Patterico's Pontifications


Photo of the Day

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 8:54 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; send your tips here.]

From The Corner (originally by the Politico, but no linky for bullies!), this sign was seen at the RNC:

Hey, Democrats, they are just using reverse psychology ninjitsu on you.  They are actually terrified of having Pelosi be minority leader in the house. So they are trying to psyche you out.  Yeah, that’s the ticket!

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

21 Responses to “Photo of the Day”

  1. Talking about your reverse psychology…….Over here it’s pretty straight forward: You guys hate her, slam her, denigrate her, belittle her, demonize her, and hate-hate-hate-hate-hate her because she kicks ass and it happens to be the asses of your guys in Congress.
    And yes, your guys have played the meme over and over enough such that plenty of Dems want her out of the way. That’s because they’re spineless.
    But do please note how many Blue Dogs got put down. More to come.

    Larry Reilly (ae99e7)

  2. You and yours got your asses kicked all over the country, and we are scared of her? We want her. Please please please.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  3. It ain’t over until the botox lady sings. Here’s a scenario- Nancy is not that far down in line of succession. Something quite unlikely happens while she’s still Speaker and she takes over. No more glass ceiling. So instead of a Chicago thug who thinks he is brilliant, we get a Baltimore transplant thief.

    How many percentage points are the Obama fellating media worth when it comes time for 2012 elections?
    Why are Red State Americans so unenlightened and Euromutants so cognizant of Obama’s wonderfulness? At least O held tight to the black and Hispanic vote, but what effect down the road will Rubio of Fla. have on Hispanic voters?

    Calypso Louie Farrakhan (798aba)

  4. Mmm, yeah, hire Pelosi. And whatever you do, don’t throw me in the briar patch.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  5. Barry and Nan….
    The Progressive Two-Face of America!

    BTW, did you see the GOP now will hold 99 of the 150 seats in the TX House? Their recent high-water mark was 88, and everyone was just hoping they could get BACK to that level.
    I wonder if they still teach in TX schools that the GOP is “The Party of Lincoln”?

    AD-RtR/OS! (0f5c41)

  6. The far left, like Larry R, are convinced that more of that old time socialism is just the ticket for 2012. I say, go for it !

    Mike K (d6b02c)

  7. One of the many rules of warfare: do not interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.

    NathanM (fc2ddb)

  8. Keep digging Larry, you’ll find the bottom of that hole someday.

    Old Coot (f73cf0)

  9. Larry’s right that some of us do not want Pelosi to be minority leader. She’s very bad for the country.

    She passed a lot of legislation, but she did so in the worst way. She didn’t even know what was being passed, and resorted to ridiculous tricks to prevent the public from knowing and reacting.

    That’s tyrannical. It’s bad for the democrat party, and it’s bad for the country. Plenty of democrats see the meaning of the election last week and want transparency and to cut spending, if only for their own survival. Our interests are aligned. However, the democrat caucus is now dominated by hard left ideologues and Pelosi is unbeatable.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  10. Sexist misogynistic pigs, the whole lot of you.

    JD (c8c1d2)

  11. Sexist misogynistic pigs, the whole lot of you.

    Comment by JD — 11/6/2010 @ 1:11 pm

    Pelosi agrees with you. Heh.

    But liberals are, well, progressive, and therefore the most respectful people toward women in the whole human race.

    no one you know (72db9b)

  12. Rats. Meant to quote that paragon of progressive enlightenment, Keith Olbermann.

    no one you know (72db9b)

  13. Awesome news – Steny Hoyer’s an arrogant ass, but Botox Girl is way off the scales lefty/nutbaggery narcissism at it’s finest. Do any of the Dems realize how many of their soon – to – be – unemployed ilk got massacred by ads linking them to their fearless leader? They couldn’t escape the linkage, no matter how they actually voted on healthcare and the stimulus.

    Not only does Obama’s first term resemble Carter’s, but this development is resembling the years right after Carter got booted off the stage, where the looney Left took over the Dems and special interest groups ruled the party until they came to their senses and elected Clinton. History repeats itself, it would appear.

    Dmac (ad2c6a)

  14. She led them into the ditch — why not let her keep digging?

    Icy Texan (6b61f8)

  15. Larry Reilly, the only “ass” Pelosi kicked was her own … out of the Speaker office.

    And back to commercial airflight.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  16. And back to commercial airflight.

    Now, if we can only get Congress to mandate that Members and Staff must fly Coach with no up-grades allowed.

    AD-RtR/OS! (0f5c41)

  17. The award goes to Aaron for figuring out the obvious. I’m a professional paranoid, or at least I am supposed to be. (Engineer) So I ask, “Why would la Pelosi further risk the Democratic party’s existence?” A few moments thinking and one stray remark in a news report later the coin dropped. “So the rest of the Democrats could distance themselves from her.” Whereupon I went through the typical “Duh” reaction and filed it away for thought. So far Aaron come the closest I’ve seen to figuring out that this may be a deeper strategy to help Democrats by having them trounce her out of her leadership position completely.


    jdow (98e9d7)

  18. jdow, I’m impressed.

    Not a bad explanation. We’ll see if they are this clever. My guess is they could only dream of being that resourceful.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  19. jdow

    interesting theory. But i am going with this one. The woman is so batty she thinks she is doing more good than harm.

    I tend to assume that most politicians 1) are not aware of what people really think of them and 2) are not capable of real sacrifice. But still interesting theory. It would be the smart, self-aware and self-sacrificing thing to do, so i am really skeptical…

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  20. jdow? THE jdow? Ah, the memories of my youth, reading the BIX Amiga forums using my Kaypro II even before I bought an Amiga…

    AndrewSanDiego (6ef573)

  21. I couldn’t be happier Pus-lousy’ll be stickin around. Shoyr, we all wanted her gone. But the realists knew better. Now? We get to humiliate her on a daily basis. And didn’t even have to remove her head/place on a pike (for mounting up on/in the lodge rafters). She will daily serve as a reminder … to all Americans … we CAN see 2012 from our porch. Yes we can!

    Comment by NathanM — 11/6/2010 @ 10:44 am

    Heck, we even get Reid to gum up their worx sum’ mo. And Bambi hizself’s still stuck on stupid (oooh like that’s a surprise).

    We won the election … and now we’re winning the post election too!

    Tick tock (libwuhl) beaches … tick tock:

    It is 729 days, 18 hours, 38 minutes and 35 seconds until Tuesday, November 6, 2012 (Washington DC time)

    Elmo (e4592e)

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