Patterico's Pontifications


Random Conversation with My Three-Year-Old Son Matthew in the Car, 1

Filed under: Humor,Real Life — Patterico @ 7:13 am

Hugh Hewitt’s radio show sometimes features ads by radio personality Dennis Prager for a lender known as Park Place Funding. I like Prager, but his emphasis on consonants makes for a speaking style that I just can’t resist mimicking.

Yesterday, I heard the commercial as I was driving home from work, with my three-year-old son Matthew in the back seat of the car. When the commercial was over, I turned off the radio, and imitated Prager’s voice. Which led to the following exchange between Matthew and myself:

Me: [mimicking Prager] The value is in the relationship. Park Place Funding.

Matthew: [quite clearly] You didn’t say “nothing out of pocket”!

RELATED: More evidence that kids are sponges here. And here is another random conversation with Matthew in the car, from when he was two years old.

7 Responses to “Random Conversation with My Three-Year-Old Son Matthew in the Car, 1”

  1. When I was two and a half years old, I could recite the entire opening narration to “Voltron.”

    It surprised the hell out of my parents, who hadn’t heard more than a broken sentence out of me.

    From days of long ago
    From uncharted regions of the universe
    Comes a legend. The legend of Voltron: Defender of the Universe
    A mighty robot, loved by good feared by evil
    As Voltron’s legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy
    On planet Earth a galaxy alliance was formed
    Together with the good planets of the solar system they maintained peace throughout the universe
    Until a new, horrible menace threatened the galaxy
    Voltron was needed once more
    This is the story of a super force of space explorers
    Specially trained and sent by the alliance
    To bring back Voltron: Defender of the Universe

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  2. Actually, scratch that- I would have been three years old when Voltron was airing.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  3. Prager’s delivery is curious. He also pitches a radio commercial for someplace selling men’s suits. In the spot, he apparently means:

    “…suits that look expensive, but they’re not. The suit I wore when I met the President.”

    But it comes across the radio as:

    “…suits that look expensive; but they’re NOT the suit I wore when I met the Presidnet.”

    Some endorsement.

    Trained Auditor (c0228a)

  4. Holy S#!* Clam! I thought no one remembered Voltron. Do you refer to the (lame) vehicle version of Voltron, made up of about a dozen vehicles, or the (cooler) one made up of 5 lions? Geez, this brings back memories…

    Prince Lotor kicked butt! And that Princess Allura has to be a high seed in the cartoon babe competition…

    Trained Auditor (c0228a)

  5. Geez! That’s as bad as:
    What’s on the road ahead?
    What’s on the road? A head?

    Kathy (59cee4)

  6. Lion voltron, of course.

    The vehicle voltron opening changed the last line to “assemble voltron: defender of the universe” or something like that.

    They were actually two unrelated series in Japan. Much like the three-series Frankenstein’s Monster that is Robotech, they were glued together in the translation for American audiences.

    Angry Clam (fa7fff)

  7. […] Interesting story in the L.A. Times on Park Place Funding. Apparently the value isn’t just in the relationship. (I didn’t say nothing out of pocket!) Real estate has been a swell deal for just about everyone who owned a home in California during the last few years. […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » No Wonder Dennis Prager Likes These Guys (421107)

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