Patterico's Pontifications


New O’Keefe Video: Declare This Home Gun-Free!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:43 am

Employees of the newspaper that published gun owners’ addresses are asked to put a sign outside their homes declaring their house gun-free.

They decline:

I would have liked it better if I knew that the people in question were not just employees, but were direct hypocrites who had participated in the publication of gun owners’ addresses. Still, funny as always.

52 Responses to “New O’Keefe Video: Declare This Home Gun-Free!”

  1. Love the guy who says we need to get down to one-bullet magazines. Now that’s a brilliant idea.

    Patterico (8b3905)

  2. Touré got butthurt

    JD (b63a52)

  3. New York’s seven round limit is outrageous, and unconstitutional IMO. There are probably tens of millions of firearms for which you can’t get a seven round magazine.

    And criminalizing possession of a magazine that has more than seven rounds loaded into it criminalizes a failure to count.

    SPQR (768505)

  4. I find the seven round limit to be malicious. It’s not that hard to find ten round magazines right now for most pistols, and I think they wanted to make sure their law was very imposing on law abiding people.

    It’s not going to impact the psychos one bit. That Virginia Tech shooter brought tons of magazines and anyone who knows he’s about to attack can do the same. It only impacts those who aren’t planning to do anything wrong, and thus will only have one or maybe two magazines.

    The zealots often ask ‘who needs more than ten rounds?’ (now I guess it’s who needs more than seven). I think anyone who was defending themselves with a pistol would need the normal full ammo capacity.

    This is more incrementalism. They see that a ten round restriction didn’t do anything, so they waited for a tragedy and then cut it to seven. They will now wait for the next tragedy and cut it again, and again, and again. Eventually they will be discussing banning long kitchen knives while stubbornly ignoring those who point out violent crime is skyrocketing.

    But this is why I support federalism. Even though I think self defense ability is a fundamental human right, New York’s insanity is not my business so long as their people have a say.

    The problem is that conservatives generally support this, and liberals don’t, so things creep leftward. Of course Obama will restrict Texas gun ownership as much as he can get away with (which is hopefully not very much).

    Dustin (73fead)

  5. I just listened to a friend ranting about AR 15 high capacity magazine. He did not know what standard capacity was. Ditto Glock 19

    JD (840c05)

  6. Do these people realize how foolish they look, and that they’ve brought it on themselves?

    htom (412a17)

  7. This is a dishonest agenda. My Ruger Mark II .22LR pistol only has 10 round magazines. My Marlin model 70 .22LR has 7, 15, 25 round magazines and was made in CT. My marlin rifle also has a scopt and the 25 round magazine it banana shaped. Idiot Cuomo will call it an assault rifle.

    We need to challenge every idiot who says assault rifle or assault weapon. Hell, my fists could be Assault weapons the way democraps are spreading the definition around.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  8. JD, indeed “standard capacity” magazines are what are proposed to be banned.

    SPQR (768505)

  9. SPQR – invincible Emo ignorance

    JD (840c05)

  10. PCD, “assault rifle” has a specific technical definition – a rifle firing an intermediate powered cartridge with semi-auto and full auto and/or burst capability. Such a rifle is already strictly controlled under the NFA of 1934, strictly licensed and subject to a $200 transfer tax upon each transfer, as a “machine gun”.

    “Assault weapon” is a PR term, it has no definition. Statutes that purport to define it do so on the basis of cosmetic features or meaningless features like flash hiders and bayonet lugs. Because we know the most dangerous part of a rifle is the knife hanging off the end of the barrel.

    SPQR (768505)

  11. Assualt rifle really isn meaningless. Also listening to liberals who have never been cops, soldiers nor to a gun rang hold forth about semi-auto and auto is quite comical.

    Would note by most credible accounts the Sandy Hook shooter used handguns and left his AR15 in the car. But it looks EVIL!And a slick pol like Obama can sell almost anything with few cute tow-headed tykes up front with the tag line “it’s for the children!”.

    Bugg (ba4ca9)

  12. this just feels like more of the jon stewartization of political discourse to me

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  13. Ugh. That publication is a massive hypocrite. It’s obvious they did this fully knowing the consequences only to get attention. Attention they did find. It’s sickening.

    Cal (52a24d)

  14. A worthwhile exercise for the group might have been to go back and visit the neighbors on either side of the houses they visited with modified signs asking people to place them in their yards saying – My Neighbor’s House Is Proudly Gun Free.

    Perhaps that is coming on a future video.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  15. I wonder if they had published amap of gun free homes what the reaction would be?

    EPWJ (8a4ca7)

  16. I really doubt that limiting the types of weapons available to the general public is unconstitutional. Nor is limiting the capacity of “high magazine capacity clips” or “high clip magazine capacity” or whatever it is that the MSM is calling it today.
    However, that is a different issue than whether or not it is efficacious or useful to do so. It is clear to me that such legislation would be worthless in preventing the next massacre. Are psychotic mass murderers going to docilely line up and hand in their weapons, once this utopian legislation is passed? It is idiotic to imagine that happening.
    The law abiding people will obey. The murderers, terrorists, drug dealer, and rapists will continue doing what they do: namely, ignore the law.

    orcadrvr (5daf3f)

  17. these fascist laws would not have saved natalie wood

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  18. it is nice of the NY legislature to make my favorite the de-facto pistol of choice for it’s residents.

    the standard magazine of a 1911A1 holds 7 rounds of 45ACP ammo, is, when properly cared for, utterly reliable, and has been dropping bad guys for over a century.

    and, when the slide locks back, i can slap another magazine in and continue to service targets in moments.

    Molon Labe.

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  19. Because we know the most dangerous part of a rifle is the knife hanging off the end of the barrel.

    “What is the spirit of the bayonet?”

    the most dangerous part of a rifle is the person holding it:
    any Marine will tell you that, as will those who are graduates of the Harmony Church School for Excitable Boys and similar institutions of higher learning. Cosmetic details are just that, cosmetic.

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  20. PS: i want one of those signs for my home, but i’m afraind that the DFG & LAPD might view it as “baiting” and cite me for violating game laws. 8)

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  21. 10, SPQR, the point I was making is that the libs have debased the definition of the words. What I was saying is force them to admit their duplicity and ignorance.

    I once read an AP article where the reporter blathered on about a person using an AUTOMATIC .45 caliber revolver to commit a crime and that fully automatic revolver should be banned. I wrote the AP and the cretins home paper saying they were an idiot, clueless, and should not be a reporter/propagandist as they had no clue what they were saying, and there is no such thing as a .45 automatic revolver. The idiot was blathering on about a Schofield.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  22. 17, yes, and you don’t have to use 230 grain military ball. I use 185 Grain Zombie Max and 200 grain jacketed hollow point ammunition when I’m not burning off the cheap, foreign made ammo I have.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  23. Well. the “Buffalo News” (affectionately called ‘The Buffalo Snooze’ for as long as I can remember) is now trying to pull a ‘Journal News’ stunt and tried getting addressed of gun owners in Erie County …then when called on the carpet by our local conservative radio station they denied they were seeking gun permit info for publishing. Stupid is as stupid does! I bet none of the trolls working there would want their information handed out. It’s simply disgusting! As a member of the law enforcement community this is dangerous to us all!

    Pamela (0c03f5)

  24. “We’re here to liberate the stroke mags in the name of the proletariat!”

    mojo (8096f2)

  25. An admirably concise argument:

    Via Doug Ross, again.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  26. Btw, those that thought he would be a good moderator ‘heck of a job’ no seriously;

    narciso (3fec35)

  27. In New York State’s new gun law they restricted release of information as to who owns a gun. For 120 days no info weill be relased, after that anyone who asks can remove himself from list.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  28. Is Touré still butthurt?

    JD (840c05)

  29. no worries no mo’
    not since Doc Jimmy upped my
    dose of Fuqitol®

    Colonel Haiku (f5f7a0)

  30. Comment by SPQR (768505) — 1/16/2013 @ 6:49 am

    There are probably tens of millions of firearms for which you can’t get a seven round magazine.

    They’ll start manufacturing them for the New York market. Incidentally it’s not how many bullets are in the magazine but how many the magazine can hold. I think all guns and magazines anyone now owns (Before Jan 15, 2013) are grandfathered in.

    If they are not sold outside the state within one year they will have to be registered in a statewide firearms database.

    Backgrouynd checks will be required to buy bullets.

    High volume purchases of ammunition alerts will or can be sent to police.

    Therapists will be required to report to authorities any client thought to be “likely to engage in” violent behavior – the police would or at least could then confiscate any gun(s) the person has. Till now under ethical guidelines only involuntary hospitalizations and direct threats were supposed to be reported, this would likely mean now also voluntary hospitalizations and suicidal thoughts. Many people on the left and on the right do not like this provision.

    Expanded provisions to require people to take psychiatric drugs.

    Life sentences without parole to anyone to murders a first responder.

    A banned assault weapon now need have only one military style feature.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  31. Warning Signs of Violent Acts Often Unclear

    But these proposed changes and others like them may backfire and only reveal how broken the system is, experts said.

    Sweeping Limits on Guns Become Law in New York

    Legislature Restricts Access to Gun Permit Data

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  32. 29. Better brush up on your French, those Quebec separatists are closet hegemonists. Like Vermont will stand in their way.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  33. There are probably tens of millions of firearms for which you can’t get a seven round magazine.

    They’ll start manufacturing them for the New York market. Incidentally it’s not how many bullets are in the magazine but how many the magazine can hold. I think all guns and magazines anyone now owns (Before Jan 15, 2013) are grandfathered in.

    Wrong Sammy, there are many firearms that are not necessarily in individual numbers sufficient to justify some magazine manufacturer designing a new seven round magazine.

    And you are also wrong about it not mattering how many are in the magazine, as the NY law also criminalizes putting more than seven rounds in a ten round magazine. In other words, not being able to count is a crime in NY.

    SPQR (768505)

  34. Comment by SPQR (768505) — 1/16/2013 @ 5:11 pm

    the NY law also criminalizes putting more than seven rounds in a ten round magazine. In other words, not being able to count is a crime in NY.

    But all 10 round magazines are now illegal in New York State! Do you mean the 10-round magazines that are grandfathered in?

    Sammy Finkelman (b4516d)

  35. 17 in the Debt Ceiling Examples thread:

    Comment by Milhouse (15b6fd) — 1/16/2013 @ 12:29 am

    I remember reading a few years ago that the gun manufacturers are small businesses with not much money, so that one lawsuit could bankrupt them. And that that was the point of Bloomberg’s plan, and is why Congress protected them. But now I read that they’re doing so well that pension funds and hedge funds are invested in them, and being criticised for it by the usual suspects such as NY Blowhard In Chief (and my former Councillor) Bill de Blasio.

    No real contradiction, except maybe they weren’t so small. (and I missed that)

    You can be a pretty big company and still get bankrupted by lawsuits.

    Johns Manville stock was included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from January 29, 1930 to August 27, 1982 when it was replaced by American Express. In 1981, Johns-Manville Corporation was renamed simply “Manville”. In 1982, facing unprecedented liability for asbestos injury claims, Johns Manville voluntarily filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.[2]

    Sammy Finkelman (b4516d)

  36. Of course they might havebeen exaggerating the danger. They could try getting insurance and might have to cut down on sales – at least watch stores that let straw buyers wind up with guns the way JSTOR watched MIT, at the behest of publishers, no doubt.

    There’s an idea of Michael Bloomberg’s that may now become law. First Kirsten Gillebrand and then Charles Schumer came out in favor of it,

    Bloomberg wants to make interstate trafficking in guns in violation of state laws (or something like that) a federal crime, like the transportation of cigarettes to evade taxes.

    Sammy Finkelman (b4516d)

  37. at least watch stores that let straw buyers wind up with guns

    like Fast & Furious, where the ATF deliberately ordered stores to make sales they knew would result in guns going to Mexico, then did NOTHING to stop the transfer over the border?

    is that the sort of government oversight you want?

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  38. For all the gun hype on both sides, what Obama is proposing seems like mere token action to look as if he has done something and to give the media an opportunity to portray Republicans as monsters.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  39. He does show sense, here, after the piece that prompted the link;

    narciso (3fec35)

  40. Remember that outraged rant, at the Church, after voting down Katrina funds

    narciso (3fec35)

  41. All Cuomo is trying to do is criminalize exercising your Constitutional rights. Guns today. Big Macs tomorrow. Wait til he makes voting other than Democrat a crime.

    Hey, shouldn’t NY cops be forced back to being armed with revolvers and no second hidden guns?

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  42. Wrong Sammy, there are many firearms that are not necessarily in individual numbers sufficient to justify some magazine manufacturer designing a new seven round magazine.

    SPQR is 100% right.

    New York’s law will ruin the property of many gun owners who own less popular models.

    Meanwhile, Texas honors my basic human rights and also has a budget surplus, jobs, and Smokey Mo’s BBQ.

    Dustin (73fead)

  43. “Rules for thee, but not for me.”

    IGotBupkis, Legally Defined Cyberbully in All 57 States and some Canadian provinces (98ae1f)

  44. The published registry in the Journal News is only through Westchester county, so there is no way of knowing if the people NOT on the list have guns or not, they could be registered in other jurisdictions or have unregistered firearms.

    So the video is a pointless exercise and it was boring as well.

    Mahalia Cab (e46bab)

  45. Mahalia Cab – Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  46. Mahalia Cab, your comment is incoherent. The point of the video is the hypocracy of the Journal News.

    SPQR (768505)

  47. PCD, law enforcement was not exempted from New York’s new bill. Mainly because Cuomo and the NY legislature is incompetent morons.

    SPQR (768505)

  48. Meanwhile, Texas honors my basic human rights and also has a budget surplus, jobs, and Smokey Mo’s BBQ.

    Ditto IN, except Smokey Mos and Rudy’s

    JD (d420da)

  49. Mahalia Cab hates math, honesty, and the 2nd Amendment. All this we learned about her just today.

    JD (d420da)

  50. JD, gun control advocates have a lot of hate, and violent natures. That’s why they project that upon us.

    SPQR (768505)

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