[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]
So apparently Bristol Palin is doing really well on Dancing With the Stars. I say “apparently” because I could think of nothing more utterly boring than watching anyone dance on TV to a lame cover band. If anything interesting (read: unintentionally hilarious) happens, I am sure it will crop up on The Soup.
But apparently there are people taking it waaaaay too seriously. For instance, recently someone sent white powder to the Palin offspring, although thankfully it appears to be just talcum powder. And this is not the most insane response to Palin so far:
A SWAT team descended on a house in Wisconsin earlier this week after a 67-year-old man shot his TV because he was so furious with Bristol’s performance.
Local authorities say the man, Steven Cowan told police that he felt Bristol was only on the show because of her famous mother, Sarah.
Cowan fired at his television set and then aimed the gun at his wife although she managed to escape outside.
Police negotiators were able to talk Cowan into surrendering early on Tuesday morning.
I am sure of course the left will assure us that this is an isolated incident not at all reflecting on the general mindset of the left.
I mean the extra insane part was his criticism was basically that Bristol was only on the show because of her mother. To which I say, duh. It’s not called “Dancing With Professional Dancers,” or “Dancing With Random Citizens.” It’s called Dancing With the Stars. They don’t pick based on merit—indeed, according to Ann Althouse, they are not supposed to pick professional dancers as the “stars.” You know, they are supposed to pick stars who aren’t known for their dancing, like Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing (who Althouse accuses of milking the death of Patrick Swayze) and R&B singer Brandy, who can be seen in this video not dancing professionally.
And while not generally as violent or threatening as the examples above, certainly Mark Perigard’s critique of Palin is silly, complaining that better dancers have been eliminated. First, dance competition is not generally about actual objective quality anyway, if only because there is no such thing. That is why the Olympic Figure Skating Competition and similar “artistry” competitions are so lame. The Olympic “artistry” games in particular very often descend into nationalistic pissing matches easily susceptible to politics, bribery and horse-trading and should be eliminated from the competition entirely. I am not denying that there is serious athleticism involved, I am just denying that the outcomes in this sport have a lot to do with that. And as for a show like this, the idea doesn’t seem to be about technical mastery—otherwise, it would be a professional dance competition, and not a competition at least officially about dancing with well-known amateurs. No, it’s all about the journey, the human element.
And there are few better human interest stories than the underdog story. And really, it’s hard to beat the underdog story of Bristol Palin. From the very first weekend after Sarah Palin became McCain’s nominee, liberals have targeted Bristol, suggesting that Trig was really her child. She has had to endure the public humiliation of being an unwed mother before the entire world. David Letterman more or less called her a slut on national television. And she has had to endure the cruelty of Levi Johnson. So the viewers of this show have a chance to pen a suitable coda on this mess: “and then she rose above all of that, beating out ringers like Brandy and Jennifer Grey, to win on Dancing With the Stars.” It is regular Americans’ chance to say to the media that you have done this girl wrong. And I forthrightly confess I will be glad if she does win.
I mean you know the left is losing all perspective when Jon Stewart has to tell his side to knock it off. This is the guy who invited an unapologetic, unreconstructed Islamofascist to his rally to restore sanity. And he is the voice of reason?
Update: For those of you who claim the left doesn’t hate Sarah Palin, I submit to you, (via a guest post by DRJ): The Wilding of Sarah Palin. But nothing has been a greater indictment on the left than their constant attacks on Bristol and other Palin children.
Also slight edits for early morning grammar.
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]