Pelosi: Weiner Should Resign
Story here.
New York (CNN) — Three weighty Democratic voices — including Nancy Pelosi — on Saturday called for the resignation of embattled U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, who has been under fire after admitting to inappropriate communications with women online.
Per Larry O’Connor on Twitter, contact with underage girls was the final straw.
By the way, people have been very complimentary to me for breaking this story, and that’s wonderful — but I don’t really deserve the credit. In coming days, I hope to talk more about the people who do.
UPDATE: He’s seeking treatment and now reportedly wants a leave of absence.
Excellent pursuit of this story, Patterico crew. The MSM clearly wasn’t interested.
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:02 pmNot bad Mr. Patterico…. I wonder how many journalists practice law in their spare time and on weekends.
Huey (ddf1a4) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:05 pm??
jtLOL ‘Jim’ ‘Treacher’
JP (508ef3) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:06 pmFor what? Chafing? MT @thomaskaplan BREAKING: Anthony Weiner headed to check himself into a treatment center.
6 minutes ago
Yesterday Pelosi told us that she believes the decision for Weiner to resgin should be made by “the individual member” and the people in his district.
Today she tells us he should resign.
How am I supposed to trust a Minority Leader of the House of Reps who flip-flops in a 24-hour period on such a crucial decision?
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:11 pmBaby, take a bow.
SarahW (af7312) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:12 pmIs the sex rehab in lieu of a resignation??
Terry in GA (b5c056) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:13 pmGr8 job, Patterico!!
Terry in GA (b5c056) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:14 pmDana, that is a huge “tell”, to me. Been saying since the last thread that she must have new information, and I think it’s a reasonable guess that it has something to do with this part of the story…which I know isn’t a profound observation – but when people were taking the parents’ word that nothing inappropriate had taken place last night, I couldn’t understand why they weren’t waiting for confirmation by the police. I still think there’s most likely something in those deleted conversations (FOX News reported today that some exchanges had been deleted – link in the thread downstairs, near the end).
We’ll see, but it sure feels like that has something to do with this sudden change.
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:16 pmHow am I supposed to trust a Minority Leader of the House of Reps who flip-flops in a 24-hour period on such a crucial decision?
Simple Dana, you don’t. Which I am sure you know all to well.
BT (74cbec) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:16 pmHeh. It’s always about the next election,
A senior Democratic aide said Saturday that the push was coordinated–partially in response to Weiner’s assertion to Democratic leaders that he would seek treatment. Democrats also sought to have a consistent message concerning the scandal as the House returns to work next week under heavy media scrutiny.
The sideshow has swiftly become a political nightmare for Democrats, hampering their ability to focus on economic issues in advance of next year’s elections.
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:18 pmPatterico, great job. In case you haven’t seen it here is a very positive mention of your work in the UK Telegraph.
Patterico Mention UK Telegraph
BT (74cbec) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:22 pmHopefully, this dufus will continue to hang-on. Would love to see him become the face of the Democrat party.
VoteOutIncumbents (bd5def) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:22 pmHe isn’t resigning today. Unbelievable.
designczar (382560) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:23 pmRequests leave of absence, not stepping down,
Weiner spokeswoman Risa Heller said Saturday afternoon that the Congressman “departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person.” She added that he would request “a short leave of absence from the House” after which he would make a decision on his political future.
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:25 pmHere’s praise for all of the heavy-lifting done by this blog, work that never would have been done by the MSM as long as the perpetrator has a “D” behind his name.
Old Coot (dfa240) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:27 pmCongratulations to Patterico and associates and to Breitbart’s organization for exposing a corrupt politician who set a new standard for abuse of his position. All the parents of underaged American girls send their thanks for your work and courage.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:29 pmRehab in lieu of resignation.
The Patrick Kennedy Maneuver. I called this.
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:31 pmDoes it count when what you call is simply default s.o.p.?
Dana (4eca6e) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:36 pmI left goatsred and the born free group out of my congratulations – (sorry). Bravo! You people stuck your neck out to do the right thing, and took a media beating for it. Well done guys. A wonderful example of how everyday people can turn the tide with courage and sacrifice.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:37 pmDana- yes, it counts. Because I’m the one keeping score.
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:44 pmThe WP’s and NYT’s call for citizen journalists to comb Palin’s emails seems so incomprehensible – it’s almost as if they are dropping the facade of not having a ‘side’. I wonder if the work of the citizen journalists here, and at Verum Serum and Ace’s, prompted that. Whether in a thoughtful (yes, it’s possible) or reactionary (most likely) sense.
East Bay Jay (19f566) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:45 pmI know this was a lot of work. But, so necessary. The MSM needs to know what they are up against. i.e. – Really smart people with an ethical compass. Because, I know if he was a R instead of a D doing the same thing – you would have pursued it. And that is what Kos and the Tommy Christopher’s of this world just DON’T get. That is also why Lee, the NY guy, had to resign so quick – the r’s have learned their lesson regarding this stuff. Thanks so much Patterico.-
Janetoo (84c5f6) — 6/11/2011 @ 12:56 pmI think many in the press have gotten too used to calling someone, asking them for a statement, and then calling that news.
Look at the WH press corps. They get an itinerary for every trip, a pool reporter who is told when the WH is done being followed around for the day (the pool reporter was actually sent out of the latest State Dinner before it was over!), a designated time to ask questions at the daily press briefings. They have to be nice to the people they cover in case one of them ever has a scoop to give.
Patterico didn’t take anyone’s statement to be a fact. Tommy Christopher did. Most others just couldn’t figure out what to do.
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 1:14 pmAmazing stuff.
23 That nails, it Maybee. Really does.
SarahW (af7312) — 6/11/2011 @ 1:19 pmseeking treatment!
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 6/11/2011 @ 1:24 pmWell, investigation is over…
Nothing to see here, move along…
Someone should ask if twitter was asked to release their records… if not, wth?
soren (303eda) — 6/11/2011 @ 1:33 pmSoren – That link seems to be a paper from the Danbury, Connecticut area. I’m wondering if they would be the best source for insight on this matter or if they are trying to cover for Weiner. (They seem to have a lot of ads from New York.)
Have Blue (dbbcd4) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:12 pmxoxo SarahW
MayBee (081489) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:12 pmLet’s not forget PatriotUSA76.
But Patterico shouldn’t be overmodest. He presented the evidence nicely, and he did plenty of research. That sounds lame, but it’s actually awesome, and he is actually quite responsible for this accomplishment.
Thanks for helping drain the swamp a bit, Patterico. You deserve as much credit as the ‘crew’.
Dustin (c16eca) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:19 pm==spokeswoman Risa Heller said Saturday afternoon that the Congressman “departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person.” She added that he would request “a short leave of absence from the House” after which he would make a decision on his political future.==
The way this is worded, coupled with the Dem leaders’ statements sounds to me like it may have been an intervention.
elissa (95e7be) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:22 pmOh I have feeling that more information is going to keep dripping out over time. It takes time to build a case. Most importantly, Weiner’s former supporters are not blindly supporting him anymore. Patterico’s examination was a game changer and who knows what Breitbart still has up his sleeve. People aren’t just laughing at the situation anymore. The national mood changed the moment Weiner admitted he privately contacted a high school girl. People often laugh off sexual scandals, but not ones that involve teenaged girls and older male predators. That situation still triggers horror across political lines. And how many politicians openly going into mental health treatment recover their careers? ( In a general sense, it may not be fair to penalize people undergoing counseling, but whoever said politics was fair?) I don’t think he will regain the respect needed to win and hold an office.
bmertz (d77c52) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:29 pmWas it not just two or three short days ago that Debby Wasserman Schulta [a putrid pustule on the body politic] was telling us “move along, nothing to see here, this is a personal mattter”?
Mike Myers (0e06a9) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:49 pmMy, how times do change.
Does anyone know the rules for receiving a Leave of Absence in the House? Is it strictly a Speaker’s prerogative? Leadership? Vote of the House? Is it guaranteed to anyone claiming an illness?
My foggy memory is that it is at the discretion of the Speaker, but I could be very wrong.
The point? If there is a mechanism, the GOP members need to play this out as far as possible. Boehner should not grant this leave of his own volition.
Ed from SFV (64542f) — 6/11/2011 @ 2:55 pmComment by bmertz — 6/11/2011 @ 12:37 pm
Thanks very much for the recognition!
goatsred (b20383) — 6/11/2011 @ 3:00 pm==spokeswoman Risa Heller said Saturday afternoon that the Congressman “departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person.” She added that he would request “a short leave of absence from the House” after which he would make a decision on his political future.==
If this sort of intervention is possible, what does that say about registered sex offender lists?
Come on Debbie Wasserman Schultz. How many people have you condemned to a life of indelible stigmatization based on a “personal matter”?
papertiger (e55ba0) — 6/11/2011 @ 3:01 pmAnd so the Kabuki begins and ends.
Pelosi and
Peter-Boyle-in-a-Bad-WigWasserman-Schultz undoubtedly planned this bit of theater with Representative Junkshot. They wanted to get their “tough-on-pervitry” moment in before the Weinie went off to day camp. Six weeks later, he’ll proclaim himself miraculously cured. Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz will proclaim him miraculously cured. High-fives will abound.Here’s What I Want to Know: Without his wife playing an integral role in his rehabilitation, how exactly is he supposed to learn how to be a better husband TO HER? And if she’s constantly away, how is he supposed to put into practice the important things he’s learned? Will an unsupervised Weiner be able to resist the temptations of teh Intarweb when he’s all alone?
JR (646e8b) — 6/11/2011 @ 3:18 pmWeiner has a lot of balls[Heh] to not resign.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 6/11/2011 @ 3:28 pm< Double standard Pelosi——leave Weiner's personal life alone…….
don't be a dork!
john ragin (277de7) — 6/15/2011 @ 4:34 pm