Patterico's Pontifications


What Was Your Favorite Christmas Present?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:09 pm

It can be one you gave or one you received. These days, the adults don’t really exchange gifts much, but I still had a great Christmas. Here are some highlights.

For me, one of the biggest gifts was being at my sisters’ fabulous new property in Bryan. One of my sisters bought a house that was previously occupied by folks who rehabilitated birds. My sister met the lady because my sister rescued a bird on the side of the road and took the bird to the refuge. Turns out they were selling the place. It has 22 acres and a lake. One of my other sisters and my mom plan to build another house on the property. Here are some pictures:

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And, when it comes to actual presents, I took some cash I was given, and got a pair of boots at Cavender’s Boot City in College Station. You are jealous:

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Tell us about your Christmas.

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