Patterico's Pontifications


A Short Film on Greg Packer

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:30 pm

Everybody remembers Greg Packer, right? The Most Quotable Man in Media, Mr. Packer has been featured in many posts on this site. Mr. Packer was even in communication with me at one point, and I had an idea for contacting him on a regular basis to get his insights on various matters within the news, but somehow we lost touch, and I don’t know if I still have a good email for the guy any more. (Greg, if you’re reading, email me, babe.)

Anyway, Mr. Packer is now the subject of a short documentary film, which is worth your time if you followed the antics of this media presence over the years. Enjoy:

The one sad part about this film is that Mr. Packer seems to have it in for Ann Coulter. Greg, if you met her, you’d see what a nice person she actually is. Give her a chance.

I just love watching the raw footage of stupid reporters hovering outside the Apple store asking inane questions of people who just purchased iPhones. That scene encapsulates the media so well, I think, I laughed out loud.

Greg, the email address is Let’s do lunch.

When Does the WaPo Describe Crazy Spending Correctly? Only When Dave Barry Is Writing

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:33 am

Today the Washington Post heralds the “bipartisan compromise” that resulted in a giant spending bill unveiled today that reverses the dreaded sequester:

Lawmakers unveil massive $1.1 trillion spending bill in bipartisan compromise

Congressional negotiators unveiled a $1.1 trillion funding bill late Monday that would ease sharp spending cuts known as the sequester while providing fresh cash for new priorities, including President Obama’s push to expand early-childhood education.

The 1,582-page bill would fully restore cuts to Head Start, partially restore cuts to medical research and job training programs, and finance new programs to combat sexual assault in the military. It would also give all federal workers a 1 percent raise.

Already, in the first paragraph, they are lying. The sequester did not represent “sharp spending cuts” but rather a modest pullback in the rate of increase of federal spending by a government that is trillions in debt with no end in sight. Dave Barry put it best in his 2013 year-end review:

JANUARY begins with a crisis in Washington, a city that — despite having no industries and a workforce consisting almost entirely of former student council presidents — manages to produce 93 percent of the nation’s crises. This particular crisis is a “fiscal cliff” caused by the fact that for years the government has been spending spectacular quantities of money that it does not have, which has resulted in a mess that nobody could possibly have foreseen unless that person had a higher level of financial awareness than a cucumber.

. . . .

FEBRUARY Washington faces another crisis in the form of a “sequester” that will happen automatically unless Congress can agree on a budget, which seems unlikely inasmuch as Congress cannot agree on what planet this is. If the sequester goes into effect, federal spending will continue to rise, but not quite as fast as it would have risen without the sequester. To a normal human, this means government spending is still increasing, but to Washington, the sequester means “draconian cuts” and is a looming disaster of epic proportions. Panic grips the city, as grim-faced former student council presidents write talking points far into the night.

. . . .

MARCH [A]s the federal budget deadline passes without Congress reaching agreement, the devastating, draconian, historically catastrophic sequester goes into effect, causing a mild reduction in the rate of increase in government spending that for some inexplicable reason goes unnoticed by pretty much everybody outside the federal government.

. . . .

OCTOBER [T]he federal government, in an unthinkable development that we cannot even think about, partially shuts down. The result is a catastrophe of near-sequester proportions. Within hours wolves are roaming the streets of major U.S. cities, and bacteria the size of mature salmon are openly cavorting in the nation’s water supply. In the Midwest, thousands of cows, no longer supervised by the Department of Agriculture, spontaneously explode. Yellowstone National Park — ALL of it — is stolen. In some areas gravity stops working altogether, forcing people to tie themselves to trees so they won’t float away. With the nation virtually defenseless, the Bermudan army invades the East Coast, within hours capturing Delaware and most of New Jersey.

By day 17, the situation has become so dire that Congress, resorting to desperate measures, decides to actually do something. It passes, and the president signs, a law raising the debt ceiling, thereby ensuring that the federal government can continue spending spectacular quantities of money that it does not have until the next major totally unforeseeable government financial crisis, scheduled for February 2014.

Barry’s article, like today’s trash, appeared in the Washington Post. It’s a shame that the paper gets it right only when they think it’s a clown making the argument.

DoJ: No Prosecution for IRS Targeting Conservatives

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:08 am

There will be no DoJ charges relating to the IRS targeting of conservative groups. You can trust the integrity of the decision because the head of the investigation is a a big Obama donor.

Meanwhile, have they said whether they will charge George Zimmerman? Why, I don’t believe they have.

Well, some decisions are easier than others, huh?

And some are more transparently political than others.

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