Patterico's Pontifications


The Rethuglicans are Coming to Kill Us! Quick! Disarm!

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 2:36 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; send your tips here.]

Via Professor Jacobson, we get this gem of an analysis from Digby at Hullabaloo:

Right wing radio is hate radio. And Glenn Beck is f—ing lunatic. And they reach many millions of people every day. Will any of those people act? Well, they already have on an individual basis. But this daily ranting about the evil of liberalism and the inhumanity of liberals seems to finally be reaching some sort of critical mass in which those on the right who hear nothing but this sort of raving all day long have come to believe that liberals — not liberalism — must be eliminated. I realize that we won’t have teabaggers running across the countryside lopping off people’s hands with machetes. But the sentiment that drives people like Beck and Limbaugh isn’t all that different, even though the worst we’ve seen are spit spewing screamers at Townhalls and a few cases of head stomping and false arrest. So far. This cannot end well.

(curse word edited.)  Now it is utterly correct to critique it as a violation of Godwin’s law with a slightly more modern spin. And it’s also correct to point out that she denounces the dehumanization of liberals,  while dehumanizing conservatives.  And of course it’s hilarious to notice her selective outrage over political violence, apparently believing that political violence is an indictment of the cause that motivates it…  except when her side does it.

But here’s the other funny thing.  This woman is also a supporter of… wait for it…  gun control.  I mean, if you were liberal, and you thought the republicans are really going to come and kill you, then don’t you want to have a gun?  If you are fearing slaughter, doesn’t that make sense?

I mean hell, the Tutsie story is in part a story of the triumph of second amendment rights.  In his classic opinion arguing in favor of an individual right to bear arms, Judge Kozinski argued that “If a few hundred Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto could hold off the Wehrmacht for almost a month with only a handful of weapons, six million Jews armed with rifles could not so easily have been herded into cattle cars.”  Well the Tutsis proved him right during the Rwandan holocaust.  Despite being a very greatly outnumbered minority group, they got armed, got organized and took the whole country over.  So the Tutsi story is a vindication of the importance of the right to bear arms.  But that never dawns on Digby, even while comparing liberals to Tutsis.

And this has gone on for years.  How many times have you seen people who believe in gun control argue that Bush was out to make himself into a dictator or some craziness like that?  Say what you will about the paranoid right, but at least they are practical enough to realize they need guns to resist when the conspiracy tries to do, um, whatever they think it is going to try to do to them.

Of course I managed to find one exception.  Ted Rall, last seen discussing with Dylan Radigan the need for a violent revolution in America, says this on his site:

All my friends are in favor of gun control; I’m totally opposed to it. How are we going to beat off the fascists when the crunch comes if we don’t have guns. They laugh at me, but that’s a real problem, a real tactical issue. There could never have been a French resistance if they didn’t have guns.

I mean he is an anti-American jerk and idiot, but he beats his fellow paranoiacs by recognizing that his paranoid fantasies verify the vitality of the second amendment.  Imagine that.

Update: Thanks to everyone who pointed out that digby is female.  The post has been appropriately changed.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

157 Responses to “The Rethuglicans are Coming to Kill Us! Quick! Disarm!”

  1. If patriotic Americans aren’t afraid of right-wingers, they’re not paying attention.

    Ted Rall (805c0d)

  2. If sensible folk haven’t heard of Ted Rall, they are paying attention to all the important areas of Life …

    Alasdair (205079)

  3. Will any of those people act? Well, they already have on an individual basis.

    Bam, right there. You see what they are upset about, and it isn’t violence. It’s that we’re rallying and voting and winning.

    I’m tired of the violence from the left and the hysterical inflation and invention of violence from the right. These people are just attempting to delegitimize serious concerns by sober people… and they are doing so in the most vicious way they can imagine.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  4. Just FYI, Digby is a chick.

    MayBee (b8f705)

  5. It sounds like Digby is calling for the elimination of Beck and Limbaugh. No?

    MayBee (b8f705)

  6. @Ted Rall “patriotic Americans aren’t afraid of right-wingers, they’re not paying attention.”

    Shouldn’t that be One-world Socialists, rather than patriotic Americans? I did not know the latter existed among the Left-wing.

    Dan Kauffman (3c9c17)

  7. Glenn Beck has the nicest smile to where it just makes your day better

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  8. @2

    Isn’t he the “journalist” who called Condi Rice Bush’s “house nigga”?

    malclave (1db6c5)

  9. This is the same hystericcal nonsense they also spew. Digby proved to be a putrid cretin with her willingness to lie and exploit the war to advance a political agenda, and admitted doing so.

    JÐ (85b089)

  10. I still remember Rall’s excreable “cartoon” after 9/11, making a moral equivalency between the Towers falling and (of course) our horrible over – reaction in Afghanistan. Ted Rall is not only an incredible bag of douche, his recent call to violence exposes him as the huge pussy he’s always been in real life.

    Dmac (cefb68)

  11. I saw this bumper sticker not too long ago that said “visualize no liberals”

    I wondered just how that would work.

    imdw (66f2a5)

  12. “…How are we going to beat off the fascists when the crunch comes…”

    Why would Ted be afraid of “fascists”, after all, they are Progressives too.

    AD-RtR/OS! (2c0e62)

  13. Was that Ted Rall above?

    JÐ (b98cae)

  14. I think you’re missing, AW, is that the concern about this isn’t all or nothing. One can be concerned that the paranoid rantings of Beck that a wealthy jewish financier controls major elements of the media, the economy, and policy making destroys civil discourse without needing to go all the way to thinking that genocide is coming. True it can manifest itself in petty acts of violence, but in some ways the more damaging effect is in the decay of the discourse. Reactionary elements opposed to liberal democracies gain from that, just as much as from violence, if not more.

    Also, you may like Ward Churchill’s “pacifism as pathology.” It sounds like its up the alley of the left you’d like to see.

    imdw (a863d5)

  15. imdw

    i will point out for the record, that beck has NEVER harped on soros’ religion. in fact, i had no idea he was jewish until liberals started bringing it up.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  16. I’m more concerned about the paranoid rantings of Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, David Niewert and the fabulism of the SPLC that seem to make it into official Department of Homeland Security reports with no support. That is scary.

    daleyrocks (9896ff)

  17. “i will point out for the record, that beck has NEVER harped on soros’ religion. ”

    He’s certainly brought it up. And also cited anti-semitic conspiracies. Mildly, he’s probably also practiced the causal anti-semitism of essentializing that jews must have a given, likudnik opinion towards israel.

    imdw (906b05)

  18. imdw, “probably” ? Beck has probably practiced anti-semitism?

    You really don’t care what’s left of your credibility, do you?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. “If patriotic Americans aren’t afraid of right-wingers, they’re not paying attention.”

    Right-wingers ARE patriotic Americans.

    Folks like Ted Rall are progressive-fascists with eliminationist anxiety disorder.

    JB (3d25ab)

  20. “Mildly, he’s probably also practiced the causal anti-semitism of essentializing that jews must have a given, likudnik opinion towards israel.”

    Really? That’s the standard you want to introduce?

    Then the entire democratic party is guilty of racism, given what they express about blacks supporting Republicans.

    JB (3d25ab)

  21. “imdw, “probably” ? Beck has probably practiced anti-semitism?”

    Yeah I haven’t seen much of the show, but this is a standard right wing trope. Beck calls out Soros for lacking support for israel, in the context of him being jewish, and defends himself from accusations of anti-semitism with claims that he is a supporter of israel. The essentializing of jews is basically all there.

    imdw (2020d4)

  22. imdw

    > He’s certainly brought it up. And also cited anti-semitic conspiracies. Mildly, he’s probably also practiced the causal anti-semitism of essentializing that jews must have a given, likudnik opinion towards israel.

    Really? prove it.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  23. “I realize that we won’t have teabaggers running across the countryside lopping off people’s hands with machetes.”–Digby, aka The Dumbest Woman in America

    Wanna bet?

    I was just sharpening my machete yesterday.

    Dave Surls (2155f1)

  24. So, what has imdw “probably” practiced?

    malclave (1db6c5)

  25. “imdw, “probably” ? Beck has probably practiced anti-semitism?”

    Yeah I haven’t seen much of the show, but this is a standard right wing trope. Beck calls out Soros for lacking support for israel, in the context of him being jewish, and defends himself from accusations of anti-semitism with claims that he is a supporter of israel. The essentializing of jews is basically all there.”

    “Then the entire democratic party is guilty of racism, given what they express about blacks supporting Republicans.”

    Wasn’t Reid criticized for what he said about Hispanics? Is there a problem with doing the same with people who condescend to jews this way?

    Don’t get so worked up though. Usually I find it just amusing to have the goy deciding who is true jew.

    imdw (ce700c)

  26. “If patriotic Americans aren’t afraid of right-wingers, they’re not paying attention.”

    Well, speaking for myself, the left has finally convinced me of the perils of global warming, but I’ve come to believe that they don’t go far enough enough in their prescriptions.

    So we must eliminate the carbon footprint of some people, all for the good of the planet. Why not start with some windbag cartoonists?

    Haumea (3d25ab)

  27. “Really? prove it.”

    I did. Check the filter. How about you tell me more about what beck NEVER said about Soros.

    imdw (0275b8)

  28. Maybe I missed it but did Digby say what she thinks of hate actions like Black Panthers with clubs patrolling polling places and code pinkos attacking and damaging military recruiting offices? They surely already have gone further than “words” and rants. Is that OK?

    elissa (b417e1)

  29. Having someone who has rejoiced in its anti-semitism make a false claim of anti-semitism is rich in irony.

    JÐ (6e25b4)

  30. Elissa – actual violence done by leftists does not count.

    JÐ (6e25b4)

  31. Rejoiced. That’s a new one. You know how to work it: You can’t just tell a big lie JD. You have to keep elaborating.

    imdw (53b665)

  32. imdw, well thanks for telling us your philosophy of big lies.

    However, we already knew.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. “They surely already have gone further than “words” and rants. Is that OK?”

    elissa – Plus lefty ecoterrorists do it in the name of Gaia, so that’s DIFFERENT.

    daleyrocks (9896ff)

  34. SPQR – all that anti-semitism was someone else posting under imdw’s name, not actually imdw.

    Digby is vile. And the left is just projecting as they feel impotent because the American people just rejected their failed ideology in a very public manner.

    JÐ (0d2ffc)

  35. JD and daley–thanks for the clarification. The difference in rules between what is considered acceptable protest on the left vs. the right is just so darn confuuusing!

    elissa (b417e1)

  36. JD, hey get you a new “D” and you think you know everything, eh?


    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. If you are continuously told that liberal is evil, you may begin to believe it. Same as teabaggers with Muslims, Nazis with Jews, etc…
    despite the reality.

    [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]

    -favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression
    -free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
    -open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
    -characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.

    Yes, sounds evil

    W (9df40f)

  38. So, let’s see if we can get this straight. William the racist hillhack plagiarizer Yelverton deounces hate filled spittle flecked irrational hatred while engagin in hate filled spittle flecked irrational hatred of those that do not share his fringe political viewpoint. Gof@ck yourself, midget.

    JÐ (0d2ffc)

  39. SPQR – no idea where that came from, and I cannot get it to go away.

    JÐ (6e25b4)

  40. Here’s some examples of Terrible Teddy’s awesome work:

    Dmac (faccd8)

  41. W, Beck is a liberal.

    And he sees himself as such.

    If you just redefine leftist democrats under those terms, I’m sure that makes it a lot easier to demonize anyone who disagrees with them.

    Ðustin (b54cdc)

  42. (classic liberal)

    Ðustin (b54cdc)

  43. And all of the violence is on the conservative side according to lunatics like her? She is probably claiming that swamp land in Florida or that bridge connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan as her property too.

    TexasDoc (dba55e)

  44. “Here’s some examples of Terrible Teddy’s awesome work:”

    Wow that’s awful. What’s that feb 02? Too soon. It took Beck a year to start hating the 9/11 families.

    imdw (3ac9fb)

  45. “If you just redefine leftist democrats under those terms, I’m sure that makes it a lot easier to demonize anyone who disagrees with them.”

    Oddly, he demonizes soros for bringing liberal reforms to eastern europe.

    imdw (3ac9fb)

  46. Having listened to my very first Beck show the other day (took a trip into town at the hour when XM rebroadcasts the FNC program) I can state that Beck did mention Soros’ heritage, and that “he did not practice”. This was followed by a clip of Soros (presumably – I was listening in the car) saying that he “did not need to defend Israel; there were plenty of Jews to do that”. Sorry Aaron, you are wrong.

    Addtionally, I would argue that clip pretty clearly indicates that Soros does not have an ethinically-induced Likudnik attitude toward Israel, and that shows that imdw was talking out its cloaca.

    JSinAZ (dcf3df)

  47. “If you are continuously told that liberal is evil, you may begin to believe it.”

    Or, if you open your eyes and look at the things liberals do.

    Dave Surls (2155f1)

  48. “Addtionally, I would argue that clip pretty clearly indicates that Soros does not have an ethinically-induced Likudnik attitude toward Israel, and that shows that imdw was talking out its cloaca.”

    Actually the point is that it is casual anti-semitism to essentialize Jews as having that view, to say that “real” jews believe that. To sit and judge that one is not jew enough if, say, they take the J Street line. This is especially amusing when practiced by a goy.

    imdw (095c5d)

  49. @34

    And you use the “teabagger” slur out of a sense of brotherhood, right?

    Your dictionary definition is irrelevant when discussing modern political liberals.

    malclave (1db6c5)

  50. “Addtionally, I would argue that clip pretty clearly indicates that Soros does not have an ethinically-induced Likudnik attitude toward Israel, and that shows that imdw was talking out its cloaca.”

    Actually the point is that it is casual anti-semitism to essentialize Jews as having that view, to say that “real” jews believe that. To sit and judge that one is not jew enough if, say, they take the J Street line on Israel. This is especially amusing when practiced by a goy.

    imdw (8bb588)

  51. Politics is a circle (or maybe a sphere?)with libertarianism at the top and authoritarianism at the bottom. You can get to the bottom from the right or the left.

    There are a lot of loudmouths making veiled hints at violence and also telling a lot of lies which, told the right way, don’t count in court as lies. Right now most of those loudmouths are on the right so it makes some people nervous. Other people just shrug and assume that nobody takes those loudmouths seriously.

    Personally people like Beck or O’Reilly etc. annoy me because they turn Americans against each other.

    EdWood (98b8c6)

  52. But here’s the other funny thing. This woman is also a supporter of… wait for it… gun control. I mean, if you were liberal, and you thought the republicans are really going to come and kill you, then don’t you want to have a gun? If you are fearing slaughter, doesn’t that make sense?

    Chris wrote about the Saint Nothing’s Day Massacre.

    I mean hell, the Tutsie story is in part a story of the triumph of second amendment rights. In his classic opinion arguing in favor of an individual right to bear arms, Judge Kozinski argued that “If a few hundred Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto could hold off the Wehrmacht for almost a month with only a handful of weapons, six million Jews armed with rifles could not so easily have been herded into cattle cars.”

    That was his dissent in Silveira v. Lockyer, a dissent vindicated by District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago.

    Michael Ejercito (249c90)

  53. Funny how historical, and actual modern violence of the Left is so casually brushed aside, for fears from fevered imaginations.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  54. I realize that we won’t have teabaggers running across the countryside lopping off people’s hands with machetes.

    Of course not.

    1. Liberals live in cities.
    2. Guns are more convenient.
    3. Running is tiring (and see #2). Besides, it seems more likely it would be the people who use words like “teabagger” who’d be running.

    Kevin M (298030)

  55. I have to laugh when people drag out the dictionary definition of a liberal. It is funny because it it true, but only about 60 years out of date. The liberals it refers to are people like Hubert Humphrey and JFK who in this day and age would be pilloried by modern liberals because they believed in tax cuts and a strong national defense. Ask Joe Lieberman about how modern liberals treat you if support the military and their mission.

    Thresherman (4e0dda)

  56. Funny how historical, and actual modern violence of the Left is so casually brushed aside, for fears from fevered imaginations.

    Comment by JD — 11/11/2010 @ 6:44 pm

    How about when Obama said to the investment bankers that he was the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks and it was the SEIU who had the pitchforks.

    Thresherman (4e0dda)

  57. Oddly, he demonizes soros for bringing liberal reforms to eastern europe.

    Comment by imdw

    The only odd thing about this is that you still think people believe anything you make up about Beck.

    For whatever reason, a bunch of kooks are obsessed with Glenn Beck, and some, like you, find the only recourse to his arguments is to attempt to concoct an endless stream of mythology about how horrible Beck is.

    And that’s what everyone in Beck’s field dreams could happen to them. You might think you’re fighting against him, but you’re playing right into a trick.

    Mark Levin probably hopes his overkill trash talking will eventually make him the sort of pariah that manifestly nasty kooks build into an extremely relevant pundit, but Beck’s just less obvious. All those aspects of his show that I find a bit annoying drives you kooks crazy, I guess.

    Beck would be a blip on the radar if it wasn’t for people like IMDW. I suspect the man most responsible for Glenn Beck’s success is George Soros, actually.

    It’s pretty hard to demonize an unapologetic Nazi collaborator, convicted insider trader, and currency destroyer, but predictable that you can’t find a way to discuss this without conflating that with demonizing.

    No, when you accused Beck of raping and murdering kids that was demonizing. And in both these cases, the left shows us who it fears and what arguments it’s least able to win.

    Ðustin (b54cdc)

  58. Wear a Glenn Beck t-shirt for a day on a college campus and see who the violent ones really are.

    the wolf (7cffb6)

  59. Awww. Looks like someone told Allen West to get himself a new chief of staff. I wonder who it was.

    “The only odd thing about this is that you still think people believe anything you make up about Beck.”

    Did you watch over the last few days ?

    “Beck would be a blip on the radar if it wasn’t for people like IMDW.”

    His ratings are down. And some key groups have worked hard to make sure that Fox doesn’t make much money from him. It’s kind of sad, really, that since he can’t get normal commercials his credulous viewers instead get goldline and crisis gardens.

    imdw (0172f3)

  60. His ratings are down.

    Heh. I have no idea what his ratings are or how I could find out. I noticed you also have discussed his shows in great detail.

    I could care less. You want to move on to making a new conservative icon, be my guest. I’m sure Beck thanks God you were born, though.

    Ðustin (b54cdc)

  61. As someone noted above, this is typical leftist blather. Criticizing Soros is not anti-semitic, despite what mediamatterz and imdw claim. Leftists like to conflate criticism of an individual with criticism of one of their precious identity groups, and then conflate that criticism with racism, etc ….

    JD (c8c1d2)

  62. JD, you don’t get it. It wasn’t just ‘criticizing soros.’

    imdw (a544ba)

  63. I get you and yours all too well.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  64. Here’s a funny example of how leftists pretended Beck’s views were crazy.

    Ted Rall’s a real psycho, but I suspect he’s trying to pull off the magic trick Beck has. Everything about his book and MSNBC trash talk shtick scream that his business model is to gain notoriety from outraged conservatives. And yeah, his ideas are outrageous, but I don’t have imdw’s stamina for obsessing over a pundit I don’t agree with, so I’ll just ignore him 99% of the time.

    There’s not much need to fear the left pushing a civil war, but I think conservatives can expect some cynical attempts to goad Tea Partiers into violence. As the so-called ‘head stomp’ showed, they are salivating for some violence to score points from. That’s because the left is losing. Why would the right need violence when we’re winning most of the elections?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  65. It wasn’t just ‘criticizing soros.’

    Comment by imdw

    Yeah, it was.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  66. You never did answer my question. How many names have you posted under, and what were they?

    JD (c8c1d2)

  67. I’ll start worrying when imdw and Soros start championing the Second Amdendment.

    But seriously, I don’t watch Beck often, but when I do, I can’t for long.

    Nonetheless, he has said things I agree with and others I don’t. But unless I’m wrong and I’m pretty sure I’m not, he has never, ever called for violence against anyone.

    The left’s fall-back position on anyone who disagrees with them is that they are racists, violent, stupid and racist, stupid and violent.

    I’m sorry, but the old folk on Medicare and Social Security may be racists, but in my experience, they’re not stupid or violent. Even if they were, it’s hard to toss Molotov cocktails while clutching a walker.

    Here’s the real problem with trying to make right-wingers into some sort of rabble-rousing mob intent on forcing the left into concentration camps: They can’t. They may have guns, but their aim is unreliable.

    Also, any normal person can look around a newscast and see the violence in any political situation usually involves young people, who tend to be anarchists or Greens or skinhead soccer thugs.

    The middle-aged and geriatric constituents of the current right-wing protests tend to pick up their garbage and try to find some nice place for an early dinner. They may be mad, but they would like a nap.

    Beck may be able to motivate a lot of people, but seriously, does anyone believe he can cause a 20-year-old to take up arms against the government?

    Normal people can see the difference.

    And, please, don’t cite McVeigh. What he did was more than a decade ago and his ilk represents the Tea Party about as much as the Weather Underground represents the left.

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  68. Ag – only problem with that analogy is that one group would scorn the terrorist, while the other group of terrorists was welcomed back into polite society.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  69. Clarification on word usage: Teabagger.

    W (9df40f)

  70. W is now equating muslims with Nazis. At least he’s getting closer to the historical truth.

    daleyrocks (9896ff)

  71. Your right, JD, and that’s the point, really. The left forgives any violent action against the status quo as a righteous fight against the power and welcomes all thugs back into the fold once the sentence or statute of limitations is exhausted. They were fighting the good fight.

    The right tends to disassociate it’s violent factions, regardless of age.

    To try to be fair, here’s an example: G. Gordon Liddy committed a crime. Now, a part of the right has allowed him to have a voice. Although Watergate was illegal, he didn’t, you know, kill anybody or commit violence, in his criminal activity. Regardless, he committed a crime and was punished.

    That’s just one example. I’m sure we’ll be hearing soon from the fellow travelers about all the right-wing terrorists who have killed untold thousands.

    However, I think the left would be hard-pressed to find an example where the right has embraced violent individuals to the point where they have a say in current discourse.

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  72. “Yeah, it was.”

    Oh you watched it?

    “I’ll start worrying when imdw and Soros start championing the Second Amdendment.”

    Hey I did recommend that Churchill book.

    imdw (7b0243)

  73. Well as long as W is citing the Urban Dictionary, I guess we’ve all been owned. Well played, sir!

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  74. Yelverton thinks he is being cute by trying to claim that teabaggee in not a childish sexual slur. He really just likes nut sacks in his mouf.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  75. “Here’s a funny example of how leftists pretended Beck’s views were crazy.”

    The problem with goldline is they’re not selling you melt value, which is what that chart shows. They’re selling you numismatic value. Here:

    Sadly, people are fooled by this.

    imdw (ce700c)

  76. “Here’s a funny example of how leftists pretended Beck’s views were crazy.”

    The problem with goldline is they’re not selling you melt value, which is what that chart shows. They’re selling you numismatic value. Here:

    Unfortunately, people are fooled by this.

    imdw (8bb588)

  77. imdw:

    True, and Churchill probably knew how to fire a gun, what with his military experience and all.

    However, he was Calvary, rather than Infantry, so who knows? Except the India part, the Sudan part, et al.

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  78. Anyone get the feeling that imdw, the cowardly person that refuses to acknowledge it’s multiple sockpuppets, is kind of obsessed with Beck?

    JD (c8c1d2)

  79. imdw

    I looked in the filter. i never saw anything that substantiates any of your claims about beck.

    i did release the 9:05 one. is that it? or did you have more?

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  80. The joke is on you. Teabaggers named themselves.

    Fox News was the first media outlet to involk the term.

    W (9df40f)

  81. “I looked in the filter. i never saw anything that substantiates any of your claims about beck.”

    There was one a while ago where I explained that he did talk about soros’s views on Israel in the context of soros being jewish — and that he also explained that he himself could not be anti-semitic because of his support for israel. Thus displaying the condescending essentializing of jews as having a particular view towards israel.

    Or you could just go and watch beck’s show.

    imdw (8bb588)

  82. The joke is on you. Teabaggers named themselves.

    Fox News was the first media outlet to involk the term.

    Comment by W —

    This is so dull. Can’t you at least come up with something kooky and insane that is more original, the way imdw does?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  83. And that excuses your childish name-calling? Is that what MTSU expects of their staff? We already know that you are cool with plagiarism. Using vulgar sexual terms to describe someone that does not share your wildly fringe viewpoints is appropriate, in your world.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  84. JD, are you a ‘bagger?

    W (9df40f)

  85. William Yelverton – Tell us about your personal relationship with dishonesty, and having ball in your mouth.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  86. Nevermind, it’s obvious that JD considers himself a very principled teabagger.

    W (9df40f)

  87. Who is william yelverton and why do you want to suck his balls?

    W (9df40f)

  88. What is the cutest part of the midget hilljack is when he tries to pretend he is not William Yelverton, Professor of Plagiarism at MTSU. Maybe he will change genders and start posting as Pam again.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  89. Goodnight, racists. Be kind to midgets.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  90. W:

    “Involk?” Look, I know that anyone, including myself, can make mistakes in typing, but what does that mean? Did you mean “invoke?”

    So, some people didn’t know what “teabagging” meant in the porno culture? That’s your basis for ignorance? Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps the people in the movement you despise didn’t know because it never occurred to them?

    Did it never occur to you that there is a segment of the population that has no idea that placing a scrotum in an oral orifice is unusual to them, much less the name for it?

    Just asking.

    Also, imdw, have you looked at the price of gold, lately?

    I wish I had invested in it a couple of years ago.

    Commodity and precious metal prices tend to increase during periods of economic uncertainty. Betting your future on those fluctuations may be a fool’s game, but basing an argument against someone you disagree on their sponsors seems to be grasping at straws.

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  91. Ag8o, are you a teabagger?

    W (9df40f)

  92. Comment by W — 11/11/2010 @ 9:46 pm

    Geez, Yelverton, is your love life that pathetic that you’re reduced to soliciting on a political blog?

    Another Chris (2e9afa)

  93. “Betting your future on those fluctuations may be a fool’s game, but basing an argument against someone you disagree on their sponsors seems to be grasping at straws.”

    You’re not following how it worked. It wasn’t just about buying gold. It was about buying rare coins (not melt value) from a particular high margin dealer.

    imdw (ce700c)

  94. No, but thanks for asking.

    I suppose a link to the Salem, Oregon, newspaper’s Web site means something to a lot of people you associate with.

    Ag80 (743fd1)

  95. I actually watched beck today for about 20 minutes and he talked about soros and played parts of soros interviews.There was nothing antisemetic in his presentation. Some seem to be commenting using hearsay evidence. I expect that from the left,I hope for better from the right.

    dunce (b89258)

  96. AC – I think W is more a Rusty Trombone or Cleveland Steamer type guy, but you never know.

    daleyrocks (9896ff)

  97. Comment by Dave Surls — 11/11/2010 @ 4:58 pm

    Dave, since we are supposed to be concerned about the environment, I’ve replaced my machete with a solar powered chain saw, and sworn off night fighting – leaves more time for attitude adjustment.

    AD-RtR/OS! (2c0e62)

  98. I expect that from the left,I hope for better from the right.

    Comment by dunce

    imdw is a hardened leftist, but ideally yes, you should expect better evidence for that kind of accusation. To say the least, imdw is not the ideal.

    I did google the issue, and crooks and liars admit some disturbing stuff about Soros in their effort to prove he’s not a real Nazi because he only helped collect the property of holocaust victims and isn’t sorry about it.

    They just ask ‘Antisemitic?’ without an argument, as if that doesn’t make them look awful.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  99. “And, please, don’t cite McVeigh. What he did was more than a decade ago and his ilk represents the Tea Party about as much as the Weather Underground represents the left.”

    Yeah, we have McVeigh on our side. He was a right winger.

    They have the Weathermen on their side…also the Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and Democrats.

    Dave Surls (c8b3e3)

  100. Gee, I hate being late to the party! W (Yelverton) inventing new words (“involk”?) and imdw accusing Glenn Beck of anti-Semitism, without one scintilla of evidence to back it up. Great fun!

    Icy Texan (5aae2f)

  101. “I’ve replaced my machete with a solar powered chain saw”

    Won’t work for me. I like to work at night.

    Dave Surls (c8b3e3)

  102. “They have the Weathermen on their side…also the Nazis, Fascists, Communists, and Democrats.”

    This is such a funny trope of the extreme Right. Why won’t you own your Nazis and Fascists?

    It is a historical fact that Nazism and Italian Fascism were movements of the extreme Right. Their central attributes were things most mainstream Republicans currently embrace: militarism, expansionism, submission of the individual to the needs of the state, eradication of individual rights.

    If mainstream Americans fear Republicans and Tea Partiers, it’s because they recognize where right-wingery logically winds up: death camps.

    P.S. Yeah, yeah, I know–it’s “National SOCIALISM.” That was merely a name brilliantly conceived to attract stupid leftist voters in the 1920s. Germany was a majority socialist country at the time, so it was good marketing. But the policies were not socialist.

    Speaking of which, socialist countries like the USSR made all sorts of huge mistakes and committed atrocities. The Left should own those mistakes and atrocities, and learn from them to avoid repeating them.

    Ted Rall (805c0d)

  103. ==============================
    If Attacked…

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  104. But the policies were not socialist

    Of course they were, but what else would we expect from a nitwit who is either Ted Rall or someone who identifies closely with him?

    They were all STATIST , which is just another term for “socialist”, and one which says that the rights of the state outweigh the rights of the individual.

    On this, the Nazis, the Communists, AND the Fascists were in complete agreement, and directly anathema to virtually all the ideas this nation, America, is about.

    Now the ideas of individual liberty CAN be taken too far, no argument — but there IS an appropriate middle ground in which neither is paramount over the other. But I’d argue that the history of the USA, as well as Europe following the Renaissance, more than amply suggests that human society benefits the most when it errs on the side of too much individual freedom, not too much state control.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  105. “It is a historical fact that Nazism and Italian Fascism were movements of the extreme Right”


    Dave Surls (c8b3e3)

  106. #102 Ted Rall

    Ted, about your last sentence on how the USSR made huge mistakes and committed atrocities.
    I think the term that would be more accurate is that they made concerted efforts against their own people that involved huge atrocities as a means to an end.

    Te same with Mao in China of course.They were not mistakes and to say that Hitler’s policies were not socialist is insane, his policies were socialism to the extreme, not liberalism but pure socialism with a good does of nationalism.
    Hitler’s entire war campaign involved “taking over” other nations, destroying religion, rooting out “straw men” people(Jews, gypsies etc)and assimilating the rest of the people into his warped socialist ideology.He used trains and gas chambers on the ones who didn’t comply.

    The funny thing is that there is, with all of the evidence of the tyranny and genocide(on their own people….I’ll keep my weapons,thank you) of communists and socialists,with all of the hard proof and historical fact, there is not one shred of the American right people doing anything like what the “citizen controllers” have done.

    Lastly, on the subject of communists and the American left.Many of the American left like and or love communists, they wish to inflict the same ideology here in this country, they are taught that Hitler was an extreme right fanatic.
    Somebody should have told Hitler that back in the day because he sought out the communist elements of Germany and other nations to fight for Germany being their ideologies we’re so similar.

    American left, all bad, all the time.

    Drider (5ef5c6)

  107. TedRall sez “most mainstream Republicans currently embrace: expansionism, submission of the individual to the needs of the state, eradication of individual rights”

    You sure about that champ?

    JP (a9ab88)

  108. He really can’t be this stupid, can he, ‘yes he can’
    his drawing ability is teamed up with with this sub Brechtian Marxist patois,; if so he has a kindred spirit above the lower 48,

    justin cord (82637e)

  109. Long article on the similarities of the Nazi and communist regimes.The site was forwarded to me, so I’m unfamiliar with it but the article is dead on accurate.

    It should be required reading in our schools quite frankly.

    Drider (b003e1)

  110. Ted is right. We must bring back that favorite from the 70s, Right Wing Death Squads (tm.)

    “Their central attributes were things most mainstream Republicans currently embrace: militarism, expansionism, submission of the individual to the needs of the state, eradication of individual rights.”

    Republicans (at least conservative ones) want to submit individual to the state by reducing the size of the state and they want to eradicate individual right by making sure the federal government respects the Constitution. That’s a nifty trick! I wonder what they have up their sleeve.

    Haumea (3d25ab)

  111. “Rall”

    Personally, I tend to think it is silly kind of silly to pretend nazism is a right wing or left wing ideology, not the least because life is not as simple as a simple right/left spectrum.

    But let’s stack it up.

    First, these days all of the racists and anti-semites i see are on the left. As are all the people excusing racism and anti-semitism.

    Second, just about all of the people who wish to restrain freedom of speech are on the left.

    Third, just about all of the people who believe the government should run the entire economy is on the left.

    Fourth, just about all of the people who wish to make tribalistic appeals to ethnic groups, such as punishing your enemies in an election, are on the left.

    Fifth, just about everyone who believes that the law should be disregarded when inconvenient are on the left.

    Sixth, just about everyone who wants to disarm the populous is on the left.

    Did i miss anything?

    And its more than a little pathetic to pretend that calling the term “national socialism” just a slogan. if it in fact attracts leftists who then influence the movement, then aren’t they inevitably going to move them to the left?

    As for fascism, i merely refer you to the excellent book, liberal fascism.

    I think it is silly to pretend these ideologies that applied to wholly different countries and times can be reduced to a dot on the modern american left/right spectrum. indeed, i don’t think most regular voters can be, either. the two parties are mainly competing coalitions of often self-contradictory ideologies. most regular people are much less self-contradictory.

    For instance, what is a libertarian? right or left? they believe in small government, economic freedom, sexual freedom including gay sex and drug legalization (not in every case, but alot of cases). so what is that? right or left? Hard to say. yes, today they are voting republican, but that is because the democrats are presenting such an appalling alternative.

    So to reduce these sorts of things to left/right is mistaken. and if you go in there, you won’t like the results.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  112. “Fourth, just about all of the people who wish to make tribalistic appeals to ethnic groups, such as punishing your enemies in an election, are on the left.”

    Have you forgotten our favorite, Allen West?

    Say all you want, but Nazism was fundamentally opposed to the liberalism of the Weimar.

    imdw (8bb588)

  113. imdw

    mmm, is allen west’s tribalistic appeals sort of like glen beck’s anti-semitism… you know, something you can’t prove.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  114. Hitler supported the Bavarian uprising in 1919, Mussolini was a Socialist, Mosley the leading British fascist was a Labourite, Strachey, one of
    the leading figures in the post war Labor party
    was on the right; just a bit of an irony, Coughlin
    was to the left of FDR on economics. Now you will
    always find an outlier, Lawrence Dennis was a Harvard educated diplomat and banker, who turned
    to the far right, but as a general rule, they come from one direction

    justin cord (82637e)

  115. (Disclaimer, only read half of the posts.)

    Yeah I haven’t seen much of the show, but this is a standard right wing trope. Beck calls out Soros for lacking support for israel, in the context of him being jewish, and defends himself from accusations of anti-semitism with claims that he is a supporter of israel.

    This is standard left wing BS. When you listen to Beck or Rush you get more specific references to things written or spoken, often in audio clip. It’s often easy to show a claimed fact is actually false, but how often does the left do that? never that I’ve seen. I assume that is because they can’t, so they hype how ridiculous it is to listen or watch so people never have a chance to hear the claims and look at the evidence. And they are the ones who accuse the right of epistemological closure (“I don’t think that word means what you think it does.”)

    Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the government schools taught students to think critically instead of telling them what to think?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  116. Say all you want, but Nazism was fundamentally opposed to the liberalism of the Weimar.

    What exactly was the liberalism of the Weimar that Nazism was opposed to?

    Gerald A (138c50)

  117. Their central attributes were things most mainstream Republicans currently embrace: militarism, expansionism, submission of the individual to the needs of the state, eradication of individual rights.

    Most mainstream Republicans don’t embrace any of those things. Other than the first two, those are attributes of the left. Actually the first two historically have been attributes of the left as well, e.g. the Soviet Union.

    Gerald A (138c50)

  118. “mmm, is allen west’s tribalistic appeals sort of like glen beck’s anti-semitism… you know, something you can’t prove.”

    You have heard him talk about islam, right? What ‘proof’ do you need here? The divisiveness is pretty clear. It’s even clear to the BNP, as we found out when Dustin linked to them.

    Seriously AW. You’re the dude who said Beck NEVER did something. What proof did you have for that? Give me a break.

    “This is standard left wing BS. When you listen to Beck or Rush you get more specific references to things written or spoken, often in audio clip. It’s often easy to show a claimed fact is actually false, but how often does the left do that? ”

    You can find the video of Beck’s show if you want. Some even presented by left organizations. You can also consult some Jewish sources discussing his recent episodes. Or maybe you don’t trust them.

    imdw (53b665)

  119. “What exactly was the liberalism of the Weimar that Nazism was opposed to?”

    For one, modern art.

    imdw (53b665)

  120. imdw

    no, why don’t you tell me what he said about islam. and i mean actually tell it to me instead of not and claiming it is caught in a mythological filter.

    And funny you turn around the burden of proof on beck. not surprising since you said he was “probably” engaged in anti-semitism, meaning in fact you didn’t know.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  121. “What exactly was the liberalism of the Weimar that Nazism was opposed to?”

    For one, modern art.

    Who today has been known to oppose to modern art as a political position (not personal preference)? I’ll ignore the typical liberal BS answer of opposing FUNDING of specific offensive art, like a crucifix in urine or pornography. That doesn’t equate to opposition to modern art.

    Gerald A (138c50)

  122. imdw

    > For one, modern art.

    That’s stupid. Hitler was a vegetarian. Does that mean vegetarians are nazis?

    and of course who is more likely to support animal rights (so long as that animal is not a human fetus)? liberals or conservatives?

    *rolls eyes*

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  123. Come to think of it, was the Weimar Republic actually IDENTIFIED with modern art in any way? Or is he MAKING THINGS UP as shocking as thay may be?

    Gerald A (138c50)

  124. Gerald

    well, i think the weimars tolerated it. and hitler hated it, especially impressionism.

    He also like wagner, so if you like flight of the Valkyries, you are a nazi.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  125. I see that Ted Rall is still brazenly lying. Fascism and National Socialism ( two related but distinct ideologies ) were movements of the Left. The lie that they were movements of the “Right” comes from the Marxist-Leninist practice of painting all their political enemies as of “Reactionary forces” or the “Right”. That Fascism and National Socialism were opposed to Marxist-Leninism or even Weimer liberalism does not mean that they were not of a particular shade of the political spectrum. Historically, modern American Liberalism was a movement of the politically Left to expel Communism from American left-wing political life. That does not make Liberalism of the “Right” either, except to a blithering moron and despicable human being like Rall.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  126. As for imdw, well I found some of that on my shoe this morning after carrying the trash cans across my front lawn.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  127. i will point out for the record, that beck has NEVER harped on soros’ religion


    Kman (d25c82)

  128. “Come to think of it, was the Weimar Republic actually IDENTIFIED with modern art in any way”

    Seriously? Like, bauhaus, dada? nothing like this rings a bell? Or all the things in the nazi’s “degenerate art” exhibit? You’re not familiar with weimar culture?

    “no, why don’t you tell me what he said about islam. and i mean actually tell it to me instead of not and claiming it is caught in a mythological filter.”

    You didn’t follow the link Dustin posted to the BNP’s youtube account? here let me find it:

    There’s also his rant on the coexist sticker. Want me to find that too or maybe you want find it unfiltered?

    imdw (0275b8)

  129. I think the cultural aspects of Weimar, are informed
    by the circumstances leading up to it, the shattering of a generation at war, and the runup
    of hyperinflation into 1923, that made all the old verities of faith, family, fortune, seem irrelevant that led to that circumstances

    justin cord (82637e)

  130. “Come to think of it, was the Weimar Republic actually IDENTIFIED with modern art in any way”

    Seriously? Like, bauhaus, dada? nothing like this rings a bell? Or all the things in the nazi’s “degenerate art” exhibit? You’re not familiar with weimar culture?

    “no, why don’t you tell me what he said about islam. and i mean actually tell it to me instead of not and claiming it is caught in a mythological filter.”

    You didn’t follow the link Dustin posted to the BNP’s youtube account? here let me find it:

    There’s also his rant on the coexist sticker. Want me to find that too or maybe you want find it unfiltered?

    “And funny you turn around the burden of proof on beck. not surprising since you said he was “probably” engaged in anti-semitism, meaning in fact you didn’t know.”

    What do you mean ‘turn it around on him’? I guessed he engaged in a standard right wing trope. And lo and behold, he did!

    imdw (0275b8)

  131. “Come to think of it, was the Weimar Republic actually IDENTIFIED with modern art in any way”

    Seriously? Like, bauhaus, dada? nothing like this rings a bell? Or all the things in the nazi’s “degenerate art” exhibit? You’re not familiar with weimar culture?

    “no, why don’t you tell me what he said about islam. and i mean actually tell it to me instead of not and claiming it is caught in a mythological filter.”

    You didn’t follow the link Dustin posted to the BNP’s youtube account? here let me find it:

    There’s also his rant on the coexist sticker. Want me to find that too or maybe you want find it unfiltered?

    “And funny you turn around the burden of proof on beck. not surprising since you said he was “probably” engaged in anti-semitism, meaning in fact you didn’t know.”

    What do you mean ‘turn it around on him’? I guessed he engaged in a standard right wing trope. And lo and behold… he did!

    imdw (1d1dec)

  132. Kman, that what you link to is in effect the opposite of the implication that Aaron was denying is of course of no importance to you. The attack that Beck made was related to allegations about Soros’ personal actions and the Holocaust, not his being jewish.

    Were you being deliberately obtuse or just dishonest? Gee, I can’t think of a question less interesting than that.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  133. kman

    lol, that ADL page is contradictory. they get mad at beck for saying soros as a jew helped send jews to the death camps. then they say:

    > The Holocaust was a horrific time, and many people had to make excruciating choices to ensure their survival.

    which suggests that beck was right. And indeed, if you go and read what he actually said, he was right:

    > [Soros] used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off. And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God.

    So he mentioned that the man was jewish in the highly relevant context of him being a participant (albeit coerced) in the holocaust.

    btw, i find it funny that some of the same people who attacked our current pope as a nazi are offended by this mere discussion by Beck.

    So all you get is that beck once mentioned the man was jewish in a context where it is utterly relevant. Okay point for you. now how does that make him into an anti-semite?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  134. “So all you get is that beck once mentioned the man was jewish in a context where it is utterly relevant. Okay point for you. now how does that make him into an anti-semite?”

    I explained it. Jewish week has done some writing on it too. You can also just plain old refuse to get what Foxman’s point is.

    imdw (53b665)

  135. This is remarkable, even for dimwit.

    JD (d5e4d1)

  136. imdw

    > I explained it

    no, you haven’t.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  137. AW – in it’s world, asserting something counts as explaining it.

    JD (d5e4d1)

  138. It’s not just the holocaust stuff, for one. Did you watch Beck cite to that Malaysian prime minister? I don’t think Beck is motivated by anti-semitism. I think he’s just practicing it in his hit job. Not just by harping on a Jew’s religion, but also on that Jew’s views towards israel (and also discussing his own views towards israel as somehow proof of a lack of anti-semitism).

    Do you have a problem with reading jewish week?

    imdw (604a8a)

  139. You have heard him talk about islam, right?

    Ah, yeah, Islam is no threat to anyone. They’re really cool people, just like you and me… well, me, at least… and if people would just leave them alone, they’d leave everyone else alone!!

    Ah, yeah. That one floats

    Just like the turd it so self-evidently is.

    Note: Don’t know dick about the guy you’re speaking of. But if speaking out against Islam is the worst offense you can point to, he’s probably no worse than Larry King on a factualism metric.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  140. It is true that some individuals from the left joined fascist movements. They changed sides, much as former liberals became neo-conservatives. Or do you claim the Weekly Standard is liberal?

    Ted Rall (2f72a6)

  141. I claim that Ted Rall is a loathesome vile cretin, that advocates violence against his political opponents.

    JD (d5e4d1)

  142. “You can also just plain old refuse to get what Foxman’s point is.

    Comment by imdw — 11/12/2010 @ 7:40 am”


    daleyrocks (9896ff)

  143. You can find the video of Beck’s show if you want. Some even presented by left organizations. You can also consult some Jewish sources discussing his recent episodes. Or maybe you don’t trust them.
    Comment by imdw

    You missed or ignored my point. I heard it myself, as the transcript was written by AW. And what someone else thinks (Jew or non-Jew) of it is what they think of it; they may believe I should think the way that they do, which is ironic, as they attack me because I’m supposedly just believing what somebody else says and not thinking for myself. And what Beck was saying came from Soros himself. (Actually, Soros’ own words put himself in a worse light than Beck did).

    All I’ve known about Soros is that he is very rich, he became rich by doing international currency trading that some characterize as shady, and that he was the person behind funding MoveOn and other liberal causes. Beck has him saying in written word or spoken word about how he deliberately wrecked the economies of 4 different nations for his own gain. I would love to her what people more knowledgable than I about economics and business have to say.

    While I’m not given to conspiracy theories, I also know that truth is often stranger than life, and I still don’t understand how an unknown with so much baggage became president. I can attribute it to the usual causes, a liberally inclined press who didn’t need a conspiracy to push for such a candidate (but even that was shown to be largely coordinated by Journolist), but with his degree of incompetence in office (in some ways), who knows. (He is very good at making things happen the way he wants, finding ways to have the executive branch do things without Congressional oversight. If Bush did half as much the screaming would be ear-piercing).)

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  144. “Their central attributes were things most mainstream Republicans currently embrace: militarism, expansionism, submission of the individual to the needs of the state, eradication of individual rights.”

    Somebody has their political parties flipped.

    Dave Surls (c8b3e3)

  145. It always cracks me up when the left lectures the right on hate speech by using the very speech they condemn. And all of the comparisons to nazis is getting kind of old. I guess one can play the Nazi card too often, just like the race card.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  146. i will point out for the record, that beck has NEVER harped on soros’ religion


    1) I quote your link:
    The Holocaust was a horrific time, and many people had to make excruciating choices to ensure their survival. George Soros has been forthright about his childhood experiences and his family’s history, and there the matter should rest.

    A very interesting non-denial denial about Beck’s observations of what Soros did.

    2) Note to Kman: “harped on”. This term does not mean what you think it means.

    3. (intr; foll by on or upon) to speak or write in a persistent and tedious manner

    Hence merely commenting — ever — is not the same as “harping”. But, being a libtard, you don’t grasp such subtle shades of meaning, despite your litard love of “nuance” (another word which does not mean what you think it means — it does not mean, like Humpty Dumpty, “whatever you want it to mean”).

    For you, it appears, there is black and there is white. There is no in-between. Hence actually saying ANYTHING and “Harping” are virtually indistinguishable in your pointy widdle head.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  147. “Ted Rall”

    They changed sides… by being told it was the same thing?


    [edited after the fact to eliminate a typo]

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  148. AW – in it’s world, asserting something counts as explaining it.

    Oh, ok. Allow me to refute, then:



    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  149. If Bush did half as much the screaming would be ear-piercing

    And how would that be different from when he only did 1/10th as much?


    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  150. “So to reduce these sorts of things to left/right is mistaken. and if you go in there, you won’t like the results.”

    I agree. Too bad most of the discourse in the country and on this thread as a microcosm does exactly that with the terms “con” and “lib” as hazy proxies.

    People think of military dictatorships like Hitler’s and others as right wing because so often the excuse for their conduct (and US funding of those regimes) was to “fight communism”. Dictatorships are really triumphs of Authoritarianism over Libertarianism.

    Some examples of “right wing” violence done in the name of “individualism” center around corporations. Ex. hiring goons to intimidate/beat/kill union organizers or people on strike, or, the deliberate destabilization of democratically elected governments in the West Indies (Haiti), and Central and South America in order to install regimes more friendly to American corporate interests. This second point is extrememly difficult to actually prove because lobbying isn’t particularly transparent and corporate goals can get mixed in with socialistic/(statist?) goals of ensuring America’s national security.

    The reason so many “libs” and “coms” agree on so many points,even though they often hate to own it, is because both of those self identified groups have lots of libertarian values. Somehow they have been tricked into actually believing that the other side does not.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  151. EdWood, its all one big “No True Scotsman” fallacy.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  152. SPQR, had to look up the no true scotsman fallacy. Yes indeed. And it’s embarrassing how often I have to stop myself (if I am able) from falling into it or falling for it.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  153. SPQR, I meant that I had to look up the fallacy, not you.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  154. *YAWN* Still waiting for imdw to produce one scintilla of evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of Glenn Beck.

    Somebody wake me when he bleats again.

    Icy Texan (5aae2f)

  155. It is amazing that to this day the false claim (or lie if you will) that Nazism and Italian facisim was a right wing movement continues. Too bad Hitler’s own words betray that very notion.

    National SOCIALISM was what Hitler considered a more refined version of Marxism which was in competition with communisim. To quote him:

    “I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit. The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and penpushers have timidly begun…I had only to develop logically what Social Democracy repeatedly failed in because of its attempt to realize its evolution within the framework of democracy. National Socialism is what Marxism might have been if it could have broken its absurd and artificial ties with the democratic order.” (Hitler to Rauschning, The Voice of Destruction, pg. 186).

    “[T]here is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it,” said Hitler to Rauschning. “There is, above all, genuine revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communist always will” (Quoting from Rauschning’s The Voice of Destruction, pg. 131) (Peikoff, 221).

    It appears that Ted Rall’s (or whoever is playing him) and other leftist’s beliefs are misguided. As Germans in the years before Hitler’s rise once said, “a Nazi is like beefsteak: brown on the outside, red on the inside.”

    Socialism in it’s many forms (including national socialism) is nothing but a left wing tyranny that brutalizes and subjugates it’s citizenry. This has been proven whenever and where ever it is practiced.

    So, to clarify for those who seem to be confused, the people who support a smaller government, less government control and liberty are those who refuse to accept tyranny. When the left attempts to paint the right with this brush of “fear the teaparty & right wingers” they only are projecting their own proclivities.

    B-line Snowboard (1614cd)

  156. There has never been support for gun control in the African-American community, and there never will be

    Neo (7830e6)

  157. Are you trying to be sarcastic, Neo?

    SPQR (26be8b)

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