Patterico's Pontifications


Circular Firing Squad Watch

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:56 pm

If people think Jim DeMint has been counterproductive, the Correct Response is:

a) Say you disagree and explain why.
b) Sign a letter* telling the critics to shut up or face the consequences.

If Barbara Bush suggests that Sarah Palin should not run for President, the Correct Response is:

a) Say you disagree and explain why.
b) Tell her to shut up.

Gloria Allred Likes TSA Pat Downs Too Much and Other Inappropriate TSA-Related Behavior

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 11:48 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

Watch this video or read the following at your own risk.  Trust me, this is more than a little disturbing.  Recently on Hannity’s show, the host asked Gloria Allred if she had been patted down by the TSA.  Cringe-inducing weirdness follows:

Sean Hannity: Did they touch your body parts?

Gloria Allred: Yeah, they did and it was a first time anybody touched them in a long time and frankly, I liked it.

You can watch the video (and Sean Hannity cringe), here.

Meanwhile, a woman is suing over an incident where a TSA worker (allegedly) pulled down her shirt and bared her breasts for the entire airport to see:

As the [female] TSA agent was frisking plaintiff, the agent pulled the plaintiff’s blouse completely down, exposing plaintiffs’ breasts to everyone in the area[.]

And if this woman’s allegations are to be believed, things actually manage to get worse:

The suit also claims that other TSA employees continued to joke and laugh about the incident for an extended period of time. The woman was distraught over the incident and left the screening area so an acquaintance could console her, the suit said.

When the woman re-entered the boarding area, employees once again began joking about the matter, the suit said.

“One male TSA employee expressed to the plaintiff that he wished he would have been there when she came through the first time and that ‘he would just have to watch the video,'” the suit said.


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