Ghoulish Jew-Hating Egyptian Cleric Drools Over Holocaust Footage
Today Allahpundit posted a video of an Egyptian television cleric who essentially drools over footage of the Holocaust. His hatred for Jews is cartoonish, yet all too real. Allah says:
How often do I explicitly ask you to watch an entire clip, especially one this long? I’m asking this time.
I watched the whole thing, and I agree. It’s about 10 minutes and worth every second:
The guy says charming things like this:
In a nutshell, the Holocausts of the Jews in Germany were because of their own deeds.
. . . .
Let’s watch what Germany did to Israel — or rather, to the Jews, so we can understand that there is no remedy for these people other than imposing fear and terror on them.
Even though you’ve been asked to watch it all, I know that some of you will be short on time. If so, skip ahead to 7:50 and watch for a couple of minutes, as this ghoul crows over some the most horrible images of the Holocaust imaginable: men being tortured, skeletons of men burned to death, tractors pushing piles of emaciated corpses, and the like. I took the liberty of transcribing some of the commentary:
[L]et’s watch what the German [sic] do to the Jews. These are corpses of dead humans and the shattered bones of Jews. Here we have a crematorium in which the Jews were burnt. These are Jews who are being prepared to be burnt. Look, these are Jews dying of hunger or by gas. Look how they round them up and put them on trucks. Note the humiliation on his face, Allah be praised. . . .
Look what starvation (the Germans) inflicted upon them. Look what humiliation. These are people being buried alive. Does this look like a human being? He is placed in a ditch to be buried alive. This is a pile of bodies. . . .
Look, this is a barbed wire, used to crush their bodies. He and five others will be hanged with a single chain. Concentrate on this, my brothers. Watch this. Look, they are tying five heads together. These are bodies. Here they are drilling a hole in his back with a nail. This child awaits his turn. Watch their humiliation. These are corpses, Allah be praised. The (Jews) are oppressors. . . .
These are bodies, these are dead people, these are skulls. These are the bodies of the Jews being loaded like animals. Watch this tractor clearing away the corpses of the Jews, and these are the refugees awaiting their turn to be killed.
The mentality that fueled Nazi Germany is alive and well in radical Islam today. This mentality is sick, twisted, and disgusting. What’s appalling is the thought that it is also commonplace.