Patterico's Pontifications


Outside the Tent Continues

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 9:32 am

The “Outside the Tent” feature continues at the L.A. Times — an encouraging sign, given that many of us worried for its future after the departure of Bob Sipchen from the Sunday Current section. Today’s piece criticizes the paper’s coverage from the left.

3 Responses to “Outside the Tent Continues”

  1. Wow. This guy actually blames the LAT for declining union membership. Hmmmmm.

    Bill Schumm (33ab73)

  2. “Why doesn’t The Times regularly cover the exciting efforts of such unions as…”

    Because LAT doesn’t want to cover the same ground as the Socialist Worker, or other overtly “progressive” house organs for left-wing collectivists. LAT needs to maintain some semblance of plausible deniability, you know, in case someone wants to know why subscriptions have tanked.

    Black Jack (d8da01)

  3. Out of 800,000 union members in L.A., how many are municipal, state, or federal employees? I would guess it would be a significant percentage of the total. There are a lot more in the entertainment indusrty than you would find in other locales except possibly NYC.

    Meatss (eb94c1)

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