Tom Daschle Discusses Health Care With Congress; Convinces NY Times Reporter
[Guest post by DRJ]
Tom Daschle, Obama’s Secretary-designate of Health and Human Services, addressed the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions in Washington today in what the New York Times describes as the first of two steps in his confirmation hearing process. Daschle is scheduled to appear next week before the Finance Committee for hearings and a vote. (Did George W. Bush’s appointees get pre-Inauguration hearings on confirmation? I don’t recall but I doubt it.)
New York Times reporter Robert Pear apparently liked what he heard:
“Having represented South Dakota in the House for 8 years and in the Senate for 18, Mr. Daschle understands the ways of Washington. He graciously answered questions from senators, echoed their concerns and fluently discussed fine points of health policy without consulting notes or briefing books.”
This sounds more like a movie review than a report on a Senate committee hearing. At this rate, the New York Times will describe Daschle as walking on water at the Finance Committee hearing.