Patterico's Pontifications


Christmas Was A Little Late

Filed under: Crime,Education,Humor,Real Life,Terrorism — Angry Clam @ 6:14 am

[Posted by The Angry Clam]

But this is seriously one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen.

12 Responses to “Christmas Was A Little Late”

  1. Clam,

    It’s cute all right, a good ice breaker, and sure to generate gleeful conversation among aficionados, but perhaps you should consider changing the water in your tank. Then float a pinch or two of cornmeal on the surface. It helps with the digestion.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  2. My advice to you is “drink heavily.”

    Louis Parise (400a3b)

  3. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  4. That’s funny, but I think I’d rather have a Batmobile. It’s cheaper too.

    Features flip-out machine guns, working steering column, turbo jets and insignia hubcaps.

    Psyberian (1cf529)

  5. You can find this cheaper using Froogle, but the link I posted was to the most complete site.

    Also, the Batmobile is fairly common; the DEATHMOBILE is a pretty obscure subject for a toy.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  6. I’d sure like to have my old 57 Chevy Bel Air. 283 with a 4 barrel, slush bucket trans, turquoise blue with a white top, narrowband white side-walls, no hubcaps, and turquoise seat covers with charcoal inserts and gold ropes. Paid $1,400 cash in 1962 and the dealer threw in a new set of tires. That was living large for a high school boy.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  7. You’re right Clam, but I bet my Batmobile would outrun your Deathmobile!

    Here ya go Black Jack; a fine specimen indeed: I figure that now you have to skip one insult directed at me. 🙂

    Psyberian (1cf529)

  8. OK, I’ll forgo the opportunity to make fun of Moonbats in Batmobiles. But, you’re getting the better of me. So, anyway, we’re even, go in peace.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  9. Who is this angry clam? Why is he so angry?

    Mark Daniels (d86eaa)

  10. Well hello all and best wishes for the New Year!

    I notice our beloved President is off to a good start. He calls in some twenty experts and former officials for advice about the mess he created in Iraq in his quest to be a big shot “war president”. The meeting lasted only 45 minutes and, based on the amount of time he talked, each participant got about one minute each. Wow!!.. must have been lots of give and take and intellectual exchange… But the real reason for the meeting was apparent when they had a photo shoot afterwards. Great photo op showing the world Bush was really interested in bi-partisanship for the purpose of finding a solution to his problems of sinking ratings. They came for tea. They got baloney.

    Some 15 US soldiers were killed in the past few days…yup mission has been accomplished and major combat operations are over, and the insurgency is in its last throws. Just ask Rumsfield as he peers out of his secure bunker in the Green Zone.

    I feel very secure knowing our military is being chopped up and the world hates us. But it was sure worth it knowing we helped the Iraqis gain freedom from the guy we supported for so long. Next stop Iran, then Syria and then Paris.

    Anyway we are now teaching the Iraqis democracy. First we teach them “one man one vote”. Next lesson will be how to gerrymander districts, and then how to keep certain folks away from the polls or have their friends in the courts throw them the election. And then there is always Diebolt and their computers, if things get sticky..And will someone please tell the Iraqis not to be so concerned about the makeup of their Congress.. dont they know that, once in power, their President can do just like ours..declair war and do just what he wants anyway regardless of the law?

    Soon we will find out how much some folks really meant it when they said they feared the growth of too much power in the executive branch. I believe they called it the Imperial Presidency. (probably went the way of the balanced budgets and moral responsibility, they once preached! How big is that debt now??)
    And we do love freedom only now people can be arrested right here in the United Christian States of America and held forever without bail or access to the legal system or even charges being placed against them. Heres a thought…Wouldnt it be funny if Hillery Clinton got elected and declaired the entire Republican party “enemy combatents”?

    So this is the way 2006 starts off. Just keep in mind one thing. Whenever things go wrong, first blame Bill Clinton and then blame the media. Or, if its really bad, take Dick Cheneys advice and tell those damned immoral folks that dont understand “Go F___ Yourself” Works every time!

    Charlie (8ea405)

  11. Charlie, I see you got a nice new shiny roll of tinfoil for Christmas.

    Harry Arthur (40c0a6)

  12. Charlie is way off base. EVERYTHING that’s wrong with this country can be traced directly to being the fault of uber-liberals, like himself.

    Al-Qaeda regularly reads websites like this one for the motivation to keep going on. If President Bush had just an ounce of support back when he declared, “Mission Accomplished” our troops would all be home by now.

    But instead, the uber-liberals would prefer to chase ghosts like the Valerie Plame leak and attempt to destroy the business that Jack Abramoff spent his life building.

    The bottom line is that liberals like Charlie have to stop punishing the sucess of Americans who make this country great.

    Brent Mack (832394)

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