Patterico's Pontifications


Timing, Weinergate & Nikki Reid

Filed under: General — Stranahan @ 12:46 am

[Guest post by Lee Stranahan]

The Nikki Reid account that we now know to be fake was created back in July, 2010. (Note: Apparently NYT says September, 2010 – I had heard July but that detail doesn’t change the point here.) What else happened that month? How about this on July 10th…

Today, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, surrounded by their family and friends, were married in the garden at Oheka Castle in Huntington, L.I.

The bride wore a gown designed by her good friend Oscar de la Renta.

Bryan Rafanelli oversaw the design and plan of the wedding celebration. The ceremony was officiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.


Add to that – Weiner said in his press conference he started sexting three years ago.

So, there were women he knew and was sexual with before his wedding. How do you think they felt when they saw him getting married?

– Lee Stranahan

253 Responses to “Timing, Weinergate & Nikki Reid”

  1. since they, like everyone else, knows that she’s Shrillery’s play toy, i doubt the cared.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. and what is wrong with her in that picture?

    the line of her body is all wrong…

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  3. A very interesting coincidence with the dates, Lee. Still, the following spirited defense of Weiner from “Betty’s mother” does not exactly square with a jilted past lover/tweetmate planning and executing a convoluted trap or issuing revenge.

    “We would also like to express our disgust at the harassment of Rep Weiner and hope that everyone remembers this man did nothing wrong. Look at your own behavior and your own mental hang-ups and ask yourself why you find certain things so perverse — it says more about you than it does about the person you are accusing.

    And concerning a certain adult actress, we would like to add that this girl did nothing wrong. If you actually read her blog it is about politics and chronic illness. My husband and I read it together with our daughter. Again, ask yourself what your own personal prejudices and hangups are before you make accusations

    These kinds of words, coupled with attempts by these same parties to smear Breitbart and Loesch and the freeborncrew smell more like a Weiner orchestrated cover up/diversion to me.

    elissa (0d822c)

  4. Not a jilted past lover – the theory works better with a lover who thought the marriage was one of convenience only – which, considering the continued “activity” of the man, would not be hard for someone to think (especially if they think he still “truly” loves them). They might see themselves as protecting him.

    Sue (24e46b)

  5. Lee, has Tommy C ever said who connected him up with “the Reids”? Who the initial intermediary was? There must have been one.

    Surely the Reids didn’t just phone him up or tweet him one day out of the blue. Tommy Christopher is not exactly a household name. Most people in America have never heard of him or Mediaite. It just doesn’t ring true that he, of all possible reporters, had this scoop dropped in his lap. Someone specifically selected him for the honor. Who?

    elissa (0d822c)

  6. Do you think it’s possible that Weiner and party might have set up the Veronica and Betty cover story as sort of an insurance policy against anticipated floosy eruptions?
    I would not discount the thought that Weiner disclosed his proclivities to his bride as a prenuptial, then the creation of Betty and Veronica might have been Huma’s idea.

    papertiger (e55ba0)

  7. I think Lee pulled the plug on the weinergate project too soon.

    papertiger (e55ba0)

  8. The other day I asked Stranahan if he was suggesting that Tommy was punked by a fake mom. He was a little coy about it and now I see why.


    I threw out “fake angle” a while back, due to:

    Tommy’s emphatic vouching (sigh),

    The old Reid account – and normal conversations- and

    a follow by Weiner that would not be a predictable event – and would be an unlikely event, for that matter

    Things I never liked in this story:

    Wacko statements, obviously over-top,( reported by Tommy as “real” without question or comparison)

    Too conveniently Weiner-friendly Narrative:Horrible conservative trolls harassing these girls who just want to show their appreciation for the congression (misdirection? or straight up Weiner-buffing?)

    And the unanswered: Who sent them to Tommy?


    Dan Wolfe AND Mike Stack – are either or neither on the up and up?

    Dan Wolfe probably not because of the ridiculous persona – all Reagan and crying eagle 9/11 bumperstickers too too much.

    Mike Stack has been kind enough to share some information, but has been guarded about a few direct questions I would rather have expected him to answer. Maybe he was busy –
    but maybe just did not care to answer.

    So – A sting ON Weiner – with the elaborate scheme including a non-predictable follow by Weiner?

    Does not make sense.

    SarahW (af7312)

  9. SarahW —Get in touch–I have been innundated with emails DMs and phone calls on top of a weird schedule. Please DM me real quick and we’ll go osver the question that you seem unsure about.
    I am unsure about a lot of facts because I am not a reporter. I never spoke to anyone on the phone, and I will respond by email.

    goatsred (b20383)

  10. Assuming the girls really really do not exist, and Betty’s mom also not Betty’s mom, but some unknown person –

    There are possibilities that range from bizarre to silly:

    An enemy of Weiner wants to catch him putting the moves on little girls like they suspect he will …

    A friend of Weinder wants to immunize him against his habits putting the moves on young girls by inventing a story later revealed as hoax

    An enemy of Weiner planned a sting but backs and pretends affront at notion, when real penis-sending makes it all unecessary

    A friend of Weiner tries to rope Breitbart into shoddily taking the bait to a vicious hoax (and fais) in order to discredit him AND immunize Weiner

    “Anonymous” or S/A or lulzwhatever &c troll accounts already in existence try to push Weiner perv that they have uncovered or experienced into the news by punking anyone they can

    I’m sure there will be one that makes sense if I keep going..

    SarahW (af7312)

  11. Who cares? The clown is gone, time to move on to the next one.

    steve (254463)

  12. Sarah–Believe it or not, the fallout from this and some of the claims made against me have affected me greatly. It has affected my life where I live,my family, and have had a few friends turn against me. Everywhere I go, I wonder if people think that I am some type of lunatic or felon who “hacked”into Weiner’s account. Most people don’t read any farther and their minds are made up after the allegations.

    goatsred (b20383)

  13. Mike, you can answer here if its easier.

    In nutshell,

    I wanted to know what harassment Nikki was complaining of by Ethel consisted of – public tweets ambiguous, were there DMs? Who were the friends of Nikki that were supposedly pouncing on Nikki for her prom-beg? This is an element of the story not much talked about – that Nikki was being harrassed by other Weiner gal-pals for the prom beg

    I wanted to know how Veronica (still using pseudonym on the very tiny chance she is a real girl used by Nikki) got appointed spokesperson for Nikki – did she approach you? Did she say she had approached anyone else in your group? DId anyone in your group say she had approached him or her?

    If she only approached you, that you know about, how did she approach you?

    SarahW (af7312)

  14. _________________________________________

    The ceremony was officiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

    That pretty much sums everything up.

    The fitting symbol to this story or scandal? The heckler at the press conference yelling things like “pervert!,” not to mention his being affiliated with Howard Stern.

    A big pathetic joke, all away around. And given such people, who knows where truth ends and lies begin?

    she’s Shrillery’s play toy, i doubt the cared.

    I know such assumptions are based on rumors and assumptions, but the behavior of these people, which dates back years, points in that direction. It starts with Hillary being the ultimate enabler to Bill (and Jennifer Flowers quoting him as saying the wife was into women), and the atypical behavior of both Abedin and Weiner.

    There is a lot of free will and free choice in life, and there is plenty of lousy free will and lousy choices that exist in the real world. And the left has a special knack for wanting to accommodate all that lousy free will and lousy free choice.

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  15. Sorry for the twit-speak above. I am getting into the bad habit of dropping articles.

    SarahW (af7312)

  16. _______________________________________

    I’m sure there will be one that makes sense if I keep going..

    Weiner apparently knew well before his activity was publicly revealed that his online behavior was being observed by people who didn’t sympathize with his politics. That not only indicates just how brazen he was, but it also suggests that all the people (real or fake) who were into his Internet version of hanging out at a cheap singles bar truly admired the guy and his politics. So if there were fake accounts, they were probably created by folks who really wanted to defend him. IOW, those people were liberals/Democrats and not rightists trying to trap him.

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  17. When you marry at 47 for the first time — ain’t love in as much as calculation and a realization you ain’t 21 anymore.

    Sponge Bob Square Pants (786e37)

  18. Nikki Reed is an actress that was in the movie 13 (no I haven’t seen it) which seems to be about wild young girls. Seems like the type of “stage name” someone would make up online.

    Miikeb (b3b2ad)

  19. I guess it was like a little clue.

    SarahW (af7312)

  20. “Who cares? The clown is gone, time to move on to the next one.”

    steve – Awwwww, nobody is forcing you to care or be here. Big hug.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  21. 18.Nikki Reed is an actress that was in the movie 13 (no I haven’t seen it) which seems to be about wild young girls. Seems like the type of “stage name” someone would make up online
    Odd, also, because I was told that “Betty’s first follow on Twitter was a UCLA Screenwriting class or the like…

    goatsred (b20383)

  22. Sarah–sent you two “Large.In charge. Tights.Cape S—“ emails

    goatsred (b20383)

  23. GR, that is an interesting tip about the first follow. Would also note (I think I mentioned this to Lee once) that Patriot’s first follows were all in CA/ LA area (I think there was a San Fran in there, too)

    SarahW (af7312)

  24. Who cares? The clown is gone, time to move on to the next one.

    Comment by steve — 6/18/2011 @ 6:50 am

    Right, because we all know that this is the end of the story. I’ll wager you a $100 donation to this blog if no other revelations occur. Deal?

    Chunk Johnson (e7577d)

  25. so i think what you are saying is, someone was “stinging” him and this supports the theory that they were someone genuinely angry at him because this person was an online paramour.

    But let me play’s devils advocate and point out that this is not inconsistent with the “paid operative” theory that is surely going around about this. after all, it wouldn’t be half the scandal if he wasn’t married.

    On the third hand, if it was paid operatives, why then wait to cause this to happen after the election last year. wouldn’t THAT have been the best time to use this kind of scandal?

    just thinking out loud.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  26. A tangential oddity: Tommy Christopher published the statements of “Betty’s mother” and “Betty” and “Veronica”. Since the girls were ostensibly underage, I assumed that “Betty’s mother” could give permission for her statement and “Betty’s” statement to be printed. Since he believed her to be underage, shouldn’t he have gotten permission from “Veronica’s parent(s)” to print her statement? After all, “Veronica” said she was being punished and apologized for embarrassing her mom. Where was that mom’s statement? In this discussion, I have not understood why Christopher was willing to accept that “Betty’s mother” had access and authorization to provide ID for “Veronica” in the first place.

    Sue (24e46b)

  27. anthony weiner
    Betty and Veronica
    make weiner JugHead?

    ColonelHaiku (1fff77)

  28. “so i think what you are saying is, someone was “stinging” him”

    A.W. – Stinging Weiner or trying to sting conservatives who were after Weiner? I vote David Axelrod with dirty sext allegations on the tweet deck, if we’re speculating.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  29. So, the number Tommy called was actually in LA? I wonder which area code.
    I wonder where TMZ got the gym pictures. TMZ is in LA.

    I think Nikki Reid is also in Twighlight. Weird. This is very much like what happened to Foley.

    Hard to know if the fakers just wanted to throw people off their trail via Tommy, of if they wanted the information to themselves.

    MayBee (081489)

  30. AW- it could have been a paid operative for someone planning to run against him for mayor.

    Could have been someone who just knew something and wanted to embarrass him on their own schedule.

    Could have been a friend of Huma’s.

    MayBee (081489)

  31. Did Nikki Reid and Ginger Lee ever perform together?

    JD (b98cae)

  32. could have been a paid operative for someone planning to run against him for mayor – which required backing off/expressing affront at #bornfree/supporting Weiner as a form of misdirection?

    SarahW (af7312)

  33. I was told that “Betty’s first follow on Twitter was a UCLA Screenwriting class or the like…

    an interesting tip about the first follow. Would also note (I think I mentioned this to Lee once) that Patriot’s first follows were all in CA/ LA area (I think there was a San Fran in there, too)

    GR’s tip and Sarah’s idea makes my antenna tingle.
    Fantastic scenarios occur. Is this a unofficial UCLA drama/screenwriting project? The Hollywood crowd hates Breittbart and would eagerly work towards harming his organization. There is a movie script waiting to be written off this scandal. Nahhh- that one is too fantastic.

    But could someone in that UCLA department be the 1. possible angry paramour or 2. a possible Weiner campaign operative. Someone trained to be a screenwriter would have the abilities to mimic a teenager’s twitters. Just musings

    bmertz (d77c52)

  34. There is a movie script waiting to be written off this scandal.

    More like an off-Broadway production—Wenis, the Musical!

    ∅ (e7577d)

  35. “The bride wore a gown designed by her good friend Oscar de la Renta.”

    Yeah, that appears to be par for the course for her. She appears to have been leading the life of a millionaire heiress for several years, even though she makes peanuts working for Ms. Clinton.

    You have to wonder exactly how she’s been pulling that one off.

    Where does the money for the designer clothes and the apartment in Washington come from exactly?

    When it comes to Ms. Abedin, I think there might be more to this story than has been revealed by the leftoid press.

    Dave Surls (48fdac)

  36. Nobody said anything about the disgruntled Gay boyfriend yet.
    As operatives they stink. They couldn’t have predicted the public picture. They couldn’t have predicted a follow unless somehow linked to Weiner. They never actually SHOWED any nefarious activity, even second hand accounts of it (purported DM’s from Gennette discussing flirting).

    TMZ might have known about some women with the goods on him and attempted some kind of augmentation of their story via fake twitter girls –but scheme awfully long in the making.

    SarahW (af7312)

  37. Oh, I deleted a sentence there. Gay boyfriend remark mostly facetious. Mostly.

    SarahW (af7312)

  38. In everyone’s sleuthing, conjecturing, and theorizing we must never never ever forget who did not want any of this to be officially investigated by law enforcement. That is a key fact and something we, most of the media, and the Dem leadership all now see clearly.

    This one fact all by itself heavily supports the idea that Weiner was both the secret sexting perp– and the person orchestrating a desperate cover up and diversion (either clumsily and furtively hisownself, or by having his allies attempting to do a combo coverup/Breitbart take-down) as soon as he realized his online activities were being watched.

    The fake people angle gives his continual and specific use of the word “prank” a new and different meaning.

    elissa (ae943a)

  39. I think Mary Katherine Petrano-Day is obviously Nikki Reid.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. It might also be interesting to take a look at the backgrounds of some of the earliest Weinergate diarists on Daily Kos who were rabidly pushing the “Weiner is innocent–Breitbart is the devil” meme. Any of them from Cali or have affiliation with a film school?

    Do any reporters we know of have kids going to school in Cali?

    elissa (ae943a)

  41. Seems like you have been barking up the wrong tree with this underage stuff for weeks now, as I have been saying in these comments previously. Weiner’s e-mails were all with adult women; that does not in any way imply he also was involved with the underage.

    Former Half Term Governor (66f8aa)

  42. by having his allies attempting to do a combo coverup/Breitbart take-down) as soon as he realized his online activities were being watched.

    My money is on that one

    bmertz (d77c52)

  43. It takes no speculation to note that Tommy Xtopher was a mendoucheous twatwaffle throughout.

    JD (b98cae)

  44. After 25+ posts on Weiner, maybe this blog could attempt a stab at a real issue? This Weiner cock-feeding frenzy shows us 2 things – your penis envy, and you really want to suck him off.

    Vaghn (5455bc)

  45. nothin’ from nothin’
    colonel think nikki reid is
    Dominique Strauss-Kahn!

    ColonelHaiku (1fff77)

  46. which required backing off/expressing affront at #bornfree/supporting Weiner as a form of misdirection?

    They didn’t want the information to come out when it did. They wanted to control it.

    MayBee (081489)

  47. So, there were women he knew and was sexual with before his wedding. How do you think they felt when they saw him getting married?


    ColonelHaiku (1fff77)

  48. Something being thrown around or discussed on the thread this morning is attracting and getting the concerned “move along-nothing to see here” crowd riled. I wonder what it is.

    elissa (ae943a)

  49. Seems like you have been barking up the wrong tree with this underage stuff for weeks now,

    Pay more attention. The NTY story is only about Betty and Veronica, . “Ethel” the 17 – year is real. We know because her home was visited by the police.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  50. Something being thrown around or discussed on the thread this morning is attracting and getting the concerned “move along-nothing to see here” crowd riled. I wonder what it is.

    1.Patterico is a focal point for the news about V and B.
    2.They may not like the discussion about the UCLA screenwriting department, CA phone numbers and the general focus placed on that possible source.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  51. I’m missing how we “know” the accounts to be fake.

    I mean say, for example (not that this could happen), someone calls into a radio show pretending to be Nicolas Sarkozy, and we find out that they’re really not.

    Would we then assume that Sarkozy doesn’t really exist ? Probably not. But it’s pretty much the same logic really.

    The evidence that the accounts are fake seems to be that NYT’s Jennifer Preston (who claims – probably correctly – to be good at finding people) can’t find them. And that Tommy Christopher claims that the picture on “Veronica”‘s school ID kind of sort of looked like her twitter picture.

    (Okay, there’s also the fact that one of them doesn’t have a facebook page. Oh, and they liked OC).

    That doesn’t seem conclusive. Maybe they were fake, but the fact that someone claimed to be them is not dispositive of their fakeness. (In fact, it seems almost contra-indictative – why go to so much trouble if they weren’t real ?)

    Dumbledore (72d1a8)

  52. You can’t fool an honest man. He was suckered I’m sure but his bias had something to do with it. He can’t say he wasn’t warned.

    Tommy vouched for them “%100”. Unimpeachable.
    Newsmen shouldn’t do that.

    SarahW (af7312)

  53. It also requires no effort to note that “former half term governor” is a repeat sock puppet that has tried to provide cover for Weiner throughout.

    JD (b98cae)

  54. He looks like he’s in extreme emotional pain in that photo.

    And she looks like she’s in lala land.

    Victoria (7b01cb)

  55. Dumbledore, a good point, on which my mind is still open. Whatever the case, Tommy was either punked by “Fake Mrs. Betty”, Nikki’s mom, or never had their identities or storied, nailed down as he should, with the appropriate degree of skepticism.

    SarahW (af7312)

  56. I’m missing how we “know” the accounts to be fake.

    What we really seem to know is the people who stepped up to claim the accounts turned out to be fake.


    MayBee (081489)

  57. that’s just too ridiculous, seriously to consider.

    severus snape (72470d)

  58. “stories”, not “storied”

    SarahW (af7312)

  59. ty JD, I won’t waste my time.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  60. Maybee, that’s right.

    SarahW (af7312)

  61. Someone brought up the fact that Ginger Lee said someone was going to release a statement from her that she didn’t authorize, and that’s why she came forward.

    I find that an interesting point, compared to what happened here.
    We really have no idea if the person who talked to Tommy was related to the person who had the account, do we?

    MayBee (081489)

  62. Everybody knows Tommy hates Breitbart, so he’d be a good person to go to with the hate Breitbart story.

    MayBee (081489)

  63. elissa – Yes, barking concern trolls suggest more to come.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  64. Vaghn is a hohophobe and a drive-by asshat.

    JD (29e1cd)

  65. Since Hillary ran the Bimbo Eruption Squad that kept Slick Willy’s babes at bay, she’s got the right experience to be the go-to girl for Huma’s hubby.

    ropelight (d7236d)

  66. Vaughn is doing deep knee bends over Weiner’s package

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  67. My favorite Colby quote about Breitbart from last night show. “You are your own worst enemy” Oh the irony.

    Their perceptions about Breitbart must have guided their decisions. They thought he would react like a loose cannon. Others had that expectation as well and planned on him not exercising caution. That mindset does make me reexamined their role in this situation.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  68. with most sex scandals the more you learn about it the more sympathetic the people involved become but with this one everybody just gets weirder and more disgusting the more you know

    I don’t feel sorry for anybody involved. Huma to be frolicking in the hamptons with your new lettuce and chicken just makes you look clueless and strange.

    These people are not normal.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  69. Breitbart’s reporting/involvement clearly colored the MFM coverage of this from the very beginning.

    JD (d48c3b)

  70. What was the point in trying to discredit Breitbart? He already had the Weiner pictures.

    What a crazy story.

    MayBee (081489)

  71. ==Everybody knows Tommy hates Breitbart, so he’d be a good person to go to with the hate Breitbart story.==

    “Everybody knows” is true if it is a political insider operative looking to plant the story. But everybody out living a normal life does not know who TC is. That’s why the idea of a regular old concerned American mom and two teens cold contacting Mediaite/TC should have set up alarm bells with, well, everybody.

    Perhaps I missed this piece of it, but I continue to ask and get no answer: does anybody know what actual person paved the way between the the B&V chroniclers and Tommy or Colby? Does Tommy ever claim it was a cold contact? Tommy and Colby need to tell how they got the story. Colby’s bizarre performance on the radio show last night at least suggests he knows more than he is saying.

    elissa (ae943a)

  72. 44. After 25+ posts on Weiner, maybe this blog could attempt a stab at a real issue? This Weiner cock-feeding frenzy shows us 2 things – your penis envy, and you really want to suck him off.
    Comment by Vaghn — 6/18/2011 @ 9:39 am

    — Proof-positive that not all liberals are bleeding hearts!

    Some of then are festering sores.

    Icy Texan (443fa3)

  73. Absolutely agree with your 10:24, Elissa.

    MayBee (081489)

  74. CNN is working a piece today what makes the perspicacious point that all American politicians are sleazy whores and Weiner was just an unlucky sleazy whore, so there’s reason to be optimistic that he can rejoin his colleagues someday.

    But don’t rule out a return to politics by Anthony Weiner. Voters, it seems, are willing to give elected officials wide latitude when it comes to bad behavior, particularly in matters like sex that are considered personal.

    My sense, from talking to several of Weiner’s constituents, is that they saw his sexting of lewd photos to various women as kinky and distasteful, but unrelated to his ability to do his job.

    Voters didn’t elect Weiner to be perfect, or even to be a role model. They wanted solid constituent services and a representative to speak and vote in support of the issues they care about.

    And that means it could be possible for an older, wiser Anthony Weiner — a more amiable version of the brash young man — to return to the public stage someday.

    It’s been known to happen. Just ask Barney Frank.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  75. My sense, from talking to several of Weiner’s constituents, is that they saw his sexting of lewd photos to various women as kinky and distasteful, but unrelated to his ability to do his job.

    Voters didn’t elect Weiner to be perfect, or even to be a role model. They wanted solid constituent services and a representative to speak and vote in support of the issues they care about.

    He lied to the country about being hacked, knowing that was smearing the reputation of good people. So it’s much worse than merely sexting idiots online. He’s a criminal.

    Dustin (af7059)

  76. Brash young man?
    How long do you get to be a young man? He’s 46.

    MayBee (081489)

  77. Brash young man?
    How long do you get to be a young man? He’s 46.

    MayBee (081489)

  78. “My favorite Colby quote about Breitbart from last night show.”

    bmertz – My favorite was Colby blasting through the Capital “J” Journalism barrier. Don’t you know who he thinks he is? STEP OFF!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  79. He looks 70 with dyed black hair.

    Actually, he looks ten years older in any photo with Huma, for some reason.

    Why should CNN summarize his conduct as kinky personal behavior after he called CNN reporters “jackass” for asking a good question, lied to coverup his behavior, and many other times tried to intimidate the press? Why would the MSM do so much to help a thug who hates the press?

    Dustin (af7059)

  80. “How long do you get to be a young man? He’s 46.”

    MayBee – Puh-leeze, you are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Trust me on this.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  81. To bmertz — Yes “Ethel” is a real person, apparently. But there was no inappropriate tweets with her that have been reported. My kids get letters from their congressmen too in response to something they wrote. Sure, it was reported the police were investigating — but they found nothing, apparently –so again, barking up the wrong tree.

    Former Half Term Governor (66f8aa)

  82. Colby and Tommie Xtopher have proven themselves, repeatedly, to be dependable leftist JournoListers.

    JD (d48c3b)

  83. that have been reported

    Weasel words found and noted.

    Anthony Weiner, private citizen (25ee92)

  84. bmertz – My favoritewas Colby blasting through the Capital “J” Journalism barrier. Don’t you know who he thinks he is? STEP OFF!!!!!!!

    daley, There is a great song somewhere in there. I think Tommy’s J has recently had shrinkage problems. He is a lowercase now.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  85. Oops. Belated sockpuppet Friday victim.

    carlitos (25ee92)

  86. “Former half term governor” is a fool. Objectively so. What other names have you posted under?

    JD (85b089)

  87. The things Weiner said to Emily Miller were also not private behavior.
    It was very illustrative of the kind of person he is.

    MayBee (081489)

  88. Former Half Term Governor – The pearl is in the oyster in the river, which one does not push leading a humble life.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  89. My kids get letters from their congressmen too in response to something they wrote.

    What do your kids write to get the attention of the congressman? That they love weiner and would use honey mustard lube? That they love married men?

    MayBee (081489)

  90. #44 Yay! Weiner is following us. We’re famous!

    SarahW (af7312)

  91. It’s kind of creepy that Jim McGreevey is on this thread.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  92. Mike Stack was generous enough to answer a few questions I posted upthread. He authorized me to publish our brief email discussion. (Slight edits for continuity and privacy and some salutations removed)

    If all is as Mike says, someone in control of “Veronica”’s account appears to me to have set him up. What do you make of this?

    My Qs to Mike, also upthread:

    Mike, you can answer here if its easier.
    In nutshell,
    I wanted to know what harassment Nikki was complaining of by Ethel consisted of – public tweets ambiguous, were there DMs? Who were the friends of Nikki that were supposedly pouncing on Nikki for her prom-beg? This is an element of the story not much talked about – that Nikki was being harrassed by other Weiner gal-pals for the prom beg
    I wanted to know how Veronica (still using pseudonym on the very tiny chance she is a real girl used by Nikki) got appointed spokesperson for Nikki – did she approach you? Did she say she had approached anyone else in your group? DId anyone in your group say she had approached him or her?
    If she only approached you, that you know about, how did she approach you?
    Comment by SarahW — 6/18/2011 @ 7:02 am

    Mikes Answer, first half
    As soon as Nikki put up the tweet about wanting to ask Weiner to the prom Ethel tweeted a tweet Betty: RT @[Ethel]: Funny that you said you had a crush on a married politician. Are you forreal?
    Ethel: I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING PSYCHO GIRL. stop tweeting about me

    OK–here’s where it gets strange/hard to follow/explain on DM:
    I bowed out and asked to stop being RT’d on tweets after I replied a few times and then told Ethel that I was not being rude, just warning.
    Maybe two days later, I got a regular tweet (from a person called Veronica) in my timeline asking me to DM “Veronica” because Nikki had been getting harassed by Ethel’s friends. After I followed, she locked her tweets, due to being harassed by Ethel and her friends.

    I thought it was odd that they (or a diff person would come to me) but I DMed only, and asked why DM me? She said it was because I seemed like I was just being nice and not saying the same things over and over again about Rep Weiner. (paraphrased) I asked if I could help or at least show them how to complain to Twitter safety,etc? I at least wanted to know the background.
    She said that they have been getting harassed by Ethel and three or four of her friends ever since Nikki proposed to Weiner about going to her prom. Everytime she’d block people before she started locking her tweets, shed just look at her followers and it was tons of people she didnt know. Then those people would harass Nikki as she would struggle to go thru the list to block.It was all because of the Weiner.
    Ethel was jealous it seemed and they were relentless attacking Nikkis account…..

    End of Part One

    Mikes Answer, second half

    From collecting evidence with reporters and the people in the “group” and looking up tweets,etc., I can say that she did not contact anyone else in the group. I reiterate that she approached me by seeing me in many of the Rt’s, but not taking shots at anyone. I was RT’d and “Reply-all ” too many times. Not that I was an angel, but I did not want to be in any trouble,either.
    So, after hearing all of this and Dming for a day or two, she said that she felt comfortable with me and that I was a nice guy. She then opened up about “Nikki”. She said , And I’ll loosely quote–“that Nikki is a good person and that the asking Weiner to the prom thing seemed like a fun idea. She never wanted it to become something where it became a big deal. ……”She has had a tough life.She’s been abused by a lot of people. A few boyfriends have treated her terribly and I just want what’s best for her…….”She is, and we are, really good people, and just want to be left alone by her and her friends. …” She repeated the Nikki abuse line a bunch of times, and we chatted a few times over the next few nights.
    I have determined the chats started on May 18th and the DM’s /caps I sent were occuring the Weds,Thurs, and Saturday before and the day of the scandal dick pic.
    You read the timeline of the DMs to see what they were offering and how that all went down.
    On Saturday morning, eight hours after the pic was caught, I DMed Veronica after her DM to find that she was no longer following me and remember that she still had a Twitter account that day.

    There could have been harassing DMs between Nikki-Ethel, but they were never made known to me by either of the girls.
    I do not believe that I ever asked because I was very shocked that this girl Veronica was sharing such info about her friend Nikki to me, a perfect stranger. She also knew my age and she kept on telling me that she trusted me because I was being honest and trying to help them out.

    Please ask all the questions that you want. [ … ]

    SarahW (af7312)

  93. Continued:

    My reply:

    n Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Sarah Wells wrote:
    It is indeed very strange, or unlikely, that she would contact you to intercede on her behalf with NIKKI and NIKKI’s friends, and not you and the #bornfree group, who have since been accused in the statements concocted for Tommy, of “harassment”, and nobody else.

    It makes no sense at all, really. Blocking anyone who says something annoying or protecting tweets is a hassle but not THAT much of a hassle, and they would not likely get much assistance from you that they couldn’t get elsewhere, if they wanted to report abuse to Twitter.

    If all is as you say, “they” targeted you in a confidence scheme, using your perceived desire to be white-knighty, and desire to catch Weiner indulging his bad habits, to keep you from considering too deeply why they would choose you to receive just the sort of evidence you were looking for.

    [Veronica], in other words, would be typical enough creation of a run-of-the-mill internet hoaxer, (see also Janna St. James, Becca Beushausen, Syrian lesbians, and so forth), though I have no way to know if she is.

    From: Sarah Wells
    To: Mike Stack Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 12:50 PM

    What’s killing me is that Tommy insisted they were 100 percent on the level, when he had no reasonable basis for that, it turns out.

    On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Mike Stack wrote:

    Correct ..But he had no problem parroting the fact that I “harassed” people. This is so untrue that it makes me sick to my stomach[ . . .]

    SarahW (af7312)

  94. Yes “Ethel” is a real person, apparently. But there was no inappropriate tweets with her that have been reported. My kids get letters from their congressmen too in response to something they wrote. Sure, it was reported the police were investigating — but they found nothing

    @half There are unexamained communications. For example, Ethel’s mother checked two tweets, but Weiner stated that he exchanged five (see Patterico’s earlier posts). Ethel wiped her twiitter account; so twitter will have to release the records to check the rest. The police have not checked her FB records yet. and so forth. There are other unexamined avenues of communication besides the two tweets her mother claimed to have read.

    Beyond reading all of Ethel’s records for possible sexting events, there still remains another major question. Weiner admitted he sent private DMs to Ethel. So we know that communication happened. What was a 46 year old Congressman doing following and sending private messages to a minor girl? No responsible adult takes such a foolish action. Even if he did nothing inappropriate during his DMs, his judgement is seriously flawed. Most parents would object to any middle-aged male attempting to privately communicate with their minor daughter through twitter. The medium is not the same as a formal letter, and more similar to an older male attempting to call a young girl when her parents were not around. Weiner has serious problems.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  95. Interesting that both Nikki and “Patriot’s Daughter” were abused.

    MayBee (081489)

  96. @Sarah and Mike

    Time to publish an article? Mike needs to tell his side of the story. I would include the GR/Victoria twitter transcript.

    bmertz (d77c52)

  97. Birds with broken wings pull in the gullible

    SarahW (af7312)

  98. #2, redc1c4 is onto something. The line of her body is decidedly off kilter. A professional photographer would have rejected that particular image in favor of a more natural pose.

    ropelight (d7236d)

  99. Maybe gullible is not the right word. They attempt to appeal to people’s better angels, and people’s predatory natures too.

    THe agent provocateur theory looks more interesting to me.

    SarahW (af7312)

  100. I think Patriot = Nikki Reid.

    MayBee (081489)

  101. And Veronica. And Mrs Betty. Any or all, really.

    SarahW (af7312)

  102. Yes.

    And she/they had a story, but didn’t want it told when it was.

    MayBee (081489)

  103. Yes.

    And she/they had a story, but didn’t want it told when it was.

    MayBee (081489)

  104. Well, I’m taking my sucker self out to run errands….

    SarahW (af7312)

  105. Interesting, too, that Weiner himself was so drawn to the harassment stories. Gennette said they talked about the “harassment”. Someone really knows him.

    MayBee (081489)

  106. Since Mrs. Betty sent a FAX to Tommy C with the IDs, it should be easy to trace the FAX number back to someone.

    Unless, they used an internet FAX service.


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  107. Did she call Tommy with her number blocked?

    MayBee (081489)

  108. Kos must think Tommy is a dolt.

    MayBee (081489)

  109. 21. Odd, also, because I was told that “Betty’s first follow on Twitter was a UCLA Screenwriting class or the like…

    In regard to linking Nikki Reid to screenwriting, it was famous a couple years back, because the actress Nikki Reed was credited as a screenwriter on the movie 13, when she was only 15 years old. It was rather big news for those who follow screenwriting and know people trying to make it into the movie industry. But according to boxofficemojo, it only made 4 million, and was the 161st highest grossing movie for 2003. Aka no one saw it, so it is possible that people interested in screenwriting would be much more likely to know of it and the connotation.

    Miikeb (b3b2ad)

  110. ahmadinejad
    points says “hey, look over there!”
    a squirrel! weiner!

    ColonelHaiku (b2dce8)

  111. Gone for a week, and the story turns into a thriller! Cool, carry on. This is almost as interesting (and more susceptible of comments being useful) as the lawyers and Lybia matter.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  112. So, it’ one of two things (of a number of wild possibilities) that are MOST likely –

    Nikki et al, if realpeople, were “gotten to” by Weiner. Weiner’s folks found them first, took over their accounts, spoke for them/shut them up, and gave misdirection to Tommy.

    Given the tenor of “Veronica’s” communications with Stack, however, I’m leaning to the faked (for whatever reason) situation. It’s a little squirrely, that contact.

    “She” tells too much to Mike because he’s a “nice guy.” There’s the abuse trope. Then, she helpfully offers him PAYDIRT evidence for all his suspicions.

    Do DM’s between Gennette and Nikki exist? “Veronica” said they did. Wouldn’t be surprised if Gennette tweeted Nikki’s account. Hasn’t Gennette admitted same? (not perectly clear on that point).

    But I’m keeping an open mind til I can sort it out. If Weiner were trying to shut down embarrassment from that quarter, how would that operate? Would what we have heard fit with that?

    I have another question for Mike, I’ll put it here and email him too.

    “Veronica”‘s DM’ to Mike included a reference to a male accusing her of something. Who was this male, and what did he accuse her of?

    SarahW (af7312)

  113. Accuse Nikki of, rather

    SarahW (af7312)

  114. Sarah W., do you think that the Betty & Veronica accounts could have been initially created to draw the right side of the blogosphere into a discrediting story? With Weiner (whose proclivities seems not to have been as secret as all that) simply a convenient tool?

    Because then, no one needs to be changing agendas, merely shifting line and tactics.

    Interesting problem, especially if someone claiming to be Betty/Nikki’s mother spoke to T.C.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  115. Sarah W., do you think that the Betty & Veronica accounts could have been initially created to draw the right side of the blogosphere into a discrediting story?Sarah W., do you think that the Betty & Veronica accounts could have been initially created to draw the right side of the blogosphere into a discrediting story?

    I don’t understand this theory. Stargirl spent a lot of time on twitter trying to talk to people who DM’d Anthony Weiner. How did you get him to follow you? she asked. What did you talk about?
    Anthony Weiner then followed Stargirl, but unfollowed for a reason we don’t know.
    Weiner also knew these people were “harassing” the girls he followed, but he continued his relationship with them anyway- tp the point he tweeted the dicpic to Gennette.

    All the while, AW was tweeting and facebooking naked pictures of himself to women around the country.

    What kind of anti-right wind set up could this have been?

    MayBee (081489)

  116. The only contact we know Tommy had w/Betty via Twitter was her reaching out to him once. Then they emailed. He doesn’t seem to have been given access to her DMs.
    So it would be interesting to know if the reach out to him was via one of the original accounts, or a new account- as Gennette Cordova did. There’s still the mysterious man friend Tommy started following.

    If it was a new account through which Betty reached out to Tommy, that would be a really important datapoint. Then it could easily not be the real Betty/Veronica.

    MayBee (081489)

  117. What kind of anti-right wind set up could this have been?

    Comment by MayBee — 6/18/2011 @ 2:20 pm

    I’m not wedded to the theory, though I’ve been mentally exploring it. My thought was, hey, why not try to draw in people likely to be upset and outraged about the exploitation of a minor, then show them up as total fools because they believed stories from people who didn’t exist?

    It’s struck me as just odd that girls would be chasing a man as old as Weiner; I wondered about the whole under-age business, because how many girls of 16 or 17 find a man in his forties attractive?

    Of course, without some sort of better handle than I have on what was in the tweets (not a twitter user), which you seem to have, I could be completely off-base. Also, I’ve missed all the week-day material on the story, so it’s possible I’m missing a lot of information.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  118. My thought was, hey, why not try to draw in people likely to be upset and outraged about the exploitation of a minor, then show them up as total fools because they believed stories from people who didn’t exist?

    I see what you are saying, but part of the problem is that Weiner actually was sending out Weiner pics of himself. And he was following young pretty girls, including another 17 year old.
    So it seems to me- not that I know what happened- a weird happenstance that something set up to make the right look bad was actually happening.
    It could be, but….

    MayBee (081489)

  119. May Bee, as I said, I’m not wedded to the theory. It’s a writerly exercise, at some point, trying to create a coherent plot rather than a series of semi-connected blunders.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  120. Weiner’s Team are probably involved in this! Afterall, he offered his Team’s assistance for Ginger Lee to lie!

    Juan (f10ffd)

  121. Tommy and his journalism credentials got punk’d, this much I believe (because the alternative is too terrible).

    Dianna, I consider everything, including someone just in it for the lulz, willing to grab anyone who can be grabbed into to snare, just for the entertainment value.

    Are you suggesting an all purpose “sting machine” put into place,, in the recent past, using “sleeper” accounts, with its specific mission later determined by circumstance and opportunity?

    There is the Lets get “Breitbart sting (gone bad)” theory, the “Get Weiner” theory, the “monitor Weiner” theory, where Weiner or Weiner’s keepers (or stalker or lover) keep tabs on his messy interactions with other women, there is the “Monitor (and or punk) the monitors” theory, where an effort is made to discredit a group watching his activity; there is the “real girls that Weiner got to” theory, which includes a desperate attempt to throw anyone off their trail by means of an impersonation ruse. And variou combinations of all of the above?

    My best guess is that Veronica and NIkki and Dan Wolfe are all fake and have been fake from if not the outset, the beginnings of interactions with Weiner and his other followers – and not that they were actually real girls, now being impersonated by some bad actor or skittish at their own involvement.

    I base that in large part on Veronica’s squirrely attempts to befriend Mike Stack and promise leads about Weiner – in conjunction with the persona of Dan Wolfe who is egging Stack on.

    They “reached out” to Tommy. They could just as easily have gone dark if skittish, instead of created fake id’s and plot twists and statements.

    Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Weiner wisked them off to Aruba and got fixers in to concoct an explanation for Veronica’s dealings with Mike Stack but that’s awfully outlandish.

    More like, someone with some knowledge of Weiner’s habits is pushing either to get that story out, control that story, or discredit that story, and maybe discredit some enemies along the way.

    Stargirl, if always fake, might be someone who has some reason to know what Weiner is up to, or wants to keep track of Weiner’s habits, or has picked up on goonie righties following Weiner.

    Maybee, I had forgotten

    SarahW (af7312)

  122. Are you suggesting an all purpose “sting machine” put into place,, in the recent past, using “sleeper” accounts, with its specific mission later determined by circumstance and opportunity?

    No, more a specific mission along the lines of the “get Breitbart” sting, with Weiner as the mechanism. I don’t think Weiner was more than a prop, if this were the game.

    Which makes his fall more of a side-effect than anything else.

    Again, really, it’s more because currently it’s all so very messy. Too many players, too many murky motivations.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  123. Maybee I had completely forgotten about Tommy’s picked-up twitter friend that you mention. I would like to know who that person is and what his connection to Tommy became.

    SarahW (af7312)

  124. JohnReid9

    Note the last name

    MayBee (081489)

  125. Dianna, you are positing that Breitbart and/or Mike was supposed to be the goat when they would theoretically take the offered juvie bait, publish something, and then someone in the “legitimate” media would swoop in, discover the girls were “fake” and discredit Andrew while making Weiner look like a victim–right?

    But, when that ploy obviously failed, (and all the girls, some very real, were still hanging out there) now the covert operatives had to prove that Weiner’s allegedly salacious contacts that had already been discussed with Mike and others, were in reality all completely innocent–hence Mrs. Betty’s pro Weiner PR dump at Tommy’s place.

    Maybee to your 2:46– This theory works best if one guesses that Weiner may not ever have been completely honest with his own cover up crew about the extent and regularity of his on line hi-jinx. Because of that, they probably got completely blindsided when his compulsions made him continue (and he got caught) even as they all knew he was being watched. He is a liar and I doubt he initially told anybody how much stuff there really was in the litter box that neded to be covered up.

    elissa (ae943a)

  126. Elissa @ 125 – yes, that is my thinking, because it means one goal, not a lot of switching of targets and confused leaping around.

    Again, my preference for this has to do with my preference for order and a plot qua plot that makes sense.

    Dianna (f12db5)

  127. Maybee! JohnReid9 and I both follow Juan_dodgers, the kid who had a long interaction with Nikki and “Veronica” about the baseball game.

    SarahW (af7312)

  128. Dianna – Your thinking is along the lines of what I mentioned earlier. The fact that Weiner was actually a real FREAK and got caught was pure coincidence and caused the players to reverse course. Again, just thinking out loud. Pure Axelrod.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  129. Juan_Dodgers ostensibly told (I can’t remember, think I heard this from lee) a reporter that he didn’t know either girl, when I suggested to Lee that he might be a friend or friend of a friend. I then of course wrote him off as red herring who only briefly “twitter-knew” B&V although their conversation is easy and familiar, and there is no indication that they ever needed introduction. I should have asked him how they came to follow one another.

    I once went to the trouble of locating assorted John Reids in the LA area (one lives near Juan_Dodgers) so I’m feeling kind of stupid to forget all about him.

    SarahW (af7312)

  130. Also, JohnReid9 is followed by, and follows ONLY 2 people, one is tommy, the other Juan_dodgers

    SarahW (af7312)

  131. Weiner is a POS

    and the dems defending him are hypocrites.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  132. On Ace, someone just posted these screen caps of alleged Gennette DMs:
    forgive me if this is not news, hadn’t seen it anywhere.

    Lisa (d5ac54)

  133. Betty, Veronica, & Mrs. Betty are RAW in collaboration with one of his sympathetic cyberGFs (Vegas?, WA? …for the purpose of the phone call) who wanted to take down #bornfreecrew @AndrewBreitbart @DLoesch because they were wise to RAW’s proclivities with eater fangirls (Vegas, etc.) and teenyboppers (Ethel, etc.). RAW needed to create something that would get #bornfreecrew to sink their teeth into (Betty’s prom campaign, Veronica’s lurid lies) in order to later discredit #bornfreecrew @PatriotUSA76 @AndrewBreitbart etc as stalkers with no journalistic cred or ethics.

    It is Anthony Shaffer’s “Sleuth” gone digital. Doppler is really Milo. Betty & Veronica are really RAW. Mrs. Betty is really WA.


    koam (2b4b88)

  134. Lisa, where did that screen cap of Gennette’s purported DM’s come from? Is that something that was sent to Breitbart? In Mike Stack’s conversations with “Veronica,” she alludes to DM’s sent to Nikki from Gennette, about flirting with the congressman.

    SarahW (af7312)

  135. I see at Ace’s they (the screecaps) were posted by “seattle545 at June 18, 2011 05:23 PM (VvrOT)”

    I’ll go back and see if anyone else is posting there with the same hash ID

    SarahW (af7312)

  136. Tommy Christopher and Colby Hall can just say that Betty, Veronica and Betty’s Mom were just composite characters.

    ∅ (e7577d)

  137. Nope, at least not in the same thread. Mystery poster.

    SarahW (af7312)

  138. Many thanks to all of you great sleuths. It’s like you have to start thinking like Alinsky – or Satan – to make this saga make sense.

    1. The Nikki Reid Twitter acct was supposed to have been activated in July ’10 – which makes it hard to think this was all a set up. But can you set up a Twitter account, then change the name later (as you can w/ Facebook)? It could have been a random person’s account – a friend of the pol/op (that’s my take on it), then the name changed & previous msg’s deleted? Don’t know much about Twitter but I thought I’d throw that out there.

    2. Any takers for a bet that Betty’s mom’s statement was drafted on TC’s computer? He could have been talking to “Betty’s mom” by email or Twitter or on the phone – and convinced himself that he was just helping her. He blithely typed what he really thought – w/ editorial comments in defense of Weiner, & the porn star, read it out loud to “Betty’s mom” – who then said – sounds good – release it. That’s why it sounded so off-key – it wasn’t written by the mother of a 17-yr old girl. Nor by a professional PR person, who would know better. And later in the Twitter exchange w/ Lee (I think) when he was so profane – aggression & inappropriate anger – methinks he doth protested too much.

    3. Why pick TC to confide in to begin with – because anyone familiar w/ TC at Mediaite knows he’s so in the tank for Obama & Helen Thomas & anyone who hates Fox & that he’s jealous of Breitbart (dishonestly “reported” on the whole Tea Party folks yelling the n-word false narrative that Breitbart truthfully reported). The pol/ops knew TC would jump at the chance of a scoop – showing that AW’s chats w/ underage girls were innocent, even if a mistake in judgment. The Weiner/Abedin/Clinton pol/ops couldn’t take a chance on a “real” news outlet – even NBC – getting the story first – because they’d routinely check driver’s license, address, etc. But once the story was out, then TC could claim “confidentiality” – and the need to protect the minors’ (who of course were fake) identities. Whoever it was wanted the story out there somehow – then it would have more traction & then get reported by “mainstream” media.

    4. The actress/screenwriter Nikki Reed’s real name is spelled “Reed” – not “Reid” as TC reported – but TC could have just heard it over the phone at first, started misspelling it, and never corrected it. Or the pol/op just got it wrong (don’t know what it says on the Twitter acct).

    5. Someone definitely has a strange sense of humor – Nikki Reed not only starred in “Thirteen”, she co-wrote the screenplay. And it’s about underage girls drinking, having sex, etc. It’s like whoever Weiner/Abedin/Clinton hired to innoculate Weiner (that’s my theory) had to know Weiner was texting/sexting w/ high school girls, so they deliberately picked this name out, as a jab at him. Be interesting to search the other real names & see if “Veronica” has a “real name” that’s like Lolita or something.

    So here’s my take on it – a few powerful Dems got clued in to the fact that Weiner was sexting/texting a variety of women & girls. He was getting more out of control (he had some real meltdowns w/ Megyn Kelly & other Fox women anchors in previous months). They knew they had to get ahead of the story before it blew up. They didn’t know just how bad it was (the x-rated pic, etc), because Weiner lied to them too. BTW, I believe Weiner in his tearful confession said no Congressional resources were used – but then – boom – on Sunday TMZ published the photos of him in the House gym. What to do – it was too much to cover up – or lie about. Too many girls to pay off – someone would squawk, pics would leak. So …. the best way would be to flood the media – and fake a set-up. Weiner could come out & admit some inappropriate behavior, but then the media would be clued in that Veronica & Betty were fakes – that mean conservatives were trying to set up Weiner. So the public wouldn’t know what was actually from Weiner or what wasn’t. But the visuals were stronger than the narrative. And the media was even more gullible than the pol/ops thought – no one seriously questioned TC’s version of events (except of course conserv bloggers). Remember AW knew a couple weeks before he was busted that he was being watched – he admitted it on Twitter. Even as self-destructive as he was, still why would he continue sexting, knowing he was being watched – unless he knew he could get away w/ it as part of a grander scheme? Helps to explain why he kept insisting that he was “pranked” too. That was supposed to be part of the story.

    BTW, still only 4 of the 6 sexting partners outed that I know of – Ginger Lee, Lisa the blackjack dealer, Traci the Georgia girl, and Gennette the college student. Two left. Who are the missing two????? And why are they totally silent?

    Miranda (4104db)

  139. @Miranda — 6/18/2011 @ 7:01 pm

    Even as self-destructive as he was, still why would he continue sexting, knowing he was being watched – unless he knew he could get away w/ it as part of a grander scheme? Helps to explain why he kept insisting that he was “pranked” too. That was supposed to be part of the story.

    My guess is that the two young girls and the mom were more or less sock puppets to run interference
    for Weiner, plus at the time, he was only afraid the one pic would be traced to him. His folks could contend that he was being smeared by the right wing, because at that time, the only evidence was that pic that he couldn’t identify with “certitude”, so he felt pretty confident.

    When the other pics were revealed, that’s when Weiner became undone.

    Just my 2¢

    teebo (fa50c7)

  140. ==Two left.==

    Meagan Broussard

    elissa (ae943a)

  141. elissa – Weiner sent the same boxer/brief dic pick to Meagan on 5/18.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  142. daley, sorry I was being too cryptic. Miranda above listed 4 weiner women and wondered where the other 2 were . I was mentioning the fifth, Meagan, who I thought she had missed.

    elissa (ae943a)

  143. elissa – I knew what you meant. I was just pointing out that Weiner was not very creative or diverse in his dic pic photo portfolio.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  144. elissa – At least that we know about so far.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  145. Thanks Elissa – somehow forgot all about Meagan. Hard to believe it’s only been 3 wks since the first story broke.

    Teebo – makes sense to me.

    Just another thought – somebody/ies sure wanted Weiner to stay in place. They went to a lot of trouble to attempt to control this crisis – to no avail.

    I know you all must have seen stories on Huma’s mother’s & brother’s Muslim Brotherhood ties:
    “Huma Abedin’s brother Hassan is a fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) at Oxford University in England. A number of Muslim Brotherhood members sit on the board, including Qatari cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has incited violence against Jews and Israel on numerous occasions.”

    BTW, I remember last year a minor to-do over whether or not Bill Clinton was qualified to marry Weiner & Abedin. I never saw actual confirmation that he was. He’s certainly never been ordained. Just odd. Or maybe not – they wouldn’t have wanted a rabbi marrying them. And no word on Huma’s family’s thoughts on her marrying a supposed pro-Israel Jew. That would be a stoning offense in Saudi Arabia, surely – which is exactly where Huma’s mother teaches at a university.

    I take all the NWO talk with a big grain of salt but this stuff gets really spooky after a while.

    Miranda (4104db)

  146. Miranda,

    Here is a friendfeed that shows a group of Betty’s tweets/retweets that shows her name as Nikki Reid…


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  147. It’s criminal,
    there aught to be a law.
    There aught to be a whole lot more.

    You get nothin for nothin.
    Tell me who can you trust?
    We’ve got what you want,
    and you’ve got the lust.

    If you want blood.
    You got it.
    If you want blood.
    You got it.

    Blood on the street.
    Blood on the rocks.
    Blood in the gutter.
    Every last drop.

    If you want blood.
    You got it.

    It’s animal.
    Living in a human zoo.
    The shit that they toss to you.

    Feeling like a Christian.
    Locked in a cage.
    Thrown to the lions,
    on the second page.

    If you want blood.
    You got it.
    If you want blood.
    You got it.

    Blood on the streets.
    Blood on the rocks.
    Blood in the gutter.
    Every last drop.
    If you want blood.

    You got iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
    I want you to bleed for me.

    papertiger (e55ba0)

  148. Sorry.

    I’m past the point of rational thought.


    papertiger (e55ba0)

  149. Miranda,

    One more tidbit on Starchild111, the name on the twitter account used to be Jenay last fall as this Google Cache page of her,77902c9f&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=GEH7P7p9pkuWF2dPrju.6A–


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  150. Thanks Joe.

    Ok, not trying to reinvent the wheel here, since I’m late to this game & don’t understand more than the basics of Twitter. But ..

    When I go to the friendfeed provided by Joe, it shows only two subscribers – both Hollie McKay (one personal & one professional I suppose), who is a Fox News entertainment reporter. So I thought – well, I guess someone really is messing with us.

    Then saw Hollie’s RT’ing (w/o comment) of Patterico’s tweet: Patterico
    by holliesmckay
    “Betty” is not fake, folks. She was on Twitter acting like a high school girl since September 2010.
    11 Jun

    Why does Hollie McKay care about what Patterico says about a pretty obscure detail of the Weinergate story?

    Well, I’m lost now.

    Miranda (4104db)

  151. Per Stranahan, Hollie only subscribed to the friend feed recently.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  152. Oddly enough, all of jenay’s initial follows were all celebrities (various Kardashian-related accounts, the Ellen Show, Oprah, and Jennifer Lopez, and a few clothing and makeup lines), and the Writer’s Program at UCLA Extension.

    No real-life friends or classmates or anything else one would think a teenage girl would also have (as the father of three girls, I’ve seen enough to find that in itself very odd)…

    RB (3a32bf)

  153. re 151: Followers or followees?

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  154. Followers or followees?

    Who she was following. It just strikes me as odd that a teenage girl in this day and age would not be following any friends/classmates/etc.

    I can understand a teenage girl following what she has chosen to follow, but it seems odd to notice what/who she wasn’t following.

    I could be way off base here, though.

    RB (3a32bf)

  155. But consider that a girl interested in politics may not have any friends.

    Molon Labe (dc676c)

  156. No, there are several odd things with starchild111 twitter account.

    One of her friends: @Juan2487 never tweeted..

    i have to say how cute @Juan2487 is. that’s all. 🙂 May 16 from Twitter



    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  157. So, why did they settle on calling and asking the Hollywood High School? It appears, in looking at the cached pages of some of those involved who claim to be classmates of some of the key players, that they attend The Buckley School (a private school) and not Hollywood High.

    Some Guy In Seattle (3a32bf)

  158. The Hollywood High reference is based on the IDs of Betty and Veronica that were FAXed to Tommy C at Mediaite.

    Based on his reporting, Mrs Betty aka Patrica Reid sent her fake CA drivers license and two photo ID cards for Betty and Veronica from Hollywood High.


    Joe Smith (54c0c1)

  159. I would say , few real parents would come up with fake ID:s. Not a plausible story.

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  160. ==Comment by koam — 6/18/2011 @ 4:21 pm==

    Yesterday afternoon the above poster offered a possibility that frankly I did not pick up on. (Apparently it was too cryptic (lol) and contained too many initials for my feeble brain to register. Sorry, koam.

    However, this morning koam now has a more lengthy, yet simpler and more reasoned (dare I say more nuanced) version of it over at Stranahan’s blog which actually makes quite a bit of sense.

    koam’s version continues to put questions of how TC got the initial lead, and then communicated with Betty and Betty’s mom at the forefront.

    elissa (ef774c)

  161. Juan Dodgers is the same Juan mentioned above – he renamed his twitter account (that was shut down briefly), now linked to his old tweets.

    He did tweet back and forth with the starchild111 account and Veronica’s account, jokeing and talking about a baseball game – and the merits of rooting for the hometeam, and Veronica’s reality TV habit.

    A Snapbird of his account going back as far as they go, shows their first twitter interaction on May 14 of this year, without any apparent introduction.

    I was told that a reporter working on the story had contacted Juan, who told them he did not know either girl. Like others, I thought he might have known them from school or been friend of a friend or something.

    He “twitter knew” them briefly, at least – and the JohnReid9 account Maybee mentioned still follows him – one of JohnReid9’s two follows (the other is Tommyxtopher).

    I’ve wanted to know how Juan came to be tweeting with the Starchild and Veronica accounts.

    SarahW (af7312)

  162. Juan’s high school is mentioned in his tweets – and some of his friends mention a private Catholic school for girls. But I had not seen anything about Buckley High.

    Who mentions that school?

    SarahW (af7312)

  163. I saw the Buckley School as a Twitter account being followed by a few of the young girls involved – so maybe that is what they mean?

    RB (1b5766)

  164. @elissa #159

    nuanced perhaps because it was written in bed? or maybe after sleeping on it.

    my apologies for the initials (WA = GC, RAW = Rep A Weiner, if that’s what you meant)

    Always return to the demeanor of RAW and GC. Return to his Jun 1st interview with Jonathan Karl . Indignant, arrogant, taking umbrage at the implications of the question.

    “to not understand how social networks work…” “anyone who understands social media today…” “your question had a pretty charged supposition….” “for you to imply that because you found a couple of people on Twitter who are young when Twitter is overwhelmingly young” “I want you to take your responsibility seriously”

    it goes on…and it’s video: no reading & you get to watch his face

    Return to GC, who we all treated as a victim at first, and her demeanor in statements and interviews. She is very confident that she knows it all regarding the right-wing conspirators, how #bornfreecrew, @AndrewBreitbart & @DLoesch are “disreputable,” (and, dammit, she’s gonna prove it for her BF, RAW), and she knows it all regarding how young girls think, and she knows it all about her generation uses social media. She regularly mocks anyone who doesn’t “get it” like she does. She’s knows she’s right, she knows that she and RAW are the “victims” and she’s the trusty, world-wise accomplice, fighting fire with smarter fire.

    See Patterico’s IM interview w/ GC: and others.

    Return to Mrs. Betty, similarly didactic and indignant.

    “We would also like to express our disgust at the harassment of Rep Weiner and hope that everyone remembers this man did nothing wrong. Look at your own behavior and your own mental hang-ups and ask yourself why you find certain things so perverse — it says more about you than it does about the person you are accusing.”

    It’s RAW lecturing Jonathan Karl all over again.

    koam (2b4b88)

  165. Also, I do recall a tweet saying “Watching the game with @starchild111 and @juan2487” by Marianela Alicea, too. Not sure if that means in real life, or…?

    RB (1b5766)

  166. Yes, but that GC attitude would be a natural trait of a bright 21 year old who believes she’s special and going places. Natural green arrogance of youth, self assurance that hasn’t smacked up against too much reality yet.

    SarahW (af7312)

  167. I mean, I’m perfectly willing to allow that Gennette et. al began to doubt the Starchild111 account was really a young girl, and that at some point they tried to feed it information to flush it out for what it was…(some kind of trap)

    But would it be their creation? I don’t think so.
    Too long in the planning, too likely to draw negative attention to the congressman.

    SarahW (af7312)

  168. There have to be people out there who are either creating small armies of fake Twitter and Facebook identities for future use. Think Cold War sleepers on deep cover for decades before being called into service (or perhaps never were).

    One need only see how many fake email accounts out there are posting seemingly innocuous things that sound like real people talking on social networks, craigslist, etc. in order to harvest email addresses and later hit them with links to malicious sites, etc.

    The same thing has got to be going on in the political SPYvsSPYrealm. I think we’re witnessing it.

    Further, how hard would it be to have someone try to find Twitter accounts that fit a desired demo, but have largely been abandoned (millions start and then ignore Twitter accounts, right?), then to try a simple password hack (most people use stupid simple easy-to-crack passwords, right?) or to scam them with an email in order to capture their Twitter account, then modify it to their own needs? The original Twitter user, who hadn’t invested much in it, can’t get back in once the email and password have changed…so they give up. Mustn’t there be young, political black ops guys/gals who would work for next to nothing and have the smarts to outsmart the unwitting?

    koam (2b4b88)

  169. Sarah- the John Reid thing fascinates me. I wonder why Tommy doesn’t feel more compelled to explain himself.

    As for most of the plots and subplots described here, my brain is too small to grasp them.

    MayBee (081489)

  170. FWIW – notable alumni, per wikipedia, of The Buckley School include Rob Kardashian and Kim Kardashian. The Janay persona and “Veronica” both had announced interest in the Kardashians

    SarahW (af7312)

  171. It might take awhile for Tommy to admit to himself where he went wrong. This could be too presumptuous of me, but he doens’t see what he didn’t see, as far as I can tell.

    SarahW (af7312)

  172. Maybee, you’ve seen the mysterious appartion that is the purported GC DM screencap? The ones where GC is describing a little flirting with Weiner?

    SarahW (af7312)

  173. Koam, I must say I like your theory – simple & fits psychologically w/ the arrogant Weiner. I’ve been thinking it was Dem pol/ops (see #138 above), but your theory is better.

    Something else – along the lines of “Nikki Reid” … this may be a stretch but it’s interesting nonetheless. Take the name “MarianelaAlicea” … I thought – well, it’s probably the name of Weiner’s maid. But if you take the English version – Mary Ann Alice – here’s what you get:

    “Mary Ann (Ch. 4 of Alice in Wonderland); the White Rabbit’s housemaid. She isn’t physically there in the book but the Rabbit mistakes Alice for her.”

    Now, I don’t know Betty’s mother’s “real” name – but if I had to guess it’d be Carolyn/Annette (the name of the self-involved mother & the actress who played her in American Beauty – a film I would NEVER see).

    I will repeat something I said a few days ago – Tommy Christopher is absolutely not a credible source. Why believe him at all when he says he got the girls’ ID’s faxed to him? This is a “reporter” who time after time sucked up to the Jew-hating Helen Thomas, and even wrote an entire article on the fact that her nameplate on her seat in the White House briefing room (the reporters have assigned seats) had gone missing. Instead of trying to make details of his story fit – try taking all of his “reporting” out, then create the narrative out of provable facts (twitter feeds etc.). I used to read his Mediaite articles a lot – so pro-Dem they were disgusting. And he sits in the WH briefing room as a “journalist”. Think about this – he actually admitted, while talking to Lee S., that he wrote part of Betty’s mom’s statement?!?! (I didn’t even know that when I speculated that he had done just that in my previous statement). What kind of journalist does this?

    The Buckley School, Hollywood HS – they are playing with us. And they don’t care. I mean – is George Stephanopolous going to report on this – of course not.

    Miranda (4104db)

  174. If Tommy was on the up and up, he’d be making a clear, obvious, and energetic effort to reveal facts so others could verify his information. That’s about the only way Tommy has to demonstrate his credibility.

    Tommy is as Tommy does.

    ropelight (c773cd)

  175. Koam, I totally agree w/ you re the fake Twitter accounts. I wrote this last night but it didn’t take:

    So Nikki Reed’s account started out as Jenay’s. And notice the difference in grammar & spelling – two different people, definitely. For whatever reason “Nikki Reed” took over Jenay’s account. Not inconceivable that the real Jenay could just get another account. BTW, if I were the diabolical Axelrod, I’d have plenty of backdated fake FB & twitter accounts, in addition to phones etc. – you never know when you need to create a false narrative.

    The people behind Obama have spent a lot of $$$ & time disappearing his academic records, his IL State senate records, fabricating a birth certificate (yes, I’m one of those people), continuing the fiction that he wrote two books (read “Deconstructing Obama”, an excellent book). They certainly wouldn’t be above helping to save Weiner’s political career. I think this was an attempt at damage control.

    Final thought – the pic that started this mess – the gray underwear photo – was I think a fluke. There was the whole Betty & Veronica farce playing in the background. Didn’t Breitbart say he had gotten a tip re Weiner’s texting, sitting in’s inbox – before the underwear pic? Weiner was just so out-of-control (he reminds me of a crack/meth/heroin addict) he DM’d the underwear pic to Gennette by accident (he was probably watching porno at the time).

    BTW, anyone know who Betty’s mom’s “real” name is?

    Miranda (4104db)

  176. Per a helpful twitter person, Flouncy is back in town!!/gncordova

    Not quite bold enough to ask her if caps are for real.

    SarahW (af7312)

  177. Former Half Term Governor

    Oh wow! Jim McGreevey reads Patterico? I’m impressed.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  178. Miranda, the one that contacted Tommy called herself “Patricia” Reid.

    SarahW (af7312)

  179. Also Buckley school seems to be a kind of “hollywood high”, with a number of celebs/celeb families having attended (including various Hiltons)

    SarahW (af7312)

  180. Sarah- I have seen those. Pretty sure that’s the avatar she was using on the account when she retweeted the 545 tweet, prior to the next new account.

    MayBee (081489)

  181. SarahW–

    Tommy knows stuff and he ain’t tellin’. That he is obviously willing to further trash his own reputation by continuing to protect his “sources”, and refuses to admit how he got access to his initial Mediaite Betty Mom scoop, is very bizarre. Is he afraid of somebody, I wonder? Obviously Colby is protecting him, but is TC protecting Colby?

    Tommy is just not demonstrating the seething anger at the perpetrators of his embarrassment (or the need to expose them) that a normal human would after getting punked and publicly humiliated in his profession. He appears to have anger, but his seething anger is pointed elsewhere. Yes, very bizarre, I think.

    elissa (ef774c)

  182. Gennette — Jenay
    Target — Tarzhay?

    elissa (ef774c)

  183. Oh, nice one Elissa! (#180)

    Methinks Gennette/Jenay & Weiner were just a little drunk on their own cleverness.

    Miranda (4104db)

  184. Tommy doesn’t care. He just doesn’t care.

    BTW, knowing what a suck-up he is to Dems, I wonder if he went to Weiner’s wedding at Oheka last year. I suspect that the liberal, smug, sarcastic, conservative-bashing Shep Smith/Fox News attended – he remarked on the wedding the other day – about what a nice affair it was – that he had heard about it from some people who had attended. Just the way he said it I thought – yeah, right – you knew what a nice affair it was because you were there. Just my conjecture obviously.

    These people are all in bed with each other – just last week the Biden’s had another outdoor party for “journalists” – like last year’s “Biden’s Beach Party” – “journalists” played with water guns etc. Just one big happy family.

    Miranda (4104db)

  185. And oddity: go down to IM’s/Microblogs and there is a Twitter showing Jennifer George with Nickname: starchild111, but the link is gone. So is “Jenay” perhaps a “Jen(nifer) A.” or something along those lines? And if she passed off that link to a daughter to use?
    Please note: this is complete speculation and is not proof of anything.

    Sue (24e46b)

  186. Hey-
    Is this one of The OC tweets Gennette was talking about when she said Betty talked about The OC? If it is, she’s got it all wrong. Betty is talking about The OC, the place, not the show:

    Twitter / Nikki Reid: @Juan2487 Omg. Save yourse …
    Juan2487 Omg. Save yourself! haha it is Audrina from the OC and my BFF @ MarianelaAlicea loves it. I think it’s on mtv. – Cached

    Audrina lives in The OC, and was on reality tv (The Hills)

    MayBee (081489)

  187. That other starchild is an absolute lunatic, though. I suppose it’s possible the aliens have come for her and she left behind a perfectly good twitter account.

    SarahW (af7312)

  188. Oh, surprise. Jennifer George is actually linked to the “starchild111” twitter account.

    SarahW (af7312)

  189. The OC tweet in my 183 is from starchild111.

    MayBee (081489)

  190. Take a look at this – red herring?

    Jenay George on Facebook. She keeps up with the Kardashians, but I guess lots of people do.

    Current profile pic – the Joker

    Old profile pic is there to see

    SarahW (af7312)

  191. Which OC tweet, Maybee?

    SarahW (af7312)

  192. Jenay George on Facebook

    Red herring? She keeps up with the Kardashians.
    Although I guess lots of people do

    Current profile pic, the Joker

    Old profile pic there too.


    SarahW (af7312)

  193. I just copied it onto 183.

    MayBee (081489)

  194. Last tweet must be getting caught in moderation

    SarahW (af7312)

  195. My last post, that is, caught in moderation.

    Jenay George has a facebook page. I’ll leave out the link, see if that works better.

    She keeps up with the Kardashians, although many do I suppose.

    Current profile pic: the Joker

    Old profile pic is there, too.

    SarahW (af7312)

  196. New Improved formatting:

    This is a tweet from @Starchild111:

    Twitter /Nikki Reid:
    @Juan2487 Omg. Save yourse …
    Juan2487 Omg. Save yourself! haha it is Audrina from the OC and my BFF @ MarianelaAlicea loves it. I think it’s on mtv. – Cached

    I’m wondering if that’s the kind of thing that made Gennette think she tweeted about the show The OC.

    MayBee (081489)


    Something? Nothing? Going to look at it a bit harder.

    SarahW (af7312)

  198. FWIW, google hit was on “Jenay” and NOT Jenny, for that specific facebook page.

    SarahW (af7312)

  199. Jenny George (common) vs. Jenay George (rare)…what am I missing?

    koam (2b4b88)

  200. OK we simul-posted. I get it. Sorry.

    koam (2b4b88)

  201. This was google link:

    Jenay George | Facebook
    – 2 visits – 1:34pm
    Join Facebook to connect with Jenay George and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. – Cached

    SarahW (af7312)

  202. Maybee, that’s a reference to Audrina from the OC, that would be Audrina Partridge, so it is a reference to the show. “MA loves it” Ok, mask off, Veronica is MA, and V’s profile refers to “just another day in the OC” which is also a reference to the show.

    SarahW (af7312)

  203. Ma/V does say she is in LA, though

    SarahW (af7312)

  204. I think google search approximate if there’s no exact match. Dont know the relevance of that search result.

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  205. My compliments to all of you. I don’t Twitter or Facebook, so I am still trying to catch up to some of this story.

    Sue (24e46b)

  206. Yeah, I mostly am wondering if that’s what Genette was referring to when she said she talked about The OC, and therefore couldn’t have been a teenager.

    There’s The OC the show, and The OC the place.

    MayBee (081489)

  207. She was talking about both, really – as living in the OC, and liking the OC.

    I didn’t give a lot of weight to Gennette’s opinion of what a young girl of 16 would know about or like.

    The post you refer to talks about the OC as if it is re-running on MTV. I never bothered to check that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were in re-runs on one of the MTV channels or some other channel.

    That’s like saying I couldn’t like star trek when I was a teenager. Not saying I did but ok I did and that was well after the series was in syndication.

    SarahW (af7312)

  208. According to Wikipedia, “Re-runs of The O.C. are now shown on The WB, SOAPnet, and Channel 4.”

    I guess you can’t blame Gennette for not being hip to what the younger generation is into these days.

    SarahW (af7312)

  209. Ms. Cordova said that as she looked back on their exchanges, she saw other signs of a fraud. For example, “Nikki Reid” did not have a Facebook account, like most girls her age. And she made references to “The O.C.,” the television show (featuring the young Hollywood actress Nikki Reed) that was popular among teenagers but ended in 2007.

    “There is no way this girl is in high school,” Ms. Cordova said. “No way.”

    There’s something petty inside of me that gives me great satisfaction that Cordova might have the wrong cultural reference here. She’s too old to get it!

    MayBee (081489)

  210. True, but Audrina (Patridge) is famous for living in the actual OC. She isn’t from the show “The OC”.

    MayBee (081489)

  211. I guess you can’t blame Gennette for not being hip to what the younger generation is into these days.


    MayBee (081489)

  212. To be clear – Audrina Partridge is on the MTV show “the Hills”, which is often compared to a real-life version of “The OC”.

    SarahW (af7312)

  213. so Maybee, I guess its a generational thing. AHAHAHHAHHAHhahahhaha

    SarahW (af7312)

  214. What I mean is the girls obviously are expressing interest in “the Hills” but would easily get the cultural references related to a show it is most compared to, and which is linked, at the very least to the location selected in their profiles.

    It doesn’t make the twitter profiles real, or if real, true, of course, but it isn’t a sign that they are false.

    SarahW (af7312)

  215. Gennette may simply not be hip enough to know people call Orange County “The OC”. Poor thing.

    I hope someone asks Jennifer Preston if Gennette gave her anymore insight on that.

    MayBee (081489)

  216. She’s on the twitter. Should I drop her a line? 🙂

    SarahW (af7312)

  217. I even know that, MayBee, and I am a flyover country rube.

    JD (318f81)

  218. Sarah- you are right that it doesn’t make the profiles real, or make them belong to teens.

    But people who live in SoCal call Orange County “The OC”. Not in reference to the show.

    MayBee (081489)

  219. Currently caught up in likely red herring of Jennifer George/Jenay of twitter and Jenay George/Jenny George on facebook.

    The joker profile pic makes me want them to be the same person.

    SarahW (af7312)

  220. Ms. Cordova seems to have missed another generational thing. Since principals and school officials are known to check social media, some teens have apparently been known to use fake names and accounts to get around that. (I actually know some adults who do the same, in order to keep the boss out of their ranting, so maybe it’s not so generational after all.)

    Sue (24e46b)

  221. What was the point in trying to discredit Breitbart? He already had the Weiner pictures.


    Very simple. they weren’t really trying to discredit Breitbart. They were trying to get Breitbart blamed to hide their own role.

    The theory that first comes to mind is that there were people out to get Weiner who 1) were not Republicans or conservatives but 2) wanted to blame Republicans in order to keep their own role completely secret. Weiner was the target – but so in a way was Breitbart (at least as a place to deflect blame to)

    As to what was really going on – this could sound like something out of Twin Peaks.

    Question: How did the people following Weiner’s activities on Twitter find out about it in the first place? Either, some disgruntled woman told them, or…

    It’s time to enter the Sammy Zone…

    First – Weiner really *was* hacked – along with maybe a bunch of other Congressmen – at least once – back in 2009 or 2010 – and probably by the Chinese.

    They discovered his propensity to send these pictures of himself.

    This information was of no particular use to them.

    But they traded it at some point to an Arab intelligence agency. Most likely the Saudis.

    The Saudis had been hoping that Weiner’s marriage to Huma Abedin might control him. Abedin was probably indirectly getting money from the Saudi government via some legal and legitimate looking (even to her) overt means. Her parents (although originally from the Indian subcontinent) moved to Saudi Arabia when she was two and her mother is still alive and a professor at a Saudi college. Her family didn’t legitimately earn that much money. Not from any usual activities. It could have been disguised as an inheritance and she might not even have been told that There might be a simple or semi–simple explanation, but whatever it is it seems to be secret. Maybe somebody in her family married into the royal family. Who knows?? But it’s secret or nearly so.

    The Saudis discovered that the marriage was not causing Weiner to back off from his extremely strong support of Israel. This was because Weiner was a follower of a Kabbalistic Rabbi from Israel who has many former Israelis as followers whoo go to him for blessings – and who may be corrupt – some of them. The Rabbi (Yosef Pinto) is a grandson of the Baba Sali. Rabbi Pinto’s followers contribiuted money to Weiner and they were all very supportive of Israel on a simple level. And the Saudis also discovered all of that.

    So they may have concluded that Weiner’s support for Israel in all things was completely unalterable. Now Weiner was rising in importance in Congress – or might become Mayor of New York – a mayor who, like Koch in 1980 whom he liked to compare himself – might swing or at least appear to swing – a Presdemntial election.

    They would not have paid attention or even known about the redistricting pitfall coming up.

    They determined to get rid of him.

    Or maybe not so.

    Maybe it *was* the Chinese, who wanted John C. Liu (who is terribly ambitious, things he is clever in getting around some littering laws, very friendly to Mainland China and not at all sympathetic to the Falun Gong or anything else connecxcted with human rights in China) to succeed Bloomberg as Mayor after 2013. Weiner looked like he could be his main competition, since he had raised the most amount of money.

    So, whether it was the Chinese or whether it was the Saudis who were behind it, what might be called Operation Turn Weiner Into Schnitzel began in the summer of 2010. Whoever did it, of course, recruited people under a false flag – yet another sponsor, but probably not conservatives or Republicans since they were to be notional people responsible for people interested in who was behind it.

    First of course was to set up the Nikki Reid account.

    Once you had it the question was then how to proceed. The general idea was to get him to email an explicit photo to someone whom he believed to be a 16-year old girl. Police have conducted stings like this. They wanted this to be a crime – involving child pornography – because they didn’t really believe anything else would do it. They wouldn’t have counted on what actually happened to bring him down.

    Meanwhile someone got some conservatives started on following Weiner’s activities. It would very interesting if there some other explanation as to how they got started other than this proposed Chinese or Saudi covert operation.

    Oh – and maybe Weiner did get hacked a second time. Was it just luck that a private message sent to Genette Cordova became public just as attention was heating up? Maybe there were some hackers watching his account – and changing something? Maybe the reason Weiner said he was hacked was that he actually had some suspicions. The only thing was the picture was real. And he really did send it. And sent others. And talked in very sexual terms to other women.

    But this couldn’t have been the original plan. Since Gennette Cordova was 21 years old, it wouldn’t be illegal.

    What got Weiner in trouble was saying he was hacked without allowing it to be investigated.

    Sammy Finkelman (84cb2c)

  222. Re Jenny’s/Jenay’s profile pic of the “Joker” – it’s artwork I’ve never seen before. Did Jenay/Jenny do it?

    Look at the card the Joker is holding (click on the pic for a closeup) – it’s actually a pic of …. Batman, with cape & horns (or whatever they’re called).

    “I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit… ”

    Weird. I think – coincidence? But I’ve never seen the Joker pictured together w/ a Batman image, like it’s part of the same theme (I’m not putting this very well) – it’s usually a juxtaposition. IOW, the Joker is portrayed as the antithesis of Batman. Too weird to be coincidence.

    And read the caption Jenny/Jenay gave to the pic – “we all have our favorite anarchists”. That was June 15.

    Miranda (4104db)

  223. plus his penis was all over the whole internet

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  224. She’s on the twitter. Should I drop her a line?

    Comment by SarahW — 6/19/2011 @ 12:17 pm

    Yeah. She uses it as “evidence” in her NYT piece. Seems important enough to not be led astray by the culturally unhip, if that’s what happened.

    MayBee (081489)

  225. Q. Did Ethel [the Delaware girl] tweet a complaint to Betty [Nikki Reid, the supposed 16-year old girl who was campaigning for Weiner to be her prom date] asking her if she was for real?

    Or did she not?

    She later says “I didn’t say anything”

    And it is illogical that she would say someone else who had a crush on Weiner (which she in fact had) was not for real.

    So somebody else sent the for real message?

    Why did people think Ethel did? A mistake, the result of bad editing of a re-tweet, or some kind of hacking or what?

    Sammy Finkelman (84cb2c)

  226. And now the fun part where we unhip old folks are ridiculed for confusing “are you for real?” with “are you a fake teenaged girl?”

    Lisa (9f13d2)

  227. You’ve seen this:

    So when I saw this on Jenay’s FB page

    I did a little double-take. I enjoy freaking myself out over nothing so I thought I’d share the pleasure.

    SarahW (af7312)

  228. Double-take seconded. 🙂 Thanks for sharing…

    Sue (24e46b)

  229. Also, JohnReid9 is followed by, and follows ONLY 2 people, one is tommy, the other Juan_dodgers

    Even more oddly, in the google-cached version of his twitter lists, johnreid9 is following just Tommy, Juan_dodgers and GennetteC.

    For what it’s worth, I found one cached tweet (in from JohnReid9 to GennetteC:

    “johnreid9 @GennetteC There is alot I’m working on to help defend u and stop this craziness and set the record straight. you are my friend. i miss u.”

    Well, it I guess it means that whoever johnreid9 is they claim to be Gennette’s friend, and they’re not a real stickler grammar anyway…

    Dumbledore (2bb5ca)

  230. Re: # 227
    What date? Where does it fit in the timelines, please?

    Sue (24e46b)

  231. Dumbledore It sounds like a person in the persona of Nikki

    SarahW (af7312)

  232. Wow Sarah. This gets weirder by the hour.

    Miranda (4104db)

  233. ==It sounds like a person in the persona of Nikki==

    Funny, to me it sounds like Anthony Weiner being reassuring to Gennette.

    elissa (ef774c)

  234. FWIW, which is probably not much,

    The Starchild111 user name appears on a Godfather (the movie) fanboard in 2007, and shows an interest in writing credits.

    (No sign that it is related to the alien-abduction starchild111 that is so prolific elsewhere.)

    Jenay George is Godfather fan – it’s in her favorite movie list. Though if that’s a connection, I’m as suspect as anyone.

    SarahW (af7312)

  235. If that’s the case, he should resign just for the “u” thing.

    SarahW (af7312)

  236. What date? Where does it fit in the timelines, please?

    Unfortunately, there’s no date. That page seems to be a cache of a search of tweets with the word “record” in them (and it only has the text). For what it’s worth, I tried googling the text of some of the others on the same page, and found one of the others is from May 29. So it must be May 29 or later.

    Dumbledore (2bb5ca)

  237. Aside, John Reed (not Reid) was a radical American communist journalist who wanted US to go the way of Soviet. Reid biopic, 1981’s “Reds” by Warren Beatty, won 3 Oscars.

    koam (2b4b88)

  238. johnreid9 was the “father” of one of the phantom girls “B&V”?

    Temper Tantrum (02fe1b)

  239. Jesus,Betty and Veronica.

    goatsred (b20383)

  240. I thought earlier today “Jenay’s” facebook page had the joker picture on it. Is this a different page entirely, or has the lovely new pic of Gennette been added/switched in since then?

    elissa (ef774c)

  241. Elissa, the FB page that Sarah W posted (at #200) was for Jenny George – it had the profile pic of the Joker w/ the Batman card. She had searched “Jenay George” and that’s what came up as part of the search results. I just checked & that FB page is still up.

    What goatsred posted is another FB page, for Jenay George.

    Miranda (4104db)

  242. Miranda– Thanks

    I was looking at #191 where in the post SarahW spelled it “Jenay”. But I see the linked FB page itself at #191 says “Jenny”. Very confusing.

    elissa (ef774c)

  243. Seriously confusing. Like a who-dunnit but just really sickening to think of the cynical Machiavellian operators behind all this.

    I can’t believe Tommy C had the nerve to write that piece of meaningless puffery on Mediaite. Is it just me or did he say “we” a lot more than usual? Usually he’s “I” & “me” a lot.

    Miranda (4104db)

  244. Re the new Tommy post– frankly I thought he just wanted to boost his non-biased news neutrality cred by bragging that mighty Kos was ticked and had yelled at him. Call me cynical but that quote from Kos seemed to be the primary (and only) reason for the article’s existence.

    elissa (ef774c)

  245. Elissa – see #200. that is the Google search engine result copied and pasted. That “Jenay” is linked to the joker- pic Profile

    Sarahw (af7312)

  246. @ Comment by happyfeet — 6/19/2011 @ 12:39 pm


    papertiger (e55ba0)

  247. But note the “Kim Kardashian” reference on the page. This ties to a few other “accounts” that have a “Kardashian” connection in the same troupe.

    goatsred (b20383)

  248. Among the questions is: Why did Weiner say Facebook was hacked? It sounds like maybe he was not talking about the picture at all – which he had removed after 5 seconds and thought nobody nobody knew about what and nobody saw – but something else. Is there anything known about what happened on his Facebook account that day?

    Again who ratted Weiner out in the first place to what became the #bornfree group? It is a little odd – that it becomes known – but only to a few activists. It obviously started with one person.

    The more I think about the more I think this whole thing was done by China to eliminate what they thoyght wa ths greatest challenge to John Liu. Although this is not strictly true it is possible to believe, especially after Bloomberg, that the mayoralty goes to whoever has the most money for a campaign or is within one degree of magnitude of the largest campaign fund.

    In any case, there is reason to believe that computers and computer accounts accounts belonging to members of Congress were hacked by people in China.

    Examiner Staff Writer 06/11/08 3:00 AM

    “Just got off the phone with Congressman Frank Wolf, who will be invoking Rule 9 – Privilege of the House – at 5 pm today to request that the House leadership ask the FBI, Dept of Homeland Security and National Security Agency to hold a closed-door briefing for all members of Congress on their vulnerability to computer hacking by agents of foreign governments. Wolf says the U.S. government is under daily cyber attack that puts the nation in grave danger. BlackBerries and cell phones are also vulnerable.

    Wolf said the FBI was called in when the House Information Resources Office found evidence of hackingby Chinese spies on four of his in-office computers beginning in 2006, including one used by the staffer who compiles detailed files on human rights cases – the first machine in Wolf’s office to be compromised. He hinted that prior intelligence led the Chinese to that particular computer.”

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:

    Similarly, Breitbart:

    National Journal: January 30, 2011 11:53 a.m.

    ” Every year of late, they have fended off more than a million hacking attempts against the House and removed any computer viruses that made it through their safeguards… This virus was designed to download programs that tracked what the computer user typed in e-mail and instant messages, and to remove documents from both the hard drive and a network drive shared by other House computers….Eventually, the security office determined that eight members’ offices were affected; in most of the offices, the virus had invaded only one machine, but in some offices, it hit multiple computers. It also struck seven committee offices, including Commerce; Transportation and Infrastructure; Homeland Security; and Ways and Means; plus the Commission on China, which monitors human rights and laws in China. Most of the committee offices had one or two infected computers. In the International Relations Committee (now the Foreign Affairs Committee) office, however, the virus had compromised 25 computers and one server….But according to some members of Congress whose machines were infected, the attack described in the briefing emanated from China and was probably designed to steal sensitive information from lawmakers’ and committee offices.

    Weiner was a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Onme of his subcommittees was the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection – probably of special interest to China. So although it might not have bene known in advance something interesting might have been discovered.

    “In his speech, Wolf urged his colleagues to raise their level of awareness, and he exhorted the executive branch to open up. “I strongly believe that the appropriate officials, including those from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, should brief all members of Congress in a closed session regarding threats from China and other countries against the security of House technology, including our computers, BlackBerry devices, and phones,” Wolf said.

    Wolf’s outspokenness met resistance, Kirk said. “I think a number of people came to Frank and said, ‘Back off. Don’t do this,’ ” Kirk said. He declined to say who had approached Wolf. But he said that “some parts of the government” favor keeping systems open to track attackers, but they aren’t inclined to talk about it openly.”

    As for the connection between John Liu and the chinese Communist OParty (and thus their opoposition to weiner) see:

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  249. At #200, that person does as well. Kardarshians are listed in her favorite TV shows.

    SarahW (af7312)

  250. Some more thoughts and more news.

    1. Anthony Weiner did not officially resign until yesterday. His resignation takes effect tonight at midnight. He gets $474 for every day he delays and possibly a slight increase in his eventual but the probable real importance was that he could retain control of files and prevent them from falling into the hands of the Republicans.

    2. The fake IDs for Nikki reed, her mother Patricia Reed, and Marianela Alicea were, as the New York Times says “an elaborate ruse” – which means somebody who had experience at this. They were probably running lots of fake IDs for various reasons. the starchild111 account got renamed in order for whoever was running them to keep in mind just exactly what this character was supposed to be. For the same reason Juan2487 was renamed Juan_Dodgers (to remind himself) They had started talking about baseball because Anthony Weiner was known to be interested in baseball (according to the New York Times, one of the DM messages to Ethel in Delaware was about baseball.

    Since Ethel published a worse method on Tumblr maybe this was published too – and might indicate some kind of a link to the conversations between Betty veronica and Juan about baseball.

    3. Here’s a post about group from Shandong province that met John Liu in 2010:

    (Jinan, capital of Chinese hacking, is located in Shandong Province)

    4. Meanwhile someone has posted apparently out of nowhere some sort of messages that are supposed to be between Anthony Weiner and GC in which apparently GC is running Nikki and Marianella and they are both trying mess with the trolls (the #bornfreecrew group) in order to drive up the number of followers Weiner has on Twitter which will also be boosted by an upcoming New York Times story (which indeed was in the works)

    There is no real source given. I will copy them here since that is a graphics only file. I will also put this in chronological order from top to bottom:

    RepWeiner: I think you messing with those trolls will have a nice side effect, it will help me get to 50k followers sooner than I thought
    15 May at 9:30

    GenetteNicole: So you don’t want Nikki to DM the trolls? Only Marianela?
    15 May at 9:31

    RepWeiner: no it doesn’t matter really. Just so long as you DM one of tehm as either girl.
    15 May at 9:32

    RepWeiner: They will eat that up and nyt doing twitter story on me. This will be perfect for that story.
    15 May at 9:46

    RepWeiner: Be ready for when they attack. You know how to defend?
    15 May at 9:47

    GenetteNicole: what do you want Marianela to tweet?
    15 May at 10:20

    RepWeiner: after you tweet the prom tweet from Nikki have M.A. RT it. See if you can get the tea party trolls attention. Lol
    15 May at 10:35

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  251. Re: 186 189 191 196 206 – I just discovered (belatedly) that’s there’s another use of the term “the OC”

    The Bio (what’s printed on the 3rd line, under the Full Name and location of someone on twitter)

    The Bio for Marianela Alicea says:

    Just another girl in the OC

    OC I learned form reading this thread is anotehr name for Orange County, but not really known to people residing outside of the Los Angeles area.

    Marianella gives her location as “Los Angeles” though – but in a general sort of a way – Oraange County can be considered Los Angeles.

    This again points to people very familiar with, if not living in or near Los Angeles..

    The Milowent blog post is deated Thursday, June 23, 2011 and entitiled:

    My Screengrabs of Nikki (“Betty”) and Mari (“Veronica”) Tweets

    It is still the top post.

    This is a more permanent link just to that post:

    These are actually not Milowent’s own screengrabs, but rather a collection of screengrabs that other people had posted.

    Some of the posts from the person out of nowhere -Milowent calls him “a phantom”- that is seattle545 – are mentioned but not copied.

    Milowent saw the posts at STLA where no name needed to be used.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

  252. A graduate level seminar course wouldn’t involve more research thzn this maybe.

    Here are some other uses of OC as Orange County:

    OC Register Parent Files Chapter 11

    Comment 2 has: Never fear, the OC Weekly is still just as worthless as ever.

    Of course those are just usinmg OC asan ABBREVIATION.

    Sammy Finkelman (d3daeb)

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