Patterico's Pontifications


Traveling Day (?)

Filed under: Real Life — Patterico @ 9:56 am

After days of fighting with the loan guy, who has a hard time doing what he promises; fighting with the airline, which didn’t do what it promised; and fighting with an L.A. Times columnist, we are (supposedly) traveling today. As on the last traveling day, there will likely be more posting only if when the flight is delayed.

7 Responses to “Traveling Day (?)”

  1. At least the LA Times guy did what he promised.

    Kevin Murphy (9982dd)

  2. At least this time around, your airline didn’t allow an engine to catch on fire and crash into the Everglades.

    Xrlq (ffb240)

  3. Patterico,

    I was reading that “Man Executed in 1992 to Have DNA Test” [ RICHMOND, Va. – Gov. Mark R. Warner on Thursday ordered DNA evidence retested to determine whether a man convicted of rape and murder was innocent when he was executed in 1992.] and better appreciate your prior concern of the degree of proof for guilt in murder cases, something about, beyond reasonable doubt or beyond all reasonable doubt?

    I would like to ask you directly, if you would vote for death penalty to stay or go away? I gather you lean towards retaining death penalty, but just wish to check out my assumption. In a nut shell, if you are for retaining death penalty, what is your case for retaining it? Thanks.

    Yi Ling (1978dc)

  4. I understand you can’t be sure of the death penalty 100% of time. But what if you are 110% sure the defendant deserves to die for his crime in 90% of cases? Doesn’t it all even out in the end? Just asking.

    Stuart Fullerton (6403c1)

  5. Loan guys never do what they promise…very sleazy bunch those mortgage brokers.

    PC14 (98b75e)

  6. Sorry, Xlrq – the ValuJet crash was due to a cargo-hold fire caused by out-of-date oxygen generators being transported by the company. There was no engine fire as the cause.

    During the course of the investigation, authorities discovered improper maintenance procedures at SabreTech, who had been the out-source maintenance provider for ValuJet. However, it was the shipment of the generators that was the proximate cause of the crash.

    Other than that, Xrlq, I like your writing at your blog.

    Mill Creek Don (8e3703)

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