Patterico's Pontifications


Biden Shoots Self in Foot

Filed under: Judiciary,Morons,Politics — Patterico @ 6:33 am

In a New York Times article about how Alito’s 1985 job application has affected his chances of confirmation, we get this gem:

“He said he was 35 when he wrote that,” said Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democrat of Delaware, after meeting with the judge. “I pointed out I had been a senator for five years when I was 35. No one says to me, ‘Well, what you said in 1974 as a senator we can just forget.’ “

Bookmark that and save it for when Plagiarizin’ Joe Biden runs for President. When Biden lied about his law school record and plagiarized a speech, it was 1987 — two years after Alito filled out his job application.

Biden just forever forfeited any right to argue that his lying and plagiarism are old news.

11 Responses to “Biden Shoots Self in Foot”

  1. Biden is glib, and he is just smart enough to know vaguely that he can’t compete in the intellectual arena. He is the masculine “dumb blonde” Cuomo portrayed–a hale fellow whose ethical and intellectual shortcomings trump his alpha male personality. All in all, it’s fun to watch him skewer his own laughable ambitions.

    martin (fb2430)

  2. Why is Delaware still a state? Couldn’t it be divvied up between New Jersey and Virginia?

    Just Asking (d30dd8)

  3. We’ll trade you Biden for a SCOTUS seat.

    Geek, Esq. (5dd2be)

  4. Don’t pick on Delaware for BS Biden’s sins. The good citizens there only elected the man, they didn’t make him a fool. The combination of is own soft head and lazy rear end, along with Lefty double talk and nonsense did that. The problem isn’t Delaware, Joe just likes the sound of his own voice a bit too much, he’s too goofy to do any real damage. No one takes him seriously, out side the MSM.

    Now, Delaware is a state because it was among the original 13 colonies, and has as much right to protections under the 10th Amendment as do the remaining 49 states. However, if you’re dead set on folding it into an existing neighbor state, a quick look at the map will show that Delaware would most naturally fit into Maryland. But, that really wasn’t your point.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  5. Hmmm. Doesn’t the Constitution require one to be 36 before standing for election to the Senate or for President? How exactly had Biden been a Senator for 5 years already when he was 35?

    otcconan (7c6bd3)

  6. Uh, no. 30 for senate, 35 for President.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  7. One of the articles linked had the following quote:

    Actually, I would file Biden’s comments more under the category of “egomania” instead of “liar, liar pants on fire.”

    He clearly thinks of himself as a superior intellect, and that egocentrism yields a rather selective memory of past academic achievement.

    I’d say that’s just about right: he thinks he’s a superior intellect. Given that he’s a Democrat, the evidence would be against him on that one.

    Dana R. Pico (3e4784)

  8. Just Asking just asked:

    Why is Delaware still a state? Couldn’t it be divvied up between New Jersey and Virginia?

    We lived in Hockessin, Delaware for two years, before we moved to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. I noticed quickly that, on the playground at St. Joseph’s Regional Academy the map of the United States was missing Delaware! Of course, it’s so small that the paint used to make the borders of the states would have completely covered it anyway, but they did try to fit in Rhode Island.

    Dana R. Pico (3e4784)

  9. What is it with Democrats who think they are so smart? The “intellectual” John Kerry had “C-” average at Yale and went on to graduate without honors at the significantly-less-than-top-tier Boston College Law School. Joe Biden thinks he is an intellectual powerhouse by graduating 76th out of the 85 students in his Syracuse law school class.

    perfectsense (024110)

  10. Perfectsense made perfect sense when he asked, rhetorically:

    What is it with Democrats who think they are so smart? The “intellectual” John Kerry had “C-” average at Yale and went on to graduate without honors at the significantly-less-than-top-tier Boston College Law School. Joe Biden thinks he is an intellectual powerhouse by graduating 76th out of the 85 students in his Syracuse law school class.

    And, of course, Al Gore managed to flunk out of divinity school, quite possibly being the first person ever to do so. (There has to be more literature on every possible question imaginable about Christianity than any other subject; you don’t need to be an original thinker to do well in divinity school.)

    But George Bush? A Bachelors from Yale (with higher grades than Mr. Gore’s at Yale) and an MBA from Harvard? Why, he’s just a dummy!

    Dana R. Pico (3e4784)

  11. I know it was tongue in cheek, but Biden said something along the lines on Jon Stewart’s show that he could have been president “if I didn’t make s__t up” when running in 1987.

    Politicians can survive being candid and survive being full of BS, but they can’t really survive being candid about how full of BS they are. Even in his usual mode, Biden often has a wink to the listener that he knows he’s just enjoying the sound of his own voice or how clever he is. He’s actually not a bad Senator, as Democrats go, but he’d be a horrendous president.

    Crank (3fed2a)

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