Patterico's Pontifications


Nikki Revealed: For Real

Filed under: General — Stranahan @ 9:46 am

[Guest post by Lee Stranahan)

I’m doing at radio show at Noon Central (1 East, 11 Mountain, 10 Pacific) where I’m going to reveal the read, confirmed person behind the Nikki Reid account  — and probably Patriot as well.

Conjecture is over.

Listen here.

– Lee Stranahan

296 Responses to “Nikki Revealed: For Real”

  1. for reals?

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  2. that’s like in 13 minutes

    I’m a go make coffee

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  3. this should be real good
    darling nikki going down
    colonel buy popcorn

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  4. DUN DUN DUN~~

    Watch out or “The Janitor” will mop you up.

    Joseph (f00357)

  5. For reals.

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  6. This could get messy…

    /Gets out Kent Razor Automatic Floor Scrubber

    RB (064bd8)

  7. The hints lead me to believe that it is a spurned Weinerette.

    Never trust a Weiner; a Weinerite, or a Weinerette.

    Joseph (f00357)

  8. The hints lead me to believe that it is a spurned Weinerette.

    Agreed. That’s what I’ve been thinking for days. I guess we’ll find out.

    RB (064bd8)

  9. Just tuned in. The story that keeps on giving.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  10. could someone be gracious enough to provide updates for those of us who are at work and unable to access blogtalk?

    steve77 (0fecf4)

  11. Said it’s someone named Jenny, he declined to give the last name. The woman with the Bostonian accent that called him a few days ago.

    Joseph (f00357)

  12. He’s giving general info. about how he established ID as far as I can tell. Getting specific about a UCLA writing program and phone calls. Not sure how much is new yet.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  13. Oh, Jenny from MA? Missed that. I’m from MA (not there now). I wonder if I could pick out where in MA? My hometown has a very distinct variation, as do other areas.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  14. DUN DUN DUN~~

    Watch out or “The Janitor” will mop you up.

    Comment by Joseph — 6/24/2011 @ 9:51 am

    Heh – love the sound of blowhardiness getting punctured.

    no one you know (98f5be)

  15. Brain cloud!

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  16. lot of background talk so far

    koam (7c1f46)

  17. You might want to think about muzzling the cat, Lee.

    RWL (9f71e3)

  18. BINGO

    “enrolled in screenwriting school” “studied at UCLA” “creative writing class”

    This was the earlier clue-someone with experience in creating characters

    bmertz (d77c52)

  19. so we’re back to JG? is there anything else linking her to boston other than the accent?

    steve77 (0fecf4)

  20. Mini-update: Claimed she didn’t know who “Weenie” (as she called him) was, but her screenwriting teacher said that she’s very political and liberal.

    Joseph (f00357)

  21. RWL is right. The meowing does not create that professional climate.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  22. So funny. Just checked both doors to see which one of my cats wanted to come in.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  23. i put my phone on dnd for this

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  24. RWL is right. The meowing does not create that professional climate.

    Actually, when you explore the history of internet trolling all the way back to the Usenet days, with Henrietta Pussycat etc. it’s all very poet, almost.

    RB (064bd8)

  25. What kind of sick kitten mill are you running there, Lee?

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  26. If Jenny, the screenwriting student, is also the death threat emailer, then she needs to take a brush up writing composition class

    bmertz (d77c52)

  27. 25 – hahaha

    Based upon her crappy characters and awful writing, whomever taught her must be terrible.

    Though I could see “The Janitor” getting a shot on NBC at some point.

    Joseph (f00357)

  28. What kind of sick kitten mill are you running there, Lee?

    OMG! Lee Stranahan is actually Rep. Weiner!!!!!11!!

    RB (064bd8)

  29. Is there anything yet on what proves she is Nikki rather than why she could be Nikki?

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  30. Apparently you’ve decided Jenny/Nikki is a real person so I guess that’s progress, but why did it take you days to even try to confirm that if you had information about a screenwriter/professor who could make that confirmation possible? And now you say Jen Preston previously confirmed this information but hasn’t published it. Doesn’t that make you suspicious of Jen Preston — especially since the professor says Nikki/Jenny is “really liberal”?

    How do you know Patriot76 is a liberal woman? Is it the same knowledge that led you to imply the Reids were conservative?

    In addition, you also claimed you have no reason to believe Nikki/Jenny is the victim of a death threat. Really? Even though Ginger Lee claimed she was threatened, and you know Patterico and Ace were threatened by someone who also claims to have threatened the Reids?

    You need to set aside your preconceptions, Lee. You may be right about everything but even if you are, you won’t convince reasonable people because you’ve approached this with a preconceived mindset. And answer this: If this is really someone who wanted to hurt Weiner — for whatever reason — and especially if it’s also Patriot76, why didn’t s/he save the DMs s/he sent to Weiner and others? Wouldn’t someone who is trying to set up Weiner do that?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  31. @RB
    It gives you images of weird ladies that capture and lock up unsuspecting authors, armed with axes etc.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  32. It gives you images of weird ladies that capture and lock up unsuspecting authors, armed with axes etc.

    Makes sense, in a Misery Chastain sorta way.

    RB (064bd8)

  33. It frightens me that The Janitor may be in our midst and we don’t even know it….

    Joseph (f00357)

  34. Can someone sum up for those of us at work?

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  35. Cathy Bates must be a roommate

    bmertz (d77c52)

  36. Roll your damn chair off it’s tail!

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  37. Kaffir
    Lee is stating that he tracked down the women on the phone. He also talked to her screenwriting teacher at UCLA who described her as very political and liberal. I hope I heard that right. The cats were distracting

    bmertz (d77c52)

  38. Says it’s some woman named Jennifer. Political and liberal which contradicts what they told Lee on the phone. He confirmed her existence/politics with her screenwriting teacher from UCLA.

    He says she’s behind Nikki at the very least and thinks she was behind Patriot and the rest of the accounts.

    Joseph (f00357)

  39. Proud Kaffir,

    I’ll try to summarize it but I missed the first minutes. I think Lee claims he has identified Nikki as someone named Jenny that he claims is connected to the Nikki Reid “Starchild111” Twitter account. Jenny called him days ago and he put her in touch with Jen Preston at the NY Times. Jenny provided Jen Preston with the name of a UCLA screenwriting professor who could identify her (Jenny) as a real person. Lee believes Jen confirmed that by calling the professor and asking about Jenny, and days later (today?) Lee did as well. However, the professor felt Jenny wouldn’t be involved with this since she’s “really liberal.”

    DRJ (fdd243)

  40. I think the cat thing makes Lee very human and real. It keeps him company and he can pet the cat to calm himself. (Picture the boss of SPECTRE in the James Bond films with his white Persian)

    People, this is a warning. Lay off Lee’s cat! May god be with you.

    elissa (2ea031)

  41. Lee is going to have to release a recording or some concrete proof. No offense but everybody else has to show the evidence. I’m done with ANY reporter telling me to just take their word for it.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  42. In the end, what did Starchild really do to hurt Weiner?

    Was her action plan really to sit around and wait until Gennette started talking about how she flirted with Weiner. And then DM him about prom? And then lose him as a follower?

    To what end?
    Starchild didn’t bring down Weiner. Weiner sending his erection shot to Gennette and other women did.

    MayBee (081489)

  43. Cathy Bates is a member of Spectre?

    bmertz (d77c52)

  44. Some dude has hijacked the show and taken it down a strange path of money, cross-promotion and ideology.

    Could be an associate of The Janitor.

    Joseph (f00357)

  45. , you won’t convince reasonable people because you’ve approached this with a preconceived mindset.

    That’s a good point.

    Not to mention how much better it would be to make this case over podcast with links to evidence, etc, instead of just pompously moaning about it over the radio program.

    Anyway, I’ll wait until someone else backs up what Lee is saying.

    As I mentioned and proved in the last thread, Lee is willing to lie if he thinks that will help him get a story, especially if the thinks the person he is lying about might be Patriot76. I linked a conversation where a very upset person, who wasn’t Patriot, explained that Lee had lied about him, Lee was unable to resist his argument, and then explained to the next caller that while this lie was designed to ‘poke’ patriot out of hiding, the lie was inconsequential to Lee and thus there’s no reason not to lie.

    I went from believing Lee to not believing him at the drop of a hat, and so should you. Especially since he thinks Jenny or whoever is Patriot76 now, just a couple of days after he thought this man was. I suspect he thinks everyone is, and is more interested in linking people to that guy until someone finally does turn out to be him than he’s interested in simply informing his audience in a way that clearly informs them of the truth and nothing but.

    Lee’s reaction in that thread was to threaten to ‘escalate’ against me and order me to shut up, which I think says a lot about his lack of character.

    So as you’re listening to this program, remember that character. Lee’s reaction when I my link shows him rationalizing lying was to claim I’m not manly. Really. I guess he thinks schoolyard taunts are a good way to respond to a legitimate and proven criticism, while ignoring the apology Lee owe me, Razor, and other people I don’t feel like dragging into this, but they won’t get one anyway given Lee’s ego.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  46. Goatsred, if you’re reading….to your knowledge, did MarienelaAlecia or Starchild111 ever send DMs or emails to PatriotUSA76, or did she/they only communicate directly with you?

    Greg (bc8186)

  47. Good grief. Enough already! All this talk about how sock puppets act – poorly – like they’re in high school, and now we have high school all over again.

    Get back to the subject at hand, Lee! Oh, great – one caller hung up. And one of the socks is upset & threatening to call. SHUT UP LEE! Take another caller!

    BTW, the cat caterwauls in the background on every show.

    Miranda (4104db)

  48. please please do a summation at the end Mr. lee cause I just wanna make sure I get the broadbrush a b c d of it

    I’m a pikachu of little brain you know.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  49. If Jenny’s profile is correct: NYT’S Jen interviewed her, and then SAT on the information that” “Nikki was liberal”; we have a NYT reporter that deliberately mislead the public.

    Lee, assuming you can provide evidence on this story- ok and could be a major find. But, you are extending your facts beyond what facts you have found.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  50. Oh, that’s right. If Starchild is Patriot, Patriot ended up finding the picture Weiner publicly tweeted. To Gennette. Who encouraged Weiner to interact with Starchild and told Starchild she’d been sending hot DMs to Weiner. So Patriot and others made sure to watch Gennette (and Starchild)

    What a weird triangle.

    MayBee (081489)

  51. I’m really hoping that The Janitor calls in.

    Joseph (f00357)

  52. If The Janitor calls, he/she better have one of those 80’s staples, the “boxy voice modulator” held up to the phone. Keepin’ it real and all that.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  53. Shut up, Kitty !! MY Pot Pie !!!

    TXMarko (e4a665)

  54. Lee, assuming you can provide evidence on this story- ok and could be a major find. But, you are extending your facts beyond what facts you have found.

    When someone consistently extends the facts, and also admits they lie to their audience sometimes, when they don’t think it’s of consequence, and the evidence never materializes, what do you expect?

    Anyway, I do hope Lee can back up his claims, which I admit I haven’t even listened to since I’m sure his program is extremely long and covers less info than a 500 word blog post.

    I got that scent that Lee was a fabulist when he backed up Canongate’s hysterically wrong claims, and since then, I’ve been paying attention to whether his broad pronouncements work out.

    The don’t seem to be. That doesn’t mean he’s always wrong, but it does mean he’s not reliable.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  55. If The Janitor calls, he/she better have one of those 80′s staples, the “boxy voice modulator” held up to the phone. Keepin’ it real and all that.

    Comment by Lincolntf —

    Has Ace or Patterico reported that message? They really should. I doubt they are connected to these other people, but either way, I think you have to make an example of them.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  56. Ace said he did call the cops.

    The Janitor: “Stop now, or I’ll put you through the wringer!!”

    Joseph (f00357)

  57. Lee says, “she’s caught.”

    koam (7c1f46)

  58. Lee just called us all nuts for listening.

    koam (7c1f46)

  59. Hell, I’ll talk to her. I’m a real person who really only cares about this for entertainment/historical accuracy reasons.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  60. cannonfire was a big stupid waste of everybody’s time

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  61. Pretty lame, very disappointed Lee. You squandered an opportunity and devolved to petty BS about personal disagreements

    Angelo (a47ffd)

  62. Lee says: Jenny from MA / UCLA is all the Reids, Marialena – absolute proof.

    He strongly suspects that Jenny from MA / UCLA is @PatriotUSA1776

    He also thinks Jenny is another well-known sock.

    koam (7c1f46)

  63. Ace said he did call the cops.

    The Janitor: “Stop now, or I’ll put you through the wringer!!”

    Comment by Joseph

    Good. Hopefully that’s enough, but the proxy service should be contacted with the police report.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  64. Mr. Stack was done a most grievous wrong and snooks has never acknowledged that

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  65. ok now i hafta listen again cause I haven’t had my breakfast neither

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  66. Mr. Stack was done a most grievous wrong and snooks has never acknowledged that

    Comment by happyfeet

    I’ve noticed she studiously ignores him, actually. I guess I don’t know all the details. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mike wasn’t 100% an angel (not that the horrible treatment he got is even slightly justified).

    Journalists should tell the truth. The same reason I’m ticked at TSG et al is the reason I’m ticked at Lee (and of course I know one of these cases is egregious and harmful, and the other simply compromises my ability to trust Lee).

    But how could Gennette not know Mike was being screwed over, in his real name, to the world? No one who could have spoken up should have held their tongue.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  67. 46.Goatsred, if you’re reading….to your knowledge, did MarienelaAlecia or Starchild111 ever send DMs or emails to PatriotUSA76, or did she/they only communicate directly with you?

    Only with me.

    goatsred (b20383)

  68. Yay, I hope Ace does not relent. Ms Jenny needs a probation officer in the worst way.

    SarahW,theBarcelonaModel (af7312)

  69. Lee says: Jenny from MA / UCLA is all the Reids, Marialena – absolute proof.

    He strongly suspects that Jenny from MA / UCLA is @PatriotUSA1776

    He also thinks Jenny is another well-known sock.

    Comment by koam — 6/24/2011 @ 10:59 am

    what proof did he offer? Seriously. I couldn’t listen in.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  70. #46 is a great question. If true, why was Marianela choosing to write Goatsred and not Patriot?

    And in addition, here is a piece from the Smoking Gun “Issa” article:

    In a series of e-mails exchanged on May 25, (Goatsred) and …“Dan Wolfe” discussed a Tumblr posting by the high school student that they believed showed she was having “private conversations” with Weiner. Wolfe, who noted that he had made screen captures of the girl’s Tumblr blog, exclaimed, “This is MAJOR!”

    So similarly, was it PATRIOT that discovered that tumblr posting?

    In other words, are Patriot and Nikki and/or Marianela ever in the same room together? If there has been DM’s etc. between Patriot and the girls, that would be important.

    scoovy (928670)

  71. Also Gennette, we are all glad that your attempt to outfox the fox led to all the entertaining hijinks lately, even attacks by metal robot chickens.

    *why on earth* did Weiner send you that picture.

    Oh right, he’s a pervert. Everybody wins.

    Except Tommy, I think.

    SarahW,theBarcelonaModel (af7312)

  72. Except Tommy, I think.

    And Huma. Enjoy whole foods while you can sweetie but save those Food Lion circulars.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  73. Comment by Dustin — 6/24/2011 @ 11:03 am

    I am far from an angel in all this, but I never harassed anyone,which was the narrative among the websites/blogs/publications that smeared me. This will definitely affect my future and my reputation,and has already.

    I most certainly posted tweets a few times, but as the record will show, and I took a look at it last night,my name appears mostly in RT’s and Reply All’s from Patriot. Not that I didn’t go along with it and could have blocked he she at any time. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this could ever go this far.
    I claim responsibility for that ,but know now what it is like to have dirty laundry aired for all to see.

    goatsred (b20383)

  74. Goatsred, did you mention somewhere that you had conversations with PatriotUSA76 about where she/he lived? Like they had once lived in NYC but had moved to MA?

    Greg (bc8186)

  75. Goatsred, I think you are redeemed in most eyes, certainly mine.

    SarahW,theBarcelonaModel (af7312)

  76. Comment by SarahW,theBarcelonaModel — 6/24/2011 @ 11:10 am


    goatsred (b20383)

  77. I you turn out to be patriot, though, I’m coming for you and I’m bringing Alicia.

    SarahW,theBarcelonaModel (af7312)

  78. This was great, can we have another one ?

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  79. I am far from an angel in all this, but I never harassed anyone,which was the narrative among the websites/blogs/publications that smeared me. This will definitely affect my future and my reputation,and has already.

    And to be absolutely clear, that’s what I meant.

    Gennette has a personality that hasn’t attracted 100% polite reactions. It’s frustrating. I know some of my remarks haven’t been complimentary.

    I can imagine you saying something to her that is far, far short of harassment, but isn’t strictly kind, either. Some justified exclamation of frustration with her, in other words.

    And it’s been amazing how horrible people have treated Mike as a result.

    know now what it is like to have dirty laundry aired for all to see.

    That would suck for most of us. Sadly, it’s really easy for most folks to judge whoever is on their screen without looking in the mirror and seeing if they even measure up. As far as I know, you did a good thing. If Patriot76 is this super clever manipulator who left you holding the bag, that’s truly awful.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  80. Let me see if I understand.

    Jenny, a college student in UCLA who hails from Boston, called Lee and Jen Preston to confess being the Nikki Reid sockpuppet. Her identify was confirmed by a UCLA professor who teaches screenwriting.

    Is that correct?

    When did this occur and why would she continue with her e-mails to Patterico as Mr. Reid even after the confession or was the confession recent?

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  81. 74.Goatsred, did you mention somewhere that you had conversations with PatriotUSA76 about where she/he lived? Like they had once lived in NYC but had moved to MA?

    Comment by Greg — 6/24/2011 @ 11:16 am

    Yes. He said that he lived in NY until the time that Weiner ran for Mayor. (2006)–Then he moved to Mass. He then said it sucked there and wanted to move back to NY soon. Now, I cant remember if he said NY or NYC but have to say NYC if Weiner was a part of the convo.

    goatsred (b20383)

  82. When did this occur and why would she continue with her e-mails to Patterico as Mr. Reid even after the confession or was the confession recent?

    It’s Hollywood screenwriting one presumes. It doesn’t have to make any sense. It would be nice to hear her motive.

    laddy (c56f2a)

  83. Kaffir –

    Jenny is emotionally unbalanced. She’s not operating with the same rational mind that most of us here have. If you half-love, half-hate somebody, to the point of obsession, and you have emotional issues, you’re not going to act as a reasonable person. That’s what I’m getting from this tale anyway.

    I don’t think she’s a student anymore.

    Miranda (4104db)

  84. called Lee and Jen Preston to confess being the Nikki Reid sockpuppet

    She confessed to starting the Nikki account but claimed she deleted it.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  85. Weiner was brought down by a woman scorned? A jealous liberal who was obsessed with him? And she ruined him by feeding information to Brietbart? Is that the real story?

    lamchopsl (a91fe8)

  86. 80. Proud Kaffir

    Only correct through the words “Preston to”

    After that, wrong.

    koam (7c1f46)

  87. #85 Delicious isn’t it.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  88. 87.

    Especially since MSM entities like the NY Times wanted to make Weiner’s downfall look like a vast right wing conspiracy.

    Looks like Jen Preston’s got some ‘splaining to do, and some public contrition, and some public apoligies.

    lamchopsl (a91fe8)

  89. Weiner was brought down by a woman scorned? A jealous liberal who was obsessed with him? And she ruined him by feeding information to Brietbart? Is that the real story?

    Really Crazy Speculations out of my warped mind
    1.In the dregs of this women’s mind she thought she was saving Weiner from corrupting himself further by outing him and thus saving him from those other women.(we are talking about delusional)

    She was actually trying to start a relationship with him through her sockpuppet. Kinda like the 800 pound women going into a chat room pretending to be a model.

    sherlock (d77c52)

  90. Wait a second. What exactly or how much is new about this?

    We’ve known at least since June 19 (Sunday) or even June 18 that the “Nikki Reed” account was first named “Jenay George”

    Comment number 149:


    One more tidbit on Starchild111, the name on the twitter account used to be Jenay last fall as this Google Cache page of her,77902c9f&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=GEH7P7p9pkuWF2dPrju.6A–


    Comment by Joe Smith — 6/18/2011 @ 9:23 pm

    Comment number 175:

    Koam, I totally agree w/ you re the fake Twitter accounts. I wrote this last night but it didn’t take:

    So Nikki Reed’s account started out as Jenay’s. And notice the difference in grammar & spelling – two different people, definitely. For whatever reason “Nikki Reed” took over Jenay’s account. Not inconceivable that the real Jenay could just get another account. BTW, if I were the diabolical Axelrod, I’d have plenty of backdated fake FB & twitter accounts, in addition to phones etc. – you never know when you need to create a false narrative.

    The people behind Obama have spent a lot of $$$ & time disappearing his academic records, his IL State senate records, fabricating a birth certificate (yes, I’m one of those people), continuing the fiction that he wrote two books (read “Deconstructing Obama”, an excellent book). They certainly wouldn’t be above helping to save Weiner’s political career. I think this was an attempt at damage control.

    Final thought – the pic that started this mess – the gray underwear photo – was I think a fluke. There was the whole Betty & Veronica farce playing in the background. Didn’t Breitbart say he had gotten a tip re Weiner’s texting, sitting in’s inbox – before the underwear pic? Weiner was just so out-of-control (he reminds me of a crack/meth/heroin addict) he DM’d the underwear pic to Gennette by accident (he was probably watching porno at the time).

    BTW, anyone know who Betty’s mom’s “real” name is?

    Comment by Miranda — 6/19/2011 @ 10:23 am

    Comment number 190:

    Take a look at this – red herring?

    Jenay George on Facebook. She keeps up with the Kardashians, but I guess lots of people do.

    Current profile pic – the Joker

    Old profile pic is there to see

    Comment by SarahW — 6/19/2011 @ 11:28 am

    Comment number 201:

    This was google link:

    Jenay George | Facebook
    – 2 visits – 1:34pm
    Join Facebook to connect with Jenay George and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. – Cached

    Comment by SarahW — 6/19/2011 @ 11:44 am

    Just how do we know taht that’s the end of the trail? yes we know before there was a Nikki reed there was a Jenay George.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  91. Hope Lee does a writeup soon.

    What he states as facts:

    Starchild111 originally had name “Jenay”
    Starchild111 had links to UCLA Screenwritng School
    He and Preston got calls from a Jenny who
    1) said she started Starchild111
    2) had closed it
    3) claimed to receive death threats
    4) said she’s not into politics at all
    5) gave sob stories to Preston about family
    6) said she’s a real person from MA / UCLA
    7) said UCLA screenwriting prof could confirm her identity
    8) has MA accent
    6) probably other stuff I’m forgetting

    Lee says he found UCLA Prof and

    1) believes him to be a real person, author, well-known, etc.
    2) Finally tracked him down just this morning
    3) Prof and Mrs Prof both knew Jenny by name as real person who has been to classes, retreats, seminars, etc. (not just an online friend)
    4) that she’s from MA
    5) that she’s very political/liberal, like the prof
    6) prof says Jenny wouldn’t attack Weiner because she’s very liberal
    7) prof says she’s unstable

    After that, Lee piecines together of the story based on beliefs and deduction rather than hard facts that anyone has stated or confirmed. Not criticizing ..just trying to put things into separate lists…Above, the stated facts & Below, theories based on those facts.

    Lee’s theory is that

    1) Jenny was a paramour of Weiner’s who at some point got upset with him. (he dumped her, she saw other women he was engaging with, or something)
    2) Jenny converted account from “Jenay” over to “Nikki Reid”
    3) Jenny is also Mrs Patricia Reid, Marialena Alicea, and John Reid
    3) Jenny is probably the person behind @PatriotUSA1776
    4) Jenny is probably another unnamed sock,
    5) motivations of jilted & unhinged liberal woman

    koam (7c1f46)

  92. Kinda like the 800 pound women going into a chat room pretending to be a model.

    No sh-t, sherlock.

    (sorry, couldn’t resist)

    As a comedian once said, a recent study found that 90% of the people on the internet posing as 13 year old girls are really…

    Bill Clinton.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  93. Goatsred, when you were communicating by DM with Marienala between 05/19 (which I believe is when you said she first started contacting you) and 05/30 or so, were you forwarding these DMs to PatriotUSA76, or at least telling him/her about them? If you were, do you remember his/her responses?

    Greg (bc8186)

  94. Looks like Jen Preston’s got some ‘splaining to do, and some public contrition, and some public apoligies.

    Comment by lamchopsl — 6/24/2011 @ 11:43 am

    She assumed too much. We should be careful not to do the same before this really pans out, but if it does, it’s another great example of media bias at work.

    I don’t even think Jen was insincere. They really want to shut down any potential do gooding right wingers on the hunt for sleazy democrats. We’ve had a number of shoes dropping over the past few years, and that’s why they are afraid.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  95. If Jenny states that she closed the starchild account and someone later picked up the name, how does that prove that she is Nikki Reid? Is there any proof that the account was never closed?

    I don’t see how anyone can say at this point with any certitude that she is Nikki Reid.

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  96. Weiner ran for Mayor in 2005. Weiner barely made it into the runoff, but then agreed not to run.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  97. OK, now I’m more confused than ever. Starchild’s dog was a sock but Nikki is really Lee’s cat?

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  98. Kaffir, Lee gave a lot more circumstantial evidence.

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  99. If Jenny states that she closed the starchild account and someone later picked up the name, how does that prove that she is Nikki Reid?

    Is it possible to just take someone else’s account like that? If Jenny used to have the account, that is good evidence.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  100. OK! Now we have Starchild = Nikki = Marianella Alicea = Patriot76 (?) = Jenny____?

    Who is the “Janitor”?

    And why the *kiss* and *wink* to Patterico?

    Marianella Alicea = Alicia (Pain)??

    Alicea = Alicia? Coincidence?

    Does Alicea (established under Stranahans theory) = Alicia, the “Janitor”?

    Who is/are sending threats out over the internet?


    jw (067e77)

  101. colonel will never
    eat chowmein at stranahan’s
    place ever again

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  102. Is it possible to just take someone else’s account like that? If Jenny used to have the account, that is good evidence.

    Comment by Dustin — 6/24/2011 @ 12:14 pm

    It’s is excellent evidence. But she also flat out states she had nothing to do with anything to do with Weiner. You have to disprove that statement, or at least have some evidence which counters it, to claim you have found the real Nikki and end all conjecture.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  103. Is it possible to just take someone else’s account like that?

    Prior to ~Aug 2010, it was possible to write twitter and ask them to release an inactive account. However, after that time, people on an online forum were reporting that it wasn’t working any more, and twitter was replying that they had changed their policy.

    But we know original owner of starchild111 still had the account as of 1/1/2011.

    So, only way to have a different owner is if it was deleted. But Jenny apparently told Preston that she did not delete it. (Although she told Stranahan that she did delete it).

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  104. 92.

    Preston assumed to much, but when confronted by Patterico, she refused to admit it. She refused to admit that she had nothing to substantiate her assertion that sockpuppets were garnering info to use against Weiner.

    Now, if Lee is correct and Nikki is a liberal Weiner stalker, Preston’s got egg all over her face, and her reputation.

    If it turns out that Nikki = Patriot, then the whole ‘vast right wing conspiracy is out to barbecue Weiner’ narative turns out to be more leftist twaddle from the Daily Duranty.

    lamchopsl (a91fe8)

  105. 100. rocks

    exactly. the headline overstates the firmness of findings. makes the same mistake that Preston at NYT makes by mashing up real findings with beliefs or suspicions or theories.

    Both reporters had very important factual findings…but framing conclusions vs. findings is essential

    koam (7c1f46)

  106. You have to disprove that statement, or at least have some evidence which counters it, to claim you have found the real Nikki and end all conjecture.

    You’re right, and I apologize if I got ahead of myself. It’s so easy to do in this story.

    It feels like a breakthrough, and yet we don’t really know anything still.

    Lee promised something about Patriot76… did that materialize? I didn’t listen to the show.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  107. makes the same mistake that Preston at NYT makes by mashing up real findings with beliefs or suspicions or theories.

    It is so difficult to understand this story with that happening over and over. I expect that crap from the NYT. They rely on that not because they are evil. Ms Preston did that because it’s hard to avoid leaping to conclusions, and when you do, your personal bias takes over.

    Folks need to be aware of that in order to keep things on the level.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  108. We’ve known since June 18 or 19th that the Nikki Reed (starchild111) account originally started out as owned by a Jenay, and elsewhere that the full name is Jenay George or possibly “Jennifer George.”

    Lee Strnahan said on Monday June 20!/Stranahan/status/82676040429871104

    the woman i spoke to said she created the starchild account then deleted it in 2009… And said someone else created the nikki version

    And that’s where it stood now for a several days.

    It was reported here, meanwhile, in the comments to

    …that there was a Google cache of from January 1, 2011 which showed the name on the account then to be “Jenay” – and also that the initial follows (in 2009? 2010?) were “various Kardashian-related accounts, the Ellen Show, Oprah, and Jennifer Lopez, and a few clothing and makeup lines), and the Writer’s Program at UCLA Extension”

    Miranda wrote at 6/19/2011 @ 10:23 am (comment 175) that thjere were two different people operating the account – the originally Jenay was NOT Nikki – because there were differences in grammar & spelling between the two periods of time.

    Then it was reported (comment 185)that theer is a twitter showing Jennifer George with Nickname: starchild111, but with the link gone at go down to IM’s/Microblogs

    Then there was reported there was a Facebook page for Jenay George with some similarities like keeping up with the Kardashians and a Joker picture (or maybe that’s one for Jenny George) is the page.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  109. There’s a lot of stuff here — not sure where to begin. I’ll take questions here or on Twitter — but I don’t want to repeat myself, so listen to the show first.

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  110. Lee promised something about Patriot76… did that materialize? I didn’t listen to the show.

    Comment by Dustin — 6/24/2011 @ 12:21 pm

    i didn’t either. That’s why I was asking everywhere what this grand new proof is. And nobody said anything. Proof which ends all conjecture and shows the Real thing should be pretty easy to state.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  111. 104. Dustin

    I think it’s that JohnReid9 sounds a lot like PatriotUSA1776 in the ranting and passion except that one hates Weiner and one loves Weiner. I think that’s the theory. Oh and that both sound like angry women.

    I agree with both of those observations but it doesn’t make it true that they’re played by the same crazy lady in her early 20s.

    koam (7c1f46)

  112. Quick questionm: is the working hypothesis that all (both?) the “Patriot-…'”s were trhe same person, real-life Jenny from MA?

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  113. 107. Rocks

    See my attempt at a quick summary at 90. above where I try to put the new facts into one section and the new theories into the last part, based on listening to the show twice.

    koam (7c1f46)

  114. I do not see a post by you at 90.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  115. 109. Lincolntf

    Lee mentioned 1776 as probably Jenny from MA.

    He said another unnamed sock probably Jenny too.

    He didn’t mention 90210 on the radio, if I remember correctly.

    koam (7c1f46)

  116. I think it’s that JohnReid9 sounds a lot like PatriotUSA1776 in the ranting and passion except that one hates Weiner and one loves Weiner. I think that’s the theory. Oh and that both sound like angry women.

    That’s a good way to articulate it. I small the similarity, but then… I worry our noses have been in the cold too long. With ‘who the hell is Patriot’ looming, it’s hard not to look for similarities to this ‘who the hell is John’.

    LOL at the angry women comment.

    Proof which ends all conjecture and shows the Real thing should be pretty easy to state.

    Comment by Rocks

    Sure, but it probably won’t be easy to get. We may never know for sure. All I ask is people don’t act like they have certainly revealed who was the Nikki in this mess until they have. If they have ‘damn good evidence suggesting who Nikki is’, but short of that high burden that is ‘know for sure’ say it like that.

    We can’t expect more evidence than we’re getting so far. People are actually trying very hard to figure this out.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  117. Lee – Go over the evidence that the Nikki account was not deleted and was not usurped by another.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  118. 106. Lee


    I find it hard to follow on twitter and that here you can reference posting numbers and names easily to indicate which question you are answering.

    koam (7c1f46)

  119. ut I don’t want to repeat myself, so listen to the show first.

    Comment by Lee Stranahan

    Most of us don’t listen to the show.

    Can someone who did just sorta outline it?

    Dustin (c16eca)

  120. And twitter is very difficult to understand. People have to limit their argument to fragments, and everyone misunderstands eachother.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  121. Just have the show playing in the background in another tab.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  122. I don’t see how anyone can say at this point with any certitude that she is Nikki Reid.

    And I’m not sure how we can even say with certitude that the random person with the (reportedly) fake-sounding Boston accent who called Lee was really her. Preston seemed to think it was one of the Puppet People.

    javert (1bb7dc)

  123. 111. rocks

    post 90 is by me koam / @wittier.

    I’ve refreshed my screen and loaded this page from the link i sent on twitter several times. It’s 90 each time.

    It is a long summary with several numbered lists included.

    koam (7c1f46)

  124. Jenny told Jen Preston she didn’t delete the account. Jen made sure to get clear on that point.

    The idea that it would be usurped requires proof. There is none.

    And — why? Why would a high school girl hack into someone’s account? Why not start — ya know — their own?

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  125. There’s a lot of stuff here — not sure where to begin. I’ll take questions here or on Twitter — but I don’t want to repeat myself, so listen to the show first.

    Comment by Lee Stranahan — 6/24/2011 @ 12:25 pm

    I’ll hold off till I can listen tonight at home.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  126. 119 It’s not there koam.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  127. Just have the show playing in the background in another tab.

    Comment by Lincolntf —

    I was in the artillery and my hearing is not awesome. I can hear an audio program, but often I have to crank it way up. It’s not comfortable. I love text for news and discussion.

    And I’m not sure how we can even say with certitude that the random person with the (reportedly) fake-sounding Boston accent who called Lee was really her.

    I feel sorry for the people working hardest on this because it’s so easy to dangle something and distract. I should buy stock in Tylenol.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  128. Jenny told Jen Preston she didn’t delete the account. Jen made sure to get clear on that point.

    The idea that it would be usurped requires proof. There is none.

    And — why? Why would a high school girl hack into someone’s account? Why not start — ya know — their own?

    Comment by Lee Stranahan — 6/24/2011 @ 12:34 pm

    Stating someone made a tweet requires proof too. Does anyone have anything which shows she was using the account during any part of the Nikki period?

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  129. You were Artillery? Me too. 13 Mike, MLRS crewmember. Also have one bum ear (not bad, like 75%). Nothing particularly interesting, three years in Germany.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  130. 127 Perhaps refrain from commenting until you get caught up.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  131. Comment by Lincolntf — 6/24/2011 @ 12:38 pm

    Small world! I was at Camp Stanley and Sill. Same MOS.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  132. Is it possible that it is one person behind all of this but that the person has multiple personality disorder and doesn’t even realize that she is doing it?

    that would resolve evertying nicely.

    For the people endlessly pursuing this matter – what is the end game? What will finding out who the various tweeters are accomplish?

    We will know that either it was a deranged lefty or a right wing dirty trickster. So what either way? What does either answer do for us, except bring us “closure”?

    Not sure why this is still a story.

    monkeytoe (5234ab)

  133. Repeating here what shows up as comment 90 by me, koam on my screens:

    Hope Lee does a writeup soon.

    What he states as facts:

    Starchild111 originally had name “Jenay”
    Starchild111 had links to UCLA Screenwritng School
    He and Preston got calls from a Jenny who
    1) said she started Starchild111
    2) had closed it
    3) claimed to receive death threats
    4) said she’s not into politics at all
    5) gave sob stories to Preston about family
    6) said she’s a real person from MA / UCLA
    7) said UCLA screenwriting prof could confirm her identity
    has MA accent
    6) probably other stuff I’m forgetting

    Lee says he found UCLA Prof and

    1) believes him to be a real person, author, well-known, etc.
    2) Finally tracked him down just this morning
    3) Prof and Mrs Prof both knew Jenny by name as real person who has been to classes, retreats, seminars, etc. (not just an online friend)
    4) that she’s from MA
    5) that she’s very political/liberal, like the prof
    6) prof says Jenny wouldn’t attack Weiner because she’s very liberal
    7) prof says she’s unstable

    After that, Lee pieces together of the story based on beliefs and deduction rather than hard facts that anyone has stated or confirmed. Not criticizing ..just trying to put things into separate lists…Above, the stated facts & Below, theories based on those facts.

    Lee’s theory is that

    1) Jenny was a paramour of Weiner’s who at some point got upset with him. (he dumped her, she saw other women he was engaging with, or something)
    2) Jenny converted account from “Jenay” over to “Nikki Reid”
    3) Jenny is also Mrs Patricia Reid, Marialena Alicea, and John Reid
    3) Jenny is probably the person behind @PatriotUSA1776
    4) Jenny is probably another unnamed sock,
    5) motivations of jilted & unhinged liberal woman

    koam (7c1f46)

  134. Finally see it Koam.

    The problem?

    1) Jenny was a paramour of Weiner’s who at some point got upset with him. (he dumped her, she saw other women he was engaging with, or something)
    2) Jenny converted account from “Jenay” over to “Nikki Reid”
    3) Jenny is also Mrs Patricia Reid, Marialena Alicea, and John Reid
    3) Jenny is probably the person behind @PatriotUSA1776
    4) Jenny is probably another unnamed sock,
    5) motivations of jilted & unhinged liberal woman

    Comment by koam — 6/24/2011 @ 11:53 am

    That entire section is pure conjecture and Jenny specifically denies it all. Now are we to believe her when she says she created, but not deleted account, AND disbelieve her when she denies everything else?

    Lee is impugning his own witness.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  135. Can you see my summary at 132. above?

    koam (7c1f46)

  136. colonel have to ask
    when you stop beating your cat
    mister stranahan?

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  137. Here are comments on starchild111 by a Jennifer George who works at UCLA. Apparently she attracted a lot of unwanted attention.

    I assume you have another Jennifer George, as she does not appear ot be the sockpuppet, although she does mention contact from you and Jen Preston.

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  138. I have no further
    questions for this defendant
    your honor thank you

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  139. I was at ft. Sill, then baumholder/idar-oberstein. Roughly 1-91 to 3-94

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  140. weiner never knew
    all cats are gray in the dark
    tweet led to defeat

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  141. 135. Proud Kaffir

    Lee has been strong on the scent of that JG, formerly of UCLA for a while now.

    Lee calls her “the one who did political work”

    Lee explicitly says today that he’s convinced that one is not the one.

    It’s a different one, much younger, early 20s from MA. Jenay / Jenny. He does not repeat her last name now. and does not use “JG” anymore.

    koam (7c1f46)

  142. Genesee is just
    A crappy beer from New York
    Not so GenneteC

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  143. OK, I’m in. I was at Bragg in the mid 80’s, I was a Civil Affairs weenie and not 13 series but don’t have the top 40% range of my left ear hearing.

    The funny thing is that after I left Bragg I went to Desert Storm as a reservist and got one of those classic VA letters saying that I had the hearing loss, should have been tested when I left Bragg and before deploying but because I hadn’t and couldn’t prove the hearing loss was service related I shouldn’t try to apply for a disability based on it. I should have kept that letter.

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  144. @140, I may have had a similar letter. The gist of my medical out-processing was: “You can’t hear very well anymore, dude! Look at how bad your test scores have gotten!” combined with “Oh, never mind”.
    No biggie, it was just funny.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  145. Right — it’s not the Jenny with the webpage.

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  146. Lee don’t get me wrong. I’m willing to believe but it’s far from proven here. I also think you are far to hung up on your Weiner jiltee profile.

    You claim she is lying about death threats mostly over time when others have received death threats.

    These death threats may still add proof. Ace and Patterico received death threats. Threats from someone who is clearly a fruit loop. Someone who, based on her exchange with Patterico, is somewhat familiar with California law but presents it more in the fashion of a writer with cursory knowledge of the law rather than an actual lawyer. At the very least she has spent some extended time in California. She also uses a name, Alicia, related to one of the socks.

    If this woman turns out to be IT. It is far more likely it’s simply because she is fruit loops rather than the idea she has ever had any substantive exchange with Weiner. If she had on twitter it would liekly of been with the same account and Weiner would have avoided it like the plague.

    Rocks (e1d29d)

  147. Rocks — you didn’t listen to the show, right?

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  148. I was at ft. Sill, then baumholder/idar-oberstein. Roughly 1-91 to 3-94

    Comment by Lincolntf —

    I’ve always wanted that Germany deployment. If I could go back, it’s practically the only thing I’d change.

    not 13 series but don’t have the top 40% range of my left ear hearing.

    Yeah, I think hearing loss is pretty common among veterans. Anyway, that’s why I was asking for an outline of the program so I could ‘catch up’ as Molon suggested. I feel almost like a troll with my thread jacking lately. It’s unintentional.

    I got a similar runaround from the VA, btw, but I have no complaints as I wanted to return to the military (wife insists that would not be OK right now, and Obama’s adventurism is a good argument in her favor).

    Dustin (c16eca)

  149. Lincolntf – Its a lot better now, I used to say I was more afraid of the VA than the Soviet Union. I go to that WLA VA and its terrific, it really is.

    I have a couple of funny separation stories from Bragg but leaving Saudi Arabia in 1991 the Doctor went down the checklist of PTSD symptoms like nightmares, startle response, recurring thoughts, etc. I had checked the “recurring thoughts” block.

    When the MD asked what my recurring thoughts were I said “I hate my unit”. He said “That’s a given” without looking up, signed the forms and handed them back to me. End of checkup!

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  150. Hey monkey@$$, why are those the only two options? People pursuing the truth have been threatened. Teh Weiner was trying to provide his PR henchmen to spin the story. Isn’t that worth an investigation?
    You’re incurious. WTF does that mean to anyone else besides you?


    gennettec (e7577d)

  151. He said “That’s a given” without looking up


    Dustin (c16eca)

  152. GFY—sideways!

    Comment by gennettec

    Sockpuppet? That’s not the tone she tends to take.

    But anyway, whoever said that is right. We need to know who is behind the threats, and I think we need to know who these girls were that Weiner was speaking to inappropriately.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  153. Nice, kaiser.

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  154. My worry is that Lee’s Jenny is yet another sock, only this time, the identity has been appropriated from a real live person.

    I mean, obviously, The UCLA screenwriting prof had a person with this name taking instruction from him.

    For reals.

    And, obviously, the person calling Lee is a terrible liar, (in every sense of the word- not good at it, yet determined and prolific.)

    Would it be that big a stretch to actually claim another person’s identity?

    I think it’s clear whoever Lee has been talking to, is one or more of the socks and probably more.

    I think it’s clear that this person has been in control of the twitter account, or someone very like them, very…simpatico in liar skill and liar productivity level.

    What is not nailed down for me, is that the Jenny talking to lee is truly the professors Jenny, and not someone borrowing the real Jenny’s old account, or in league with the person borrowing the real Jenny’s account.

    SarahW (af7312)

  155. Oops, that was me, not gennettec. Sorry! I’m tired of twinks telling others that this story is no longer relevant.

    ∅ (e7577d)

  156. OK, one more….

    I got rearended on Sunset several years ago and went to the ER at Cedars with a concussion. When the Doctor came in to see me he asked what happened and I said I was in a TC and had a concussion. He raised an eyebrow and said “How do you know you have a concussion?”

    I said “Well, I used to be in the Army….”

    He made a face like “OK” and started filling out the report before he even checked me out. You could just see the thought bubble above his head saying “Oh, you are dumb enough to know exactly what a concussion is….”

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  157. I am asking here as well as Twitter, Lee, if any steps have been taken to find real, in-person, professor’s Jenny or establish that the person you talked to is REALLy the professor’s Jenny.

    I understand that you have some second-hand knowlege via another reporter, that the professor hinted that HIS jenny was frootloops. That is some indication that the professor’s Jenny is the same as the Jenny you talked to.

    Did you discuss accent? Habits of confabulation?
    I know you discussed traits of the real Jenny that conflicted with your Jenny’s stories and assertions, e.g., she is not politically aware, “who is this “weenie” guy?”

    SarahW (af7312)

  158. Is it just me or do the threatening emails to Patrick and Ace seem exactly like what someone from the UCLA screenwriting program would write? Just like the Denzel movie “Inside Man” mentioned above?

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  159. Does anyone know when was the last known entry as Jenay and when was the first known entry as Nikki?

    Was the account dormant for a long period of time? If it was, it does lend some credence to JG’s claim that the account was taken by someone else.

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  160. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor?

    You know what this means, right?

    We had a single Tweeter, which left Ethel standing alone on the grassy knoll.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  161. it does lend some credence to JG’s claim that the account was taken by someone else

    No it doesn’t. I told you twitter suspended reassigning inactive accounts. And when they did allow accounts to be reassigned, they had to be inactive for more than the maximum 6 months that starchild111’s account was inactive.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  162. Six socks, and to the Left…Six socks, and to the Left…

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  163. Molon Labe,

    I agree it seems unlikely someone else could access an old account but I don’t see how we can you rule out the possibility that someone who knew Jenay George’s account settings started using her Twitter account. For instance, what if she used a friend’s computer to access her account and the computer saved her log in? Or what if she gave away/sold the computer without erasing the passwords, or simply told someone her password? In my experience, these kinds of things happen frequently with kids.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  164. Nice teaser from Ace just now in his last article:

    Sorry about all the crap blogging today. Right now I am dealing with both cops & criminals.

    Kaisersoze (c86eb0)

  165. I would like easy answers but this smells of a ‘magic bullet’ – one disturbed person changing personas like most people change underwear. Might be true, feels convenient.

    East Bay Jay (2fd7f7)

  166. Lee said in article “Conjecture is over.”

    koam (7c1f46)

  167. Count me as unimpressed. Nikki revealed? Film at 11. Drum roll ….. and Nikki is …. Jenny. No last name. Trust me. My source is a Prog screenwriter – no name. Trust me. Ok, I can understand the latter, IF, IF, you’d pulled the curtain back on Jenny.

    MDr (fd1f4b)

  168. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers


    MDr (fd1f4b)

  169. 162. DRJ

    That’s a good point.

    I’ve said before, most people use lousy passwords. We read articles about that every 6 months.

    I’ve used password-saver software on my computer…and when my friends come to my house and use my computer, it can save their logins into my software if they click “OK” instead of “No” when the thing pops ups.

    And of course when you use a public computer, you can risk access to your accounts if you don’t shut down the browsers and clear all cookies, cache, history, passwords, etc.

    koam (7c1f46)

  170. Lee,

    Did JG offer any explanations as to how someone else could have used the account she opened? Did she at least offer a theory since she denies being the sockpuppet?

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  171. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers


    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  172. #162 My sense is that people with incomplete knowledge of the situation are jumping on Lee’s hypothesis trying to disprove it with conjecture as if this were a court of law.

    Instead, what we should do is apply the scientific method: Accept Lee’s hypothesis, figure out what some implication of it is, then try to falsify that implication.

    Just conjecturing what could have happened is not sufficient falsification.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  173. 170.So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers

    Lincolntf (85daa5)


    [please don’t sock puppet, except on the sock puppet threads. –Aaron]

    Glen Reynolds (sock puppet) (8096f2)

  175. You think like a doctor or scientist, Molon Labe, while most of us think like lawyers. Each approach has its benefits but I’m curious why you think the scientific method is a better way to solve what is essentially a legal problem.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  176. figure out what some implication of it is, then try to falsify that implication.

    And that’s going to be practically impossible. We know so little. And if we fail, does that bolster anything?

    I think you’re optimistic about what’s possible right now.

    Anyway, I see no harm in different approaches.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  177. #174 DRJ: Maybe a lawyerly approach is workable, but so far all I have seen out of it is rehashed conjecture and vile aspersions.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  178. DRJ, what is your scientific take on OJ simpson:s guilt and what is your legal? See.

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  179. Molon Labe:

    Just conjecturing what could have happened is not sufficient falsification.

    By the way, Lee didn’t provide any evidence in support of his hypothesis other than to take his word that there is a Jenny who claims to be Nikki, and he knows she exists because both he and Jen Preston verified it with an unnamed source. The obvious rejoinder is that conjecture about what happened is not sufficient either.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  180. Hmmmm….legal problem solving versus scientific problem solving.

    With all due respect to lawyers, often time the correct legal solution is dependent upon precedent and definition. I am thinking of the law in Florida recently passed banning bestiality, using the legal term “animal” in a way that brought tears of laughter to biologists, whose definition of animal was different.

    This is of course true most fields of study, like geometry, where axioms are defined and once accepted what follows logically is considered true. Change an axiom such as in non-Euclidean geometry and one reaches different, but logically consistent, conclusions.

    Scientists (at least ideally) accept an idea of objective proof, that is, there is a reality we are trying to get at which may be different from what can be proven in a courtroom.

    So, Molan Labe seems to be suggesting that, given Lee’s hypothesis, we should make predictions and then test to see if those predictions are true.

    What would you predict to be true and testable if Lee’s hypothesis is true?

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  181. No, I don’t see, Temper Tantrum.

    And we can’t test Lee’s hypothesis because he hasn’t given us enough details to test it.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  182. Every truly great lawyer I know has some level of scientific aptitude. The best is an engineer. It makes sense to me… all those rules fitting together.

    DRJ’s point seems pretty reasonable in this case, but I thought I’d make that observation.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  183. Wow. I admit, every now & then I feel just the tiniest twinge of pity for Weiner. To me he’s a hard-core addict, with an addict’s personality & character flaws. Not that any of that excuses his behavior, esp. toward high school girl(s). Absolutely not.

    Now this publicity excursion to get el cheapo flowers for Huma is too much.

    BTW that orange is hideous next to the bright blue – and white carnations? All in the same bouquet? Ugh. It’s the thought that counts, right? Oh, maybe not. It reminds me of him going out to deliver & then pick up his dry cleaning, etc., and his long press conference when he admitted to the dicpic – he wanted to talk – to confess. He needs that public validation something awful. I bet he gets the DT’s at night, wanting so bad to sext somebody, anybody.

    This whole Weiner episode reminded me of a book I read by John Eldredge (“The Sacred Romance”), “The Journey of Desire”, about how we allow our natural desire for love & affirmation etc – really our desire for God – to get perverted. Why men who are deemed successful in politics or business seem to throw it all away on a cheap affair. And how people anesthetize themselves to the pain of unrequited love etc by drugs or porn etc.

    I hope AW really has learned something from this tawdry episode in his life. My cynical self doubts it, but I hope so.

    Miranda (4104db)

  184. #179 Good point. Put up or shut up you as it were.

    If the account was deleted/usurped, then Twitter has a record of it.

    Someone (perhaps someone with resources to do so and not just someone sitting here reading comments) could ask Twitter to verify the status and history of the account. Say Twitter comes back with “Account changed hands March 2011” ==> Falsified

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  185. ==With all due respect to lawyers, often time the correct legal solution is dependent upon…==

    who their client is?

    elissa (2ea031)

  186. there is a Jenny who claims to be Nikki

    No there is not. There is a Jenny who denies being Nikki but she admits that she was at least at one time the owner of the starchild111 account.

    This would be akind to trying to solve a hit and run. We have the car’s plate and found the owner, or one time owner. This does not prove the owner was the driver during the hit and run, although it is certainly a strong possibility. We would need more info from the owner before coming to this conclusion. Did someon else drive the car? Was the care ever stolen? Is there any proof? Can we prove the owner is lieing?

    We need more info from Jenny before we can reach any conclusions.

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  187. Take it easy on AW Miranda (#182)

    You do realize the poor guy is lurking in the comments here trying to figure out who the hell took him down?

    Hiya Anthony.

    Paul (59d3fd)

  188. It is also possible that twitter accounts can be used by more than one person. If a group of people are using these various accounts for some purpose, attempting to link them to a specific person might lead you astray. It might not be a specific individual. Maybe several people had the login credentials for one or more of the accounts being looked at.

    crosspatch (c58f80)

  189. Proud Kaffir:

    there is a Jenny who claims to be Nikki

    No there is not. There is a Jenny who denies being Nikki but she admits that she was at least at one time the owner of the starchild111 account.

    Good point. I should have said “there is a Jenny that Lee thinks is Nikki.”

    DRJ (fdd243)

  190. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon

    Still Confused (786412)

  191. Gennette,

    Don’t know if you’re around this stream, but if you are…

    Have a question that could shed light on something. It is currently known that “Ethel” is a real person… but in May, were you ever suspicious she might be fake, similar to Nikki? And if so, did you ever relay those concerns to Weiner?

    Thank you for answering so many questions

    scoovy (928670)

  192. Has the twitter traffic between Ginger Lee and Starchild111 been mentioned before?


    crosspatch (c58f80)

  193. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress

    I've Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  194. I hope he is Paul (#186). Probably too busy strategizing the mayoral race & figuring out where to land in-between-times.

    Probably some Marxist Soros-funded “Project Vote” or some such nonsense.

    Miranda (4104db)

  195. It is currently known that “Ethel” is a real person… but in May, were you ever suspicious she might be fake, similar to Nikki? And if so, did you ever relay those concerns to Weiner?

    Thank you for answering so many questions

    Comment by scoovy

    I like this question a lot.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  196. Nonononono. It is Very clear that the person lee talked to is A liar. it is clera the person lee talked to, is either sock nikki or in league with sock nikki and is possibly if not probably behind all the socks.

    It is also clear the account tracks back to a person who was the Jenny who was also a student of the screenwriting prof, and that the professors Jenny exists.

    The only part left to nail down is that lee’s liar is not also lying about being the real life Jenny who was the real life student.

    Sarahw (af7312)

  197. Our intrepid Journalist with a capital J is back to work. After deafening silence from Tommy X for days, Mr Christopher has now published his latest tour-de-force:

    That’s the best strategy, right Tommy? Pretend nothing happened. You weren’t duped. You weren’t dishonest. And anybody who says you were …. is a RACIST.

    Miranda (4104db)

  198. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon = Pabst Blue Ribbon

    We're getting close to an asnwer (0fecf4)

  199. 92.Goatsred, when you were communicating by DM with Marienala between 05/19 were you forwarding these DMs to PatriotUSA76, or at least telling him/her about them? If you were, do you remember his/her responses?
    Comment by Greg — 6/24/2011 @ 11:56 am

    I showed a few via screencap,etc. I also told him. His response, also avail via screencap, was ” good, I’m happy we’re doing this for these girls”..They’re good kids” .
    .I’ll send to Sarah to confirm.

    goatsred (b20383)

  200. So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Prom Dress! OHHHohhh

    Still Confused (786412)

  201. @#186

    Take it easy on AW Miranda (#182)

    You do realize the poor guy is lurking in the comments here trying to figure out who the hell took him down?

    Hiya Anthony.

    Heh. In that case, do you think reads the questions and then advises GC how to answer over the phone?

    sherlock (d77c52)

  202. Miranda, that is unbelievably pathetic from Tommy. It’s comical, but his integrity is in question* and he needs to correct his record and explain every last bit of how he screwed this up.

    *I’m being generous today on that topic.

    The only part left to nail down is that lee’s liar is not also lying about being the real life Jenny who was the real life student.

    Comment by Sarahw

    It’s amazing that this sentence is actually making sense and is surprisingly clear.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  203. .So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Prom Dress! OHHHohhh

    By my granny’s nightgown, You solved the mystery!

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  204. it is clear the person lee talked to, is either sock nikki or in league with sock nikki and is possibly if not probably behind all the socks

    what evidence did lee present that makes this clear?

    steve77 (0fecf4)

  205. There is a way to tell if Jenny is lieing about being the sockpuppet. Even though the name was changed, using someone’s twitter account without permission is against the law, similar to hacking.

    Someone should offer to help Jenny report this incident to law enforcement and twitter. If she gives the “it was just a silly prank” Weiner excuse, we know she is lieing. If she follows through and reports, it is likley she is telling the truth.

    Proud Kaffir (6a2a54)

  206. there’s star child waiting
    in the sun we’d like to see
    her how know which one?

    ColonelHaiku (2e01a7)

  207. #

    .So, Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Prom Dress! OHHHohhh

    By my granny’s nightgown, You solved the mystery!

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 3:03 pm

    But the Pabst blue ribbon…I don’t know. Yet another confusing link. Do you really think Pabst makes blue prom dresses? *Giving you back your Granny’s nightgown 🙁

    Still Confused (786412)

  208. is a terrible liar. She says she is the student. there is/was such a student.

    That student had interests utterly denied by lees person among other whoopers.; Lee’s contact is a liar.

    She cannot be the student without also being a dissembler.

    However , lees person CAN be a liar and not the actual, real-life student, she may be someone pretending to be this real student.

    There are people in the world who would do that, among them people perpetrating hoaxes for lulz.

    It’s a loose end I want tied up. I want proof that this is not just a person involved in sock puppetry -it’s clear lees person is — but The Jg she purports to be.

    If the prof really told another reporter the girl was trouble, the girl was a kook, this might really be her, she probably is.

    But I want her I’d nailed down

    Sarahw (af7312)

  209. sorry, typing on iPad, which Sodom works out well for me

    Sarahw (af7312)

  210. Comment by Still Confused — 6/24/2011 @ 3:12 pm

    i don’t think you can make the jump from “brothers typewriter ribbon” to “the blue dress” without PBR.

    steve77 (0fecf4)

  211. I knew a girl named Nikkie I guess you could say she was a sex fiend, met her in a hotel lobby masturbating to a magazine.

    GennetteC (85b089)

  212. Comment by Still Confused — 6/24/2011 @ 3:12 pm

    i don’t think you can make the jump from “brothers typewriter ribbon” to “the blue dress” without PBR.

    Comment by steve77 — 6/24/2011 @ 3:14 pm

    OMG that made me LOL (SO true) Okay, well now who wants to tackle the details?
    Patriot found a nickle. He loved that nickle so much he named it Nikki….

    Still Confused (786412)

  213. A nickel? You have to declare that to the IRS and Barcky will make sure that nickel gets redistributed right away.

    JD (306f5d)

  214. Tommy’s boss Colby Hall wrote:

    At the time the story ran, Christopher had taken more than reasonable steps to verify the identities of these sources, and the material details of their story. The information in the report was based on extensive email and telephone contact with these sources, who also provided photo identification, which Christopher checked against known exemplars, and elements of which he verified to the extent possible.

    Colby says extensive telephone contact with these sources, while Tommy mentioned something about Skype.

    Did Tommy ever speak to more than one person? Nikki, Patricia, Marialena, John?

    Remember this was the first of two “coming clean” articles by Mediaite about Tommy’s reporting and why it was so great.

    And then of course there was the radio show with Larry O’Connor where Tommy gave us such great answers. (Not that the questions were all that great).

    koam (7c1f46)

  215. @still confused

    But the Pabst blue ribbon…I don’t know. Yet another confusing link. Do you really think Pabst makes blue prom dresses? *Giving you back your Granny’s nightgown

    Madam, I did not have sex with that ..
    This is the owner of the pabst blue ribbon:

    Comment by We’re getting close to an asnwer — 6/24/2011 @ 2:56 pm

    But with a heavy heart I will take responsibility for the blue dress.

    My granny still needs her nightgown back

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  216. A nickel? You have to declare that to the IRS and Barcky will make sure that nickel gets redistributed right away.

    Comment by JD — 6/24/2011 @ 3:33 pm

    Ack, don’t make HIM a part of this story! Heeey wait a minute. “Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Obama Barack Hussein Obama
    He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
    All are equal in his sight
    Mmm, mmm, mm!” (OHHH NO! RED! The letters backwards are DER only 2 letters away from DAN!)

    Still Confused (786412)

  217. a thought just occurred to me. alicia claimed Mr. Reid “has decided she will respect my concerns.” could this be the reason why patterico never heard from johnreid last night? has anyone heard from him since?

    it could be either a legitimate reason for johnreid clamming up, or a clever cover for johnreid not wanting to share more information.

    steve77 (0fecf4)

  218. Madam, I did not have sex with that ..
    This is the owner of the pabst blue ribbon:

    Comment by We’re getting close to an asnwer — 6/24/2011 @ 2:56 pm

    But with a heavy heart I will take responsibility for the blue dress.

    My granny still needs her nightgown back

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 3:40 pm

    AHHH but do either of you remember anything after the fact of Pabst(s)? Yeah, I didn’t THINK so.
    Poor Granny without a nightgown….. Granny without a nightgown! Pervert!

    Still Confused (786412)

  219. OK, so the grand unified theory now is:

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts

    Does this about wrap it up?

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  220. Get away from My Grandmothers nightgown Pious!!!!!

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  221. #

    OK, so the grand unified theory now is:

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts

    Does this about wrap it up?

    Comment by Pious Agnostic — 6/24/2011 @ 3:53 pm

    WAIT! You forgot one!

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger!

    Still Confused (786412)

  222. I’m just asking questions….

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  223. PATRIOT ISSSS ………WHITEY BULGER! (We dun need no steekin FBI)

    Still Confused (786412)

  224. PATRIOT ISSSS ………WHITEY BULGER! (We dun need no steekin FBI)


    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  225. ZZZZZZzzzzz snort snort ZZZZZzzzzz

    NoLongerConfused (786412)

  226. Did Weiner suddenly change his profile from 17 year olds to old ladies?

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  227. Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!

    Lincolntf (85daa5)

  228. 149.Hey monkey@$$, why are those the only two options? People pursuing the truth have been threatened. Teh Weiner was trying to provide his PR henchmen to spin the story. Isn’t that worth an investigation?
    You’re incurious. WTF does that mean to anyone else besides you?


    Comment by gennettec — 6/24/2011 @ 1:12 pm

    Look, those threats are class c misdemeanors at best. I’m not saying they are right or that they should be ignored, but c’mon, it’s not a big story

    I just don’t understand the obsession. but I’m glad you resorted to childish rants and insults right off the bat. I guess obsessed people are like that.

    As to Weiner seeking to spin the story . . . of course he sought to spin the story. I haven’t read anything that even remotely resembles a crime by him or anything very far from ordinary political b.s. And, aside from perhaps a class c misdemeanor of using a false ID, I’m not sure that the various sock puppets did anything worse than an underage college student presenting a fake id at a bar.

    Way to keep things in perspective though.

    Even if you “get to the truth” this is going to mean nothing and won’t be remembered in 2 weeks.

    It’s interesting to a point. I like mysteries like anyone else, but let’s be real here. this is about as important as my last bowel movement.

    Monkeytoe (4fa094)

  229. Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  230. #

    Did Weiner suddenly change his profile from 17 year olds to old ladies?

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:02 pm

    Yes but we don’t talk about that. It is too disturbing. Granny’s nightgown is now evidence. (really really puts a wrinkle in the whole theory)

    NoLongerConfused (786412)

  231. OK, I was convinced by #221, but the arguments in 224 and 225 have shaken my faith.

    I’m going to return to comment #1 and read through again….

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  232. I guess I just don’t get what the end game is here. Say that all of teh various sock puppets are this Jenny who is or was a college student at UCLA.

    OK. And?

    We prove that some journalists do a lazy crappy job and are biased. Of course, that is proven pretty much every day.


    What else does it prove? That Wiener is still an idiot? that Jenny is a littly nutty?

    What exactly are we proving? What conspiracy are we unraveling? What crime are we solving?

    Monkeytoe (4fa094)

  233. #

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:05 pm

    Man, just when I think I’ve figured out MonkeyToe’s last bowel movement. *grumbles

    NoLongerConfused (786412)

  234. atriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay = Nauseating Romance novel soon to be released by HARLEQUIN books

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  235. @Monkeytoe

    We can prove that we are very imaginative!

    MoreConfused (786412)

  236. Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay = Nauseating Romance novel soon to be released by HARLEQUIN books

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:09 pm

    HOLD THE PRESSES! Isn’t Stranahan scouting a book deal?

    MoreConfused (786412)

  237. Man, just when I think I’ve figured out MonkeyToe’s last bowel movement. *grumbles


    atriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!! = {EDITED} monkeytoes bowelmovement =Alicia’s bad screenplay = Nauseating Romance novel soon to be released by HARLEQUIN books

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  238. What exactly are we proving? What conspiracy are we unraveling? What crime are we solving?

    While we’re just marking time playing word games, actual people with an actual chance to unravel this tangled mess are hard at work.

    Isn’t it enough that they are rising to the intellectual challenge of solving this puzzle? Why would you object? Unless…

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay = Nauseating Romance novel soon to be released by HARLEQUIN books = Monkeytoe!

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  239. Oops, the narrative is fragmenting. I withdraw #236.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  240. #

    Oops, the narrative is fragmenting. I withdraw #236.

    Comment by Pious Agnostic — 6/24/2011 @ 4:14 pm

    No pulling out

    DrunkandConfused (786412)

  241. I yield to to #236 as the better edit

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  242. Okay well, logic rules. Lee is Patriot. Case closed.

    DrunkandConfused (786412)

  243. HOLD THE PRESSES! Isn’t Stranahan scouting a book deal?

    LS is going to make a fortune off this plot bunny

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  244. Wouldn’t it be a kick in the head of @Monkeytoe actually did turn out to be a sock involved in all this?

    If this turns out to be true, I’m staking a claim ©Pious Agnostic 2011. All Rights Reserved.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  245. It has it ALL !! Sex, power, hot coeds, stupid people, crazy women plotting the demise of their idols… oooooooo

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  246. Okay well, logic rules. Lee is Patriot. Case closed.

    Comment by DrunkandConfused — 6/24/2011 @ 4:18 pm


    steve77 (0fecf4)

  247. HOLD THE PRESSES! Isn’t Stranahan scouting a book deal?

    LS is going to make a fortune off this plot bunny

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:21 pm

    Man who cry wolfe too many time like attention wolfe bring to man.

    Confucious (786412)

  248. sorry Pious my copyright was filed two hours ago razzz

    I’m gonna be famous:P

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  249. Headache, I’ll see you in court.

    Anybody know a good lawyer?

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  250. Headache, I’ll see you in court.

    Anybody know a good lawyer?

    LMAO Pattterico!!!!

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  251. Okay well, logic rules. Lee is Patriot. Case closed. Comment by DrunkandConfused — 6/24/2011 @ 4:18 pm

    Patriot = Nikki = starchild = Mr. Reid = Mrs. Reid = Jenny = Janitor = The Plumbers = The Doobie Brothers = The Smothers Brothers = Brothers Typewriter Ribbon=the blue dress = Pabst Blue Ribbon = Prom Dress = Granny’s Nightgown = Weiner’s Bulging Shorts = Whitey Bulger = Kill Whitey!!!=Alicia’s bad screenplay = Nauseating Romance novel soon to be released by HARLEQUIN books = Monkeytoe! = Lee is Patriot

    ah ha!

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  252. On the upside, I’ve learned new words.

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  253. On the upside, I’ve learned new words.

    and for those of us not on Twitter, a crash course on how it works

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  254. and for those of us not on Twitter

    Seriously, if you aren’t following @Patterico, @AceofSpadesHQ and @Stranahan on Twitter, you are only getting 25% of this story. The way these three thrash it out before they post is lots of fun.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  255. On the upside, I’ve learned new words.

    and for those of us not on Twitter, a crash course on how it works

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:33 pm

    Well by now your pre-painful head has to be quite distracting so it was probably a bit more difficult than normal. What was it Ariel said? A pole new world? (that doesn’t sound right)

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  256. and for those of us not on Twitter

    Seriously, if you aren’t following @Patterico, @AceofSpadesHQ and @Stranahan on Twitter, you are only getting 25% of this story. The way these three thrash it out before they post is lots of fun.

    Comment by Pious Agnostic — 6/24/2011 @ 4:37 pm

    He blocks me 27 times a day

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  257. Molon Labe:

    Instead, what we should do is apply the scientific method: Accept Lee’s hypothesis, figure out what some implication of it is, then try to falsify that implication.

    The scientific method:

    -Ask a Question
    -Do Background Research
    -Construct a Hypothesis
    Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
    -Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
    -Communicate Your Results

    How can we test Lee’s hypothesis according to the scientific method? Your solution is that “someone with resources to do so and not just someone sitting here reading comments” should “ask Twitter to verify the status and history of the account.”

    IMO that’s what lawyers (and laymen) do when they ask questions in order to gather information. Your example requests business records and/or expert testimony regarding a Twitter account. Maybe that’s the same as “doing an experiment” in order to replicate results and confirm a hypothesis, but that’s not my understanding of the scientific method. Instead, that’s my understanding of how lawyers gather and evaluate evidence.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  258. He blocks me 27 times a day

    LOL! You have to lurk.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  259. Whoaaa Buzz kill. Thanks for the giggles guys. It was very fun.
    (great work Patterico)

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  260. comment by Pious Agnostic — 6/24/2011 @ 4:37 pm

    I have been thinking about for that reason alone. I’ve held off because I have too many irons in the fire and distractions (like reading this site ) already.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  261. #

    He blocks me 27 times a day

    LOL! You have to lurk.

    Comment by Pious Agnostic — 6/24/2011 @ 4:41 pm

    Nah, I like the pure joy of having to hope someone I am following has mentioned him so I can click on his name and see what he is thinking. It’s a Patriot is Lee kinda mindset.

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  262. Well by now your pre-painful head has to be quite distracting so it was probably a bit more difficult than normal. What was it Ariel said? A pole new world? (that doesn’t sound right)

    Actually, starting Monday my playtime is over 🙁 and having twitter access would help me keep up

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  263. He blocks me 27 times a day

    lol, what are doing to the poor guy?

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  264. #

    Well by now your pre-painful head has to be quite distracting so it was probably a bit more difficult than normal. What was it Ariel said? A pole new world? (that doesn’t sound right)

    Actually, starting Monday my playtime is over 🙁 and having twitter access would help me keep up

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:47 pm

    New Job? Mother0In-Law moving in? Moving to Guam?

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  265. #

    He blocks me 27 times a day

    lol, what are doing to the poor guy?

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:49 pm

    I am very, let’s say, opinionated. :I

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  266. That was a lot of fun Not confused/ or Confucious.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  267. I am very, let’s say, opinionated.

    hey he’s not one to talk 🙂 — but so are we all
    Does anyone come here who isn’t very opinionated?

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  268. That was a lot of fun Not confused/ or Confucious.

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:51 pm

    I will have to discern whether that was a delayed response or Patterico is now aware I am on his site and has taken away my ability to read all the comments. lol

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  269. I am very, let’s say, opinionated.

    hey he’s not one to talk 🙂 — but so are we all
    Does anyone come here who isn’t very opinionated?

    Comment by I’m Getting a Headache — 6/24/2011 @ 4:53 pm
    You don’t understand. He loathes me.

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  270. I have two questions

    1. From what I can tell from twitter policy, twitter maintains deleted account data (tweets) for 30 days (at least) when an account is deleted in case of accidental deletion/tampering. This means GNC can work with twitter to restore her account. This also means that the data for many other deleted accounts is not gone.

    Has anyone contacted twitter to make sure the associated data will not be destroyed after the 30 days as it could prove to be evidence in a criminal proceeding? Tick-tick-tick

    2. Are there any progressive blogs at all still chasing this story to figure out who patriot is? Slactivisthub did a little sloppy digging- but it seems like no one is interested in finding out who took down their beloved congressman. Why not?

    breitbartfan77 (e71ad9)

  271. P does? or S?

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  272. You have to lurk.

    Now I am confused. Do you meant the way they have been looking up old tweets?

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  273. Some hold grudges. I don’t because if I care enough about what you say to dislike it, I want to keep you around to know what you are thinking in the future.
    I am indifferent to those who cannot create a spark of abnormal thought.(but that’s just me)
    Anyway, I’m wearing out my welcome. Again, this was very fun. Thank you all very much.

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  274. #270

    What I mean by lurk is, you read their tweets but don’t respond to them. Nothing requires you to get involved….

    I see lots of people jumping in to comment or white-knight people.

    Really? Settle down and watch. You learn more.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  275. Headache, I am Clay_arts aka _ClayArts aka Artist_R.
    I’ve been called a troll, a harasser, insane and a host of other things because I have believed Patriot was being honest.(by all the names you mentioned and then some)
    Up until tonight, with you all, I have not thought any of this was fun at all. I did what I did because I felt it was the right thing to do. I don’t waver on things important.
    Really going now. Take care

    NotReallyConfucious (786412)

  276. Pious– I think that is good advice

    Comment by NotReallyConfucious — 6/24/2011 @ 5:07 pm

    I’m lost at where you went with your comments re twittter.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  277. Newbie here. I don’t know the history/feuds of Patterico commenters

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  278. True that, as the young folks say, Pious (#272).

    I started lurking the other day & learned a lot. Too much in fact. I have learned my lesson – when I sign up I’m going to DM anything I don’t want on Radaronline. You don’t have to have a Twitter account to read the tweets (except of course direct messages).

    Not that I do anything Radaronline would want to publish.

    Miranda (4104db)

  279. Pious,
    what h-ll just happened? ” grudges? keep you around? ”

    Thanks for the explanation btw- Once I get set up, I’ll have to play with it for awhile

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  280. Not that I do anything Radaronline would want to publish.

    yeah, my life is much too quiet. I’ll would have to think up something truly scandalous. On the other hand, it would be like having a neighbor listen in while you’re talking with a family member.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  281. what h-ll just happened?

    I’m as lost as you are, in this particular case. However, there are some lively personalities in Patterico’s comments pages. They aren’t always nice, which isn’t in itself a problem. But sometimes they lie or otherwise do bad stuff IRL, and sometimes they get banned and sometimes they try to sneak back in.

    Sometimes they have persecution complexes, who knows.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  282. Just one of my Twitter pet peeves is when somebody like Ace or Patterico start a conversation with someone interesting, maybe somebody mentioned in our little IRREFUTABLE LOGICAL PROOF from ealier, and maybe some progress is being made…and then, other people start horning in on the conversation and scare the person away.

    Watch and learn, people. If Secret Sock Puppet Girl is going to come out of the woodwork and talk to Pat, he doesn’t need YOU to jump in with questions and accusations!

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  283. Watch and learn, people. If Secret Sock Puppet Girl is going to come out of the woodwork and talk to Pat, he doesn’t need YOU to jump in with questions and accusations!

    Too many cooks in the kitchen means a burned meal. I think that that idea could be applied to talking to special visiters here. Nothing makes people clam up quicker than being jumped on by a large group of angry people.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  284. I seriously can’t tell you how embarrassed I feel to see our IRREFUTABLE LOGICAL PROOF quoted upstream. I mean down her in the 280s, we can fool around, but to have it show up at the top of a PATTERICO post! Well, now I feel foolish.

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  285. . I mean down her in the 280s, we can fool around,

    I find the idea of slumming around the mature comment threads for the real goofy stuff to be hilarious.

    But true.

    Anyway, you’re right about letting the ‘pros’ handle some of these conversations, instead of either a) people who don’t know what they are doing producing static or b) sensationalism.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  286. That’s what we get for playing around.( ooops) I am so Sorry to give you ownership of it. I didn’t realize it would cause embarrassment. My apologies.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  287. #284

    I’m kidding, of course. I’m so proud, I’m bursting buttons!

    Pious Agnostic (6048a8)

  288. Guess that means I can walk off with this copyright, huh? 😀 Mine.. all mine.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  289. @Dustin
    Are you referring to MOI as goofy?? Where is my handbag kirmit, I need to smack the man.

    I'm Getting a Headache (d77c52)

  290. Did I blink and miss the big Lee Stranahan proof? (I must stop blinking so much)
    I will confess, his “cry wolfe” bores me so I didn’t listen to his incessant lying whining lack of natural perception instincts proof Wait, are we sure his “book deal” wouldn’t motivate him to be Nikki Patriot Mr./Mrs/Reid? I mean, he CLAIMS to believe everyone is Patriot, MAYBE we are missing the obvious? Maybe we are the ones with a face full of egg. Has anyone seen Lee and Patriot in the same room together? (yes Lee, I am mocking you for thinking every single person is Patriot) By the way, did you get IP addresses off your site? Is that legal? Did you ask permission?

    StillWaiting (786412)

  291. You will never understand my bowel movements

    Monkeytoe (4fa094)

  292. You will never understand my bowel movements

    Comment by Monkeytoe — 6/25/2011 @ 8:37 am
    OMG! I think I have a screenshot of patriot saying HE has bowel movements! HMMMMMMMMMM
    So, Mr. Moneytoe, tell me about yourself. o_O

    StillWaiting (786412)

  293. J. Preston, on Twitter, posted a caution an
    at least partial disavowal re Lee’s conjectures and conclusions.

    NYT_JenPreston Jennifer Preston

    @stranahan As I said yesterday, you are on the wrong path. Please do not associate my name w/your conclusions. Mine are different.

    I don’t know what path she is on exactly – I don’t pretend to know.

    But while I think Lee has been talking to a big liar, I’m not so sure they aren’t lying about their identity.

    This was my worry about Lees story yesterday, expressed at #153, #156, #207, and probably other posts.

    SarahW (af7312)

  294. Lee seems to be ahead of the facts her, or is stating conclusions as facts. I read this and listened last night, and just am not convinced.

    Having said that, Jen Preston and Tommy Xtopher remain nozzles of douche.

    JD (85b089)

  295. Jen Preston still irks with her declarative statement that Lee is on the wrong path.
    She thinks Lee is on the wrong path.
    Lee may be on the wrong path.

    Her phrasing isn’t a number of characters issue, either. She had plenty of space to not make herself the voice of God.

    MayBee (081489)

  296. Christoph is a fast talking weenie boy.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

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