Patterico's Pontifications


Since Y’all Probably Want to Spend the Day Arguing About to What Extent Right-Wing Bloggers Are Responsible for All Those Shootings in Oslo…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:47 am

…here’s a New York Times article to start the ball rolling.

The man accused of the killing spree in Norway was deeply influenced by a small group of American bloggers and writers who have warned for years about the threat from Islam, lacing his 1,500-page manifesto with quotations from them, as well as copying multiple passages from the tract of the Unabomber.

I missed the part where those bloggers advocated shooting and killing dozens of people — I had this impression they were against mass murder — but I admit to being fuzzy on the details.

UPDATE: Robert Spencer on being blamed for inspiring the murderer:

If I was indeed an inspiration for his work, I feel the way the Beatles must have felt when they learned that Charles Manson had committed murder after being inspired by messages he thought he heard in their song lyrics. There were no such messages. Nor is there, for any sane person, any inspiration for harming anyone in my work, which has been consistently dedicated to defending human rights for all people.

Thanks to aunursa.

356 Responses to “Since Y’all Probably Want to Spend the Day Arguing About to What Extent Right-Wing Bloggers Are Responsible for All Those Shootings in Oslo…”

  1. Irrational behavior is rarely explained rationally. Evil exists, and takes many forms. I just hope rationality returns by the time he’s released in his 50’s.

    dfbaskwill (ca54bb)

  2. So Walter Duranty is really the one responsible for all those dead Russians huh?

    Sponge Bob (786e37)

  3. #3, Eeerrrrrr, Ukranians mostly.

    Sponge Bob (786e37)

  4. Robert Spencer’s response to a question posed: “What do you think about being listed as an inspiration for his work?”

    If I was indeed an inspiration for his work, I feel the way the Beatles must have felt when they learned that Charles Manson had committed murder after being inspired by messages he thought he heard in their song lyrics. There were no such messages. Nor is there, for any sane person, any inspiration for harming anyone in my work, which has been consistently dedicated to defending human rights for all people.

    Spencer added:

    The difference is this: Islamic texts and teachings, and frequently imams, directly exhort their followers to commit acts of violence. I do not. Nor does anyone else in the counterjihad. There is nothing Breivik could conceivably have read here as a justification for killing anyone. There is plenty in the Qur’an and Sunnah that jihadists can and do use as justification for murder.

    aunursa (f1f4c4)

  5. It was the wall street fatcats who committed the oslo terror act.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  6. I wonder when the four letter word…


    …will be invoked.

    Sponge Bob (786e37)

  7. The NY Times, al Reuters, angeleno, imdw, Yelverton, and their ilk have been pushing this idea since the very outset. Kos was even more vile than normal.

    JD (109425)

  8. Yeah Chuckalito the right wing bloggers had ties to the oslo bomber.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  9. I blame Palin for putting those targets on the districts of Norwegian politicians.

    It’s about time someone called her out for hating Norwegians.

    MU789 (77f5c6)

  10. The comments on the NYT article are truly disgusting – we need to silence Limbaugh and Hannity, Sarah Palin inspired the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, ALL religion is an invitation to read old texts and commit attrocities, etc.

    Why in the world would the NYT want to cater to the fringe that harbors this much hatred?

    Mike S (d3f5fd)

  11. Well, then it’s about time Jodie Foster was held to account for inspiring John Hinckley’s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, isn’t it. But, I guess Robert De Niro get’s a pass.

    Curtiss (e1ecf8)

  12. Has anyone blame Spongebob?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  13. Right wing hate has consequences. We’ll be seeing more of this I’m sure.

    hmmm (885dcd)

  14. They never learned that ‘one of these things is not like the other, from Serwer soiling the Post:

    Bruce Bawer, writing in the Wall Street Journal, was beside himself that “this murderous madman has become the poster boy for the criticism of Islam.” He then casts Breivik’s concerns, if not his actions, as defensible, describing “the way he moves from a legitimate concern about genuine problems to an unspeakably evil `solution.’”

    It would be hard to imagine a conservative showing such empathy for Hamas, concluding that while terrorism is evil, they are nevertheless acting out of legitimate concerns about Palestinian suffering. What’s pathetic is not so much their reasoning, but the knowledge that their arguments would be the same in substance, if more enthusiastic, had Muslim extremists been responsible. [ed. – that last sentence doesn’t make much sense to me, but anyway…]

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  15. Many conservative bloggers are coming out in support of the Norway killer’s anti-multiculturalism (Nazi) manifesto, if they can do it anonymously. It is exactly what right wing blogs have been preaching for years. Just look at the far right. They stand for everything this killer stands for. His manifesto glorified the Christian crusades killing Muslims. His manifesto is right off the pages of American Islamophobic bloggers like Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugged, PJTV, Ace, and others. These are the same groups to which the gun nut ‘sovereign citizens’ and ‘militia men’ belong to. We will see more killings as the right wing continues to sell hate for all non-white, non-Judeo Christians.

    The far right is closer to anti-multiculturalist Nazism than ever before.

    hmmm (885dcd)

  16. “hmmm”, you are a liar.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  17. No one is to blame but Breivik. He’s the worst and scariest kind of insane; cold, focused and murderous.

    He plagiarizes the Unabomber and John McWhorter, quotes Fjordman and so on, making the assumption that the screed I have been reading is actually his (and if it’s not, that’s one heck of a fabrication to create so fast).

    How coherent is all this? You tell me.

    Dianna (5bc608)

  18. Plus he looks like Julian Assange’s long lost twin,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  19. “As Neal Boortz pointed out: “Muslim zealots kill, Muslims celebrate and conservative Christians are angry. Christian zealots kill, liberals gloat. Odd.”

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. Glenn Beck compared the youth camp that suffered the killings to a “Nazi Youth Camp” … we can see whose side he is on.

    hmmm (885dcd)

  21. Context is important, Yelverton, he said he wouldn’t take his children to a Republican camp

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  22. hmmm/Yelverton, we already know what side you are on. The side of hatred and bigotry.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  23. Speaking of the Unabomber, let’s blame his favorite environmentalist writers.

    YItzchak Goodman (146e68)

  24. Why in the world would the NYT want to cater to the fringe that harbors this much hatred?

    Comment by Mike S

    Because they are their remaining subscribers. Ditto for the Washington Post. Read the comments after Jennifer Rubin’s post about how she got the motivation for the shooting wrong, assuming it was jihad. They sound like Nazis.

    It is puzzling and weird to see how the political left supports radical Islam. Most of the lefties would last about two days living under such a regime but they get all teary when somebody points that out.

    The only explanation I can find is that both groups hate America and freedom. The longing for censorship of other opinions is especially striking.

    We will see more killings as the right wing continues to sell hate for all non-white, non-Judeo Christians.

    The far right is closer to anti-multiculturalist Nazism than ever before.

    Comment by hmmm

    Perfect example.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  25. Yeah, the Unabomber was an anti-federal extremist who hated big government.

    That doesn’t describe the right at all.

    Wisco (9a91ef)

  26. Comment by ian cormac — 7/25/2011 @ 8:52 am

    Hamas has never concerned itself over Paleo suffering; it was, and is, and will be, about the destruction of the Zionist entity, and the Jews that live there.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  27. Well yes there’s that, now Serwer never figured this out, then again he writes for the Post, next step is Newsweek and/or ABC.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  28. Looks like Anders Behring Breivik plagiarized large chunks of his manifesto from Ted Kaczynski, the “Unabomber.” You know, that famous right wing tea party member Ted Kaczynski? /sarcoff

    Pathetic. And can someone tell me why a Jihadist group claimed responsibility for the bombing? I have yet to see the level of hate come even close from conservatives that I see in the left. If you disagree with the far left you are evil. Therefore, if evil happens or a hypotheses of a conservative is incorrect, all conservatives are called evil and responsible for all hate, murder and war. I think it’s called projection.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  29. Glenn Beck compared the youth camp that suffered the killings to a “Nazi Youth Camp” … we can see whose side he is on.

    Comment by hmmm

    Have you happened to glance at the curriculum for the young activists? Have you listened to the survivors? I read on ABC’s site that one said they thought it was a test, an example of what it’s like to live in Gaza.

    Oh, and they were so indoctrinated that the little lambs tried to talk to the man who was shooting them down.

    I don’t know what, exactly, you expect anyone with sense to say when he or she actually digs into what this camp was about!

    Breivik is the villain, a monster. But let’s not pretend that the indoctrination conducted at this camp was benign. Or even survival-oriented!

    Dianna (5bc608)

  30. “I missed the part where those bloggers advocated shooting and killing dozens of people — I had this impression they were against mass murder — but I admit to being fuzzy on the details.”

    Some of these nuts think that we’re at war with Islam, and even the left, or “dhimmis.” Why do they name their islamophobic blog “gates of vienna”? What do you think a war looks like? When they accuse the left of treason or other capital crimes, what do they expect?

    There are folks out there that blame the koran, or islamic thought, or wahhabist preaching for the violence of al-qaeda. To those people, it’s an obvious analogy to blame the warmongering of internet tough guys, whether in an arabic jihadist forum or an anti-muslim nutcase forum.

    “have been pushing this idea since the very outset.”

    The guy also apparently hates feminists. It’s truly a smorgasboard of cut and paste anti-left causes this guy was keen to follow. That’s why he attacked left youth.

    “Context is important, Yelverton, he said he wouldn’t take his children to a Republican camp

    They would go to Glen Beck non-partisan 9-12 camp.

    nada (f22ca9)

  31. “Looks like Anders Behring Breivik plagiarized large chunks of his manifesto from Ted Kaczynski, the “Unabomber.” You know, that famous right wing tea party member Ted Kaczynski? /sarcoff”

    He changed the target, from Kaczynski’s critique of “leftism” [not sure how that helps you] to Breivik attacking “multiculturalism” or “cultural marxism.”

    nada (590c90)

  32. If you were going to try to parody a deranged hate-filled leftist, you couldn’t do any better than Yelverton/hmmmm/50 other names.

    JD (b98cae)

  33. Now iamadimwit is back to join in. The leftists sure get their rocks off accusing people of inciting murder. It is their new racist.

    JD (85b089)

  34. How is what imdw/Yelverton/Kos/angeleno/Reuters/NYT doing any different than what the left did to Palin aand the Right after the murder of a federal Judge and shooting of Giffords?

    JD (85b089)

  35. Yeah, the Unabomber was an anti-federal extremist who hated big government.

    That doesn’t describe the right at all.

    Comment by Wisco

    Actually, you are either ignorant or lying. The Unabomber was very well analyzed at the time. He was a Luddite who hated technology and longed for the perfection of pre-industrial society. His big thing was environmentalism, not big government.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  36. And of course the self proclaimed “Christian conservative” used prostitutes and took steroids. We all know how the Bible promotes those activities, right? /sarcoff

    Yelverton, there are many more examples of hate from the left than the right, like the recent desire to rape and have “rough sex” with Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman. There just is no comparison. At last company I worked for, the employees who were far far left wanted to kill all the idiots (people who disagree with them) and Christians. None of the minority conservatives even had such a thought, let alone said it out loud. They were never asked to not talk politics, but if a conservative responded, they were brought into their manager’s office and told that it was against company policy to talk politics or religion. I just tried to stay out of it and work hard.

    Again, my personal experience is that if you disagree with the left you are evil. Not that you just have a difference in opinion.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  37. “And of course the self proclaimed “Christian conservative” used prostitutes and took steroids. We all know how the Bible promotes those activities, right? /sarcoff”

    And the 9/11 terrorists drank, and no true scotsman…

    nada (8c2482)

  38. No, you want to try door # 2:

    As for the Church and science, it is essential that science takes an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings. Europe has always been the cradle of science and it must always continue to be that way. Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I’m not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe.” [page 1404].

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  39. After 9/11/2001 I had an experience with a co-worker. He said:

    Jews are pigs and monkeys and drink the blood of Muslim children. America deserves what it gets because it sticks its nose in everyone’s business.

    My ex co-worker is a Shiite Muslim from India. He was primarily raised in New York and is an educated young man. I believe both his parents are doctors and he has a college degree. He is well liked and was not disciplined or talked to for what he said. The left defends his right of free speech but want to silence the right, especially if they are Christians.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  40. Regardless of responsabilities you can expect those attacks to result in stricter regulations of the press and the Internet, at least in Europe. The Old Continent’s favorite cure to fever has always been to break the thermometer.

    The News You Won't Get Here (0692b1)

  41. Indeed, it is striking the extent to which, post-Utoya, left-leaning observers are already adopting the role normally played by the right in the wake of Islamist terror attacks. That is, they’re ratcheting up the politics of fear, only over the rise of far-right violence rather than radical Islam, and are pinning the blame for these actions on ‘backward European attitudes’ in the same way the right pins the blame for Islamist terror on ‘backward Muslim culture’. So one liberal observer said, almost with a sense of glee, certainly relief, that the attacks in Norway show that the threat to modern society comes not from Muslims but from ‘the heart of darkness [that] lies buried deep within ourselves’, within the ‘white Nordic male’. He said the attacks highlighted xenophobic attitudes in Norway, ‘the rage with which Islamophobia is being spread’. Another commentator blamed the violence on Norway’s ‘racist demons’: ‘Many Norwegians don’t want their idyll spoiled, by either joining the EU, or by turning multicultural – and it is this nativist side of the country that has now turned horrifyingly murderous.’

    The News You Won't Get Here (0692b1)

  42. Ah yes, the Unabomber. I remember well how his crimes completely discredited the environmental movement, how Bill Ayers’s terrorist acts discredited the “moderate” anti-war movement, how his extreme fringe that supported North Vietnamese victory and cheered American deaths were pariahs…

    Peter B (f45bf7)

  43. Yelverton, Show where conservatives condone violence performed by people like the man who shot Rep. Giffords, bombed an abortion clinic, or mass murders, … You won’t find mainstream conservatives who promote that kind of activity.

    P.S. Media matters and their ilk doesn’t count. The links have to be sourced and factual.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  44. As for the NYTimes:

    “Blame for the Western media’s panting pursuit of a non-existent Muslim triggerman quickly focused on the feckless, credulous, overeager and inept source of the NYT’s journalistic failure. Will McCants – proclaimed by one of his acolytes to be at the top of a “list of five terrorism experts you can trust” – was quickly discredited. In his defence, he only sought to affirm the confirmation bias that he and the editors of the NYT suffer from. The meme that underpins their worldview goes something like this: “Muslims are bad. When bad things happen, Muslims are responsible.” This is a mainstream view in the US today; it cuts across party lines.”

    “Regardless of responsabilities you can expect those attacks to result in stricter regulations of the press and the Internet, at least in Europe. The Old Continent’s favorite cure to fever has always been to break the thermometer.”

    More from the link:

    All indications are that the hate-mongers – who are on the same side of this war, irrespective of religion – are winning in America. The unreflective, superficial, wan editors of the NYT are an indication of just how successful the right wing has been at eviscerating the left.

    But not all liberals are created equal.

    It is a credit to the Norwegian people that their prime minister did not respond to the terror attack with scorched-earth rhetoric or a carpet-bombing campaign. A real liberal with strong principles, he did not succumb to fear or vicious speculation.

    Instead, he pledged to strengthen Norwegian democracy. This is what he said shortly after the terrorist attacks: “Our answer is more democracy, more openness to show that we will not be stopped by this kind of violence.” His words illustrate the difference between a society that takes liberal principles as a foundation and one that treats them as an inconvenient luxury.

    Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s words make it clear where Norway stands on the global war on right-wing extremism. Where does the US stand?”

    nada (eef00e)

  45. “…And can someone tell me why a Jihadist group claimed responsibility for the bombing?..”

    Because IslamoFascists always celebrate the deaths of Infidels.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  46. “…And can someone tell me why a Jihadist group claimed responsibility for the bombing?..”

    Because IslamoFascists always celebrate the deaths of Infidels.

    Comment by AD-RtR/OS! — 7/25/2011 @ 10:43 am

    Then where are the conservative groups claiming responsibility?

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  47. Boy, is that Ahmed Moor clueless:

    “Anders Behring Breivik, Mohammed Atta and Baruch Goldstein are all cut from the same rotten cloth. Anwar Al-Awlaki and Glenn Beck – the peddlers of the faith – all share the same core afflictions.

    These men are insecure, violently inclined, and illiberal. The outside world scares them. They hate homosexuals and strong women. For them, difference is a source of insecurity. Their values are militarism, conformism, chauvinism and jingoism. Worst of all they seek to pressure us into compliance while they work frantically to destroy themselves – and the rest of us with them.”

    Many of the self-annointed anti-Jihadists are former/current liberals who target Islam precisely because they see it as illiberal and a threat to multiculturalism. Bruce Bawer, one of Breivik’s “models” is actually gay and left America to live in the Netherlands because he felt the latter to be more liberal and tolerant. So Moor is completely off-base.

    The News You Won't Get Here (0692b1)

  48. Comment by Tanny O’Haley — 7/25/2011 @ 10:46 am

    Since when do Conservatives celebrate the deaths of innocents?
    Can you cite examples?

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  49. The sock puppets are out in force today.

    JD (822109)

  50. Can nada the retard explain about a right-winger considers christianity a homocidal genocidal religion?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  51. Uh, nope … go to Atlas Shrugged .. the blogger regularly and openly endorses the murder of those regarded as “enemies” – see, for instance, a post about the murder of an Iranian scientist

    Gerry (a2a37f)

  52. Has Spencer ever the read the Hebrew Bible?

    In other words, is he a liar, an ignoramus, or a lying ignoramus?

    Gerry (a2a37f)

  53. So he is a right-winger who believes religion is evil?


    DohBiden (d54602)

  54. “Gerry” is kind of slow.

    JD (6e25b4)

  55. Gerry you jackoff where in the bible does it say religion is evil?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  56. The comments on the NYT article are truly disgusting – we need to silence Limbaugh and Hannity, Sarah Palin inspired the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, ALL religion is an invitation to read old texts and commit attrocities, etc.

    And yet, for all their consternation about right wing terrorists, they do their best to avoid offending sand Nazis, who are right wing terrorists.

    Read the comments after Jennifer Rubin’s post about how she got the motivation for the shooting wrong, assuming it was jihad. They sound like Nazis.

    Jihadists and Nazis are strikingly similar, so much that jihadists can accurately be called sand Nazis. In fact, a well known white supremacist supports Osama bin Laden.

    The West is the White race.

    The goal of America is to destroy the White race. The
    multi-culture and pluralism they push is only at the expense of
    Whites. No one is trying to push multi-culture in China or Japan or
    anyplace but on the Whites. And they promote racial intermarriage.
    If things continue as they are the White race is doomed.

    And who is doing all of this? It is the USA government and the
    media, in other words the Jews.

    Many Whites are traitors. They support the USA government and their
    own destruction. We should look for allies. And anyone who wants to
    remove the Jews from power is our ally. In the past the Japanese were
    our allies. Today it is the Muslims.

    Osama bin Laden
    September 24th statement published in Pakistan

    “I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We
    are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United
    States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic
    freedom. This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose
    first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the
    American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced
    to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the
    punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it
    is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the
    U.S. is not uttering a single word.”

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  57. Anders Behring Breivik, Mohammed Atta and Baruch Goldstein are all cut from the same rotten cloth.

    Baruch Goldstein was a peaceful humanitarian, who acted when he felt he had no choice, to protect his community from a pogrom. Had he not acted, who knows how many Jews that mob would have chopped into pieces, as their grandparents did in 1929? He and his community were in danger, the Israel government and army refused to protect them, so he took matters into his own hands.

    Milhouse (8f4156)

  58. Someone explain this to me: if Breivik was so anti-Islam, and a radical who hated Muslims (giving fodder to the Islamist apologizers), why was everyone he killed an ethnic Norweigen? Or is he just as crazy at the PETA nutcases that break into animal shelters and murder innocent animals?

    Or do I just not understand that if you hate short people you express that by targeting everyone over 6 foot tall?

    retire05 (c9c4f2)

  59. “Someone explain this to me: if Breivik was so anti-Islam, and a radical who hated Muslims (giving fodder to the Islamist apologizers), why was everyone he killed an ethnic Norweigen? ”

    Have you not been following? He was anti-left and blamed them for the openness of his society. He faulted multiculturalism for its response to Islam andimmigration. You’ve seen it over and over again: the right wing identification of their domestic political enemies with treason and supposed foreign “existential” threats. Elevate this to the level of “war” and himself a “warrior” and there you have it. He made a politically calculated strike at the future of the left his country. If you want a brief into watch his video.

    nada (b79151)

  60. Imdw is just parrotting Kos now. When do you plan on inviting Kimberlin over, or posting links to our host’s house?

    JD (2da347)

  61. As strange as this feels, I have to say that nada got this right.

    Breivik opposes the MultiCulti philosophy embedded into the policies of the ruling party, so he attacked the “seed corn” of that party.

    However, instead of this being Norway’s OKC, and he being McVeigh, I think he more parallels Charley Manson, who with “Helter Skelter”, set out to ignite a race-war or whatever was bouncing around in his twisted, diseased mind.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  62. This is how the Telegraph reported on the court hearings:

    Breivik admitted carrying out the massacre, but did not plead guilty
    He told the court that wanted to save Europe from “cultural Marxism” and Muslim immigration.
    He referred to two other “cells” in his “organisation”
    His aim was not to kill as many people as possible
    He meant instead to send a “signal” to the Labour Party
    Breivik said he was punishing the party for “treason” of mass immigration

    Run away from the harsh truth and seek solace in the lies.

    nada (0c72ca)

  63. I hope Nada shows equal indignation and willingness to blame those responsible next time a leftist terrorist blows something. I’m not holding my breath.

    The News You Won't Get Here (0692b1)

  64. Next time? What about nada’s many previous denunciations of Islamic terrorism? Where are the links to show his concern isn’t isn’t just typical leftist caterwauling.

    ropelight (aed1f6)

  65. Like I said, Giffords, on an international scale. And imdw and willie the racist hilljack and their ilk are salivating because someone that leaned christian and was to the right of labour socialists murdered people. You and yours are ghoulish f@ckers. This is rich since imdw is all chummy with kimberlin, a convicted bomber and drug smuggler and domestic terrorist. Imdw hearts leftist murderers.

    JD (29e1cd)

  66. You’re still not getting it. It’s not that he “was” to the right of major left party in his country. It’s what he says his motivation is, what he says he was trying to do. Maybe it is too familiar? Hits close to home for some? Regardless, that’s what must be run away from. Must take solace in the lies.

    nada (6fa251)

  67. If there is any comparison to be make, Breivik should be compared to not right wingers, but rather, to Obama’s friend William Ayers and his Weather Underground who was willing to murder many of Ayer’s fellow Ameicans to further the WU agenda.

    Are we now to consider Ayers a right winger because he and his group of merry terrorists hooked up with the Black Panthers to use black Americans as a pawn for the promotion of the WU’s Marxist goals?

    retire05 (c9c4f2)

  68. omg I love immigration Norway would be better off loading up on hispanics though like we do they could have tasty reindeer tacos and make snow pinatas and make carlsberg cheladas and basically become a more well-rounded happier little country

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  69. He’s a thug, like Ayers, and Kimberlin, and Roeder,
    and Van Bruenn, and Kazynski and Manson, and to a smaller degree, Einhorn, that’s what matters.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  70. Nada your a frickin POS who refuses to explain what right-wingers call religion genocide.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  71. 61. ABB was a Norwegian Special Ops vet. His attack on the Labor government, killing their children at a site the PM called, paraphrasing, sacred in his memory of a youth concluding in service.

    Obviously extreme, and I’m not applauding killing the future generation of parasites, it’s class warfare more than just terrorism.

    gary gulrud (e91d6c)

  72. Since you are trying to attribute a mass murderers mindset onto my beliefs, maybe you would be kind enough to show where our belief sets overlap? I will give you some help, I lean Christian, am anti-racist, pro-homosexual, pro-Israel. I also don’t think radical Muslims should be accommodated when their response to a cartoon is to lop somebody’s head off. Clearly, I advocate genocide. Now, run along and play with your actual terrorist buddy. You cutesy “hits a little too close to home” is unsubstantiated pablum, and the typical baseless smear you and yours traffic in.

    JD (d48c3b)

  73. Gotta love the loser who completely changes the subject – this post is not about one religion being better than another. It is – partially – about sacred texts advocating violence.

    If you think the Koran is the only such one, you need some help.

    Gerry (a2a37f)

  74. Gerry is not kind of slow, he is very slow.

    JD (306f5d)

  75. He also claims on the page to be a fan of the sappy HBO vampire drama, “True Blood,” and the serial killer show, “Dexter.”

    Read more:

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  76. Breivik was not a special forces commando. He did the basic national service required of all Norwegian men.

    Anyone saying otherwise needs to provide hard linkage – to an official of the Norwegian government saying so.

    Dianna (5bc608)

  77. He also claims on the page to be a fan of the sappy HBO vampire drama, “True Blood,”

    Oh, no. Charlaine Harris does not need this sort of idiocy!

    Dianna (5bc608)

  78. Wait, wait – the NY Daily News link has Breivik as a fan of “gory” movies such as 300 and Gladiator.

    Um? Everyone here has probably seen them – I saw 300, and it was not gory, except in a stylized sort of way; as for Gladiator? I don’t remember much blood.

    The writer is propagandizing!

    Dianna (5bc608)

  79. True Blood is an awesome little show it won me over the first season when the we babysitting and they cracked open some tasty blue bell ice cream for the kids I think it was homemade vanilla flavor

    that sort of attention to detail is not very common on tv I don’t think

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  80. when they *were* babysitting I mean

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  81. “I hope Nada shows equal indignation and willingness to blame those responsible next time a leftist terrorist blows something.”

    When was the last time there was a leftist terror attack? Were you even born then?

    Liberty60 (de903c)

  82. Also from that link – this sentence:

    Meanwhile, The Huffington Post cites the Swedish news site Expressen as saying that he is a “self-described nationalist who has also written a number of posts critical of Islam.”

    Read more:

    I am worried about that, because it sounds like the piece that claimed that a blogger was the responsible party. Of course, the wording could simply be similar.

    Dianna (5bc608)

  83. This post is like flypaper for weinerhole trollz. Imdw/yelverton/liberty/gerry – the idiocy just spews forth.

    JD (b98cae)

  84. ABB as a Christian Fundamentalist…
    Didn’t ABB proclaim that he was an Agnostic (thought I saw that in a news report Sunday)?
    How does that make him a Fundie?

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  85. No need to run away then.

    nada (66ed4b)

  86. 85)Hello, McFly. Bishop in Alabama, Bedell in Arlington, Stack in Austin, that’s just three
    that come to mind,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  87. 80. Ok, but it’s a French report, and I don’t read any, and my source may take a while to debrief.

    gary gulrud (e91d6c)

  88. When was the last time there was a leftist terror attack? Were you even born then?
    Comment by Liberty60 — 7/25/2011 @ 12:33 pm

    Never happened.
    All of those bombings done by the WxU were Black-Ops by Monsanto and DuPont, who cleaverly were able to con poor deluded students into accepting responsibility.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  89. From the Telegraph:

    Mr Breivik had served in the Norwegian military doing national service and had no criminal record according to reports.

    He is believed to have grown up in Oslo and studied at the Oslo School of Management, which offers degrees and postgraduate courses.

    Government business records show him as the sole director of Breivik Geofarm, a company Norwegian media is describing as a farming sole proprietorship.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  90. Radio report just heard that said that ABB’s father had not had contact with him since he was 16, and left the family home.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  91. ABB’s religion…(more)…

    By Timothy Dalrymple, July 25, 2011 2:59 pm

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  92. from CNN
    NRK also reported that Breivik does not have a military background and, in fact, was exempt from Norway’s mandatory military service. He has not had any special military training, it adds on its website.

    lauren (31d999)

  93. David Errorstein is desperately seeking attention again.

    Agnostics are now fundie xianists. Being to the right of a euro-leftist makes you a right win extremist.

    Look at the narratives the MFM and trolls are pushing. Again.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  94. And of course the self proclaimed “Christian conservative” used prostitutes and took steroids.

    The “Christian” and “conservative” terms were added by someone to his facebook profile after the shootings when he was in jail. He made no claim to being a fundamentalist Christian. He quit the libertarian Progress Party in 2002 because it was not radical enough.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  95. I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that the Left would deceive, dissemble, and deal in the politics of personal destruction.
    But, if it wasn’t for the foregoing, they would have no life at all.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  96. Somebody get a crying towel for “Crumbs Off The Table”

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 7/25/2011 @ 12:59 pm

    Did you read that link of yours? Sometimes it appears you just link stuff and can’t think of anything to say.

    Oh, I see you’re posting songs now. This is a serious topic, David. A lot of people died, and ghouls are trying to silence a legitimate point of view.

    Your own link explains that many of the points Breivik made were completely legitimate. He went from a sane set of arguments to an insane decision to kill people. The left wants to silence those making the sane set of arguments. They want to channel this bloodshed into their political fight.

    I think that’s despicable. You think it’s funny.

    Often, these terrorists are progressives, but instantly the left starts saying they are conservative until proven otherwise. When it’s proven they were liberal, the MSM then concludes their politics never mattered or was somehow unknowable.

    All along, it’s pretty clear that the right does a good job condemning its fringe. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

    But I’m amazed, with the rash of environmentalist terrorists, Stack’s communism terrorism, Loughner’s anger that democrats aren’t progressive enough, etc, that anyone on the left is trying to use a tragedy as a vehicle to silence POVs.

    Breviek was wrong to murder people, of course, but that doesn’t mean anyone who agreed with him on anything is responsible for murdering people. In fact, Breviek is a perfect illustration. He didn’t find all the support and direct arguments he should kill. He had to come up with them himself. All the things his sources criticize Islam over… they appear to be major distinctions between Islamofascism and counter Jihad activism.

    If you don’t understand that, you might just be a dumb troll who enjoys dancing on corpses.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  97. Its not like we thought Ehrenstein had any integrity before …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  98. Calling him a fundamentalist xian conservative is almost as accurate as calling him an agnostic secular progressive, because he once was a member of the Progress party.

    JD (6e25b4)

  99. It’s hilarious that even today the DoD has never acknowledged that Hasan was a Muslim.

    But before the dead were even counted the left was explaining this Breviek was white white white white white and a Christian, with lefties tripping over eachother to turn him into the most fundamentalist Christian they could imagine.

    Weird. Now, on the one hand, there’s a logic to this. It’s man bites dog. There aren’t a rash of Christians mass murdering people. It’s very strange (strange enough that I suspect we’ll learn he was not much of a Christian actually, and the media was lying).

    I guess in a way, the left is saying they are surprised it wasn’t an Arab Muslim killing these people. I know when I read Muslim terrorists had taken responsibility for the attack I wasn’t surprised (though I wasn’t surprised when it turned out they were lying, either).

    Dustin (b7410e)

  100. Breivik’s Facebook profile was altered @ 01:39 GMT, on July 23rd and quickly deleted very soon afterwards by Facebook authorities.

    The question is who did it. It sure wasn’t Breivik, he was in police custody.

    ropelight (aed1f6)

  101. “Oh, I see you’re posting songs now. This is a serious topic, David. A lot of people died, and ghouls are trying to silence a legitimate point of view.”

    Breivik had a legitimate point of view?

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  102. “Often, these terrorists are progressives, but instantly the left starts saying they are conservative until proven otherwise. When it’s proven they were liberal, the MSM then concludes their politics never mattered or was somehow unknowable”

    You have proof that he’s a Liberal? What is it?

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  103. “All along, it’s pretty clear that the right does a good job condemning its fringe.”

    Then you condemn Pam Geller?

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  104. Breivik had a legitimate point of view?

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 7/25/2011 @ 1:44 pm

    You said they were, David, not me.

    Did you read your OWN LINK?

    It’s clear you’re trolling. You know there was an awful tragedy, and you’re trying to have fun while being a liberal fascist. Like Breviek, you do not value peaceful disagreement. You’re a piece of crap.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  105. DE is frightened of powerful women.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  106. Pam Geller is fringe right?

    Why do the schlusseltards spew their bile and play the victim card when called out on it?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  107. That twerp is a “powerful woman” ROTFALMAO!

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  108. You have proof that he’s a Liberal? What is it?

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 7/25/2011 @ 1:45 pm

    Are you illiterate? I never said I had proof he’s liberal, you moron. I’m talking about liberals like Jared Loughner and Joe Stack and Brett Kimberlin and Bill Ayers.

    Then you condemn Pam Geller?

    Comment by David Ehrenstein —

    For what, specifically? She’s not killing anyone, last I heard. What makes her fringe, exactly? I have no problem with anyone making peaceful arguments based on facts and honest opinions. I am pleased that Gellar has often criticized violence as a political tool.

    I know the left says she’s extreme, but I admit I’ve never seen the evidence for it. Perhaps it’s out there and morons like you don’t know how to make hyperlinks. Oh wait: you post a lot of links, David. When it’s time to level a charge the right must condemn Pam Gellar, you forgot how to do it.

    Kinda pathetic, then.

    Like the NYT, you just want to shut up one side of the debate. You think this is funny, and I think it’s disgusting.

    You have tiny thoughtless snarks instead of a reasonable reaction to what I said, and your real intention is to destroy a thoughtful discussion.

    Indeed, your link explained why some of the points Breviek was making were legitimate. I don’t know why you’re posting links to things you haven’t read yet, David. But it’s probably true. While I’ve never read anything he said, most kooks have a few same points, and then go from that place to a crazy place where they want to kill people.

    So there are two different arguments here.

    There’s one thoughtful direction, where we consider why someone would take a message of anti-terrorism and condemnation of how some Islamists support violence, and somehow decide that’s a reason to actually get violent.

    Then there’s the ghoulish democrat direction. Your direction. Where you try to associate peaceful people with violence based on the thinnest agreement you can find, or even racist and anti Christian bigotry. Whatever it takes. Any means necessary. You show no curiosity about the truth. You just want to throw any possible argument you can at your political opponents, and if anything sticks, you will think you’ve won.

    Every error you’ve made, every disgusting point, you’re going to ignore that. No shame for the fact you, David, are a thug.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  109. That twerp is a “powerful woman” ROTFALMAO!

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 7/25/2011 @ 1:52 pm

    She is more powerful than you are.

    All you can do is post one liners, linking things that are not relevant or you haven’t even read. One of them said the exact opposite of your point (And did so convincingly!).

    Your snark is pathetic. You’re trying to troll, and she’s successfully persuading people. You are an ankle biter.

    In a context where we discuss mass murder, you think it’s time to demand we all condemn a peaceful person simply because you disagree with her. Apparently you really think she’s extremely powerful.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  110. A little harsh, Dustin.
    To be a thug, DE would have to be resolute, rather than a reliable shill for DK, DU, etc.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  111. “She’s not killing anyone, last I heard.”

    Not yet. Give her a few weeks. Maybe even days.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  112. “She is more powerful than you are.”

    OOOOOoooooooo – I’m quakin’ in my boots!

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  113. Let’s be clear about how mad this man is.

    He is against “Islamists” and their “terror”.

    You know, like how they kill innocents including children and subjugate women all in the name of Jihad and Islam.

    So, he goes and kills women & children in an act of terror to stop terrorist and Islamism.


    He is THE very definition of a madman.

    Alan Davidson (0e6f97)

  114. Wow who is Pamela Geller gonna kill you sniveling twit?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  115. And why do you defend this homosexual lefty terrorist?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  116. Comment by Tanny O’Haley — 7/25/2011 @ 10:46 am

    Since when do Conservatives celebrate the deaths of innocents?
    Can you cite examples?

    Comment by AD-RtR/OS! — 7/25/2011 @ 10:52 am

    That’s the point, Conservatives don’t celebrate the deaths of innocents, they condemn them. Conservatives tend to be peaceful while many on the left purporting to be peaceful, spew hate and violence forward conservatives. They even change the meaning of words like fundamental into a derogatory term.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  117. So what righty calls Vlaams Belang right wing racists?

    And leftys why do you insist the cross is a danger to others but an islamic crescent isn’t?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  118. So now I’m a homosexual lefty terrorist?

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  119. “And leftys why do you insist the cross is a danger to others but an islamic crescent isn’t?”

    I don’t find Christianity to be an inherent danger. Some of its practitioners are dangerous. Same with Islam.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  120. “She’s not killing anyone, last I heard.”

    Not yet. Give her a few weeks. Maybe even days.

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 7/25/2011 @ 2:04 pm

    I see that Ehrenstein likes to skirt the edges of libel. Consistent with my opinion of his integrity.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  121. And we all know what opinions are like.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  122. I find Christianity to be dangerous unlike Islam

    FIFY Ehrenstein.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  123. If you want the real story go to Gates of Vienna.

    By the way, Europe has an across the board blackout and censorship of all conservative causes. This lack of liberty is a great cause of frustration to the large number of traditionalists there.

    Tommy Triane (d45057)

  124. Ehrenstein, yes we do. With yours at the bottom of the list as the rankest.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  125. Debbie Schlussels henchmen are getting desperate if they have to accuse Pamela Geller of murder.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  126. ascessory to murder.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  127. Why do you schulsselholics slander Pamela like that?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  128. Yes, right wing bloggers/media are driving people to kill. This is not the first time. It will not be the last. The xenophobic hate merchants are coming out in agreement with the Norway manifesto.

    hmmm (ecd547)

  129. Oh look another idiot.

    So what righty agrees that Christianity is evil?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  130. “Some of its practitioners are dangerous. Same with Islam.” As well as Zumba, David. Second-rate sophistry. You’re too far in over your head. Prove otherwise by engaging Dustin’s argument.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  131. “Anders Behring Breivik, Mohammed Atta and Baruch Goldstein are all cut from the same rotten cloth.”

    Yup, and there’s only one way to deal with trash like the above.

    Kill them.

    Too bad that will never happen in the case of Anders (assuming he’s guilty), since lefties like to coddle and pamper murderers.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  132. hmmm You just slandered innocent people. Right-wingers have just as much right to state their views as left-wingers do. Are you suggesting that right wingers no longer have a right to their opinions because one went beserk? What kind of logic is that?

    Tommy Triane (d45057)

  133. The chain of responsibility is very clear here, as the NYT reports.

    Hate has consequences.

    hmmm (c28d96)

  134. “Yes, right wing bloggers/media are driving people to kill.”

    You be sure to let us know when the death toll reaches the number killed by left wing scumbags like Adolf Hitler, Joey Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Benito Mussolini, et al, or even some of the great killers of our own “liberal” Democrat Party (e.g. Roosevelt).

    You’ll be a long time waiting.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  135. Nazism is a right wing xenophobic movement, not unlike the present anti-immigrant / anti-Islam right wing of today.

    hmmm (c28d96)

  136. Let’s be clear about how mad this man is.

    He is against “Islamists” and their “terror”.

    You know, like how they kill innocents including children and subjugate women all in the name of Jihad and Islam.

    So, he goes and kills women & children in an act of terror to stop terrorist and Islamism.


    He is THE very definition of a madman.

    Comment by Alan Davidson

    Well said.

    Hmm is a lazy troll not worth a response.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  137. Your an idiot you retard.

    Nazis were in allegiance with islam.

    BTW when your crying for your family not to be decapitated I will spit in your face.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  138. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm is probably an LGF saboteur.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  139. William Yelverton is a hate-filled angry midget.

    Eli – your theory just got disproven.

    Tommy – problem with your argument is that you accepted the meme/dishonest premisethat this was done by a right wing xianist.

    JD (318f81)

  140. Hmmmmmmm is Willie the racist hilljack, Dustin. Typical name calling and smears from him.

    JD (318f81)

  141. But according to David the POS he never calls names he can do no wrong.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  142. “The chain of responsibility is very clear here, as the NYT reports.”

    Wow… just wow. Shoot yourself in the foot, reload, shoot yourself in the other foot.

    Birdbath (19803d)

  143. The left always demands that we look at “root causes” when any atrocity committed by non-whites occurs. So let’s look at the root causes here.

    The root cause here is that both Europe and the United States are being colonized and will eventually be taken over by non-whites. The demographic statistics are irrefutable on this. A slow motion genocide against white people is occuring, and is creating an atmosphere where we will see more and more lone nuts lash out in frustration.

    Chris (5fc583)

  144. If we don’t stop the threat muslims will take over in 22 years.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  145. Screw liberals and their whining about killing.

    They have the audacity to complain about killing folks after what THEY did in two world wars, Korea and Vietnam?

    Liberals are THE greatest killers in U.S. history.

    By orders of magnitude.

    Plus they’re fat hypocrites in the bargain. One minute they’re burning 100,000 Japanese civilians alive by firebombing Tokyo, the next minute they’re rolling around on the ground frothing with rage because a mass-murdering terrorist had his head dunked into some water.

    American liberals have LITERALLY killed millions of innocent people to accomplish their goals, and they’re in no position to sit in judgement on anyone.

    Freaking scumbags.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  146. n atmosphere where we will see more and more lone nuts lash out in frustration.

    God, I hope not. And there’s no justifying what he’s done (as you obviously agree, Chris). He took a message of ‘violence is not the answer, Muslims’ and twisted it into a reason to kill people.

    I think part of his frustration probably was the insane way media spins and distorts everything. It makes it so difficult to make progress in the debate. The NYT’s decision to smear a peace-movement is just one more example… I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are responsible, but they are more responsible than Robert Spencer.

    We want a world where we can speak freely without being threatened or murdered or screwed or lied about.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  147. “Nazism is a right wing xenophobic movement”

    Left wing…like all totalitarians.

    The Nazis are exactly like America’s Democrats, only the Nazis murdered a lot more people.

    Wanna see a Nazi, Demtard?

    Look in a mirror.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  148. Ironically the Japanese Imperialist Army was run by a stalinist.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  149. “The Nazis are exactly like America’s Democrats, only the Nazis murdered a lot more people.

    Wanna see a Nazi, Demtard?”

    “Look in a mirror”

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  150. David Ehrenstein is a douschenozzle AKA a schlusselbot.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  151. Racist bigots, like rabid dogs, reveal themselves by returning to their vomit.

    ropelight (aed1f6)

  152. What part of National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party doesn’t Hmmmm….
    Oh, right, I forgot who I was talking about.

    Right wing xenophobia…
    and yet, it is the Democrat(ic) Party that is the home of today’s isolationists,
    filled with reverse xenophobes in that they accept all outsiders, and reject the Native-born-White-Christian.
    It is a perverse pathology; but then, Leftism is a Mental Disorder!

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  153. Hey, Patterico and Aaron! See what happens when you lift the ban from people like Ehrenstein? He literally cannot help himself.

    The odd part is that he will view yet another banning as muzzling his ravings. Seriously. Check out his site. He’s interesting when he writes about film. Any other subject gets him spitting at the screen.

    Oh well. It’s the blog equivalent of Gresham’s Law, I guess.

    Simon Jester (ac45fb)

  154. “Not yet. Give her a few weeks. Maybe even days.”–Ehrentard

    Yeah? You figure Pam Geller is about to go off on a killing spree?

    When she’s done, who will have killed more people? Her, or a good liberal Democrat, like LBJ?

    Quit talking about killing people, Libtards. You only make yourselves look ridiculous. No one with a semi-functioning brain is going to take your whining about killing seriously, after what you did at Hiroshima.

    Got sad news for you lefties…people in your group are the greatest killers of all. No other ideological sub-group can even begin to match lefties when it comes to cold-blooded killing.

    When it comes to slaughtering folks…y’all rule.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  155. It’s gotta be tough to be in the same grouping as Pol Pot, Mao, Uncle Joe, Che, and Fidel.
    They sure made a lot of omelets.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  156. I’m not condoning what the japanese did but Lefturds slaughtered innocent civilians who were the victims of the Japanese Imperialist Army they were fighting against.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  157. “You figure Pam Geller is about to go off on a killing spree?”

    I wouldn’t put it past her.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  158. More projection, based on his ravings. Seriously, this is one hatey dude. Funny how much what he perceives as hatred upsets him, huh?

    Simon Jester (ac45fb)

  159. “156.What part of National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party doesn’t Hmmmm….
    Oh, right, I forgot who I was talking about.”

    You were obviously talkign to Victoria Jackson — who seems to beliebe that President Obama has her on a hit list.

    Some of this site’s posters live in a very strange world in which all crime is committed by the left while the right is perfect and without sin.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  160. Hee hee. It’s like he wants to be a textbook definition of Mr. Magoo.

    Simon Jester (ac45fb)

  161. DE is pissed because Victoria Jackson looks better in and out of a dress than he does.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  162. So Ehrenstein doubles down on the vile, libelous, classless scumbag act. Great.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  163. SPQR, this is no surprise, is it? It’s the same old Ehrenstein. He’ll get more and more extreme until he gets banned again, and then squeal that he is being oppressed.

    I guess he is thinking of Oscar Wilde: he would rather be infamous than not famous at all.

    Simon Jester (ac45fb)

  164. David Ehrenstein lives in a fantasy world where the Left is without sin and believes the Protocol Of Zions[Which was published by a russian czar] is perfectly ok.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  165. Simon Jester, a key difference of course being that Oscar Wilde had talent. An infamous talentless scumbag … well, Ehrenstein’s welcome to the title.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  166. I don’t find Christianity to be an inherent danger. Some of its practitioners are dangerous.

    In my experience, America has suffered untold damage at the hands of leftwing secularists. The black family structure has been decimated by well-intentioned liberal policies… society, in general, has found itself contending with a seemingly idealized lowest common denominator. If a behavior is destructive or pathological, you can rest assured that the left both embraces and facilitates it.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  167. Davey thinks accusing innocent people of being killers is a great way to prove his other rants are sensible.

    I think it’s one of the most pathetic displays I’ve ever seen on this blog.

    Davey knows he lost the argument. When you start ranting that someone innocent is about to kill people, for no reason but their having views you disagree with, you are permanently excluded from adult discussions.

    Go back to linking random youtube songs, Dave. That’s actually your best argument.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  168. Errata-stein is afraid of women, period.

    Icy Texan (1cb89f)

  169. Some of this site’s posters live in a very strange world in which all crime is committed by the left while the right is perfect and without sin.

    — More absolutist claptrap from our resident cock gag representative.

    Icy Texan (1cb89f)

  170. Sorry. That was supposed to displayed an acronym:

    Choice Over Christian Knowledge Gay Advocate Guru

    Icy Texan (1cb89f)

  171. “to display as”

    Icy Texan (1cb89f)

  172. and colonel’s heavy
    trobbah’s itching just to lay
    solid rhythm down!

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  173. Yeah dumbass the Protocols werent right wing.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  174. “By executive order of President Harry S. Truman, the U.S. dropped the nuclear weapon “Little Boy” on the city of Hiroshima on Monday, August 6, 1945,[3][4] followed by the detonation of “Fat Man” over Nagasaki on August 9.”

    “Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki…”–wiki

    Tell you what, Ehrenstein, when right wingers or anti-islamists, like Pam Geller kill as many people as liberal Democrats like Harry Truman did, you let us know, and then we’ll take the blather about killing folks that spews out of the mouth’s of Truman’s co-ideologists seriously.

    Until then, you and your leftoid hypocrisy can piss off.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  175. Pamela killed 543,291 Muslims because I said so

    /Ehrenstein the infantile

    BTW how many comments will Eli comment under until he gets banned?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  176. Obama’s bombing Muslims in six countries today, and democrats are freaking out about Pam Gellar?

    What is it about women that democrats hate so much? Show me a woman or another hyphenated American… gay black Mexican, etc who doesn’t toe the line on democrat propaganda, and for some reason the left is 100X worse towards them.

    They pick on them 100X harder. It’s like they are offended their property doesn’t know its place. I mean, no one was even talking about Pam until David demanded we condemn her, out of the sheer blue. What in the world is going on in his head? he probably hates Justice Thomas 100X more than Justice Scalia.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  177. What kind of people use the tragic murder of innocent people essentially to say: “Neener, neener, told ya so?”

    It must be a sad and lonely place where they live.

    I can only hope that someday they find some sort of light to fill the void in their black souls.

    Ag80 (d290b2)

  178. Breivik’s only known political affiliation is with the Progress Party, which is functionally Norway’s version of the Tea Party. In fact, Tea Party heavyweight Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity spoke at the Progress Party’s national convention in Oslo last fall.

    The reality that right-wingers themselves don’t ever admit: Islamic radicals are themselves fundamentally right-wing ultra-conservatives in their orientation. They are devout anti-modernists who despise all things liberal.

    Muslims have the Taliban, America has the teabaggers.

    Facts (16d6d6)

  179. Breivik’s only known political affiliation is with the Progress Party, which is functionally Norway’s version of the Tea Party. In fact, Tea Party heavyweight Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity spoke at the Progress Party’s national convention in Oslo last fall.

    The reality that right-wingers themselves don’t ever admit: Islamic radicals are themselves fundamentally right-wing ultra-conservatives in their orientation. They are devout anti-modernists who despise all things liberal.

    Muslims have the Taliban, America has the teabaggers.

    Facts (16d6d6)

  180. New troll in town?

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  181. Right on cue with a anti-homosexual insult thrown in for good measure.

    There’s some left-wing tolerance for you.

    Ag80 (d290b2)

  182. Wow Facts, rub some of that brilliance off on mere mortals, and call the original thought of the year award judges to end the competition now.

    SPC Jack Klompus (07a5ab)

  183. I don’t find Christianity to be an inherent danger. Some of its practitioners are dangerous. Same with Islam.

    While I agree that there is no inherent (or any other kind) danger with Christianity (just saying that makes me laugh!) and that yes, some practitioners are dangerous, we must first define danger.

    We have not seen the Christian church maim and murder via terrorist acts, nor do we see the Christian church sanctioning nor obligating its followers to do such.

    If there is any danger posed within the Christian church it perhaps is the proliferation of charlatans and hucksters posing as Christians and from the pulpit fleece their flocks and hypocritically exhort their congregations to repent and live according to scripture while simultaneously that same wolf in the pulpit lives his quiet life of secret debauchery and indulgence.

    See the difference?

    It’s not the same as Islam. Its very principles do not dictate that the non-believer be killed. It does not encourage the oppression of genders, the harm and brutality toward homosexuals, women and the killing of innocent people because they are not Muslim.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  184. Facts? Heh. Your handle just might be the biggest misnomer on the internet, yet.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  185. No, “Facts” is the same anti-religious bigot blog roach Yelverton.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  186. Oh for heaven sake, SPQR, seriously? Can’t these twits just own their comments like grown-ups? I would have thought that this Mr. Yelverton would have sought help already.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  187. “Muslims have the Taliban, America has the teabaggers.”

    Great point, except the Tea Party movement has done NOTHING that even remotely resembles what the Taliban has done.

    Too bad you can’t say the same thing about Democrats.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  188. ______________________________________________

    Right wing hate has consequences. We’ll be seeing more of this I’m sure.

    In honor of people like you — and with a reminder that some of the most notorious assassins of the past several decades emanated from Western leftism and/or secularism (eg, Lee Harvey Oswald, the shooter in Arizona, Timothy McVeigh, a self-described agnostic — I hereby post the following…, Thomas Clough, March 22, 2009:

    The Myth of Liberal Generosity

    The liberal psyche is a tangled forest of faux facts and self-aggrandizing mythologies. Liberals “just know” that they are the most caring and generous people in the whole wide world; liberals “just know” that conservatives wear silk top hats, club orphans and baby seals to death with their gold-headed walking sticks and wouldn’t toss a dime to a starving widow with twelve children and a sick puppy.

    Liberals “just know” that they are a superior sort of human by virtue of their highly attuned sensitivity to human suffering and need. Recent in-depth studies of American philanthropy have conclusively demonstrated that this self-congratulating liberal mindset is a cartload of crap.

    In truth, liberals display a boundless enthusiasm for spending other people’s money; they will happily canonize any pocket-picking politician who lavishes other people’s hard-won earnings on liberal causes. But when it comes to individual self-sacrifice for the good of others, liberals are America’s pre-eminent skinflints.

    The “generosity index” published by the Catalogue for Philanthropy has demonstrated that red states have consistently donated far more to non-profit philanthropies than have the liberal-leaning blue states.

    Arthur C. Brooks, the author of Who Really Cares?, a book about charitable donation, has presented the proof that households headed by conservatives give almost a third more to charities than do households dominated by liberals.

    A study of charitable donation sponsored by Google pegged the superior generosity of conservatives over liberals at fifty percent.

    “When I started doing research on charity,” Mr. Brooks tells us, “I expected to find that political liberals – who, I believed, genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did – would turn out to be the most privately charitable people. So when my early findings led me to the opposite conclusion, I assumed I had made some sort of technical error. I re-ran analyses. I got new data. Nothing worked. In the end, I had no option but to change my views.”

    In a mad scramble to conceal their tightwad souls, liberals tried to tarnish conservative generosity by tossing out the falsehood that conservatives only appeared to be more generous because they lavished their money on sparkling local mega-churches, while the poor were ignored. The data dispute this slander.

    When all religious giving is stripped away, liberals gain only a razor thin edge over conservatives. (Google data.)

    When donors are ranked according to the percentage of their total income given to the needy, conservatives swamp liberals even when giving to secular causes.

    Conservatives are also far more likely to give their personal time to charitable causes than are liberals; people in red states are more likely to volunteer for good causes. Conservatives are far more likely to donate their own blood to the needy than are liberals.

    After crunching the data, Arthur Brooks concluded that if liberals and “moderates” could gin up as much public spirit as conservatives, then the American emergency blood supply would suddenly increase by a whopping 45 percent.

    …The liberal icon Albert Gore, Jr…[i]n the tax year 1997…claimed an adjusted gross income of $197,729 on his 34-page federal tax return. And how much did the Big Liberal and Ms. Tipper donate to charity? A measly 353 bucks.

    In May of 2008, the Gallup pollsters queried twelve hundred American adults about their inclination to help others. Of this sample population, the 42% who self identified as “conservative” or “very conservative” gave 56% of all reported donations, while those who called themselves “liberal” or “very liberal” comprised 29% of the sample population and contributed a mere 7% of total donations.

    For persons in the same income bracket, it was the political mindset that most closely corresponded with a commitment to charitable giving: self-identified conservatives gave 3.6% of their earnings to charity; “moderates” gave 3%; “liberals” gave 1.5%. Those who identified themselves as “very conservative” gave 4.5% of their income to charity; the “very liberal” gave only 1.2%.

    Secular conservatives were far more generous than non-religious liberals in 2008. When compared to his liberal twin in terms of income, sex, age, education and family structure – the average secular conservative donated $1,100 more than the average liberal.

    ^ So if liberal sentiment doesn’t inculcate sincere generosity and humaneness in people, and since it sure as hell doesn’t inculcate common sense in the brain, it truly is a worthless facet of the human condition. Liberal bias truly is 0 and 2.


    Mark (411533)

  189. Comment by Dana — 7/25/2011 @ 5:57 pm

    But…but…The Crusades…The Inquisition…
    The way that Christians behead adulterers, and stone homesexuals…
    and gang rape sluts (or at least women who have sex – or are seen with men who aren’t their husband/father/brother – out of marriage)…
    Oh, Wait…
    Never mind.

    AD-RtR/OS! (5a3560)

  190. So Al Gore and Osama Bin Laden are ultra-conservative enviromentalists?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  191. In fact, Tea Party heavyweight Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity spoke at the Progress Party’s national convention in Oslo last fall.

    Do arguments ever get more pathetic? I guess blaming Palin’s crosshairs for Loughner was worse, to be honest.

    Regardless, this is nothing short of liberal fascism. Shut up, Tea Party, or else you will be blamed for whatever bad happens, no matter how stupid it is to do so. Why, someone from the Tea Party actually talked to a political party that the killer once was affiliated with at some point.

    Are these people willing to live by their own set of rules? Every criminal who ever heard Obama speak? Didn’t Osama Bin Laden actually endorse John Kerry?

    Of course, they have no intention of living by these rules. They are insincere. Any set of facts you give them will be twisted until the Tea Party = the Taliban. Hell, you have one idiot here who actually pretends he believes that.

    A political organization that practiced rape, FGM, and other brutalities, is the democrat’s analogy for a political party that doesn’t want higher income taxes. That’s how bad you guys are.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  192. So, would you be surprised that the Breivik, Awlaki, Beck, trope came from Al Jazeera, primary
    apologists for Bin Laden, for the better part of a generation, no I didn’t think so.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  193. “Regardless, this is nothing short of liberal fascism…”

    I think it falls a little short of fascism. All it is the usual lefty/socialist whining about how mean right wingers are (as they studiously ignore the minor little excesses of THEIR ideological cohorts: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al).

    It’s irritating, but it ain’t as irritating as being packed off to a concentrtion camp or being lined up against a wall and shot.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  194. Islamic radicals are themselves fundamentally right-wing ultra-conservatives in their orientation. They are devout anti-modernists who despise all things liberal.

    Comment by Facts – 7/25/2011 @ 5:49 pm

    Yet what’s really telling is watching American illiberals drool all over themselves supporting a group that murders Gays, converts and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their narrow view point.

    MSL (f060a0)

  195. But they are Ultra-Conservative.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  196. The idea that Muslims have killed more throughout history is a fallacy. Christians have killed millions.

    What we’re seeing today is the effect that finds it’s cause in right wing hate and ideology. The exact same sentiments that the Norway killer expressed are found in conservative blogs in America. The same Islamophobia, the same anti-immigrant hate, the same anti-multiculturism is a banner for the right wing and no one can deny that.

    You own it.

    Facts (16d6d6)

  197. You are incapable of shame, aren’t you, William Yelverton? What is the MTSU policy on plagiarism?

    JD (6e25b4)

  198. Muslims have killed more Christians you piece of feces.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  199. Its rather interesting watching illiberals attempt to justify their blind hatred and open hypocrisy.

    MSL (f060a0)

  200. It is rather amusing watching the islam apologists accusing this christian hating gay atheist of being right wing.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  201. You own it.

    Comment by Facts —


    BTW, love the ‘’ site as an authority on your hatred of Christians. You just don’t get it.

    What do you make of Osama Bin Laden being a John Kerry fan? or an Al Gore fan? Nothing, I suppose. But make an accurate observation that parts of Islam today do exhort violence and the loss of basic human rights, and suddenly one owns every bad thing someone else does if they also have a problem with Islam?

    Get this: Islam’s extremists are really awful, and a wide range of people take exception to much of it.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  202. Brehvik hates christianity you fact hating troll.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  203. “…Christians have killed millions…”;
    and, we will kill millions more if pushed hard enough into a corner.

    There are only so many cheeks that can be turned, and then:
    “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
    He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
    He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
    His truth is marching on…”

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  204. I think it’s hilarious that the link “Christians killed millions” actually says they killed thousands, and goes back 1700 years.

    So single digits per year. What amazing bigotry to smear a religion like that! Yelverton-ish.

    Just Iran and Iraq have killed about two million in my lifetime, and I’m not very old.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  205. Don’t forget the 100MM or so (One death is a tragedy, a million deaths but a statistic) slaughtered by God-less Marxism.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  206. Oh yeah, AD. All religions combined for the past million years can’t hold a candle to the horrible deathcount Atheism has in the last 100 years.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  207. I think it’s hilarious that the link “Christians killed millions” actually says they killed thousands, and goes back 1700 years.

    You need some help in your reading comprehension.

    1.5 million in the Crusades alone, not to mention the Christian Spanish conquest of the new world. Tens of millions of natives killed.

    Facts (16d6d6)

  208. Exactly but not all atheists are like that.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  209. I guess those Christians need to step their game to match the hundreds of millions killed by atheists.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  210. Sorry, facts, but the actual citations of deaths is in the thousands.

    It claims vague millions killed in impossible ways and fails to cite them.

    According to what your own source can show, Christians have not killed nearly as many as accused.

    BTW, I found the idea the Spanish inquisition killed millions to be particularly ridiculous.

    You’re a liar, and you realize you’re a liar, and your own link shows just how bad a liar you are. Your purpose here is not to preach tolerance for religions you disagree with, but rather to express unbelievable intolerance for religions you disagree with.

    You’re much more like this psycho murderer than any of us.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  211. When you understand that William Yelverton hates Christians, anyone to the right of him, teabaggers, and brown people that can spell with the intensity of seven suns, his idiocy makes more sense. The foundation of hate is required for his worldview to hold together.

    JD (822109)

  212. Since Jesus’s time, 100% of people over the age of 122 have died! Billions! Thanks to Christianity!


    Really, this crap sounds so much like Mein Kampf, or at least the brief section I was assigned when I was a student. Everything is blamed with no effort to prove anything. JD’s right… this is simply hate. Taking this horrible mass murder of kids and finding a reason to bash Christianity there is incredibly sad. Even if you don’t believe in Christianity, it’s quite a peaceful set of ideas. Love one another. Turn the other cheek.

    Of course there are bad apples, not that it’s shown this one guy is a Christian at all, but to hate an idea that is fundamentally peaceful seems really sad.

    This is merely a symptom of some kind of mental disease.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  213. This is merely a symptom of some kind of mental disease.

    Isn’t that what they call people who talk (pray) to an invisible man?

    Facts (16d6d6)

  214. “Facts” is anything but. For a guy who is so-called “educated” he sure is a bigoted cretin. Which is a common trait he shares with the Oslo terrorist and all terrorists in general. I guess that liberal mantra about how education cures bigotry and hatred isn’t true.

    This is like a study in logical fallacies ad nauseam. I highly doubt there were tens of millions of native Americans aside from the assumption that everyone before the 1800’s were all devout Christians. But then its probably hard for him to justify his personal bigotry and blind hatred without making asinine illogical assumptions.

    MSL (f060a0)

  215. But then its probably hard for him to justify his personal bigotry and blind hatred without making asinine illogical assumptions.

    Comment by MSL — 7/26/2011 @ 9:56 am

    I think you’re right. He wanted to prove Christians were murdering millions of people, but the best he can do is point to a site that shows thousands in a few horrible cases, and then asserts wildly unprovable and obviously wrong BS. And it’s an anti-Christian site. That’s some hard core hatred.

    I’ve never seen a single soul show as much bigotry on this blog. If he were talking about blacks or gays or Jews like this, it would probably dawn on him what he’s doing, but because it’s Christianity, he thinks being counter-culture justifies lying.

    If we knew why people like Facts think the way we do, maybe we could prevent anti religious violence such as we saw in Norway. I think Facts’s paranoia and refusal to see reason is an essential element in the violent bigot.

    And of course, criticism of Islam’s human rights record is not.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  216. Isn’t that what they call people who talk (pray) to an invisible man?

    Comment by Facts — 7/26/2011 @ 9:48 am

    Thanks for underlying my point. You hate Muslims more than I ever could (I’m blood related to more Muslims than I am Christians).

    You think your hatred is OK, and someone practicing any faith is a disease.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  217. And Facts stands 100% behind the methodology used by the Lancet in computing Iraqi deaths Post-2002.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  218. Dustin, liberals are a strange bunch. Rightly criticize their pet Islam and they scream about you not having a right to judge others. Then they go off the deep end with a hate filled tirade about the evil deeds of others that is suppose to somehow someway justify the evil deeds being done today.

    MSL (f060a0)

  219. Hypocrisy thy name is Yelverton.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  220. Linking to a jackal who thinks Palin’s son isn’t hers?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  221. And, of course, if you used this formulation for Muslim mass murder, you would have to argue that Osama bin Laden was not a Muslim at all, because Islam clearly abhors the murder of innocents.

    Its very clear Mr Sullivan has never read the Qur’an (to busy worrying about Trig Palin) nor does he understand what “innocent” really means to a shi’ite Muslim or any devout Muslim for that matter. Infidels are not “innocent” by any stretch of the imagination that is why every Muslim country that lives by Sharia law demands the death penalty for converts.

    MSL (f060a0)

  222. Its very clear Mr Sullivan has never read the Qur’an

    Bible order to kill infidels (2 Chronicles 15:13):
    “anyone who refused to seek the Lord, the God of Israel, would be put to death—whether young or old, man or woman.”

    Bible order to kill those who worship differently (Exodus 22:20):
    “He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.”

    Facts (16d6d6)

  223. Your right, just last Sunday we couldn’t decide whether to have a potluck after church or go slay the atheists. I was all for slaying the Godless heathens, everyone else just wanted to eat. So we ate then went and clubbed baby seals.

    Maybe not enough red herring in your diet perhaps?

    MSL (f060a0)

  224. MSL – you have to understand that Yelverton has a deep-seated hatred of Christians, and conservatives. It is the undercurrent in his existence.

    JD (2da347)

  225. There was a Gene Robinson column, sort of along those lines, that acknowledging that Islamic culture, is as the song goes ‘not good for animals, children or other living things, that is an incitement for the likes of Breivik.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  226. 😆 Muslims despise the killing of innocents?

    🙄 Piss off lefty

    DohBiden (d54602)

  227. “The exact same sentiments that the Norway killer expressed are found in conservative blogs in America.”

    The same sentiments expressed by American “liberals” can be found in the writings of commie thugs like Lenin and Mao. The same rabid anti-semitism that is so in vogue in left wing circles these days can be found in the writings of Adolf Hitler or the Ayatollah Khomeini.

    It’s funny how we’re supposed to take on the baggage of a lone(?) nut like the Norwegian killer, but socialists are reluctant to take on the baggage of scum like Hitler and Stalin.

    Well, maybe not so funny, seeing as how left wing ideologues have killed millions of times more people than a handful of right wing or anti-Islamic nuts have.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  228. JD – I got that. Sometimes I find it rather assuming to kick these types around a bit. The guy reminds me of the former poster here who went by the name timba. But then it is hard to tell these crazy liberals part, they all spew the same crap.

    MSL (f060a0)

  229. Bible order to kill infidels (2 Chronicles 15:13):
    Bible order to kill those who worship differently (Exodus 22:20):
    Comment by Facts — 7/26/2011 @ 11:54 am

    I know you shouldn’t kick half-wits when they are down, but then at the same time it does take a lot less effort. The Old Testament was written by Jews for Jews, thus it only applied to Jews. And there is nothing that prohibits Jews from leaving if they didn’t like the rules.

    The same cannot be said about Mohammadanism.

    You got to love illiberal hypocrisy, they stand for woman’s rights, gay rights and they support the right for Muslims to murder both of them.

    MSL (f060a0)

  230. Facts is just another illiterate soros funded tool like the 2011 LGF is.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  231. Evidently some Christian killed Yelverton’s dog once upon a time, and we’ve now had to read the mentally ill little yob’s rantings through hundreds of sock puppet ID’s because he’s the kind of person that thinks its cute to take a dump in someone’s living room.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  232. “Poor Johnny One Note!”

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  233. Why are you so full of hate and anger and vitriol, Wlliam Yelverton?

    JD (17575c)

  234. Comment by Facts — 7/26/2011 @ 3:16 pm

    Another child left behind.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  235. “He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.”

    That appears in Exodus all right, but to the best of my knowledge no Jews/Christians actually do that nowadays.

    Of course, if you were to sacrifice human beings we might have to step up and do something about it, even though taken as a group, Judeo-Chritians are pretty tolerant about allowing other folks to follow their various religions.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  236. “Facts”, since the Unibomber quoted from Al Gore’s book, then we know that Al Gore supports murder too? That’s the kind of “logic” you give us in your bigoted ravings.

    By the way, why do you continue to ascribe Old Testament teachings to Christians? Are you so ignorant in your hatred not to know that Christians believe that the Old Testament commandments to the Jews were replaced for Christians by Christ’s teachings? Or are you just that dishonest? Probably both.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  237. “Conservatives come out in support of the Norway killer’s manifesto.”

    The alleged killer supposedly wrote a 1500 page political testament. I would imagine there’s probably something in there that would appeal to just about anyone.

    So, what of it?

    “The Party Program of the NSDAP was proclaimed on the 24 February 1920 by Adolf Hitler at the first large Party gathering in Munich and since that day has remained unaltered. Within the national socialist philosophy is summarized in 25 points:”

    One of the 25 points…

    “15. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.”

    Straight out of the Nazi Party program…also straight out of the Liberal Democrat playbook.

    So…what of it?

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  238. According to the left he wasn’t really socialist and he was all for free market.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  239. ABB plagiarized, and Yelverton plagiarizes, therefore, Willie the racist hilljack hearts ABB.

    JD (109425)

  240. Stalin killed communists too was he right wing?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  241. Like I said these tools would consider Communist Joseph Stalin right wing

    DohBiden (d54602)

  242. #241
    Conservatives come out in support of the Norway killer’s manifesto.
    Comment by Facts — 7/26/2011 @ 3:16 pm

    We better all hope and pray the Norway nutcase doesn’t mention water is wet or the sky is blue, cause that would make us all terrorists.

    Proverbs 17:28 – Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

    Not surprising that “Facts” doesn’t fit into that category.

    MSL (f060a0)

  243. Clearly, a Christian right wing terrorist.

    When a Muslim commits a terrorist act he or she is labeled a “Muslim terrorist.” The explanation? Well, they are Muslim and they are terrorists. Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooting suspect, is a prime example.
    So is Breivik a Christian terrorist?
    The Norwegian Breivik is a self described “Christian” who killed at least 76 people in the name of Christianity. Some Muslim terrorists kill in the name of religion. Some in the name of politics. Doesn’t it go both ways?
    Breivik’s 1,500-page manifest was an Islamophobic, anti-immigration rant. Many of his ideas came from anti-Muslim bloggers in the United States. With growing Islamophobia throughout Europe and becoming more prevalent in the United States, we, sadly, can probably expect more of this kind of violence.
    The anti-Muslim rhetoric in our campaigns is especially troubling. What do voters think when John McCain says he would have trouble voting for a Muslim for president? Or when Herman Cain says he wouldn’t appoint a Muslim to his cabinet? Or Rick Santorum goes off on Sharia law? Never mind Rep. Peter King and his crusade to stop the “Mosque at Ground Zero” (which was not a mosque and not at Ground Zero) or Newt Gingrich warning that we could one day be living in a secular atheist county that is potentially dominated by radical Islamists.
    Impressionable voters who don’t understand Islam have to be affected by this kind of hate speech.

    Crusader (16d6d6)

  244. Nothing like leftists dancing on the graves of murder victims to try to score political points. Vile disgusting boils on the ass cheek of humanity.

    JD (17575c)

  245. Note how the right wing and fun die Christian has become assumed by virtue of repeated assertion.

    JD (17575c)

  246. Colonel will donate $100 toward the purchase of a one-way airline ticket for Crusader so that he/she can rabbit over to Yemen to enjoy a meeting with Islamists, who share many of the same values the leftwing m00nbat species do.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  247. … especially a hatred of Christianity and America.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  248. “Crusader” is facts/sarge/rupert/answers/etc…

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  249. well color me surprised!

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  250. In other words, he’s an unpaid T00l.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  251. the unpaid T00ls of
    this world beg to be cured of
    their insanity

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  252. Good Allah, Yelverton is a douchey disingenuous coward.

    JD (6e25b4)

  253. Dude if Fidel Castro ordered the executions of his fellow commies Yelverton’s socks would consider him far-right.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  254. “What do voters think when John McCain says he would have trouble voting for a Muslim for president?”–Some doofus

    I think that I wouldn’t vote for a Muslim any more than I would vote for a Nazi, Communist or liberal Democrat.

    Got a problem with that?

    Well, boo hoo for you. I can vote for anyone I damned well please, and it doesn’t please me to vote for totalitarians (or Muslims) and you can lump it, if you don’t like it.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  255. Overwrought conservative Christian screeds on the intertubes in reaction to the perceived threat of conservative Islamic terrorism, used in part to justify conservative Christian terrorism.

    It would appear that Conservatism is the common denominator, no?

    spartacvs (2d9449)

  256. “So is Breivik a Christian terrorist?
    The Norwegian Breivik is a self described “Christian” who killed at least 76 people in the name of Christianity.”–Some doofus

    Well, if that’s true, then I guess you can safely describe him as a Christian terrorist (even though he doesn’t appear to be actually following Christ’s teachings, but go ahead and describe him as a Christian terrorist, if it makes you happy).

    So, now what?

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  257. Comment by Dave Surls — 7/26/2011 @ 5:33 pm

    The Left will advocate a regimen of punishment and isolation for Christians that they would never advance for Muslims, because Muslims would kill them.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  258. The Klan claimed to be “Christian”… they were predominantly Democrats… but “Christian”? What was National Socialist Hitler’s religious affiliation? Mao and Stalin were confirmed far-leftwingers and they murdered hundreds of millions of people. Charles Manson was definitely a Democrat… Pol Pot was a committed far-left lunatic… however, John Kerry’s co-clown “Swift Boat” veteran/child pornographer Wade Sanders’s religious affiliation is unknown.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  259. “…used in part to justify conservative Christian terrorism.”

    Whoa, horsey. Who is justifying what the guy did?

    He ought to be put to death for what he did (after a fair trial, of course).

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  260. spartacvs needs to run out into the street and play chicken with the chariots.

    Icy Texan (96c6c2)

  261. I’m just wondering where the quasi-sentient lefties are going with this.

    Consider it stipulated (for the sake of argument, I don’t know if he is or isn’t) that the Norwegian killer is a right wing Christian terrorist.

    So…now what?

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  262. The Knight TEmplar, doesn’t even have the courage of his twisted convictions, his attorney wants him to get off on a insanity offense,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  263. run young spartacvs
    run and run some more and keep
    plucking that chicken

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  264. secular Norway
    denounce heinous act while I
    say death by polar bear

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  265. “Breivik’s 1,500-page manifest was an Islamophobic, anti-immigration rant.”–Same old doofus

    O.k., I’ll take your word for it.

    I absolutely loathe Islam, and I’m in favor of NO immigration whatsoever.

    So…now what?

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  266. Islam is communism with a religious bent you egotistical brat.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  267. And btw before you frickin jackoffs say the Lord’s resistance army is an ultra-right Christian group please know they are violating Jesus’s words.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  268. Surls for President in 2012!

    ropelight (72407e)

  269. So…now what?

    Comment by Dave Surls

    So now you should be silent in shame forever of course. That’s the point of 99% of these ‘you are evil because we say so’ rants. Just shut up and let the dems spend money on social programs vote buying.

    That doesn’t make sense to you either? You suspect liberal fascists are ghoulishly exploiting murders for cynical political advantage? Perish the thought.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  270. In this light, a little context, from the Blaze:

    Before continuing, it would probably be worth noting that Thistlethwaite is the former president of Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS) and a preacher ordained through the United Church of Christ (UCC). The infamous Rev. Jeremiah Wright has also taught at CTS and is, of course, ordained by UCC as well. You can read a piece in which Thistlethwaite defends Rev. Wright’s preaching style here, but providing even more of a backdrop to frame her views beyond this probably isn’t needed. Let’s get back to her controversial take on Christianity‘s involvement in the world’s latest terroristic tragedy.

    In her lede, Thistlethwaite plays up the notion that the Norwegian terorist Anders Behring Breivik is a Christian. In fact, her entire piece hinges on this notion. She writes, “He has been described by police there as a ‘Christian fundamentalist.’” After attempting to firmly convince readers that Breivik was, indeed, a follow of Jesus, she explains:

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  271. Dave Surls: Who is justifying what the guy did?

    He is.

    spartacvs (2d9449)

  272. “Surls for President in 2012!”


    I’m afraid my colorful lifestyle and sordid past would work against me as a candidate. Although it might be kind of fun having one of the world’s few right wing hippies as POTUS.

    I can just see myself sitting in the White House with my long hair, decked out in jeans and tie dye, with the Grateful Dead blaring out over the stereo system.

    Bet that would rattle the White House Press Corps.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  273. “So now you should be silent in shame forever of course.”

    To quote the Duke: That’ll be the day.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  274. Comment #266 by spartacvs — 7/26/2011 @ 5:30 pm

    That comes off as so deranged given the fact the last mass murder terrorist act that deranged illiberals contribute to Christianity is Oklahoma city. Yet I don’t recall that terrorist yelling praise Jesus when he committed his atrocity. And now we have had how many terrorist acts committed by Muslims while yelling Allah Ackbar in the meantime, let alone worldwide. Logic and facts, simple stuff that doesn’t apply to deranged illiberals.

    MSL (f060a0)

  275. Look, Christianity does not promote, endorse, encourage, or demand the murder of innocent people for His sake. Period. Therefore, if one claims to be a Christian and commits such a heinous act, clearly – most clearly – he is not a Christian; he may claim he is, but the fruit he bears does not evidence it. This isn’t hard.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  276. We could do – and have done – worse, Surls. No big deal if you did inhale… repeatedly and with gusto.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  277. epiphany! spartacvs may be as nutty as Breivik.

    ColonelHaiku (8a1a1f)

  278. Yea will someone tell me how Pamela Geller hypnotized this poor guy into doing this act of malevolency?

    DohBiden (d54602)

  279. Dave Surls: Who is justifying what the guy did?
    He is.
    Comment by spartacvs — 7/26/2011 @ 6:23 pm

    — Exactly. The perpetrator justified his actions.

    And you lied, alleging that we all agree with his justification.

    Not to worry, dude. We understand where you’re coming from.

    Icy Texan (2c2841)

  280. Not to worry, dude. We understand where you’re coming from.

    And where your ultimate destination is!

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  281. Atheists threaten to sue over cross at 9-11 memorial saying it violates islams feelings and needs to be taken down.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  282. Atheists need to join M.M.O’Hare in a dirt-nap.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  283. “Dave Surls: Who is justifying what the guy did?”

    “He is.”

    So, IOW, the guy appears to be a lone crazy who had no support from other right wingers (assuming he is a right winger) while he was killing, and is getting little or no support from right wingers after the fact.

    Too bad lefties don’t operate that way. For example, when communists killed millions, they had endless support when they’re doing it, and all kinds of lefties have justified it after the fact, as well as justifying it while it was taking place.

    That’s one of the many reasons, I’m not a lefty. They’re a little too quick to kill, and when they go off…millions die.

    I’d rather take my chances with an ideology (right wing) that produces an occassional Tim McVeigh than one (left wing) that produces a succession of Pol Pots, Stalins, Hitlers, Mussolinis, Lenins, Maos, Ho Chi Minhs, etc., etc., etc.

    And, that brings us to the only point I can see that’s of any importance here. Lefties kill orders of magnitude more people than righties do, and since I’m generally speaking opposed to killing folks…I’d rather be a righty.

    If you don’t like tons of people getting killed, then stay away from leftist (totalitarian) ideologies. If you don’t…you’re a fool.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  284. Not all atheists support that claptrap.

    Don’t forget Enver Hoxha or Nicolae Ceaulescu Dave.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  285. Now, there’s a pair to draw to.
    Two fine upstanding examples of Christian Fundamentalism.

    AD-RtR/OS! (f6bbfe)

  286. So, our “progressive” friends are blaming Robert Spencer, on the dubious grounds that he “incited” the murder by criticizing Islam and Islam’s appeasers.

    That’s pretty rich, considering that the Left has always demonized–not criticized, demonized–anyone who dissented from their ideology.

    If anyone has blood on their hands, it’s the Left. (But then, that’s the way it’s always been.)

    pst314 (672ba2)

  287. Remember the gay libertarian politician, Pim Fortuyn, murdered by a Green Party member after the entire European left successfully demonized Fortuyn as some sort of neo-Nazi monster?

    The Left has no moral right to preach about anything.

    pst314 (672ba2)

  288. Overwrought conservative Christian screeds on the intertubes in reaction to the perceived threat of conservative Islamic terrorism, used in part to justify conservative Christian terrorism.

    It would appear that Conservatism is the common denominator, no?

    Comment by spartacvs — 7/26/2011 @ 5:30 pm

    Things from Breivik’s manifesto:

    -he was an environmentalist, and wanted to do away with dependence on oil.

    -he favored “one-child” policies in underdeveloped countries.

    -direct quote ” the white race has arrogantly refused to obey these eternal laws and it will pay a heavy price unless it comes to realise the futility of continually fighting against Mother nature”

    -he doesn’t like Rupert Murdoch very much – “Cross-media ownership and the fact that a small number of people own so many of our means of obtaining information is a threat as it institutionalises globalism and multiculturalism.”

    -he wants “All globalist companies will be nationalised”.

    -in that same vein “Ensuring state control is the only way to avoid that globalist capitalist political lobby groups continue to negatively influence European policies relation to immigration and multiculturalism.”

    -he is “Against excessive US cultural influence” and “Against US military bases/US military personnel on European soil.”

    -and I guess it follows that he “supports Russian nationalism, as well as Chinese nationalism”.

    -he speaks to his “christian conservatism”: “I’m not going to pretend I’m a very religious person as that would be a lie.” adding “Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God.”

    Those are just the highlights. There is more here.

    TomB (03bb50)

  289. It’s pretty amazing that they are able to conceal the names of the victims. That’s a pretty good government/media relationship they have there in Norway. I wonder why they are so bashful about releasing the names.

    I also can’t figure out how a death toll decreases by several. They are covering up something. It’s likely the difference in numbers are the victims we will never know. I’m guessing these would be Islamic terrorist associates.

    j curtis (e41227)

  290. TomB, in other words, everything the blog roach says about him is a lie.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  291. TomB, in other words, everything the blog roach says about him is a lie.

    Well, in all fairness, it isn’t just him, its pretty much the entire sinestrosphere (and MSM, but I repeat myself).

    TomB (03bb50)

  292. I also can’t figure out how a death toll decreases by several. They are covering up something. It’s likely the difference in numbers are the victims we will never know. I’m guessing these would be Islamic terrorist associates.

    What are you talking about? There were almost 100 kids murdered, and a mess of others to sort through. Not to mention some of these were related to politicians and other high-profile people, I would imagine they would want to be thorough.

    Talk of some sort of consipiracy, along with Glenn Beck’s comparison of this place as some sort of “Nazi youth camp”, does nothing but devalue the dead.

    TomB (03bb50)

  293. Excellent comments, Tom.

    It’s no surprise to me at all that yet another mass murderer is initially advertised as exactly like American conservatives before it’s clear he’s got a lot more progressive mantra.

    I guess it’s a smart move. It’s clear it would be unfair to associate Loughner or Breviek with a sane liberal, but they put the right on the defensive at the onset so there’s no chance of it.

    At any rate, those quotes are predictable. That’s why the worse ghouls have to start blaming peaceful folks after a tragedy before there’s time to really learn anything.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  294. “Glenn Beck’s comparison of this place as some sort of “Nazi youth camp”, does nothing but devalue the dead…”

    I’d say comparing the AUF to the Hitler Youth or the Young Pioneers is entirely appropriate.

    AUF is the Norwegian Labour Party organization that propagandizes Norwegian youth so that they’ll grow up to be good socialists, hate Israel, love Pal terrorists, etc.

    The usual stuff totalitarian youth groups engage in.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  295. That probably explains this sentiment, from the Norwegian Ambassador to Israel:

    Svein Sevje said in an Israeli newspaper interview Tuesday that while the Norwergian bomb and gun rampages that killed 76 people and Palestinian attacks should both be considered morally unacceptable, he wanted to “outline the similarity and the difference in the two cases.”

    Palestinians, the ambassador told Maariv, “are doing this because of a defined goal that is related to the Israeli occupation. There are elements of revenge against Israel and hatred of Israel. To this you can add the religious element to their actions.”

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  296. Norway was once a great nation with many fine, solid and reliable people.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  297. “I also can’t figure out how a death toll decreases by several.”

    There’s probably a little confusion because this sort of thing doesn’t happen in Norway too often.

    They only have about 30-40 murders per year in the whole country. It’s one of the least violent places on the face of the earth.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  298. “Norway was once a great nation with many fine, solid and reliable people.”

    It still is, if you ask me. Norway is one of the best countries around. But, the ruling party’s politics are absolutely nuts.

    Same as in the USA.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  299. AUF is the Norwegian Labour Party organization that propagandizes Norwegian youth so that they’ll grow up to be good socialists

    Kinda like the young republicans then.

    Spartacvs (22020b)

  300. _________________________________________

    Those are just the highlights. There is more here.

    OMG. I sometimes wonder if I overly hone in on or exaggerate the negative stereotype of leftists or leftist sentiment, or trace too much of that to the background of people like the ruthless, insane butcher in Norway.

    I won’t deny there are some glimmers of rightism in the minds of Breivik or American versions like Timothy McVey. But there also is way more odd shades of leftism in them than even I would have imagined a long time ago—-or a time when I actually fell for the notion that liberals at least were somewhat more humane and compassionate than not.

    Mark (411533)

  301. Spartacvs, you’ve already been caught lying. No need to double down.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  302. Kinda like the young republicans then.

    Comment by Spartacvs — 7/27/2011 @ 7:17 pm

    Similar in that hateful progressives want to kill them? Probably you’re right for once.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  303. “Kinda like the young republicans then.”

    I kinda doubt that the Young Republicans are being taught the virtues of socialism, nor are they likely to be sucking up to Pal terrorists while calling for a boycott of the planet’s only Jewish state.

    AUF does do those things though.

    Also, the Young Republicans aren’t a youth organization. You have to be at least 18 (i.e. an adult) to join. Not so with the AUF, which is mainly aimed at propagandizing teenagers.

    IOW, as usual, you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  304. There’s probably a little confusion because this sort of thing doesn’t happen in Norway too often.

    Nope. Dead bodies happen in Norway all the time and they are easy to count. If there were lots of body parts that were hard to piece together, they might have a +/- 1 margin of error.

    j curtis (e41227)

  305. Spartacus hates jews.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  306. “Nope.”

    Well, I’m not going to argue about it with the you. If you want to believe that events like this don’t cause considerable confusion, and that it’s easy peasy to count bodies laying all over some island, and to get an exact body count the first time out…that’s your business, I reckon.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  307. Nope. Dead bodies happen in Norway all the time and they are easy to count. If there were lots of body parts that were hard to piece together, they might have a +/- 1 margin of error.

    Then perhaps you would like to tell us what kind of “conspiracy” involves undercounting dead bodies?

    TomB (03bb50)

  308. “…we have taken our eye off the ball when it comes to domestic right-wing extremists”
    — Daryl Johnson, Former DHS Domestic Terrorism Analyst – (a Republican)

    Bowing to the right-wing hysteria, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano eventually ordered a report on right wing terrorists withdrawn.

    “Sad to say, we were right on this one. History has shown that”
    — Daryl Johnson, referring to the rise of right wing terrorism.

    Right (91643b)

  309. Right, you know this guy was a crazy gaia worshiper, right? A progressive on wealth, too?

    How is he a right winger? You’re kinda like him. Paranoid and angry at people you don’t even know.

    Playing politics over a tragedy with what is it… 200 comments now, since the tragedy occurred? You’re insane.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  310. “…we have taken our eye off the ball when it comes to domestic right-wing extremists”

    Well, it probably makes a little more sense to focus on Muslim extremists since they’ve killed thousands and thousands of Americans in terror attack after terror attack for the last few decades.

    Libertarians (one sort of right wing extremist), OTOH, rarely kill people, though I grant you Ron Paul can be a little trying at times.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  311. Just ignore the progressive RINO and there supporters on the ultra-left.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  312. Christ, don’t you guys ever sleep?


    Dave Surls (28f866)

  313. Attack the messenger. Very bright.

    Right (91643b)

  314. Right is just copying and pasting crap from Think Progress. I guess he googles the term terrorist and conservative, and pathetically, this is all he’s got. A report that was so bad the agency apologized and retracted it.

    Daryl Johnson is almost certainly not much of a Republican if he’s affiliating himself with the Southern Poverty Law Center. That’s like claiming, without evidence, someone is an Obama fan while they work with the Tea Party Express.

    You learn a lot by seeing what this serial troll thinks when you find what he’s plagiarizing (he no longer links anything).

    Here’s the link, though.

    See for yourself how pathetic this is. Meanwhile, a communist flew an airplane into the IRS building in Austin, a far leftist shot Rep Giffords a federal judge, and many others, democrats (or at least leftists according to the investigation) burned down the Texas Governor’s Mansion on the day of the State Democrat Convention, and a gaia worshiper shot up a nature channel. Meanwhile SEIU beat a man in plain view of the public, and Ayers Wright and even Sharpton (with real blood on his hands) are friends with prominent democrats.

    Sorry, guy. Some concerned ‘republican’ whining he was right about the report his bosses apologized for and retracted is not much of an argument.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  315. Attack the messenger. Very bright.

    Comment by Right — 7/28/2011 @ 5:22 am

    It’s called a debate. You say something that is abhorrent, and it’s criticized. Kinda like what happened to your ‘Republican’ who works with the radical and dishonest Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Hey, I noticed you didn’t mention he’s talking about… quote… “eco terrorists”. Maybe you should have cherry picked more carefully.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  316. Planned Parenthood was fire bombed Tues night in McKinney, TX.

    Must have been the Muslims.

    Right (91643b)

  317. “Planned Parenthood was fire bombed Tues night in McKinney, TX”

    Oh. My. God.

    Better call out the National Guard and redeploy a couple of regular army divisions to Texas.

    Or, we could just let the local cops handle it.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  318. And one can’t forget Amy Bishop, down in Alabama, who shotgunned her colleagues, with a history of building pipebombs, and killing her own brother,
    protected by the authorities in Massachussetts, including up and coming Congressman, Delahunt, when he was DA.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  319. What if a Republican campaign headquarters was fire bombed, or a church… would your reaction be so glib?

    With a wink and a nod, right wing terrrorism is condoned and encouraged. It’s clear by the overt right wing conservative Christian support of the Norway killer’s manifesto.

    Right (91643b)

  320. What if a Republican campaign headquarters was fire bombed, or a church… would your reaction be so glib?

    With a wink and a nod, right wing terrrorism is condoned and encouraged. It’s clear by the overt right wing conservative Christian support of the Norway killer’s manifesto.

    Comment by Right — 7/28/2011 @ 5:51 am

    You mean like Sarah Palin’s church?

    And the Norway Killer’s manifesto was not conservative or christian. It was progressive.

    You don’t see me trying to shut down dissenting opinions by smearing innocent peaceful people with the lie they are encouraging killers. What in the hell is wrong with you? You’re stupid and angry. You really teach classes?

    Dustin (b7410e)

  321. Like the Church is Wasilla, Perry’s Governor’s mansion, the thwarted attack on the RNC convention
    in Minneapolis, the threats against all 16 Senators in Wisconsin,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  322. “What if a Republican campaign headquarters was fire bombed…”

    Let the local cops handle it. There isn’t enough anti-Republican violence to merit dragging the Feds into it.

    Jeez, get a clue.

    Anti-Republican or anti-right wing violence rarely occurs, and when it does, it’s never on an organized basis. It’s just some lefty nutcase going crazy. You don’t need to get the feds involved.

    Now, if it was like the 19th century and Democrats were killing thousands of blacks for the crime of voting Republican, then we would want to call on the Feds to put a stop to it. But, that isn’t what’s going on now.

    Dave Surls (28f866)

  323. Progressive?
    How much denial can you possibly muster? It’s pathological.

    Right (91643b)

  324. Speaking of pathological, what kind of person keeps getting banned, and then sneaks around with new names on a blog—just to argue?

    Simon Jester (250c60)

  325. A supporter of Chinese and Russian nationalism, that always works out, ask the Poles, about that.
    An opponent of the only real center right news operation in Europe,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  326. This is a pathetic display of your deep-seated hatred and anger, William Yelverton. What does MTSU think about plagiarism?

    JD (306f5d)

  327. The scary thing are the sources that Venkman cribs from, one wonders are their two suns, where they report from, is their byline Barsoom. (the new John Carter seems interesting, OT)

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  328. Speaking of pathological, what kind of person keeps getting banned, and then sneaks around with new names on a blog—just to argue?
    Comment by Simon Jester — 7/28/2011 @ 6:09 am

    “Right” is crusader/facts/sarge/etc…

    Good call Simon.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  329. I don’t know if it was this Yelverton person, but the language used by the various puppets seemed similar to one another.

    Again, why the game? Speaking of pathological?

    Stashiu3, sorry that you have to play Whack a Troll.

    Simon Jester (250c60)

  330. Not to worry. This guy is a prime example of why I help out here.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  331. Pretty much everything they say, is a lie:

    NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  332. ZOMFGWTFBBQ – this is a theatre of the absurd, so far beyond parody.

    JD (822109)

  333. People unclear on the concept, JD. But no worries, there is another troll on another thread doing his thing. Which is amusing, since dissent is so “shut down” here.

    Unlike on Kman’s blog, right?

    Simon Jester (250c60)

  334. TJ the loser thinks posting under sockpuppets is ok.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  335. Btw, ‘nothing to see here’

    At least one U.S. military serviceman has been arrested after raising concerns over another possible attack on Fort Hood, Fox News has learned exclusively.

    Pvt. Nasser Jason Abdo, an AWOL soldier from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was arrested by the Killeen Police Department near Fort Hood and remains in custody there. Authorities, however, will not say if Abdo is the one who raised security concerns.

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  336. Breviek’s future prison.

    I think I have a pretty nice home, and my wife and I worked hard for it (and on it). I’m not sure it’s quite as nice as what Breviek’s going to get.

    Thanks progressiveness! I realize he committed this crime on the other side of the planet, but it’s still maddening.

    what kind of person offers nothing but insults, denial, and seeks to ban people from presenting facts

    Phonics. There’s still time. You can learn how to read. Wait… I can’t tell you that. Sorry.

    Dustin (b7410e)

  337. I realize he committed this crime on the other side of the planet

    Geography not your strong point I see. No surprise there.

    spartacvs (2d9449)

  338. I thought a more isolated place, near the Arctic circle, not this IKEA nook,

    ian cormac (886e1a)

  339. Done. 😉

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  340. ________________________________________________

    Pvt. Nasser Jason Abdo, an AWOL soldier from Fort Campbell, Kentucky,

    That guy appears to be a two-time winner: Both a conscientious objector (but apparently predicated on whether people of Islamic faith are involved or not) and also into child porn. A tip from a Killeen gun dealer led to the arrest of an AWOL Muslim soldier who had firearms and bomb-making components in his car and planned an attack on Fort Hood, Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, said Thursday.

    Army Pvt. Nasser Jason Abdo, who was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Ky., was arrested Wednesday in Killeen on an outstanding child pornography warrant.

    Abdo, who’s from Garland, joined the Army in March 2009 and is assigned to Fort Campbell’s 101st Airborne Division. He went AWOL on July 4, on the eve of his first deployment to Afghanistan.

    Abdo was the subject of an Al-Jazeera report in August 2010 in which he told an interviewer he didn’t think he could “take part in any way in the killing of a Muslim. According to the website, Abdo sought conscientious objector status in June 2010.

    ^ Almost like bad fiction. You can’t make this stuff up.

    Mark (411533)

  341. With a wink and a nod, right wing terrrorism is condoned and encouraged. It’s clear by the overt right wing conservative Christian support of the Norway killer’s manifesto.

    Comment by Right — 7/28/2011 @ 5:51 am

    Please give some examples please.

    And while you are at it, go back to post 299 and tell us how his manifesto is “conservative Christian”?

    TomB (03bb50)

  342. He is not right-wing,

    Hoesntly what right winger calls Vlaams Belang racist.

    Says homophobic far-rightys are evil.

    He was just an angry militant homo.

    DohBiden (d54602)

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