Patterico's Pontifications


Volokh Conspiracy Joins the Washington Post

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:19 pm

Losing Ezra Klein, gaining Eugene Volokh & Co. That’s trading up.

11 Responses to “Volokh Conspiracy Joins the Washington Post”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Changing from a juicebox JournoLista to a thinker. Their comment section will go insane.

    JD (1663b4)

  3. but what does it mean

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  4. They don’t want to preach to just the choir. Que sera, sera.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Ezra’s going to find out real fast that having the affiliation with WAPO was what got him all the other writing gigs and TV interviews and gave him the appearance of credibility as a wonk that he never actually earned or deserved. Good luck Ezra. Or do you already have a job lined up in the Obama administration? Ezra got just a lit-tle too big for his britches, and started playing the prima donna. I bet a lot of other journo types his age as well as former cohorts at the WAPO are laughing tonight.

    elissa (ddbda0)

  6. WaPo got a needed credibility boost. Volokh got some different commenters.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  7. So Jeff Bezos buys the Washington Post. Maybe he thinks the WaPo should become a serious newspaper again. Shedding little Ezra and getting Volokh is a step in the right direction.

    Comanche Voter (12e67d)

  8. You have to wait 15 second or longer to actually see anything (unless maybe skip this ad works, or you are clicking on a link to a pre-Washington Post post) and they also say this:

    Naturally, we also want to keep our existing readers, and even after the rather permeable Post paywall kicks in (in six months), our blog will still be available to readers for free via RSS, Twitter, and Facebook (coming soon). But we hope that our move to the Post will help us break through to other readers as well, including ones that don’t (yet) agree with us.

    Sammy Finkelman (1892a7)

  9. 5. What’s his dream, forming a journo-think tank?

    That Yglesias guy would be a ‘must get’.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  10. 8. We do not, yet, have a dog. Actually I’ve never had one.

    A neighbor perhaps 70 yards distant, on 3 or 4 irregular wooded acres has two, very large, infrequently fed.

    After three years we can walk by their yard without trembling, they sorta accept our presence.

    I sleep good at night.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

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