Interview with PatriotUSA76 Confirms: Any Fixation on Him Is a Red Herring
Also, that he’s an incredibly annoying human being. But that’s really beside the point. People have a right to be annoying if they want. The takeaway from this interview (h/t happyfeet) is that Dan Wolfe, or whatever his real name is, is almost certainly a real person and not a Weiner paramour or corporate group of politicos or anything like that. The proof? No corporate group (or woman posing as a man) could impersonate such an irritating human being so successfully for that long.
I can’t excerpt it and do it justice. You’ll really just have to read it. Wolfe spends the first umpteen lines of the interview saying “LMAO” and “LOL” and “Fools!” and variants of Lee Stranahan is a jerk and No, you listen to me, I won’t answer your questions until I say this again for the fiftieth time: LMAO, LOL, Fools!, Lee Stranahan is really a jerk!
Jesus Christ he’s annoying. If a jilted lover or corporate entity is that good an actor, then I have to hand it to them, because I’m fooled.
I read the whole thing and by the end of it, I knew two things: 1) I do not like “Dan Wolfe” as a human being, at all, and 2) he’s totally right. All he did was retweet a disgusting tweet by a sitting Congressman. He seems to have no self-awareness as to how his bizarre behavior, explanations for that behavior, failure to explain what seemed like odd coincidences, and sudden radio silence contributed to an impression that he might have been behind all this. But in the end, examining him is almost certainly a red herring.
I’d still like to see more proof of the rumor he says was going around — and there also seem like there are more layers to the onion to peel back in light of Tommy Christopher’s expose of how a Wolfe compadre was contacting women who followed Weiner (they call it harassment). But I’m ready to close the book on any conspiracy theories involving Wolfe. He’s just a guy (albeit an irritating one) with a good explanation of why he saw the tweet and the background coincidences.
Helping me towards this conclusion were some explanations offered by commenter Maybee and others regarding how Wolfe could have been monitoring Weiner’s Twitter feed, from his page, without refreshing every two seconds. It’s too inside baseball to go into here, but if you’re interested you can read the thread here.
The Stranahan theory seemed to explain a lot of things, but Wolfe’s explanation — once he finally got around to it, after a million LMAOs and LOLs — makes more sense to me.
On his blog, Lee says Wolfe lied to people and threw them under the bus. I respect Lee but as has sometimes happened lately, his argument seems to assume familiarity with facts that he hasn’t explained, as it is so terse that it is unconvincing without further explanation.
UPDATE: Sheesh. If you have any doubt about what the Clintonista types can do to someone — and why PatriotUSA76 might be justifiably nervous about being investigated — check out what the Smoking Gun did to this guy, who apparently is connected with Patriot.
Yeah, I guess Patriot really did have something to worry about after all.
UPDATE x2: Eric Boehlert is on Twitter claiming that I said “Clintonista types” run the Smoking Gun. So I will state the obvious: that is not what I am saying. I am saying that someone fed that information to The Smoking Gun?
It is my working assumption that it is the Clintonista types.
Then again, there is much to this scandal we don’t know. So I’m going to stop opining and let it play out.
I agree. It seems to me that this interview clears up a lot of question that have been asked over the last few days.
I personally never thought anything strange of @Patriotusa76’s role in this. He just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with motivation to be watching Weiner’s twitter stream; and he hit what others would think to be the jackpot-the holy grail of political dirt on an ideological opponent.
Fascinating that he didn’t see it that way, but was focused instead on Weiner’s prediliction for girls way too young for him to be chasing, in addition to being a married man…
And while Ladd intimated that there would be fame, the shadenfreudeliscious destruction of a politico he hated, and mad crazy PAC money to make it worth his while, all he wanted was his privacy and the satisfaction of calling attention to Weiner’s sketchy “habit” of flirting with young girls.
Annoying? Indeed. And seemingly about as sharp as a bowling ball. I’ll never understand why he didn’t go to the FBI and request anonymity on the order of Witness Protection Program stuff.
Bob Reed (5f2db5) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:09 pmI think many of the bloggers that followed this story, Lee especially, forget how jarring it can be when you’re suddenly placed under a microscope and your anonymity pealed away. Most bloggers operate in the open, readers know not only their real names, but where they work and in some cases their phone numbers. Contrast the daily working conditions of these bloggers to some guy on Twitter, going through a custody battle with an ex that blames him for not protecting their daughter from a predator and I can fully understand Dan’s reaction. Once the left made it about him people started digging into his life and he panicked, he’s not a public figure – or at least he wasn’t before – so why should we expect him to behave as we would a pundit or politician?
Lee really did go too far.
Sean (ff2f3b) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:21 pmUPDATE: Sheesh. If you have any doubt about what the Clintonista types can do to someone — and why PatriotUSA76 might be justifiably nervous about being investigated — check out what the Smoking Gun did to this guy, who apparently is connected with Patriot.
Yeah, I guess Patriot really did have something to worry about after all.
Patterico (135ea8) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:25 pmI wouldn’t be too quick to judge Lee. I have a feeling there is more to this than I know right now.
Patterico (135ea8) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:26 pmPatrick
i keep wondering what the hell all this about mike stack has to do with anything.
oh, wait… nothing.
Aaron Worthing (73a7ea) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:37 pmAaron:
Warning shot across the bow, maybe?
If you question someone connected to the Clintons, you will have all your dirty laundry aired?
Patterico (135ea8) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:39 pmWow. That link you put up in comment #3 must really be swamping their bandwidth. I can’t even get the page to come up; and I have about as high-speed a cable internet connection as you can get here in NYC.
I saw on the front page of smoking gun, though, how they had outed his past criminal record as well as something about porn sites…
So is this all to simply discredit the source, or a form of colossal argumentum ad hominem tu quoque to inoculate Weiner’s skeezy-ness?
Anyway, I figure all of the nutroot sites like Kos and such have linked it, which is why I can’t get in.
Bob Reed (5f2db5) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:44 pmThen why hasn’t Lee posted about it in the wake of this interview instead of taking to his blog to say Dan threw everyone under the bus? After seeing how quick the left was to demonize Dan I’d have second, even third thoughts about coming forward if I saw something online about a democrat. The link to the Smoking Gun article is just icing on this whole red herring cake, as neither of these two will ever be the same after this, and why? Because they reposted a tweet and most of the people using Twitter or reporting on the situation have no clue how Twitter works, how Twitter apps operate and would rather spin tales in an effort to make the facts fit some half-assed theory.
I like mysteries too, but when you start concocting a tale of events that only hard-core Rube Goldberg fans can appreciate while ignoring simple explanations all the while attacking the messenger and treating him as a co-consipritor I think you’ve gone off the rails. Lee seemed to really delight in the thought that Dan had more to do with this, an idea from left and stoked by piss-poor reporting, then he took the ball and ran with it – straight out into left field. So, unless Lee can produce said “facts” that no one but Lee knows I’m calling on him to apologize.
Lee, stop with the continued attacks because you didn’t like Dan’s reaction or interview style. Man up and admit your theory was a witch hunt, has been disproven and apologize for being part of the mob that were foaming at the mouth readying to throw Dan to the wolves.
Sean (ff2f3b) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:52 pmOK. I finally saw the page. It looks bad for that fellow. And they’ll try and smear Wolfe by association, even though the left cried foul when Obama, Wright, and Ayers’ associations were even mentioned.
I guess his criminal stuff and the IRS lein are public record. But the other stuff? Maybe someone ratted him out.
Who knows.
Bob Reed (5f2db5) — 6/3/2011 @ 11:55 pmI actually feel a little bad about linking the Smoking Gun article — but you know, it’s out there, and it’s important to see what the Clintonista types will do to people. I can’t just sit by and pretend it’s not happening to try to minimize the guy’s embarrassment, because it’s important to show how the tactic works.
Also, it suggests a possibility about how the e-mails between Breitbart and Patriot got leaked. Breitbart would never leak anything like that, period. So, think about it. See what I mean? Good.
Patterico (135ea8) — 6/4/2011 @ 12:03 amThis whole damn thing is weird. Pisser is, it gets more weird everyday.
If this guy is a “gambler” and he is “a Jersey resident”, why does he travel to Vegas? (yeah, yeah I know, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”).
Yes, he knows things, but I think he’s a ‘Red Herring’ (of course, I could be completely wrong. What the hell do I know? WAIT, I’ll answer that, NOTHING!)
JP (508ef3) — 6/4/2011 @ 4:01 am“If you have any doubt about what the Clintonista types can do to someone — and why PatriotUSA76 might be justifiably nervous about being investigated — check out what the Smoking Gun did to this guy, ”
You mean, where they put their Clintonista hats on and quote his activity as a drink driving, porn website moderator, multiple bankrupt, police officer harrasser, wife beater, tax dodger and all around world class douchebag?
Yeah, what’s up with the harsh treatment those leftys are giving a guy like that eh?
Seriously, WTF?
backstop (b11060) — 6/4/2011 @ 4:01 amRegardless of the story or names involved, how do you protest the smoking gun’s practice of running a name through court databases and posting the results on the basis that wow, that’s a lot of results that came out?
“Regardless of the story or names involved, how do you protest the smoking gun’s practice of running a name through court databases and posting the results on the basis that wow, that’s a lot of results that came out?”
backstop – Seriously, you can’t think of anything? Really? Seriously?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 6/4/2011 @ 4:29 amI always was wondering if this was an attempt to get Breitbart in trouble (go ahead JD SAY IT DONT HOLD BACK!)
Since I haven’t used twitter I have less of a clue than I normally have, however I’m not surprized at this guys reaction to Lee and Pat and think maybe there are a few accurate sterotypes still left to explore
All I know is that someone said intelligence is finite and in the Case of the congressman who slipped and hung himself, I dunno
EricPWJohnson (50a1a3) — 6/4/2011 @ 5:07 amMaybe Weiner participated in the online porn place as well, and they figured him out… who knows… this is all so gross. And let’s face it, Weiner will remain. He will win for mayor of NY. I listened to Rush’s monologue yesterday and he was right – Weiner should be challenged on his ideas nor on his erection picture. Everyone is flawed (don’t get me wrong I am totally up for roasting Weiner) but, in the end … he is a Dem. Conservatives just expect more, that is why Chris Lee resigned so fast. It is why I am glad Ensign in finally gone and David Vitter gives me the heebie – jeebies. Mark Foley should not have flirted with interns and Larry Craig’s wide stance is icky beyond words. I’m glad they are all gone (except for creepy Vitter.) Next Dem sex scandal that comes up – I am going to say “meh” – it is insurmountable. Ace is right – He sent the dic pic to the girl. She now wants to fade so people won’t think she is a nasty little girl. People have flaws. Weiner is despicable and I take comfort in knowing he will never send another picture of his penis without sweating as he hits the send key … heh.
Janetoo (84c5f6) — 6/4/2011 @ 7:02 amSorry – did not proof read
Janetoo (84c5f6) — 6/4/2011 @ 7:03 amWhy would you think that, they’ve covered for him, before, they will cover for him again. We have the former chairman of the Tax writing committee not paying taxes, as well as the head of the IRS, by statutory authority, We have Barney Frank, not been driven out with torches, considering his connection
ian cormac (72470d) — 6/4/2011 @ 7:10 amto Herbert Moses, writing the legislation that excerpts Fannie and Freddie.
Remember Jeff Gannon’s crime?
He asked an easy question to George W Bush.
Yes, putting yourself in the spotlight can be frightening.
MayBee (081489) — 6/4/2011 @ 7:25 amSpeaking broadly, there are a lot of reasons why I might not reveal everything I know at any given time.
I might be tired after a long day and not have the energy to write a detailed post.
I might have a direct source who told me something in confidence.
I might have information that I was told by another reporter on background.
I might be withholding information in order to see how certain persons of interest respond.
I may be waiting to confirm a fact.
I might want to spend time with my family or watch an episode of Trailer Park Boys.
I might know some facts but still be processing them.
I might be giving someone enough rope to hang themselves.
I might be taking a nap.
I might not want to tip off other bloggers about something I’m pursuing.
And so on.
But if I say something definitive — not theory, not conjecture, but clear, unambiguous statements — you can damn well bet I have a good reason for saying.
My tendinitis might be flaring up.
There might be a legal implication I’m concerned about.
Lee Stranahan (708cc3) — 6/4/2011 @ 7:44 am@daleyrocks
“backstop – Seriously, you can’t think of anything? Really? Seriously?”
Wait… so we’re really persisting with this are we?
The bit where we feign outrage over how these ultra-creepy douchbags who are stalking and harassing underage girls are treated….. when people unfairly quote their criminal records.
Yeah pal, I cannot see a problem with that at all. State what yours is, then put your name at the bottom on this permanently indexed webpage. Go for it.
Maybe we can incorporate you into some sort of PSA announcement warning 39yos wife beaters against the dangers of stalking underage girls online. You know…. how liberals might unfairly manufacture that into some kind of problem.
This is the guy who’s trying to get underage girls to lie about having photos of a well known politician that’s been in the news for a week and you’re coming up with conspiracy theories for why he is getting attention and his character is being unfairly questioned.
Sink any further could you?
backstop (b11060) — 6/4/2011 @ 8:03 amPiss off bot.
And hitler engaged in nationialization of the big companies that is hardly economic reformation.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 6/4/2011 @ 8:07 ambackstop – Actually this is about a guy who is trying to get justice for under age girls who are being sent lewd materials by a pervert democrat congressman.
Kos has published the names and identities of these young ladies in an attempt to intimidate them. You support that.
Have Blue (854a6e) — 6/4/2011 @ 8:11 amI’m with Maybee on the Jeff Gannon comment – I think Patriot is scared and SMART. I don’t Twitter, anymore. I did about three years ago. I used a fictional identity and man oh man – the libs were BRUTAL (it was during the election) and some scared me SO much, I decided it was not worth risking all my personal relationships and whatnot if I ever said something that somehow landed me in the situation that Patriot finds himself in RIGHT NOW.
Janetoo (84c5f6) — 6/4/2011 @ 8:36 amLee is a good guy — I do trust him. Struggled with his theory, but he is a stand up guy. Call me a “sock puppet” (whatever the heck that is) if you like, but I trust Lee. He is ethical and does not seem to come to a story with any preconceived ideological stand. With that said, based upon DMing with him, I believed then that Dan was a real person, that he stumbled onto something because he was watching so closely. I can understand Dan freaking out, because quite honestly, I was reading the tweets directed at him in real time; they were amazingly vicious and ugly. Scared me for him.
lovedinthekeys (7e6fb0) — 6/4/2011 @ 8:56 amKeys,
“Dan” is very manipulative. He fooled people who knew him for six months.
Lee Stranahan (708cc3) — 6/4/2011 @ 9:12 amPat,
For the dense among us (me), what are you saying here? That Wolfe leaked the e-mails? Or that the e-maile servers that handle Breitbart’s traffic are somehow being scrutinized?
I don’t get it.
Bob Reed (5f2db5) — 6/4/2011 @ 10:17 amLee: I believe “Dan Wolfe” is a real person in the same sense that I am a real person, but “lovedinthekeys” is not my real name.
Continue to question boldly. I believe fully you have not lost focus on the real scumbag: @RepWeiner.
lovedinthekeys (7e6fb0) — 6/4/2011 @ 10:35 amSage advice everyone.
lovedinthekeys (7e6fb0) — 6/4/2011 @ 11:14 am…why PatriotUSA76 might be justifiably nervous about being investigated…
Why would Patriot be nervous about being investigated if he/she has nothing to hide?
BroadwayCarl (d0b787) — 6/4/2011 @ 12:12 pm