[Debunking] The Alleged Death Pic (Update: FDNY Celebrates in Photo)
UPDATE BY PATTERICO: Aaron posted the post below to highlight an alleged picture of Osama bin Laden dead. However, the picture is a photoshop and a fake. The origin of the picture appears to be a satire site called “Unconfirmed Sources” which published the photo during the administration of George W. Bush. The caption alleged that Osama had been killed by “stress position techniques.”
This was debunked by a commenter at Jawa (h/t daleyrocks), who gave a link that is dead — but there is a cached version that I found here.
Another reminder that in fast-moving stories it is good to be cautious. I am placing Aaron’s post below the fold.
UPDATE x2 BY PATTERICO: Aaron has added some updates and moved some parts above the fold, which is fine. What follows is Aaron’s original post and updates.
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Update (IV): What, you’re telling me this is fake?
Well, joking aside (the “real” hoax photo is below the fold), I do apologize for not seeing through it and thank Patrick for making the correction after I had gone to bed. I will move a few of the updates above the fold because they have virtually nothing to do with that hoax death pic, and I do like to see that picture of the firemen. It gives me inner zen.
Also I fully concur that it was boneheaded to dispose of the body. I mean there is no recovering it, right? (Sound off if I am wrong.) I would guess that they were concerned about keeping the body secure if they didn’t dispose of it, perhaps even a fear that any location holding it would be a terror target. But given how many people are convinced that Elvis and Tupac are still alive, they should have kept the body so they could prove he was dead. Hopefully, they got lots of pictures, videos, DNA samples and even testimony from the wives that reportedly survived the firefight. I would just stress that I am much more concerned about the bad guys claiming his death was faked to help recruitment than any non-terrorist American doubting it.
Update: Let me stress, this is far from confirmed, but fwiw, here it is.
Update (II): The AP has video from the alleged compound, which is on fire in the video.
Update (III): And this is a great shot:
Here’s the original post, as is.