Patterico's Pontifications


DoJ: No Prosecution for IRS Targeting Conservatives

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:08 am

There will be no DoJ charges relating to the IRS targeting of conservative groups. You can trust the integrity of the decision because the head of the investigation is a a big Obama donor.

Meanwhile, have they said whether they will charge George Zimmerman? Why, I don’t believe they have.

Well, some decisions are easier than others, huh?

And some are more transparently political than others.

130 Responses to “DoJ: No Prosecution for IRS Targeting Conservatives”

  1. That should clear the way for the Bivens action, right?

    luagha (c1db8d)

  2. The FBI and the DOJ seem to be hellbent on losing any remaining credibility and have become a tool of the Obama administration and the Democrat party. This is a dangerous situation and does not portend well for the future of our nation.

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  3. The fish rots and stinks from the head.

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  4. Sounds like Lois Lerner took the 5th for nothing…

    Jeff Lebowski (5a8dcf)

  5. When the US Department of Justice becomes part of an organized criminal conspiracy to violate the rights of the regime’s political opponents, it’s a loud and unmistakable signal that unless good men act quickly to thwart the tyrant’s usurpations, the foremost element of a de facto police state will have been established.

    ropelight (050cd7)

  6. Barry is a good guy right?

    Rodney King's Spirit (6e2c31)

  7. #5 Don’t expect Republicans to do anything.

    Rodney King's Spirit (6e2c31)

  8. Well, I suppose we can rest easy knowing that the whole system will crash down on itself eventually.

    DejectedHead (a094a6)

  9. The no IRS charge is a leak.

    What it says is the FBI has concluded…and therefore… *

    And that alone should tell you that the FBI is politicized.

    But you knew that.

    At the top level, they are not very interested in investigating SWATting, because they might hit some people useful to Democrats.

    * There really was, or will be soon, an FBI report. They are not making that up. They are hiding behind the FBI, like Robert B. Fiske Jr, the Janet Reno appointed special prosecutor, whom federal judges declined to reappoint, did in the Vincent Foster case.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  10. That said, it’s probably pretty hard to make any case. They would need an incriminating e-mail, or testimony that the actions of the IRS were not just incompetent attempts to enforce what is, in fact, a badly written law, or anyway had been so treated.

    They would need some proof of malice. A deliberate decision not to enforce the law impartially.

    Of course the very set-up hints at that.

    They could also look at subsidiary crimes, like perjury.

    A non-prosecution decision still won’t stop Lois Lerner from taking the 5th Amendment.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  11. What’s the statute of limitations? It might be a good thing not to have Holder’s DOJ throw the prosecution and bar the malefactors (and femalefactors) from being prosecuted by a Republican AG on the grounds of double jeopardy.

    And speaking of Zimmerman, if Holder’s DOJ departs from it guidelines for successive prosecutions, against the recommendation of the FBI (that’s what happened with Zimmerman — the FBI investigated and found no federal case), then it would be fitting and poetical for a future AG to disregard the Obama panel’s recommendation not to prosecute the IRS employees.

    nk (dbc370)

  12. 4. Comment by Jeff Lebowski (5a8dcf) — 1/14/2014 @ 7:58 am

    Sounds like Lois Lerner took the 5th for nothing…

    You don’t have to say or imply you committed a crime to take the 5th Amendment. It was established that this could be taken on the grounds that maybe somebody is interested, or could be interested, in investigating you, even maybe looking for perjury..

    But someone could lose that privilege if they answered any question about anything, or so lawyers claim.

    This is the sort of thing, or legal advice, that stopped Mark Fuhrman, at the O.J. Simpson trial, from answering the most obvious, and harmless or even beneficial to himself questions.

    This state of the law is very convenient for people guilty as anything.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  13. I don’t want anyone to say that Republicans are politicizing the DoJ when we fire everyone who works there down to the janitors. FBI management, too.

    OF course, this means that the Obamabots will be doing everything they can to make sure a Republican never wins the White House. We ain’t seen nothing yet. But it will be more blatant and more ruthless now that it’s clear that the fix is in.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  14. #10 All true, it’s too easy for people in power to wiggle out of getting themselves in criminal trouble. They’ll continue to abuse it if they have the power to abuse it. Which is exactly why those types of powers need to be denied to the federal government.

    Tax policy shouldn’t included favored categories and exemptions (at least at the federal level).

    DejectedHead (a094a6)

  15. That said, it’s probably pretty hard to make any case. They would need an incriminating e-mail, or testimony that the actions of the IRS were not just incompetent attempts to enforce what is, in fact, a badly written law, or anyway had been so treated.

    And you won’t find ANY of those things if you don’t look. Sammy, you are completely missing the plot here.

    Kevin M (536c5d)

  16. 11. Comment by nk (dbc370) — 1/14/2014 @ 8:54 am

    What’s the statute of limitations? It might be a good thing not to have Holder’s DOJ throw the prosecution and bar the malefactors (and femalefactors) from being prosecuted by a Republican AG on the grounds of double jeopardy.

    That’s why I think, In New Jersey, David Wildman, who blocked traffic near the entrance to the George Washington Bridge, is most likely looking for some kind of plea deal, and not no prosecution.

    There can be a prosecution in the IRS case case if more evidence emerges. What you probably really need is some kind of proof of malicious intent. Prejudice against Tea Party groups, let’s say, wouldn’t do that, I don’t think. Maybe that’s wrong.

    There probably does exist proof – but they’d have to ask people.

    then it would be fitting and poetical for a future AG to disregard the Obama panel’s recommendation not to prosecute the IRS employees.

    There’s no issue of double jeopardy here – the problem here is reinvestigating what supposedly had laready been investigated. And there are probably any number of Privacy Act violations (releasing tax filing before leally permitted)
    or other federal laws, committed in the course of this thing.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  17. 5. Via Larwyn:

    Let’s us just worry about who Blue Staters might think electable, Hmmmm?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  18. ” They would need an incriminating e-mail, or testimony…”

    Comment by Kevin M (536c5d) — 1/14/2014 @ 8:59 am

    And you won’t find ANY of those things if you don’t look. Sammy, you are completely missing the plot here.

    Thinking it over a bit, I understand that. That’s exactly what’s wrong here. That’s exactly how and why the FBI is not finding anything wrong.

    Bjut don’t point the finger at DOJ. You’ve got to point it at the FBI too, and one or more of its top level officials.

    They were waiting for this:

    Yes, he worked under Bush II, but the loyalty of lawyers is sometimes more to other lawyers than to politicians.

    His role might even be limited to appointing one or more deputy directors Holder is happy with.

    But the FBI is taking political direction.

    Res ipso loquitor.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  19. Comey is a back stabbing weasel, who sicced the Fitz, for no good reason, after he knew that Armitage has also disclosed Plame’s name,

    narciso (3fec35)

  20. 11. Yes, we do have that going for us.

    OTOH, meat on a hook is worth a thousand writs of habeus corpus. The day is coming when your court is just a convenient stock yard.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  21. 5. Comment by ropelight (050cd7) — 1/14/2014 @ 8:07 am

    When the US Department of Justice becomes part of an organized criminal conspiracy to violate the rights of the regime’s political opponents

    You must include the FBI in your accusations, or you will get nowhere. Now not many Republicans in Congress are prepared to accuse the FBI of not being impartial, especially when there is the “but this person was a Republican!” defense.

    There is probably more than ample documentation that there was indeed an FBI “investigation” that found nothing prosecutable, and you probably won’t find any incriminating e-mails between DOJ and FBI. unless they really flubbed up.

    This is not New Jersey.

    They wouldn’t have sent any major messages at all via e-mail, even ones that merely allude to, rather than explitly state, malicious intent. At least in any e-mailaccount we know of. Purely voice and personal meetings, and they have to prevent the NSA from discovering this accidentaly.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  22. 20. I think I could pick him out of a line up, but Heaven help lookalikes.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  23. 20. Comment by narciso (3fec35) — 1/14/2014 @ 9:15 am

    Comey is a back stabbing weasel, who sicced the Fitz, for no good reason, after he knew that Armitage has also disclosed Plame’s name,

    OK. That establishes him as someone willing to help Democrats in their partisanship.

    Not a RINO (Republican in Name Only)

    A DIDC (Democrat in Deep Cover)

    Or, as I said, his loyalty is to some friends who are lawyers connected to Democrats.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  24. 16. “Sammy, you are completely missing the plot here.”

    I’d say its on purpose, but I might be lying.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  25. Meanwhile, a speck of accountability;

    narciso (3fec35)

  26. Et tu, Ataturk?

    I don’t expect you to cave in your Dhimmi peer’s temporal lobe with the handy paper weight, or insert a letter opener under their dorsal rib, but Republican, if anyone can be found to accuse you of being employed by or paid by government, you will need the Sovereign’s angels.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  27. America is a corrupt third world joke anymore.

    Remember that guy what flew his plane into the IRS building?

    I do.

    And rather fondly.

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  28. Yes, the one that Loomis twit accused of being involved with being from the Tea Party,

    narciso (3fec35)

  29. I am outraged by this, which is just another revoltin’ development. Just as our weak-suck president was outraged upon opening a newspaper and first learning of the IRS being sent after conservatives, I am outraged.

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  30. Sammy, I prefer to see Democrats in deep sh*t.

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  31. I hope you all find comfort – as I do – in the fact that the DOJ and FBI are manned by weasels in their top echelon.

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  32. Well middle level weasels will not do,

    narciso (3fec35)

  33. Sammy – What happened did not happen by accident or random probability or bad management. It was deliberate enemy enemy action. The fact that confidential taxpayer information wound up outside IRS hands is proof other violations of law occurred.

    What planet are you living on if you believe a competent investigation cannot ferret out the origins of what happened and hold people accountable? What we are witnessing is yet another Obama whitewash and stonewall, viz. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Inspector Generalgate, Pigford, etc., etc.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  34. We are still in Phase 1, Revolution. We still have to reach Phase 2, One-man totalitarian dictatorship, and pass through it, before we achieve Phase 3, Utopia.

    nk (dbc370)

  35. So, by this standard Chris Christie firing people over ‘Bridgegate’ should be seen as gubernatorial overreach, right?


    Icy (2ef921)

  36. You need a smoking nun. Like these nuns. (The title is kind of misleading. The guns aren’t all that big.)

    nk (dbc370)

  37. 31. Comment by Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4) — 1/14/2014 @ 10:36 am

    Sammy, I prefer to see Democrats in deep sh*t.

    Really, I should revise that to:

    DUDC = Democrat Under Deep Cover.

    I wouldn’t just be Comey but somebody might have wanted to make sure the Direcyor wouldn’t upset the applecart. That was Clinton’s problem with william Sessions – that he might do that.

    The FBI was also slow about Bengazi, remember, too?

    They could never get to Benghazi. slow in interviews, too.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  38. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 10:46 am

    What planet are you living on if you believe a competent investigation cannot ferret out the origins of what happened and hold people accountable?

    I never said it couldn’t, I said it was hard. But maybe not so hard. The story says people complained about not being interviewed.

    You are probably right they could ferret this out, because not everybody who knows something is guilty and going to take the 5th amendment.

    And somebody might have used a cover story that doesn’t check out for some instructions they gave.

    And some people could be given immunity.

    By the way you notice they targeted small groups, not big ones.

    Maybe because they might be more afraid of small groups, than big ones, because the small ones are unpredictable. Or they were just starting.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  39. Everybody’s talking about
    Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Fagism
    Obamaism, Islamism, this-ism, that-ism
    Ism ism ism

    All we are saying is give Iran a chance
    All we are saying is give Iran a chance

    Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout mullahs and rulahs
    janitors and canisters, uraniums and craniums
    Rabbis and pop eyes, bye bye, bye byes

    All we are saying, is give Iran a chance
    All we are saying, is give Iran a chance

    Let me tell you now
    Everybody’s talking about, revolution
    Devolution, masturbation, flagellation
    Regulation, stagnation, meditations
    United Nations, self-congratulations

    All we are saying is give Iran a chance
    All we are saying is give Iran a chance

    Everybody’s talking ’bout, Barry and Moochie
    Lena Hoochie, John Kerry, Dykes and fairies
    Hilly Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Tony Weiner
    stuff that’s greener, Eric Holder, economy’s colder
    coldie coldie colder

    All we are saying is give Iran a chance
    All we are saying is give Iran a chance
    All we are saying is give Iran a chance

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  40. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 10:46 am

    What happened did not happen by accident or random probability or bad management.

    I don’t think it did, but it might be hard proving it without a smoking gun. But, as has been pointed out, the FBI didn’t really investigate.

    It was deliberate enemy enemy action. The fact that confidential taxpayer information wound up outside IRS hands is proof other violations of law occurred.

    Very probably, because it all impacted people on the same part of the political spectrum.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  41. the good news in all this is simple: i no longer have to wonder if i will ever have enough money to take a vacation in some obscure third world country with great weather, safe drinking water and cute babes.

    after all, i’m already living in one, but now i’m left wondering how much longer the tap water will be safe to drink…

    we are so screwed and it is now even more painfully obvious why the First Fascist and all his minions want to disarm us peasants who make up the narod: zeks are much more docile than free men.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  42. dear Sam the Sham: don’t you ever get tired of the contortions you have to go through to come up with lame excuses for Buckwheat the Dimwitted and all his crooked supporters?

    “bloviating bullsh1t” would be the kindest descriptor i can think of for the ridiculous “arguments” you make in these instances. it’s as if you’re not even looking at the same events the rest of us are talking about, or are willfully ignoring reality in favor of a ore-conceived notion that has no grounding in fact.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  43. I wonder whether the FBI will dare issuing a report detailing its conclusions before Issa’s committee issues one blowing their report out of the water.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  44. meanwhile, Obumble’s brilliant dealings with Iran are having a rather predictable result:

    Our relationship w/ the world is based on Iranian nation’s interests. In #Geneva agreement world powers surrendered to Iranian nation’s will
    — Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) January 14, 2014

    Arugala eating surrender monkeys indeed.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  45. 44. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:03 pm

    I wonder whether the FBI will dare issuing a report detailing its conclusions before Issa’s committee issues one blowing their report out of the water.

    Of course they’ll issue it before because they wantt o influence what Issa’s committee says – but it will have to be subpoenaed.

    Democrats will argue the FBI is impartial, but Issa is not.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  46. Comment by redc1c4 (abd49e) — 1/14/2014 @ 11:55 am

    but now i’m left wondering how much longer the tap water will be safe to drink…

    They are sayiing it is safe in West Virginia, even though you can taste it – it tastes like licorice. It also irritates it

    They are not proclaiming it safe everywhere, because they are afraid there could be too much sudden demand for water.

    I’m making making excuses, that is what they are saying.

    In New York the water is very good but they are too cautious. It’s being used a little as an excuse not to do fracking. The exploration companies have gotten tired and have given up in many cases.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  47. “Democrats will argue the FBI is impartial, but Issa is not.”

    Sammy – It doesn’t matter, the public can decide.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  48. “Democrats will argue the FBI is impartial, but Issa is not.”

    Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:24 pm

    Sammy – It doesn’t matter, the public can decide.

    Only if the Republicans argue back, cogently. The Democrats will try to make this an argument about who is saying what, and not drill down at all into the particulars.

    They will say Issa is partisan and the FBI is impartial. The Democrats will argue this in the committee and the media will report both sides.

    The Republicans in fact will, to some extent, defer to the FBI.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  49. Obama and the Democrats will advance a bad piece of legislation that supposedly would prevent this from happening again.

    Bad, because it would force more disclosure or limit activities that coud affect ellections of 501 groups in categories thought to help Republicans more than Democrats.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  50. This is why any Republican President who does not wage war on Liberals and Liberal Groups is a fool.

    Next 4 years if R should be all out war to defund and imprison as many as possible.

    It starts with threatening all the major news organizations and taking out some of the more left wing people with anything.

    Sadly, RINOs will cringe b/c when it is truly just and requires hard work, they can’t do it.

    Rodney King's Spirit (6e2c31)

  51. “Only if the Republicans argue back, cogently.”

    Sammy – You’re just wasting space repeating your thoughts.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  52. “Obama and the Democrats will advance a bad piece of legislation that supposedly would prevent this from happening again.”

    Sammy – Obama and Democrats have already proposed regulations to ensure this HAPPENS again. Wake up.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  53. Sammy – You’re just wasting space repeating your thoughts.

    point of order: do the ravings in question actually constitute thoughts?

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  54. Hope and change indeed. It is clearly very high up for Holder to be taking this risk. But then we already knew that, didn’t we?

    elissa (5b28d4)

  55. Sadly, RINOs will cringe b/c when it is truly just and requires hard work, they can’t won’t do it.


    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  56. On Topic-
    I heard it said that the various offended parties were not questioned by the FBI, which was likened to police investigating a robbery without talking to the robbery victims.

    Off Topic-
    (But I assume you will have a post on this soon)

    Gen. Hamm says the military knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the start, and told Paneta so.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  57. I can only imagine that if you want to take on the FBI, you have to really mean it and be willing to prosecute the battle to its conclusion.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  58. “Gen. Hamm says the military knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the start, and told Paneta so.”

    MD in Philly – Panetta also said he informed Obama in that first conversation that it was a terrorist attack so the myth of a demonstration over a video was a complete fabrication to conceal the failure of Obama’s light footprint strategy and Al Qaeda is on the run statement at the convention shortly before the incident.

    Who knew?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  59. Has the NY Times corrected its Hillary butt covering Benghazi reporting yet?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  60. Who knew?
    Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:57 pm

    We all did.

    62.Has the NY Times corrected its Hillary butt covering Benghazi reporting yet?
    Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:59 pm

    Is the Pope Muslim?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  61. At Ace’s:

    The FBI finally has begun to contact some of the tea party groups targeted by the Internal Revenue Service for inappropriate scrutiny in the first public signs that the administration’s criminal investigation is progressing.
    A lawyer representing some of the tea party groups that battled the IRS for tax-exempt status told The Washington Times that a “small number” of his clients were recently contacted, seven months after the investigation was supposed to have begun.

    Ace’s comment: “That’s usually how you do investigations — you figure out the conclusion and then, as you’re finishing up your report, you reach out to the actual victim-witnesses to hear whatever lies you’ll have to mention in your footnotes.”

    elissa (5b28d4)

  62. 62. Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:59 pm

    Has the NY Times corrected its Hillary butt covering Benghazi reporting yet?

    I don’t believe taht really protects Hillary very much. the main accusation against her is that she diominished security.

    I suppose you could say there were warnings, but the warnings by the CIA were misleading, and the same CIA claimed it was sponmtaneous and caused by a video.

    The New York Times is protecting a lot of other people with this, not Hillary Clinton.

    Even if maybe she benefits from Benghazi just going away.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  63. “Obama and the Democrats will advance a bad piece of legislation that supposedly would prevent this from happening again.”

    Comment by daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:45 pm

    Sammy – Obama and Democrats have already proposed regulations to ensure this HAPPENS again. Wake up.

    I know that. That’s why I said that, because they did it already. They’ll talk it up some more.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  64. 60. Comment by MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/14/2014 @ 12:50 pm

    60.I can only imagine that if you want to take on the FBI, you have to really mean it and be willing to prosecute the battle to its conclusion.

    You have to be sure you are right, which is a problem. Even suspecting them would be news to a lot of people.

    The FBI was just as bad about Benghazi.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  65. we know the Treasury Workers union, was involved, we know Lerner and co, strong dispositions against private financing, right to life organizations,
    back when she was at the FEC,

    narciso (3fec35)

  66. 37. Kitten Natividad musta retired.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  67. “I know that. That’s why I said that, because they did it already. They’ll talk it up some more.”

    Sammy – What I said completely contradicts what you said.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  68. OT:

    JD, MD in Philly, daley, (and others) check out the 14 most beautiful college quadrangles in America.

    elissa (5b28d4)

  69. General Ham is playing this awfully low-key. Considering he was relieved on the spot, I find that quietude..interesting.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  70. 60. The FBI recently let it be known that they have refined their contract. They are no longer in the business of protecting the Constitution.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  71. elissa – Thank you for the distraction. I have visited many of those quads in person over the years. How about some coeds?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  72. 46. Some Israeli Defense official yesterday characterized SoS Kerry as ‘messianic’, no doubt in his self-estimation.

    I would say he is proof, if we needed any, that intelligence and mental illness are not strongly correlated.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  73. On the college quads deal, they ought to have put a disclaimer that it was a survey of only Ivy League schools, and gigantic public universities.
    I’ve been to a number of smaller colleges that are both stunning and quaint in the beauty of their quads. Their coeds, too. Or whatever.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  74. Thanks, elissa.
    though I must say, a statue of Abraham Lincoln is at the top of Bascom Hill and can barely be seen in the given picture; and there are several other locations on the campus as notable or even moreso.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  75. Ace’s comment: “That’s usually how you do investigations — you figure out the conclusion and then, as you’re finishing up your report, you reach out to the actual victim-witnesses to hear whatever lies you’ll have to mention in your footnotes.”
    Comment by elissa (5b28d4) — 1/14/2014 @ 1:21 pm

    Ummm, lawyer inside talk. Was that a serious comment or sarcasm?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  76. The Hill reports NY District 21 congress critter Bill Owens retiring.


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  77. “Their coeds, too.”

    Elephant Stone – Patterico needs more pictures of scantily clad (e.g., normally attired) coeds on this blog for important journalistic purposes. My requests are falling on deaf ears.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  78. “I’ve learned that Washington is broken and desperately needs new ideas and new leadership,” she said. “I think no matter what side of the aisle you are on, we need people to step up to the plate to shake things up.”

    Gary, how many others have said the same and yet here we are?

    Dana (a0013d)

  79. 71: Elissa, (College quads) Pomona College in Claremont, CA, had a very striking yard 50 years ago. I hope it is still there.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  80. bobathome,

    Pomona and nearby neighbor Claremont McKenna are both quite stunning. Hollywood has done a lot of filming out there over the years due to the resemblance that those two colleges have to midwestern and eastern campuses.

    Also, Cal Tech in Pasadena has a really nice campus in general. Older readers may recall the 1987 film “Moonstruck,” which had a lot of exteriors filmed there as it stood in for an eastern campus, as Pasadena often does.
    Also, there were a few exteriors filmed there at Cal Tech in Reese Witherspoon’s “Legally Blonde.”

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  81. If your head hasn’t exploded yet…
    there is something coming out about insurance companies may get 1 trillion or so over 10 years under ObamaCare. Something about after $45,000 (maybe that is not the number) expenditures the gov. picks up 80% of the bill,
    every year the insurance company estimates what it will pay out, at years end, if the company has paid out more than anticipated, the gov. reimburses 80%.

    Say what, say what????

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  82. 82. Right you are, however, one might recall the 2009 abomination by Gingrich(commencing his 2012 run) and the RNCC that ended in Owen’s victory over a stalking horse TEA candidate.

    From my armchair, I’d be silly to say we could do better.

    Same with Sullivan for different realities.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  83. 83: Gary, Sullivan, to his credit, is a both a Marine and apparently not JAG. I kind of liked Joe Miller, but he wasn’t able to put together much of a campaign … given that Murkowski defeated him in the general election via write-in campaign. We’d be better of with Miller. It will be interesting to watch the R primary with four reasonably strong candidates.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  84. daley,

    I agree we could stand to add a pinch of seasoning to the blog in the form of coeds. ‘Spring break’ isn’t actually that far away, is it ?
    But for some reason, too many of our friends here have insisted on talking about a three hundred pound Governor on the eastern seaboard who apparently had an aide or two who roguely facillitated the closing down of a lane or two on a three lane bridge.

    Daley, I ask you, my good man, which topic do you prefer to discuss during the dead of winter ?

    I rest my case.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  85. 86. Indeed. The bad news bubbling to the surface has but begun to splatter us.

    But our backs are strong as we carry our ‘Let Obamacare collapse under its own weight’ champions to victory in 2014.


    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  86. “Something about after $45,000 (maybe that is not the number) expenditures the gov. picks up 80% of the bill,”

    MD in Philly – It is an individual policy reinsurance agreement whereby the government assumes 80% of the losses between $45,000-$250,000 on individual policies. Remember that the companies can no longer underwrite policies based on health and there are no upper limits on losses on single policies.

    There are also “risk corridors” where if losses are above certain levels on an aggregate basis, the government assumes a portion. If the business if profitable above similar expectations, the insurance companies have to pay the government.

    The agreements last three years. They were quid pro quo for getting bludgeoned into participating in the blind pool of risk that is Obamacare.

    Most people writing about this stuff don’t understand it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  87. 85: ES, I’ve had a chance to visit CalTech a couple of times recently, and compared to the campus in the 60’s and 70’s, it is amazing. The campus has grown significantly, swallowing whole streets and city blocks, which is quite a feat in pricey Pasadena. The CalTech Anthenaeum has always been a wonderful place. But the quad at Pomona had a remarkable sense of space and proportion that I haven’t experienced elsewhere.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  88. “Daley, I ask you, my good man, which topic do you prefer to discuss during the dead of winter ?”

    ES – Sir, I believe I have already signaled a preference, but there are other venues available than this family blog.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  89. 88. I’m not heartbroken, Miller hitched his wagon to Huckabee and has suffered on his own account.

    Good to hear Sullivan is not JAG.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  90. In other news the fox has completed its investigation and has determined that the presence of feathers around its mouth is not indicative that any wrong doing took place in the hen house.

    The fox therefore has determined that no further prosecutorial action will be taken.

    Stephen Macklin (fed8a4)

  91. So apparently the the aesthetics of the landscaping and the timeless architecture of iconic university quads are not what most interested some of you about college life. I am stunned.

    elissa (5b28d4)

  92. Yes, Gary, at last check, Sullivan was at Natural Resources, at last round, recall Cornyn moved heaven and earth to make sure Mxlplyk stayed in,

    narciso (3fec35)

  93. Elissa, that’s what interested me. Big , big trees. I don’t know how they could miss that.

    Dana (a0013d)

  94. Thanks daley for the further info.
    I guess it helps explain why the insurance companies were willing to go along with less of a fight.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  95. I liked the architecture inside of the Rathskeller and the landscaping of Lake Mendota.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  96. I can say that the view from 35 downwards sends shivers, convulsions even.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  97. Coming here is a learning experience about human nature nearly every day, Dana.

    elissa (5b28d4)

  98. 102. Oh, I should have included this too. For some states it drastically changes the picture.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  99. UC Santa Barbara has some wonderful scenery.
    The campus and the ocean views are nice, too.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  100. Gary, Cali may be at the bottom, but it’s 75 degrees outside here today. In mid-January. While the rest of the country freezes. So there’s that.

    Dana (a0013d)

  101. 106. Can’t knock that.

    On changing the thesaurus:

    I agree. The term is oxymoronic anymore(practicing my Georgian dialect).

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  102. “Elissa, that’s what interested me. Big , big trees. I don’t know how they could miss that.”

    Dana – Very Freudian.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  103. Comment by gary gulrud (e2cef3) — 1/14/2014 @ 1:53 pm

    Some Israeli Defense official yesterday characterized SoS Kerry as ‘messianic’, no doubt in his self-estimation.

    The Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. He also said something like he hoped Kerry would get his Nobel Peace Prize because then he would leave them alone.

    I don’t think actually either is a motivation. Kerry is just carrying out instructions.

    This was in a “closed conversation” – which I think means it was supposed to be “off-the-record” of “deep blackground” with a newspaper reporter or reporters for an Israeli newspaper.

    The big criticism was of the hi-tech Defense plan they came up with – high level U.S. military were enlisted to develop it – for the west bank after Israel would withdraw.

    They’d have all this surveillance, but no soldiers!

    He said that Abbas “lives on our sword” If Israel withdraws from Judea and Samaria, he is finished.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  104. 106. California is having a heat wave. The CBS Evening News last night was happy to report no more polar vortex but they have this instead.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  105. Dana, I love Cali. Especially the central coast area. It’s so beautiful and the weather is wonderful and I enjoy spending time there. Of course, I am always relieved when I successfully complete a trip and know I got out of there without “the big one” shaking things up. Despite the politics and goofiness and geologic fault-lines I totally understand the attraction of making California home.

    elissa (5b28d4)

  106. Comment by Elephant Stone (6a6f37) — 1/14/2014 @ 3:00 pm

    a three hundred pound Governor on the eastern seaboard

    Not sure he still weighs that, if that’s what he weighed. He had bariatric surgery almost a year ago.

    who apparently had an aide or two who roguely facillitated the closing down of a lane or two on a three lane bridge.

    Two lanes out of three that led to toll booths and the toll booth left was cash only.

    It was one aide (deputy chief of staff) two appointees to the Port Authority, and his 2013 campaign manager, who used to be the deputy chief of staff. The deputy chief of staff handled liason with all agencies.

    But Christie probably has two or three people still on his staff who were involved. The press secretary looks like someone who might be involved.

    Meanwhile there have more investigations aimed at Christie, (the Jersey ads, and theyare talking about the lawyers he picked in non-prosecution agreements – he should have picked mob lawyers or lawyers he didn’t know, evidently) and the Jersey City mayor released emails that showed various people were very friendly to him at first – Christie had helped get him elected – and then abruptly turned on a dime when he announced he would endorse the Democrat candidate for Governor.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  107. Weather is a state of mind.

    nk (dbc370)

  108. 68. Comment by narciso (3fec35) — 1/14/2014 @ 1:29 pm

    68.we know the Treasury Workers union, was involved, we know Lerner and co, strong dispositions against private financing, right to life organizations, back when she was at the FEC,

    This going after cnservative groups may have been more issue oriented than candidate oriented.

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  109. ISIS is apparently going back into the cities it made a withdrawal from.

    ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and (Greater) Syria = al Qaeda.

    There’s also

    AQAP = Al Quada in the Arabian Peninsula.

    Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Morrocco, Algeria, Libya, Mali etc)

    Al Shabab (Somalia etc)

    Boko Haram (northern Nogeria) Boko Haram means western learning is forbidden.

    And of course original Al Qaeda (Pakistan, Afghanistan) and there are other related groups there not just the Taliban, but several otehrs backled by Pakistan’s rogue military intelligence agency.

    Egypt is in a category al by itself. There we have the Moslem Brotehrhood and its offshoots and splinters (one of which is (Egyptian) Islamic Jihad which is Al Qaeda actually)

    Sammy Finkelman (e6d54e)

  110. 97: Ellisa, Experiencing great architecture is somewhat like mountain climbing. First you must do something very stupid, and then, surviving that episode, you look around and say “Wow! How did I get here?”, and next you say “Oh my gosh! That is spectacular!” In my case, we’d had a party at one of my Engineering Prof.’s home, and having immibided way too much beer, I figured I’d better walk it off. Mt. Baldy by 1 am, back to Claremont by 3 am, then wandering around Pamona around sunrise. Just the thing! And I survived!

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  111. Imbibided … as in 5 quarts …

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  112. Pomona? Ye Gods, man! You have a death wish?

    Colonel Haiku (f6a9d4)

  113. 119: Col. Sir, We’d watch the PAN-laden smog roll in from LA in the classic 60-degree intrusion and just run that much harder. And bicycling against the 20 knot easterly from Fontana was character building. But Mt. Baldy and the back roads offered orange-blossom scented hikes that can never be duplicated.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  114. Daleyrocks – I didn’t read what you wrote too carefully.

    I thought you said they had already proposed the bad legislation. I did not catch that you said the legislation was to ensure it HAPPENS again.

    Well, the legislation would be something that tends to prohibit groups from doing things like even circulate voter guides, but it wouldn’t hold up approval of tax exempt status.

    Sammy Finkelman (e40e85)

  115. “Well, the legislation would be something that tends to prohibit groups from doing things like even circulate voter guides, but it wouldn’t hold up approval of tax exempt status.”

    Sammy – So the effect would be what? Please explain.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  116. Meanwhile, anybody who was victimized by Obama’s IRS and cooperates with this travesty of an investigation is a fool.

    Like “Joe the Plumber” they’ll be digging up dirt about their donors’ unpaid traffic tickets for years. And their henchmen in the MFM will happily print what they find. Exactly as planned when Barack Obama supposedly joked about using the IRS to target his enemies, and singled out Mitt Romney’s supporters by name as “unsavory.”

    Some joke, eh?

    Steve57 (f8d67f)

  117. Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter
    A president shouldn’t even joke about abusing IRS power.

    Glenn Harlan Reynolds
    Updated May 18, 2009 12:01 a.m. ET

    “…President [Michael] Crowe and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS.”

    Just a joke about the power of the presidency. Made by Jay Leno it might have been funny. But as told by Mr. Obama, the actual president of the United States, it’s hard to see the humor. Surely he’s aware that other presidents, most notably Richard Nixon, have abused the power of the Internal Revenue Service to harass their political opponents. But that abuse generated a powerful backlash and with good reason. Should the IRS come to be seen as just a bunch of enforcers for whoever is in political power, the result would be an enormous loss of legitimacy for the tax system.

    Steve57 (f8d67f)

  118. 125: Steve, The thing about HteWon is that he considers himself to be the end of history … “42” in the “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.” With his incarnation, all the world’s problems have been solved, and little things that governed behavior in prior times are antiquated. Concern over the legitimacy of the government … a non-starter with him. Of course it’s legitimate! Political opposition … Pol Pot had the answer! We’re just seeing the part of the iceberg that necessarily emerges into the light as a result of the growing mass of corruption beneath the surface. The MFM is a disgrace. Thank goodness for the internet! And thank you for the recommendation, “Herman the German” is terrific. Many lessons for us all.

    bobathome (c0c2b5)

  119. No need to thank me. As a matter of fact because of you I’m hunting for the rest of Gamble’s works on Rabaul.

    Apropos of nothing:

    The Penny Drops: Iraq Chooses its Training & COIN Aircraft

    Aug 14/13: Paying for it now. Hawker Beechcraft in Wichita, KS receives a not-to-exceed, unfinalized $18.6 million contract modification for basic life support (BLS) and security in Iraq until Sept 30/14.

    Bring the heat, Bring the Stupid

    …Sometime around 2007, the Navy Special Warfare community began to get fed up with the difficulty of working with existing ISR and CAS assets, and looked to find a cheap, off the shelf method of providing both capabilities that would be organic to SPECWAR.

    …About the same time, the demand for CAS and ISR from the Army was getting louder, and when SecDef Gates fired the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force for not meeting the needs of the current war, the idea of making a large purchase of what became known as “Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance” or LAAR aircraft, started to gather steam. I’ve written several times about the LAARA program, here, here and here.

    Now, leasing a handful of aircraft is one thing, but when the possibility of a fairly large (50-100) aircraft purchase rolls around, that calls for a competition. As the LAARA program first started, several firms bandied about proposals. Boeing even raised the possibility of reopening the OV-10 production line with an updated model. But one of the key demands of what came to be known as the O/A-X (observation/attack-experimental) program was that the airframe and sensors had to be non-developmental, readily available off-the-shelf. Pretty soon, the competition narrowed to two real candidates, the Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano, and the Hawker Beechcraft AT-6 Texan II. Both aircraft are roughly similar in configuration, size, performance and capability.

    Let’s take a brief look at the pros and cons of each aircraft…

    Steve57 (f8d67f)

  120. First, let’s agree that to convert big horsepower to airspeed in a piston-powered aircraft you need a big prop. It’s not debatable.

    By the end of the war allied aircraft were making about 2000 ponies. Props were about 13 feet in diameter. You wouldn’t taxi one under your average highway underpass unless you had a death wish. It won’t fit.

    So William Overstreet really threaded the needle when he did this:

    That fast. That small of a space. That close to the ground.

    The German was banking on the fact that only a crazy man would follow him through that maneuver. He was right. He just didn’t know who he was up against.

    William Overstreet wanted the kill.

    Steve57 (f8d67f)

  121. Apparently free speech is for some, and not others;

    narciso (3fec35)

  122. I hope more and more people express greater cynicism and disgust towards the IRS.

    I know that I personally now don’t feel bothered if I hear of someone playing games with their taxes and tax returns. In the past — in my naive, gullible past — I would sort of wince when learning that a person was cooking the numbers.

    Since we’re becoming a banana republic, we might just as well have the ethics of that type of society.

    Mark (4b7167)

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