Patterico's Pontifications


Extra! Extra! Bush Hasn’t Seen “Brokeback Mountain”!!

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 10:54 pm

The L.A. Times has an entire article reporting that President Bush has not seen “Brokeback Mountain.”

It reads like the Onion, but it’s for real.

Channeling Mickey Kaus, I recommend a round of layoffs for everyone at the paper who considers this news.

41 Responses to “Extra! Extra! Bush Hasn’t Seen “Brokeback Mountain”!!”

  1. I will become news when the 1st Democratic candidate shows up at a news conference wearing a cowboy hat and singing praise for the movie.

    Brotherico (5ea774)

  2. Now we see why the LAT is sinking quickly into the West….lol.

    Specter (466680)

  3. Come on, this feeds into far too many lefty stereotypes to ignore:

    1) It shows Bush hates gay people, because only those who hate gay people wouldn’t go see it.

    2) It shows that Bush, and by extension, Republicans are cultural philistines. I mean, the film won Golden Globes, for God’s sake!

    3) It shows that Bush and the Republicans are choosing to ignore Hollywood’s message and all the import and intellectual heft it carries. Because, after all, it couldn’t be that we understand just fine, and think they’re morons (see, e.g., Streisand).

    Add your own!

    Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  4. You’re right, Mr Clam, Esq., I have “ignore(d) Hollywood’s message and all the import and intellectual heft it carries.” I’m sure that condemns me to philosophical and cultural irrelevancy.

    Dana (3e4784)

  5. How do you say “All hat no cattle” with a lisp?

    actus (13675a)

  6. I’d be more interested in knowing whether Bush watches 24.

    Diffus (151074)

  7. Matt Drudge thought it was big news, too.

    Xrlq (428dfd)

  8. “I’d be more interested in knowing whether Bush watches 24. ”

    And whether he can tell its basically proto-fascist propaganda.

    actus (13675a)

  9. Hey…who can afford to go to the movies anyways? I mean $40 to see a movie (2 people with goodies to eat) is a bit much to pay to watch movies that portray the liberal agenda….you know ….Hollywood.

    Specter (466680)

  10. Don’t go the flicks, save your money, just stroll along the sidewalks of Boys Town in West Hollywood on Friday or Saturday evening. It’s free and the show’s more entertaining than any silly movie.

    But, for a special treat, go early in the evening on Valentine’s Day. It’s special.

    Black Jack (d8da01)

  11. No, he hasn’t yet seen Brokeback, but that’s not unusual; he doesn’t watch much of anything…..

    He’s a total no-brainer.

    Imagine Bush actually doing something that involves thinking deeply about anything.

    Carl W. Goss (3f894e)

  12. Acthole:

    And whether he can tell its [sic] basically proto-fascist propaganda.


    Xrlq (6c76c4)

  13. Bush did a lot of deep thinking when he earned a B.A. from Yale and an M.B.A. from Harvard (And yes, Carl, that’s a whole lot better than your G.E.D.)

    Justice Frankfurter (2dcd84)

  14. Acthole:

    And whether he can tell its [sic] basically proto-fascist propaganda.


    Come on Xrlq. Anything where terrorists are arabs and Americans aren’t evil is fascist and racist.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  15. Yeah, but 24 bent over backwards for three full seasons to make everyone but the Arabs and the Muslims out to be terrorists. The script for Day 2 could have been written by CAIR, and the cheesy PSAs that accompanied Day 4, were.

    Xrlq (6c76c4)

  16. Yet somehow Bush not seeing King Kong, or Munich isn’t news? Hmmmmm.

    MOG (08c813)

  17. Acthole:

    And whether he can tell its [sic] basically proto-fascist propaganda.


    Come on Xrlq. Anything where terrorists are arabs and Americans aren’t evil is fascist and racist.

    Not just fascist – PROTO-fascist. Come on, Clam – regular ol’ “fascist” is so 2005.

    Scott (57c0cc)

  18. Carl, did your mommy provide you with those deeply thought thoughts of yours? Or are you merely making a [bad] attempt at parody of Liberals?

    J. Peden (7becdd)

  19. What’s Brokeback Mountain?

    Lyn (b7c529)

  20. I haven’t seen it either. I haven’t been to a movie since Serenity, and if I was going to see one, both Narnia and Goblet of Fire would take precedence over Brokeback Mountain, no matter how good everyone says it is. Does that make me a proto-fascist too?

    Milhouse (574189)

  21. An “entire article” of about 15 lines? That’s one tiny article.

    I don’t really see it as partisan either since most Republicans disparage any pro-gay stance.

    Psyberian (1cf529)

  22. The movie is “showing remarkable success”? My understanding is that it’s basically broken even. Last I heard it had made about $30 million.

    It’s certainly not shown the “remarkable success” of a Narnia, or a Star Wars. Certainly nothing close to Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, which went largely unacknowledged by the Hollywood and international mutual admiration societies which vote on these things.

    Anyone care to guess the number of Academy Awards this movie will receive? My nomination would be for Best Picture in a Propaganda Genre.

    Harry Arthur (b318a5)

  23. #11 Carl

    Imagine Bush actually doing something that involves thinking deeply about anything.

    Some people believe reading is a bit more in the intellectual deep end of the pool than what is really a chick-flick with a twist.

    GW has recently finished the 814 page bio “Mao: The Unknown Story”, following up his other reads the past year of: “Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women,” by Geraldine Brooks; “When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt After the White House,” by Patricia O’Toole; and “1776,” by David McCullough*

    What books have been on your nightstand, Carl?

    Darleen (f20213)

  24. Harry – it’s not a propaganda film. It’s one of the best dramas i’ve seen in years.

    aphrael (6b0647)

  25. I was surprised he had even heard of it.

    Geek, Esq. (5dd2be)

  26. Question:

    Brokeback Mountain is supposed to be a great love story. Now, if I don’t go to the movies to see other love story (read: chick flick) movies, if I don’t go to see this particular movie:

    Does that mean I’m simply following my normal pattern; or

    Does that mean I must hate homosexuals?

    Just checking to see where I stand, politically correctnesswise?

    Dana (3e4784)

  27. Dana – it means you’re following your normal pattern, of course. 🙂

    That said, it really is an unusually good example of its genre.

    aphrael (6b0647)

  28. Harry – it’s made $52 million so far worldwide, on a budget of $14 million. Its opening weekend, it set a record for the largest per-theatre average take by a non-animated film.

    It is doing better than expected and will almost certainly top $100 million domestically before it closes. Which, for a western chick flick, is pretty good.

    aphrael (6b0647)

  29. Darleen – this is slightly off topic, but I found “1776” to be an enormous disappointment. David McCullough has a long history of writing incredibly detailed, compelling histories (see, “The Great Bridge”, “Truman”, “The Path Between the Seas”) … but 1776 was light. Light on research, light on content.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  30. aphrael, logically speaking, your evidence does not support your assertion. The movie may or may not be “one of the best dramas” in years. You are welcome to your viewpoint. But your assertion does nothing to negate my assertion that it is also great propaganda.

    Even the stars of the movie have been quoted as citing its ability to “change minds” and “influence the culture.” Are you seriously contending that this has no propaganda value; that there is no agenda to this story of an adulterous homosexual relationship? Why have gay activists proclaimed this as their “Gone With the Wind”?

    Harry Arthur (b318a5)

  31. Harry – I am contending that I find your definition of propaganda to be peculiar. Did “Before Sunrise” have an agenda? Does “King Kong”? How about “Narnia?” Are they propaganda films?

    You can go looking for hidden agendas behind every film reel if you wish to; I think it’s a waste of time.

    aphrael (6b0647)

  32. To say that all heterosexuals need to see Brokeback is like saying all non-Christians need to see Passion of the Christ” Cut me a break.

    Disinterest and close-mindendness are two completely different things.

    I have no issue with any kind of propoganda, so long as no one makes it mandatory to view. To demand someone see something is fairly Orwellian.

    Kevin Murphy (9982dd)

  33. I would be willing to bet that the President has also not seen Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising. But then one could ask rhetorically, so what?

    Pat Patterson (5b3946)

  34. Did “Before Sunrise” have an agenda? Does “King Kong”? How about “Narnia?” Are they propaganda films?

    Did any of these films deal with anything like the controversial subject matter found in BM? I’m still having trouble understanding how this is a “beautiful love story”. It even contains the obligatory “gay bashing” murder theme. How profound.

    You can go looking for hidden agendas behind every film reel if you wish to; I think it’s a waste of time.

    Ah, the old false dichotomy. It either has to be this extreme or the other. Or perhaps I just found the subject matter of this film a bit too convenient at this particular place and time when we are as a society wrestling with the concepts of gay marriage, constitutional amendments, court rulings, domestic partner laws, etc.

    If I was in fact “looking for hidden agendas behind every film”, you’re right, it would be a colosal waste of time.

    We’ll just have to disagree on this one. I am very comfortable with my choice of words, however.

    Harry Arthur (b318a5)

  35. To say that all heterosexuals need to see Brokeback is like saying all non-Christians need to see Passion of the Christ” Cut me a break.

    From what I’ve heard a non-christian would understand more about the life and message of christ from Jesus Christ Superstar than from gibson’s movie.

    actus (85218a)

  36. actus, having seen both and read the Biblical texts, I’d say you’ve heard wrong.

    Harry Arthur (40c0a6)

  37. Mr Arthur, didn’t you know: people can be a lot more comfortable with the message of Jesus Christ when then don’t actually know what it is.

    Dana (3e4784)

  38. Same thing applies to the ACLU, but don’t get me started.

    Black Jack (71415b)

  39. “Its opening weekend, it set a record for the largest per-theatre average take by a non-animated film.”

    I guess Pocahontas grossed more.

    sharon (fecb65)

  40. actus, having seen both and read the Biblical texts, I’d say you’ve heard wrong.

    Really? Because I’ve heard the passion doesn’t do a very good job of explaining what christ had done and why he was being picked on. The christ stories in general. That’s all assumed.

    actus (ebc508)

  41. Ah, actus, the Passion of The Christ, by definition, is the story of the ending of his life and the resurrection.

    How little you myrmidons know is painfully obvious by your comments. Since you clearly know so little about the story of Christ why do pretend you really know anything about it? Can we assume you are as ‘informed’ on other subjects you comment about?

    Bruce (e3ceda)

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