Patterico's Pontifications


Schumer: Obama Should Bypass Congress to Target Tea Party With IRS

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:22 am

If that headline makes you bark with surprise and rub your eyes to make sure you read it right, then you’re experiencing an awakening about how Democrats see the Tea Party, executive power, and indeed the Constitution. Not only are they unashamed to openly say they want to target the Tea Party with the IRS, they’re saying that Obama and his administration can do it without Congress.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed using the Internal Revenue Service to curtail Tea Party group funding during a speech on how to “exploit” and “weaken” the movement at the Center for American Progress on Thursday.

Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.

“It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies—we must redouble those efforts immediately,” Schumer said.

“One of the great advantages the Tea Party has is the huge holes in our campaign finance laws created [by] the ill advised decision [Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission],” Schumer said. “Obviously the Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government.”

Laws? We ain’t got no laws. We don’t need no laws. We don’t have to show you any stinkin’ laws!

Thanks to Dana.

213 Responses to “Schumer: Obama Should Bypass Congress to Target Tea Party With IRS”

  1. Interesting how “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges” is a misquote. Kind of like “Play it again, Sam.” I guess people like improving quotes from Bogart movies.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Congressman Issa will get right on it, rest assured.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  3. It just goes right over Schumer’s head that Citizens United applies as much to non profit tax exemption rules as it does to campaign finance …

    SPQR (41cf84)

  4. 3. Could you expatiate, some of us are jurisprudentially challenged, speaking for a friend, of course.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  5. Of course, this rule is already being proposed. Schumer is just getting behind it.

    But we’ve seen what happens now with full financial disclosure.

    Sammy Finkelman (1892a7)

  6. Not to worry, John McCain and Lindsey Graham will fall over one another rushing to help Chuck.

    Perfectsense (4d5c72)

  7. Standing by to hear John and Mitch come to the tea baggers defense.

    mg (31009b)

  8. Meanwhile the SEC remains blind, deaf and dumb.

    The bank has this AM decided that its unannounced practice of denying demand deposit withdrawals was misguided vigilance on behalf of its depositors.

    Luckily doors are closed on Sunday.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  9. Wow.

    Just when I start to wonder if I perhaps lay it on too thick when stating how truly disreputable and corrupt liberalism and liberals are, a report like this one comes out.

    Naked, sheer lust for greed and power from leftists like Schumer. You can be sure the banana-republic bureaucrats throughout the IRS — not to mention other government agencies — are smiling from ear to ear because of politicians like him.

    I love to point out the example of the current president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, making it illegal for non-authorized people in that country to report the actual rate of inflation. The sheer arrogance, dishonesty and gall of it all is a sight to behold. The machinations of liberals take one’s breath away.

    Moreover, the difference between a Kirchner and her ultra-liberal counterparts in the US, be it a Schumer, an Obama or a Hillary “what-difference-does-it-make!!” Clinton, ain’t all that substantial.

    (BTW, Argentina reportedly is becoming a bigger and bigger economic basket case — or debacle — as each day goes forward).

    Mark (49bed7)

  10. 8- Auburn or Tuscaloosa banks?

    mg (31009b)

  11. “Obviously the Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government.”

    And yet we are still stuck with Black Hitler and the brownshirts, one of which is named Schumer.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  12. Just think, Schumer is proposing something that was a reason to impeach Nixon, as far as I can tell.

    He must think that they have achieved a level of dumbing down of the populace along with enough of a cult of personality that they might as well go full bore.
    I hope he has overreached, but I am afraid he hasn’t.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  13. Schumer – We don’t want no steenkin level playin fields.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  14. “we must redouble those efforts immediately”

    — So, Chuckie is admitting that there were targeted efforts to begin with.

    Icy (1fcd06)

  15. “the Tea Party elites” lol

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  16. I am still laughing over the fact that anyone could utter a phrase like “Tea Party elites.”

    These people are just flat out insane. Was there not a single person in that entire audience with enough decency to stand up and tell this guy that they don’t endorse fascism of the sort he is proposing? The failure to do so is as strong an indictment of the a movement as I can think of at the moment.

    Thatch (0b86d9)

  17. Meanwhile, in the Southern District of New York, Mr. Preet Bharara has filed charges against Dinesh D’Souza over some (alleged?) improper campaign contributions. It seems D’Souza bundled $20K for the campaign of a friend whom he met while attending Dartmouth many years ago. Perhaps it needn’t be said, but I will confirm that D’Souza is a Republican of some reknown. I haven’t heard yet whether he got the standard cavity search, but like the charges against the Indian Deputy Consul to New York, Mr. D’Souza was required to post $500,000 bail and surrender his passport. I wonder if Mr. Bharara, who was born in India, also prosecutes those of non-Indian background. Meantime, Governor Bobby Jindal would be well advised to steer clear of New York. But even that may not be sufficient as D’Souza was required to fly to New York at his own expense to surrender himself. The $500,000 bail seems very inappropriate given the troubles D’Souza has gone to already just to get the finger of a U. S. Marshall stuck up his anus.

    If HteWon’s Justice Department sticks to form, look for D’Souza family to be targetted next. Future abuses not withstanding, D’Souza is taking advantage of the scandal to generate interest in his new movie, America, which, appropriately, is about the philosophical motivations that undergrid the malfeasance of HteWon’s administration.

    If Mr. Bharara is interested in tracking down illegal campaign contributions, is it too much to hope that he will look into the hundreds of thousands of small contributions to HteWon’s campaign that were made with credit cards from non-U.S. banks. Probably a lot of “John Doe”-“Abraham Lincoln”-“Karl Marx” sorts names assoicated with the credit cards. I believe we now know that the needed data is safely stored somewhere within the NSA, so presumably it’s just a matter of asking politely.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  18. Make that “undergird” …

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  19. Only lefties are safe from the boot of Statists like Chuckie Schumer

    Colonel Haiku (11569f)

  20. And the “Tea Party” should turn Schumer’s boot back on him and plant it squarely up his smarmy, smirking, dimpled ass.

    Colonel Haiku (11569f)

  21. Chucky Sleaze. He should get to sexting with his buddy Weiner and stop playing with himself in public.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. D’Souza was the person who brought the reality of President Obama’s half-brother in Africa to light, illustrating how hypocritical the President has been with his appeals to Christian charity.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  23. The reality of (Wendy) Obama’s dubious lineage does not comport with his assertions in his book of his daddy as a highly-placed Mau Mau minister in Kenya. (I got this from somebody who knows everything about Obama because she read his books.)

    nk (dbc370)

  24. In light of Schumer’s “suggestion”, here’s the NYT…

    In 2012, as The Washington Post reported, the Koch network raised $407 million, which was secreted among 17 groups with cryptic names and purposes that were designed to make it impossible to figure out the names of donors the Kochs worked with. As one tax expert told The Post, “it’s designed to make it opaque as to where the money is coming from and where the money is going.”

    The Democrats have smaller versions of these operations, though they are more focused on building a super PAC to collect unlimited donations supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, and they lack the resources to compete with the Kochs at this stage.

    The clandestine influence of the Kochs and their Palm Springs friends would be much reduced if they were forced to play in the sunshine.

    The Internal Revenue Service and several lawmakers are beginning to step up their interest in preventing “social welfare” organizations and other tax-sheltered groups from being used as political conduits, but they have encountered the usual resistance from Republican lawmakers. Considering how effectively the Koch brothers are doing their job, it’s easy to see why.

    Dana (9a8f57)

  25. “And yet we are still stuck with Black Hitler and the brownshirts, one of which is named Schumer.”

    Black Hitler and his Jewish Brownshirts huh? Please. More like this.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  26. right chuckie… only unions voting democrat every time 100% should be allowed to advertise.

    jb (6e49ae)

  27. ill advised? he must have meant Roberts’ Audacity Con Act decision.

    jb (6e49ae)

  28. Funny… i only hear the whnie constantly about Koch bros.
    Never a word out of a Ill-libs mouth about Tides Found, Soros, Hollywood titans, or even Duke energy.

    jb (6e49ae)

  29. Oh, fer cryin’ out loud,
    the one’s campaign bends over backwards to make it easy to get illegal and untraceable overseas contributions via credit card
    and then they have the audacity gall and arrogance to resort to harping on the Koch brothers…
    of course, it makes sense that they have to keep on the offensive with the attacks, as if the attention was placed on things they needed to defend, well that wouldn’t look very good.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  30. It’s not that they won’t show you laws, they’ll just use them asymmetrically.

    Note that the group he was speaking to, Center for American Progress, is a hard-left group that has the same tax status that the TEAs are seeking. One of the rules that Schumer was proposing would make speeches to groups like CAP by people like Schumer ipso facto cause to deny the group such tax status.

    But of course, the Obama-run IRS would give them a pass. “Prosecutorial discretion” is a hallmark of this administration.

    See the take The Hill gave this: IRS attack on Tea Party urged.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  31. Maybe “We the People” should pay attention here and forgo the middle-man to take it to politicians in a more personal manner ourselves.

    MJN1957 (06a09a)

  32. This is deplorable. They honestly believe they have already (with lies and the media’s eager assistance) poisoned the Tea`Party well sufficiently in the mind of the American public that they can get away with it, too.

    elissa (9c4dd4)

  33. elissa,

    Still, some of our right wing friends will continue to assert that a Romney Treasury Dept would have been no better than an Obama Treasury Dept.

    Too much Kool Aid. Or Jack Daniels. Or something.

    Elephant Stone (9d30f3)

  34. I wrote elsewhere that we should do a counteroffensive, claiming and demonstrating that Obama (as a 2008 candidate) supported the Tea Party agenda- cut deficit spending, make laws available to the public to be read before being voted on, and having “Sheriff” Joe Biden keep track and list for us where the stimulus money went,
    all things that the Tea Party would be in favor of.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  35. Stephen Hawking: ‘There are no black holes’…

    The man has obviously never met Barack Obama or Eric Holder.

    Colonel Haiku (11569f)

  36. Objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear:


    One does not have to be looking for trouble these days to find plenty.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  37. ‘out of sight, out of mind; seems to be their philosophy;

    well it is Mark Lloyd’s

    narciso (3fec35)

  38. WeatherChannel is ululating Chicago is dallying with 60 hours of sub-zero temperatures, which will rank third all-time.

    Should cut down on gun death.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  39. One thought, 30 degree temps and a couple inches of snow have shut down DC multiple times this winter.

    A surprise ice age could save our azzes.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  40. Stand with Texas, they’re having a tough winter too.

    nk (dbc370)

  41. So, in Texas, if a drunk driver doesn’t get ya, this cold front might.

    Elephant Stone (9d30f3)

  42. “And yet we are still stuck with Black Hitler and the brownshirts, one of which is named Schumer.”

    Black Hitler and his Jewish Brownshirts huh? Please. More like this.

    Comment by d.wildst (ae20f1) — 1/26/2014 @ 3:07 pm

    Find me an Israeli who disagrees with my opinion, then we’ll talk.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  43. 42. Query: Of the $100-odd Billion invested on Dhimmi bundlers Green Shoots enterprises, how much did the DNC, et al., see laundered and smelling of lavender?

    TEA Party $Million$? A reel knee-slapper.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  44. It’s noncupatory to engage imdw, papertiger.

    nk (dbc370)

  45. team republican and the tea-baggers should call a truce, and together back Govna Walker for president, pronto.

    mg (31009b)

  46. Has everyone completely forgotten how much money the Dems have raised in the last two Presidential election cycles? They out raise and out spend us, but we are somehow cast as the big money party? Really? What a joke.

    Bob (8eac1a)

  47. 42. I’m thinking the first of the type was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Seleucid Emperor. Recent examples adumbrate the available associations.

    44. Noncupatory? You have Yahoo! at a disadvantage.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  48. 33. …Still, some of our right wing friends will continue to assert that a Romney Treasury Dept would have been no better than an Obama Treasury Dept.

    Too much Kool Aid. Or Jack Daniels. Or something.

    Comment by Elephant Stone (9d30f3) — 1/26/2014 @ 4:14 pm

    It wouldn’t be appreciably better. The Treasury Dept. would still be populated nearly entirely by the hard-core leftist goons of the Treasury Employee’s Union. If Romney had been elected President then the bureaucrats inside the beltway would have gone to war with them, too, just as they bureaucrats did against the Bush administration.

    We’d see all sorts of leaks in the NYT about how the Romney administration was trying to “politicize” the IRS to make it give special consideration to the TEA Party. In other words, trying to prevent the politicized IRS giving conservative groups the same treatment they give liberal groups.

    We were supposed to have a professional civil service. Instead we have Tammany Hall on steroids and autopilot. The bureaucracy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American left. It doesn’t matter if you swap out the guy at the top and a few political appointees. The only way any GOP administration could achieve a Treasury Dept. that’s really any better than this one is by tearing the whole thing down and starting over.

    That goes for the EPA, the DoE (either of them) or really any Federal Dept. or agency.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  49. 45. I would vote for Walker, despite his questionable loyalties. Susanna Martinez might have interested me if she’d scratched together a resume.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  50. 47. “The bureaucracy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American left.”


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  51. This is deplorable. They honestly believe they have already (with lies and the media’s eager assistance) poisoned the Tea`Party well sufficiently in the mind of the American public that they can get away with it, too.

    Is there any reason to believe they haven’t gotten away with it? Big media continues to aid and abet, or perhaps even lead the way. And unfortunately, Republicans continue their polarization under the once big tent.

    Dana (24c3ba)

  52. It was coined by Jack Vance in a Cugel story, meaning “there’s no benefit/point to going there” (I gathered from the context). I was the first to use it on the internet, in a comment here at Patterico’s, but it seems to have caught on and others are using it too, and it may garner some more meanings.

    nk (dbc370)

  53. Comment by nk (dbc370) — 1/26/2014 @ 5:34 pm

    That’s good. Didn’t want to talk to him anyway.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  54. nk @51, I didn’t coin this phrase. I’m also not the first to use it on the intertubes. But it applies perfectly in this case.

    Scratch a liberal, and a totalitarian bleeds.

    Schumer is demonstrating the concept. It shouldn’t surprise anyone. I just wish I knew who I should credit for observing it initially.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  55. 50. “Republicans continue their polarization under the once big tent.”

    This is precisely the current Walker recently decried, however, the referent “Republican” once again rather carelessly inclusive of nonpartisan Conservatives, i.e., TEAs.

    Believe mg, peoples, you have no hope at all without aggressively championing the most conservative Governor you can find.

    To be candid, I don’t know that I will bother to vote for a Republican beyond my State Assemblyman. You’ve simply nothing to sell.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  56. You’re right. When I was young, I thought liberal meant the government should keep its hands off of the people. I don’t think it means that anymore. I think it means more like what “fascist” means.

    nk (dbc370)

  57. Republicans should call Schumer what he is – a fascist. But they don’t have the guts. They’d trigger some kind of massive media hyperventilation and wouldn’t know how to deal with it. To tell the truth I probably wouldn’t know how to deal with it.

    Gerald A (bfbd30)

  58. It’s a simple progression from socialism to fascism. “Society provides you healthcare, you’re costing it money from smoking and overeating, you may not smoke or have Big Gulps.” “The government builds roads for you, when you’re on them you waive your Fourth Amendment rights.” “Police officers are there to protect you and if they beat a man to death while he’s begging for mercy and calling for his father … well they were just doing their job.” And I’m sure you can find a lot more examples.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Liberals are Keynesians not because they think it works. But because it’s a theory they could use to justify governmental rule by “experts.” And by “experts” they mean liberals.

    For the same reason they’re Anthropogenic Global Warming fanatics. Not because they can prove the theory is valid. But because they can use it to justify governmental rule by “experts.” Meaning themselves.

    Fortunately I grew up in a liberal college town so I never was under any illusion about what it meant to be a liberal. Just read any Tom Friedman editorial in which he dreams wistfully of the efficiency of government in communist China. I got the drift early on. Of course may be slightly younger than you, nk, so by the time I became politically aware it was glaringly obvious.

    Income inequality, anyone? It won’t work, but guess what that justifies?

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  60. “Our very electoral structure has been rigged to favor Tea Party candidates in Republican primaries,” he said.

    He argued that this is due to the political makeup of primary voters and gerrymandering by Republicans who “draw districts where a Democrat could never be elected.”

    Humor me, Chuck. Exactly where and when do you assert that this has taken place?

    J.P. (bd0246)

  61. He must have meant that staunch Republican Luis Gutierrez’s district.

    Or that rabid Tea Partier Jan Schakowsky’s district.

    nk (dbc370)

  62. nk @57, that’s because there’s no need for any progression from socialism to fascism. Any of those observations were and are valid (for those regimes that still exist) in the USSR, the PRC, the DPRK, and Venezuela. Those same things could have been said, and have been said, in any worker’s paradise you can think of.

    I realize that there’s an internet rule that whoever brings up Hitler first loses. But the fact is Hitler got elected during a depression for a reason. Adolph knew how to get votes from das volk. He had a program. So when Obama talks about income inequality during the SOTU, just understand that was Hitler’s issue as well. Which is why the Reichswirtschaftministerium dictated how much money people could charge for goods, which also dictated what goods could be made or sold, what people would be paid, and what anyone could make from interest or dividends.

    So business owners had to read up on communism to figure out how to deal with the reality of 1930s Germany. Because there really was only a small difference; in the USSR when they got demoted from business owner to shop manager they also lost the title to their business. The Nazis just didn’t care if they let people retain the title to their businesses because they rendered it essentially worthless. They were in charge of that business, it was no longer private property in any meaningful sense, and they could always confiscate it for other crimes against the people anyway.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  63. Asia has begun their workday and tomorrow looks to resume bouncing the rubble.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  64. As I understand it, the Nazis under Drexler, the founder, and the Esser faction, were deep into nationalization, but that strategy didn’t pay the mortgage, so they sought an accomodation with the industrialists like Thyssen and Krupp,

    narciso (3fec35)

  65. 64. Gold is already above $1274 which will be slammed hard when London opens, but those mornings are coming to an end.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  66. Republicans should call Schumer what he is – a fascist.

    Someone like Rand Paul should move to censure. It won’t go anywhere, but it will make a stink and a stink needs to be made.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  67. Also, I’m moving Schumer to “No” from “undecided” on the Obama impeachment question.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  68. It is possible that the only way to sweep the detritus out of the bureaucracy will require the use of a trench-broom.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  69. Not ‘sploded yet, do it good.

    You know I’m off the fence now, CO is definitely worse than MN.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  70. ZH is reporting we’ve opened up a new pivot in Somalia.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  71. 64. As I understand it, the Nazis under Drexler, the founder, and the Esser faction, were deep into nationalization, but that strategy didn’t pay the mortgage, so they sought an accomodation with the industrialists like Thyssen and Krupp,

    Comment by narciso (3fec35) — 1/26/2014 @ 7:01 pm

    The differences between varieties of socialist dogma generally don’t amount to much. You have to understand it’s about them being the socialist in charge of the fundamental transformation. After all, what’s the point of seizing on an economic and social theory that justifies governmental rule by experts and technicians if you’re not going to be the expert and technician in charge of government? Then the reasons for the street battles between the various factions of socialists become clear.

    It’s why religious wars are usually the most vicious. To most outsiders the reasons why the Shia and the Sunni hate each other don’t seem worth the bloodshed. But once you understand it was really about the succession to the throne, it makes sense.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  72. 68. That’s an impressive prole-sticker.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  73. It makes its point, up-close and personal.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  74. Well, I suppose that depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  75. Prof. Jacobsen:

    Maybe it’s me that’s dense but just how do you kill a snake with no head?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  76. You know what I hate about leftists other than their drumbeat to deny poor people the readily available energy to make their lives better?

    It’s this.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  77. looks like i could modify my 1897 to that configuration…

    (if i were to lose my mind, of course %-)

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  78. And, yes, I do get the irony of posting a link to NPR.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  79. gary @77, it’s not that you’re dense, but if I explain why you don’t need to worry about killing snakes with no heads before making belts or a meals out of them I might be accused of being a not-very-nice-guy.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  80. Since we’re talking politics and nothing that can happen in real life, I might as well go ahead.

    If the snake has not head, don’t worry about the killing. Proceed directly to the skinning.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  81. I think Up-Chuck’s brain has spent time in a sous vide machine.

    Dave (in MA) (35a832)

  82. Why I rarely go to the mall. She just had to get that one spot closest to the entrance, didn’t she? The one marked “compact car.”

    In addition to blowing the horn, the only things that could have recreated the experience is if she also flipped me off while talking on her cell phone.

    For daring to walk between her Suburban and her space.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  83. In the first year of the 113th congress, 168 bills have passed the house. And they sit on Nevada Reids desk. How this stooge can continually shelve these bills with no press coverage is telling.Reid runs America. Nevada sucks as much as Massachusetts.

    mg (31009b)

  84. “Find me an Israeli who disagrees with my opinion, then we’ll talk.”

    That disagrees that Obama is a black hitler? Or Chuck Schumer is a “brownshirt”? You have a hard time finding Jews who don’t like to throw around references to the Shoa in their casual political conversations? You think this makes you in touch or out of touch?

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  85. Right. It was Schumer’s idea all along – that they should do what they have been doing with impunity for years.

    Such a forward thinker. I can see why Schumer is so welcome in the Empire State.

    Amphipolis (0eeefe)

  86. Imdw – are you never NOT tiresome?

    JD (4ab7ea)

  87. Voting and not voting in presidential contests both have severe consequences. Keep that in mind when Nov. 2016 rolls around.

    Lawrence Westlake (48fb95)

  88. IMDimWit.. your work here are dun a long, long time ago.

    Colonel Haiku (b411af)

  89. He who will not be ignored or mocked has plenty of tricks up his skirt, gary.

    Colonel Haiku (b411af)

  90. I wonder how our counterparts were reacting and what they were saying back in the 1930s and 1940s, when Roosevelt and his New Deal — along with his pulling stunts like trying to pack the Supreme Court — were being foisted unto America?

    Right-leaning people back then probably thought the corrosive, corrupt nature of liberalism — but against the backdrop of the first half of the 20th century — was quite bad, was certainly bad enough. But if they could preview a variation of it in the context of the US in the 21st century, after this society has gone through over five decades of socio-economic liberalism writ large, they’d be gap-mouthed at how bad things would be for their successors.

    Only consolation prize is that unlike over 60 years ago, the US Constitution in 2014 no longer allows a president to remain in office for more than 8 years. But assuming Obama won’t try to upend that before 2016, the damage he and his cabal will have done already will be quite severe, quite pernicious, and perhaps everlasting.

    Mark (49bed7)

  91. The only way any GOP administration could achieve a Treasury Dept. that’s really any better than this one is by tearing the whole thing down and starting over.

    Your sentiment, Steve57 — which I totally understand — is a major reason why I approached the story and controversy of Edward Snowden several months ago somewhat differently from the way you did.

    Or I should say that if the muckity-mucks are stupid enough to be enablers to characters like Nidal Hasan — much less are running a gangsta operation in the IRS — I fear them as much as, if not more than, the Nidal Hasans of the world. Or, for that matter, an Edward Snowden.

    Mark (49bed7)

  92. Comment by Amphipolis (0eeefe) — 1/27/2014 @ 5:12 am

    It was Schumer’s idea all along – that they should do what they have been doing with impunity for years.

    It is, or may be, Schumer’s idea that they should be more open about what they are doing – he said that some years ago with regard to litmus tests for Supreme Court justices (using some semi-code words.)

    That’s what he is doing here.

    The anti-Tea Party regulation is nothing new – we all know about it – the comment period ends February 27.

    IRS Targeting: Round Two

    The first time around, targeting conservatives was a secret. Now, not so much.

    ….. In the media blackout of Thanksgiving week, the Treasury Department dumped a new proposal to govern the political activity of 501(c)(4) groups. The administration claims this rule is needed to clarify confusing tax laws. Hardly. The rule is the IRS’s new targeting program—only this time systematic, more effective, and with the force of law.

    That this rule was meant to crack down on the White House’s political opponents was never in doubt. What is new is the growing concern by House Ways and Means Committee investigators that the regulation was reverse-engineered— designed to isolate and shut down the same tea party groups victimized in the first targeting round. Treasury appears to have combed through those tea party applications, compiled all the groups’ main activities, and then restricted those activities in the new rule.

    “The committee has reviewed thousands of tax exempt applications,” says House Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp. “The new regulation so closely mirrors the abused tea-party group applications, it leads me to question if this new proposed regulation is simply another form of targeting.”

    Here’s how it works. To get or keep tax-exempt status, 501(c)(4) organizations must devote a majority of their work to their “primary” social-welfare purpose. Most tea party groups were set up with a primary purpose of educating Americans on pressing problems—the size of government, the erosion of the Constitution—and did so mainly via nonpartisan voter guides, speakers forums, pamphlets or voter-registration drives.

    What the proposed Treasury/IRS regulation would do is to re-categorize all these efforts as “political activity”—thereby making it all but impossible for tea party groups to qualify for 501(c)(4) status.

    Say an outfit’s primary purpose is educating voters on our unsustainable debt, which it does mainly with a guide explaining the problem and politicians’ voting records. Under the new rule, that guide is now “political activity” (rather than “social welfare”), which likely loses the group tax-exempt status.

    The rule, in other words, is not designed to provide helpful “guidance” on allowable activities. It was designed, rather, as Mr. Camp explains, “to put tea party groups out of business.”

    Or see:

    Currently, the IRS has proposed regulations that would institutionalize the political targeting that Schumer urges.

    Till now it’s been an accusation that has, at least, been silently denied – Obama does not justify it this way.

    Schumer acknowledges it, and justifies it to a partisan audience.

    Sammy Finkelman (1892a7)

  93. Also Schumer aims to give this regulation a bit of democratic legitimacy. He is also making it look like it comes from outside the presidency.

    Sammy Finkelman (1892a7)

  94. 82, 91. I get your drift, but I’m feeling there’s a numbers and logistics imbalance that will be formidable.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  95. @ Comment by d.wildst (ae20f1) — 1/27/2014 @ 4:50 am

    Couldn’t find one eh? You know what they call that?
    A consensus.

    Next time you want to pretend to speak for an interest group, you should pick one that can’t speak for itself.
    That way you don’t look like such an asshole tossing non sequiturs in defence of facists.

    For instance, maybe you could pretend to speak for the unborn.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  96. Israeli opinion(which includes virtually all of the Jews that will fight) is running 73% for keeping a presence in the West Bank.

    Bibi says a deal is impossible.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  97. I saw a map somewhere that had 3 outstate counties in NY cooperating.

    Cloward-Piven can cut both ways.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  98. Make it so.

    You know when we will know America is starting to come back? When some day the sergeant at arms bellows: “Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States” and .. you find yourself—against everything you know, against all the accumulated knowledge of the past—interested. It’ll take you aback when you realize you’re interested in what he’ll say! And the members won’t just be enacting, they’ll be leaning forward to hear.

    And the president will speak, and what he says will be pertinent to the problems of the United States of America. And thoughtful. And he’ll offer ideas, and you’ll think: “Hey, that sounds right.”

    That is when you’ll know America just might come back.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  99. The WeatherChannel is talking at least a temporary break in the Kali drought at week’s end.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  100. I don’t read him much, but one of the few Libertarians I will. He heeds a reader’s endurance.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  101. “Couldn’t find one eh? You know what they call that?
    A consensus.

    Next time you want to pretend to speak for an interest group, you should pick one that can’t speak for itself.”

    Now, I can tell you’re going ot have a hard time with this, since you’re quick to conflate jews with your caricature of Israelies. What would happen to your “consensus” and “speak for itself” if it turned out that only a few weeks ago a bill advanced in the Israeli parliament criminalizing just the sort of “black hitler” and “Schumer brownshirt” slurs you caricature Israelies as having a consensus on?

    Would it make you out to be completely ignorant? Or would you just close your eyes to that kind of fact, and continue your caricature of Jews as nothing more than your political pawns?

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  102. #101
    Those storms probably won’t even settle the dust…
    which is fine because then the weather channel can use these extremes to kick off a “global climate chaos” extravaganza.


    Why is my town still littered with old midwest money like the Armour Meat and the Wrigley Gum?
    Because it was f****** cold in the winters back in Chicago so they got homes out here.

    The weather channel is full of idiots

    steveg (794291)

  103. 105. …Now, I can tell you’re going ot have a hard time with this, since you’re quick to conflate jews with your caricature of Israelies. What would happen to your “consensus” and “speak for itself” if it turned out that only a few weeks ago a bill advanced in the Israeli parliament criminalizing just the sort of “black hitler” and “Schumer brownshirt” slurs you caricature Israelies as having a consensus on?

    It’s obvious you’re the one having a hard time with this. If such a bill advanced in the Knesset it would demonstrate papertiger’s point. If that were just the sort of “caricature” you’re accusing papertiger of making, comparing Obama to Hitler and Schumer to a brownshirt, it would mean that making just that sort of comparison had become so common that some MK felt the need to do something about it. If papertiger were wrong, no such bill would ever be thought necessary. It wouldn’t even occur to anyone to conceive of a bill to criminalize comparing Barack Obama and Charles Schumer to Nazis let alone advance such a bill. But if there is such a bill and you’re not misrepresenting what “just the sort of ‘black hitler’ and ‘Schumer brownshirt’ slurs” it’s supposed to criminalize (I figure the odds of you making just such a misrepresentation are extremely high) then that could only mean such “slurs” are occurring frequently enough to be thought a problem. So papertiger wouldn’t be alone in making these comparisons.

    Would it make you out to be completely ignorant? Or would you just close your eyes to that kind of fact, and continue your caricature of Jews as nothing more than your political pawns?

    Comment by d.wildst (ae20f1) — 1/27/2014 @ 5:46 pm

    You’ve got things exactly backward. It’s Obama who treats Jews as his political pawns. Not papertiger. The fact that Israelis normally hate it when their government feuds with the USG that makes the overwhelming support for Bibi in this dust-up with Obama so newsworthy. This is unique; Israelis are united behind their PM as he tells Obama where he can stick his peace proposal.

    To paraphrase Col. Haiku, your work here is dung, imdw.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  104. there is a touch of schizophrenia, typified by Alan Dershowitz, during the last election, and the late Ed Koch, during the previous one,

    narciso (3fec35)

  105. ” It wouldn’t even occur to anyone to conceive of a bill to criminalize comparing Barack Obama and Charles Schumer to Nazis let alone advance such a bill.”

    The bill is not specific to Barack and Schumer, you doofus. The fact that it’s controversially moving forward means that there isn’t a consensus on how OK it is to use Nazi-like slurs in political disputes. It means that Israelies, not to mention Jews in general, are much more complex (of course, they’re people) than a paper tiger’s caricature of them.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  106. It would be too much to expect Krugman to read his own columns;

    narciso (3fec35)

  107. Who brought the putz?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  108. Your response @109 demonstrates why it’s important to never underestimate your capacity for misrepresentation, imdw.

    Or as I put it:

    But if there is such a bill and you’re not misrepresenting what “just the sort of ‘black hitler’ and ‘Schumer brownshirt’ slurs” it’s supposed to criminalize (I figure the odds of you making just such a misrepresentation are extremely high) then that could only mean such “slurs” are occurring frequently enough to be thought a problem.

    I never said “specific to.” I used your words. “Just the sort of.” You’d have to be dishonest to state that I in any way said otherwise.

    But then, you’ve already established that, imdw. I just wonder why you insist on doing so in such a transparent and ineffectual manner. That’s the part I don’t understand.

    Anyhoo, your work here is dung.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  109. *You’d have to be dishonest to state that I in any way said or implied otherwise.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  110. “What would happen to your “consensus” and “speak for itself” if it turned out that only a few weeks ago a bill advanced in the Israeli parliament criminalizing just the sort of “black hitler” and “Schumer brownshirt” slurs you caricature Israelies as having a consensus on?”

    Link please.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  111. Is Obama Jewish?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  112. I just don’t get what attracts these Nimrods like moths to the flame.

    We need to check everyone for Blattodea pheromones.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  113. “Link please.”

    Sammy already linked to a story about it. You can search for it too.

    “That’s the part I don’t understand”

    You’re the guy that takes the existence of controversial legislation advancing to argue that this means there is consensus, rather than debate, about a topic. So yes, you’ll have a hard time understanding.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  114. More misrepresentations. No, I understand that’s the best you can do, imdw. The part I don’t understand is why you insist on mischaracterizing things so badly.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  115. Let’s not forget that what started this whole thing was one dude’s incredulousness at the thought that there might be some people who object to calling Schumer a brownshirt.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  116. 117. I just don’t get what attracts these Nimrods like moths to the flame.

    We need to check everyone for Blattodea pheromones.

    Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/27/2014 @ 7:58 pm

    Exactly. That’s what I don’t understand. But since these nimrods can’t ‘splain that themselves, then they have to claim the “part I don’t understand” is something else. I.E. the part I do understand.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  117. Let’s not forget that the truly incredible thing isn’t that some people in Israel might object to calling Schumer a brownshirt.

    It’s that enough people wouldn’t object that the Israeli Knesset would feel compelled to pass a law against it.

    This isn’t something I would have imagined possible 10 years ago.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  118. It’s no surprise, though, that the law has critics who, though they find Nazi slurs despicable, don’t think a criminal ban is the way to go.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  119. I think actually the proposed law in Israel is aimed at people on the left.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  120. Indeed a right wing party is proposing it. I really can’t believe y’all missed the Sunday Times article on this.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  121. The bill also has critics who object because the Nazi comparisons aren’t slurs when they’re accurate.

    Which is why the bill purportedly doesn’t criminalize Nazi references when there’s an effort toward “education, documentation, academic study or reference to history.”

    Which makes the references neither slurs nor deplorable.

    When you live in a country like Israel where you’re confronted with Nazi imagery such as this flag flown over the Palestinian village of Beit Omar…

    …references to Nazis no longer violate Godwin’s law. Not when discussing the actions of the Palestinians who embrace Naziism nor their enablers.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  122. No, imdw, I didn’t miss a thing. Did you read the article at my link?

    Only 19 Knesset Members voted against the bill, sponsored by Likud Knesset Member Shimon Ohayon, with 44 in favor, but the preliminary passage does not necessarily indicate the fate of the bill, which might end up being buried in a committee.

    Read more at:

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  123. “I really can’t believe y’all missed the Sunday Times article on this.”

    d.wildst – I asked for a link. How does it compare to the article from the jewishpress?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  124. What is the deal with lefties, jews and appeals to authority?

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  125. As an aside, I honestly don’t see this bill going anywhere. It passed 44-17 on some sort of preliminary vote. I am not an expert on the procedures of the Knesset (and I doubt imdw is, either) but the Knesset has 120 seats. And the bill has several more steps to go before it threatens to become law.

    Then there’s this:

    Israeli Bill to Outlaw ‘Nazi’ Puts Netanyahu at Risk of Prison

    Steve57 (dcc128)


    The president isn’t striving for a mutually respectful and courteous but distant relationship with Iran, Wieseltier admits as much when he speaks of the “bizarre warmth between the [two] governments.”

    Obama sees Iran as a strategic partner, as Wieseltier also acknowledges. He believes that if his ongoing diplomatic efforts with Iran prevail, they could bring a new stability to the region. Thus, he told the New Yorker:

    [A]lthough it would not solve the entire problem, if we were able to get Iran to operate in a responsible fashion — not funding terrorist organizations, not trying to stir up sectarian discontent in other countries, and not developing a nuclear weapon — you could see an equilibrium developing between Sunni, or predominantly Sunni, Gulf states and Iran in which there’s competition, perhaps suspicion, but not an active or proxy warfare.

    …If, as Obama correctly perceives, Iran intends to compete with predominantly Sunni states, not to mention Israel (as Obama doesn’t), why would it give up powerful methods of competition like funding terrorists, stirring up sectarian discontent, and developing nuclear weapons?

    Just because Obama “competes” in foreign policy with at least one hand tied behind America’s back doesn’t mean that our serious adversaries will do so.

    The most I could accuse papertiger of is being slightly ahead of his time. There may not be a consensus, yet, in Israel that it’s appropriate to refer to US President in Nazi terms. But A) I doubt they’ll outlaw that use of the terminology and in any case they have a long way to go before they do and B) as long as this President insists on construing Iran as a strategic partner counter to every shred of sanity and reason (or we elect a successor who insists on living in this fantasy realm) the Nazi references become more and more apt.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  127. Lord, that premise is full of category error, bothe the Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) and the Mullahs,
    are opposed to that path, it’s like Saudi Arabia without the Mutawwakil (morals police) wouldn’t work,

    narciso (3fec35)

  128. Yes, “full of category error” is how I’d describe this President’s entire foreign policy. Although I might be tempted to replace “category error” with a single, much shorter word.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  129. It’s kind of breathtaking how many times President Justin Bieber has been shocked to discover all sorts of foreign leaders not folding like a House of Republiclans simply because they didn’t meekly consent to do what President Kardashian declared to be in their country’s best interest.

    Because, really, who better to decide what’s in Israel’s best interest? Or Iran’s? Or China’s? According to Valerie Jarrett, why it’s Barack Obama.

    Yet they resist. Shocking!

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  130. Well they are motivated by considerations of power and survival, he’s more like the lead character in ‘Hair;

    narciso (3fec35)

  131. The WeatherChannel is talking at least a temporary break in the Kali drought at week’s end.
    Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/27/2014 @ 9:58 am

    Oh, it’s over.
    I was sitting at an outdoor cafe in PV Sunday Noon when we were inundated with at least a dozen rain-drops.

    askeptic (2bb434)

  132. O/T: Newsflash – NYT Finally Talks About Something Interesting

    It’s about time they took notice of the Chrysler slant 6. It’s a good looking engine, especially with the good Aussie speed parts.

    Still, not a lot of power though not bad. Just the thing for that ’64 Valiant convertible I almost bought 6 months or so back. They also can sound the part.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  133. The real issue is team republican, err I mean team commie, with people like comrades Boehner and Cantor who needs the troubles of the democrats. What a farce letting people stay here that don’t belong. Rope + sturdy oak branch = Justice. These commie republicans are far worse than expected.

    mg (31009b)

  134. 140. As a purely idle topic of conversation, one wonders at what point boozy, nicotine stained Boehner might take alarm. When the assailants are in his home, with a glock under his wife’s throat, the dog nailed between the eyes, the house emptied of bearer bonds and bling, the Swiss and Cayman accounts emptied, accelerant doused bedding in the master,..


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  135. Accelerant soaked bedding:

    According to our observations, a m-o-m change in NYSE margin debt >10% has to be taken as a critical signal as we discover astonishing similarities in the sequence of events among all crises (the new technologies market around 1999/00, the Great Financial Crisis around 2007/08) and in 2013. As the S&P 500 just hit a new all-time high, investors might want to ask themselves when it is a good time to become more cautious – yesterday, in our view.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  136. Boehner reminds me of a drunk Arlen Specter. Just switch parties you goober.

    mg (31009b)

  137. “d.wildst – I asked for a link. How does it compare to the article from the jewishpress?”

    They all pretty much communicate the same concepts. But some have different quotes from supporters, critics, put it in more of the context of how Jews argue about the Shoa, etc… If you research this bill in English you’ll run in to the NYT piece sooner or later.

    But it seems that, like a paper tiger, the guy who originally couldn’t believe that “Schumer brownshirt” was a problem has disappeared once he realized that Jews failed to conform to his condenscending caricatures. But at least we all learned a bit more!

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  138. R.I.P. Pete Seeger
    Ya gotta admire the pluck of a man that lived long enough to observe all of the deaths attributable to Communism and yet remained convinced that Central Authority was the key to making life better for us all.

    Icy (6da081)

  139. Imdw is so cute.

    JD (4ab7ea)

  140. JD, I see that for the first time this winter you guys are suffering a little bit less than us. How are you bearing up? Our schools have been closed again. We have the neighbor from three houses over babysitting our daughter, cooking for her and everything. She has two daughters in high school and they’re home too. I asked my daughter, “Why doesn’t [your babysitter] babysit you at her house instead of here?” She said, “She wants to get away from her daughters”.

    nk (dbc370)

  141. Comment by bobathome (c0c2b5) — 1/26/2014 @ 1:59 pm

    Mr. Preet Bharara has filed charges against Dinesh D’Souza over some (alleged?) improper campaign contributions. It seems D’Souza bundled $20K for the campaign of a friend whom he met while attending Dartmouth many years ago.

    Accrding to what I read in the newspapers, hes accused of reimbursing two friends, or falsely using their names to make a political contribution. (TIME magazine says it was a total of $20,000 which is 4 times the maximum contributon for the primary and general election to a candidate for federall office.)

    Now had he wanted to get around the law, and help some more, he could have simply placed an independent newspaper or radio ad, or a few of them, himself. Or commissioned a poll, and made it public. Or created a PAC, which can take larger contributions.

    But perhaps he wanted to keep a promise to his friend to find donors, so he did this. He was an amateur, and so he did this incompetently, in a way that would be discovered, and so he got caught up in this.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  142. 144. Ooooo, tough talk from spurge bucket:

    the guy who originally couldn’t believe that “Schumer brownshirt” was a problem has disappeared

    You can quit chokin’ that chicken now, she’s pacified.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  143. Let’s not forget that what started this whole thing was one dude’s incredulousness at the thought that there might be some people who object to calling Schumer a brownshirt.

    Comment by d.wildst (ae20f1) — 1/27/2014 @ 8:09 pm

    So Schumer actually being one of Obama’s brownshirts doesn’t bother you, it’s just Chuck being called out for it that upsets you.

    Tit for tat, here’s hoping that sometime in the future Chris Christy decides to “test” the toll booth on your route.


    papertiger (c2d6da)

  144. In 2007 Schumer called on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign in the wake of the dismissal of U.S. attorneys and the disclosure that the FBI had illegally sought personal information about people in the United States under the aegis of its counterterrorism program.

    “Attorney General Gonzales is a nice man, but he either doesn’t accept or doesn’t understand that he is no longer just the president’s lawyer, but has a higher obligation to the rule of law and the Constitution even when the president should not want it to be so,” Schumer said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

    So in theory, Schumer believes that officers of the government (which would include IRS agents) must serve as the rule of law and adhere to the Constitution, rather than as tools to silence criticism of a petulant president, even if that gov official is an appointed cabinet member who serves at the discretion of the President.

    It’s just in practice, that he believes IRS agents, NSA, FBI, are there to beat up and silence Obama critics.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  145. d.wildst – Can’t believe you miss the similarities between progressives, fascists, Nazis, Obama and his gang of Brownshirts.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  146. About that Avonte proposal. Shumer advocates electronicly tagging mental defectives, so he can track their movements.

    That’s not creepy, huh? Especially when it’s proposed by a Janus with situational ethics.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  147. I haven’t had any respect for Charles Schumer at least since 1988 when I heard him claim that he was the only member of Congress who wsas pro-Israel (in some way) and had foreseen the savings and loan scandal.

    And I’ve thought of him as positively evil – or willing to tolerate evil – since 1994 when, at teh waco hearings, he pushed witnesses into saying the davidians started the fire. The thing is, he no doubt knew Bill Clinton did.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  148. Linkless DimWit…

    Colonel Haiku (3ed4e9)

  149. The fire was started by inserting CS tear gas, which is flammable, but not at extremely heavy concentrations – and not at low concentrations, but in the middle, so the fire started at multiple points at the dame time, ignited by the kerosene lanterns the Davidians had. On paper, sending in a lot of tear gas was only a contingency in the plan Janet Reno signed.

    Vincent Foster didn’t get very frightened by my e-mail for no reason.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  150. I still wouldn’t call schumer a brownshirt.

    He doesn’t have a lust for blood.

    Just a tolerance for it, when people are killed by an important member of his own party.

    And this was he said now – it’s co-ordinated with the White House. This is not coming from him.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  151. “I still wouldn’t call schumer a brownshirt.”

    I have no similar qualms.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  152. My e-mail did not say the FBI started the fire.

    What I said wa sthat if William sessions was fired, reporters would be released from their pledges of confidentaliaty, and they knew more than what they wrote, and if he dodubted that he should look at today’s (July 19, 1993) editorial in the Wall Street Journal.

    And he (or they) would be free to say what he knows about Waco – how he was kept from the scene at Waco, and how his water cannon plan was rejected in favor of tear gas.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  153. Schumer has no principles – he is not a brownshirt. I’m not sure what he wouldn’t defend.

    Call him a Stalinist if you like (but he makes better arguments)

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  154. Foster probably had not followed everything that was printed about Waco, so he didn’t realize what was published already, or at least alluded to..

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  155. Notable firsts of the day:

    First run on a Russian bank(rank like 200).

    First jumper from JPM Hdqrs. London. Remember a year ago on losing $9 Billion due to rank, textbook stupidity was not enough to induce JPM’s own ‘London Whale’ to save face.

    These are not one-off flukes.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)


    These incendiary devices are a red herring – that’s not how the fiore got started.

    Notice how Schumer tried to sort of position himself in 1999:

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  157. Well, no worries. It’s too datn cold to have a run on the banks in Chiberia today, gg.

    elissa (024be3)

  158. I don’t detest Chuckie near as much as I do Dickie D. Sorta like comparing Goebbels and Goering.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  159. 165. I thought that ice bucket in the back yard was supposed to keep you people warmer. When I lived on Lake Michigan in the 1970’s one could see a 20 degree benefit w/respect to the outlying counties.

    There isn’t 10 degrees difference between Mpls/St.P and you mackerel filets.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  160. “Schumer has no principles – he is not a brownshirt. I’m not sure what he wouldn’t defend.”

    Sammy – First part above is 100% wrong. Second part is correct.

    Schumer guiding principle is to gain and maintain power for the party. There is nothing he would not defend, however ludicrous, in seeking those goals. He follows orders, which makes him a perfect, obedient brownshirt.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  161. We’ve been deceived by the Borg.

    It’s not just ShamWow’s TOTUS that amounts to a projection onto a two-dimensional surface.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  162. Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/28/2014 @ 10:36 am

    Two faces of the same coin.

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  163. Here’s Dick equating our troops with the Nazis’.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  164. The one he was crying crocodiles for, Detainee 063, who had the name of the courier that led us to Bin Laden, would have turned Capitol Hill into a burning husk, Beck does some interesting vignettes re this fellow,

    narciso (3fec35)

  165. I can’t imagine being more alone and forgotten when the bell finally tolls.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  166. Before you say it, gary, that would have been a bad thing.

    narciso (3fec35)

  167. “He doesn’t have a lust for blood.”

    What?!?!?! Schumer’s a goddam vampire.

    Colonel Haiku (3ed4e9)

  168. Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/28/2014 @ 11:51 am

    Seems like the tag-line from “War Games” applies:
    “The only way to win is to not play the game!”

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  169. For the most part, Rico’s conservative guests are more mild-mannered than the prole interlopers.


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  170. Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/28/2014 @ 11:26 am

    I’m as much of an opponent to ObamaCare as anybody, but this is not a good case against ObamaCare.
    As one of the commenters at the link mentions, the real issue is what kind of rash kills a 30 yo presumably previously well person, and what could have/should have been done in triage for the person to realize it “wasn’t just a rash” that could wait.
    As also mentioned there, meningococcemia is one possibility high on the list in this scenario, which means anyone in that ER close to him should be evaluated and perhaps given prophylactic antibiotics.
    Also would be overwhelming bacterial infection related to acute leukemia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick bite, and
    oh yeah, did that rash look like anthrax or small pox??
    Or did the person happen to OD on something completely unrelated to the rash.
    IOW, even without ObamaCare on the horizon, this was and maybe still is a big problem all by itself.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  171. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/28/2014 @ 10:55 am

    He follows orders, which makes him a perfect, obedient brownshirt.

    That would make him a Stalinist. But actually he modifies “orders” to make them more plausible.

    I’m not sure how he would be a vampire.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  172. 180. In my very limited attention given to the story I was mainly contrasting my experience with what I imagined to be the subjects.

    My primary care provider leaves room in his schedule to fit in some emergencies in the afternoon. There is a pretty decent Catholic hospital a few miles distant where I can be admitted within the hour.

    The idea that in his sub-optimal state this dude would be content, from custom, to sit into hour four, unseen, until he was no longer able to stand, was the sort of thing I focus on.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  173. “That would make him a Stalinist.”

    Sammy – Stop being silly. How often was the “just following orders” excuse attempted at Nuremberg Trials?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  174. Sammy – Please explain the difference between a Brownshirt and a Stalinist.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  175. Sorry, I was refering to narciso’s link.

    @ Comment by narciso (3fec35) — 1/27/2014 @ 9:45 pm

    re: 153

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  176. The Party wore hair-shirts.

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  177. 182. Yeah, but what did she have to say about Hawking’s Black Holes?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  178. It’s not as cold as it was early this morning, although Google is telling meit is 18 degrees Fahrenheit. But it doesn’t really feel cold outside. No wind.

    The low was only 16 degrees?

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  179. A brownshirt beats people up, or arranges for people to beat people up, and is quite open about it.

    A Stalinist lies about what other people ,usually in positions of authority, are doing, and justifies everything one way or another, always using code words where one word is used to mean another.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  180. A Stalinist commands the purple-shirt wearing SEIU “BrownShirts” to do his dirty work, like beating up Kenneth Gladney for the crime of supporting a low-tax, small-government state as he passed out/sold Gadsden Flags in St. Louis.

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  181. 182. True, but it would fit in with the complete lives scheme:

    Comment by narciso (3fec35) — 1/28/2014 @ 12:38 pm

    Andrea Mitchell displays the kind of obtuse insanity President Bieber looks for in an ambassador. We’ve mentioned George Tsunis’ complete ignorance of Norway. The beat goes on.

    “Senator, I’m no real expert on China,” Baucus, who has has spent years in the Senate, admitted. “But it’s my strong belief Chinese people are just as proud as we Americans are proud.”

    Since President Mean Girl insists on insulting the rest of the world by using ambassadorships to reward ignorant and incompetent court toadies who are willing to embarrass themselves for the cause, I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrea Mitchell is our next ambassador to Russia.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  182. My nominees for Government useless appendages of the week goes to Chairmen Rodgers of the House Intelligence(sic) and McCaul of the DHS Committees for nipping at Putin’s heels over Sochi security.

    Read between the lines gentlemen, you have your reply.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  183. “A Stalinist lies about what other people ,usually in positions of authority, are doing, and justifies everything one way or another, always using code words where one word is used to mean another.”

    Sammy – Stalinists are nonviolent, moderates like the Muslim Brotherhood? I have a bridge to sell you.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  184. Our on-the-ball President is more concerned with whether Billie Jean King will be allowed to waive a rainbow flag at the ceremonies. I don’t believe any “news” in English coming out of Sochi. There’s a gay agenda to make Russia look as bad as possible in the Winter Olympics, using anything at hand. Such as calling Sochi, at 43 degrees latitude, “subtropical”. (Chicago is 41.) The black widow threat is another. “One contractor” got his own article because he didn’t like the facilities.

    nk (dbc370)

  185. 196. I’m sure that is true, but this whole snit reminds of of Plame and Wilson’s theatrics–

    “Quit ignoring us!”

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  186. 186. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/28/2014 @ 1:15 pm

    How often was the “just following orders” excuse attempted at Nuremberg Trials?

    I think that was more an idea for a defense than an acctual attempted defense, then or later.

    In later West German trials, there was a defense of “duress” Therefore prosecutors looked for instances where some guard or offiial had murdered someone on his own iniatiative. There was never any trouble finding them, in persons who were notorious, since this type of thing would tend to gain them promotions, and because the prisoners had more or less been sentenced to death. That, however, wa snot an excuse. The thinmg is, those people who claimed, if any, to be just following orders, in fact, were not just following orders. Some Hungarian officials were careful about that.

    OK. Now “following orders” applies to somebody who actually committed crimes – Schumer is a defense attorney. It’s what he’ll defend or justify in advance that is so terrible.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  187. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/28/2014 @ 2:56 pm

    Stalinists are nonviolent, moderates like the Muslim Brotherhood? I have a bridge to sell you.

    Most Stalinists, except for officials, didn’t do any dirty work themselves, their job was just to prevent people from communicating – and the ones who did do dirty work, were not known to the public.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  188. 194. Does Baucus understand that China is a dictatorship, a tyrrany in fact? does he believe that anything happens because of honest feelings?

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  189. 198. Good point.

    Imagine the spooks derision over an industry with a budget in the tens of billions USD, employing millions and they can’t even put the Tsarnaevs on a watch list.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  190. 201. ” their job was just to prevent people from communicatingcoerce the citizenry to spy on each other ”


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  191. Well it’s like their version of the Hamptons, but one does get the vibe, GQ went whole hog in describing gay Russia, Vanity Fair, focused on the bratva ties.

    narciso (3fec35)

  192. “Most Stalinists, except for officials, didn’t do any dirty work themselves, their job was just to prevent people from communicating – and the ones who did do dirty work, were not known to the public.”

    Sammy – Well, Schumer is known to the public, so I don’t know whether that helps or hurts whatever point you are trying to make. Stalin did not complete all those purges by himself.

    You just go on calling Schumer a Stalinist and I’ll call him a Brownshirt.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  193. Whoa, Turkish Central Bank raised rates 4.25% to forestall collapse. EU heaves with a huge sigh of relief.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  194. “So Schumer actually being one of Obama’s brownshirts doesn’t bother you, it’s just Chuck being called out for it that upsets you. ”

    I did start by saying “Please. More like this.” And I got it.

    d.wildst (ae20f1)

  195. Imdw is special.

    JD (a07d67)

  196. Comment by d.wildst (ae20f1) — 1/28/2014 @ 7:45 pm

    It’s too late. I sent Christy a road closure request by email.

    Sorry about that. Can we hug?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  197. Maybe shake hands? Anything to cut the atmosphere.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  198. 211. Maybe shake hands? Anything to cut the atmosphere.

    Comment by papertiger (c2d6da) — 1/28/2014 @ 11:26 pm

    You two go ahead. I’ll hold your Bud Light.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

  199. Only three days and change to get this baby!

    The Valiant’s condition is in great shape with no dents or body filler. The chrome trim and grill are in near perfect condition. This car is free from major rust with solid trunk and floor pans; however, there is a small rust spot on rt side quarter. The engine had had recent top-end rebuild and major tuneup. The car comes with a folder of receipts from over the many years.

    Great. They did the head. That means the rings and bearings are next to go. But, I wouldn’t necessarily let that stop me.

    The Valiant would make an excellent candidate for a V8 4 speed convertible.

    Why would anyone swap in a V8 when it’s got the mighty, mighty slant six? The nice thing about the slant six is that you didn’t get the uneven fuel distribution on the Fords or Chevys with just a single carb, since you could have those long runners. Not like those log manifolds on the other brands, which is all that fit since the engine didn’t lean over to the side. So you don’t have to go with the dual or triple Webers to avoid starving the cylinders at the ends.

    See, it’s practical. And the ultimate in style.

    Sorry, Obama’s SOTU makes me want to think about just about anything else except DC.

    Steve57 (dcc128)

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