Patterico's Pontifications


(Bristol) Palin Derangement Syndrome Reaching a Fever Pitch

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 8:59 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

So apparently Bristol Palin is doing really well on Dancing With the Stars.  I say “apparently” because I could think of nothing more utterly boring than watching anyone dance on TV to a lame cover band.  If anything interesting (read: unintentionally hilarious) happens, I am sure it will crop up on The Soup.

But apparently there are people taking it waaaaay too seriously.  For instance, recently someone sent white powder to the Palin offspring, although thankfully it appears to be just talcum powder.  And this is not the most insane response to Palin so far:

A SWAT team descended on a house in Wisconsin earlier this week after a 67-year-old man shot his TV because he was so furious with Bristol’s performance.

Local authorities say the man, Steven Cowan told police that he felt Bristol was only on the show because of her famous mother, Sarah.

Cowan fired at his television set and then aimed the gun at his wife although she managed to escape outside.

Police negotiators were able to talk Cowan into surrendering early on Tuesday morning.

I am sure of course the left will assure us that this is an isolated incident not at all reflecting on the general mindset of the left.

I mean the extra insane part was his criticism was basically that Bristol was only on the show because of her mother.  To which I say, duh. It’s not called “Dancing With Professional Dancers,” or “Dancing With Random Citizens.”  It’s called Dancing With the Stars.  They don’t pick based on merit—indeed, according to Ann Althouse, they are not supposed to pick professional dancers as the “stars.”  You know, they are supposed to pick stars who aren’t known for their dancing, like Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing (who Althouse accuses of milking the death of Patrick Swayze) and R&B singer Brandy, who can be seen in this video not dancing professionally.

And while not generally as violent or threatening as the examples above, certainly Mark Perigard’s critique of Palin is silly, complaining that better dancers have been eliminated.  First, dance competition is not generally about actual objective quality anyway, if only because there is no such thing.  That is why the Olympic Figure Skating Competition and similar “artistry” competitions are so lame.  The Olympic “artistry” games in particular very often descend into nationalistic pissing matches easily susceptible to politics, bribery and horse-trading and should be eliminated from the competition entirely.  I am not denying that there is serious athleticism involved, I am just denying that the outcomes in this sport have a lot to do with that.  And as for a show like this, the idea doesn’t seem to be about technical mastery—otherwise, it would be a professional dance competition, and not a competition at least officially about dancing with well-known amateurs.  No, it’s all about the journey, the human element.

And there are few better human interest stories than the underdog story.  And really, it’s hard to beat the underdog story of Bristol Palin.  From the very first weekend after Sarah Palin became McCain’s nominee, liberals have targeted Bristol, suggesting that Trig was really her child.  She has had to endure the public humiliation of being an unwed mother before the entire world.  David Letterman more or less called her a slut on national television.  And she has had to endure the cruelty of Levi Johnson.  So the viewers of this show have a chance to pen a suitable coda on this mess: “and then she rose above all of that, beating out ringers like Brandy and Jennifer Grey, to win on Dancing With the Stars.”  It is regular Americans’ chance to say to the media that you have done this girl wrong.  And I forthrightly confess I will be glad if she does win.

I mean you know the left is losing all perspective when Jon Stewart has to tell his side to knock it off.  This is the guy who invited an unapologetic, unreconstructed Islamofascist to his rally to restore sanity.  And he is the voice of reason?

Update: For those of you who claim the left doesn’t hate Sarah Palin, I submit to you, (via a guest post by DRJ): The Wilding of Sarah Palin.  But nothing has been a greater indictment on the left than their constant attacks on Bristol and other Palin children.

Also slight edits for early morning grammar.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

181 Responses to “(Bristol) Palin Derangement Syndrome Reaching a Fever Pitch”

  1. So let me get this, Liberals are now for the most qualified person getting the rewards of their outstanding labor and those least qualified being set aside?

    Oh dear!!!!

    Torquemada (a8a9b2)

  2. On one hand, who cares? I’ve never watched it.

    But…Wish the Palins well and hope they make all the money they can. But there is such a thing as overexposure-2 reality shows? That’s not Reagan. Why would Bristol with a small child to take care of do this? Why would her mother not discourage this? After quitting her day job Palin gives the independents and vast middle that picks presidents more reason to think she’s in it just for the money. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the cost is voters will be less inclined to take her seriously.

    Bugg (4e0dda)

  3. I have these really cool friends named Channel and Off that some people need to meet…..

    VOR2 (c9795e)

  4. Not only #1 but also she is winning b/c she is getting the votes to win. By sticking to the rules she is winning!

    A liberal’s nightmare!!!!!!!!!

    Torquemada (a8a9b2)

  5. Palins and reality tv are the chockit and peabnut bubber of this era I think. They’re kinda like the Osbournes except without the talent or the compelling personal stories.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  6. Do people consider “dancing with the stars” part of the “lamestream” ?

    imdw (8bb588)

  7. Rush chortled last week about how Bristol’s appearance on the show drives the left nuts. Meanwhile, I’m smiling.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (a18ddc)

  8. And happyfeet adds more evidence to the entire point of the post …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  9. Bristol should send Mark Perigard some sammins for Christmas. That would be classy.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  10. classy and spensive Mr. daley…

    Ralph’s wants 6.99 a freaking pound (WITH CARD) and that’s on sale special just for the holidays… it’s usually even more. And the Alaskan wild caught kind? You can just forget about it unless you got yourself one of them money trees growing in your backyard haha I wish

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  11. It’s SHOCKING that a likable person does well in a popularity contest. Really, that’s all this show is, as Aaron pointed out.

    The left hates Sarah Palin because her existence doesn’t *fit* with their “reality”.

    A smart, articulate, well loved CONSERVATIVE woman!? Get out!

    Must be something wrong with her.

    Jewels (c7b6c5)

  12. I got sucked into watching DWTS this year, and I was glad that Bristol made the top five. She seemed like a nice normal girl.

    But yes, now it IS a little embarrassing that she is in the finals. The ridicule, however, shouldn’t be directed at Bristol, or even her fans, but the show itself whose idiotic rules welcomed this sort of thing.

    I hope Bristol Palin wins if only because it strike a blow against “unscripted TV”.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  13. Mr. Feets – I usually wait for the sammins to go on sale and if they are on sale frozen I just thaw them and pretend they were not. It’s not hard.

    As for the wild kind, I don’t judge a fish by it’s behavior. I am usually looking for the best deal.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  14. The left hates Sarah Palin because her existence doesn’t *fit* with their “reality”.

    This is kind of a silly meme — that the left “hates” Sarah Palin, or that she “drives the left nuts”.

    I know many people on the left (and right, actually) who are SICK of her, but I don’t think anybody on the left wants her to go away politically.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  15. There is much wisdom in your words Mr. daley. My dad told me never look a gift sammin in the mouf cause if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day but if you give him tasty sammin what costs $6.99 a pound who needs a bicycle?

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  16. Bristol Palin’s life is difficult enough, without all the haters piling on. It must be tough to walk into a party with your family, and know every guy there would rather get busy with your mom than with you.

    TimesDisliker (505854)

  17. Mr. Feets – I might walk a mile for a tasty sammin, but when I have frozen tilapia filets at $3.99 a pound in the bush, I’m going to hold onto the birds in my hand.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  18. Tilapia? Those are cichlids. My Bolivian Rams would never speak to me again if I ate those.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. ok but you have to wash your hands before you cook the tasty fishes for reals

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  20. Then again, I could wander over to the North Branch Canal, stick some stink bait on the end of a line and try to haul up some carp for free. They’re like politicians, bottom feeders. The zebra muscles haven’t completely cleaned the canal so the water’s not very clear. Prolly all sorts of tasty stuff in ’em.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  21. “Tilapia? Those are cichlids. My Bolivian Rams would never speak to me again if I ate those.”

    SPQR – I really like Patagonian Toothfish, but that stuff is really expensive these days.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  22. daleyrocks, yeah well the name change of the toothfish is pretty effective, eh?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  23. Daley, not too long ago if you tried that in the Chicago River you’d pull up something a little more substantial – like victims of mob hits that were dumped earlier that morning. Used to view the daily fishings on my way to work back in the 80’s – hundreds of commuters stopping at the bridge to stare downward and see what the Chicago Police trawlers would bring up with their hooks and lines.

    Dmac (498ece)

  24. BTW, I really don’t think the Palins can complain when this kind of stuff keeps happening – what did they expect, a bed of roses? Sure it’s blatantly unfair and sexist as hell, but consider the past and the source.

    Dmac (498ece)

  25. Gay derangement syndrome.
    WTF is wrong with these people?
    An actual email from

    Dear fellow American,

    The Radical Homosexuals claim you and other pro-family Americans actually now support same-sex marriage, special job preferences for homosexuals and promotion of the homosexual lifestyle in schools.

    Is it true? What do you say?

    I have prepared an American Morality Survey for you to fill out that I will provide a link to in a moment.

    But first I want to make sure you understand just how serious this issue is.

    You see, the Radical Homosexuals are storming through Washington demanding passage of their agenda.

    And with the passage of Thought Control last year, they say NOW is the time to push their perverse “life-style” on every man, women and child in America.

    And they insist YOU actually support them.

    The Homosexual Lobby played a major role in electing Obama and the majorities he enjoys in both houses of Congress.

    I can only begin to imagine all the damage the Radical Homosexuals will do with their allies controlling the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House.

    As the President of Public Advocate of the U.S., I’ve devoted twenty-seven years to battling the Radical Homosexuals in Washington.

    Backed by Hollywood celebrities, the media and millions of your tax dollars, the Radical Homosexuals have many Congressmen quivering with fear — and they have a Radical Homosexual-friendly majority in control of Congress.


    Eugene Delgaudio
    Public Advocate of the U.S.

    ajb (9df40f)

  26. ajb

    can you prove it is an email of townhall? because i see no evidence of that.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  27. Some people are gibbering idiots in lower case and capital letter.

    JD (6e25b4)

  28. It’s called Dancing With the Stars, right? Is Bristol Palin a star?

    The Emperor (0969e8)

  29. She’s fantastic, I knew she’d be a star.

    She could be, she could be great, she could be a major star.

    She is a star, George.

    The biggest star in the universe, right now as we speak…

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  30. I don’t watch the show, but I make sure to vote every episode. 🙂

    Nate_MI (8efdaa)

  31. “daleyrocks, yeah well the name change of the toothfish is pretty effective, eh?”

    SPQR – Yup, a great marketing campaign.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  32. Face it, she is on the show because of her mother.. If not for Sarah Palin, who cares about Bristol?! The guy who shot his TV was right.. But I don’t agree with the pointing the gun on his family part.

    The Emperor (0969e8)

  33. The guy who shot his TV was right

    Yeah. Putting bullet holes in his personal property. THAT really showed ’em!

    Kman (d30fc3)

  34. “Face it, she is on the show because of her mother.. If not for Sarah Palin, who cares about Bristol?”

    The Emperor – Did not read the post, did you?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  35. Question is, is this a new category of political posturing?

    We have gone from the children are off limits to attacking the parentage of a candidates children to seeing them become almost as big a story as their political parent.

    Is their a ceiling or is their more? Not just from the Palins, which there seems to be little restraint in exposure of their family (not that they were by far the first just with cable the opportunities are endless) but are all the candidates going to take the long term 2 year run with talk shows etc. I heard Huckabee’s adult children are photogenic maybe they will start appearing, who knows on the Democrat’s side

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  36. @Kman. One has to find his best ways of protest…lol!! Shooting the TV is one way. Stupid, yes. But a way all the same. 🙂

    The Emperor (0969e8)

  37. someone steered you way bad wrong about Huckabee’s children

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  38. When they hung her in effigy in West Hollywood, and then someone set fire to her church with people conducting Sunday services, that was warranted, Dmac. When they paid that rat Levi, handsomely
    to spread the vilest of lies, about them. What
    is the boundary, you consider too permiable

    narciso (82637e)

  39. “We have gone from the children are off limits to attacking the parentage of a candidates children to seeing them become almost as big a story as their political parent.”

    EricPW – I thought Rory Reid tried very hard to downplay his lineage in Nevada.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  40. Emperor @11:22

    In which you prove you read none of the post…

    And personally if you want to shoot your own TV because you hate what is in it, that is fine, but stupid.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  41. A.W. – I think Lovey is just all the hope and change she helped to bring about.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  42. enjoying

    daleyrocks (940075)

  43. Even Lupica, who as deranged a PDS sufferer as you can find in the five boroughs, is working through
    his stages of grief, seemingly, Crouch hasn’t gotten
    the telegram yet

    narciso (82637e)

  44. Daley

    Maybe he shouldnt have, he might have been gov, seeing how the Senate race wasn’t all that close

    Not that I’m complaining, but for a politician wanting to rise way above their station, forgoing the umpteen millions to get exposure, these are cheap, cheap cheap name recognition events, if Palin puts together something for her son, whatever it might be, I canot see anyway that she does’nt win in a landslide

    both the primary and the general, it hard to demonize someone when everyone gets to know them.

    Something Hillary discarded in her coronation run in eight

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  45. Daley, you mean this part?
    You know, they are supposed to pick stars who aren’t known for their dancing, like Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing (who Althouse accuses of milking the death of Patrick Swayze) and R&B singer Brandy, who can be seen in this video not dancing professionally.
    So you tell me, does Bristol qualify as a star with people like Brandy and the rest? No she doesn’t. It’s called dancing with the stars because participants are folks who have made their marks in various fields of endeavor. Who is Bristol Palin and what has she achieved? Oh I forgot. Her mother is Sarah Palin.

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  46. EricPWJohnson – I am not aware that Bristol is running for any office and I’m not aware that her mother arrange the DWTS gig. If you have other information, please share.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  47. “Daley, you mean this part?”

    Lovey – No, I meant the following:

    “I mean the extra insane part was his criticism was basically that Bristol was only on the show because of her mother. To which I say, duh.”

    daleyrocks (940075)

  48. Daley, then we are agreed! Sorry I missed that.

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  49. There is something unseemly about anyone – on either side – breaking a sweat about the outcome of – for God’s sake, Dancing with the Stars.

    Why wasn’t as much attention, focus and hoopla made about Track Palin as he honorably served our country in the U.S. Army? That would have been deserving of our time and attention. And although he himself shuns the spotlight, it would have been a wonderful opportunity to talk up military service, etc.

    Unfortunately, serving in the military – even if a Palin, is not sexy, titillating, glamorous, and certainly no Hollywood lights to shine under.

    Because that’s what this is about. It’s not about Bristol, it’s not about DWTS, or even the quality of dancing. This is just another tragic manifestation of the shallow vapidity of American pop culture slamming head on into the vicious political culture that has infected our country.

    For better or worse, this is the Palin family, living their lives despite anyone else’s expectations and demands of them. This is the media judging them while simultaneously (and most lasciviously) making a buck off of them.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  50. emperor

    if you define “star” in roughly the same way as celebrity, bristol fits right in.

    But way to prove my point about palin derangement. who cares whether she deserves to be on the shoe or not? who cares?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  51. This is the media judging them while simultaneously (and most lasciviously) making a buck off of them.

    Seems to me that the Palins are willingly turning themselves into a cottage industry, and profiting nicely from it too. As well they should.

    But you can’t seek out the limelight and then complain about the consequences.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  52. @A.W. I get your point. She should just be ignored.. But is that what they want? To be ignored?

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  53. while the sun shines is when you make the hay

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  54. 31.“daleyrocks, yeah well the name change of the toothfish is pretty effective, eh?”

    SPQR – Yup, a great marketing campaign

    Almost as good as changing the name of rapeseed oil to canola oil.

    Roman Polanski (4c6c0c)

  55. trigger warnings please

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  56. Mr. Feets – Awesome flash of brilliance you can use to surprise and please your holiday guests this season.

    Instead of my usual turkey-shaped jello mold of deaf, I could presto-chango stick in sammin moose. People are used to seeing that stuff from a fish-shaped mold, you know with a stuffed green olive or black olive eye. I draw in teef with toofpicks for a special touch.

    Seeing it come out of the turkey-shaped jello mold of deaf when they least expect they would say “My wat an insouciant little fellow you are.” You could say this is zactly wat Team Sarah is eating in laska right now. Ony the best for my friends!

    You know the recipe.


    daleyrocks (940075)

  57. It was obviously a huge mistake to put Bristol on the show. Well, except for the ratings being in the stratosphere. And also the top range prices they can charge DWTS advertisers, of course.

    Too bad a really big “celebrity” like Patti Blagojovich was not available to dance, though. She would have been fun to watch and Rod could have been right there in the audience front row cheering her on. There is no bug eating required on “Dancing” as far as we know. So that is one difference between the shows. And the clothes and make-up on DWTS seem a little nicer, too.

    elissa (090cc2)

  58. “But is that what they want? To be ignored?”

    Lovet – Send an email and ask.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  59. while the sun shines is when you make the hay

    Comment by happyfeet — 11/22/2010 @ 12:48 pm

    right you are, man. but methinks the sun has already set.

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  60. “Almost as good as changing the name of rapeseed oil to canola oil.”

    Come here and say that Roman.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  61. daley is still very much obsessed with this dream lovey, lovet of his.. like they say, old habits die hard.. sighs*

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  62. Chimperor/lovie never fails.

    JD (7419ad)

  63. Daley

    Its a classic american tale of a 19 yr old single mother living in an Anchorage Condo with her young son, working in a dermatology office as a clerk, finds herself catapulted into a speaking tour engagement at 15,000 per speech, being named a six figure spokesperson for an advocacy group, being feted on one of the most popular TV shows, opening and Political consulting LLC…

    All after moving back home with her father a humble working man and her mom a politial superstar.

    see it all the time 🙂

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  64. I was just wondering if we are setting up this family as a dynasty, seems like the foundation being measured for pouring

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  65. Yeah, clearly a dynasty. WTF?!

    Kman said this is all a consequence of seeking the spotlight. Who knew that having Sullivan crawl up your uterus was a consequence of being nominated for VP?

    JD (7419ad)

  66. “I don’t get it momma. How can it be sammin if it looks like turkey?” asked Bristol, her eyes stark with confuzzlement.

    “Ask your father.”

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  67. Come here and say that Roman

    Oops, that came from me, daleyrocks. (I almost never participate in sock-puppet Fridays, and this shows you why).

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  68. I thought you were keying off that Iowahawk bit, with Caesar, upbraiding Obama

    narciso (82637e)

  69. JD is such a racist.

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  70. Track is going on to flight school after his tour in Diyala, with likely deployment in Afghanistan probably a battle field commission after that, sure
    that shows a lot of favoritism

    narciso (82637e)

  71. What is the boundary, you consider too permiable

    Here’s what I think, if I haven’t been clear numerous times previously regarding the various Palin family members and their activities. What Palin and her daughter went through with scum reportage going into garbage cans in order to dredge up some phantom crap against them was beyond the pale, and don’t even get me started on the ultimate creepazoid McGinnis setting up shop right next to their home. OTOH, their daughter just gave birth, and the first thing she does is…go on a reality TV show. OK, fine, she can do whatever she wishes – but to act as if no crap would be going their way after everything that’s happened previously is either dangerously naive or willfully ignorant. If you want to make bucks by being in the public eye, this is the unfortunate byproduct for the Palin family, fair or not. And while I believe that they had the best intentions by welcoming ultimate scumbag Levi back into the fold, the result was all too familiar as well.

    Dmac (498ece)

  72. but to act as if no crap would be going their way after everything that’s happened previously is either dangerously naive or willfully ignorant. If you want to make bucks by being in the public eye, this is the unfortunate byproduct for the Palin family, fair or not.

    Well said, Dmac! On point.

    The Emperor (2eeddb)

  73. “Palin fatigue” as of today gets 5,430 results

    this number bears watching I think… for comparison, “Obama fatigue” currently fetches 32,700 results

    here is the newest entrant… some dude blogging the Mona Charen piece

    Palin is, by and large, a media creation. The national political media, and nonpolitical media oftentimes, lustfully tosses out her twitters and facebook comments to create the tension and conflict that makes people pay attention. But it goes beyond responsible reporting and real political dialogue because she has no real standing to the degree the media uses her. She quit her job as governor, does not belong to any institution, and has never shown any real grasp of policies/issues that would make her a serious part of the discussion. She avoids questions and interviews except on Fox News. Except for the accident of her being nominated by John McCain as his VP candidate, she would still be fighting for the bridge to nowhere as Gov. of Alaska.

    She’s got good looks, some personality, a weird but loyal family and is unafraid to attack others, which apparently makes for good entertainment. My guess is that by 2012, with her whining, celebrity chasing, and incessant Facebooking, the American public will experience Palin fatigue.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  74. I’ll see your “Palin Fatigue” and raise you “People Who Seem To Have A Weird Fixation On the Palins.”

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  75. No results found for “People Who Seem To Have A Weird Fixation On the Palins.”.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  76. But you can’t seek out the limelight and then complain about the consequences.
    Comment by Kman — 11/22/2010 @ 12:43 pm

    Except, Kman, this post isn’t about the Palins complaining about the consequences – the post is about others complaining about Bristol Palin. Which they are doing.

    Big difference.

    Mostly, I think it’s pathetic that so many people feel perfectly fine criticizing a young, single mom making an honest living for herself, and her child. Why isn’t that something admired? She’s not taking a hand-out, she’s not on the dole, she’s not blaming everyone else for her situation, instead she’s smartly taking advantage of a great opportunity that came her way, and one which may lead to other financially beneficial opportunities.

    Palin said she’s not hurt by the skeptics. “I know I’ve worked hard to get where I am,” she said. “I definitely feel like I’m the most improved dancer on this show — so I’m comfortable with that.”

    Good for her. I’ve never watched the show but I sincerely hope she kicks some well-heeled ass in the finals.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  77. I’m so proud of her she’s the most improved dancer on Dancing with the Stars that’s a big deal this is so much better than college

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  78. There are over 800,000 hits on Google for “Palin haters.”

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  79. The way I figure, is they were going to attack them regardless, re the slur against Track’s reason for joining the army, the maternity of her youngest child, the status of her marriage, et al, so she decided to construct her own media platform, everything she does is all in, the only person I saw who really seemed to give a damn about the stakes of the 2008 election, because it was not
    an abstract element

    narciso (82637e)

  80. Mr. Feets – Jello molds are what used to be used mostly by old people. They were like a box of chocolates. You never knew what was underneath until you lifted the top. Mostly if it was not jello it was some yucky strange colored goop with stuff mixed in it.

    Now jello molds are the new hotness. Trust me on this. You can do the sammin mooses, the vegan ice cream, the endless yummy tofu creations. I gots turkey shapes, fish shapes, lobster shapes and others. Trade them wif your friends. I inherited them from an old person what died.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  81. I’m getting 111,000 for “Palin haters” and 296,000 for “Obama haters” so she has her work cut out for her

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  82. “I’m so proud of her she’s the most improved dancer on Dancing with the Stars that’s a big deal this is so much better than college”

    Mr. Feets – That’s exactly the way a dynasty starts!

    daleyrocks (940075)

  83. oh. I did not know about the molded food craze. Such is life in Obama’s America I guess.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  84. happyfeet,

    I’m sorry. I was wrong and you’re right about the number of Google hits. It was Bing, not Google, that returned so many hits for “Palin haters.” Interesting difference.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  85. that’s kooky… I just tried bing and got 1,290,000 for Palin haters with quotes and 313,000 without quotes

    I think I need to research bing to where I understand the results more better.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  86. so she decided to construct her own media platform,

    Which is a smart move, but only if you’re quite keen on staying in the public eye, both for yourself and your family. Again, this is not a defense for the scurrilous attacks on Palin and her family, but they had to have known that this kind of crap was inevitable. Lots of haters out there with nothing better to do with their lives, as we’ve seen with the BDS syndrome previously.

    Dmac (498ece)

  87. “I’m so proud of her she’s the most improved dancer on Dancing with the Stars that’s a big deal this is so much better than college”

    Oh happyfeet, you really must stop with your snobbery. She’s what, 20 years old and you poke at her for not being college? That’s beneath you.

    While you may have had life sewn up by 20 and were no doubt excelling in your sophomore year then, not everyone is cut from the same cloth as you. And consider yourself fortunate you were not a single mother with a baby to support as well. That might have impeded your life plans a bit.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  88. I see what you mean. Maybe this experience will help her build up the confidence she needs to tackle the challenge of getting an education.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  89. Suppress a snorfle, I borrowed that from Rachel Lucas, the transplanted Texan blogger now in the UK

    narciso (82637e)

  90. And even at Fox, you can watch it in the amusedly disrespectful way that Palin is treated by Bill O’Reilly.

    for reals? I’m skeptical.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  91. I see what you mean. Maybe this experience will help her build up the confidence she needs to tackle the challenge of getting an education.

    Comment by happyfeet — 11/22/2010 @ 4:33 pm

    Because of course her life would have no worth or meaning without that college degree. Poor little Tripp, he might as well call it a day with a unedumacated mom like Bristol. He’s doomed.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  92. who cares if her life has worth or not – I’m just thinking she can probably do more with her life than being a hoochie coochie girl on the tv

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  93. DRJ

    I’m not a Palin haer for the record, and I think its terrificaly smart politics for her strategy of keeping her family in the mainstream eye as much as possible.

    I can see her being drafted before super tuesday and doing Clintons strategy of Carrying the south among a very divided Republican field that cannot gain the momentum to unseat her

    I have real problems, only with her judgement, her record, and her handling of tough situations.

    I have no problems with her values, her strong sense of family, her pride in her country.

    But I think she at any level of experience is not what the country needs. Her accusations of corruption of big oil and the Murkowskis – the family that made her who she is – (she didnt call them corrupt before she was pased over for a senate seat) – shows me a person who is not suitable for any office

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  94. My wife and I have watched this show season after season because my daughter used to be a professional dancer. It’s obvious that Palin cannot dance and even right wing bloggers admit they have attempted to skew the vote on behalf. Its totally disgusting to see talented people eliminated but no more disgusting then her remark that her critics were “haters.” I actually liked her until then even though its obvious she lacks dancing talent.I figured she was a very shy and nice person who just happened to have a self promoting, divisive jackass as a mother. But that remark told me “the apple never falls far from the tree” Like her mother she attacks her critics personally.

    As for Sister Sarah herself, she is proof positive that a glib tongue and the right buzzwords, bs about family values and love of God and country will resonate with the ignorant, fearful and just plain stupid.

    vietnamerevet (35c6c1)

  95. that’s not fair her bs resonates with lots of smart people

    that’s what’s so creepy really

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  96. Has anyone ever seen epwj and VEV in the same room?

    JD (6e25b4)

  97. speaking of college – Mr. Drudge has a link what says Sarah Palin is by far the #1 choice in 2012 among those Team R people what do not have a college degree

    Palin 22
    Huckabee 17
    Gingrich 15
    Romney 14

    among Team R people what did go to college she doesn’t fare as well

    Romney 26
    Huckabee 18
    Gingrich 15
    Palin 10

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  98. I understand your opinions, Eric, although I can’t agree with you about the Murkowskis, especially former Governor Frank Murkowski. Reports I’ve read suggests he was arrogant in his use of power and tainted by corruption that only came to light in recent years.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  99. “…my daughter used to be a professional dancer…”

    And see? No one snarked as I thought they might, even given the history of this person posting vile things in the past.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  100. If those are the Team R choices, Team R I well and truly f@cked.

    JD (eb5afc)

  101. it’s deeply disheartening

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  102. Palin is certainly comment gold for bloggers of any political persuasion. Mention the name and the comments flow like a fountain!

    vor2 (c5db23)

  103. Allahpundit posts on a TMZ report of death threats and fake anthrax for Bristol Palin.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  104. VOR2,

    My most popular posts (in terms of comments) were often Palin posts. In fact, sometimes I avoided the subject so I wouldn’t look like I was trolling for comments.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  105. That’s the Times link, DRJ

    narciso (82637e)

  106. DRJ,

    The threats are very disheartening. Hopefully nothing goes the least bit wrong. It is just a show.

    vor2 (c5db23)

  107. epwj #93 – “I have real problems, only with her judgement, her record, and her handling of tough situations.” – then you must really think that Obama stinks !

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  108. Thanks, narciso, and sorry about that link snafu. Here’s the Allahpundit link.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  109. Drj

    They say that about every powerful politician, the FBI according to one report spent thousands of hours investigating all of the Alaskan politicians and they ended up with only one weak weak case against Stevens.

    Raids were conducted aainst Veco in 2003, 2006 also many Alaskan legislatures, Don Young, and Stevens

    If there was even a whiff that the Murkowski’s were involved then I’m sure they would not have been ignored.

    Also I Palin was aware of all this she didnt mind, in fact there is no record of her speaking out against the Murkowski’s until AFTER she was pased over for the vacated Senate seat


    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  110. LAst sentence should read Also if Palin was aware..

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  111. who cares if her life has worth or not – I’m just thinking she can probably do more with her life than being a hoochie coochie girl on the tv

    Comment by happyfeet — 11/22/2010 @ 4:43 pm

    happyfeet, I guess some consider the worth of a person’s life more important than whether they have a college degree. One does not guarantee the other. While having a degree may open up options for her, especially as the primary source of income for her and her child, there is no guarantee of that happening right now in this economic climate.

    More students are enrolling in college today than ever before — a staggering 2.8 million signed up in 2008 alone.

    But the job market is not so kind as to warmly receive the surplus of well-heeled graduates. The Economic Policy Institute puts the current unemployment rate for college graduates aged 16 to 24 at nine percent — the highest number in 25 years. This leaves America’s young people in the lurch, constantly searching for work of any kind, being forced to move back in with their parents and holding out hope that things will improve. September, 2010

    Again, she’s a 20 year old girl trying to make it through, who is working to pay her bills and support her child. And yet you would still judge her as a hoochie coochie girl on the tv?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  112. Dana, are you surprised? I’m not.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  113. Timelines are not your friend, she came across the Murkowski-Anchorage machine, when she tangled with
    Ruedrich, in 2003, got the attorney general to authorize her inquiries, resigned in order to air her complaints, after the commission would not
    rebuke him, the same attorney general, got himself
    in a spot of trouble and had to resign within the yea

    narciso (82637e)

  114. Narcisco – it likes it’s own facts.

    JD (eb5afc)

  115. Eric Blair,

    Irrational attacks on a 20 year old kid makes me a bit nuts. What has she done to deserve it? Attack the parent who held office or seeks to hold office, but not the kid.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  116. narisco,

    Umm, then why did she campaign for Frank for Governor, some credit her with pulling him over the line? I mean if the corruption was there then why no convictions? The FBI descended on Alaska like the screaming eagles on a french peninsula?

    MY curiosity is linked to the fact that hse was chuming with Stevens on the bridge to nowhere as well? Was she oblivious to this corruption that she kept refering to but benefited politically from both sides?

    So she’s appointed to the commission by the political machine that she supported. She then resigns and campaigns for the same corrupt political machine for the Governor’s office.

    Then when the same corrupt political machine fails to give her a tainted appointment to the US Senate, then, omly then she turns on them?

    It would be interesting to see an neutrally factual timeline of her career to se what when where and why all this happened, I’m sure mine has some errors and I’m more than sure Gov Palin’s has some errors as well

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  117. Dana, it is indeed an irrational business. It’s all about the mother. We are in Andrew Sullivan territory.

    And it pains me to see the sexism just under the surface. Oh, the claim is always made otherwise, but I know what I see…ever freaking time it is a woman who does something that person doesn’t like.

    Again: why not find positive things, instead of marinating in bizarre hatred. There is something else at work here, and it’s not politics.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  118. My most popular posts (in terms of comments) were often Palin posts. In fact, sometimes I avoided the subject so I wouldn’t look like I was trolling for comments.

    Sometimes I gravitate to the subject to troll for comments.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  119. If those are the Team R choices, Team R I well and truly f@cked.

    Comment by JD — 11/22/2010 @ 5:15 pm

    They are and we are.

    Remember my bold prediction from before the election:

    My prediction is that we have a devastating victory tomorrow; that Palin runs for the nomination; that she wins it; and that she loses to Obama in 2012.

    There, I said it.

    Still stand by it.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  120. And it pains me to see the sexism just under the surface. Oh, the claim is always made otherwise, but I know what I see…ever freaking time it is a woman who does something that person doesn’t like.

    I see a lot of Chris Christie criticism from happy.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  121. Yes, you’ve made that point, plain, further we have seen you will do everything to make that eventuality
    a certainty, two years is a lifetime,

    narciso (82637e)

  122. If they are corrupt,you should call the FBI, epwj.

    Patterico – the only way we are going toe able to get away from Palin is to let her run against Obambi and get whipped.

    JD (eb5afc)

  123. That should say to be able …

    JD (eb5afc)

  124. Taking comments 88 and 97 as our premises, we can infer that Mr. Feets wants Miss Bristol to go to college so she will change from pro-Sarah to anti-Sarah by the time the 2012 primaries roll around. 🙂

    Obviously we will get no palinodes from Mr. Feets.

    Seriously–from almost the very first episode of Survivor, I’ve always referred to this type of entertainment as ‘unreality shows’; and this is further evidence. I don’t blame Bristol for trying to make money while the going is good, but please ask yourself–what has she done beyond what most other single teenage mothers can do, up to this point? And what other single teenage mother would be recruited to to appear on this show? Nor at this point do I have much sympathy for her (beyond the obvious fact that she’s had to suffer the public humiliation of being played for a fool by Levi). If she didn’t want to face the barrage of criticism and nonsense, she could have chosen to not appear on TV, stay home in Anchorage and work to a productive goal of her own choosing, to “make something of her life” as the old phrase has it. With or without a college degree.

    kishnevi (3a3033)

  125. Dana I think my criticisms such as they are of our budding young terpsichore of the tundra are really quite gentle. Simply, she ain’t no role model. Nobody is ever gonna say to their kid hey I want you to be like her. The life she’s chosen is the life of the celebritante – a life no better or worse than the one chosen by any number of others… Kimmy K – Paris Hilton – Ashley Simpson – Kate G – the Duggars – Teh Situation and of course Jake the bachelor.

    New Girl is really good at naming them off but she’s still out on maternity leave so we’ll leave it there.

    You know who’s impressive is that James Franco. Bristol should google him up.

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  126. JD:

    Patterico – the only way we are going toe able to get away from Palin is to let her run against Obambi and get whipped.

    Nope. Won’t be rid of her then. How do I know? Because narciso/ian cormac/other names is already accusing me of trying to defeat her in 2012″

    Yes, you’ve made that point, plain, further we have seen you will do everything to make that eventuality
    a certainty, two years is a lifetime,

    Hey, narciso/ian cormac?

    Fuck you.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  127. Two years may not be a lifetime, but it’s a long time to have to listen to some asshole tell me that I am trying to defeat Sarah Palin.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  128. Good points, kish, but reality TV today thinks single teenage mothers are awesome.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  129. Jake the Bachelor is a smarmy little prlck.

    Skating With The Stars?! Armeggeddon is at hand. On a scale of 1 to Boy George, that one judge is Liberace.

    JD (eb5afc)

  130. As opposed to the other kin of officials in power, she’s de facto not de jure, the Kennedys, the Ferraros, the Gores, that upstanding clan from
    Scranton, but only the Bush twins and the Palins (for now) seemingly get the scrutiny.

    narciso (82637e)

  131. who cares if her life has worth or not – I’m just thinking she can probably do more with her life than being a hoochie coochie girl on the tv

    Comment by happyfeet — 11/22/2010 @ 4:43 pm

    The evidence for that is scant.

    The preponderence of the evidence is that she’s a borderline, trailetrash idiot who got herself knocked up by worse trailertrash.

    nk (db4a41)

  132. At least she’s not on welfare. Yet.

    nk (db4a41)

  133. that pot-smoking car-crashing Gore spawn ain’t no role model either and ashley biden was caught on video snorting herself some tasty tasty caine … so Miss Bristol definitely looks like a winner in comparison

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  134. narciso,

    Patterico isn’t Palin’s or the GOP’s enemy. This is what a Republican who wants to hurt Palin looks like.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  135. Mr. nk Miss Bristol should clear at the very least a cool quarter mil from her dancings… I don’t know if she has an agent what gets a piece of that or not…

    you know, me and this Sarah Palin person could get along mostly just fine if she’d just say hey I’m not running for president haha tricked ya. And I’d be like haha you fooled me. And then she could go somewhere far away for a good six months to a year so we could have a break from her constant incessant nonstop blathering and drama and squibble squabble.

    I think that would go a long way towards getting our relationship back on track.

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  136. I want this to work.

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  137. Wow, nk, just wow.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  138. nk

    > The preponderence of the evidence is that she’s a borderline, trailetrash idiot who got herself knocked up by worse trailertrash.

    Wow, what a d-ck thing to say, NK.

    She’s just a girl with the ordinary amount to naivete and youthful stupidity, who got knocked up. She is frankly very normal except that 1) she is a little less lucky then the thousands of other teenagers taking stupid risks, and 2) she gets to have all this play out on a national stage. And your failure of compassion is just stunning.

    I think you should correct your course.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  139. NK

    that being said, thank you for proving my thesis.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  140. I think people are pretty much free to entertain whatever opinion they like about Miss Palin, and there’s no wrong answer anymore. She’s public domain. It’s like how I can say I think Paris Hilton is a pretty girl (cause she is she’s cute as a pickle) and someone else is sure to say omg she’s a nasty skank. Who’s right? I don’t know and does it really matter?

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  141. Dana – I get the feeling that some of our tolerant dads here would have preferred to see Bristol exiled to a nunnery and the baby given up for adoption or worse. Very old world. To each his own until it happens to someone close to them.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  142. daley, I think that it’s extremely cheap and easy to judge and condemn when it’s not one’s own daughter. The wise parent realizes an unwanted pregnancy can happen to anyone’s daughter, even their own.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  143. Bristol Palin & Mark Ballas

    Phone lines, text votes (AT&T customers only) and online polls will open at the top of each performance show so that viewers can vote for their favorites. Phone and text lines will stay open for 30 minutes after the end of the show. Online voting will remain open until 11am (Eastern Time) the next day.

    Online Vote Link

    daleyrocks (940075)

  144. Dana – Agreed.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  145. DRJ @129

    Well, at least Bristol has enough class not to appear on MTV.

    kishnevi (cc1ec4)

  146. “Well, at least Bristol has enough class not to appear on MTV.”

    Or MSNBC.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  147. I’ve said this so many times before, but it happens over and over again.

    I may not be a big fan of Palin, but she certainly pushes a lot of buttons, so there must be something there.

    Ag80 (e828a4)

  148. your failure of compassion is just stunning.

    And the reason we have have fatherless children rates from 35 to 75 percent (depending on whose statistics we believe) is because we use “compassion” in place of shaming.

    nk (db4a41)

  149. Nk

    Oh, so what? you don’t actually think she is abnormally stupid or anything like that, you are just putting on a show because you think that if you say this at patterico’s you will reduce the teenage pregnancy rates?

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  150. Patterico,
    Two years may not be a lifetime, but it’s a long time to have to listen to some asshole tell me that I am trying to defeat Sarah Palin.
    I see you as trying to be an honest broker. You emphasize there’s nothing personal against Palin, you admire her life story, and you despise the unwarranted obsessively venomous attacks on her. However, you doubt she can win against Obama, have qualms about her qualifications, and think there are stronger candidates that can win.

    Is that a fair assessment?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  151. A little editing of Matt Lewis’s piece;

    Obama is, by and large, a media creation. The national political media, and nonpolitical media oftentimes, accepts his comments and pretends he knows what he is talking about. But it goes beyond responsible reporting and real political dialogue because he has no real standing to the degree the media uses her. He was a cipher as state and National Senator, and has never shown any real grasp of policies/issues that would make her a serious part of the discussion. He m mostly avoids questions and interviews, for long stretches of time. Except for the accident of his being the Vehicle for George Soros’s he would still be still be community organizing in Atgeld Gardens

    narciso (82637e)

  152. I see you as trying to be an honest broker. You emphasize there’s nothing personal against Palin, you admire her life story, and you despise the unwarranted obsessively venomous attacks on her. However, you doubt she can win against Obama, have qualms about her qualifications, and think there are stronger candidates that can win.

    Is that a fair assessment?


    I despise the attacks, think she can’t win, and have qualms about her small-q qualifications.

    I think there are stronger candidates but don’t see any who plan to run who can win. Which makes me be less hard on her.

    I think her quitting office will not be forgiven this election cycle.

    I initially saw her as genuine and highly charismatic. I now have questions about the “genuine” part, and am getting a bit tired of her and what seems to be a cult of personality around her.

    I think she needs to learn to handle the media better.

    But mostly, I believe she will run and win the nomination. And I hate Obama. If that happens I will support her like I would any other candidate whom I thought was doomed but whom I really wanted to win.

    But I can’t sign up for the whole “the word refudiate shows she is brilliant” kind of attitude. I can see stuff like that as minor, cute even, like misunderestimated. But I am not looking forward to two years of if I don’t rah-rah with every over the top defense of her then I am a turncoat and hordes of narcisos blame her inevitable 8 point loss on an obscure blogger from Southen California.

    Mostly I’m angry we can’t find a decent candidate for 2012.

    Patterico (d519ff)

  153. Patterico

    who do you think would be good who isn’t running?

    i do throw up in my mouth a little each time mitt romney sounds strong. But then maybe he could destroy obamacare in a “only nixon could go to china” sort of way.

    But as i said in another thread, right now i would support a rabbit over obama. something that doesn’t actively harm us would be an improvement.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  154. Patterico: so why aren’t people who feel that way looking and prmoting, instead of repeating weird insults and talking about pancakes?

    Answer: it is easier to snark than to do something positive. I don’t think I am writing about you. Bradley Fikes has some ideas.

    Eric Blair (720ce1)

  155. Aaron,

    I don’t see anyone. Christie is a great communicator and seems genuine. Daniels seems to have his eye on the ball. Not sure either could win.

    Patterico (d519ff)

  156. Daniels/Rubio is the future

    either that or we should elect tasty soup

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  157. I’m all for my paisan Rubio, as with West, but he
    hasn’t even been sworn in yet. Daniels I don’t have much of a problem with,

    narciso (82637e)

  158. But as i said in another thread, right now i would support a rabbit over obama.
    COMMIE!! I would support a tapeworm over Obama.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (a18ddc)

  159. I would support a Republican House over Palin any day.

    happyfeet (42fd61)

  160. “There are over 800,000 hits on Google for “Palin haters.”

    – DRJ

    There are ~1,700,000 hits for “Obama haters”.

    Leviticus (20cc2a)

  161. Oops.

    a) happyfeet already responded thus,

    and b) his number was the right one, because I forgot my quotation marks around ‘Obama haters’


    Leviticus (20cc2a)

  162. Mostly I’m angry we can’t find a decent candidate for 2012.

    I think you should have a little more hope that since we’re still almost two years away from all the festivities, Christie, Daniels and Pawlenty are just getting ramped up. If Palin gets into a debate with any of these candidates, she’ll look far worse in comparison, I guarantee it. Take a good look at Christie versus the screeching teacher’s union goons over the past year, it’s been no contest. Daniels had a similar situation previously, and he only came out looking better as a result. These are the people who will win over the great middle of the voters, not Palin – and unless the GOP takes another stupid pill, we’ll have one of them instead of Palin.

    Dmac (498ece)

  163. I have an eight-year old daughter.

    Should Bristol Palin be her role model …?

    Hell, no! No more than Sidney Lohan.

    Bristol Palin is not what I want her to be.

    And I am not running for President in 2012.

    nk (db4a41)

  164. Just what distinguishes Bristol from any uneducated, unemployable, black-ghetto single mom?

    And, BTW, what compassion have you shown to them?

    nk (db4a41)

  165. Mr. Dmac that was a very heartening comment what you commented

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  166. “Just what distinguishes Bristol from any uneducated, unemployable, black-ghetto single mom?”

    Ah, she’s making a lot of money. Next question.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  167. “Just what distinguishes Bristol from any uneducated, unemployable, black-ghetto single mom?”

    She’s not dependent on the government for support.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  168. Little Johnny, do you remember hearing about your grandfather publicly shaming you and your mother?

    Yeah, that sanctimonious old buzzard is dead to me. DEAD.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  169. I concur with this sentiment:

    narciso (82637e)

  170. nk

    > Just what distinguishes Bristol from any uneducated, unemployable, black-ghetto single mom?

    Well, let’s unpack that a little.

    First, Bristol is not uneducated. and i know many single mothers who go on to get an education. oh, it ain’t as easy, but it is done all the time.

    Indeed single women going to college is a product of our society following more of a christian love the sinner hate the sin approach. We have figured out that if you create a situation where a teenage pregnancy ends your life as you know it, alot of women will end their child’s life.

    Second, unemployable? Bah, give me a break. Same issue.

    And i don’t particularly care about the woman being black or what have you.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  171. I get the message:

    “Shut up! She’s Sarah Palin’s daughter.”

    If you know anything about me, you know I defend women and girls. But I don’t do the three monkey thing.

    nk (db4a41)

  172. Re: Bristol & DWTS – …

    So anyway, on 2012. I like Daniels and Jindal. Not Romney. Extra not Huckabee. Please, Jesus, not Huckabee. I can not bear to listen to his sanctimonious voice ever, but for four years as POTUS? Shoot me. Not Palin.

    I love Chris Christie, but he’s only been in office for one year. I want to see him as POTUS, but AFTER he’s spent some time in New Jersey getting it right. I want to see a record. What I do not want is to make the same boneheaded dumbass mistake that the Dems made in Obama. Granted, Christie already has a much longer and more detailed resume chock full of awesome than Mr. “I Voted Present” has. I do not want force an error like they did.

    Also, I do not want Jeb Bush. Please God, no more BDS. No more.

    Vivian Louise (05aded)

  173. Aaron,

    Before Bristol, which unwed mothers do you recall who got a tv gig, 30K per appearance to speak on abstinence, and a national stage to talk about “haters”?

    It is not the norm. The reality for unwed teen mothers is much different than this “role model” you are holding up.

    VOR2 (c9795e)

  174. VOR2 – Yeah, not many unwed mothers get the gigs Bristol gets. How many people in this country have been on DWTS at all? Several dozen? How many drunken, cheeseburger eating dads get to have a national stage to talk about how popular they are in Germany either?

    The single mothers I know are in two camps, a) letting the state take care of them or b) working like hell to be able to take care of themselves and their child/children. Bristol is in camp b. I’m totally glad she made all that money on DWTS – she won’t be drawing money from the state in WIC credits or welfare. Sweet for us.

    Vivian Louise (05aded)

  175. VOR2

    well, i don’t see anything equal in that level of specificity.

    But its not like they shunned Fantasia Barrino.

    Going off the top of my head.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  176. WTF? Who is making out Bristol to be a role model?

    JD (8ecd0f)

  177. Jindal won’t run. For one thing, the calendar’s wrong for him. By the time he’s done with reelection, the primary campaign will be in full swing.

    Also, he’s too young to be seriously considered for president. Vice president yes, which is what I think he will be nominated for. Then, with eight years as VP, he’ll be ready to run for president.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  178. I like what I know of Mitch Daniels, but I have one huge reservation: I’m willing to support an Arab president, but only if he goes out of his way to show a very strong commitment to our alliance with Israel. Not just the usual pap, which Obama and W and Clinton and even Bush Sr knew how to spout, and then go stab Israel in the back. I’d want to hear from him the sort of support that Sarah Palin and Allan West and Steven Harper have shown. A rejection of “even-handedness”, and a recognition that Jews are the native people of Israel, and have the same right to live in Hebron that Indians have to live in Manhattan. It’s not fair that his ancestry should factor into my evaluation of his candidacy, but life’s unfair; I just can’t take the risk.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  179. Christie has just begun to clean up New Jersey; he needs to do that for at least a term and a half before considering a presidential run.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  180. I give Palin a pass on not having served a full term as governor, both because of the unique and impossible situation she was in, and because had she remained a prisoner in Alaska she could not have done the yeoman’s job she did campaigning for Republican candidates this year, and the GOP win wouldn’t have been nearly as big.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

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