Patterico's Pontifications


When Women Make Up the Categories

Filed under: Humor,Real Life — Patterico @ 2:02 pm

Our plane is delayed, so I’ll tell you this story:

During this vacation we played “Like Minds,” a game that requires players to write down as many items as they can think of that fall into certain categories. At my Mom’s house, we didn’t have the category cards, so we had to make up our own categories. One problem: I was playing with a house full of women: my Mom, my three sisters, and my wife. Here are some of the actual categories they came up with:

  • Kinds of chocolate
  • Brands of chocolate
  • Brands of candy
  • Brands of perfume
  • Comfort foods

“Football teams” was my category — and I’m not even a sports guy. I just felt like I had to stand up for our gender.

3 Responses to “When Women Make Up the Categories”


    Maggie45 (21d800)

  2. At least you had the sense not to suggest “porn stars.”

    Kevin Murphy (6a7945)

  3. I have to say, given my wife’s recent obsessions, our categories would have likely been…Disney, Calvin and Hobbes, Harry Potter, USC, and I would have thrown in “action flick” or something.

    Speaking of category games, I very much enjoy Apples to Apples by Out of the Box Games.

    Christian Johnson (a3f0fa)

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