Patterico's Pontifications


Oh Sweet Jesus

Filed under: Law,Terrorism — Angry Clam @ 7:32 am

[Posted by The Angry Clam]

California Bar Exam results are announced today at 6 PM PST.

Guess who’s not getting any work done?

Good luck to all examinees.

— The Angry Clam

15 Responses to “Oh Sweet Jesus”

  1. Yeah, I’ve been a twitchy mess all week.

    Christopher Cross (8bd01f)

  2. Kind of makes or breaks your weekend doesn’t it.

    Good luck.

    MOG (54fdb5)

  3. Makes or breaks a lil more than my weekend. My JAG commission is contingent upon my passing the bar.

    Christopher Cross (8bd01f)

  4. Six years and nine hours ago I called up my college roommate, in my best dejected voice, and said “Well, I got my bar results today. It’s all going to be public record on Sunday, so I might as well tell you now. I looked up my score and I failed … to see why it took these buggers almost four friggin’ months to tell me I’d passed.”

    Xrlq (5ffe06)

  5. Oh that’s good. If I pass, I’m using that.

    Christopher Cross (8bd01f)

  6. Good luck CC and all. In my experience (not CA, so de facto not as bad), the last few weeks of waiting for results were the WORST part of the process. And that’s saying something.

    In our case you had to wait for a letter in the mail though. It’s not so focused on a single online moment of truth.

    biwah (f5ca22)

  7. Stay at work vs. go home and play Counter Strike.


    Matto Ichiban (9d4461)

  8. Matto- we need to make sure to look up JR on Sunday.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  9. Lord help us. Just what we need, more smarty pants lawyers running off at the mouth, clogging up the courts, frightening descent folks, and running for public office. phooey.

    Just kidding. Good luck and fair weather to all. And, remember to tell your clients that even a fish wouldn’t get caught if he’d keep him mouth shut.

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  10. Be careful to get your access number right. Nothing can cause an unnecessary sinking feeling like putting in the wrong number.

    Sebastian Holsclaw (f01cac)

  11. I’m sort of disappointed no one’s mentioned the topic headings yet.

    The Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  12. Jackie Gleason said: How sweet it is!

    Black Jack (ee9fe2)

  13. Henry VI, Act IV, Scene II

    Dana R. Pico (a071ac)

  14. The only thing worse than failing would be failing and knowledge that JR passed.

    Matto Ichiban (9d4461)

  15. If any of us from Casa de Hilton failed, and he passed, I’m going to be sad.

    The Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

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