News Flash: Democrats Play Partisan Politics with Alito Confirmation
The Washington Post reports that Senate Democrats are delaying the vote on Alito:
Democrats, anticipating that Alito ultimately will be confirmed, are trying to deny the White House that victory as long as possible, particularly in the days before the State of the Union address President Bush is to deliver Jan. 31. Although Senate rules do not enable them to defer the confirmation vote until after the speech, Democratic senators would like to reduce the victory period immediately before the speech, one of the broadest public stages the president commands each year.
The State of the Union “is the 800-pound gorilla lurking over the debate,” said Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). “That’s part of the strategic calculation.”
Manley added that Senate Democrats are not going to be “rushed” into a vote. Whew! It has been a whirlwind, hasn’t it?