Links to Alito Opinions
I meant to post this the other day: a list of opinions by Judge Alito with links to the opinions themselves. It’s a valuable resource. Via Orin Kerr.
I meant to post this the other day: a list of opinions by Judge Alito with links to the opinions themselves. It’s a valuable resource. Via Orin Kerr.
Aaron is taking nominations for bloggers to be in his deck of cards.
I think I should be a spade — to symbolize the shovel that I have to carry around to scoop up the mess left almost daily in the Los Angeles Dog Trainer (aka the Los Angeles Times).
So I nominate myself for the King of Spades card, though I’d be well satisfied with the Jack of Spades card as well.
P.S. I guess I should be asking you to nominate me for the King of Spades as well.
Scrappleface has two posts on Alito. Chuckie S. figures prominently in both:
Heh — and heh again.
It appears that the Patterico family will soon be moving from our Marina del Rey condo into a house on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. (Specifically, Rancho Palos Verdes.) Good schools, a yard, and a nice view of the ocean and Catalina. We sign the counteroffer today. Wish us luck.
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