Patterico's Pontifications


Store Celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday By Putting All Black Items on Sale

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:06 pm

Like many other things I see online that make my jaw drop, my initial reaction to this is: for real?

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 6.55.26 PM

Here’s their Facebook page entry:

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 6.54.45 PM

To paraphrase Clark from Popehat, it’s mildly surprising that they didn’t take 40% off. That way, black items would be 3/5 of the normal price.

I think it would be unseemly to fly into an outrage about this. It’s just not often that you run across such a clueless promotion, that it would be a sin not to flag it for the humor value.

Via Unmarketing via the Popehat Twitter feed.

22 Responses to “Store Celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday By Putting All Black Items on Sale”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. somebody should’ve told him hey you’re doing it backwards

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  3. I like it. Black items simply do not have the have the same socio-economic advantages as white items and they need a little extra help to make it off the shelf and into a good home. Plus a history of oppression.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. I think it would be unseemly to fly into an outrage about this.

    The idiocy of political correctness run amok has shaped my attitudes about such off-key humor. So to imply that outrage may be a plausible, appropriate reaction to that store’s promotion — even more so when I bet the business’s owner is a Howard-Stern-type iconoclast and perhaps even a “leftie” — doesn’t make sense to me.

    I might have felt differently — been more wary — years ago, but not today, not in this age of a Nidal-Hasan-ized America.

    Mark (9f2747)

  5. We are clearly approaching the day that I prophesied some years ago — that in the not to distant future we will see some huckster on television (or hear one on the radio) proclaiming “Free at last! Free at last! Buy one get one free at last!” to promote their MLK day sale.

    Rhymes With Right (da71f4)

  6. Off Topic

    Patterico, Hogewash has a post up about the Kimberlin RICO suit which identifies you as the (alleged) consigliore [sic] of the enterprise.

    If it’s not too much to ask, do you consider yourself more of a Robert Duvall (Godfather) or Billy Crystal (Analyze This)?

    malclave (1db6c5)

  7. Oh Good Lord.

    On advice of counsel, I will merely roll my eyes.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  8. Not that many black folks up in Duluth. Maybe the store got some more traffic from the publicity.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  9. @7

    Aww. Not even a “don’t ask me about my business”?

    malclave (1db6c5)

  10. Duluth is full of Redskins.

    mg (31009b)

  11. I’m waiting for my local car dealer to have that kind of sale.

    Ken in Camarillo (2c0dee)

  12. This is almost as good as Hennessy’s MLK Day campaign in which they invite you to partake in some fine cognac in honor of the Reverend King. Sometimes you can’t make this stuff up.

    JVW (709bc7)

  13. no fair!

    it sounds like Patterico has a bigger cabal than anyone here…

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  14. Did you read Robin Abcarian’s latest article? Robin says Palin is tone deaf because she accused Obama of playing the race card. Which he so clearly did in the excerpt she provided.

    lee (807b40)

  15. Thanks for the lead in with mentioning Duluth…
    gary and JD sent us some Duluth weather-
    a foot of snow and temp of 4 with wind chill -20.
    Yes, yes, I know, balmy compared to some.

    A tip for those who have never had the opportunity to experience it firsthand- you know it’s starting to get really cold when you feel the mucous in your nose freeze and pull away from the mucous membranes.
    Perhaps TMI, but hey, somebody needs to tell you these things.
    Really, really cold is when you squint your eyes and keep blinking to prevent them from freezing.

    But a wonder here in Philly. Mayor Nutter has followed through with his campaign promise and has actually had most, if not all, roads plowed. It is very light and powdery, so my wife drove through the pile at the foot of the driveway.

    Reporting live from Ice Station Philly.

    FWIW while I am rambling- for those who saw/heard about CB Sherman’s antics after the Seattle-SF game, Rushbo says there is a history, that last summer WR Crabtree trash talked (or something) Sherman at a charity celebrity golf tournament. As often in such clashes in football, it is the second, retaliatory action that gets seen…though this is quite delayed, I admit.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  16. Please define what constitutes a “black” item. Is this a judgement based on color only or does it reflect the contents of the item?

    Mark (da8bb9)

  17. Based on a Twitter comment:

    Free at last! Free at last! Buy a black item, get one free at last!

    Patterico (9c670f)

  18. Loosely connected by ethnic commerce zerohedge has articles up in reverse order on Britain, Japan and Turkey worth a peek.

    As always glass-half-full folk can just ignore and continue their plan of changing the world one Blue-State ballot at a time.

    gary gulrud (05efc5)

  19. Actually it should be the other way: black items should be increased in price while the white ones get the discount. By reducing the prices on black items he goes against the very thing MLK fought for: discrimination based on color. The black things should go up by 25 percent. All in the spirit of bringing the white man down and the black man up. 🙂

    The Emperor (09061e)

  20. Actually, I think the sale is perfect.

    SGT Ted (526c4f)

  21. MD,

    Some say the earlier trash-talking incident was instigated by Sherman.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  22. Here’s another link.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

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