Patterico's Pontifications


Interview With The Weiner (Update: More Video and Some Kos Kids Turn Against Him)

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 1:05 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

Yes, that is a riff on Ann Rice’s novel and the movie adapted from it.  (By the way, why was it “The Vampire” and not “a” vampire?  I mean it’s not like as if the character was the only one in the whole world.)

Anyway, via Hot Air, we get The Weiner being interviewed on Cnn, and in my opinion, not helping himself at all:

And good for the reporters not letting him off easy, at least there.  Up until now their reaction has been…  flaccid.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

Update: Longer coverage of it, here:

Via Randolph Jenkins of… the Daily Kos, who writes:

Does anyone still believe that this was a hack?

Come on guys. If he was the victim of hacking, why is he being so shady about it? Why is he refusing to talk to the cameras, and is even – as you’ll see in the first link – running away from the cameras refusing to answer any questions about the situation.

If Breitbart or one of his minions is behind this, why not have an investigation?

Sexual harassment and hacking are no laughing matters.

Congressman Weiner – I know you’ve posted here before. If you have any courage and decency, why don’t you answer three simple questions:

(1) Why was the college student to whom the tweet was directed at being followed by your account?

(2) Why did you earlier tweet, “thats545inSeattleIthink” right before the tweet went out to the student who lives in Seattle?

(3) Why are you refusing to answer questions about this matter?

That is right, they are losing Daily Kos.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

36 Responses to “Interview With The Weiner (Update: More Video and Some Kos Kids Turn Against Him)”

  1. I think as a first step going forward he needs to stop sending dick photos to college girls.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  2. Just another example of the cases of allowable sexual harassment by men if they’re leftoid nutjobs.

    Yes, you too can treat women like sexual objects if you just talk the right kind of liberal crap.

    It works! Hell, someone should market a self help course on picking up chicks using leftie garbage.

    Rev Dr E Buzz (1eb242)

  3. Actually, Mr. feets–my preference is that he keeps right on sending young women dick pics to his heart’s content. AND that in order to carry on those activities he immediately resigns from the congress of the United States so that he can more privately post said dick pics.

    elissa (f1910a)

  4. He looks so bad in that CNN interview.

    Totally dishonest. Politically, I’m cheering a bit, but I liked this guy and I’m sad he turned out to be another lying sleazeball instead of honest patriotic lefty democrat (Yes, I know, that seems impossible to many anyway).

    How easy would it be for him to say ‘yeah, that’s serious, and that’s why I’m reporting this to law enforcement’? Instead he just says ‘my lawyers put together a weasel pack of lies and I paid a lot for that, so refer to that instead of me’

    Any democrats or conservatives who pretend this hacking crap is plausible can be written off as stupid or dishonest.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  5. what’s ironic and fun is how someone who enthusiastically bombards hoochies with photos of his junk is obsessed with delegitimizing Clarence Thomas

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  6. BREITBART RIPPED TO SHREDS!!!!!!!11ty!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  7. OK, I have been traveling a LOT and I really did skim 6 or 8 of the posts here, but can’t see it.

    Did he accidentally send the briefs photo to the wrong person? Did he mean it to go to the porn star who wants to be his groupie? Or is he working more than one of his twittergals?

    Apologies for asking. Thanks in advance.

    carlitos (59ae85)

  8. Sarah Palin is on a bus, Mr. carlitos!

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  9. Did he accidentally send the briefs photo to the wrong person? Did he mean it to go to the porn star who wants to be his groupie? Or is he working more than one of his twittergals?

    He sent the pic to one groupie.

    But he appears to have more than one groupie, such as this porn star. How are we supposed to know if he meant to send it to a different person? I don’t think anyone has suggested that. I don’t see why that would even matter.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  10. carlitos – He claims dic pic to comely coed was done by a hacker. He follows comely coed and she follows him on twitter, allowing private messages.

    He sent private message to porn star earlier this year.

    He also follows other young babes on twitter.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  11. Liberalism[Which is a hijacked word] insists you do no wrong even if you do.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  12. it’s not even so much his grotesquely crude twitterings

    it’s how he lies and lies about them like he thinks we’re idiots

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  13. I’m saving this thread for the Happyfeet hall of fame.

    SarahW (af7312)

  14. That Weiner Wood.

    buzzsawmonkey (e20a6c)

  15. Aaron — great stuff…BUT…

    Read the comments on that Kos Article…they are NOT losing Kos.

    It’s ONE Diary and — read the comments.

    People don’t seem to get Kos on the right — the comments ARE the site. THAT is the pulse of Kommunity. Go see what I mean.

    Lee Stranahan (708cc3)

  16. This guy makes laws and can’t figure out, without a lawyer, if hacking a congressman’s account is a crime or a prank?

    Huey (65df69)

  17. To kinda repeat a comment I made elsewhere today …

    If Wiener had not just one, but two accounts hacked, then the odds it was done by breaching security on the servers involved are low, which would imply that it’s far more likely that some unauthorized person now has access to all of his passwords, including those that give him access to sensitive info, some of which might involve national security.

    By claiming that multiple passwords of his were stolen, Wiener himself has therefore made a formal investigation necessary, cuz if his passwords were stolen, how many other congress critters’ password have been similarly compromised?

    And yeah, I know, Wiener’s probably just lying (and clumsily at that) to keep his wife from stomping all over him. But as long as he claims his passwords were stolen, an investigation is clearly warranted.

    Someone should push that idea, you know. I mean, someone other than me, mere Canuck that I am. I.E., what other secrets have been compromised and how can you know until you investigate?

    ras (ceba62)

  18. “Sarah Palin is on a bus, Mr. carlitos!”

    carlitos – It is a long bus. SHOCKA!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  19. Congressman Weiner – I know you’ve posted here before. If you have any courage and decency….

    Well we know he doesn’t have those two characteristics. Can’t we just all moveon?

    kansas (7b4374)

  20. Thanks all. Sad, funny story. His surname is like the icing on delicious cake.

    Dustin – it doesn’t matter at all. I don’t believe the hacker story for a second, but I thought MAYBE he like ‘oops’ sent the photo to the wrong person if he was only PM-ing one of his groupies. I actually have a porn star well, someone kinda like that on my Facebook and can’t bring myself to delete her. I am not a congressman however.

    It’s too bad it’s all on Twitter and not the real world; otherwise, we could maybe be treated to a youtube remix version like with Tiger Woods.

    carlitos (59ae85)

  21. If Wiener had not just one, but two accounts hacked, then the odds it was done by breaching security on the servers […] By claiming that multiple passwords of his were stolen,

    Who said anything about multiple passwords. Not only will I bet that most people use the same password for facebook and twitter, but most people probably have the two accounts linked, so that access to one automatically gives access to the other.

    Not that I think there was any cracking involved here. The pic was sent either by Weiner or by one of his aides whom he has authorised to access his accounts.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  22. Milhouse,

    The pic was sent either by Weiner or by one of his aides whom he has authorised to access his accounts.

    No doubt, but as long as a sitting congressman claims he was hacked, on multiple sites/accounts, then an investigation is needed:

    1. Other accounts of his might have been hacked

    2. Did he use the same pw for his highly-sensitive accounts, too?

    3. Did the alleged hackers get his pw’s in the course of collecting other congresspersons’ pw’s as well?

    3. What other info might the hackers already have and what damage could be done because of that?

    Yeah, I know, Wiener’s a lying liar who was probably just sexting a young lassie on the side, and maybe lotsa other young lassies, too. Let his wife deal with him.

    But he’s sticking to his hacker story and so our demanding an investigation for the reasons I give – nicely plausible reasons, I think – forces the MSM to report on the story rather than bury it. Plus it’s fun.

    ras (ceba62)

  23. Carlitos is a rock star. I can attest to this. Rock. Star.

    JD (b98cae)

  24. Sad, funny story. His surname is like the icing on delicious cake.

    Yep, Carlitos.

    It’s really nothing more than that. Though I think it’s another interesting, yet I guess pretty damn routine example of how the media shields democrats.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  25. How bad was his presser?

    JD (306f5d)

  26. JD, Lee’s right that it completely turns the tide on Weiner.

    It’s that bad. He repeatedly responds to simple, point blank questions with ‘refer to my statement from yesterday’. Questions like ‘why aren’t you reporting this hack to law enforcement?’

    He refuses to actually deny anything, or speak to the issue whatsoever. It’s a distraction from Clarence Thomas and the debt ceiling. Considering how he’s often happy to sling mud, absolutely no one will accept that.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  27. For someone into tweeting like Weiner seemed to be, he surely was not paying attention when he sent this weiner pic to 40K+ followers instead of just the comely coed in Seattle. And it is pretty hard to believe he got the account back from the hacker in time to delete this within seconds after sending it. The icing is the best part of the cake anyway, especially lemony cream cheese icing.

    PatAZ (f23d3e)

  28. I gotta get back to work and enhance that photo!

    Mitch Rapp (9f4d2e)

  29. Weiner has hired a lawyer . . .

    . . . sure sounds innocent to me.

    Icy Texan (a8e531)

  30. mmm … comely coed.

    carlitos (59ae85)

  31. carl

    i see you had some questions about what was going on in this. i was at dinner when i saw it but do you feel like you understand what is happening here?

    the short version is the porn star is an ancillary character so far. but his direct messaging her is a little creepy considering the whole circumstances.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  32. No compassion for Rep Weiner.
    Put yourself in his shoes.

    Most of us, if we’re hacked, we’d call the police to report a crime and file a complaint.

    Even Palin, she can figure that out. And that’s what she did. The cops caught the guy in a couple of days.

    But Rep Weiner, he figures this: Its a felony to make a false criminal complaint to the FBI (USC-18-1001 False Statements). Now, give the guy credit for a little intelligence.

    wfallen (754ccd)

  33. Aaron, I copy.

    carlitos (59ae85)

  34. Comment by Lee Stranahan — 5/31/2011 @ 3:10 pm:

    It’s ONE Diary and — read the comments.

    People don’t seem to get Kos on the right — the comments ARE the site. THAT is the pulse of Kommunity.

    Valid point. But it’s also interesting to note that the poll Jenkins put up at his article is running 2:1 for Weiner intentionally sending that photo.

    Not a landslide by any means. But there are definitely some cracks there.

    Nate Whilk (d9e903)

  35. Lestat and his creator, the sometimes-brilliant and ever-looney Anne Rice, would point out to you that he’s far from the only vampire of consequence in the book (much less its sequels), but he’s also the only vampire willing to sit for an interview without draining the interviewer’s blood.

    As for this sentence: “Why was the college student to whom the tweet was directed at being followed by your account?”

    Lestat is a pretty high-tech vampire, but I doubt he’d recognize that as English.

    Beldar (7c0dd5)

  36. For the title of the post, how could you not go with “Interview With A. Weiner”???

    cnh (38f4e4)

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