Obama returns to full (Samantha) Power, media remains dim
[Posted by Karl]
The Associated Press reports that Pres. Obama has named author Samantha Power to be senior director for multilateral affairs at the National Security Council. The AP focuses on the incident that ostensibly led to Power’s departure from the Obama campaign, i.e., Power calling Hillary Rodham Clinton a “monster.”
This development was to be expected, as I noted when Power was named to the transition team for the State Department:
[T]he “monster” comment was likely only part of the reason for the Power outage, with more realistic Kinsleyian gaffes about how quickly US troops could be drawn down in Iraq being another factor. Power stood by those comments and even hinted she could return after the election.
Power seems to be making her comeback, so it is worth reminding everyone that she is a virulently anti-Israel academic who has supported, among other things, imposing and enforcing a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a commitment of US troops.
Somehow, I doubt that a press still sharing Obama’s honeymoon suite will go beyond the surface chuckle of the Clinton kerfuffle to report — with a “ceasefire” in place and tensions still high between Israel and Hamas — that Power once advocated sending US troops to impose a settlement. Of course, she has said that she no longer holds that position. But her position may have changed, just as Obama has changed his position on having Power around.
(via Memeorandum.)