in the pool? I know I did.

    MayBee (081489)

  150. Maybee,

    What’s next?

    Maybe the temp leave probably long enough to cover his stay. Then, bootsville.

    SarahW (af7312)

  151. I don’t know. If he pulls a full Patrick Kennedy, he comes back to Congress all healed (but for the rest of the stuff he was still lying about).
    But Weiner doen’t have a father’s grave upon which to leave a touching note about passing some legislation, so post-rehap press efforts of rehab will be tougher.

    MayBee (081489)

  152. Dana, you’re right. The LAT is not interested in the hard truth about the public’s congressmen and other corrupt players, if those corrupt folks are Team D.

    As it stands now, it’s absurd they would want Patterico. If they wanted to gain credibility, I don’t think they could take a better path. Right now they are merely a hack partisan rag.

    They specifically outlined V’s motive, which is unusual, and made it one that would give reason to discount any future reversal.

    Comment by SarahW

    That’s a good observation. They wrote for her, I am pretty sure. They wrote it in a way that destroys her future credibility, which was probably planned because she was potentially a powerful witness against Weiner. If this had all worked out for Weiner, she would have eventually grown up to realize what was wrong with this coverup, and at that point… she’s already an admitted liar. Add in the MSM’s ability to only note that aspect and not the rest, and she’s effectively neutralized. Very clever. But she’s a kid, and she deserved better representation of her own interests.

    Quite honestly, I shouldn’t have to… and I don’t believe this guy was her boyfriend and that’s been claimed.

    Comment by soren

    You didn’t answer my question. How much credibility has Patterico earned at this point, that you can take his word for it?

    And yes, you should have to take his word for it, because these are minors and much of the evidence should be kept confidential if possible. That means we have to trust a few people.

    These days, as a smart person, you hesitate to trust anyone. Obviously this episode has exposed elaborate liars (Cordova) and those who make elaborate lying really easy (Tommy Christopher) to get away with.

    But in this situation, where you should have to be denied some of the evidence, and someone who seems trustworthy is telling you to accept their special knowledge, I think it’s reasonable to give a little faith.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  153. He’ll have a big danger sign stapled to his forehead, though. His habits could burst upon the scene at any moment.

    Other than pills to check his anxiety rehab is not likely to effect a cure, certainly not of his narcissism.

    SarahW (af7312)

  154. It not only is not dispositive, it doesn’t matter.

    Yes, Sarah’s right. When she said that stuff, with Weiner’s name, Weiner’s state of mind would have been to think it’s about him. It’s impossible to avoid that conclusion. He followed her and then… she deleted their DMs and promised to keep her mouth shut.

    Is that beyond a reasonable doubt proof of an inappropriate correspondence? I think it’s getting close.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  155. c’mon weinerman
    debbie washerwoman schultz
    say go you gotta

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  156. Dustin, I am perfectly willing to flat out stipulate, based on what I’ve seen, that there was hanky panky between the two young people talked about.

    By the time she writes her HACKED! tweet, though, its a different conversation. Compare it to others Weiner had with other women.

    He wants description of her love life.

    Remember his pushing Broussard for those details? he did that with this young girl, too.

    SarahW (af7312)

  157. Dustin, you don’t take it quite as far as I do, but I have to agree Weiner would not see that and fail to think that song was about him.

    It’s worse though, and if there is any record of deleted messages remaining, it will probably bear out that he was encouraging her the same way he encouraged Broussard.

    SarahW (af7312)

  158. Well, investigation is over…

    Nothing to see here, move along…

    Someone should ask if twitter was asked to release their records… if not, wth?

    soren (303eda)

  159. Someone should ask if twitter was asked to release their records… if not, wth?

    Agreed. And it’s very odd we haven’t seen anyone talk about Twitter giving out the communications.

    It’s just Saturday. Couldn’t they spend more than a day or two on this? You’re also right this is a form of corruption, and that justifies special attention. The law should hit Weiner harder, not lighter.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  160. I doubt twitter was asked. I do wonder.

    SarahW (af7312)

  161. So they investigate, and locate that much of the conversation was deleted, and that’s it?

    That’s it?

    You know, I’m not even going to believe they have given up on it. Maybe they are just trying to get a witness’s guard down or something. If they dropped it for lack of evidence, and they know that evidence was destroyed, and where to get the evidence now, that’s amazing. `

    Dustin (c16eca)

  162. IT doesn’t say that there is nothing to see here in the investigation -it just says they’ve hat investigators have concluded their probe and don’t plan any further comment “unless something new arises that needs their attention.”

    Read more:

    Victoria (7b01cb)

  163. Show me that they’ve investigated 24,000 tweets and I’ll be satisfied. In the name of objective journalism.

    As it is, I’ve yet to read that any journalist has demanded the release of them. All 24,000 of them.
    In the name of truth.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  164. In the Clinton scandals, the one-note defense was deny deny deny deny deny It will not be proven true, I didn’t do it nobody saw me do it – and we all saw the penalty for not denying.

    I think the world is on warning about Weiner. That’s the best it would ever get, anyway.

    SarahW (af7312)

  165. A lot of people are still frustrated and I am too. But good lord how far we’ve traveled from the starting point in just a little over 2 weeks. It’s actually quite amazing I think.

    elissa (95e7be)

  166. Nice perspective, Elissa.

    Yep. At one point, that SOB was lying, most people in the MSM were believing him (I’m looking at you Wolf Blitzer), and frankly, even most of the right were completely ignoring this story.

    And that little grin at the end of that ABC interview will last in my memory. He went on and on about his outrage, escaped the questions, and then smiled. Clearly he was joyous at his ability to ‘get away with it’. I bet he got more pleasure from that lying than from the perverted messages.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  167. I don’t see how he can stay in office…the whole thing is so icky..I mean I would want to go into hiding, change my name..become a hermit. Cringe.

    Terrye (7379d2)

  168. Weiner should have been a French politician. He would be 100% OK right now. Perhaps we should make him our French Ambassador. Or better yet, they could make Weiner their US Ambassador.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  169. B-but.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  170. Dunno how many people caught your point about the period preceding or following the ellipsis, Patterico, but I just wanted to let you know: I got it, and agree with you entirely.

    And if the NYT reporters and editors aren’t sensitive to that sort of detail, particularly in their elision of quotations, then shame on them!

    Beldar (a1d653)

  171. Yeah, they were terminating the sentence even though it went on. It’s an entirely new degree of the old context cutting, and nothing short of lying.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  172. Lets see the gop when in power led us into 2 wars. Talked to kindergarden students while the nation was attacked. Ran the economy into a damn near depression. Spent a trillion $ in the desert with Bush doctrine BS. All of this from “Conservatives”. lol This man texting deserves this much media attention? Smoke screen. Vote Conservative vote Democratic. GOP a trillion $ = Bin Laden living in a Villa. Democrat less than a million $ = Bin Laden swims with the fishes. Gop a trillion $ = Sadaam out of power in Iraq. Democrat under a half billion $, no US dead men = Gadafi begging congress for mercy before his exit. GOP never saw a Billionaire or Billionaire business that couldn’t use a tax break, while doing so on the back of the conservative small business man and regular citizen. A shame.

    arrdvarks1 (eb4642)

  173. The grubs I eradicated out of my garden today had more insight about politics than you do, arrdvarks.

    elissa (95e7be)

  174. arrdfarks tongue is not
    suitable for display but
    does come in handy

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  175. you get your guys to
    run on that aardfarks you go
    ahead make my day

    ColonelHaiku (8fa4f9)

  176. Comment by arrdvarks1 — 6/11/2011 @ 4:02 pm

    This is how small children respond when they find themselves in trouble for an unacceptable behavior.

    It’s the go-to escape route for assuming one’ responsibility: But he did it too! But he did it first!But he made me! Take your pick.

    Assuming responsibility for one’s actions is a goal the adults here at Patterico’s always aspire to.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  177. Aardvark is pathetic, and dishonest at a very base level.

    JD (318f81)

  178. We should play “count the lies and distortions” in aardvarks” comment. I got at least 12 the first time through.

    JD (318f81)

  179. Dana and Colonel–

    I feel a little sorry for arrdvarks. He put all the suggested talking points into a single nearly undecipherable monster comment. I think he’s supposed to post them more as one-at-a-time drive bys. (And he probably would get paid more if he did it that way too.)

    elissa (95e7be)

  180. I think it’s hilarious to claim the OBL raid was less than a million. Hell, it destroyed some kind of funky space helicopter.

    Not that I am criticizing that, but it’s a hilarious lie. The rest of the lies were boring.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  181. anyone think the parents might be to embarrassed to go further with the investigation since they have what appears to be very very relaxed parenting styles. if you aren’t aware that your kid is tweeting obscene messages like that you aren’t doing enough parenting.

    the slob (183af7)

  182. Aardvarks, is there a reason you want to derail this thread with lies?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  183. I think he’s confused with the lion, (re the python

    ian cormac (72470d)

  184. Aardvarks didn’t derail anything. It was a perfectly placed reminder of why we are all here. I read every post on here, and I must say I find the whole manner in which most of you speak to be fascinating. I was googling “honey mustard Wiener” because I had seen a comment on a story on Blaze about that topic which I hadn’t seen anywhere else. Thank God you all are here (or is it there?) doing your thing. I will try to keep up, learning as I go. I also came up with a serving suggestion for cocktail franks. I wonder if the jokes will still be relevant in Nov. when that tray of hors d’oeuvers goes around on Thanksgiving. “Keep up the good work”- jagfug

    jagfug (b6b1f4)

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