Patterico's Pontifications


What’s Wrong With Jesse Jackson?

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 6:11 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; send your tips here.]

This video is going around, showing Jackson on Fast Eddie Schultz’s show claiming that repeal of Obamacare would be a creeping genocide and of course that comment deserves all the criticism it is getting.  [Note: I have no idea if the flames at the end were added by the show, or by some conservative as mockery—but Fast Eddie’s grasp of the economics of the insurance industry is appalling.]  But watch the video and listen carefully.

Am I the only person who suspects there is something seriously, physically, wrong with Jackson?  I don’t mean this as a personal attack, I am genuinely wondering about his health.

Listen as he stumbles over his own words.  Here’s my attempt to transcribe his statements

Half of the veterans who are homeless… um, men are homeless are veterans…  A million and a half of all children who are homeless and they often go to school without adequate healthcare…  So this really is a mass march toward a kind of humane…  uh, uh, human destruction likes of which we have never known.

And watch in the video as he seems to be visibly struggling to remember to say certain words.  And notice that the left side of his face (his left) doesn’t seem to be moving very much and strikes me as drooping some while the right side curls up as he talks.

I ain’t a doctor, but that makes me wonder if the man had a stroke.

Which doesn’t make him right or wrong in his argument.  I mean he is wrong, but not because he might be suffering from some physical impairment, but because he is just wrong.  But I do worry about his health, watching that video.

So am I right, wrong?  Let me know what you think, especially if you have medical expertise (I don’t).

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

26 Responses to “What’s Wrong With Jesse Jackson?”

  1. Sounds like syphilis to me.

    John B (11cb76)

  2. He’s not a smoker, is he? He’s definitely got something going on with his upper lip on the left side of his face (his left, our right).

    He is 69 years old though, Wikipedia sez, Oct 8, 1941 is his DOB. It’s likely that he’s just…old.

    Xmas (f72f61)

  3. Yeah, I’ve thought something was up with Jesse for a while now — he does not seem well. And I say that as someone who has been observing him since I was a teen in Chicago back int he mid-1970s, when he was a young, healthy, vibrant man. It is a rather sad development, whether he is a political ally or opponent.

    Rhymes With Right (8d63ec)

  4. Agree with John B–looks like tertiary syphillis.

    listingstarboard (f506ae)

  5. Can’t help with diagnosis, but just posted someplace else that neither Schultz or Jackson look healthy. Schultz looks like the morning after every day.

    kansas (012c70)

  6. I think he’s always favored the right side of his face when talking — ever so slightly — and it has become more pronounced as he gets older.

    Kman (d25c82)

  7.      I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that Jackson is suffering from one or both of these conditions:
         One condition is actually beneficial in the beginning, then for many sufferers appears to lie dormant or progress relatively slowly, and then appears to accelerate rapidly: getting older.
         The other condition: badly trimmed mustache.

    Ira (28a423)

  8. He was on a local show in Chicago about a month ago, ranting about the Tea Partier’s blatant racism as demonstrated by…wanting less gov’t spending, or something like that. Didn’t notice anything wrong with Reverend Jackson, since he’s been foaming at the mouth like that for my entire lifetime.

    Dmac (498ece)

  9. Having gone through it myself, I’m going to suggest Bell’s Palsy. It’s the same reason Ralph Nader has that asymmetrical look.

    SaintGeorgeGentile (e04295)

  10. _________________________________________

    I ain’t a doctor, but that makes me wonder if the man had a stroke.

    The guy has had a severe, chronic lack of common sense since probably the day he was born. That’s the ultimate form of damage to the brain.

    Mark (411533)

  11. This guy’s sell-by date passed a long, long time ago.

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (609d83)

  12. It is called Ebonics.

    Torquemada (a8a9b2)

  13. Jackson looks the same to me. Some of his mush mouth speaking is probably related to a cleft palate that was repaired in infancy. You can see the cleft lip scar through his mustache. The skin folds in his face on the left are slightly less deep than the right but not enough to call it evidence of a stroke or Bell’s Palsy. You tell the difference, if there is paralysis, because Bell’s affects the forehead and a stroke doesn’t. Not enough there to say he is much different than usual.

    Mike K (568408)

  14. Watch him say “adequate”. His speaking is not palsey, its just a lazy, indifferent to diction – like always.

    Tom R. (4b274b)

  15. I honestly can’t see any difference.

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  16. ms sis-in-law has bell’s palsy ans looks like jackson does when she speaks.

    JEA (c769b4)

  17. It is called Ebonics.

    Comment by Torquemada — 11/11/2010 @ 8:21 am


    Christoph (8ec277)

  18. His left eye and eyebrow are fine. I would think if he’s had a stroke it would affect the entire left side of his face. That’s been the case with everyone I know who’s gone through one.

    jwarner (a6daed)

  19. What is wrong with him? He is a ravce-baiting shakedown artist that has been on the shelf for way past his sell-by date.

    JÐ (306f5d)

  20. What’s wrong with Jackson? I think the major symptom is that I don’t care enough to take time to click and watch the video that Aaron linked to. That’s what is wrong with Jackson: he’s suffering from chronic neglect and earned indifference. That must be extremely painful to a man of his ego.

    JVW (ff8251)

  21. #17, It is Bush’s fault also.

    Torquemada (a8a9b2)

  22. My nickname for him is JESSE JACK!!! like Billy Jack!!! of the 70s movie fame.

    Ok, everybody sing: Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead a cheat a friend…..

    BT (74cbec)

  23. I actually think he was reading from some flash cards (AKA paper kind of teleprompter) as his eyes make a side to side slight motion and his vision is fading or he’s terribly hung over, his eyes look incredibly blood shot.

    Mary G (e5033a)


    Jesse’s lack of diction is nothing new as this popular weekly radio show demonstrates.

    Doug (49962d)

  25. John B. nailed it: syphylis (and maybe some AIDS dementia for good measure). We can only hope his speech continues to deteriorate, the faster the better.

    twolaneflash (56666c)

  26. I agree with the people who say he has always spoken with an asymmetry in his expression, and there are a few moments when his face is symmetric.

    His face seems a little puffy, but that can easily be age and not enough sleep.

    Watching the moderators rant at the end is a bit unnerving. The dems think the Republicans/conservatimes are so evil that Obama shouldn’t compromise at all with “them”. Sounds strikingly familiar.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

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