Patterico's Pontifications


Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 2

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:11 am

Here at we have been covering the Weiner scandal from Day 1. In covering that story, we soon realized that one of the most disturbing aspects of the story was the possibility that Congressman Weiner had engaged in communications with underaged girls. For whatever reason, this is the part of the story that the media has ignored.

Although Andrew Breitbart had some evidence of Congressman Weiner’s interactions with underaged girls, the involvement of young girls in this story was first revealed by the web site Mediaite, which published a piece about two underaged girls who idolized Congressman Weiner — one of whom claimed to have incriminating private Twitter messages from the Congressman.

Yet when Mediate’s liberal reporter Tommy Christopher confronted the girls, that girl instantly took back her accusations against the Congressman. I lied! she said — and both girls pointed the finger of blame at a supposedly nefarious team of Republicans . . . a new spin on the story that must have seemed like a godsend to Weiner’s PR team.

My B.S. detector went into overdrive. The statements issued by the girls and their parents sounded like classic political spin — Weiner was praised as a hero who had done nothing wrong, while the girls were portrayed as helpless victims of nasty Republican operatives.

I published a post that revealed contradictions in Christopher’s story. That post of mine also revealed the specifics of what the girls said they had. For example, one of the underage girls had told a man named Mike Stack:

the DMs with that girl gennette are between gennette and [an underaged girl] with gennette telling her how she & weiner flirt

how they flirt on DM

The story changed completely when Weiner confessed on Monday. It became clear that not only had Congressman Weiner sent pictures of himself to women, he had also allegedly coached a young woman to lie. And a transcript appeared of sexually explicit conversations between Weiner and Las Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss.

But Rep. Weiner insisted that he believed all the girls were of legal age.

Now, there is new evidence to suggest that Congressman Weiner had intimate conversations with an underaged girl. For privacy reasons, I called this girl “Ethel” in a previous post. She is someone who argued with another underaged girl about having a crush on Weiner — shortly after posting messages such as “SERIOUSLY LOVING LIFE AGAIN BUT I GOTTA KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT OR ELSE…” followed by “I’m in love with married men, #thatswhyimsingle.”

There is plenty of evidence (as we will detail in future installments) that Congressman Weiner was Ethel’s favorite Congressman. In this post, this blog will not link the Web address that shows Ethel, together with her Tumblr posts showing her talking about Congressman Weiner. But here is a screenshot from the cache of that now deleted Tumblr account:

If you were to enter the YouTube address at the bottom of that screenshot into your browser, you would see this girl’s favorite Congressman — Anthony Weiner — passionately making an argument about a 9/11 bill:

But what about the top of the screenshot? There, we see the following:

“I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit…” My favorite congressman<3

(My emphasis.)

Look at the quotation marks. The underage girl appears to be quoting her “favorite Congressman” Anthony Weiner. “Tights and cape shit” is not a phrase you would expect to hear uttered publicly by Congressman Anthony Weiner.

But it does sound like something that he might have said privately. That the underaged girl quoted.

The link for this statement — which will hopefully not need to be published — is from a Google cache that predates the scandal. The Google cache snapshot was taken May 29 . . . and as you can see from the screenshots above, the relevant parts came three days to a week earlier. Meaning that these statements appeared on May 26 and earlier — before the scandal broke on May 27. This evidence was not manufactured after the fact.

But is there evidence that Congressman Weiner ever talked dirty to someone about fighting for the country in his cape and tights?

As it turns out, there is.

Namely, that sexually explicit conversation he had with Lisa Weiss:

[WEINER:] computer back up?

[WEINER:] no sense in you being clever if nobody can read it. good morning.

[WEISS:] hi honey! computer’s back up…what’s up with you? busy saving my country rom this f***in tea baggers?

[WEINER:] Yep. Cape. Tights. Looking for my sidekick.

It gets very explicit after that.

So we know that Congressman Weiner talked dirty to Lisa Weiss about fighting for the country in his cape and tights.

And we know that an underaged girl, who loved Congressman Weiner, apparently quoted him talking about fighting for the country in his cape and tights.

In an ideal world, I would prefer not to publish Part 3 of this series.

174 Responses to “Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 2”

  1. Hmmm… I hope there is more than this. I mean, I see smoke, but…

    /Wet Blanket

    RB (064bd8)

  2. Publish. Part. Three. I hate being strung out like this. If he did it, you have no responsibility to protect these girls. If these girls (and their parents) are so willing to spew pro-Weiner PR talking points in response to charges he’s communicating with them, they have no right to privacy. And if the revelations make their lives a little more miserable, so much the better.

    Enough is enough.

    East Coast Chris (c31a9b)

  3. Wow, busted…

    I remember reading reading that blog post of hers last week and thought it was really freaky… but didn’t bother too screenshot it or bookmark it.

    yarrrr (303eda)

  4. “Hmmm… I hope there is more than this. I mean, I see smoke, but…

    /Wet Blanket”

    This is huge… if you think this is a wet blanket it’s because you haven’t been following very closely.

    yarrrr (303eda)

  5. Oh yes. OH YES. I saw that but did not put 2 and 2 together.

    SarahW (af7312)

  6. East Coast Chris,

    It’s a tough decision. For now, I am hoping the Congressman will do the right thing.

    Patterico (135ea8)

  7. This is huge… if you think this is a wet blanket it’s because you haven’t been following very closely.

    I’ve followed it too closely probably, but who doesn’t enjoy watching a train wreck? My point is, if I’m reading what is above correctly, the post is basically saying “He used the phrase ‘cape and tights” in a sexual exchange with some tramp in Vegas, and some minor girl quoted him as using a phrase like ‘cape and tights’ so therefore Weiner was talking dirty to the kid”.

    Now, right now, just based on that, all I see is smoke.

    Now, I agree with the old adage that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire…” so, show me the fire. That’s all I’m saying.

    RB (064bd8)

  8. It’s gentlemanly of you to hope Weiner does the right thing, Pat.

    But unfortunately the record indicates that the Conressman has to be dragged to “the right thing” kicking, screaming, and issuing weasel-word filled conditionals all the way…

    Besides, Howard Kurz will just lump this in with all of the other “fake” evidence; including, I guess, Weiner’s admission this week 🙂

    My Regards

    Bob Reed (5f2db5)

  9. But unfortunately the record indicates that the Conressman has to be dragged to “the right thing” kicking, screaming, and issuing weasel-word filled conditionals all the way…


    RB (064bd8)

  10. It is a shame that any information posted on this blog instantly loses credibility. Can’t you leave this up to more credible henchmen?

    Francis-Fransis (610ad5)

  11. Hey, America, do you want these clowns controlling your health care…and your economy…anything at all?

    Patricia (b717c7)

  12. I suppose that having this guy resign is the right thing to do, but wouldn’t we want this stuff slowly coming out over time? It would show a Dem. party willing to keep a guy like this around and if the Ethics Commission takes their time as usual, this could creep in to next year, right? I prefer the slow piling on from several different “MSM” types with right blogs leading the way, as they have. What I really want is for Brietbart to interview Weiner for FOX. Hey, I can dream can’t I?

    T (d2a2ca)

  13. You silly tea-baggers. Always grasping for wild and paranoid conspiracies?

    Weiner clearly said that none of the girls were under 21, to the best of his knowledge. Why on earth wouldn’t we just believe him?

    Markos Mouslitos (eb12b3)

  14. Well, see, he’s allowed to do this stuff, because he votes the right way on abortion.

    It’s really a clever way to get some moogah. I drink a toast to this guy. He is a grade-A skeevemaster.

    And Mandy Marcotte and her legion of great women who excuse this stuff, they are awesome too.

    Rev Dr E Buzz (1eb242)

  15. “13.You silly tea-baggers. Always grasping for wild and paranoid conspiracies?

    Weiner clearly said that none of the girls were under 21, to the best of his knowledge. Why on earth wouldn’t we just believe him?

    Comment by Markos Mouslitos — 6/9/2011”

    umm, the best conspiracy lunacy I’ve seen yet was on…DAILYKOS, where the felony hack of poor innocent Weiner was said to be perpetrated by a cell of Christian internet freaks based in Oklahoma.

    Post the evidence. That’s what journalism is SUPPOSED to be about.

    barbarausa (497fe3)

  16. I didn’t screencap it, but I recall a week or so ago that there was discussion between two girls that one was trying to get Wiener to taker her to her Prom. Just bizarre enough to stick in my mind. I wonder if that girl is the ‘cape and tights’ kid….

    CatoRenasci (9b70fa)

  17. Actually Weiner certainly knows that at least one of the girls he was DMing was in high school as one of them started a Facebook campaign among her friends to convince him to be her prom date.

    So if he says that he thought all of them were of adults he is lying.

    To his credit when she started asking her high school friends to leave messages on his public board as part of the campaign he unfollowed her on Twitter. Whether because it was proper or because it was way to public is unknown.

    Have Blue (dbbcd4)

  18. A bit difficult to keep everyone in order given the assumed names, but I think Ethel is still on twitter. Where prom girl is not.

    Joseph (f00357)

  19. CatoRenasci – No the prom girl is not the “cape and tights” girl. But I think they did communicate at some point. This particular part of the story is really confusing and not made any easier by the need to use pseudonyms for the main players.

    I believe prom girl is “Betty” who was friends with “Veronica”. Both of one had some contact with “Ethel” who is “cape and tights” girl.

    Have Blue (dbbcd4)

  20. “Now, right now, just based on that, all I see is smoke. ”

    Don’t gloss over “I’m in love with married men, #thatswhyimsingle.”

    soren (303eda)

  21. “Weiner clearly said that none of the girls were under 21, to the best of his knowledge. Why on earth wouldn’t we just believe him?”

    Just like we should have believed him when he said his account got hacked?

    Steve From Yellowstone (7a04e4)

  22. Is Weiner Archie or Jughead?

    Joseph (f00357)

  23. While merely talking to underage girls may be enough to force him to resign, and while that may be your objective, I wouldn’t throw the book at him on this particular aspect unless he knew (or should have known) that they were underage.

    BTW, I wish he would resign, not for talking to an underage girl, but for being a total clown. It would be nice if there were some basic good guy/gal requirements to serving in Congress. But in the end, it comes down to whether his constituents can sleep at night with him representing him. And unfortunately, the country is way too willing to overlook stuff like this (or worse).

    steve (369bc6)

  24. How would Weiner use “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit” in a non-flirting context? Especially when he had to know this high school girl was “crushing” on him…

    Note, that there is much more to this blog post than “Weiner used superhero references here, and used it here” yadda yadda… and some people are glossing over it.

    yarrrr (303eda)

  25. What’s “underaged”? Under 21? Then the girl who wanted him to take her to her prom (Betty?) was clearly underage. Under 18? Well, is Betty 18 now? Was she when she started communicating with the Weenie?

    CatoRenasci (9b70fa)

  26. ______________________________________________

    The statements issued by the girls and their parents sounded like classic political spin.

    Hardly surprising. After all, the core of the scandal is symbolized by Weiner’s wedding being presided over by that paragon of virtue, Bill Clinton. And Weiner’s wife being closely aligned with Hillary “sniper-fire” Clinton.

    Also, these various players are rumored to be into bisexuality, which would explain the weird behavior of Weiner (eg, texting strangers not long after he got hitched, and almost having a death wish about both his reputation and relationships) and his wife (eg, being an enabler extraordinaire to her husband’s peccadilloes).

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  27. “I wouldn’t throw the book at him on this particular aspect unless he knew (or should have known) that they were underage”

    She looks very young in her picture… I don’t think if people saw her picture that they would give him the benefit of the doubt.

    yarrrr (303eda)

  28. One look at Ethel’s picture and you know she’s under 16. How could Weiner not have seen her picture?

    Quilly Mammoth (a40ce6)

  29. I wouldn’t throw the book at him on this particular aspect unless he knew (or should have known) that they were underage.

    What if the twitter feed is full of stuff about joining the National Honor Society, or things your Government teacher said?

    Is he only responsible for going far enough to see a girl with a cute avatar said #WeinerYes?

    MayBee (081489)

  30. Also notice Antony Weiner’s words of denial. It was all about not to his knowledge. He never said “I asked every girl her age, and all of them represented themselves to me of legal age”

    MayBee (081489)

  31. It’s a tough decision. For now, I am hoping the Congressman will do the right thing.

    How many sex offenders do you know turn themselves in, along with the evidence of their crimes? Because that’s the accusation you’re making. His resignation would be necessary, but insufficient, if that’s true.

    If only you knew someone with the power to press criminal charges…

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  32. I read ‘Ethel’s” complete Twitter page on May 30 – if he could not tell she was in high school, he should resign based on complete stupidity. She is a foul mouthed little thing. I remember reading some of it out loud to my hubbie and we were blown away by it. We wondered if her parents were aware of her Twitter speak. Anyway – I notice today that Ethel’s tweets are private now. Some of what Ethel wrote also made me wonder if she has problems finding friends … she frequently wrote things that made me think she did not have many close friends and THAT makes Weiner’s action even more reprehensible – she was obviously LOOKING for something.

    Janetoo (84c5f6)

  33. How exactly would “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit” be used in a non-flirting context when you already know the other person has a crush on you?

    soren (303eda)

  34. #22 Weiner is actually Scooby Do as at this very moment the words coming out of his mouth are ” Rut Roh”.

    East Bay Jay (19f566)

  35. I can’t help but think they are Jewish girls if their parents told them to lie about it. If that’s the case; What’s up Jewish community? Monica Lewisky and Chandra Levy both had abiding relatives ok with their young lady relatives getting involved with married and powerful politicians.

    oblio (bfceab)

  36. hey guys,

    don’t quote the word “shit.” it causes your comments to go into the filter and not appear.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  37. “Weiner clearly said that none of the girls were under 21, to the best of his knowledge. Why on earth wouldn’t we just believe him?”

    So we should ASSUME he isn’t lying THIS time??? Because he’s a DEMOCRAT?????

    Joe (457a2f)

  38. This is exactly why I am suspect about Huma actually being pregnant. Weiner knows what he did and is anticipating the next step. By saying Huma is pregnant publicly he’s shouting–“See, I like having sex with 30_ year old women.”

    How many times has a wife and child been used to deflect criticism of a man who may have proclivities toward young woman?

    Ann (a55fa4)

  39. What’s your theory, people? That he was communicating with so many different ladies that he got Ethel and Lisa mixed up and therefore misremembered with whom he was into the cape and tights narrative? (For lack of anything better, the Triage is hard and sometimes even a pro gets it wrong theory.)

    Or, do you think he loved his sexy online cape and tights shtick so much that it was just a de rigueur image play with all the lucky ladies? (For lack of anything better, the You probably think you’re special but I say this to all the girls theory.)

    elissa (1d49e1)

  40. 35.I can’t help but think they are Jewish girls if their parents told them to lie about it. If that’s the case; What’s up Jewish community? Monica Lewisky and Chandra Levy both had abiding relatives ok with their young lady relatives getting involved with married and powerful politicians.

    Comment by oblio — 6/9/2011 @ 9:22 am

    It’s all part of the Vast Jewish Conspiracy for world conquest. I could let you in on the secret … but then I’d have to circumcise you.

    aunursa (a2a019)

  41. 35.”I can’t help but think they are Jewish girls if their parents told them to lie about it”

    Also fits the traits of the Scandis. And gypsies. It’s probably a good time to ring the alarm for my own biggest fear: Jewish Scandis with Gypsy features that are also terrorists. And if they have a twitter account? Watch out.

    East Bay Jay (19f566)

  42. Or, do you think he loved his sexy online cape and tights shtick so much that it was just a de rigueur image play with all the lucky ladies? (For lack of anything better, the You probably think you’re special but I say this to all the girls theory.)

    Yeah, much like the package.jpg photo that got recycled.

    MayBee (081489)

  43. “Or, do you think he loved his sexy online cape and tights shtick so much that it was just a de rigueur image play with all the lucky ladies?”

    This of course… he’s selling an image that he retells not only to women but to himself.

    “This is exactly why I am suspect about Huma actually being pregnant.”

    This isn’t a good route to go down… if it was done for sympathy what it really does is make Weiner look even more like an ass. I’m disappointed that Breitbart went that route on twitter but he’s barely touched the underage angle of the story. Maybe he’s just waiting for the right time.

    soren (303eda)

  44. OMFG.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  45. maybee

    and what we saw yesterday was “ready.jpg.” no, not making that up.

    god i wish i was making that up.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  46. I wonder if Tommy realizes now, or may yet realize in hindsight that in his zeal to protect his sources, he was overlooking/glossing over, or not even questioning in the first place for clear tells of monkey business, MB being pr shaping along the lines Weiner suggested in similar ways to others, advice that even if not given, strangely seems to have been followed.

    I want to know who sent these people (inhabitants of Riverdale) to him, or who suggested him to them, or whether he carried any message to them from another or a group of others.

    I want to know if any third party selected Tommy to do the soft treatment, or a less questioning treatment.

    WHY DIDN’T HE SEE IT. IT was there for all to see. Maybe he didn’t know how many remnants there were remaining to find despite scrubbing.

    It was painful. It depressed me, can’t speak for anyone else.

    Patterico didn’t strew any breadcrumbs either – Tommy did with his story, leaving holes and inconsistencies unaddressed; those gumbles started early – BEFORE patterico’s post addressing them – with searches well underway and rewarded with more information that I think Tommy might have suspected was possible.

    SarahW (af7312)

  47. and what we saw yesterday was “ready.jpg.”

    You DO NOT want to see “set.jpg” and “go.jpg”.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  48. Especially not False_start.jpg

    SarahW (af7312)

  49. _______________________________________

    What’s up Jewish community?

    When surveys indicate that 80-plus percent of that community is of the left — because liberalism, in such folks’ mind, means a human therefore is sophisticated, compassionate, worldly, generous, tolerant, wonderful, beautiful* — that speaks volumes.

    * Never mind that far too much of such sentiment actually is no more sincere and honest than that of the idiocy and foolishness of “limousine liberalism.”

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  50. Let’s be honest: Weiner was indiscriminate. He probably found hundreds of people to cybersex with.

    His only filter was ‘do they like my politics?’

    Thus, it’s much more likely than not that he was cybersexing with a lot of males as well as people who lied about their age or simply didn’t mention it. Kids especially would be less likely to have the inexperience and desperation to find Weiner’s love letters appealing. He wanted to be a big daddy, and was unselective about who he played that part with, so why wouldn’t he do so to lots of kids.

    Even his adult cybersex buddies sound like screwed up children to me.

    Note: this isn’t meant as an excuse for Weiner. But if you acted like Weiner did online, why wouldn’t you wind up implicated as chatting up kids?

    Frankly, I think the cape and tights thing is strong enough evidence for any fair minded individual.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  51. Janetoo I saw similar things. She wrote something I believe related to Betty being upset at being unfollowed – they are dogging each other rather badly. Or catfighting a bit, rather.

    Her reaction to W’s press conference seemed to reflect surprise. I don’t know if she was being ironic or not though.

    She said she was “SPEECHLESS”, then how awful it was when someone you admired let you down, then some joshing about an anxiety attack that was probably not completely joshing.

    SarahW (af7312)

  52. SarahW- she could have been shocked at what Weiner did. Or she could have been shocked that it wasn’t just her.

    MayBee (081489)

  53. He’s not gonna resign. Screw it. Put out Part III and let the chips fall where they may.

    RB (064bd8)

  54. Part. Three. Please. 🙂

    Psycotte (5d025a)

  55. Yup, Weiner has made his move (I assume his people monitor Twitter for mentions and that he knows of Patterico’s posts), now I guess we’ll see what comes next.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  56. This is exactly why I am suspect about Huma actually being pregnant. Weiner knows what he did and is anticipating the next step.

    Which may be to announce a “miscarriage” and buy time to “grieve.”

    This may turn out to be the one pregnancy that Andrew Sullivan does not find suspicious.

    Northeast Elizabeth (c780a0)

  57. So what happens when Anthony Weiner sends pictures of himself to Helen Thomas?

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  58. Patterico, you’re on FIRE.
    Am enjoying being along for the ride while it all unfolds…

    School Marm (a68c64)

  59. I appreciate the notion of waiting for Weiner to do the right thing before publishing the rest, but it is faulty thinking. Weiner will not do the right thing. He only takes action after damning evidence is released. Also, we aren’t talking about Weiner resigning or some other political gain. If you are sitting on proof that Weiner is a pedo internet predator sexting minors you have a duty to publish this information and bring it to the authorities. Good men don’t do nothing.

    Name Required (e72819)

  60. I’ve admitted some probably unjustified skepticism about the pregnancy (because her underweight condition could be an impediment to conception), and that the story has only been put forward by unnamed sources. So you might discount what I’m about to say as overly cynical and harsh.

    I would rather hope that nothing is made up and all goes well, seriously. if any is the reverse, however, there’s little doubt it will be framed to conservatives as “SEE WHAT YOU DID”.

    SarahW (af7312)

  61. I notice the entry just before those already listed is:

    i’m gettin drunk, but i’d much rather be somewhere with youuuuuuuuu
    Posted 2 weeks ago

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  62. Where were the parents?

    Wouldn’t they be following their child’s broadcasts to the world?

    Dads: be jerks. Do what you gotta do. We have the technology.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  63. Weiner clearly said that none of the girls were under 21, to the best of his knowledge. Why on earth wouldn’t we just believe him?

    Why on earth should we? He lied about being hacked. He lied to his friends and used them to obfuscate the truth. He attempted to suborn lies from a virtual tryst-ee. Tell us, Markos, with all these hallmarks of “honesty,” why should we accept anything this man says as truth, especially in regard to this matter?

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  64. Was trying to find the girl elsewhere based on info in her tumblr feed, but nothing yet. Anyone else find anything?

    Mike (6a9919)

  65. As to Huma’s alleged pregnancy, don’t worry – she’ll have a miscarriage/abortion right about the time this all blows over, no matter which way it shakes out.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  66. I have no problem believing Huma’s pregnant.
    It’s only the timing of the “leak” that seems manipulative.

    MayBee (081489)

  67. Comment by Aaron Worthing — 6/9/2011 @ 10:03 am
    is that an ominous reference to part 3?

    razor419 (04364e)

  68. Is that really Markos?

    If so, the evidence is actually presented in this post. It’s not enough for a jury to convict, but it’s enough for people with comment sense to think Weiner was texting sexual messages to a minor.

    I regret telling people to avoid this story, frankly. I thought the child angle was salacious and ugly paranoia. Now I see I was mistaken.

    A congressman treating kids like this is a big f*cking deal. our government is led by people who do not give a crap who they harm.

    At the end of the day, some people will make a show of how little they care that Weiner would act this way. They empower such men to led our government, without caring if they harm Americans. That’s the disease, right there. We’ve been devolved and de-educated to the point where many don’t even get the concept of greatness anymore.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  69. I feel sheepish questioning the timing, Maybee, but it does seem manipulative. It’s ordinarily the thing one would wait to announce, too.

    I wouldn’t know if she was truly pathologically underweight, it’s just that I looked like that when I was and it um…affected me. Also the camera adds pounds.

    SarahW (af7312)

  70. What do you think is Tommy Christopher’s role in all of this? He may be innocent but it seems odd that he is in contact w/ GNC before her statement and is talking to the underage girls before anyone else knows about them. He’s been very fair to Breitbart but his involvement is suspect.

    joe (16b2c3)

  71. And here is the (just barely) unspoken point, I think, that Patterico’s analysis is leading up to: One can draw accurate inferences about Weiner’s relationship with the underage girl based on his behavior with other women. Weiner habitually exposed himself to women online in pursuit of sexual gratification. The use of superhero references in one instance is banter. A two-time occurrence would indicate that there may be something deeper at work – perhaps a visceral attachment of some sort to the imagery. If Weiner’s superhero references can be substantiated in conversations with more than one woman and there are suggestions of that same language in the evidence we have about the young girl, reviewers can legitimately draw inferences about the unrevealed content of the messages to the young woman. It’s called HABIT. It’s called A PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR. And it’s a legitimate evidentiary tactic to establish facts in courtroom proceedings.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  72. Not a biggie, but in the latest NY Post article (about him not resigning, there’s this passage:

    Friends also said Abedin is 10 weeks pregnant and that the couple is looking to repair their marriage.
    “Conversations between my wife and me are private, but you know, she’s bearing up well and she’s back at work and she’s doing a great job,” he said.
    Asked if his wife was having a boy or girl, Weiner said, “I have no comment on that. See you soon.”

    The more natural answer would have been “it’s too early to tell.” Usually you don’t know until 18 weeks and the most sensitive sonograms can’t tell before 12. If he had any interest in the pregnancy and had been to the ob/gym he’d know this.

    Just sayin’.

    Article here:

    Average Joe (908be8)

  73. I feel sheepish questioning the timing, Maybee, but it does seem manipulative. It’s ordinarily the thing one would wait to announce, too.

    I don’t feel sheepish questioning the timing. That seems obvious, doesn’t it? We didn’t hear about it last week or the week before. They aren’t waiting for another few weeks. We are hearing about it days after he admitted to being a really gross cyber adulterer.

    MayBee (081489)

  74. Weiner is a bit dickish.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  75. Of course the pregnancy was leaked to benefit Weiner.

    Real or fake (I’m of the opinion it’s real until proven otherwise), they have handled PR with the utmost cynicism from the beginning. Absolutely no scruples and no hesitation to aid Weiner by any means necessary.

    Of course the pregnancy was leaked for that reason. The ‘confession’ was given for that reason. The ‘I’m a victim of hackers’ was given for that reason.

    And the most I think about it, the worse I feel for being mad at those who kept wanting to focus on this. He’s hiding something really awful, isn’t he? Still.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  76. So if the Weener resigns will you still publish part 3?

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  77. Timing of the announcement, I mean, in my post.

    MayBee (081489)

  78. Publish. Weiner deserves no mercy. “Let him be apportioned for foxes”

    LowKey (8096f2)

  79. This may turn out to be the one pregnancy that Andrew Sullivan does not find suspicious.

    Comment by Northeast Elizabeth — 6/9/2011 @ 10:29 am

    Sully is already on record calling for more dic pics. – not joking.

    papertiger (e55ba0)

  80. And, lest I be castigated for requiring courtroom proof to substantiate a common-sense conclusion, I have no trouble drawing inferences from the young girl’s own words based on a solitary proven recitation of Weiner’s rather unique fantasy. Patterico’s exegesis of this point is sufficient for me to form an opinion of what most likely happened and to substantiate an earnest, deeper inquiry into the matter.

    Now, let’s get on to Part III. I hope it’s better than the only other Part III with which I’m familiar: Revenge of the Sith. 😉

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  81. Tommy did SEEM to take the attitude of “Why shouldn’t I take what they tell me at face value” – instead of “why should I take what they tell me at face value.” He would take what they said at face value unless he ran across (rather than dug up) contradictory elements that may not entirely change the story, but cast it in a new light.

    However, his piece had great value. He might not agree but that the soft treatment produced the statements so full of tells. If he had been harder maybe they would have clammed up and not provided such USEFUL statements.

    Gilding the lily, protesting too much…more than would be natural gave it all away.

    SarahW (af7312)

  82. Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    Part 3 now.

    East Coast Chris (c31a9b)

  83. Is there anyone here who hasn’t flirted in an anonymous chat room? That is all Weiner was doing with twitter. He just seems to like the risk of showing his face and junk to anonymous people and getting away with it because he has power. Getting his fantasy life off while his wife refuses to indulge him. Probably a little less serious than Arnold. But most men do engage in these types of fantasies. Now if he met any of these women, or if he knew they were underage then it becomes problematic.

    I would bet he spent more time on twitter from his office than he did on legislation.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  84. Nope, I’ve never flirted in a chat room. Threatened to kick people’s asses? Of course, but no flirting.

    radar (11c490)

  85. Is there anyone here who hasn’t flirted in an anonymous chat room? That is all Weiner was doing with twitter.

    No, this is really, really unfair. It is not normal to send photos of your penis to strangers.

    Getting his fantasy life off while his wife refuses to indulge him.

    Who in the hell do you think you are to blame the wife? It was no secret what she did for a living when he married her, and this behavior WAS NOT ABOUT SEX, given all the language about choking girls with his penis and other ‘I will dominate you because I am awesome’ language. It wasn’t about his need for sex.

    I would bet he spent more time on twitter from his office than he did on legislation.

    He didn’t spend too much time on legislation. His staff did. I get your point, but he’s crossed the line. Our congressmen should be expected to be a lot better than this. We are so coarse as a society that many roll their eyes at this, but OF COURSE Weiner should value his marriage, and of course he shouldn’t be talking like this to school children.

    I was sick and tired of the story too, but we’re talking about kids now. That’s actually very serious. It’s not just adults being creepy to eachother because they are losers.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  86. Is there anyone here who hasn’t flirted in an anonymous chat room? That is all Weiner was doing with twitter. . . . But most men do engage in these types of fantasies.

    Are you SERIAL? No, he wasn’t “just flirting” – he was exchanging pornography with women he’d never met. Alvin Green faced felony charges for “flirting” as you described it. Trading smut text and dick pics goes far beyond “flirting.”

    And “most men do engage in these types of fantasies”? Where do you get your information? Substantiate this claim. i certainly have no knowledge of this: Nobody – man or woman – has ever revealed their proclivities in that regard to me, and neither have I ever seen or heard of any studies, surveys, or any other scholarly literature that would tend to support your assertion.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  87. Probably a little less serious than Arnold.

    I don’t understand how this is even remotely similar to Arnold. Did Arnold help coordinate a campaign to smear innocent people? I don’t recall that. The journalists who showed what Arnold did were never accused of framing him.

    And Arnold was sleeping with his employee, which is crossing the line in my book, but compared to sexting children? Are you serious?

    What an unfair comparison.

    Weiner’s amazing ability to lie about being hacked and outraged shows it’s not safe to trust him with power, and it’s getting clear he’s covering up something more serious than embarrassing conduct.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  88. I’m not sure if “talking dirty”(unless Patterico has more in Part 3) is the right term… “getting flirty” is a more apt description. He’s definitely using the same techniques, but he may be holding back a bit.

    While only “getting flirty” would probably keep him from getting arrested, it should get him tossed from congress.

    soren (303eda)

  89. BTW, I was just checking the sitemeter and you’ve had visitors recently from both the House of Representatives and the Department of Justice.

    soren (303eda)

  90. I wish all the dems had spent more time on Twitter than legislation since O was elected. Maybe we wouldn’t have to suffer obamacare or the Dodd-Frank monstrosity or all the job killing rules and regs written by dem bureaucrats over the last few years.

    Go Twitter!

    Twitter wasn’t the problem, it is what Weiner did with it and the subsequent attempted coverup that is the problem.

    Texas Mom 2012 (cee89f)

  91. dustin, as far as I can judge Weiner was in virtual reality only and not trying to meet these women in a cheap motel. So I think this is less serious than Arnold. As far as I can judge Weiner played don’t ask dont tell with the ages of his followers. And the medium of twitter have no age verification process, while facebook does. I’d consider it more serious if he moved the conversation from anonymous twitter to semi anonymous facebook. There is no real child abuse going on here except of parents not raising their kids well.

    If an adult being suggestive to an anonymous online identity that turns out to be a minor.. Well then all p2p xbox games are guilty x millions.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  92. The girls were known before Tommy came around.

    TopOfTheMorning (b20383)

  93. dustin, as far as I can judge Weiner was in virtual reality only and not trying to meet these women in a cheap motel.

    This is a straw man argument. You pretend that if it’s not proven he slept around, that that shows his behavior isn’t serious.

    Anthony Weiner helped coordinate a shoot the messenger strategy. He lied to an extent that went beyond denial and went into character assassination of innocent people, rampant paranoia mongering, and accusations of serious crimes.

    Why? It appears because he is covering up his contact with children of a sexual nature.

    Oh, and you didn’t answer my question. Who in the hell are you to blame his wife?

    Dustin (c16eca)

  94. I’d consider it more serious if he moved the conversation from anonymous twitter to semi anonymous facebook.

    Did you read the transcript provided at Part 1? He was on facebook with the woman in Vegas.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  95. Trading smut text and dick pics goes far beyond “flirting.”

    Jazz, that happens all the time. This is not an isolated incident. All online chat is a reflection of anonymous desire. People should not be surprised to see sex and violence occupy a major portion of it. There are less boundaries in the online world.

    There are some basic boundaries and rules though. Minors are still considered minors. Although the legislators I believe are lax in creating laws that recognize the degrees of anonymity people seek online.

    But in Weiners case, I believe he wanted to let it all hang out here and flirt with disaster. That is his kink.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  96. He was on facebook with the woman in Vegas.

    Comment by Chuck Bartowski

    It’s clear most of Weiner’s defenders don’t care what the facts are, so they come in here and argue in a way that shows they didn’t bother to review the facts.

    And I totally understand that. I didn’t want to review the facts either, but my reason is because I was disgusted by Weiner’s behavior, not that I’m a partisan hack hellbent on coming up with any defense possible.

    Would JD2 defend Glenn Beck if he was caught doing this? or Sarah Palin?

    Anyway, he said he’d see this as serious if it were on facebook, and now he knows it was. He will now pretend that he never said it would be serious.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  97. But in Weiners case, I believe he wanted to let it all hang out here and flirt with disaster. That is his kink.

    Comment by jd2

    It wasn’t about sex. That’s already been established. If you think it was about sex, then you are either ignorant of much of the intelligent analysis of this issue, or you are a screwed up individual yourself.

    When you go on and on about choking women with your penis, that’s not about sex.

    It’s fair to demand our congressmen be good people.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  98. As far as I can judge Weiner played don’t ask dont tell with the ages of his followers. And the medium of twitter have no age verification process, while facebook does.

    It’s not on the medium to prove the user’s age. And twitter was not designed as a dating/hook-up/pornography site. It was Weiner’s duty to ensure he wasn’t sexting minors, and he appears to have disregarded that duty altogether. Did he actually solicit a minor? We don’t know yet, but by all accounts, the available transcript reveals he solicited the woman in Vegas and professed an intent to meet. So the question certainly bears investigating.

    The points you attempt to raise are the (non-existent) flounderings of drowning paraplegic. You are an eminently unserious thinker if that’s the best you have to offer.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  99. Dustin there is nothing straw man about. It would have been real serious if Weinar enticed one of these young girls to a motel. And if that was his intent he would be in jail. He is not in jail.

    Are you implying that weiner got excited about this because children where his focus? and thus his character assassination attempts on breibart? I would probably disagree with that because I don’t think that is what happened. You are defining children more broadly than is necessary here. And in terms of twitter. It is all anonymous. No one knows who is a child and who isn’t. Maybe twitter needs to make a children only version of itself.

    And in regards to his wife. My suggestion is that Weiner was not happy with his sexual relations with his wife and started acting out through socialmedia. And I would think this is the primary cause of his risky behavior. A way to get back at his wife.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  100. Jazz

    How is your posting demeanor different than Weiner pr attempts. Looks pretty similiar?

    jd2 (fc8318)

  101. Jazz, that happens all the time. This is not an isolated incident.

    You conflate frequency of occurrence with acceptable behavior. Transit of illicit and illegal material through the mails happens frequently, yet it is not acceptable. Spouses cheat on each other frequently, yet it is not socially acceptable. There are a host of things that occur but are not acceptable. Your point is pointless.

    You are still an unserious thinker.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  102. It’s a tough decision. For now, I am hoping the Congressman will do the right thing.

    Comment by Patterico — 6/9/2011 @ 8:22 am


    As my father would say “ay por favor dejate de hablar de tonterias.”

    Sponge Bob Torquemada (fccc6f)

  103. And if that was his intent he would be in jail. He is not in jail.

    Here’s another argument fallacy from you. We don’t know what his intent was right now, and we don’t know how far this matter will go. To argue that “he’s not in jail right now, therefore he couldn’t have intended to meet with underage girls” is really stupid of you.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  104. Jazz what I would agree with is that it was in Weiner’s best interest and his responsibility to know who he was talking to and their age. I believe he declined to do that because a risky sexual impulse was driving him.

    Anyone of these twitter followers of his could have been a NYT reporter pretending to be a co-ed.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  105. He will have to be forced out. No shame. No dignity; but, most of all, no treatment for his disease— anonymous sexual addiction. SO!

    The rest of his pecadilloes, of which we know just this virtual one (online sexplay), are going to come out. And his exploits online are going to come out too…there’s more. This is not a one-time lonely boy out on the weekend kind fo thing….he is a social networking animal— and he is a virtual fornicator— with young girls. It will all come out. This is the tip of the iceberg.

    He has no sense of self-worth. How is he going to stand in front of his Congressional colleagues with a straight face and talk about anything while they look at him battling that mind worm visual of his kielbasa cloaked in gray? What parties will he and huma-humama be able to attend, where she isnt the object of PITY for being with such a cheese dick sorry sap.

    No shame. He’ll go down in flames. Leahy wont play around with this too long. Leahy is a flamer lib but he has moral integrity to a degree….as do other Dhimmis when it comes to scumbags. But then again, he huffed Ted Kennedy’s Senate cigar a time or two (metaphorically speaking) and didnt rock the boat.

    A bottomless pit of skank and stank. And they are in charge of our money. OY!!!!

    bear1909 (69145a)

  106. Well there’s some solid evidence for you… of Patterico having enough free time to be a Breitbart shill.

    I thought the man in charge here had had some lawyer training once upon a time. Must have specialized in ambulance chasing.

    Snertly (b9e636)

  107. Since when is a guy wanting to have sex with random hot chicks a disease?

    Sponge Bob Torquemada (fccc6f)

  108. My suggestion is that Weiner was not happy with his sexual relations with his wife and started acting out through socialmedia.

    BS. He said he did this for years before they married. We have proof he did this in the month after they got married.

    He wasn’t left high and dry… he simply never stopped acting this way. It has absolutely nothing to do with sex.

    Are you implying that weiner got excited about this because children where his focus? a

    Are you implying that you are completely unable to read, and will instead use straw man after straw man with no bearing on anyone’s argument? This is the third time you have presented an argument to shoot down that no one has made.

    I’m implying that Weiner got off on sexist denigrating power language from people who worshiped him as the big man, rather than getting off on anything sexual. Their discussions are 100% about Weiner and how awesome Weiner is. Weiner’s going to gag a woman with his penis. Look at this new angle of Weiner’s penis. Weiner’s super awesome right now. Check out the latest status of Weiner’s penis.

    He was not interested in these women. The only thing that got him excited was talking about himself, or occasionally the mention of his political adversaries.

    This is not because he was desperate for sex. That is patently false, as is basically everything else you’re asserting.

    And again: who the hell are you to blame his wife? What a desperate and baseless accusation. It’s all the more offensive because we have a basis for our accusations, and the accusations themselves are not minor.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  109. My posting demeanor is dismissive because the “points” you raise as serious discussion are dismissed with no serious effort. You are shill trying to provide some sort – any sort – of cover for this abomination. I cannot and do not respect unserious thinkers.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  110. Since when is a guy wanting to have sex with random hot chicks a disease?

    Comment by Sponge Bob Torquemada —

    Since when is telling strangers you want to gag them with your penis, and including a photo, normal?

    I don’t think the word disease is correct, and I don’t think this has anything to do with wanting to sleep with these women.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  111. Chuck Bartowski, you’re projecting. If his intent was to lure young woman to hotel rooms for a trist. And if they were underage. He would be in jail.

    He’s not in jail. I’m suggesting that he is not in jail because luring young girls to hotel rooms was not his intent. His intent was a risky fantasy behavior. But who really knows.

    I find the real fallacy in the argument to be the intent to hang the underage child albatross on him. I can see where there are underage girls here. But I can’t see where that was a driving factor for Weiner. Maybe because he didn’t ask and should have? The underage comdenation is more damning of Twitter than Weiner. Weiner is not the only @ account that this type of transaction would be occuring on.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  112. Guys here where I get off the “Grill The Weiner Express”.

    Based on what’s already been revealed we know that Weiner is a dirtbag = to about a cubic meter of lying horsesh@t.

    Let’s say you publish part 3 and conclusively prove that he was “sexting” with underage girls and that he knew they were underage, what have you done? Well, maybe he committed a Federal crime. Do you think any of Holder’s minions will do anything about that? Not in this life–or more properly, not under the Obama/Holder administration.

    You’ve also proved that the dimensions of this particular dirtbag are TWO cubic meters.

    I suppose, to paraphrase the punch line of the old joke, “We’ve already established what you (Weiner) are, now we’re only arguing about the price.”

    So with all due respect to you folks who’d like to reach down Weiners’ throat, rip his scrotum off his crotch and pull it out through his alimentary canal, give it a rest. We all know what a shmuck he is.

    Mike Myers (0e06a9)

  113. Well there’s some solid evidence for you… of Patterico having enough free time to be a Breitbart shill.

    I thought the man in charge here had had some lawyer training once upon a time. Must have specialized in ambulance chasing.

    Comment by Snertly

    Dude… it’s been several hours since he said anything about this, and he spends a lot of time working, to the extent that his neglect of the blog is a running joke.

    He’s clearly pretty dedicated to his job. That he also has a hobby like his blog is not a sign that he sucks at his job, jackass. What a stupid attempt to claim someone lacks credibility.

    And how is this about Breitbart? Weiner apologized to Breitbart. Why do think that is? This is about Weiner, and the democrats who try so hard to shoot the messenger any way they can. With Breitbart, it’s gotten so bad that Weiner actually apologized and is a national disgrace.

    But your attempt to shut Patterico down is just another example. A stupid example, but hey, you’re stupid.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  114. Dustin, do you think Weiner is happy with his wife? Do you think he became more progressively developed in his needs. It’s all about sex. Sex and power.

    Can’t help you if you don’t want to see it.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  115. Trading smut text and dick pics goes far beyond “flirting.”

    Unless Patterico has more(and he might), there’s no indication he sent actual “smut text” or “dick pics” to these high school girls… it’s something that needs to be checked out by someone with subpena authority though.

    I don’t think there is much doubt anymore that he was flirting with at least one high school girl… and to go out of your way to do that on the internet is kind of creepy…

    soren (303eda)

  116. Jazz what is an unserious thinker. 🙂 Someone who never laughs?

    jd2 (fc8318)

  117. That’s because sully loves cock.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  118. By show of hands, who thinks that anyone is making the argument that Weiner is the only person to have done this? Or that the age of the child was the driving force behind it?

    JD (ae1e60)

  119. Dustin, do you think Weiner is happy with his wife?

    He should be. She’s bearing his child, and he says he loves her and is trying hard to win her forgiveness.

    Again: who in the hell are you to assume you can blame her?

    Do you think he became more progressively developed in his needs.

    I notice you have ignored all the evidence I presented that absolutely proves this false. He didn’t stop this behavior for even a moment when he got married. He was chatting up the Vegas woman within weeks of being married, and the timing indicates they had intercourse during that time, since she is pregnant.

    You are out of line.

    It’s all about sex. Sex and power.

    Nice try, but no. It’s all about Anthony Weiner. He’s not interested in how attractive the women is. He has no ‘type’. He’s not asking about them, aside when whether they will gag on his penis, or if they have received the latest photo angle of his penis.

    It’s 100% about boosting Weiner’s sense of how awesome he is. This is not how a person acts if they are desperate for sex.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  120. find the real fallacy in the argument to be the intent to hang the underage child albatross on him. I can see where there are underage girls here. But I can’t see where that was a driving factor for Weiner.

    Again with the unserious argument. Sex with a minor is a strict liability crime – it matters not what the offender knew or should have known or though he knew, or even was duped into thinking, the offender will be punished for sex with a minor. There is no defense to it. Did he have sex with minor? Most likely not. But the description evokes shades of that type of offense, and Weiner was the one who ultimately bore responsibility to verify that his virtual consorts were in fact of age. Even if there’s no legal liability, moral issues and issues of character are brought into question.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  121. Mike, but this schmuck wants to take my money and tell me what to do for my own good. I object.

    The sooner he can’t do that anymore the sooner he can go back his private schmucky self – and without the trappings that help him catch his prey.

    SarahW (af7312)

  122. So far, we have shown that not everyone has flirted anonymously in a chat room, as Deux claimed. We have also shown that sending pics of your wiener is not acceptable behavior, especially to high school girls. Apparently some think those are acceptable.

    JD (ae1e60)

  123. If his intent was to lure young woman to hotel rooms for a trist. And if they were underage. He would be in jail.

    He’s not in jail. I’m suggesting that he is not in jail because luring young girls to hotel rooms was not his intent. His intent was a risky fantasy behavior. But who really knows.

    You just repeated the same fallacy, and completely ignored my point: this episode isn’t fully resolved yet. We don’t know everything yet, and we don’t know for certain what Weiner’s intentions were or whether what he did will land him in jail.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  124. Dustin, sexually fantasies often involve power exchanges and often are fantasy only. It probably takes a therapist to help a person sort it out to see what is healthy and what is not.

    All these women followed Weiner because they liked what they heard. Group therapy might be in order. But sexual proclivities are pretty hard to change unless one wants to get passionate about religion.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  125. Also if you can’t see the driving factor you aren’t paying attention. “Barely legal” is his thing.

    SarahW (af7312)

  126. “Anyone of these twitter followers of his could have been a NYT reporter pretending to be a co-ed.”

    Only if he was a Republican. A Times reporter would have been cheering him on. “Go get ’em Caped Crusader”

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  127. Weinertweeter wants to control your healthcare decisions.

    JD (ae1e60)

  128. Chuck Bartowski.. point out the fallacy. List the logic out. I’m basically saying my opinion from what I have observed and read. I can IMO it if that makes it easier for you.

    I’m basically saying Weinar did not know he was dealing with children. He didn’t know the porn star was underage…. There that last one was a straw man for you.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  129. When I say ‘they had intercourse’ of course I’m referring to Weiner and his wife.

    A lot of lefties are trying hard to blame Weiner’s problems on his wife’s job. It’s disgusting.

    I was deployed for a year away from my girlfriend, and married her soon after I returned. It wasn’t that difficult to stay faithful. I sure as hell wasn’t sending pictures of my penis to strangers while informing them I would choke them with it. And I think a congressman who behaves that way is not a good person, and we should expect our leaders to be good people.

    I also think JD2 has done a pretty good job changing the subject. Weiner’s most serious misdeed up to this point was that he demonized innocent people with accusations of serious felonious crimes and complaints he was a victim who needed help defending himself from Breitbart. Now we know he was probably sexting children, so I guess that’s no longer the more serious sin.

    What’s sad is that JD2 wants to claim this is just a poor guy whose wife’s absence led him to naturally behave this way. Which is absolutely insane. They did the same thing to Hillary Clinton.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  130. Talking about Weiner as being a person who did have sex with a child is unfair and there is nothing out there to believe he has.

    There is so much to bury this guy on but this whole line of reasoning that “possibly thinking about a sex crime” is the same as doing it is nonsense.

    Sorry but that is BS. Get back to what he did and put aside the “thought crimes.”

    Sponge Bob Torquemada (fccc6f)

  131. Actually, Dustin is quite right. “It’s 100% about boosting Weiner’s sense of how awesome he is”

    The methods he picks are merely manifestations of that pathology of personality.

    SarahW (af7312)

  132. SarahW “barely legal” makes sense to me here.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  133. I’m suggesting that he is not in jail because luring young girls to hotel rooms was not his intent.

    Your argument is fallacious. Right now, we don’t know what his intent was. The fact that he’s not in jail yet is not an indication of his intent.

    Let me put it this way:

    A man goes out one night an kills a drunk on the street. The police come to question him, and the man says, “Look, if I had killed some drunk on the street, I would be in jail. But I’m not in jail. So, therefore, I couldn’t have killed some drunk on the street.”

    That’s what you are arguing. You’re an idiot for advancing such a stupid argument.

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  134. Actually, Dustin is quite right. “It’s 100% about boosting Weiner’s sense of how awesome he is”

    The methods he picks are merely manifestations of that pathology of personality.

    But doesn’t that descrive all men?

    jd2 (fc8318)

  135. It’s clear by his straw mans and phony ignorance that jd2 is a troll.

    And just think about how effective this troll is. He is desperate to protect Weiner from scrutiny of the facts surrounding his sexual communication with children. Desperate. So he bashes Weiner’s wife, and it’s practically impossible not to respond directly to such a disgusting attack. And at worst, we just repeat that Weiner was sleazy, so jd2 got what he wanted: us to stop talking about the children being sexted by a democrat leader.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  136. Chuck Bartowski,

    So your argument is the reverse of mine then? That he did lure an underage girl to a motel for the purposes of sex? Not just sexting anymore?

    jd2 (fc8318)

  137. Uh no, if he put spare little girls in his back pocket, even if he was waiting for them to be “legal at last” (see also, Miss Ginger Lee), or was grooming them or simply feeding off their crushes, he’s even more exposed as a predator of weaker people he can manipulate and use to prop himself up.

    SarahW (af7312)

  138. Unless Patterico has more(and he might), there’s no indication he sent actual “smut text” or “dick pics” to these high school girls… it’s something that needs to be checked out by someone with subpena authority though

    The text of Ethel’s comments, when compared with the Twit-script, actually gives reason to question whether Weiner did do that, and that may be the point of Patterico’s post – or he may have more damning evidence.

    I have never asserted that Weiner did, in fact, text those items to a minor. But it strongly appears as if there is reason to investigate whether he did.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  139. Talking about Weiner as being a person who did have sex with a child is unfair and there is nothing out there to believe he has.

    Who said Weiner slept with a child?

    I missed that. Who exactly are you talking to?

    Dustin (c16eca)

  140. So your argument is the reverse of mine then? That he did lure an underage girl to a motel for the purposes of sex? Not just sexting anymore?

    No, you blithering idiot. My arugment is that we don’t yet know all of the facts. Until we know all of the facts, we cannot make any claims about Weiner’s intent.

    Is that so hard to understand?

    Chuck Bartowski (4c6c0c)

  141. And “predator of weaker people he can manipulate and use to prop himself up” is what makes him a danger to others, even his friends.

    SarahW (af7312)

  142. , even if he was waiting for them to be “legal at last”


    Dustin (c16eca)

  143. I have no problem believing Huma’s pregnant.
    It’s only the timing of the “leak” that seems manipulative.

    I wonder if its his. I mean, he obviously had a very full social calendar of sexting other women. Where did he find the time?

    Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere (8e222d)

  144. When is jd2 going to apologize to me for lying about my argument three times?

    Does he just lack basic character?

    I guess that explains why he would try to troll the conversation about Weiner to blaming his wife.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  145. Dustin, so by calling me a troll you have given up and are saying that I am right?

    I have no love of Wiener. I do feel sorry for him. But he himself would have loved for this to have happened to someone else.

    People sext. There is a reason that word exists. People shouldn’t think that it is an uncommon thing only perverts do. Moms do it. Dads do it. If that makes one uncomfortable, then there is where the problem lies. Not in what I type.

    jd2 (fc8318)

  146. btw, in case anyone is wondering…

    <3 is a heart, on its side. yeah i was concerned about a different interpretation, too.

    also the smoking gun has something on this. for once they have shown some restraint by not naming the girl. good for them.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  147. Is JD2 using a proxy? He sure acts like imdw with his sexual bizarreness and strawmans.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  148. jd2

    if you want to tell the world you have no standards, fine.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  149. dustin.

    1. where is the lie?
    2. Why do you need an apology?
    3. Don’t assume that I am reading great intent in every character you post. I am basically stating my opinion.

    And I will stand by my thoughts that I think Weiner is acting out because he is unhappy with his life. His wife just happens to be there as a focus. he would still be unhappy Donald Trump agrees with me. 🙂

    jd2 (fc8318)

  150. And I will stand by my thoughts that I think Weiner is acting out because he is unhappy with his life.

    Thank you for this brilliant insight absolutely no one disagreed with, professor Einstein.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  151. jd2

    he married that woman and decided within 2 months he was not happy with her?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  152. Sorry but that is BS. Get back to what he did and put aside the “thought crimes.”

    Comment by Sponge Bob Torquemada — 6/9/2011 @ 12:53 pm

    Couldn’t that be said of all those To Catch a Predator stars? They all claim that they would never act on their explicit writings.

    ∅ (e7577d)

  153. dude. i saw that first tweet about the cape and tights and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

    he totally said that to her. we already know he recycled his dic-pic, now he obviously recycled his *lines*. He is so busted.

    dirty, dirty little man. talking to a high school girl like that…. I knew when he said, “i think they were all adults” he was screwed.

    sarainitaly (daf506)

  154. Anyone of these twitter followers of his could have been a NYT reporter pretending to be a co-ed.

    Comment by jd2

    He got tired of bending over NYT reporters. They’re too easy. After a while, their constant fawning and ego stroking left Weiner wondering if they really were digging on his awesomeness, or if it was just their politics talking.

    papertiger (e55ba0)

  155. The substance of jd2’s argument so far:

    1. What Weiner did is okay because everyone flirts online. (#83)
    2. What Weiner did is okay because he never tried to meet his virtual consorts, and there’s no way he could have known any of his virtual consorts’ ages. (#91)
    3. What Weiner did is okay because sexting and online –exchange of pornography is commonplace (#95)
    4. What Weiner did is okay because he’s not in jail, and his marital sex life was unsatisfying. (#99)
    5. Weiner wasn’t interested in his virtual consorts’ ages because he was thinking with his dick (#104)
    6. Weiner is not in jail because he did not intend to lure young girls to his room for sex. (#111)
    7. Weiner’s sexual needs “outgrew” his wife’s. (#114)
    8. Weiner was merely acting out a fantasy. (#124)
    9. Weiner didn’t know he could have been sexting a child. (#128)
    10. All men have pathological personalities. (#134)
    11. Sexting is commonplace. (#145)
    12. The genesis of this scandal is Weiner’s unhappiness with his wife. (#149)

    So, the gist of jd2’s defense to Patterico’s assertion that there is reason to question whether Weiner sexted a child is:

    (a) Sexting is commonplace;
    (b) Weiner never actually met his virtual consorts;
    (c) If Weiner had actually committed a crime with a child, Weiner would already be in jail;
    (d) Weiner’s wife was no fun anymore;
    (e) Weiner was only acting on a fantasy;
    (f) Weiner didn’t know his virtual consorts’ ages; and
    (g) All men have sexual pathologies.

    He tries to excuse generic sexting as commonplace, but sexting children is not commonplace.

    Face-to-face meetings are not relevant to a sexting-to-minors inquiry.

    Whether Weiner sexted or solicited a child for sex cannot be known without an investigation, since Weiner has already devalued his veracity to the point it’s worth nil.

    Weiner’s relationship with his wife has no bearing on whether he actually sexted a minor. Whether he did so or not is a fact, a yes-or-no issue.

    Weiner had the obligation to ascertain his virtual consorts’ ages.

    The existence of sexual pathologies in any, all, or no men has no bearing on whether a sexting-a-minor incident took place.

    None of jd2’s comment excuse or mitigate a child-sexting incident if, indeed, one occurred. These points can’t even be considered specious. They’re just plain irrelevant distractions.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  156. And THAT is what makes you an unserious thinker, Clownshoe.

    Jazz (0ca4b2)

  157. jd2–

    I am going to refer you (and anyone else who is interested) to the Hardball show Chris Matthews did yesterday. His guests were noted right wingers Ed Rendell and Eugene Robinson. Believe it or not they actually had a fairly decent and mature discussion about Weiner’s problem. And yes, they all called it a problem, said he is “somehow not right” and agreed that it is not normal healthy male behavior. They urged Weiner–begged him– to resign and seek treatment including possible in-patient treatment.

    Frankly, I think quite a few of his friends and past supporters are beginning to be alarmed about what he may have already done or is capable of doing.

    elissa (1d49e1)

  158. Damn, Jazz. Well done.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  159. I think Weiner is a creep and I am kind of tired of him too….Weiner Weiner Weiner…………..

    Terrye (7379d2)

  160. Now I hope he sticks around. It’s like having your very own live piñata.

    f1guyus (2a84e9)

  161. @Terrye


    DohBiden (15aa57)

  162. Patterico: I hope you’re not pulling an Erick Erickson on us 🙂

    mcg (7b0d2e)

  163. It looks like one of the underage girls just locked her Twitter account as of today!


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  164. Little Imperial Anthony is self-insulated by so many layers of psychotic insecurity (masquerading as arrogant sexual dysfunction) that he can only continue on in the face of near universal condemnation while he brazenly dismisses calls for his resignation.

    Eventually, however, Weiner won’t be able to escape the trap he set for himself.

    ropelight (ab65b3)

  165. Political sex`scandals come and go. Vitter’s and Ensign’s and McGreevy’s and even Spitzer’s will fade into time. But like Gary Hart and his Monkey Business, Weiner’s exploits are going to stand the test of time and Weiner himself seems to be doing every thing he possibly can to make it so.

    elissa (1d49e1)

  166. He also sicced his PR skeezes on Veronica and Betty, et al.

    I don’t give any ground on the larger pathologies at work. This compulsion is just one manifestation.

    SarahW (af7312)

  167. This is how a non-pathological congressman would act if he found himself followed by a lot of young women who had crushes on him:

    He’d laugh about it and be avuncular. “Gosh, girls, I’m flattered in your attention to such an old fellow, but really, there’s no way my wife would let me take any of you to the prom!”

    He wouldn’t follow any of them back, but if he wished to acknowledge any of them, then “Follow Friday” would be a way to do a “shout out” to several in batches in a respectful and age-appropriate (and medium-friendly) way.

    What the non-pathological congressman certainly does not do is start emailing them sausage pics.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  168. From a Democrat standpoint, wouldn’t it be selfish to carry the fetus to term considering who the father would be?

    j curtis (e5b1eb)

  169. Looks like your reporting is spreading.

    In this link you get credit:


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  170. Weiner is a prick! He always has been.
    He deserves all of shame being heaped
    on him. This very public humiliation
    could not be happening to a more deserving
    human being.

    Sidney Stowe (60b942)

  171. (sigh) Well, another reason to publish part 3, besides the 171 comments above, is that I’m vaguely hoping it’s not as bad as I think it is.

    Diane Grace (abc6c2)

  172. It’s important to note that there’s a (good) chance he didn’t cross a legal line but crossed a line that should get him kicked out of congress.

    soren (303eda)

  173. As to what Archie character Wiener most resembles, there is but one answer: Reggie Mantle.

    I think it’s interesting that someone who seems to somewhat defending Wiener as “indiscriminate”, speculates Wiener probably had cybersex with males [that were posing as females presumably]. There seems to be no evidence for that. Everyone of Wiener’s known contacts has been verifiably female. As far as we know, Wiener didn’t have internet relations with anyone he didn’t know the full identity of. Perhaps he wanted to avoid being caught in a sting, since he knew some conservatives were tracking him.

    fearthesame (af9ad2)

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