Patterico's Pontifications


Michelle Malkin’s Roundup of Journalism by Conservative Bloggers

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:35 pm

Michelle Malkin has an incredible roundup of original journalism done by conservative bloggers, here. She says her purpose is to debunk the “ill-informed and self-serving myth” that “conservative bloggers don’t do reporting.”

I am honored by Michelle’s inclusion of this site among her examples of conservative sites doing original reporting. The list she has compiled is truly impressive, and it was a pleasant surprise for this site to be mentioned. The post is worth a read and a bookmark; there’s a great deal of worthy material there.

Thanks very much to Michelle for the kind words.

Obama’s Bus Flattens Another

Filed under: Obama — Patterico @ 3:44 pm

This is not the Bill Richardson I knew.

Thanks to Joe.

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