Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Weekly on the Long Beach Ring

Filed under: Music — Patterico @ 4:14 pm

The L.A. Weekly’s Alan Rich has a review of the Long Beach Ring that is more positive (and on-target) than the L.A. Times review was. Rich calls the performance “an authentic Wagnerian experience, at times an exhilarating one, and seldom below competence.”

I hope some of you are there today.

As for us, we will be going to the Robert Wilson production of “Butterfly” tonight at the L.A Opera. I’m not looking forward to the (lack of) visuals, but the music promises to be every bit as good as when we saw it a couple years ago.

2 Responses to “L.A. Weekly on the Long Beach Ring”

  1. Oh how I have so longed for an “authentic Wagnerian experience”. But alas, I have instead been stuck inside the Caves, watching the shadows, and forced to listen to such droll as Jerry Butler’s “I’m The One Who Loves You”. I just cannot tell you how oppressed I feel. But Jerry said, “listen”.

    J. Peden (735a46)

  2. Saw the “wilson” version of Butterfly
    Saturday at Chandler. Not well received,
    no curtain calls, not enthusiastic
    applause. Typical stark lighting,
    minimalist scenery,even the singing not
    outstanding. Will see San Francisco
    version in Spring. Will compare and
    keep you informed.

    thomas hilts (e0e9e0)

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