California Conservatives: Why Do You Still Live Here?
In the wake of Jerry Brown’s election, Barbara Boxer’s re-election, and now San Francisco banning Happy Meals, of all things, Allahpundit asks:
Semi-serious question for California conservatives (this means you, Patterico): Why are you still there? If it’s a money thing, where you simply can’t afford to leave right now, I understand. If it’s not a money thing, then why? The weather can’t be so great that it’s worth enduring another four years of single-party Democratic government driving the state deeper into a financial sinkhole at the behest of their union patrons.
Of course, there are more California conservatives than just me . . . and I think all of them (all five of them) read this blog. So rather than answer the question, I throw it open to my conservative readers who live in California: why are you still here? (I saw that some of you touched on this question today in comments to other threads, but even if you already answered the question, please do me a favor and repeat your answer below. I’d like to have a collection of answers in one place.)
P.S. For some of you, the answer is: “I am moving away” (or “I already moved away.”) I am interested in hearing those stories as well.
P.P.S. I do answer the question in comments.